Is it just me, or do Nintendo fans propagate artificial hype more than any other video game company's fans, even for mediocre, lackluster games?
Like fucking seriously? Most of those games are 7/10s at best and yet when they were set to launch Yea Forums was filled with threads spouting similar bullshit to what I just listed. To prove I'm not a console warrior I have attached a picture of my Switch.
Nintendo and Artificial Hype
Other urls found in this thread:
nice shop faggot
Yeah, they can't come to terms with the fact that criticizing a company makes them improve, not praising them.
have sex
This is most visible in the blatant contrarian cocksucking they give Nintendo Switch Online
Your not wrong. Smash and pokemon threads are especially propped up with fake hype
now that is some cringe post
>artificial hype
>done with real fans
>most of these games are 7/10
>can't know that until they're released.
I feel dirty bumping this thread, but this just had to be said.
i love crafted world
don't intend to purchase the other's you mentioned
Can't help shit taste.
The uncomfortable truth nobody on this board wants to own up to is the fact that Nintendo has the most paltry libraries in any platform, since like 15 years ago, for the simple reason that the hardware is just not powerful enough to run the current multiplats.
Effectively it's left out of 90% of what the PC, the microsoft box or the sony box can do.
Everything else is just coping from loyal fanboys.
Considering Yea Forums was actively getting riled up over a fucking tennis game just because it had Mario in it, yeah I feel safe saying that was artificial hype. Where are the threads praising Mario's Tennis for Virtual Boy?
>Most of those games are 7/10s at best
You know it's a sign of autism to not understand others, right?
I have yet to see anybody try and hype up the online. Pretty much everyone acknowledges it as the worst aspect of the Switch, so I dont know what planet you're from
>Effectively it's left out of 90% of what the PC, the microsoft box or the sony box can do.
But I have a PC, why would I also need a sony box or microsoft box?
Nintendo's software is tied to their box though.
>c'mon guys it's not THAT bad! Sony and Microsoft charge SIXTY DOLLARS for the same thing, we should be happy Nintendo Online is as cheap as it is! Plus we get one or two awesome 30 year old games added to the library every three months!
A big part of it is how nintendo fanboys make being a nintendo fanboy a core part of their identify, nobody else does this.
So you attack nintendo, you're attacking them personally.
Reminds you of when you call femdom of foot fetishim retarded and you get a ton of people giving you (you)'s because they made their fetish a core part of their identity.
I truthfully believe most self identified Nintendo fans don't even like Nintendo games, but pretend to because everyone else they know and every eceleb on the planet says to. Nintendo games aren't BAD, but most are pretty bland affairs.
Nintendobabies are just idiots
Mario Maker is dope tho. Don't think 2 innovated really enough, but since there's no MM game on switch it will suffice
Mario as a game series isn't even fucking fun.
>intendo games aren't BAD, but most are pretty bland affairs
That doesn't make any sense
Humans, since birth, just want to belong.
and you can bet your ass this thread is being reported to hell and back
maybe, but who gives a shit if people hype up games you don't think are good? Maybe they think the games are amazing and there is nothing wrong with that
A game can be unremarkable but not outright bad. It's pretty self explanatory.
imagine believing this and somehow being into video games enough to browse Yea Forums
I agree too an extent OP, the only games that were really deserving of the hype were odyssey and botw
That user is playing it up for sure, but you'd be surprised. There's also the fact 8 million players went straight for that shit
Nintendo has so many franchises so to say they're all bland didn't make any sense, not to mention the bat-shit insane theory you have
It's annoying because the games are fucking mediocre but they'll stay plastered on the catalog for months on end. Want proof they're mediocre? Where do all the threads go after the game's released for a week or two? When was the last time Yea Forums had an ARMS thread?
Sonic is better. I have no fun playing any Mario game.
Nintendo games come with the Nintendo bonus. They're considered better because 80% of Switch owners are diehard Nintendo fans who've never owned another console, so they quite literally don't know any better. You can see this especially when the Switch gets a generic indie title and they praise it like it's the most incredible and innovative thing in the world, whereas on PC it gets a lukewarm reception despite being half the price because there's already so much similar competition on that platform.
I said they're mostly bland and boring, not that they all are. OOT for example is bland and boring, but ALTTP is remarkable.
This and I don't really enjoy Sonic CD (More of a S3K, SA1-SA2 Guy)
>Sonic CD
I like Sonic CD for the fantastic graphics and music, but it is mechanically the worst of the classic Sonics, yes.
Maybe to you they are mediocre, but if to others they are not then it's perfectly fine making threads about them, it's a god damn video games board.
This never happens, and while some Indies have sold best on Switch, it's just a matter of a million copy at the very most, but usually just 200K to 500K.
That's like saying Switch users suddenly praise JRPGs that weren't thought to be that good just because of the migration of a few Vitaniggers over to a console that isn't dead.
explain this
That makes even less sense
This. Also because their platform is propped up by the exclusives that will never appear on other platforms like the Marios and Zeldas they have to pretend all those games are SS-tier 10/10 GOTYs otherwise they might have to cope with the fact that they dropped $399 on release to play a small handful of average to good games.
We call it Yea Forumstendo for a reason.
A.) You're projecting
B.) A game doesn't need to be a 10/10 for you to get excited
C.) It doesn't affect you
Compare a game like Mario 64 with it's blurry graphics, ugly art style, and literal MIDI music to a game like NiGHTS into Dreams with it's crisp graphics, beautiful and surreal art style, and fantastic CD audio soundtrack.
Did you see how many people were hailing Octopath Traveler as amazing? Despite being a pretty generic JRPG? Did you notice how literally nobody talks about it anymore, especially now that it's being put on PC? I'm not saying they SELL better on the Switch, I'm saying Switch owners overhype the games simply because it's coming to their console.
Lol it's crybaby hour 24/7 with you guys, get some help
Gee OP must be the first person to have a console gathering dust
Suck my left nut for 2 minutes
The truth is also that no one gives a shit about multiplats on Nintendo's consoles, and quite frankly, there isn't really anything missed. I'd rather see a competent VC, and most of the core Nintendo audience would agree.
But looking at certain places(youtube comment sections, other forums) there's also this blind faith around Nintendo that no other group has.
They truly believe their machines can keep up to what the competioon is doing, even when faced with unquestionable evidence they still believe their box could run anything and the reason it doesn't is because there's a conspiracy to leave them out when the truth is much more simple.
Nintendo counts on their blind loyalty and doesn't feel the need to improve because why bother? They'll buy it anyway
A revolutionary game that changed 3D gaming forever or a mediocre game on a dead console? Yuuuup, artificial hype.
t. Snoys E Threeggering
>You're projecting
No I'm not? This is what I see with my own eyes. Do you know what projecting means?
>A game doesn't need to be a 10/10 for you to get excited
No but when the game is obviously going to be unremarkable and people are still feigning excitement for it then it can literally only be attributable to brand loyalty. SEGA for example has Superstar Tennis and the recently released Team Sonic Racing, games that are objectively superior to Nintendo's offerings and yet they received 0 attention from Yea Forums.
of course the would agree, that's the point
The fuck is even going on there Or maybe because SE was actually doing something else for once. Square was so surprised that they actually bothered putting it on somerhing else , isn't that funny?
I miss Bill
There were reason to be interested in the title, and Switch was the only console that experienced the pre-release interest. Upon its release, I really don't remember anyone particularly hailing it as great, and nowadays, you'd be hard pressed to find it recommended on anyone's list of Switch must plays.
Okay, but what I can't understand is why do you like dick in your mouth so much.
>Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario and Zelda, has openly lauded [NiGHTS] as a masterpiece, saying it's the one game he wishes he could have made.
Yes, you are projecting. You're implying that it's artificial hype. You ARE projecting.
No one even knows what that is
As a PC/nintendo user I gotta say it’s approaching apple overhype and has always bothered me
That said every idol has its tribe; The cinematic gameplay group is pretty vocal, the t & a crew is pretty vocal, etc.
Nintendo has pretty good marketing compared to a lot of their actual offerings and the direct format is excellent for building hype that other companies can’t match up to
cut it out, you're making nintendo look bad
It's artificial hype because if it wasn't Nintendo the same people wouldn't be getting excited as illustrated by the Sega game examples.
