Say hello to your first Muslim characters in Pokemon Nabil and Tarak

Say hello to your first Muslim characters in Pokemon Nabil and Tarak

French localization changed their names to reference a brother rap duo

I thought English was bad changing the original to Leon but French is even worse.

Attached: 1544660633164.jpg (2791x760, 572K)

childhood friend :^)

Attached: 1548355688203.jpg (687x1200, 125K)


> worse
seething basedboy

I laughed pretty hard at that

also professeurE, completely cucked localization


that's not a valid excuse to shoehorn them into video games

>Changing names just to reference some irrelevant band is OK

Can someone translate the OP pic btw

Attached: qt.jpg (715x1024, 82K)


>Accurately depicting London is a bad thing
It's your fault for not rising up.


why are Americans so obsessed with muslims and brown people?

she looks like she has wholesome romances with brown guys

>localization is just a competition for who can add the most contemporary pop culture references
Useless grifters

Are they really muslims though? I haven't played pokemon since BW but I didn't know they officially recognised RL religions to exist in Pokémon.

wow i am so outraged by this
thank you for compiling these things for me to get angry about OP! grrrr!

Yes your character needs to pray every 24 ingame hours and you need to point your Switch to face Mecca or else it won't work.

That's not what the original picture says. French culture doesn't do inclusivity like US does. Deal with your SJWs but don't claim we have those.

Sjw == anti-sjw, prove me wrong.
>Inb4 muh centrism, no im a leftist faggot but sjws are often self-righteous dumbfucks. No different from rightwing retards

What's the original?

>Game is set in England
>is full of Africans and pakis

Something like Dande? to reference Dandelion, all the characters have some plant/flower reference originally. Milo was Yarrow originally too