Reminder that Death Stranding is L I T E R A L L Y a walking sim

reminder that Death Stranding is L I T E R A L L Y a walking sim

>deliveries are loaded on your back, adding weight and taking up space
>each equipment you bring (e.g. ladder case) adds additional weight and space
>the heavier your load, the slower you can change your velocity/direction without losing balance
>your center of mass may also change based on the space taken up, giving each movement direction different safe max values
>exceeding these maximum values causes you to fall over
>this includes maintaining balance while swimming
>when your backpack collides with the ground, equipment is knocked off
>enemy attacks also knock equipment pieces off your back
>if you don't risk your other equipment trying to go back and pick it up during combat, it's gone forever
>porter drones take a load off, but have limited mobility and are easily captured/destroyed
>porter drones are also at the mercy of the physical environment (seen slipping off a cliff in one trailer)
>if you lost some equipment you need to get around, good fucking luck, better find another way around without losing even more equipment in the process

Attached: LITERALLY a walking simulator.webm (720x404, 2.89M)

I'm looking forward to it.

Perfect for my German autism

fuck off nigger

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the joke is that i'm more hype for this game than any other game in the past decade

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>*whistles for magic motorcycle*
>autowalks on road to quest marker
>*Pinwheel vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a BT™, gotta be"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*follows pinwheel*
>guys in BT™ costumes appear
>"President of jack shit" ALALALALA but on cello *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic walk and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm.... Hazmats™ pretending to be BTs™......better tell the post office head about this"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*autowalks on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as BTs™, here's proof *shows ladder*"
>10 packages received

literally what is this game

sounds like a walking sim with gameplay. sounds pretty comfy

even a walking sim can be fun if done correctly, you're not just walking, you also have to manage everything else

You people should realize walking is much more fun in real life

Literally cannot wait. Won't pre-order but I'll be buying day one.

>not buying the game for Mads only

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>missed the boss battle at the Japanese trailer

Courier games are always 10/10, proven by new vegas

this actually sounds like a lot of fun. I spent a lot of time thinking about how "walking simulator" could be turned into an interesting game with actual walking-related game mechanics, but I never came up with anything this good.
then again I'm more of a euro truck sim than a MGS kind of guy

Jagten is his only decent film, anything else is either mediocre or bad.

sounds like fun!

So it's yet another privateer/trader/explorer but the gimmick is that there are no vehicles?
Can you upgrade your backpack, add stabilization, get powered exoskeleton support etc? Those drones look like shit.

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Whether it’s good or bad it definitely won’t be boring

Hell yes, I want to play a walking sim so I'm happy.

I'm REALLY not excited for this game. Not because it looks bad or anything, but because I've learned not to get excited for things. Literally every single game I wanted to be good was a huge disappointment.

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All games with walking are walking sims user.
Rpgs are literally walking sims
Shooters are all walking sims
Sports games are running sims

It's quite literally EVERYTHING Yea Forums hates about modern gaming in one package. Cinematic experience, walking simulator, empty open-world, SNOY exclusive etc etc
But you know what?
It's okay when Japan does it.

'COURSE it does!

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>does a cinematic walk

So is Yumme Nikki.

>everyone so assblasted for Kojimbo they'll grasp at straws to bitch about him every chance they get.
>nobody gives a fuck we just got yet another fuck-all cryptic trailer with nearly zero gameplay 6 months before release

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the point is that walking has been turned into an actual challenge. when the walking is just "hold [button] to move" while you listen to audio clips or look at scenery or whatever, it shouldn't be a game because there's nothing happening and no way for anything to go wrong. "walking simulator" became a slur here because it was associated with devs making virtual museums with little to no interaction.
this is something different, it shows actual thought and it seems that there will be some level of challenge, room for specialisation/etc. for the player.
I'm not particularly interested in most japanese games either

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I'll believe it when I see it.


you already saw it

Attached: finally some good fucking food.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

I'm hyped for it, but then again I play walking sim vanilla servers

I want it on PC already I don't want to play it on a base PS4 and a shitty tv aaaaaaaah

>I want a Sony game on a non-Sony system
Do you fags ever give up?

Are we in for Red Dead Redemption 2 tier immersion memes?


