Are they retarded?
Are they retarded?
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E3 is irrelevant, why waste perfectly good announcements for it
They want to show it on the BASEDstation and they're not showing up.
They made the same game three times over, what do you think?
>yfw it's Superman game
if red barrels misses E3 too, I will be pretty pissed
My only reason is that they have a sony marketing deal and it’s why they wont show up
I had to google who that is
why would anyone care about a developer studio whose biggest accomblishment is the worst hitman?
>why would anyone care about a developer studio whose biggest accomblishment is the worst hitman?
Is this bait? They made the Arkham series.
they are not involved on any hitman game
wtf are you on about, man?
>They made the Arkham series.
You say that as if it was any good.
yes, I am aware
they did mocapping for Absolution
I didn't know that
thank you
Rockstar has skipped several E3 events before if you actually did any research on their recent history, they can just reveal anything with a random video on YT that it still will generate waves throughout the world.
But everyone already knows its Harry Potter game
>it's been 4 years since their last AAA release
that game's either going to look amazing or is trapped in development hell.
This isn't Rockstar, you illiterate retard.
Jesus fucking christ.
I don't care about Fagsteady, just give me WB Montreal's Batman game
Probably development hell
That's Avalanche game
Awful taste
They said it's not
Fingers crossed for wonder woman
it was probably some stupid pubg-esche title, and they ended up going back to their old formula after fortnite killed that market, 2bh
2016 was the year of that garbage
>they're not showing bam ham reskin #12
oh my
how utterly horrible
god-tier taste
reminder wb montreal did the batwoman DLC for knight, and it is fantastic
guess this confirms its been stuck in developent hell. expect anthem 2.0
What the fuck are they even doing? Hell, what is the other Arkham developer doing as well?
>What the fuck are they even doing?
rocksteady are wb's bitch boys. wb has probably invented a whole new dimension of microtransaction based gameplay and bamham #12 will be the showcase for it.
Superman game
Another capeshit
they already officially denied that on twitterino
it's not that it's irrelevant, but if you have a triple A game, it's almost guaranteed to be drowned out by the noise. E3 is great for mid tier games because of the exposure, especially if those games are releasing soon (have pre-orders already). Not so great for big budget projects that are a ways off, showing them in public could cause all kinds of problems, especially if something is botched.
Just like they denied Arkham Knight being Jason Todd
>Batman Beyond game never fucking ever
why would a developer known for third person action narrative games make a pubg clone you dumb fucking retard?
Barely any people know Batman Beyond
the same as why they created 3rd person games: because it was relevant at that time
reminder the last game they did was that shit arkham VR
now pretend they release things they like and not things that they thing will sell well
These are not the guys who make GTA. These are the guys who make the Batman Arkham games
BB was extremely popular when it came out and Return of The Joker is still hailed as one of the best animated Batman movies.
>Arkham Knight reveal
>it wasn’t Hush______
It sounds like WB Montreal is close to announcing something.
Mayb WB didn't want two Batman/comic game announcements in the same week.
Arkham City was pretty damn well regarded user, both critically and at the consumer level
WB Montreal Batman Beyond, basically a patched and re-skinned Arkham Knight
Rocksteady willl pull some stupid justice league thing or whatever capeshit that is, with multiplayer features and real time world
ofc blasted with microtransaction