Hello, I'm the best Phoenix Wright villain

Hello, I'm the best Phoenix Wright villain.

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more like CUNT

that's not Engarde

What wat his motive again?

*claps at 1000 fps*

Disagree. One cool reveal doesn’t make for the best villain. Engarde didn’t have much actual agency being behind bars the entire time, he had to split the villain duties with deKiller, who was more of the “active threat” of the case (and a damn good one at that).

Manfred is still my favorite.

these games would be better without the investigation segments

>I don't understand pacing, please rape my face.

>i-it's supposed to be tedious and boring! it makes the trials better!
Don't write stories or make video games.


Attached: 374239-kristoph.png (320x320, 119K)

>It's tedious and boring because I don't like it!
Go play cawwadoody

I'll stick with Manfred von Karma although 1-5 is the best case and I'm sick of the increasing number of retards who think it's bad while hiling 3-5 as brilliant

Should've been the best villain if executed properly

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How old are you?

>1-5 is the best case
It's so long and dragging. Also, Jake Marshall is an annoying faggot.

Slayer from Guilty Gear was in Phoenix Wright?

Older than you.

Fuck off back to your dead game with shit oki and zero neutral, nigger.

>It's so long and dragging.
It's a 3 day case with the trials of a 2 day case, but I think it paces itself well for the story it wants to tell

*blocks ur path*

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what the fuck was his problem?

trying to sentence criminals by sentencing little girls and people sentencing criminals.

He said villain

would've been better just as a pure visual novel, the gameplay adds no value.

how is a random throwaway character from chapter 2 a villain?


Getting a criminal convicted by killing a guy in law enforcement to frame him. Then blackmailing his subordinate to take the fall for him by making her think her sister did it. And then killing another guy in law enforcement to hide his tracks.

His breakdown is the best in the series, desu.

>barely reacts to being found guilty in the first case
>completely loses his shit at the end of the game

Redpill me on the anime. I know it's QUALITY at points, but is it like, quality, writing-wise? Also, sub or dub?

I do like how what he did was nothing personal and his main objective was to stop another killer (while of course protecting himself).

It's a total fuck up. Fails to properly capture the mood of certain key scenes and skips 1-5 completely

>>barely reacts to being found guilty in the first case
>>completely loses his shit at the end of the game
Remind me why that is, again. Was he mad that it was discovered that he set Phoenix up because he really didn't want Phoenix to be redeemed? And didn't he hate Phoenix over the petty reason of Zak Gramayre choosing Phoenix to be his attorney instead of him?

It's similar to the Dangan Ronpa anime. It's just a sped up retelling of the games with worse animation, pacing, and doesn't quite capture what made the games good. Should never be somebody's first exposure to the series when the games exist and are better in every way.

The idea is supposed to be he cared more about his forgery being exposed but that's retarded after a murder conviction

Kristoph is a petty autist

But it's petty to the point that it can't be taken seriously. At least when Manfred was petty it was before he had been convicted, not after

Engarde was a cunt but wasn't that great as a vllain.
Dalhia or Gant, in the other hand...

Iris returning when?

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Dahlia was fucking stupid

I don't know why people think calling Dahlia stupid is a criticism or something, Phoenix and Mia mock her for being a failure. Still a great villain even though she fucked up constantly.

I meant stupid as a dumb concept, not stupid as unintelligent

>*Ominous latin chanting intensifies*

Made no sense for Phoenix to need any help from Mia anymore after single handily defeating the Chief of police by especially in the way that he did.

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I think the idea was that Kristoph is so crazy that he considers the fact that Phoenix can't get him convicted with actual evidence makes him superior and possibly able to get free someday. That and no one knew the motive for killing Shadi Enigmar.

Now, when you expose the full length of his plan, then you can see why he did what he did and it becomes harder for him to say he dindu nuffin. Also, Phoenix fucked with the legal system to get to him and that triggered his autism.

Nah, most of the characterisation the cast has comes from those parts, the trials are just a payoff
in a lot of cases the investigation segments are outright more enjoyable than the trial segments too in my opinion, most notably 3-5
there are also a few cases where the investigation segments are tedious, like 1-5, but those cases are in the minority overall

It's mainly just good for small but cute character moments within the cast and not much else honestly. There actually is some minor script improvement here and there too but not enough to warrant watching it unless you're really desperate for an AA fix.

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>single handily defeating the Chief of police

The trial wouldn't have even started without Edgeworth.

This is why 1-5 is the best case or at least the best trial. Gant is the only villain Wright and Edgeworth truly had to work together to beat

That's the reason why I can't fully like 1-5. It's a post-Trilogy game that tries to be retroactively fit between the first and second games. It's an awkward fit.

Now we have to fight, you faggot

>Gant is the only villain Wright and Edgeworth truly had to work together to beat
From around 2/3rds of the way into AA1 onwards they work together to get to the truth, what are you talking about?

But 1-5 is where both are utterly helpless against the villain individually and you see them teaming up out of true necessity and working together for an entire trial

Turnabout Big Top is the best villain in the series because it succeeded at getting everyone to hate it.

I don't hate it nearly as much as the mainstream opinion

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Same. He made a proper lasting impression and his motivation and methods aren’t convoluted enough to ruin it.

I'm working on an AA fan game but I'm worried about the possibility that when AA7 comes out one of the cases in it might have a similar theme or scenario to one of my cases and I'll be called a copycat. A stupid concern I know but still something that I worry about nonetheless.

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I've actually never played any PW game beyond the first one on the DS
with all the remakes and shit what's the best version of each game to play?

Our guy Roger Retinz deserves to be much higher.

