Be honest, what’s the most overrated game you’ve ever played?
Be honest, what’s the most overrated game you’ve ever played?
FE fates
The last of us
Bloodborne is rated just right. Game of the entire gen.
Final Fantasy IX
>Game of the entire gen
That's not Witcher 3
Witcher III
fuck off
Half-Life 2, no idea why it’s rated so highly. It’s just a mediocre FPS game with a horrible storyline & bland characters
What does "overrated" even mean?
>hurr durr it's popular but I didn't like it
What a dumb thread. Go play games you like and stop being angry at popular things.
>Chrono Trigger
>any pokemon game
Hollow Knight
Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but everyone told me it was the end-all of Metroidvanias.
Bloodborne is average. Just like the DS series in general. Anyone praising this for its gameplay when it's just dodge parry and strike over and over and over is a fucking retard.
Chess has good gameplay. Bloodborne doesn't.
> OoT, Chrono Trigger
Kill yourself Zoomer
dark souls
too slow and clunky
Did you play it on release?
The graphics were insane back then and it felt like being part of a movie (in a good way)
This. Nice visuals and story, music too, but where's the game? Oh, generic fetch quests and more of the same empty open-world meme? I expected more from a game that's so hyped even on Yea Forums
Lasted 5 hours, it was going ok, then got very boring
This is unironically what people will say about Witcher 3. They're excited because it's babbies first movie game and are excited about new-ish graphics tech. But in 10 years it will have aged like Half Life 2: sour milk.
BotW, bought into the hype and beauty of the overworld. Was disappointed to find there were only 2 interesting monsters, all shrines felt the same, and all the overworld characters and stories were boring as shit.
Uncharted 2
This is up there
BioShock infinite
Entirely possible, although the thing I liked about The Witcher 3 was the story, both in the main quest and side quests
>spewing buzzwords to gain Yea Forums-street cred
Why don't you neck yourself first and I'll follow
Overrated doesn't mean bad but people praising OoT and ChrnoTrigger like they're the 2nd coming of Christ is quite frankly appalling
They're good games but in no way the pinnacle of their respective genres
Journey. It‘s Shit.
>Yea Forums-street cred
You know that's not actually a thing, right? You're anonymous, so you can't build a reputation. People are calling you zoomer because they think it's funny
Bioshock Infinite.
This whole time I feel like that kid in the story about the Emperor's invisible robe. I'm the only one who will admit that the emperor is naked, everyone else will pretend otherwise because they want you to think they're smart.
There is, however, the hivemind, the general consensus opinion that always seems to gravitate towards being as antagonistic to everything as possible
World of Warcraft
League of Legends
Eh I think that has more to do with the fact that people are terrible when you let them be anonymous and remove any negative incentive for being a piece of shit
Was going to pull the underaged poster card but realized HL2 was released almost 15 years ago and I am old.
Dark Souls 2
The cult of BOTW is fucking insane. I beat the game, and I enjoyed it, but it has a lot of flaws. Most overrated for sure. I sincerely believe that all the hype comes from Nintendo-exclusive fans who have not had proper exposure to an open world game before.
Uncharted 4. The game was way too bad for how much praise it got.
Luckily, it was very cheap when I bought it, so I didn’t wasted too much on it.
gone home. it's been praised as some revolutionary game when it's just a walking sim with some progressive issues attached to it.
there are a lot of other games that have been hyped to hell and back for a lot of the same reasons, but they at least have some gameplay attached to it.
Witcher 3
Nah, Witcher 3 is the one game OP asked about.
Probably Metal Gear Solid. I just don't see anything good about it.
Everything is "revolutionary" when you attach progressive values to it with a wannabe serious movie tone.
Personally, I thought it was cheesy. I felt like the writers have no idea how teenagers think or act so they just started writing some cliches because they're pining for their own youth.
Shit taste, and you probably think the game is trying to be something it's not trying to be at all (e.g. "arthouse" or "deep". It's more like an interactive Pixar movie than anything)
Final Fantasy X
Name one open world game better then Botw?? Sonybros
>because they're pining for their own youth
I can relate. Why was everything better when I was young?
keep seething
the writing and story are pretty great, and the atmosphere is one of the best in vidya
that being said, the gameplay is very straightforward and the a.i is braindead
The implication here being that they aren't on platforms where they're not entirely anonymous?