>PC user hates console users cause they are too lazy to figure out how to do simple things
>PC user is too stupid to know you can use monitors for consoles so complaining about TVs is idiotic
Fucking pottery

Honestly everything about this game looks like trash
>fucking icelandic desert Open World™
>characters are B-list celebs instead of, you know, characters
>gameplay is ladder simulator with batman combat
>edgy villians who lick faces and wear skelly masks and teleport behind u (voiced by Troy Just Go Away Already Baker)
>dying brings you into Call of Duty world
>story will probably be usual Kojima drivel about nanomachines and dickhole parasytes

it looks pretty cool. games dont need super fast movement to be good, sometimes restriction can lead to really awesome gameplay and a feeling of weight.

>porter drones are also at the mercy of the physical environment (seen slipping off a cliff in one trailer)
that wasn't a porter drone slipping off the cliff in your webm. that was the motorcycle Sam was riding in the latest trailer.

fuck you Casino Royale was 10/10

>story will probably be usual Kojima drivel about nanomachines and dickhole parasytes
that's the only thing I care about. and Troy Baker ofc, no love for him

>walking sim
This is what you cucks call any game that isn't zoomer wall jumping CoD garbage fuck off and die.

>PC user hates console users cause they are too lazy to figure out how to do simple things
Nah, PC users hate Console users because you dumbfaggots have eternal Alzheimer-Cuckazoid Syndrome defined with one console manufacturer pulling anti-consumer shit which the fans of a 2nd console manufacturer laugh at until the 2nd console manufacturer adopts the very scam and you suddenly go silent like proper cucks and larp memory loss of your attitude, which results in a vicious circle of console becoming worse and worse with each generation and console players getting dumber and dumber with more and more cocks stuck into their ass by the walled garden system they can't do shit about.

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not enough scenes with Mads, sadly

you tried

>>"Come on, fetus"

fucking kek

>>story will probably be usual Kojima drivel about nanomachines and dickhole parasytes
You made me post it again.

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>he posted it again

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Motherfucker the game hasn't even came out yet and you still insist on making shit threads like these. At least wait til the actual game comes out. But knowing how much OP's are total faggots, you won't stop because you gotta get those (You)'s for your epic Discord pals!
Seriously, fuck off.

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How can this even be possible if you take MGR:R into account?

okay what about the bad points?

Hooking my shitty PS4 up to my monitor won't do shiiiiiiit.
I'm not waiting either, Sony's timed exclusive contract could be a year, or even longer. Washed out 30 fps with drops experience it is!

If you look at how Sam's model moves during the very few gameplay bits we've seen so far it's apparent that his upper body is manually operated independently of his lower body.

This game will be a cinematic atmosphere walking simulator. The "rope" or "tether" mechanic will be a forced social aspect of the game where you need to connect and interact with anonymous players on the internet in order to progress. It won't be anything actually intuitive or creative, you'll basically just open a progress wall by saying hi to another player. Checkmarks and the kojimadrones left after V will say that it's breathtakingly innovative and touching.

The preorder bonus is gold exo parts, so I would assume so. Said parts even have tiers to them.

I wish I could believe again.

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MGR takes place nine years after MGS2 (remember how long Venom's coma was?) and only 4 years after MGS4. The AIs may have been dormant or repairing themselves for that long.

Postman Simulator - Walking Autism Edition

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That all sounds great, I really hope it's as complex as you describe

Help Yea Forums. Youtube is autogenerating weird shit subs and I can't unhear it.

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Seriously, how many times does Kojimobo Hidemura need to prove himself to be a talentless hack before his rabid fanbase of autistic lunatics gets a clue?

Casino Royale was trash. Stupid story, even by James Bond standards. Worst Bond actor. Worst Bond girl. Shoehorned in pointless action scenes because without them the movie would literally be the most boring shit on the planet.

holy shit how pleb can one person's taste be? I bet you like the Brosnan Bond films you fucking mongoloid.

What's the problem here? It's just your usual Kojima writing.

Beautiful post.

>farewell sausage

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Almost all the Bond films suck. Why people pretend the new ones with Alfred E Neuman don't I cannot fathom. It's retardation so grand I cannot even comprehend it. They're all fucking terrible and fuck retards who claim they are "kino".