NiGHTS is widely regarded to be one of the greatest games of all time, but you only play Nintendo games and Indies, right?
This is why zoomers are hated universally.
So what, Kubrick thought a shitty basketball movie was good
It's honestly because they don't know any better. Get any of them a PS4, Xbone or PC and give them real games and they'll change their tune. When bing bing wahoo is all you know then of course it's all you think is good.
Holy fuck, you'd suck a bag of dicks, wouldn't you?
average american nintendo lover
ARMS was exciting because it was another new IP and people were expecting Splatoon tier excellence. It did well for what it was, but what it was was a few cuts below the expectation.
Mario Tennis had a singleplayer that was billed for a shitload and people thought it was a return to form for Nintendo sports games.
Nobody fucking hyped Yoshi's Crafted World, you mongoloid.
Kirby Star Allies was literally the first of Nintendo's serieses to have a mainline game exclusive to Switch. It was disappointing, but before launch, like most of these, looked like a bigger deal than it was.
Mario Maker 2 has enough new elements to warrant the hype and will be easily 9/10. Get over yourself, retard.
Bad News Bears from 1976?
Ladies and gentleman , ladies and gentlemen, here we have the classic disillusionment of the sheltered victim, narrow viewed and fragile. His one example? Motherfucking Yoshi , no attempt to pull put actual facts or use of logic. That damn Yoshi was THE last straw.
You're a godamn riot man haha. My God this is hysterical
Mario Maker 2 is the only Nintendo game I've been excited for since fucking Xenoblade 2.
R*ddit: The Post.
>if it wasn't Nintendo the same people wouldn't be getting excited as illustrated by the Sega game examples.
Still projecting
The uncomfortable truth is 90% of AAA games with impressive graphics that need a high end system to run are complete dogshit and the only good games coming out are either indies or PC exclusives like Total War and Mount & Blade.
There's a couple games you're missing out on or are getting a massively inferior experience like Doom and Everspace but every console has a handful of exclusives anyway so missing a few games isn't an argument.
None of that matters when the game is boring. If I wanted to fly around collecting shit I'd play sonic or spyro
Mario Odyssey came out before Kirby. Kirby's issue was that it was rushed and wasn't worth $60 until all the updates added in all the content
> the series that literally revived video games in a market that desperately wanted to hate them is fundamentally not fun
We're reaching levels of contrarianism that shouldn't even be possible.
I buy Nintendo consoles to play Nintendo exclusives. Everything else will be played on PC and if it's not on PC then it's not worth my time.
You've made it abundantly clear you don't know what projecting actually means. Quit embarrassing yourself.
THIS. I genuinely fucking hate Nintendo and their fans.
Notice how to defend the game the Nintendo fan must fall back on mentioning the franchise's history and not the gameplay itself.
>sonic or spyro
Neither of those games are even remotely comparable to NiGHTS and the fact that you mention them proves you've never even played the game.
Those type of fans have been discussed to death.
What actually needs to be exposed are the Nintendo fans who only give a fuck about one or two franchises, don't give a shit about or play any of the other ones while whining when these series get more attention the one they like, but still act like an armchair scholar about them or pretend to give a shit about them. Pic related and Josh Thomas are good examples.
do you have a vendetta against nights or something? why compare it against mario64? you want to make it look bad?
You clearly find some basic aspect of the gameplay fundamentally unfun, despite the fact that it is provably good, so I (correctly) assumed that arguing gameplay would be a lost cause. You can't convince someone they actually had fun playing a game, you fucking retard.
this, like smash fans, they are the true cancer
I mean, Breath of the Wild is the best open world game I've ever played by simple virtue of making the act of exploring the world just fun intrinsically. Nintendo despite its success always presents a humble joy in the act of playing its games. And they feel like the only AAA company that still wants to make games that are fun, not worse versions of movies or microtransaction-filled "lifestyle" games
A recent event made think on just what you're saying:
smashfags and pokefags
It's well known and documented that smashfags are allowed to flood the catalog with no reprecussion, why that is ask the mods. But as of today pokefags started doing the same and you began to see in-fighting among people who would otherwise be considered "fellow binbtendies"
>why compare it against mario64?
NiGHTS was the game sega used to challenge mario 64 back in the day. Why wouldn't you compare the two?
Dude, I vaguely enjoyed BotW and you sound like a fucking shill. Stop.
>I like pikmin, metroid, and f-zero
>this makes me problematic because I play games based on their individual merit and not out of loyalty to a bigger parent company
they do and yes I own a 3ds & switch too
Tendies always overhype their shit. One of the many reasons I dont take them serious.
This thread was asking why people enjoy or hype Nintendo games. If you disagree that's fine, it doesn't make me like Nintendo games less, but my response is relevant to the thread topic
>complaining about Nintendo games getting attention thead#24639
Dude give it up, we already tried stickying STATE OF play and look how that turned out.
Maybe if contemporaries actually fostered and grew their COLLECTIVE talent/IP (like you're supposed to) they'd have something to talk about. Start being real, you can't just start up with noise
ARMS and Mario Maker are cool, but Tennis and Kirby were rushed, and Yoshi has the shit tier soundtrack.
At some point Arlo will let slip that he doesn't know anything about Metroid, and the caring act is just part of his "muh nintendo doesn't know how to treat its franchises" brand.
Looking forward to it.
Pokefags really piss me off. They have an entire fucking board to themselves. Why do they shit up ours every couple of weeks with their nothing announcements and Shadman tier porn?
no u
>>>>this makes me problematic because I play games based on their individual merit and not out of loyalty to a bigger parent company
Reading comprehension you fucking lemon. Do you pitch a bitch fit when Fire Emblem, Kirby or Splatoon get even the slightest sliver of attention? When FE gets a convention or Kirby gets a cafe do you bitch that there's no F-Zero convention? When the franchises you don't like get attention do you act like they're "robbing" you, depriving you of the franchises you do like? No? Well then you're fucking okay.
>reading comprehension
you'd be "problematic" if you non-stop ranted about how neglected your favorite series are and how shit the series you don't play are
Only one of these games that I've seen large hype for is Mario Maker 2, and it looks genuinely good
>We have nothing to be excited about so therefore all hype is fake
Sorry Snoy it doesn't work like that, I'm sure Dreams and uhhhh whatever's revealed at E3 for you will be definitely worth hyping over.
I do get mad when Nintendo releases dogshit like Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and Smash instead of the games I like, yes.
I mean, there was a poke direct this morning so eventually they'll die down and go back to /vp/
why do you pay so much attention to what others are doing? no one says you have to like those things.
Pokemon fans will find a way to defend this...
Because it's fucking annoying.
so you're just harming yourself. speaking of artificial, you sure seem to enjoy artificially annoying yourself with things you don't even need to concern yourself with.
Only good post in this thread
They do go overboard sometimes but it's to be expected from franchises that have had pretty high peaks & of a company that does the same. There's a part of delusion that plays in it, but it's not exclusive to Nintendo. Everyone wants games to be good, at least I hope, despite warning signs that may be as clear as light for some. Every franchise or even director/company to some extent has that issue, just that it's most prominent with Nintendo because their franchises have been there for a while.
I wish I could slap some consciousness into people sometimes & wonder if Yea Forums is inhabited by shills, but i've come to just deal with it.
Woah kaiju battles! Woah cute girls! Woah giant fetish! Based Gamefreak.
I’m going to be preordering at least 2 special deluxe copies.
I thought that was just a meme and there weren't actually people like this
the fans and their reaction to Metroid Prime 4 will forever piss me off.
>nothing but a logo is shown
>"haha yes based Nintendo see they care!"
>no information for years aside from knowing that Bamco is on it
>"see they're just working hard on it. it'll be released any day now!"
>silently decide to cancel it
>"w-well they care about quality, it's not because they're retards who just sloppily gave the series to a bunch of hacks" (YOU ARE HERE)
>Nintendo quietly cancels Prime 4 again, says nobody cares about the series anymore
It feels like dealing with a gaggle of battered house wives.
>upset about hype and recognition
>Make an attempt a post detailing about hype and recognition
>Still wondering why they get hype and recognition with this level of reaction on a consistent basis.
