Gamestop will die in your lifetime

>gamestop will die in your lifetime

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Good. No more shitty fucking threads.

Post yfw GameStop is actually fucking dead

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Gamestop is a fucking joke I just went to one recently out of curiosity and it was horrible:
>70% of the store is funko pops and t-shirts
>they still sell Wii, PS3 and Wii U games but not 3DS games
>The PS4 section had all the games boxart side out, making it take more space than it should
>the only game they were advertising there was Nep
>The Xbox section was literally one shelf
>The only cashier there stopped what he was doing so he could awkwardly flirt with a chubby asian girl that walked in, which made her visibly uncomfortable until she just straight up left
it's astounding what the current state of Gamestop is....

>that dip
what happened?

They lied about profits to shareholders. The same thing EA/activision etc did

As someone who grew up with consoles, it's going to be kind of sad to see it go. Maybe I'm just behind on the times, but I still refuse to buy digital. Thankfully, my local independent game shop still has a few more years left. First GameCrazy and now this, god damn.

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something weird going on with large corps it seems like they're dying.

Hope GAME follows suit.

>spend all of your resources on GROWTH GROWTH GROWTH MORE GROWTH to please mongoloid investors who only understand big number go up big number good
>grow so much that your business becomes unsustainable
AAA publishers are also following this trend.

Good. Every single person I've ever met that worked at Gamestop has been the worst stereotype of annoying, autistic nerd. Genuinely hate that place and it's 90% because the employees are fuckwads

god i hope all AAA publishers die off soon

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he bought it

Oh no no no

If there's something you really want to get physically, our lord Bezos can simply ship it to you while you snuggle a warm blanket.

There are some fucking steals on Amazon too, I got an almost brand new Nocturne for 3 burgers from some goodwill's amazon store.

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I kind of don't want it to.
Its fun to peruse there from time to time, and they still sell Ps3 and Xbox 360 games for dirt cheap.

Holy shit what the fuck happened?! How can you dip like that?


>The only cashier there stopped what he was doing so he could awkwardly flirt with a chubby asian girl that walked in, which made her visibly uncomfortable until she just straight up left

Pretty Based.

Never lie to your shareholders

Maybe they could downsize and focus more on what sells?
Also, stop bothering people for just walking into the building.

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What's even the fucking point of Gamestop in a world where Amazon exists?

Their biggest problem is that despite being a gaming store, their specialization never brought down the prices for games and gaming accessories in any competitive way. There's no real incentive to shop there unless you're an avid gamer who regularly takes advantage of their promotions, which really isn't a large market.

The market for that is actually pretty large. It's just that Gamestop has literally no benefits over someplace like amazon.

I can forgive annoying and autistic, but the employees I've generally encountered are straight up fucking assholes. And it only seems to be that way with GameStop for whatever reason.

>drop it

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We're headed for another crash, very few will be spared. Better late than never I guess.

Because you have to deal with niggers coming in with 15 year old scratched games and screeching about "holla holla get dolla" and the new NBA game for 10 hours a day

do I buy the dip?

But there are other stores like GameStop, and their staff doesn't behave like that.

Think about it rationally. Who in their right mind would want to work in a videogame store? Normal people? No, a bunch of mentally stunted manchildren.

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the benefit is walking in and picking something up brand new immediately covered in stickers and taken out of its original packaging and covered in scratches that the retard behind the counter already used as a coaster after he got bored 2 hours into his playthrough but forgot to bring back for a month because he lays all his games out upside down like a fucking ape

Do you know how shitty and generally autistic most people who shop at gamestop are? Imagine some fat greasy neckbeard coming in and mocking you to your face about being a wageslave

Fuck out of here avatarfag

It's a reaction image you dumb tourist.

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People been saying this for decades about games, movies, etc. There won't be a crash of any kind.

They suspended their dividend.

Good riddance

It's an avatar, back to whatever shithole you came from you fuck.

Holy shit, it's time to buy.

I'm happy
This isn't a video game industry issue it's part of the retail apocalypse. Why go to gamestop when you can go to Walmart and get the same games without the harassment. Better yet don't get off your ass and buy from Amazon

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/biz/ decided to buy the stock

There was a game crash. It happened last gen and involved the death of the middle market. Dozens upon dozens of studios went under. This is why almost every game that comes out on consoles today is either a AAA title or cheap incel pandering trash from Japan. Nothing else survives the console market anymore.

I hope they don't die until the new Battletoads game is released :^)

buy low sell high

Holy shit, what the fuck happened?

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It's the same thing that happened with ea/activision/ubisoft, they lied about profits to shareholders and when the numbers game i everybody dumped their stock.