Look at the legions of horrible people on twitter telling each other to kill themselves, inciting violence or advocating for womens rights and vegan diets and tell me that Yea Forums is anything but vanilla comparatively
Nier Automata
>the writing and story are pretty great
Not by today's standards lmao
I've never seen anyone praise that game in years.
You're right, we should just change this place's name to Yea Forumsanilla because everyone's so nice
Almost all of them. BotW has one of the mostly boring worlds in video games. It’s like a scavenger hunt for shrines and koroks.
nigga i just played it for the first time half a year ago
it's a little goofy at times but if you think there isn't way worse out there then i don't know what to tell you
Yeah, I didn't play it when it came out, but the dialogue is just embarrassing to me. Can't believe people praise it.
>gothic 1
Here's three, Nintenfriend
Every open world game is a scavenger hunt, seethe harder
Chess has become a memorising fest
And I'm still mad about it.
>Morrowind is overrated
>Gothic 1 is forgotten for good reason
>Minecraft is Legos for autists
Mass effect
They're certainly not hiding their contempt for each other with shitty sarcasm and other facades and I for one appreciate honesty, even if most people her tend to overreach when they try hard to be
Though I do often find myself in a position where I'm tired to argue with someone, even if they make compelling arguments simply because they can't help themselves and constantly insult you along the way, it really takes away from the discussion
Red Dead 2, Days Gone, Witcher 3
i feel u. thass juss how it be
Gothic 1 is just overshadowed by the sequel but that doesn't make it a lesser game, in fact I do think it's far superior in a couple aspects
I'd call it far from forgotten though since you can't have a discussion about 2 without talking about 1 as well and there's like 20 threads about Gothic daily
I don't really care about the rest so whatever
Rdr2 isn't a video game, it's a cowboy movie walking simulator. Where's the gameplay?? BotW lets you play however you want. It's freedom vs no freedom. Seethe harder.
God of war by far
>Everything is "revolutionary" when you attach progressive values to it with a wannabe serious movie tone.
that and the fact that the gameplay is so scant is the reason why I think it's more overrated than other games.
there are a lot of overrated games that are mediocre, but there is usually more gameplay to regard than there is in gone home.
God of War is very, very overrated.
I didn't even think the story was good. It starts of slow, is enjoyable for a bit with Mimir and returning for the chains. but drops the ball when Atreus turns bad. It was done so poorly and left a sour taste in the mouth for the rest of the game. Not to mention all 'the princess is in another castle' moments, just to teleport straight to the top of the mountain. The single shot looks cool, but you're forced to open the menu for fast travel and to use the tacked on 'RPG' mechanics, which undermine the amount of effort that went into making us feel like Kratos. The camera is way too close so you have to rely on shitty warning ring, enemies glide all over the place and their colour flashes are inconsistent, and the amount of shit on screen makes the game unplayable at times. The amount of loading, walking segments, re-used bosses, baby-tier puzzles and gamified unlocks are a massive waste of time and really pulled me out of the experience. I gave up doing those 'destroy 3 statues in the environment' chests because they felt so out of place.
I did like the brutality of the combat, though.
>I didn't even think the story was good.
You just didn't get it. It's very deep. Try playing it again when you're a little older.
near a tomato
refunded that garbage
based and redpilled actually
>Minecraft is Legos for autists
Sounds a little redundant there
Death stranding
>it's not a video game because I said so
Cope seething nigger
>BotW lets you play however you want. It's freedom vs no freedom. Seethe harder.
BOTW is a movie because I say so. Seethe harder
play 3 if 1 is too slow for you
You posted it
>b-b-b-but Sony
Persona 5, it makes you read a lot
Deus Ex 1
The Witcher 3
The Last Of Us
Dark Souls
Every Halo
Kingdom Hearts 2
Nier Automata
Seethe even harder, PsCuck
RDR2 limits when you can attack and how during different missions. In botw I can complete a mission anyway I want. Seethe even harder than before
Bioshock: Infinite.
Even Yahtzee was praising that piece of shit.
Can't go onto the divine beast in Zora's domain without doing the scripted ass scene on the back of Sidon. Can't kill or attack NPCs.
Bunch of restrictions in that MOVIE game, cope harder Nintenlard
I was going to question that "game"'s overrated status but then I remembered the world outside of Yea Forums.
>say something negative about botw
>immediately deflect to sony
why are zeldafags so angry?
>Chess has good gameplay. Bloodborne doesn't.
Got me good user have you (You)
This! So much this!!!
