Stupid bitch. Stupid fucking bitch

Stupid bitch. Stupid fucking bitch.

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Hashino is a hack.

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Rape her pregnant

My wife is neither stupid nor a bitch. Please kill yourself.

why does everyone have such a hate boner for ann? she never actually does anything to inconvenience you unlike makoto

She pretty much gets overshadowed by the other girls. Her most memorable attribute is being Kamoshida's lust magnet, so people play up the slut angle.

Because she looks just like all the Stacies that bullied nerds like Yea Forums during high school.

And also stupid. She's REALLY stupid.

How is Ann Lisa 2.0? Chie is closer to being a Lisa clone.

No personality whatsoever, doesn't really contribute much to the story, mediocre confidant story. She's not bad, she's just there.

I didn't even max her in my first playthrough, there were several more interest non-party members that I prioritized over her.

I don't like how her body is, like, 80% of her character. She's a model, she's constantly fawned over as comic relief by the male party members, and her outfit is a fucking latex suit.

That's the most dull fuckin characterization of a female character you can possibly drum up. Oh, it's a girl, she has a nice body, this is defined a huge portion of her character because she has no actual personality.

I love Ann. Ask me anything.

What is your favorite meal, and why is it white bread dipped in potato salad with water as a beverage?

Reminder choosing Futaba is immoral seeing as she is dealing with mental health issues and you are taking advantage of that. Ann is the only right choice

Seems pretty immoral to automatically assume anyone dealing with any kind of mental health issue is unfit to be a romantic partner, and not capable of making that decision for themself.

Most of those seem like a personal problem rather than a character problem
Just because she doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean you should hate her

She's also 14 and admits that she doesn't feel like she has really grown as a person so much as she just really likes being around you.

It would be an overly dependent relationship and it would piss of Sojiro. Who the fuck romances Futaba.

>Most of those seem like a personal problem rather than a character problem

I mean I guess it's cool to subjectively like characters with no personality, no satisfying character arc, no real input to the main plot of the game, and no genuine character development, but that would make you a complete retard so I don't see why you'd wanna own up to that.

Annfags literally just like her appearance, there's nothing to latch onto personality wise.

She's obviously unfit for a relationship, but if you wanna take advantage of her go ahead. Just know you're a shit human for it

ranch or cool ranch

I love Anne and I wish people would stop talking about her like this.

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15, possibly 16, only ~1 year younger than Joker. Still dealing with some agoraphobia doesn't preclude her from being able to make that decision.

As for dependency, her relationship scenes show her as being the most proactive of all the possible romance options, with her working towards building her side of the relationship. Sojiro also said he was okay with it.

She literally has no friends and has never even talked to a male other than Sojiro. Her entire concept of relationships stems from reading doujinshi and probably playing some NEET vidya.

She's unquestionably not mentally or emotionally developed, and she behaves more like a little sister than a girlfriend. You're probably stunted yourself if you think she's a suitable match for you, or appealing at all.

She has the nicest butt though

>ad hominem

Chie took the kung-fu genki gimmick and Ann took the half-white slut gimmick.

>ignoring my actual points in favor of crying about how i was mean to you on the internet
Remember what I said about you being stunted? That.
That's not how you spell Takemi.

>She literally has no friends
She literally has at least one, even if you don't count the other PTs, which would be dumb.

>has never even talked to a male other than Sojiro
She literally has plenty of times.

>Her entire concept of relationships stems from reading doujinshi and probably playing some NEET vidya.
She's no more in the dark on it than any other teenager without experience.

>She's unquestionably not mentally or emotionally developed
She's plenty mentally developed, and she's also reasonably emotionally developed as she has zero problem ever expressing or experiencing emotions. That's not even close to a part of her character. You're confusing trauma based defense mechanisms with... whatever the fuck it is you think she has. She's having trouble dealing with grief from an abnormally extreme situation and she's socially undeveloped, but that's it.

>she behaves more like a little sister than a girlfriend
You don't have a sister.

Attached: Futaba expressions.jpg (540x371, 103K)

>She literally has at least one
She makes up with her, like, 80% through her social link. So, no, for the majority of her life she has literally no friends at all. No exposure to any human other than Sojiro until the PTs come along, and by the time you'd be romancing her, she's probably been hanging with them for a grand total of like two months.

>She literally has plenty of times.
Name one.

>She's no more in the dark on it than any other teenager without experience.
Makoto and Ann would like a word.

>She's plenty mentally developed
She literally acts like a child, constantly yelling at you or Sojiro to make coffee/curry for her. If it's not plot related, she speaks and behaves like a literal child.

>she's also reasonably emotionally developed as she has zero problem ever expressing or experiencing emotions.
This is the character who needed to be manipulated via the PTs because she was emotionally unable to cope with her mother's death, and it's also the character who needed to latch onto the MC in order to hang around large crowds without having a mental breakdown.

>She's having trouble dealing with grief from an abnormally extreme situation and she's socially undeveloped
"Socially underdeveloped" is a very gentle way to describe a girl who panics at the sight of anyone that isn't one of the PTs, and curled up in a ball of fear the moment you were separated from her when you went to Akihabara with her.

>You don't have a sister.
The way she acts around you is purely platonic until the end of her confidant where she suddenly says she feels "different" around you (a huge sign of how undeveloped she is emotionally; she literally doesn't know what it means to feel attracted to someone).

>She literally has no friends and has never even talked to a male other than Sojiro
it's like you haven't even seen her social link and you're coming up with character behavior out of your ass

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>Letting someone briefly avoid their misery with your company is amoral
that's literally all relationships are

Everything you said is so wrong it's not worth even responding to.

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I maxed her social link on my first playthough.

Thanks for proving me right, Futabafag. Enjoy your NEETbait.

Attached: Futaba Eng.jpg (1500x1100, 405K)

Then you're a speedreader/retard with zero reading comprehension

If I was Nishima I ould've knocked out futaba right there
welcome to the real world bitch

>If I was Nishima I ould've knocked out futaba right there
>welcome to the real world bitch

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Sure smells like Arby's in here

Futaba is mentally stunted, which is why she behaves like a 10 year old. If you're into that, you're probably a pedo.

Hello roastie

I wish she even had that as a personality. The entire second half of the game her dialogue is just “ok” “good idea” “cool”, the group chemistry was forgotten. P5R better fix how frontloaded the game was.

Name the boy she talks to prior to meeting the PTs. Go on.
>implying my dislike of a conventionally attractive airhead makes me a roastie
If anything I'm a fucking beta for not liking Ann because she's too hot. Or, at least, that would be the case if it wasn't an objective character flaw that she has zero personality outside of being hot.

Exactly. She literally asks for fucking head pats. I don't care if you take the "this one is for NEET retards who want a spineless girl who will hang on their every word" bait, just own up to it and accept the fact that you're a beta retard with shit taste.

>Annfag trying to derail the thread into Makoto hate.
Like clockwork

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