BUT THE Dragon's Dogma thread LOOKED THE SAME TO ME
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What the fuck is her problem?
The world may never know
>today my sister came into work with a box of donuts and said HAVE YOUR PICK, ANY YOU LIKE
God I hate kids
>bare midriff with long sleeves
Especially hot for some reason.
based Jewtits poster
>pay my travel expenses Arisen
I love MJulien
Reminder that Madeleine is best Dogma.
>fattened Madeleine up with tons of wine
>hit max affinity
>gave her the ring literally as she was hiding from the guards outside on her last quest
>do the quest to rescue the Princess afterwards
Did I just cuck myself out of Madeleine, or will I still get her?
FUCK Madeline.
>groom Mercedes with shittons of Cloudwine for fucking hours
>accidentally hit her when hitting a wrong button, resetting affinity
>groom her with EVEN MORE CLOUDWINE
>bitch loves me
>leave castle for endgame quests
>Madeline literally stops me in my tracks for some stupid "s-save me Arisen ;_;" side quest
>fuck it, I'll do it
>she becomes my love interest during the Grigori quests
FUCK that bitch, ruined my chocolate waifu romance, still hate her.
Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu
Perfect timing for this thread, thanks.
Are there new exploits/cheats/cheeses for purificating shit in BBI? God I hate the grinding for one specific ring with the skills I want.
pls arisen
you fucked up
you majorly fucked up
just got this game can I do that?
A day spent with her will be very long indeed.
Man, I can't stand the Princess. I guess it's better than ending up with some random innkeeper, though.
Nope. Just the phrase I used.
How did they look outside when they didn't have windows at the time?
I dunno, literally anyone else would've been better than the princess.
dragons dogma 2 at e3?
No way. Itsuno just finished DMC5, even if DD2 is being made it will take a while before they have anything to show.
I finished the game by mistake 2 days ago and got locked out of doing Bitterblack Isle and checking all the other end game content. I just wanted to fix the ugly sky before doing more quests but it seems that wasn't possible? I just started NG+ and rushed the main quests until I reached Gran Sorem and I'm now planning to complete Bitterblack Isle. I'm not sure if it's worth doing all the main quests again to see what I missed during the end game.
Also how does the waifu system work? I only know that after killing the dragon my Arisen was shown lying on the camp with Quina but I don't know if something else of relevance happens, after that I was shown in "your room" with Quina and Selene. I don't know if that always happens that way or if it depends on your affinity level with other NPCs.
That's it
The waifu system is really underbaked and exists purely for spooky dragon stuff - which I love, but it would've been great for the romance to be fleshed out more
its the npc you got the highest affinity with. if you have multiple with max affinity, then its the last one you talked to before going to fight the dragon. If you want a specific one, you need to talk to them and go straight to the dragon, or at least avoid any max affinity npcs. also the quest to rescue the princess fucks stuff up, im not sure how it works entirely but im p sure if you save her she WILL bee the npc taken by the dragon. If you want a specific npc i would avoid doing this quest.
>but im p sure if you save her she WILL bee the npc taken by the dragon
no, I made a 100% run and the she-goat was the one taken by the dragon
/r/ing the vocation meme list please.
Dragon's Dogma Online is ok
>locked out of doing Bitterblack Isle
You can't ever get locked out of BBI, what are you talking about.
>rushed the main quests until I reached Gran Sorem and I'm now planning to complete Bitterblack Isle
All you need to do to unlock BBI in a new game is to kill the cyclops and create your pawn in the encampment then go back to Cassardis and sleep till night.
They really failed at translating the fluffiness of her hair to her model. Still the best girl tho
Dragons Dogma online happen sin a different universe?
Only if you raise your affection ratio so i can marry you.
To be fair, not really hard, there is Easily Missable Witch Girl, Thot Princess, and Knock-Off Caska in her category.
But we all know as good as she is the Canon Choice Capcom wants you to take is obviously THEY ARE ALL MASTERWORKS
The joke is that so many people got him by mistake.
BBI is actually even a pretty good spot early game if you know what you are doing, like Magick Archer has the Ricochet Arrows to cheese a ton of it since it has so many tight corridors you can turn into blenders.
if only one could play it without learning to read monkey runes
>BBI is actually even a pretty good spot early game
You can literally go all the way to Daimon and kill it at the start of the game using only throwblasts.
I thought it was Fournival that many got by mistake?
don't act like early BBI isn't hard af though, even with the broken classes/objects
You can run away from everything, kill gazer, kill dark bishop and then kill daimon using only throwblasts. It's not even remotely challenging unless it's your first time there.
