>invasion feature
PLEASE DON'T BE SHIT. Imagine all the hatemail and hours of fun if they actually manage to make it somehow good.
Invasion feature
They adding a Slow-Motion for switching weapons
Also Crosshairs
slow motion is for consoletards, it was like that in 2016 too
the crosshairs are obvious, it's to aim. did you forget that OG doom had a kind of auto aim?
All it needs to do is work like the demon transformations from the last one's multiplayer, just with better balanced damage values in place of instant kills.
Hate mail is a dead art, nobody has the will to stand up for themselves anymore no matter how much I antagonize them
I never touched that mode, how was it? Was it bad? I remember KF2 adding a PvP mode and the balance was fucking dreadful
I got TONS of hatemail back when DaS 3 released, and a decent amount in 2017 when playing dead by daylight. there's still a little life in it yet
Why not adding a fucking RPG Multiplayer - DIABLO hardcore like to make it ETERNAL.
>never got any Hatemail in DaS3 despite spending dozens of hours ganking in the swamps
I did end up getting a friend request from a semi prominent vidya VA after he summoned me though
Because you have to actually aim now, boomer.
Learn how to aim without a fake dot on your screen.
me and a friend got a shitload by popping dried finger and giant seed outside Aldrich, it was absolute fucking chaos
What's Quake
Maybe it should be hardcore like OG doom where pointing in the general direction of the enemy and autoaim did the rest?
I like crosshairs! Provided they're unique per gun they add a bunch of flavor and possibly some integrated UX opportunities if done well.
No auto-aim, have you ever tried playing CS:GO without crosshair?
At some point, you learn how to shoot without the fake dot. In doom would be an interesting feature
A game that's better than Doom, but ignored by Doom plebs because mods for it were easier for brainlets to make
I do this when playing immersive stuff like STALKER, but prefer it on (simple style) in games like doom
seems more tedious than fun.
sums it up nicely, when you're moving at a fast pace fighting demons with plasma and glowing particle effect projectiles and enemies flying everywhere it just seems necessarily tedious to have no clear aiming reticle.
I certainly have, and I recall Payday 2 doing the same thing. I just think it looks nice when given some flavor beyond a plus sign and putting relevant information like cooldowns and charges on there looks even better when integrated well.
What did they promise for Eternal?
Double of monsters?
Didn't 2016 has an option to play without crosshair?
wow are you retarded?
>invasion feature
mite b cool
cyber bullying is a literal criminal offense now and you can get medial treatment for the traumatic effects.
>invades ur game
I mean I'd crack a smile
Invasion was confirmed to be an optional thing, right?
>would be an interesting feature
>he doesn't know you can turn the crosshair off in Doom 2016
I'd say it's safe to assume that it can be turned off, I probably will during my first playthrough cause muh immersion
Why not?
Why wouldn't the demons be able to invade your game once everything is fucked again after DOOM 4? Demons hate Doomguy, why wouldn't they be hunting him down?
We're talking about the online invasion
It's canon.
>he still tries to defend his point
>just follows you spamming brass band music
fucking leg-end
reminder that doomlets are the casuals of the retro FPS scene
The only FPS game I've played without crosshairs was R6 Siege and a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod.
However, I turned them back on in R6 once I realized they still helped when you're lining up a shot before ADSing.