It's like clockwork. Why do so many people fall prey to making these posts
The only games in the last 3 months on my Switch is Smash and Katana Zero. Why did I buy this thing?
>Nintendo quietly cancels Prime 4 again, says nobody cares about the series anymore
wait prime 4 has been canceled altogether?
>Woah giant fetish!
This but unironically.
>Nintendo quietly cancels
>Nintendo quietly cancels Prime 4 again, says nobody cares about the series anymore
Never happened you schizo
>retarded console warrior thinks photoshopping a switch into his picture will make people not think he's a retarded console warrior
Serious question Yea Forums,
Why is consolewar shitposting not a permabannable offense? Why do the mods always keep letting it happen? Why can't people just be idorts instead of 3rd world console warrior children?
take this shit to Yea Forums you dumb worthless troll
>"bro just take the existing models and scale them to 10 times the original and then buff some stats"
>"bigger is always better amirite haha"
Literally the most pathetic thing Ive seen from a multimillion dollar franchise ever. I hope Nintendo and Pokemon Company tank or at least experience a severe office flood.
This is Yea Forums, probably the most unforgiving place in the internet when it comes to coming up with criticism and shitting on anything. And yet it's pretty mild when aimed at Nintendo, outright dismissed or excused away; if that happens on Yea Forums you can just picture what other more ad-friendly places look like.
Nintendo fanboys practice blatant double-standards
Sony is never getting mario maker.
Nobody cares about dreams.
Sorry not sorry.
I'd rather they take their time and make a game properly rather than release rushed garbage like Anthem
>but SONY
you're 16 aren't you
>nobody cares about dreams
about what? are you talking about NiGHTS? did you even know what it was before entering this thread?
>he hasn't read the leaks
The mechanic actually looks like it might be pretty great with the giga version
An appeal to authority(i.e, mods delet this pls)
Yet another reason nintendo fanboys are not looked in a positive light
>B-but Sony
>embarrassing yourself
Still. Projecting.
they're the short bus kids.
What an AMAZING thread
>"haha yes based Nintendo see they care!"
But they do? Them coming out to the public straight-up about the state of MP4 and choosing to start again with the original team actually shows they care about pleasing the fans for once. It's at least easier to be optimistic for it now
Jesus Christ what retard. Prime 4 wasn't canceled and people were happy that Prime was still alive, not that it "looked good." Imagine being the kind of spazz who gets this mad over trivial shit.
>Serious question Yea Forums,
>Why is consolewar shitposting not a permabannable offense? Why do the mods always keep letting it happen?
Hiromoot already said he doesn't care about Yea Forums.
You guys seriously expect Nintendo to care about Metroid, especially after they knowingly endorsed THIS giant bloated tumor?
The absolute STATE of this user's Play
Nobody gives a fuck about those games except Mario maker
My theory is that most Yea Forums posters are idorts but fighting and scoring points for your team is more appealing on websites like Yea Forums rather than genuine appreciation of video games
>he doesn't know
Also thank you for proving me right, even if unintentionally.
And yet several Nintendo fans in this very thread have resulted to spewing "SOOOOONY!!!" when faced with legitimate criticism.
Prime 4 does not exist guys. Nintendo is straight up lying when they claimed that it's being worked on. You've all been tricked, just like with Megaman Legends 3. Nintendo hates the series and only put on this dog and pony show to placate the fans.
I will not believe otherwise until I see Prime 4 myself. AND NOT JUST A LOGO.
>legitimate criticism.
Even the alleged feud with Sony is phony and circumstantial, if Sony had been the one to fuck up their launch and instead there were close to 100 hundred million Xbox1s out there you can bet your ass images like this one would still be circulating around, just with different hats.
Because it's not about who is winning, it's about why Nintendo isn't winning. Nintendo should be king, if it's not it means there's something wrong with the world and it needs to be corrected.
I mean they cared enough to fire the dev team previously making it and give the IP to a responsible dev with a proven track record
cultivated identity
Nintendo have had a far better track record of games recently, Metroid 2 was actually pretty decent and the fact that they acknowledged they weren't impressed with MP4 currently and came clear to the public about it at least shows that they're trying to establish some faith in them from the Metroid fanbase. I was sceptical before despite the hype but if it's being made by the team who did the originals we're in way better hands
Hell the opening OP IS a switch owner, but that somehow isn't good enough. He's being ousted by his fellow nintendo brethren, how fascinating.
no the OP is just autism
>Nintendo should be king
Just how annoying would you Nintencels be if Nintendo were on top. Your cult like fanbase needs to die out.
>consolewar shitposters don't exist
>they gave the IP to a responsible dev
And I'm certain you've got a source for that, that isn't obviously bankrolled by Nintendo?
>they acknowledged they weren't impressed with MP4 currently
They never said why, they never showed us anything about the product they were canceling, and pretty much just told us "DUDE JUST TRUST ME HAHA"
I'm gonna sit there and laugh when Prime 4 is canceled again and the battered housewife fanbase makes up a billion excuses for it.
Is this a legitimate fucking cult?
As I said, ousted by his fellow nintendo brethren
If you don't like everything Nintendo does you are a fake Nintendo fan, it's as simple as that.
I'm not OP
I actually just got off the bus and this fucking whale of a human was sitting in front of me with a breath of the wild bag. You won't believe me, and I couldn't snap pics, but it happened dammit.
That's kind of scary.
>a fake Nintendo fan
what a fascinating choice of words, could you elaborate?
they have been like that since the gamecube day and you noticed just now?
fucking faggit.
Because Yea Forums is nothing but children.
Are you even paying attention?
This is the company that thought other m was a good idea.
This is the company that thought following up other m with fed farce was a good idea.
When even these people are forced to admit that they have a flaming turd on their hands and give the project to someone else, I promise you, what they had was worse than shit.
The uncomfortable truth is that Nintendo actually makes games that are fun, that you can envision yourself having fun with and thus get hyped about. I wasn't interested in the recent rat-walking simulator with trash voice acting that came out for PS4 nor days gone which was the same boring neutered garbage that doesn't demand anything of me. I was hyped for BB and Sekiro (which I got on PC) and I'm hyped for the MCC because they look fun.
And for some reason this board can't deal with that.
>photoshop makes a consolewar retard a "switch owner"
Rent free, jesus christ.
Disturbing and nasty.
I wonder if those... things made something for the 2nd year.
>fucking faggit
come on man that wasn't necessary
Nobody was hyped for those shitty games, you buy a Nintendo console for Smash, maybe Zelah and the couple of great AA Jap games they get.
I'm probably only getting Astral Chain and Pokemon later on this year and I'm satisfied with that.
>When even these people are forced to admit that they have a flaming turd on their hands and give the project to someone else, I promise you, what they had was worse than shit.
OR they had nothing on their hands, and want to pretend that they have a game in the works, so they lie and pretend that they care about Metroid.
Who else would be ballsy enough to show a LOGO at E3 and nothing else, for years? Let me remind you that any other company would've been skewered if they showed a bullshot trailer without gameplay in it. Nintendo gets a pass for showing NOTHING. Holy crap. I'm actually sick at the idea.
The thing is complaining about it on a video games board that Nintendo probably dont even read isnt helping
Mario64 is of the same quality as bubsy 3D
You're talking about a group of people who do it for free(it's not a meme) who are already spread out too thin, and you're asking them to work harder. They're just not gonna do it, what they get out of their positions is posting without cooldowns and imparting their own biases on the board they regulate.
Okay, eric.
Who is Eric
A notorious consolewar shitposter.who got doxxed.
All consolefags do this
There are two things to dissect in this post.
The first one is the staunch skepticism, since it's criticism launched at Nintendo this man will move any goal post before admitting one of his own could hold "heretical views".
The second thing is the distinction he makes between "consolewar retard" and "switch owner"
The more you interact with them the more you learn
OP here, I am literally an everything fag. Not even an idort, I literally don't have "sides" of any kind.
And yet here you have other nintendo owners casting you out
How does that make you feel?
Well I never identified as a "Nintendo fan" in the first place so mild annoyance I suppose? Seriously I just like good games.
This has to be the most embarrassing post I've read on Yea Forums all week.