>PC users hate Console users because you dumbfaggots
Sorry faggot but I'm an idiort. When someone does something stupid, I don't show them support. I don't own a Xbone and I'm not planning on buying a PS5. ANY person that blindly supports a single company is cancer. Most PC users support single companies whether it be your CPU, GPU, or where you buy your games. You are literally worse than console war fags because you claim to be above it while contributing to it even more than a console user.

Oh yeah, I forgot this is Kojima we're dealing with. I look forward to fighting the Homo Demons. A militant separatist group of budget Europeans from Go.

>game has actual depth to its movement mechanics
>it's a walking sim lol!
fucking zoomers


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>Most PC users support single companies whether it be your CPU, GPU, or where you buy your games.
There's not a single statistic which supports this mental retardation.
Meanwhile all the anti-consumer attempts on PC get blown to tidbits and shoved down your dad's anus, because PC is not a walled garden and PC users actually have a myriads of tools to control and direct competition and focus. Only the scummiest of scum then go to peddle their shit on consoles because they can't fairly compete on PC for money.
You calling yourself an idort is semi-accurate, the idiot part is purer in your appearance.

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>Homo Demons
>Budget Eros of Go
Homoerotic hentai game where you play Go against other men. Fund it.

It all makes sense once you realize "talent" is an old meme and nothing more. Kojima did and keeps doing what sounds relevant at the time he makes it, and he scores hits every time. Since the fucking eighties.

>Sony's timed exclusive contract could be a year, or even longer
Isn't Sony helping to make this game with more than just money? Why are you treating a rumor as fact when evidence shows there being next to no chance of it being released on another system?

That's accurate translation

That's really, really sad.

It recently occurred to me: A fair amount of exposition was dedicated to how Big Boss/Venom Snake took nine years to recover mental functions after taking shrapnel to the skull. The game talks about neural plasticity and other parts of a brain picking up the functions of the destroyed parts.

Remember that the Patriot AIs functioned as a neural network. Recall that Emma's Worm Cluster and FOXALIVE both inhibit this neural network by forcing it to undergo apoptosis. For all we know MGSV was actually the JD (John Doe) AI system recovering after a catastrophic failure. It would explain all the weird digital fuckery and wormholes.

has anyone figured out what the online gimmick will be?

>dude QWOP is a great idea

>implying that this is a bad thing

sounds excellent

>not a single metric
>says the guy that claimed console users are blind fanboys
>when metrics support that console users tend to own more than one system
So steam has over a billion users. Do all other sellers combined have even half as many users/sales? I mean, if you think the numbers are in your favor, please feel free to prove it. I'm ready to be blown out of the water if you are ready to blow me out of the water.

Fucking kek. Higgs is the best character in this whole cacophony of a "game".

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>Worm Cluster
This spiral I'm in won't stop.

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>>says the guy that
That knows that you know how anti-consumer console have become, how many free aspects were turned into a cash-in scam, and how many limitations were imposed upon users with each gen which didn't exist before.
Meanwhile you have nothing of similarity on the PC because no one entity controls the PC market like how each console is controlled in a walled garden. For that reason hacks and frauds go to consoles where they can get away without console kiddies like yourself being able to do anything because you have no leverage whatsoever against manufacturers or devs, while PC has very strong and healthy competition where hacks and frauds in it only for the money get filtered out to some level at least unlike consoles.
This brings us back to you enforcing the idiocy label inherent in your genome.


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>less competitors means PC has competition
>2 choices for CPU
>2 choices for GPU
>1 choice for realistic gaming OS
>most people use steam for buying
Yes, that is definitely the very nature of healthy competition. Kind of like how healthy a bipartisan government is. Fuck yeah. Choices.

