GRANDIA HD Remaster:

GRANDIA HD Remaster:
>Widescreen support and customizable resolutions (only for PC)
>Steam cards and Achievements (only for PC)
>Audio: Japanese (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER outside of Japan-only releases!) and English
>Gamepad and keyboard support with remappable controls (only for PC)

>Widescreen support and customizable resolutions (only for PC)
>Steam cards and Achievements (only for PC)
>Gamepad and keyboard support with remappable controls (only for PC)

This is it. It's finally ogre, people.

Dreamcast and Dreamcast's emulators are completely irrelevant now, due to the last bastion of relevance falling down, Dreamcast's superior version of Grandia II (all other ports & releases outside of Dreamcast's were either very bad or just subpar. This HD Remaster however, is using original assets from Dreamcast while also improving resolution, framerate, and updating videos through ESRGAN/Gigapixel. This will be THE definitive version to play, making Dreamcast's emulation useless due to it not being perfect on any of the currently existing emulators anyway).


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Other urls found in this thread:

based nintendo wins again

>Dreamcast and Dreamcast's emulators are completely irrelevant now, due to the last bastion of relevance falling down

erm sonic adventure? Its complete shit everywhere else even with mods

>Caring about Shitch when there's going to be PC MASTURACE version with 4K res, custom mods and textures, uncapped FPS, and ability to use DualShock 4

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>implying the 'master race' will buy it

>nobody talking about Grandia Remaster.
neo Yea Forums is truly a mistake

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Nice free games.

Gamecube's version is the definitive one and it's been emulated perfectly on Dolphin for ages now. You're way out of the loop, it seems.

Its a JRPG m8, it doesnt need any of that

Oh shit! I am glad I decided not to plop down the dosh to rebuy Grandia II on Steam up until now. The DreamCast version kicks the shit out of the other ones.

You can't collect achievements if it's pirated. I fucking WANT my cuddly Tio achievement for seeing each and every camp/hotel scene with her.

>another inferior port

>adventure dx
imagine having taste this bad

You have to be fucking joking son

Maybe, but, unlike Shitch's c-u-c-k-s, PC at the very least GIVES such abilities/features as an option, for free.

You have issues.

Not DX. Battle.

Stay mad, Shitch kiddie c-u-c-k. "Enjoy" your 30 FPS cap with below mediocre res, overheat, and Nintendon't censorship.

So is Grandia 1 using Sony's old translation and dub or is redone?

English dubs are same old shit, the cringe straight from the 90s, but these HD remasters both will have option to play with original Japanese dubbing for the first time ever in a non Japan-only releases of these two games. Basically PERFECTION, as Japanese voice-over for GRANDIA and GRANDIA II are LEGENDARY, there are some VERY top notch seiyuus who did voices in those.

So, the guy who was going around everywhere saying it was cancelled was lying.

>we're finally getting official undub Grandia 1
Takeshi my man you seeing this from up there? Your baby and my absolutely fav JRPG ever is coming to us proper. Day 1 purchase.

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Huh? When was that?

>dual audio: japanese and english
>improved graphics and textures and ui


Reminder: the japanese audio was SO MUCH better than the english one!!!

Who's Takeshi? Don't you mean Segata?
educate yourself zoomzoom

GRANDIA's and GRANDIA II's original Japanese dubs are truly of legends. It's not just superb, they're EXEMPLARY. There are very few (not even Lunar, not even Thousand Arms, not even Tales of Phantasia/Destiny/Eternia, though they got close) J-RPGs from the "Golden Age" period of gaming industry (1982~2005) that ever managed to be on par with GRANDIA and GRANDIA II, voice work quality-wise.


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>dreamcast and dreamcast emulators are now irrelevant
>it's currently the only way to play power stone 1&2 multi

Well I mean I guess you can get some psp's together but that's more work than it's worth

>it's currently the only way to play power stone
Wasn't Power Stone HD released on PS 3?

Yeah, I know, right!!!? It's gonna be AMAZING!!! ZOMG!!!

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>we will never have PROPER GRANDIA III (outside of Xtreme...)
>we will never have proper GRANDIA IV

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Grandia 3 remaster when?

>This is it. It's finally ogre, people.
not quite. we still need to hear a firm release date. but yes, it's good to hear that it hasn't been cancelled. i've been meaning to try grandia, but i was holding out for the remasters.