To be fair I didn't see any of this obnoxious over-hyping other than say for Mario Maker 2 and of course smash but I get hype for smash as well and I don't force my hype
why do you wish so much OP belongs to a "side" ? People can enjoy products without defending the brands, the only consoles I own are a DS, a Switch and a computer and I don't feel the need to belong to a "side" of a kid's brawl about whose favorite mascot is better. Nintendo vs Sega was the same shit
Well little Jimmy, you see,
when companies actually present and promote their product on a consistent basis, they gain visibility and brand awareness
Sega was far better but okay.
>playing the "I'm old" card
A risky gamble since when people ask you to prove it and you don't deliver they'll call you a redditor and a liar, and if you DO prove it they'll mock you for being an old man who still plays videogames.
how the hell is my post saying "I'm old" ?
Another thing I find hypocritical about the fanbase is their definition of a movie game. Ask any Nintendo fan what they consider to be a movie game, and then ask for specifics and examples. I genuinely don't want to start a fight here, I just want to know why such a double standard exists.
>Sony is never getting mario maker.
I have literally never seen anyone ask for ports of nintendo games, so I doubt anyone really cares about this either.
When did sega drop out of the race?
I texted like 5 people when cloud was added Smash. I was like a tween jumping on the trampoline acting out what Cloud would do if he was added to Brawl. Sometimes excitement is genuine
You need to fuck off ACfag.
This is Yea Forums.
You NEED shit on Sony.
after their failure to enter the 3D competition with the console named Saturn or Dreamcast, I don't know exactly but what does that have to do with my question ?
>The uncomfortable truth is that Nintendo actually makes games that are fun
correction: they *used to* make games that were fun. now they make ports, mobile gacha shit, and cardboard.
That's already two boogeymn namedropped
Either nintendo fanboys are paranoid and start anthropomorphizing repeated criticisms to cope, or they're trigger-happy when it comes to doxxing
Either way it doesn't bode well for nintendo
An insult like that would imply that I'm wrong. Can you detail why?
The whole movie thing is a meme. Scripted walking sections don't make a game a movie, they just make it bad.
we all know xenoblade and assorted company are fucking garbage, P5 is a fucking dumbass anime movie with like 30 hours of cutscenes but switch fags still beg for a port, movie game is just a bullshit insult mostly used by trolls and samefags. nobody actually gives a shit if it’s a movie, the movie just has to be interesting.
How many years ago was that, and why are you talking about it like you were there?
I dunno and I'm not intending to talk as if I was there, my first device that's gaming dedicated was the nintendo DS
So not old, pretty young actually
This thread looks promising, someone keep egging him on so it can reach bump limit
I can skip cutscenes in Bayonetta. Just saying.
These are reasonable answers. As long as there's consistency in it, i don't mind you calling any game a movie.
>And for some reason this board can't deal with that.
Can't deal with what? The fact that not everyone shares the same standards for "fun"? Don't you realize how utterly fucking retarded you sound right now?
Not even memeing, but I highly suggest you visit a psychiatrist or neurologist to get evaluated for autism.
You implied first I was old first, the N. vs Sega war is just shit I heard other kids arguing while I was still in school
>you can skip over that shit on the pavement
>that magically means it no longer exists
I guess Nintendo pay people to shitposting here.
Good thread OP.
A stark reminder that even Nintendo gamers find Nincel fanboys to be the most insufferable fucking faggots in gaming.
I think the current mindset of the nintendo fanboy can be traced back to the gamecube, it was the last time nintendo tried to play the role of the hardware powerhouse of the generation, retarded minidisc notwithstanding.
And it utterly failed, it was a catastrophe, it was the WiiU before the WiiU, it got curbstomped by the weakest system and by the new kid to the race. It was great little console with a very respectable library and it's fair share of good exclusives, but it didn't matter in the end, it flopped. And that flop broke something in Nintendo and in their fanboys.
This or perhaps just 5 years of being shat on for being a wagglebabbie.
No, it just means no one is actually forcing you to step on it. Games like God of War force you to sit through it, and even if you could skip cutscenes you'd still be forced to go through cinematic walking sections.
That picture is the gayest thing I have ever seen in my life. Have straight sex.
>Is it just me, or do Nintendo fans propagate artificial hype more than any other video game company's fans, even for mediocre, lackluster games?
It's you
Hard agree on this one. I Like a lot of Nintendo games but their fans (specially Pokémon fans) are cringe as fuck, not gonna lie
It's funny because you're acting almost exactly like the people the post you're quoting is critizicing
Nah, the GameCube was a solid console, with lots of solid games, their decision to go with mini discs was completely and utterly retarded and hindered third party enthusiasm though, having to gimp every game you release on a system so it can fit on a 1.3gb disc was just too much for most devs. The Wii was them trying to recoup loses, thankfully for them it worked but they have never been the same, the success of the Wii was proof to them they could sell under powered, overpriced hardware until the end of time.
I don't think you know what you've gotten yourself into my friend. Have fun arguing for the rest of the thread.
>I think the current mindset of the nintendo fanboy can be traced back to the gamecube
not even close. it goes back to the n64 days. a lot of the manchildren grew up with that no-games machine, and the older fanboys are still bitter about how sony ended nintendo's reign at the top (even though a lot of that was nintendo's own fault for being greedy).
Nope, just you. Nintendo kids don't artificially hype their shit any more than anyone else, except for the Xbros for obvious reasons. Don't be a pussy.
It doesn't matter whether you can skip it or not. It still exists, which means it's bad. Imagine if you played Nu-God of War and you could skip cutscenes AND every cinematic walking section. Does that magically vindicate the bad gameplay which is just mindless button mashing, praised only by gaming journalists because they obviously received a paycheck from sony?
The game shouldn't have it period. Tolerating it in the first place is what leads games down the path of cinematic garbage.
Scarcity of quality games creates demand amongst people who love playing on their switch i guess? I know i only look forward to beat my games so maybe i'll buy Bayonetta then. However it really sucks they make their consoles obviously underpowered. Like wtf, just make it as good as the others but release other games, more of a japan focus, give smaller companies chances too to release games.
>It doesn't matter whether you can skip it or not
Oh, it's you. I'm out.
See, just as I expected. Blind ignorant console fanboys can't take even a shred of criticism.
It's obviously just you, and owning a console doesn't mean you're not an internet console warrior, I know because I participated on it last gen without owning a single console just for shits and giggles
People are excited for a new entry on their favorite childhood franchises, that's all, and it's valid. People enjoy these games. The "hype" for Arms is no different than the hype for trash like Detroit and Days Gone, just some hopeful diehards that forget the game a week after release. Any Arms thread you see these days is just porn dumps
Whatever helps you sleep at night, ACfag.
I'm going to dab on you now. Prepare yourself.
I own a 3DS and a Wii U and I think nintedofags are the most pathetic fanbase on Yea Forums
It's fake hype though, they're just doing it for....I'm not sure why they do it.
Notice how games like Tennis, Yoshi and Kirby came out and no one gave a single fuck.
The fact that you pre-emptively ignore any opinion that proves you wrong just showcases your utter bias. You can never argue any of my points, so instead you resort to shitflinging and personal attacks. So the only one getting dabbed on is you.
unbelievably based and redpilled
just sad, disgustingly cringe and bluepilled
cringe and low iq
Behave or I'm going to dab on you even harder.
Not even nintendocuck but this was based
>nintendo fans talk about how bad sony fans are
>they defend movieshit in the same breath
Maybe OP is on to something.
if your first console is the fucking DS, what kind of school did you go to to hear about pre-sony and microsoft console wars ?
Actual cope
Stop using Hollow Knight for your retarded bait, you're making us look bad
Didn’t you read the part where I said I wasn’t a nintendonigger, dummy?
Yes, how convenient that you rush to Bayonetta's defense, but you're totally not a Nintendo fan. Also convenient that I'm not allowed to criticize it in any way, for some reason.
but he's not a nitendofag though because he said so
Then why all the hostility? Why can't I criticize Nintendo in the same way that I criticize sony or MS? Why is Bayonetta this untouchable little gem that I can't criticize, yet nobody raises an eyebrow when I take out GOW to the trash?
I just found the dabbing pokiman funny bro, that’s it.
>I literally don't have "sides" of any kind
Then you should make a complain about every company and company fanbases. Not only one.
I was being sarcastic.