>less competitors means PC has competition
Less Scammers means more Competitors.
The PC is oversaturated unlike consoles, and oversaturation is bad without systems of regulation which give users power to filter the shit out, which consoles don't have.
2 choices for CPU haven't influenced any deterioration, it's the same 2 choices that consoles have, so your point is lost on yourself.
2 choices for GPU is the same as above, your point lost on yourself.
Choices for gaming OS are bigger than ever, almost every single game apart from console ports is compatible with Linux and MacOS thereby losing Microsoft the monopoly it had, which is a good thing.
Most people use a combination of piracy and Steam whereby filtration of dogshit happens which you can't account for on consoles. The only devs who ever whined about piracy were devs who shat out shitty products.
So yeah, still a good situation unlike consoles.
Modding community still healthy.
Free online still present.
Cloud meme forced into the ground to eat shit, and can't be forced onto the whole market unlike with consoles.
I can keep going.
No matter which angle you look at it, consoles have grown worse while PC has grown better and retained many freedoms. You have no argument AIDSbrain.

>bipartisan government
how the fuck did I end up in a ylyl thread. you got me good user

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based Kojima embracing walking simulators and giving them proper gameplay mechanics. Might as well own it.

Sounds like a AAA version of 'The Trail'

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>robotics advanced enough to block bullets
>delivery boys are somehow the most efficient way to transport goods and not, I dunno, a robot or drone or something

>politics analogy
jesus christ user, kill yourself

>recoil from shooty can also affect your balance

>bipartisan political analogy
>still offends people

But can you jump and use the shotgun to propel yourself over obstacles?

it's not even offensive, it's just a dumb analogy

will /ourguy/ climb the laddah?

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>it's the same 2 choices that consoles have, so your point is lost on yourself
You haven't been paying attention have you? I said PC is as bad as console, and your problem is that you pretend it isn't. You played RIGHT into my point like the idiot you are.

You do realize your consoles are largely manufactured by AMD as a semi-custom solution, right? Initial console sales are based on razor thin sales margins, while they capitalize on their consumers with what is borderline extortion by charging exorbitant amounts of money to access multiplayer functionality which is mostly P2P these days. They're literally charging $15/mo. for you to host your own game.

The really bad part though, is that as of PS4, arguably the most powerful console of the current gen only parallels an 8800GTX, what is now almost a 13 year old GPU. The processors are equally weak. It's also drastically increased accessibility of gaming which has caused a supermassive downtrend in quality across the board, incentivizing multi-billion dollar publishers to conglomerate a previously artistic domain and shift it into a raw output sweatshop. They also helped usher in an era of microtransactions and DLC in response to broadband and thanks to the now too-big-to-fail marketing.

It grows.

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>I said PC is as bad as console
And you've not given a single example of it, sine PC retained all the freedoms that consoles lost, still gives leverage to the consumers against corporate dicking, including a leverage against Microsoft which doesn't have an OS monopoly anymore which you were too dumb to realize, with all the dogshit happening to consoles circumvented and shot into the ground.
It was a nice conversation AIDSbrain. I'm gonna go eat now.

2 options aren't enough to create a healthy market.

But fuck the Epic store exclusives. It's not a platform, just a gateway that allows you to access content.

Screencapped for posterity.

like a aneurysm in your brain, ready to burst when it turns out that Kojimble really just made the best walking sim ever. no MGS stuff, no Silent Hills stuff, nothing

>I like my walking to be challenging!
Why stop there tho? Make breathing a challenge too! Push constantly X to not suffocate sounds pretty kino imo, famalamadingo

it's a dumb analogy because politics doesn't work like economy at all

Don't be so dramatic user. If I turn out to be wrong the only thing I'll do is shrug my shoulders and do what I did with MGSV: Evaluate the game based on its merits.

So do we like Last of Us, God of War, and other movie games? Are we allowed to talk about them now?

>no vehicles
>trailer shows a motorcycle and a truck

This HAS to be a joke. Please let this be Kojimbo trolling us.

the question here is: it is comfy?

>but the gimmick is that there are no vehicles?
Nigger what the fuck are you on about?

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I couldn't care a single shit about the game so i'm just gonna watch an uncommentated let's play and see how the story goes

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sounds amazing desu. give now

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looks like you'll have the same experience as anyone that "plays" it.



Shit i meant gameplay and not game
I don't know how i fucked that one up

This sounds great, what the fuck is wrong with you. Then again, I'm a sucker for walking sims (so for instance I always walk in Kenshi) and I do walk a lot in real life. I hope all this ends up being true.

Same, can't wait to "play" it on my Switch.

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