Are there any unironic Stevefags in this board? I know that rosterfaggotry is at its peak since E3 is just a few days and I'm already seeing a bunch of dudes posting leaks and screaming about how their pick is better, but I'd like to know something. Does anyone actually want Steve in particular to be in Smash? I'm asking this because whenever I see a Stevefag on here, it's usually some seething autist who talks shit about other picks with the same pictures of that gross HD model. You all know the one. With that said, does anyone have any real reasons as to why they want Steve in Smash Ultimate? Reasons that don't have to do with spite?
inb4 rosterfags and falseflaggers come in and ruin this thread anyways.
Are there any unironic Stevefags in this board...
Other urls found in this thread:
Unironic steve fags are the same people who would actually want a nuclear apocalypse, they just to see the world burn.
No. He just doesn't fit aesthetically, but I do think Minecraft content should be represented in some form.
Would be the most boring addition they could really do. Decent moveset potential but there is just no personality and other characters (Banjo, Doomguy, Ryu) should be prioritized first.
I find him to be a very logical choice, given how massive and influential Minecraft is, and may help draw the eyes of the zoomers. I don't care for Steve or Minecraft personally, but I don't care for, say, Banjo either, and I think Banjo's case for being in Smash is considerably weaker than Steve's.
I want Steve unironically, because minecraft is game that meant a lot to me growing up. This has made be fucking despise the Banjokes and be at best ambivalent to the ironic Steveposters.
what do you faggots even find entertaining about talking about the exact same topic daily
Why should other characters from dead or less popular franchises be prioritized? Minecraft is a huge game. The hugest game and a character and stage is not much to ask for considering how influential and popular it is.
This doesn't concern you, Rashbro. I'm just looking for reasons.
I want Steve because I played Minecraft back in 2011, he'd be aesthetically unique, and building blocks, enchanting tools, and using other Minecraft items would be really cool. Plus a randomly generated stage would be neat. And Minecraft's music is pretty fuckin' beautiful
I want steve and erdrick
They're both huge game franchises
And I had fun with minecraft and dq3 was amazing
Plus steve looks interesting aesthetically
And Nintendo gives a shit...why?
Why should a character getin JUST because their game is huge and popular even if the character themselves isnt interesting moveset potential wise or anything?
Even WFT, ROB, and Mr. G&W can all emote to some degree and offer something interesting with their moves.
>reasons that don’t have to do with spite
>leads with spite
Tick tock.
See, you're the exact sort of person that I was talking about. You're the reason why I don't believe there's anyone in this board who actually likes Steve.
Those are somewhat valid reasons. While I don't see Dragon Quest as a huge franchise, I can understand that Minecraft had obtained quite the global audience. It's also good that you actually like these characters. It's just that due to how obnoxious leakfags had become, I ended up getting a general aversion towards Erdrickfags and especially Stevefags.
I am, sure, I use the steve model alot but honestly I think he's be a fun choice, even if he ends up being low tier
>and other characters (Banjo, Doom, Ryu) should be prioritized first
Aaaaaaaaaaand Google theory faggot spotted.
Unironically neck yourself you living tumor
Sure, I wouldn't mind Steve at all, I don't get all the rage, he's much better than another anime swordsman or goddamn joker.
If I get to pick though, I'd choose my nigga Crash.
Because Minecraft is making them mad money right now and is taking off like a rocket in Japan.
They'd have a lot to gain by even bringing in 1% of the active Minecraft playerbase to the Switch/Smash
I do because the Robloxian is pretty much a never ever
Not him but because Smash isnt a game where the characters have any fucking interactions or anything like that. It's not Project X Zone. Theres no story, theres no dialouge, theres no minigames where the characters do anything. Their personalities are near complete meaningless in the game, hence why we can have literal personality less toys like ROB and shit like Mr. G&W.
As for moveset, you can make a good moveset out of anything, and you can make a bad moveset out of anything. I don't know why people pretend that's even a factor. Sonic has a shitton of abilities from his home games, but his moveset is the laziest shit. Duck Hunt is a dog that laughs at you and he has an interesting moveset.
Moveset has pretty much nothing to do with the character, all it has to do is how creative sakurai and his team gets.
Those are crap reasons to want a character. The only reason to want a new character is because you like the franchise and want to see it represented.
I don't even play Smash or own a Switch, but Minecraft is one of my favourite games and I think it would be cool/funny seeing Steve just stroll right in.
Right here. I've wanted him in since 2015
better than the cerealbox shit you contrarian retards recommend
Kindly leave. Besides, it looks like there's a much better candidate from Dragon Quest.