>being sarcastic
Oh, my mistake. Hard to tell sarcasm over the internet.
>all fucking adults not a single kid
Yep this is without a doubt very very real.
The accretion on these games is fucking garbage.
They keep adding and abandoning features to get people hyped for the next installment but then forget that shit stays around forever. Which is why mega evolutions, Z move shit as well as this new trash are gonna be around forever and just continue to muddy the water.
They don't even design more than 50 pokemon per generation anymore because they have literally run out of ideas and don't want to intimidate new comers as their fanbase ages so far out of their ideal demographic they don't know how to market it anymore.
If you really want to see pokemon die just make the phrase, "Gotta catch 'em all" go viral again.
all hype is artificial, crafted through marketing and people's expectations
>talking about video games on Yea Forums
yeah what a bunch of cringe normie cuck basedboy incels not having sex
Well fuck, looks like I'm buying both copies five times over now
>Mario Maker
>a game we already have
You're not wrong. lt's very much true. Yea Forums is NintendoGaf afterall. These Nintendies can have threads sticky'd in seconds but other brands have to make numerous threads screaming at mods to do so.
This thread is specifically about one fanbase, Nintendo's.
Probably because Nintendofags get excited by video games and like talking about them, while everyone stews in infantile rage over Nintendo.
>those fat hands
>that nasty desk
>feminine wallet and lanyard
>waaah don't like what I don't like
Holy shit, you couldn't be more of a faggot even if you tried
Complaining that we're getting something to hype and you're not?
it is factually untrue but ya'll spout like it's true none the lest
>Probably because Nintendofags get excited by video games and like talking about them,
Is that why Pokemon, Xenoblade, and Bayonetta threads are nothing but porn dumps? Also Zelda.
>those fat hands
Right, now post the rest of your body. I can already imagine how ugly you are in my head
>resorts to personal attacks, most of which are straight up false, instead of focusing on the question at hand
I can detect some weird sexual tension here
>look I have a nintendo console therefore I am automatically right about my anti-nintendo opinions
Nintenbabies are mentally ill. They love throwing old stuff under the bus to promote new shit and vice versa whenever the situation calls for it. Nintendo is their identity, they can't tell good games from bad games, just nintendo games from non-nintendo games.
Every nintenbaby is a sissyfag, both in their prose and opinions. No one gives a shit about modern nintendo, not even literal children.
He's a slope, user. Next he'll ask you to post dick for verification.
gross yellow skin
Post the rest of your room. I want to see why console war crybabies live like.
Mario tennis hype was the most blatant nintendo fake hype shilling
Not him, but I'm pretty sure that's just due to the lighting in his room.
Just the lighting
What they live like, that is.
>Let me remind you that any other company would've been skewered if they showed a bullshot trailer without gameplay in it
nigga what that all e3 is for every company that shows or are you going to forget the times that it happens.
>that dresser
>those deformities
Fucking gross dude. Is your name Adam also? Faggot
still gross and yellow, you have that grimy insectoid skin texture.
Cool post. Got a source to back it up?
Literally hate the whole concept of the console wars.
Just let people play what games they want to, or maybe stop standing around in a circle and beating off on you "best box" and go do something else more worth your time instead of tell someome to kill themselves for playing fucking xbox or whatever.
Why do you honestly give a shit about people wanting to or not wanting to play a game? I can't see the point to this thread. Like games or don't
I mean, okay.
Those aren't deformities, they're from molten bismuth burns I got as a kid.
Ah, Jet Set Radio Future. A man of culture, I see.
What kind of absolute fucking loser do you have to be to pre-emptively post a picture of a console you own before talking shit about the people who like it?
ACfag fucking leave. No one like you, you fucking leaf. You call every fucking game with a cutscene a movie game. You do this all the time. Why not go to reddit where you belong?
Ouch oof, my feelings.
Whatever. Bitching about Xbox vs. PS4 vs. Switch vs. PC is why Yea Forums fuckin sucks anyways.
Because every other time I've made similar threads people just accuse me of falseflagging and being a Sony consolewarrior.
Now post a picture of your pills you obviously did not take today.
looks comfy desu
Because that's your own fault. Why buy something if you know you will hate? There is no one else to blame except you.
So you post a shitty shop instead? Pathetic.
reddit centrist
Have you tried not being an overgrown baby still living with his parents and starting console wars like a child?
>Why buy something if you know you will hate
I don't fucking hate the Switch get this through your thick fucking skulls. CRITICISM != HATRED.
I am just irritated by the dumb fuck fanbase and the fact that no good games have been released since late 2017.
I smell projection.
I'm about to singlehandedly end the console wars.
N-Gage wins. Fuck you guys. It's settled.
Nintendo is well known for having the most autistic fanbase so this is no surprise
The current nintendo fanbase on Yea Forums is an awful evolution of that Wii U renaissance bullshit, during the time where they got so out of control with shilling, having a giant persecution/inferiority complex and generally being a plague on the board that they went so far as to send a fucking goodwill card on behalf of "all of Yea Forums" to the Nintendo Treehouse team for marketing them some games.
Talk about corporate shills.
After the veritable arid desert that was the Wii U, Nintendo fans were so very starved for quality software, that the Switch with BotW and all it's ubisoft tier game design and Mario Odyssey were enough to turn them fucking rabid.
If it were ANYONE else but Nintendo, if ANYOTHER console maker had as destitute and despicable an online service, if ANYONE else had as draconian an attitude to the online usage of extraneous nintendo media, then there would be a fucking uproar on the scale of Konami and Silent Hills.
But worst of all is the Smash posting. It's ceaseless. Ceaseless like that purulent creature from dark souls, spewing an endless stream of such inane, childish nonsense that one really must wonder why such rampant low-effort shitposting isn't at least being somewhat purged. It was bad enough in the Wii U era, where Nintendo fans actually had a reason to spam their waning console's flagship mascot fighter, as it was always a desperate attempt to shill more people into buying it.
But now it's just endless. The game's out. All that's left is four characters in a game that otherwise has over 70 to choose from. It's just fucking ridiculous that those four slots have generated this much autism staining the board. It's a fucking eyesore every time I see some arbitrary smash roster speculation thread, when I know it would serve exactly the same purpose were it just a post in the general thread on /vg/, WHICH WAS A BOARD DESIGNED TO CONTAIN YOU AUTISTIC CUNTS.
pretty much sums up Yea Forums though. To me the Switch is definition of grey area console it is nothing special but it is solidly mediocre.
not enough for some people
Christ, I can smell your immaturity from here. What a pathetic baby.
I'm not the baby making console war threads.
I could agree, but with Sony doing what they're currently doing, there is zero chance I can back blatant censorship.
I used to say the same with Nintendo, infact it was one of the only things I disliked about Nintendo at the time was the censorship and then they stopped.
So until Sony stops the fag pandering and censorship, Nintendo gets a pass. Sorry
To be a console warrior don't I have to be arguing in favor of a different console, which I'm demonstrably not doing? See, this is why I think Nintendo posters are all 15 year olds.
>accuses of autism.
>writes spergy venting essay full of ree.
I would disagree but I remember that the mods made a sticky for P5R on the Switch then got rightfully BTFO like the rest of the switchfags.
Nintendo is bad but gay shit and censorship is worse.
Good thing I own neither Nintendo not PlayStation consoles
Fair point. You're even worse than a console warrior, you're a fanbase warrior. Making you an even bigger baby.
How about the two years since Prime 4's reveal in which we we weren't given a single scrap of information. No gameplay footage, no story trailers, not even leaked concept art. Now that Prime 4 is supposedly "restarted" we still have nothing to go off of, and Nintendo won't have anything to show until 2023 at the earliest, and that's if they aren't just lying to us.
Nah, I've grown up with sony and I will always find sony fans worse.
The moment literally any piece of news drops in relation to ps4, you will immediately see at least 10 golden wojaks pop up on the catalogue 0.5 seconds later. It's obnoxious as fuck.
These faggots will eat up shit like Days Gone and The Last of Us any day of the week despite being awful normie-bait zombie garbage because it's sony and they dictate their taste, imagine letting your taste in video games be controlled by a corporation. One moment every sonyfag on Yea Forums holds up weeb games on a pedestal because weeb games thrive on playstation, and then the moment the censorship bullshit started and people began seeing the switch as the new system for weeb games, the genre became really problematic for them and they act like they never liked it, saying "those games were for incels anyway".