>easier to pirate/use digital stores
>wonder why retail is dead
>fucking amazon open retail stores
>not to show case products and support online sales but actual fucking regular store
>japan closes down game bars over retarded IP laws
>don't even need a license to serve alcohol

I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore. Its not like any video games are worth buying post 2010.

It's the next Blockbuster. No one needs physical copies of games anymore. Anyone who works there better start looking at alternative jobs.

>Google "video game sales graph", "videogame revenue graph"
>all of them show upward trend for the past 25+ years
>claims there was a crash in the last 15

You might be retarded.

>tfw gamestop is the only place with an actual selection of physical games near me
I dont have any great love for them but Im going to miss them when theyre gone.
Shipping takes time and Best Buy and Wal Mart only ever carry the biggest AAA titles

Yes, Gamestop will die soon, and as a former employee I can tell you why.
*Overfocus on card signups for something that only benefits you if you have a mountain of used games.
*Terrified employees who have increasingly stupid numbers to meet
*A system that penalizes said employees if, say, someone makes a preorder at one store and cancels it at yours- it counts against you, personally.
*Laughable trade-in values.

implying they buy anything besides bitcoin

I need physical copies of games.

When physical games die, video games die

Oh yeah? Then why are my DS game cartridges worth 4x what i paid for them on ebay?

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>>the only game they were advertising there was Nep

Wow I didn't realize license agreements can make data vanish off torrent sites.

Based /biz/ taking one for the team.

Hopefully we have a new video game store to replace it with better service, but I doubt the latter would happen.

>gamestop is still alive

Fuck 'em.

They sell used games for more than unopened new games.
They give you literally less than a half of what you would get if you sold your game on ebay or other.
Every time you try to buy something, employers are forced to talk you into buying overpriced used games and scam you and if they don't, they get fired.

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And nothing of value was lost.

Anyone who lives in Toronto. Why the fuck does the GameStop smell fucking terrible in the Eaton center. What the fuck?

I'm glad gaming is dying and is going to be reduced to torrent downloads.
>Be sure to claim that you were a customer at one point
>Say that people are not buying games and are somehow turning to streaming
Who the hell writes the scripts for Yahoo Finance?

Is this a good time to buy?

Ask yourself if GameStop is likely to recover and you'll have your answer.

There can't really be a crash anymore with digital and independent publishing. There will just be companies that fail and go under but they will do so on their own.

Looks like they stopped paying out the dividend which is cause for the crash.

For those that don't know, the dividend is an amount you're paid out each year per share you own. No more incentive to keep shares as well as a 10% shortfall in sales estimates

I didn't say the video game industry in it's entirety crashed, you retard. I said a specific portion of it crashed and that is objectively true. Yes, all the major AAA titles started selling 5, 10, 15 even 20+ million copies massively increasing the overall revenue of the industry but the middle market didn't increase in sales much at all. The increased costs in developing video games made the middle market no longer financially viable. All the major publishers pulled out of it. All the development studios went out of business or, if they were lucky, were picked up by a major publisher and put onto AAA titles. In the console realm the middle market pretty much does not exist anymore.

I couldn't care less if it dies, good riddance. Although I must say I never had any "bad" experiences with gamestop. The few times I went there I simply bought a game and left, simple as that.

No, it might go as low as $1.

The only major players that could feasibly survive another crash are Microsoft and maybe Valve since hardcore PC gaming is already kind of a niche anyways and indie games tend to do exceptionally well on Steam.
The average AAA publisher would be fucked, and that's a good thing.

Gaming will die in your lifetime

But then where will I buy my funko pops and cosplay bats and fake skillets

Their problem is that it's overpriced as fuck. At least here. When normal supermarkets are cheaper than your "game store". you've fucked something up.

No seriously. I'm not sure if it's all GameStop but this place has a rank sweat smell that's fucking disgusting.

thank god. gamestop is a shit place to work for. you get paid minimum wage but they expect you to shill your soul out to meet a quota.

>Want to acquire physical games from Toys R' Us for cheap, in the same way I did during Circuit City and Media Play's closings
>They turned to liquidation from wholesalers
>GameStop wants to do the same thing
>NOBODY wants used/opened games
This will be interesting. Will suicidal employees take home boxes of games? Will they get a pair of shears and destroy games on a much larger scale than usual?

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It’s the accumulated stink of their carpet from trapping the scents of thousands of sweaty nerds

Please god free me

There are online used sellers that seem to do alright, probably they’ll buy out their more lucrative collections of actually wanted video games and stuff like the Wii shovelware and whatnot will be destroyed in large quantities.

Streaming gaming will make data vanish off torrent sites :^^^^^^^^^^^)

Your definition is meaningless. It doesn't matter who makes videogames, if they're still being pumped out and consumed, consumers won't even notice anything.