I'm neutral about steve/alex but I would love the idea of a Minecraft stage
>Wanting another anime swordsman.
You're a falseflagger, aren't ya?
>steve and erdrick
that reminds me of this
>when MK is entirely banned in Japan
your onions wojak has a fucking watermark
jesus christ
I would pick Crash over Banjo any day
yes I want the roster wars to end and I’m doing it for (You)’s
I just don't think minecraft man really has anything going for him as a character. They don't do 3rd party characters for the universe, they do it for the character and the other stuff just comes along. Getting Steve would require several fundamental shifts in the "why" a 3rd party character is added.
Battle Toads invented the Smash attack, prove me wrong.
Easy mode: agree
Likewise, that's why I have Banjoke scum.
Bruh, I brought up Madason from DQV. The fuck did Sora come from?
I don't see Scorpion in that picture, just Banjo, aka the TRUE Brave BTFOing the shit out of Eddie.
They do third parties for the historical relevancy. Pacman is hardly the most imteresting and complex of characters yet there he is.
Rosterfags as a whole need to end their existence, you guys are way too invested in a fucking party game.
No. I fucking hate ALL OF IT. Banjo, Erdrick, Steve, Doomguy, all of it's the fucking same cult-like behavior that seems obsessed with being as aggravating as possible. You're all the same scum, you just think you're above the rest.
You really stared that long at my work to notice that?
I'm so honored!
I certainly don't remember Banjo ever having a chain kunai, nor get a more human body wearing yellow clothing.
This meme is a failure mainly due to what it's based off being associated with someone pretty iconic in comparison to the two characters in the meme.
Except it's not just available on Switch.
People play it on their phone.
But keep trying.
As a Stevefag, I'm fully aware I'm scum. The problem with Banjies is they DONT realize they're scum and they're dishonest about it.
Stevefags are fine with playing the villain, because after all it's fun. Most of us are just like you, people sick of rosterfags. We just took it to the next level to make them lose their minds, and look how effective it's been. Banjoids are literally schizophrenic tier these days!
i have Yea Forums x I saw it instantly
I'm not even a rosterfag and I'm already sick of seeing this model. It's one of the reasons why I've developed an aversion to him being in Smash.
Stirring up shit because you find it fun makes you just as bad as the average twitter screencap shitposter, you dunce. It doesn't matter what the intent behind something is, if it's being a fucking shitbag, it's being a fucking shitbag.
You've become the very thing you've been trying to stop.
I seriously think he would be a fun addition.
Not gonna lie and pretend the outrage wouldn't make it better, but i also genuinely wouldn't mind him being in.
Definitely more interesting of a character than boring shit like Banjo or Erdrick.
He doesn't need to be the most interesting or complex. He just needs to be iconic. Steve is not iconic, minecraft is. He just so happens to be the guy on the cover. Pac is also character driven in the sense that without pac there is no game but without steve minecraft is fine.
>The problem with Banjies is they DONT realize they're scum and they're dishonest about it.
That's like calling superheroes scum because they beat up thugs and villains. Banjofags has been directing their wrath exclusively at those who deserve it, like Erdrickfags and Stevefags.
I honestly agree
Rosterfags do deserve a slow but painful death
By the way the posts below were me just grabbing some (You)’s I hate rosterfags with a god damn passion
Face it Erdrick, you're old news. Why would Nintendo want to push a character from a game that isn't getting a new remaster or direct sequel when they could instead push a character to promoting an upcoming game.
You're getting demoted to a measly armor set on the true popular hero of the series now.
>place block between you and opponent
>They not have two options that are insanely easy to read, jump over, or break the block
>Literally, literally just stand next to your block and get ready to use either your up smash or bow and arrow he will inevitably have when you know what they're using
>Also wall combos
There isn't a single stevefag that has considered the logistics of his balance. He'd be a complete fucking nightmare to play against.
>Thinking any rosterfag cult is in the right
No. Stop. The mere fact these cults of personality parading around their characters existing in the first place is destructive.
Death to all Erdrickfags. They must all die.
Steve is automatically iconic as a result of minecraft's success. Same as how pacman is automatically iconic as a result of pacman's success. Without steve there is literally no game, steve is the avatar same as how pacman is the avatar.
Imagine being this delusional
Nobody even know this mutt had a name until your discord temper tantrum
I would not have a problem with Steve if he didn't look like a Blender tutorial model. He's so fucking stilted and amateur and ugly, and as a result he just has this inescapable aura of autism around him. His appearance would be an unironic blight on the roster.