I can understand disliking nintendo fans, they're fucking autistic, but sony has always held the spot for worse fanbase.
>and that's if they aren't just lying to us.
What would they gain from that?
Answer carefully, as this will reveal your understanding of marketing, or lack thereof.
Your criticism is literally projection though. You are saying that it's the fan fault for liking something they like. You are following in their footsteps, like a sheep. And before you know it, you're blaming them for your problems. You can criticize people, yes, but you're blaming people who are actually excited for a series they like. Look at the Zelda fans, they are excited for Zelda, not Mario, why blame everyone who are fan for a company, when they all like different games, not all the same.
So you don't actually have a credible source
>does nothing to actually address the point
I'd be happy to leave once someone actually addresses my argument without use of ad hominem or goalpost shifting.
>that's if they aren't just lying to us
Yeah, they'd definitely just, lie about delaying one of their heavy hitting titles, one of the most anticipated titles for the Switch. They'd just love to do that huh. Lose some money? Make their investors mad? Yeah they would loooove to do that huh.
correct, the iwata death faggotry was the turning point where nintendo fans became worse than steam faggots.
You have no topic though, you will forever switch the topic and go after something else.
>why blame everyone who are fan for a company, when they all like different games, not all the same.
Welcome to Yea Forums. Flinging shit at people who don't like what you like is the norm here unfortunately.
>I play my switch in public because that's what it means to be a mature adult!!!
>every other time I've made similar threads
>literally admits to making these shitpost flamewar threads multiple times
There has literally never been any generation the introduced less than 100 designs (70 if you exclude new forms). Where are you getting 50 from?
Kill yourself.
No, I'd say Sony and Ubisoft fans are worse. There are people who actually get excited for generic AAA Western garbage like Days Gone and Asscreed.
Just turn /vp/ into /nintendo/ the way they word posts makes it obvious they have the same phenomenology.
Nah, I've grown up with nintendo and I will always find nintendo fans worse.
The moment literally any piece of news drops in relation to switch, you will immediately see at least 10 golden wojaks pop up on the catalogue 0.5 seconds later. It's obnoxious as fuck.
These faggots will eat up shit like Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade 2 any day of the week despite being awful weeb-bait animu garbage because it's nintendo and they dictate their taste, imagine letting your taste in video games be controlled by a corporation. One moment every nintendofag on Yea Forums holds up a port on a pedestal because ports thrive on switch, and then the moment when it’s revealed that it’s inferior, people started using “muh portability” as an excuse for a developers incompetence.
I can understand disliking sony fans, they're fucking autistic, but nintendo has always held the spot for worse fanbase.
Yes, they would happily lie about having a game in development. You know why? Because Pokemon alone generates more revenue than most countries, so why would they care if they blatantly lied to some of their fans? They're big enough and rich enough to no longer care about lesser titles like Metroid, which is why they pushed Metroid: Other M AND Federation Force. They did it as a joke, knowing that people would defend them no matter what, and any criticism would be shouted down and drowned out by needless console warring. Unfortunately, you're only proving me right with your hostility. You see Nintendo as your friend and not as a multi-trillion dollar corporation, so any slight against them is seen as a grave sin.
There's only one problem in your plan; you can't call me a snoy because I hate sony even more, and I've been very vocal about how I despise their movie games. That's what makes you angry, that I don't conveniently fit into your console war mold.
Extremely based and redpillef post. I can already smell the fuming assholes of Nintendoniggertrannyfaggots
i brought up multiple in this thread, like how movie games are bad and there shouldn't be exceptions made out of personal bias, or how we shouldn't blindly white knight corporations who constantly leave us in the dark and refuse to keep their fans in the know.
This fanfiction's cute and all but I'm still waiting on that source, bro
Actually, I'm the one who first asked for proof that Prime 4 was in production at all. Nobody has ever given me that proof.
mods and jannies are all newfags that don't understand the site. It's why ancient filters like baka desu senpai still haven't been updated.
You've never played those games, yet you feel the need to judge others as worse for wanting to talk about games they've played. Talk about irony.
>"these games are bad because they're movies"
>but what about games like Metroid: Other M, which literally have a button and mode dedicated to skipping gameplay?
>"well that has my waifu in skimpy underwear, so it's GOTY"
I see.
Nintendo fans really remind me of discord trannies. i used the thracia 776 translation discord for a while and everyone there was a total faggot, it shines through in the translation as well, really bad word choice that ruins the tone and characterization.
Is this the best reaction you could really come up with? Freaking out and resorting to mimicking me like a pre-schooler?
This post here just proves how right I am about sony fans, the fact that you immediately had to jump to sony's defence and change the topic over to nintendo to save your precious little sony shows how right I am.
I already did the part in my post where I called nintendo fans autistic, champ. I don't need you to echo my post.
The proof that it was in development was Nintendo announcing it with a teaser image. YOU'RE the one saying that it was never in development so it's YOU'RE responsibility to prove that you're right. You're making all these claims and you have nothing to show for it.
AC even I am able to prove you wrong, it wouldn't matter to you. You will still change the subject.
Literally no-one likes Other M. Tie a noose around your neck and hang yourself, ACfag.
>The proof that it was in development was Nintendo announcing it with a teaser image.
And when any other company does that, they get called a liar and the game is immediately discarded as either nonexistent or vaporware. Nintendo must be held to the same standard.
Yeah and the subsequent success of the Wii cemented their worldview for the rest of time, simultaneously gave them napoleon complex and god complex.
>nintendo gets left out, but nintendo wins
But they clearly stopped winning with the WiiU, and the Switch isn't so much winning as it's still catching up
I’m a Sony and a Nintendo fan so it doesn’t matter.
Why bother? You know they will just use another anti Nintendo meme or just insult you.
>AC even I am able to prove you wrong,
Then kindly showcase it.
>nobody likes Other M
You've never seen in a Smash thread or Xenoblade thread then. Other M is literally the only game they like because, and I quote, "muh waifu is sexiest in it".
>Switch isn't so much winning as it's still catching up
Didn’t it outsell the PS4 in Japan?
>and I quote, "muh waifu is sexiest in it"
you better have some evidence for that
you wouldn't make up bullshit on the internet and not provide proof, would you?
Why would they have any reason to show what they worked on, especially now? The game was canned so they obviously didn't like what they saw and they have even less of a reason to show what they worked on since they scrapped what they had. You have no proof that they aren't working on the game outside of "we haven't seen anything yet so it obviously doesn't exist." You have yet to prove that they weren't working on it
As I said, catching up.
Switch is carrying the burden of the WiiU as well as its own burden, people like to forget the Switch is the first console of the next generation.
>it's an 'ACfag tries to cultivate a new timeline into existence where people liked Other M' episode
When will they stop with all these reruns?
>Other M is literally the only game they like because, and I quote, "muh waifu is sexiest in it".
What kind of fucking bizarro planet do you live on? Other M has been thrashed to hell in all directions and gets made fun of to this day
>not desperately dredging up a game constantly when there is nothing new to discuss means the games are bad
Right. Look at all those quality Sonic threads constantly invigorated with interesting discussion about the games in the series. Oh, wait.
nintendo games are usually all flash no substance. woman and basedboys like them because the games are easy very easy and simplistic designs) and tend to lack mechanical depth, (not that you would have any uses for it outside personal challenges in stuff like super mario 64 due to easy design) especially snes era+
The more I look back on nintendo the more I realize most of my more enjoyed games on their platforms was actually capcom and konami stuff.
Nintendo gets by on charm alone, and it often fucks that up in current eras.
See pic related, Nintendo is objectively the best developer of all time & has the world’s greatest marketing team. That’s why everyone is always hyped as fuck for their games
>Other M is literally the only game they like
I missed that episode of the Twilight Zone.
I love Nintendo but hot damn are you wrong with marketing.
Not even gonna bring up the fuckin' Wii U ads?
We have a Xenoblade thread up right now that's nothing but people jerking off to their waifus, with gameplay discussion being brushed off entirely.
Go ahead, ask them what their favorite Metroid is.
>Why would they have any reason to show what they worked on, especially now?