Today's standards are even worse, I would argue.
The Uncharted series I guess? It's really not interesting in either gameplay mechanics nor story telling. They're just polished games with good tech yet praised to the skies. Perfect 6/10s.
MGS3, MGSV, Witcher 3, Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, Overwatch, Skyrim, Street Fighter: Third Strike, World of Warcraft, Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Devil May Cry 3, Bayonetta 2, MGR Revengance.
Only part of Bloodborne I'd consider overrated is the Ludwig fight. People gush over that just because of the moonlight greatsword. BB would've been better without the I CLAPPED sword, but the fight itself is still pretty challenging so at least it doesn't solely exist to shove the reference down your throat.
This entire series. It has a few cool set pieces but 90% of it is bland shooting sections. Every time I watch someone play it they always go to the train, ship or plane chapters because they're the only cool stuff in the games.
U4 is a little better in terms of gameplay but it's still not great.
I didn't reflect I just know that Xtrash has no good open world games.
Mass Effect 1
What's going on here?
4 was a setp above 3 even if it had some shitty moments.
>It's all made from currently existing technology.
>This is just like one of my Japanese animes!
>Whears OATacon?
>It's a bullet from my gun straight to your heart
Well, I guess it's all bad.
Slightly right but still so wrong, PsP(pretty small penis)
>Can't kill indians
>cant move quickly or do anything in camp
>Missions choose weapons for you
>No missions involving creative ways to finish them
> aptly named cinematic mode for movie watchers like you
>boring ass country music sections where youndo nothing else but hold x and listen to music
Enjoy your movie bro
Red Dead 2 and MH World.
RDR2 is solid but the story falls so flat towards the end to a point you just want to get it over with instead of having fun playing. Yeah all the mechanics and horse balls and everythig else is awesome, but at the end of the day it just got boring as shit 3/4th of the way through
MH World has literally no replay value whatsoever. It would benefit from having some kind of coherent and actually interesting plot rather than the garbage we had about fighting a giant rock
Shit, how could I have forgotten that one?
Probably the same way the rest of the world did.
RDR1 had that issue as well, the whole game is just going to your quest marker, getting told exposition through cutscene and then more on horseback as your ride to the mission spot, and deadeyeing everyone, and then riding back into town to do it all over again. Rockstar makes amazing worlds, but they don't know how to engage players.
Personally what fixed that for me was the camp crafting and survival elements. Hunting, skinning, and crafting as well as exploring to do those things was probably what ate up most of my playtime.
Dark Souls 2
7 of 10 game. Nothing new. GTA SA destroys this game to the ground... but the game media has to overhype stuff everytime
I don't find it hard to find matches, so I think your rhetoric is dishonest, sir.
botw, nothing even comes close.
Probably BOTW or Uncharted 4, I didn't bother to finish BOTW by the time I was near the last dungeon because I was dead bored and Uncharted 4 I unfortunately finished thinking it was gonna have fun elements in it like the previous games but it was a pretentious bag of bullshit
Diablo 3
Xenoblade *
Seethe harder cuck
how is 2 overrated
everybody hates it
>t. seething pc fag
And Botw is for autistic manchilds.
i love how FromDrones and sonynegros seethe so hard when you mention their precious bloodborn is nothing but 7/10. anyway most overrated game i've played was BoTW, game is ok. the open world, weather and gravity sett is out fucking stading. but shrines and combat just fucked my shit up
>Be honest, what’s the most overrated game you’ve ever played?
115 replies and not a single one was "your mom"
Botw is trash too, what's your point? I never said it was good.
Yea Forums sucks these days, user
seethe on my nutsack
FFXV, but I only consider it overrated because there's some Australian autist who defends the game in every FFXV thread on every major video-game forum on the net.
Medieval 2 TW
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
SM Galaxy
Both RadianceEmblems
BB (without the dlc)
City of Heros.
Witcher 3
>souls series
>Zelda games
>FF series
>Chrono Trigger
Too bad you're a retarded brainlet OP, maybe you should do the world a solid and kill yourself.
I'm sure it's got all the gamebreaking depth people say it does. But it isn't fun to start. Every time I try to get into it, a few minutes after leaving Seyda Neen I'm bored to tears by the slow movement and awful combat.
And the guy falling out of the sky with the jumpy shoes doesn't make up for it, as funny as it is.
>can't even make a proper ur mumpf joke
>replies to himself
This, it's not a bad game but it's WAY overrated