* I personally enjoyed playing Minecraft with friends occasionally.
* I like the idea of more non-Japanese games getting some representation in Smash.
* Minecraft is a phenomenon. A generation of kids grew up playing it and watching it on YouTube. If Steve peaks their interest in Smash, it's a good way for them to then also get to know all the older gaming classics.
* The voxel style is pretty different from anything already in Smash..
>You've become the very thing you've been trying to stop.
Sometimes you have to become a monster to defeat a monster
I don't get why Steve is so controversial when the AC villager was put in. They're both basic characters whose appeal are moves based on the game they come from
Nah you're just a bunch of delusional contrarians who actually think your ebin secret club affects the outcome of the smash roster
You can take the textures off of steve, make it a rounded 3d mode, name him andyl and you can still play minecraft with no functional changes. You can't have pac-man without pac-man (hint his name is in the fucking title and he specifically is the reason why the game works the way that it does).
>I can't believe you guys like this well animated and personality filled interpretation of an animal crossing villager from the base game of Smash 4
>But won't take these literal alpha asset that's just 6 rectangles cobbled together (that you'd have to pay 5.99 for)
Imagine being you.
Leakfags and memers pushing him onto everyone else. Fuck Vergeban for creating these faggots.
>calls Steveposters the contrarians
minecraft's low poly style is part of the appeal
banjofags are like genofags fused with ashleyfags, they NEED to be ridiculed
I started Steveposting just for le epic salt but as time went on I found myself actually wanting him in. Shitposting aside I'll be happy if Steve or Banjo getting in because I genuinely like both of their games. With that said:
Nigger, Erdrickchads and Stevegods are allies. Stevebros also recognize Doomchads and Sorabros to be allies even if they don't want it. Whether they like us or not, we still got their backs.
Literal alpha assets that are just 6 rectangles cobbled together for 5.99
Imagine being delusional enough to think Steve was ever a possible outcome.
It's not controversial. You have the vast majority who doesn't give a shit since its a non-character, and a tiny group of teenagers spamming memes in an attempt to troll this board.
Forcing memes doesn't make you an interesting person either. I bet you post Waluigi memes too, you normie loser.
literally everyone will buy it, Yea Forums/discord/melee anti-steve autists are like 1% of the player base
>literally everyone will buy it
Do you really think Corrin sold as much as Cloud?
What does Steve have to do with Corrin and Cloud?
Minecraft is much more popular than that weeb shit that is FE
One was desirable to fans and one wasn't, like Steve.
I've always enjoyed seeing rosterfags get BTFO, Waluigifags included.
There's never been a character I've specifically rooted for outside of say, Goku. The only reason I've backed Steve is to see Banjies squirm. That's literally it. And it works like a charm! You guys put on quite the show every single time. It's going to be great seeing you birdbrains lose it completely first when new revival is announced at E3, and second when Banjo DOESN'T get announced in the Nintendo direct.
Go ahead and say that won't happen. I'll make sure to screencap it.
Minecraft, not Steve.
They'd have to sell "Steve" on his name alone for 5.99.
You're projecting yourself on the whole playerbase, Steve would quickly become the best selling DLC character. To think otherwise is ridiculous.
I'm an unironic Stevefag. Not only would his moveset and animation be the most unique since Mr. Game & Watch, but also Minecraft is the best selling game of all time, if there's any character that deserves to be in, it's a Minecraft one. Seeing people online get mad would be just a bonus.
he is steve from minecraft, you mascotfag
Majority of normies and casual players (90% of the Smash consumer base) would love fucking Steve.
Minecraft has 80M active players right now, and it's become extremely popular in Japan. If even 1% of those players bought Smash Nintendo would make a massive profit.
No they don't, it also comes with a minecraft stage and music.
Not really much of a Banjofag, to be honest. I'm rooting for Conker.
Minecraft is iconic. The mutt nobody knew had a name until your shitposting tantrum is not.
Cope harder, but you can't escape these facts.
How soon will we see another new character?
Here, an unironic Stevefag
You're just shitposting at this point.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. It's just buzzwords in a word salad
>that obvious false flag
>in response to the Brave = Banjo nutter
Liking Banjo is normalfag behavior. Go on reddit or resetera and Banjo will be a pick more popular than Steve. Meanwhile Steve was literally made by a Yea Forums poster
Conker would be levels of based Banjo could never dream of being.
Why are you still doing this?
Steve could play like a more interesting villager, but new smash characters need some unique gimmick or quirk because hackurai thinks that shit sticks
>implying those are all the same guy