How about actually showing the fans what they canned, so we could make an informed decision as to whether it was justified or not, and more importantly, that the game even existed.
>You have yet to prove that they weren't working on it
Not how it works. First they have to prove that it actually exists. They made the initial claim that Prime 4 was in development, it's not my job to blindly believe them.
But that's the thing about the Nintendo fanboys:
They were fine with being the weakest console as long as they came out on top in the end, WiiU ruined that
Then please, show me anyone, ANYONE, in the Nintendo fandom who hates Other M. That also includes hating everything Other M stood for, including sex fanservice in general, having story in general, and not caring about the gameplay. If you like the Zero Suit, even if it's from Zero Mission, you like Other M. your priority is not for the well being of Metroid, but for your own selfish desire to jerk off to waifus.
Is this entire thread bait?
Or is it just a handful of bitter fags who are LEGITIMATELY ANGRY at a fucking video game company because they fell for the NINTENDO BAD marketing that hasn't even existed in over a decade? What do you stand to gain? Better yet, why is this thread which clearly violates the rules still up?
Ok so by your logic, Elder Scrolls VI isn't real and is not being worked on because they didn't show it.
next you'll claim they're just lying to cover up for Nintendo and never hired anyone
>didn't even say anything critical
>my post still got deleted
why do I even bother, american jannies are disgusting
lol triggered nintendo fag
> Most Iconic Characters
> Most iconic franchises
> Oldest active franchises
> Highest rated games
> Most popular games
> 700+ Million Console Sales
> 100 Billion Dollar Franchise (Pokemon)
>If you like the Zero Suit, even if it's from Zero Mission, you like Other M. your priority is not for the well being of Metroid, but for your own selfish desire to jerk off to waifus.
He's so mad he's taken to spouting nonsense.
Exactly. You should know better than to trust Bethesda and Lying Todd.
Still not Metroid Prime 4 footage.
And this is the post that gets the thread deleted, possibly gets you banned on bogus charges for a stupid amount of time
Mods don't like being called out on the hypocrisy and inconsistencies
This thread is literally
Do you fucking idiots really not have anything better to do with your time right now? Go play a video ga-oh, wait.
>lol are you a share holder or something?
once again showing the double standards
hiring is cancer. subcultures don't form due to gatekeeping, but they only survive due to gatekeeping.
modern state of the industry is mostly due to hack faggots who dreamed of being game, devs, rather than the programmers that got into the industry for love of programming nerdy shit. basedboys turn game development into inauthentic caricatures. Most aren't even competent code monkeys
Yeah cuz they're just gonna hire people and make them come into work and sit around doing jack shit for 8 hours.
>This thread is literally talking about video game culture and it's just a nintendo shill thread and safespace image dump, janny you need to stop this!
You arguement was that Prime 4 isn't worked on because there is no footage, a studio Nintendo outsourced the project to officialy wants to hire to make the game. It's proof it's being worked on, stop changing topics
Nice shitty keyboard, user.
Nonsense? All that means is the following:
>if you make a thread dedicated to jerking off to Zero suit, you hate Metroid.
Simple enough.
That must be what they're doing, if they don't even have a single bit of metroid to showcase. After all, look at Bamco. They "totally" had Metroid Prime 4 in the works, and yet had absolutely nothing to show for it. Convenient that Nintendo didn't even explain why they canceled it, just "it doesn't match our standards".
The same company that says that Other M is a great Metroid, but now they have standards.
They remind me of the WWE and their fans, blind loyalty and feverish devotion to a mediocre product
I like my PC and Nintendo Switch.
How in the hell can you just
Not wrap your head around a game being developed in secret?
They're not gonna show footage of a version of the game that they deemed shit. Why would they do that?
How do you think game development works? Do you really think they just lie about every single game they announce but don't show footage for?
Take your console warring garbage out of here. AAA Western games are almost always either generic open worlds with boring environments and quests, or over-the-shoulder interactive movies that think they are high art or something. I've seen it all, and I expect others to want something new from their games instead of the same shit over and over. That's why I am not excited for whatever the fuck the next big online-only flop like Anthem will be, or The Last of Us 2, which doesn't like look it will innovate much in terms of gameplay. That's why I'd rather play actual video games on my Switch.
most WWE fans seem self aware, and usually lament that the era of john cena+ is bad. Nintenbabies always praise nintendo and seem to have no cognitive dissonance.
Dude fucking no one liked the virtual boy.
It was barely even out even a year
We're almost to 500 boys, I'm very proud of you all.
>Implying the game that literally redefined 3D gaming wasn’t fun
Imagine being this wrong
>Not wrap your head around a game being developed in secret?
And do you think this is a show of good will? You spit on and mistreat your fans for 10+ years, and now you keep secrets from them? Is this a good company to you?
>Fighting game thread
Outside of Smash Roster faggotry who the fuck posts about fighting games?
There’s not a whole lot to discuss outside
Hit them don’t get hit
Nintendo fans only shill new shit, and will throw old shit under the bus, unless the new shit claims to "go back to the roots" in which case they will shit on the newer old shit and praise old shit to make new shit look better.
ur welcome.
I can see how AC3 could make someone bitter, but you're extrapolating too much
yeah mario is bland as fuck most of the time. Even the shitty 2D sonics encourage mastery of them so you can go back and do pseudo speedruns. mario and most nintendo shit is just boring trash to pass the time. Kirby being the most obvious example of a series that is clearly dogshit yet people praise.
I think you need to keep in mind that Nintendo very rarely teases long term projects like MP4. I'd understand your sentiment if they regularly just announced games with no footage and no release date but like, they don't do that.
So you just believe in a conspiracy that Nintendo is lying about MP4's existence and decided to just randomly cancel it for no good reason? Get the fuck out of here with that...
>dropped $399
For a PS4?
Pretty much
Literally every vitanigger and their devs are now switch devs because where the fuck else can they go?
Vita’s dead
3DS is being retired
The PC market will just pirate it
Sony is censoring them
Who’s left
Maybe if they get their shit together this next gen
100% correct
Read a book about projecting
That’s what you’re doing
If you have to explain yourself outside calling user a faggot
That’s fucking projection
Eh we all have our favorite turd.
It’s shit but god damn it I like it
>not even E3
>just a pokemon trailer
>sonyfags on Yea Forums already seething to death
jesus lmao
After Other M and Fed Force, and ESPECIALLY after the fans defended them time and time again, I no longer give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt. They now have to bend over backwards to make me happy. If you think that's unfair or it makes me entitled, feel free to think that. I'm just sick of being told that I'm not allowed to have some kind of expectation from this asshole of a company.
I would to see the time where Xbox is the muscular yellow guy who ninceldo is out to get whatever means necessary, only to fail in the end
Imagine not being an idort.
Imagine not having access to any video game you want.
NiGHTS fans don't pick fights. What the hell is going on in this thread?
Ok then well name me on high profile game where the developers just showed pre-alpha footage and was like "see guys look how shit this is we didn't like it so we're gonna start over"
what was that someone said about cognitive dissonance earlier?
idk, why are you asking me retard?
Hooo those threads were a fucking riot
>Literally nothing but Crash Racing and SJW Mortal Kombat
Top tier
xbone ( all casuals whose girlfriends bought them the console because they had a 360. doesn't talk about games)
High tier
Sony(shitposting is almost always ironic to upset lower tiers, no real attachment to sony)
Low tier
Steam(consumerist hivemind fags, plays mostly free to play/pay2win garbage)
Bottom tier
Nintendo (Nintendo is their identity yet they somehow don't even know which of their games is even good)
some people enjoy video games more than others.
Not a video game, but they literally did that with the Sonic movie. Everyone hated the design, so they went back and changed it.
Also, Square publicly apologized for how bad FFXIV was at launch, which prompted them to completely reboot it.
But let me guess, Nintendo is too sanctified and above the unwashed masses to ever apologize for something, right?
None of those are comparable to MP4. One is a fucking movie and the other is a game as a service.
I hate smash more than anything, that's the only thing I hate about nintendo fans. Other than that, i'm actually thinking about getting a switch seeing as how they're 1 of the only people who make video games with art styles instead of that ugly 4d scanned in actor garbage. Anime art styles are my fav.