It's like if you said the Source Engine modding scene crashed. So what? The industry moved on and adapted.

>New management wants to completely experiment with new strategies
>Suspends quarterly dividends, which is causing an investor revolt, which is in turn bringing the stock price down to practically nothing, which kills the amount of money the new CEO can work with
>Buying into that mess
Yeah, that's not a smart idea.

user. If Yea Forums had a smell, that is the smell it would have.

It's just an excuse so they can form giant megacorps...soon they will create some nestle of videogames that pretty much dominate the entire market from hardware to sales

It's weird because they renovated a couple months back and it still fucking smells like shit. The fuck?

There are literal storage warehouses filled with old preowned games. They won't let you inside even though no one wants them and most are shovel ware trash.

Most of them get thrown in landfil, anything with obvious resell value, like N64/GC 1st party stuff, is auctioned off on sites like ebay under various alias

I could understand if it was Gamefly or even Best Buy, but GameStop have no standards for ripping off children. Someone will have to work overtime just to inspect all those fingerprint covered disks.


>consumers won't even notice anything.
So you think people haven't noticed and complained about the homogenization of the video game industry for years now? You genuinely are retarded.

Why is management so stupid like that? Shit like that kills worker morale hardcore.

I'm going to need address information of these warehouse locations.


Except in one case an entire market up and vanished.
The only reason games are still as big a market as they are today is because microtransactions pull in $10bn+ a year on consoles alone.

Your morale is not necessary they know you’ll only work for minimum for so long before leaving, it’s a giant corporate machine relying on teenagers and temp workers so they do not give a shit what you want or what makes you comfortable. If you’re over 21 and working in a GameStop you fucked up.

You are expected to work, yes. Gamestop is such a low effort job I can't imagine anyone complaining about it.

I play on PC, I haven't owned a console since 2004. Games have been progressively getting better and more varied for the past 20 years.

Which market?

It's mostly funko pops and and figurines and video game ephemera in there now. "Gamer culture" shit that no one except youtubers and women take seriously. A lot of the games are disorganized and gathering dust in the two I used to regularly visit.

>Which market?
The middle market of AA games on consoles.

My problem isn't to see it going, consoles truly are worse than the current methods...the problem is what is replacing it, live services will be the death of any consistent gaming future...just look at fortnite, they scramble month after month doing random things just so they can be kept it on the discourse because trending is what is importante, not being a game...

I live in the sticks with shit internet, like 6Mb on a good day, and downloading a single major release takes all night and day. The enormous day 1 patches are enough of a pain in the ass, I don't want to download 60+ GB just to be disappointed.

Gamestop dying won't bring back GameCrazy

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sales and extras quotas but no commission and on minimum wage with 0 benefits. no one actually expects you to know or care about video games, they just expect you to browbeat nerds into paying for a year of Gaymen Informer.

Damn, 4 dollars a share? Holy shit

>I play on PC, I haven't owned a console since 2004.

So let me get this straight. I claimed the middle market for consoles crashed. You came in and said "Nu-huh, people would have noticed." I say they fucking did and you reply "Well, I didn't but I don't know anything about the console market anyway."

That's great. Thanks for your fucking useless contribution, retard.

and "gamer girls"

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you are on Yea Forums after all

And? You’re not gonna work there for more than 6 months tops and if you do you’re a fucking dipshit or a fucking loser. It’s a job for kids and drug addicts, everyone else moves on ASAP and they know that. All minimum wage jobs make you do extra bullshit, because they know nobody’s sticking around. I’ve never worked a minimum wage job for more than like 3 months. It’s temp work, just shut the fuck up and don’t actually try.

Based Retro Nintendo tax

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I'll admit, you got a surprised laugh out of me.

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Gamestop isnt the only retail though. If they die, there's the others ones like Wall Mart or Best Buy or whatever.


Is it run by Pajeets? I went to a convenience store a couple times a month, smelt like raw sewage..

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No. White people. It's not an Indian smell. I would know. It's like a musk type smell. Like something of a gym locker where the student never took showers

I will remember this. Thanks user.

Amazon approached GameStop about Amazon credit. Shortly afterwards, the amount of money Amazon offered for used games went from 60% of the retail price, to less than 15%.

Amazon approached Best Buy about various electronics. Shortly afterwards, both companies dropped their 20% off pre-orders.

With the death of GameStop, Amazon grows more powerful. Can Amazon quality drop even more than it already has? You'd be amazed.

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Damn, maybe they have some sort of sewage issue, or just tears of sweat soaked into the walls.

Never lie to shareholders, while also cutting quarterly dividends, while also recommending a "reboot" of how the business operates, while also having no clue to go about such a large task.

