bros... he can't keep getting away with this... every single month...
Bros... he can't keep getting away with this... every single month
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maybe he should try getting a job
Have sex
he should consider chaturbate
Have sex
stop begging, it's pathetic
I don't understand how this man can constantly be on the verge of financial collapse and it hasn't occurred to him to get even like a 15 hours a week part-time job, god knows he has plenty of free time.
what a piece of shit
I know he is a lazy fuck, but what about his wife? Doesn't she have a job? Or is his streaming the only source of income for them?
No, a normal person couldn't get away with it every month. You're talking about Phillip the Invincible who comes out on top of anything no matter what.
Wonder if his channel is going to get banned now for breaking twitch ToS
I'm going to donate 100 bucks and then charge it back from 3 different accounts, post funny shit for me to put in the comments for maximum DSP butthurt.
Is asking for donations against the ToS? I can't imagine why, Twitch still gets their cut
looking forward to the dsp chapter where he finally logs off and gets a life so his stalkers will kill themselves
He was asked this plenty of times and he always gets angry and says he is already working too much and barely even sees his wife because of overworking.
>tfw you will never own an army of retarded normies who believe every word you say, attack anyone even hint on not liking and giving you all their money
Man, I've failed in life.
being out of the workforce for years trying to be a celebrity greatly limits your job prospects
>work from home
>still barely see your wife
Seems his begging works, he has made $400 in tips so far today.
the rage quiting game deleting swine has spoken
I genuinely do not know why people give him money.
e-celebs are not video games
twicht only gets a cut from subs and cheers. not donation from 3rd party sites.
>wake up at 3
>overdraft notice
>cry on twitter
>still adheres to his normal stream time instead of streaming extra
This fucking lardass doesn't deserve a single sympathy penny.
how can someone be such a shameless panhandler?
This, huge gap in CV is hell of a thing. The longer you don't have a job, the worse it reflects on you in literally every job interview. Phil is a man in his 30s, and it's unlikely that even fast food joints would be willing to hire him if they can take literally any teen straight from high school or gender studies major outta college instead.
That's not even the problem. He earns above average and at some point earned massively well and he can prove it so he could probably sell somehow that he has operated a profitable home business.
The problem is the moment they google his name, god have mercy on them if they ever will.
How many times is this disgusting fat fuck going to kike his pathetic underage fan base?
Maybe he should sells his 3rd house and 5th car then
Lose weight.
out of ideas? Have you tried spending less money than you earn?
He leases a car, doesn't own one.
I stream movies on my twitch channel, did John Wick 3 the other day
He's at ~300 now, was that you?
His wife works at the place where she gets him those lousy gaming t-shirts.
There's theory floating around that she didn't even have a job when she first moved in with Phil, which obviously raises some questions.
Hasn't he gotten like $300 in tips this month alone
Is there room for small, no-talking streamers to stream and be successful?
No. No interaction = no views. Put longplays on YouTube if you want to do that but you won't make money on YT these days.
Ayyyyy, any of my fellow kiwifarmers ITT?
I kinda figured that. I know for me, I like longplays on as background noise more than most other things. Maybe I could get away with streaming an RPG and just responding to the chat?
Just put in some overtime at work Phil, or ask for a promotion or an increase in pay. Make sure you use a firm handshake and say your name. Easy as that.
This piece of shit is literally worse than chris chan these days
unless you become famous from an upcoming game fad, the probability of you making it as any kind of professional video game addict is not good
look at any game on twitch and look at the distribution of viewers
Phil is either very incompetent with money or a scammer. Or both.
no twitch streamer does the shit he does.
Why isnt this guy banned for this?
maybe he should stop living outside of his means
i can't believe the fat man that embarrasses himself all of the time might be stupid
Pretty sure he's been proven to be a scammer but I wouldn't put it past him to also be absolute shit with money.
I'd say incompetent
>bought new house with gf who was a soap fetishist
>she leaves him because she's a fucking freak
>still paying off a house solo in one of the most expensive cities in the country
>instead of just cutting losses and moving in with people, he just keeps paying that fucking house
>pays for wedding and wife and all this shit
>still in the most expensive city
I don't get it, literally rent a fucking room out, it's not that hard.
Eh you're right, I only work 3 days a week and am more or less a shut in on my 4 days off but I doubt I could force myself to play anything with the regularity necessary for people to actually watch
I thought she left him for a black dude?
Dont you fags have some research to do for jim for that sweet 3 second shoutout?
Tell me about the Sons of Kojima, Yea Forums.
Why are they so hated?
Phil is an actual retard his subs KNOW what they are sing up for. They are paying his bills so every month he will come back to debase and humiliate himself in front of them by failing to understand simple game mechanics on stream and begging for money to pay bills on twitter. They get off on it. Blame these freaks not DSP, who is innocent on account of his retardation.
That was his 5/10 ex girlfriend. Not the current 2/10 one.
you would donate if he masturbated on cam again. This time with a flesh light
>i need to pay my bills somehow
>need to pay my bills
>my bills
Are they really your bills Phil? If you're asking kids and freaks on disability to send you their allowance/gibs.
don't forget the condo in connecticut that he still didn't sell
Ya, you don't just buy property and hold onto it if you're financially struggling, he's just wheeling and dealing. Phil might want a knew phone or something so OH NO OVERDRAFTS
>A fat fuck who stays at home all day
>Doesn't do the lazy easy money route and airbnbs the place or any other braindead rental webpage
Since a regular job is off the table, this idiot could actually be making real money WHILE playing games all day.
The problem is not event that he refuses to rent the fucking thing because he refuses to hire a rental agency. It litterary just sits there and drains money