>TheManFromBoston has joined the game
TheManFromBoston has joined the game
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when's version 4
Stop playing TF2 if you cmhate Scout.
Did you know: The Boston Police knew about the Marathon Bombing plot before it took place, but they allowed it to happen so that Bostonians could feel like they live a real city.
So who was in the wrong here?
Always shaun
Gerret > Derrick > Rocco > Shaun
Was it kino?
remember that time eric and derrick hit each other unironically?
The evangalion argument.
Whats the deal with Mega64, did they make so much money early on that it doesn't matter that their channel is dead now or are they trust fund kids, what's the story?
Patreon merch and they did ads for companies. They make cool shirts
they're big soulless corporate shills
yeah and its been scrubbed somehow from the internet
Literally one search on youtube and I've already found it.
You tell gavin THAT BRITISH FUCK
the second I seen an animated video pop in my inbox I unsubscribed. They've been unfunny for years but I simply can't support full toolbag/sell-out
>TheKidFromBrooklyn has joined the game
>Shawn didn't realize Kaiji got killed
the audios fucked faggot
Did he really defile that qt hapa gril?
>are they trust fund kids
I'm pretty sure Rocco is since he's buying expensive toys every week. Meanwhile Shaun seems pretty poor, last podcast he was talking about how he can't afford to take his kids on holiday and the other guys were offering to pay to get him into the new star wars land.
Shawn, for being so insecure as to be unable to admit that he watched it passively and then gets angry and defensive when called out on it
How is that my problem faggot?
This remains the best thing Mega64 has done.
Garret is kinda sexy here
So, can we all agree that Frank is the worst addition to the show, ever, and possibly is going to be responsible for ruining the podcast? All this fucking dude talks about is blink 182 and shitty movies and Woody Allen. And he does this annoying thing where he just rapid fires trivia about the movie for 5 minutes to show off his knowledge.
Shawn, and he only made it worse by getting so emotional over it like a little bitch. Even when Rocco and Derrick mildly teased him on it rather than owning it he REEE’d super hard to the point it seemed like a bit.
Pretty sure they've had animated videos since 2010.
They made the old YT money and sell a lot of merch on conventions and online. Also Patreon. Without Patreon, I am pretty sure, they could not go on. Sad ting is, their Skit output is way lower now, because they do so much other stuff. Hope Version 4 comes out eventually though. Really like the guys and hope they are getting their edge back. They seem way to scared to rustle some jimmies these days.(Rocco talked about it several times).
>Florida man has joined the game
Frank is pretty smart and can be funny but I am pretty sure he has autism, which makes live stuff with him kinda weird. His gf? is also a cute.
Shaun has like 80 kids thats why he cant afford it
>Homeless guy has joined the enemy team
wtf I love frank, his optimism is so underappreciated
rocco and shawn's personal channels are kino
>rapid fires trivia about the movie for 5 minutes to show off his knowledge
Unironically that's an autism thing.
I just wanted my boys to find some form of success. From all the shitty channels in youtube that got popular, they deserve at least 1 million subs.
Best personal channel video.
Where the FUCK does Rocco get so much money from?
His parents.
ties to italian mafia
My shitty theory is that he pockets most of the money from Mega 64
He was just happy to be there, I didn't mind him. He hasn't been on an episode since forever though.
mega64 must make decent money for shawn to support a family with multiple kids
Maybe invested? Lawsuit money from all the accidents he was in. who knows. The boyz actually seem pretty frugal though. They all drive shitty cars and dress normal.(Only Rocco drives cool cars because his car always gets annihilated once a year in freak accidents where he is never at fault and so gets insurance money.)
Shawn. He has always been bitch but ever since he got his first kid he thinks he is above everything and doesn't have to do anything in company.
Rocco lives with his parents
Shawn has a wife, his own home, and like 6 children.
Wait, Rocco actually lives with his parents?
He actually lives on his own, though his brother has been squatting in his house for over a year at this point.
Wasn't he just in one accident that took about 5 years to be resolved? I think the payout was something like $500.
Then maybe Shawn should have not gotten that many kids. Doesn't he get that if this shit falls apart he is the one who is gonna get fucked the most?
I like Garretts too: youtu.be
That was the first. The last one was in November I think. Pretty sure he had 3 freak accidents in total now.
I agree he's insufferable and I'm glad he hasn't been on the podcast in a bit
Well that's why he had vasectomy
Does Jennie work?
I honestly think Frank and Derrick are the best parts of the podcast, since they actually talk about shit like games and movies
outside of the occasional bit, Rocco sucks cuz he can't tell a story for shit, and Shawn rarely ever talks
Garrett's fine, but he doesn't ever start his own topic, he just chimes in on everyone else's
I think she does but what Shawn is telling it doesn't seem to be enough.
favorite podcast bits, go
Yeah like after the fourth kid.
I don't really love or hate Frank but I definitely preferred Eric to him
Nah, at this point Frank is much better than Shawn.
Hideaki Anno for making such a piece of shit, I'm with Shawn on this one.
Does Mega64 have the deepest lore?
this. Shawn has some great stuff
I'm glad they were able to laugh about it later