Sorry, I think the case is poorly paced, I hate having a victim of no importance when establishing connection and motive used to play a factor in cases, and I was praying the whole time he wouldn't be the killer since he was so obvious

I never found it to be too long. Quercus on the other hand took forever.

Attached: Quercus_Alba.PNG.png (1061x1519, 1.71M)

The first 3 games have been remastered pretty well on Switch and Steam. Those are probably the best versions currently.
Apollo Justice/Ace Attorney 4 has been remastered on 3DS and IOS and Android.
The first Miles Edgeworth spinoff, Ace Attorney: Investigations is on IOS/Android
The sequel to Investigations, Investigations 2 was never localized in the West so you'll have to emulate and patch it with the fan translation. It's worth it though, one of the best games in the series.
AA5/Dual Destinies is on 3DS, IOS, and Android. The mobile ports run at a higher resolution and overall are a bit nicer.
AA6/Spirit of Justice is also on 3DS, IOS, and Android. Just like the previous, the mobile port runs a bit better and looks a bit nicer.

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If you don't care about sprites then get the PC/Switch version of the trilogy. The other three games can be played on an android emulator

Eh, that most likely won't happen, losing ability to surprise is when Ace Attorney truly dies.

As shitty a villain as Phantom was, the "detective did it" twist was a welcome surprise.

And everyone was surprised by AA6 taking place in Khura'in. Somewhat welcome change of scenery.

>Also, sub or dub?
The dub uses the localized names so you don't have to chose between subs that use names that don't match the audio or weeb names that don't make any sense.

Ok, so, imagine someone copy pasted wiki page and cut out material to fit into 20 minute episodes with mostly supbar animation. That's the anime.

Some of the characters are cut and some of the plot points are altered drastically. First season is worth nothing except episode 13 which is anime original about Phoenix's childhood as Miles moved away.

S2 is very slightly better in both writing and animation, but I do mean SLIGHTLY. Dahlia stuff is mostly done faithfully. Its anime originals are worth checking out too, it has another flashback episode dedicated to Miles and his dog (with more loli Franziska), but the absolutely best episode is the beach episode, it gives a bit of an insight into relationship between Maya and Pearls and Morgan Fey, and what Maya REALLY went through when Mia left to pursue her career. Incredibly touching episode if you ask me and a must watch for fans.

There was also train case 3-parter, it's just ok, it's better than most adapted cases because it was designed to fit anime.

would you stick your dick in this crazy?

Attached: Dahlia_Hawthorne.png (719x1749, 871K)

why would you fuck Dahlia when you could fuck her twin that is nicer, not a sociopath, and wouldn't kill you? Also, when will Iris come back and marry Phoenix? The dude is in his 30s.

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she's a great concept which is underexplored you nigger digger. the whole "beauty on the outside but beast on the inside" has been done to death yeah, but it's pretty unique that instead of being some game-of-thrones-tier master manipulator who always gets the last laugh, she's legitimately just an emotional wreck and fails constantly. you know, like a REAL fucking BPD person.

I prefer this type of crazy.

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But they go too far with it by forcing her into the Fey clan. I don't see how having her just be Dahlia Hawthorne and meet Morgan Fey in prison where they share their combined grudge against Maya would not have worked

Because you might be accidentally boning Dahlia anyway

>shit oki
>zero neutral
what are you, bad?
what's your favorite fighting game, son?

But she's dead user

As if that stopped her the last time

>implying a Fey will ever channel her again
not gonna happen

Step aside, kid.

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Why does that case suck so much?
I mean I actually agree, but I played through the games without reading about them online or knowing the consensus on this stuff. I remember it being awful, but can't pick out what exactly made it so much worse than other cases. I didn't realise it was such a common opinion.

Annoying witnesses and the cases hinges on a major stretch of logic but I think it's salvaged by a pretty good villain and the way you catch him is satisfying

To control the chief prosecutor through blackmail so he could arrest criminals through forged or altered evidence.

everyone complains about Moe but he was actually the best character in the case. Ben and Trilo are the horrible ones.

I agree but they are truly horrible. Ventriloquists are supposed to be charming and funny

>Annoying witnesses
Oh shit, yeah, now I remember. That was what really killed it for me, thanks. Not sure I'd agree that the villain was good, I found him dull, but you're definitely right about the end being satisfying, now that I think back to it.

>2 boring as niggertits cases from the worst game that fucking high

You had better be referring to AJ or AAI somehow

He had basically covered his tracks well enough he stood confident that even if the whole truth came out he would still have successfully ruined the lives he wanted to irrevocably. So when it was all undone using a special trial where law did not dictate the final result and such a kangaroo court proceeding was orchestrated by the same motherfucker who outshone him as an attorney in every way and at every opportunity, he got a little upset.

>defending Cosmic and For Tomorrow

They're the best cases in the series for raw hype. It's like It's a blend of the best elements from 1-4 and 3-5

Didn't this guy basically saved the entire future of the country by taking down all the corruption from the institution? Fuck Phoenix and Edgypoo, this dude is the real hero.

I just watched the puppy episode and it's weird to see Manfred portrayed as a actual human being

Well he also helped cause it, so....

I'll vehemently defend that the phantom is the coolest idea for a villian that they've had and simultaneously the worst execution of said idea.

The thought that a person can assume the identity of any person, infiltrate any organization, kill with impunity and be without any known identity is scary as fuck. He's literally a godamn bogeyman, a phantom that haunts people for their entire lives. Too bad they can't case it, and wrote it so he is someone who's bad at lieing WHEN HIS WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE AND IT'S HIS FUCKING JOB.

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Woops meant for OP