>he doesn't even enjoy video games anymore
>threads like these are more fun than playing video games to him
>he hasn't killed himself yet
Because Nintendo fans are like this
Nintendo is the Disney of videogames so this faggots get excited about anything because they want to relive their childhood
Why do you think a lot of these imbeciles that browse Yea Forums are excited for every fucking character reveal in Smash? Because it's muh childhoold
This manchild are the ones crying for muh geno, muh banjo, muh isaac, etc
Nintendo fans are unironically like webm related
Fuck you now I have to buy it
>my life isn't worth living if video games aren't fun anymore
fucking yikes and get a life pilled
your life has 0 worth if you don't play vidya but shitpost on Yea Forums all day
>the other is a game as a service
But you never said that. You just said "high profile game". Why the sudden goalpost change? Was it not sufficient enough that they actually apologized and showed that they wanted to improve? Meanwhile, all we have to go off of is a bunch of liars at Nintendo whose only source of Metroid being in the works is "DUDE TRUST ME LMAO"
Hit the nail dead on the head, it's why whenever they go with the "exclusivity is bad for ALL of us, guys" line of argument they conveniently leave out how Nintendo should also share their exclusives.
Double standards and hypocrisy.
It’s brings the most traffic
It’s like watching retards fight
Fun to watch shit tier to be in
Wtf am I looking at here? What is this pic supposed to prove?
Xbox are idorts
Is everyone so fucking underaged they don’t know about Wii60 meta?
You know it’s cheaper to buy a Wii and Xbox than a PS3?
it's kinda like how being an idort is only good if it can be used as a gotcha against Ps4 and Xbox, but suddenly PC users find themselves getting stabbed in the back by these supposed idorts who say things like "why would you play an indie game on the PC? portability is more important".
Hard to imagine why someone would feel that way, to the point of embracing a console warrior mentality.
>he shitposted as everyone will still tell you the GBA Mario Tennis games are the best ones
Well that's the thing in the mind of the nintendo fanboy.
They're the main character, everyone else is a prop for him use as he sees fit in order to save face while nintendo's new console actually wins.
how dare people have fun
This isn't exclusive to Nintendo. It's a cancer that all fanboys are guilty of. It's easy to single out one group, but they're only a symptom of a greater problem: corporations successfully convincing people that they're "friends" instead of soulless conglomerates. When we solve that dilemma, the arrogant console fanboy will cease to be, regardless of affiliation. How we do that, I don't know.
Stop chewing your fingernails.
It's always macabre death fantasies with nintendo fanboys, worrying stuff
Start by taking down the biggest most loyal one in the room, in the realm of videogames that's nintendo fanboys
The Nintendo fan base is big you don’t hear about Pikimin fags shitting up the board?
Even the roughest AC fag is a god damn smiling teddy bear
Donkey Kong fags are always based.
You never hear about Punch out fags outside VR
gaming doesn't have fanboys outside nintenbabies. Sega fags are long dead, no one else had such an emotional attachment to game companies. It's all a larp to trigger nintenbabies. Chad warden wasn't real retards lmao
>The Nintendo fan base is big
In Yea Forums, in the real world they're the bronze medal
You’d think he’d just get bored by now.
All the rest is garbage but you take that shit back right now. MM2 is one of the very few games I'm actually hyped about for the Switch.
Your fingers seem a little short but dont listen to those faggots.
Yeah, how dare someone discuss video games? We should all just post wojak edits until the end of time.
To be fair both the Wii and Wii U were garbage. I don't think anyone would throw the Gamecube or 64 under the bus they were great consoles.
I like the Switch pretty good as well but I've been mainly playing on PC for years so I'm a bit biased. I don't think I could have a Switch as a standalone console. If I wasn't master race I'd probably have a PS4 with Switch backup if I'm being honest.
>own a PS4
>best friend owns a Switch and a PS4
>he borrows me his tablet, I borrow him my games
>not a problem between us
Weird how that works out given that I DESPISE ninceldos, but those only exist on this board.
Don't let Yea Forums taint how you look at reality is the message.
Of course same reasons Smash had Shattered fucking Halo’s record as the best selling exclusive
That game literally hard carried the fuck out of the 360
>one game
>versus one entire library
Nice fallacy, focus on the average, not on the spikes
Obviously you weren't here for it, but the first Treehouse stream set a new standard for E3 should do, and they deserved positive feeedback.
I dunno user. I've tried that RL, but the Nintendo fans I know are kind of shallow. They only want a game if it has waifus in it. I even tried introducing some of them to Metroid Prime, and I got called a faggot SJW for "liking a piece of shit western FPS without waifus".
It's disheartening.
This isn’t video games
This isn’t video games at all
>Bro That boss kicked my ass because I had a shit tier weapon and I didn’t know it
Discussing the fan base and not the game isn’t video games
I liked Undertale despite not giving a fuck about their glowing skeleton dick fan base
As someone who would call themselves a Nintendo fan, I'm definitely not like that. In fact, several times I've said Fire Emblem is nothing but a cum dumpster for horny anime douches.
>Alleged adults are bothered by supposed manchildren
How the fuck do people let others live rent free in their heads. Did some Nintendofag steal yo girl, do you watch those manufactured hype videos on repeat?
Here's another example.
>try talking about Metroid Prime 4
>get called a faggot because I interrupted a porn dump
While I appreciate you being in the fandom, I'm afraid the two of us are a minority.
Yes, they do.
but a fetish is part of your identity
Probably has to do with the fact that most Switch/Nintendo Owners are young children or young people who don't have a grasp on life yet.
They buy everything and then complain when 2 games come out at the same time because they can't afford it. Every Nintendo fan on Twitter has their pronouns in their bio and a rainbow flag in their name so that's a dead giveaway as well. Most of them are trannies and as we know, mental illnesses rarely come alone. They just over obsess about everything because it's all they have in life, just like speedrunners.
tl;dr: The loud minority of nintendo fans you complain about are most likely mentally ill. Yea Forums has plenty of them too.
Yes, how dare those onion slurping bing bing basedboys enjoy videogames.
Just get a grip and ignore the threads you seething autist.
They are the basedest of them all.
Holy shit I'm so glad I'm not the only sane person on this site. Why the fuck were people hyping up some bullshit standard vanilla nintendo shit and praising BOTW like its the 2nd coming of christ. Nearly every 1st party game nintendo has to offer on the switch has been mediocre or something that I've already played anyways.
Ignoring the threads is easy. When they invade threads other people make, just to tell them how they're stupid and evil for not supporting Nintendo? That's another story entirely.
the thing op not talking about that he is bitching that the tendies hype up their own games
>opens old spice deodorant to mask the smell
Just like every other fanbase... gonna pretend shit like Evolve and No Mans Sky didn't happen?
Its not artificial hype.
Its just bad taste.
Same reason why people hype Apple products.
Most Nintendo fans dont even care about games unless they are on Nintendo consoles.
So they lack any form of real diverse gaming experience as to what acualy is or is not a truly good game.
Now i am not saying Nintendo games are all mediocre. But honestly other than 3d marios 3d zeldas and i Guess smash if you like the genre all Japanese Nintendo games are just unexceptional.
Worst part is when westerners make a Nintendo game it usually turns out great just look at retro studio.
And not just that nitnedo has a track record of doing dumb shit like No fredn play in mario maker 2 or Smash having garbage net-code in all of its games.
Its weird that you cant accept that people have different opinions than you. so much so that you create a narrative in your head that everyone with a different opinion must be lying to themselves or disabled.
Why are you like this?
FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, Death Stranding. All 3 receiving praise despite showing little to no gameplay just because of being either old games brought to a modern era or Kojima droning.
Nice babbie hands faggot.
nothing he said was wrong tbqh
I definitely feel artificial hype for the link's awakening remake
also to add to the thread
>can't wait for the porn XD
seems to be the most blatant shill shit for someone trying to hard to fit in and justify some garbage
Their portable libraries are fine, but between the WiiU and now the Switch there seems to be fucking nothing coming out but threads for ports of old games still generate hype and hit bump limit.
>Most Nintendo fans dont even care about games unless they are on Nintendo consoles.
So they lack any form of real diverse gaming experience as to what acualy is or is not a truly good game.
>artifical hype
Jesus christ, when do you autists just give up.
Artificial fun