I sincerely hope never. Unless they'll actually manage to essentially complete it by restoring 64% (SIXTY-FUCKING-FOUR PERCENT) of game's content which was left unused due to game literally being released unfinished.

Its been years since I've come to terms with all these.

3 was as proper as it could get with how the market was literally being saturated with JRPGs at the time. What it lacked was a compelling story and good characters, everything else was on point but sadly, story/characters are still king of importance in the genre. Game is still beautiful to look at and the battle is the best of the whole franchise.

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>3 was as proper as it could get
Dude...stop...that's fucking DISGUSTING. GRANDIA III is a fucking ATROCITY, it's utter fucking garbage shit. And it's fucking unfinished as fuck.

>compelling story and good characters, everything else was on point
>battle is the best of the whole franchise
Yes, GRANDIA II is that, exactly.

>GRANDIA II is that, exactly.
desu i much prefer 1 in everything than 2

First for Jaime Lannister.

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Yeah a 20 year old JRPG doesn't need 4k.

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But we can both agree GRANDIA III is TRASH, right? RIGHT?

Its mediocre, not trash. I've seen trash.

If it's done properly (ESRGAN/Gigapixel, or better) and faithfully, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it having that. Fuck, I'd kill to see an HD textured fully redrawn (like KoF '94 Re-Bout did) remaster of, for example, Thousand Arms. With Japanese dub, 60 FPS, and better controls (holy shit Thousand Arms' controlling scheme is STALE, even by 90s standards).

No, it's fucking trash, mainly because a fuckton of dropped plotpoints and unused literally "ghost" locations due to them releasing shit only 36% complete. LITERALLY. The game is LESS THAN HALF of WHAT COULD'VE BEEN.
There are entire zones unavailable and gameplay sections/story pieces cut out.

>His shirt is his abs

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>Audio: Japanese (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER outside of Japan-only releases!)
original audio language is expected by default in games localized past 2000, putting it as a selling point is like putting controller support as a se-
>Gamepad and keyboard support

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>GRANDIA II is the literal only single RPG in the entire history of video game developing industry's existence where each and every spell is a literal CGI KINO
>literally NO ONE ELSE EVER tried to do this, in ALL these years

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What's meant by "keyboard and pad support", is that you can remap controls now. You couldn't before and baka gaijinners' schemes were bad.

all games with 3D rendering benefit from higher resolutions and texture filtering you simpleton consolefags

Grandia 1/2 are among the best jrpgs I've played. Too bad the collection doesn't include Grandia 3 though, never got around to playing it.

>mfw back in the days I was putting original Dreamcast disc with GRANDIA II in a PC disc drive and could easily watch all of the spells in openly available .mov (was it Quick Time? file format lying in the game's root directory

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>PC for widescreen & resolution
>or Switch for portable comfy
fuck i can't choose

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>Too bad the collection doesn't include Grandia 3 though, never got around to playing it
Fucking stop, man. This is a GOOD thing. Grandia III is an atrocity, a black sheep of franchise. It's super-fucking-bad. Treat Xtreme as "3", because it's infinitely better, if not what you're expention of it to be. The III, however, is just trash on almost each and every front. And it's unfinished as fuck. Don't regret you've never played GRANDIA III, as you really shouldn't waste your time and nerves on that below half-baked POS.

>portable comfy
>30 FPS caps with dips
>overheating and shit res
>Shitch's fugly controls instead of godlike DualShock 4

I heard that 3 is not that good compared to 1 and 2, but I would still play it myself simply because I enjoy Grandia's combat very much.

Is it true that Xtreme is better than 3 though?

>Shitch's fugly controls instead of godlike Xbone controller
Fixed that for you.

OP site was looking shady, this one's legit though. We're getting more info on E3.

>What it lacked was a compelling story and good characters
I will never NOT be furious that they gave us best girl Miranda early on then replace her for boring ole Dhana. And we only get Alfonso for all of 5 seconds then he's gone as soon as he came! What was the point of any of that?

>Oooh hey! How does THAT feel?
>That was beautiful, you guys!
>Ahhh, I feel EXCELLENT~
Can't wait to experience best girl in HD glory.

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Grandia is cool but 2 is shit. Play more JRPG's for gods sake.

I disagree. Still, which jrpgs would you recommend playing?

Soul Calibur?
Jet Set Radio?

No one cares about achievements

I have never played 2 but I fucking love 1 a whole ton.