Never work for videogames.

I was just at EB games and they had 3DS, WiiU and even Wii games

The drop is intentional. They’re about to launch something game changing and it’s going to create a lot of rich people.

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They're launching a special branch of gamestop that sells video games, it's called

Reminder that the free market only exists in the digital space.
All other forms of "free market enterprise" are bullshit peddled by corporatists.

EB games =/= gamestop. same parent company but EB games is more successful.

yeah because the only other competition for video game shit in canada is best buy or fucking walmart

But smash threads are still a thing?

Because that's all that sells now, games do not
Sony pays for that space, I kid you not
Microsoft did not pay
No surprise that a person working at a games store is autistic

Shut the fuck up pajeet. Whites dont stink like you, you tard.



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When should I swoop in to buy their stuff cheap?

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Nigga they've been doing that since they bought thinkgeek and blaming the associates that work there for 3+ years

Instead of telling then executive decisions made them lose money.

They kicked the can for three years with shit policies and fucked up

There’s a bunch of smaller game stores here as well. Especially for retro games

I had to deal with niggers all day who would only buy NBA (some were cool and I got them into other shit) but also the parents of these retarded kids who would scewqm about little johnny not being able to fucking get the collectors edition of madden

Liquidation sale, just like Toys R Us

The digital killed the video game store.....

>Go to Gamestop
>Wanna buy USB gamecube controller for Switch
>Go in, some employee immediately keeps following me in store
>won't shut up about all the stuff I should pre-order
>tell him I just want the controller
>guy keeps hovering over me asking me what games I like and shit
>just grab controller and go to register
>dude tells his co-worker to find me a different controller that hasn't been on display
>tries to buy time to sell me on shit
>he keeps asking if I saw the most recent nintendo event
>tells me i should pre-order Link's Awakening and keeps talking to me like a I'm some clueless normie
>finally get to buy my controller and leave
>he follows me to the door saying what he's looking forward to and I politely say sure
>finally get out
>refuse to ever step into a GS ever again
Does every GS do this? I don't wanna be hounded by employees like they're trying to get back with their ex girlfriend.

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>>The Xbox section was literally one shelf
Because no one in their right mind actually bought a failbox

>it's totally all digital, bro. that's what caused gamestop to die
>and absolutely not their horrid business strategy, predatory practices to get you to sign up for shit and pressure you into pre-ordering games, or how they treated all their employees and customers like shit, or how they almost never matched the prices of their competition, or how buying used was almost always a scam outside of the rare sale, or how they branched out into retail sectors nobody gives a shit about and clogs their stores with unsold inventory

Holy shit they may be coming around.

I hope they stay alive long enough for them to take my monster hunter world disc and some other crap.

So you can get 75 cents for everything? Retard.

Fuck em, killed most of the gaming stores in my city

I would get 4.40. Still shit but it works for now. I could do amazon but I am too lazy for that shit.

Just an example of shit trade values.

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Niggers think lego avengers is worth as much as shit that came out last year and is popular.

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All the managers are female because someone wants pussy that bad. True story.

very very soon. some gamestops are already doing huge discounts. keep track this is going to be the deal of the sneezon

Well Shit, I am going to wait until monday since usually that's when they start the sales.

I'd be an asshole too if I had to work at gamestop
>deal with people trying to bring in scratched-to-hell discs
>deal with mommies mad that little Kyle can't buy the newest cawadoody and that he had to drag her into the store
>deal with managers forcing you to constantly offer those bullshit memberships and warranties
>have to look at a shelf full of funko pops all day
It must be hell

No sell calls

No, trade in games first and use that money for stock.

>Why have any stores at all besides Amazon

Yeah let's just have one person who owns the entire economy.

Short gamestop and use the money to buy video games

Only wal-mart and Amazon will survive.

Last time I went into Best Buy it was pact and their stock is doing alright too

Best buy had to drop a bunch of stuff in the past couple of years. Before it was like walmart but they got rid of guitars and cds. Dvds might go in a couple of years.

Yeah, then you pay the fucking big ass Retro Game Tax. I fucking hate the retro gaming bubble.

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buy high, sell low

>video stores have all closed down
>video game stores about to go the same way
Where did it all go so wrong?

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this is how you know shit is fucked, they are taking whatever money they can and running.

THANKS. just bought 10,000 shares

well what good AAA devs are left? CDPR adn what else? the only good shit coming out recently are all indies

Gamestop should have rebranded to a netflix type of service a long time ago if they wanted to have a chance at surviving

They're fucking finished once game streaming takes off. They can just go the way of redbox though.

>streaming vidya
Welp. I don't think this semen slurping hobby is for me anymore.