I didn't even find that quest for some reason, and I was trying to do everything before going for the dragon, I probably messed up somewhere.
So wait can you even get your ending with any of the child characters or any of the married NPCs? You don't see that too often.
>You can't ever get locked out of BBI, what are you talking about.
After I finished the Everfall quests and got the second ending I got locked into starting a NG+ file if I tried to load.
I got a warning that I "wouldn't be able to come back" when I started the final group of quests but I just assumed I would be able to go back after finished the final quest line since the wiki refers to this as post game instead of end game which is probably a better description.
The post-game is post-Dragon, when the sky goes dark
Pretty sure people got both, depends on habit really, people who checked/used the Forge often to Buy/Sell obviously got Caxton since their visits added up affection. But Fournival as several sidequests you easily get breadcrumbed in and also has a shop that also might have players do regular visits.
Both very much are easy to build up by accident if you have no idea about the system.
I did all of Fournival's quests but also sent him to prison; I'm guessing he won't be my beloved
>accidentally made the female thief angry because I killed her pet cyclops
>didn't even think about it
>just saw a cyclops and started attacking
I guess I'll do yet another Dragon's Dogma playthrough. I should filter those threads.
Why does everyone hate Madeleine so much? She had a pretty good side story if you paid attention.
>Try magic
>Low HP and Stamina
>Shitty augments
>Barely any gear available most of the game
>stuck with 2 interesting vocations and 2 shitty ones
>Golems cuck you hard
I sure love slowly casting big dick damage to only get knocked down or hit a mile away and die to a sneeze or miss because its a fucking monster that moves 2 inches to the side. Magic in this game is a meme and sucks dragon cock.
Heh, long.
>if you paid
That comic reminds me of simpler times, good shit
Fuck it, there's a lot of DD content I have I rarely get to post.
I feel bad for sulfur saurians. All they want to do is bask in the sun and smell like farts and yet they keep on catching fire so easily.
Is a shitpost? I was going to try a Sorcerer or Mystic Knight.
Nah shes cool, she is literally Miranda from Wakfu.
I went to play DD again and just cant, Ive seen it all and its gotten old, it still baffles me why the DDO never came to the west, I thought the game sold well. Hope we see something at E3, that is pretty much the only thing Im hoping for within reason.
He's a shit shitterer of the shitiest order.
MK is hella fun. Playing as a sorc can be boring compared to much more involved vocations, but they're still fun.
I've just recently been able to squeeze a few extra hours out of DD by modding. See if it's something that might do it for you too.
With mods you can basically make your own classes. Like equip a staff and have a sword as a secondary, its a little shitty that some characters have no ranged attacks.
Also magic in this requires good pawns to assist you, you arnet doing shit if your pawns arent good.
I still can't figure out why Itsuno decided to include critter-ball in Dragon''s Dogma. Who code an AI to make them throw woodland critters back at you?
Cheating is just plain easier.
Me too. Then I had to use some weird glitch to still do her mission
Jesus, I made this fucking image five years ago.
Mods, the grinding shit was archaic as shit given that those that wanted or had them used exploits like suicide chest grinding, shit that wasnt intended as the way to get said items. Literally just mod it so you have the skills available.
Why are almost all the secret augments so fucking awful? Adhesion and Opportunism are the only good ones.
Looks like a dark souls 2 female player character
>any situational stat boost augment
>when str/mgk boost effects are capped anyway to 1.8x
Nah, Predation is the only good secret augment. That with any piece of gear which also recover a bit of stamina per kill is a godsend for Rangers.
I never played DDO and went to search those vocations. Holy tits they're fucking cool, why don't they bring DDO here? Or hell, patch them in the game/DLC or something please Capcom.
Doing these quests for the first time was one of the best adventures Ive had in a game.
Maybe at E3 well get an annoncement for DD2, since DMCV is done.
really? My DS2 female character was hot af
I'll gladly chop my left nut off if that happens
>cozy afternoon nap with my bros. on our favorite rock
>some psycho bitch starts screaming in the distance
>she doesn't stop and keeps getting closer
>like seriously what the fuck keep it down, yes we're here
>suddenly we're being hit by a rain of arrows
>Andy suddenly gets thrown into the air by an explosion
>Jack gets pulled up by some enormous beast woman who pins him while a tiny hairy man slices his tail off
>Terrance gets put to sleep, picked up, then chucked off a cliff
>get hit in the face with a pie, the wolves who just showed up are totally laughing at me I know it
>my tail's gone and suddenly I'm on fire despite being submerged in water ten feet away from where I was because some guy aerial kicked my across the riverbank
>they take a chunk of my belly and my left eye before sprinting away