Place your bets

>PS4 swan song
>PS5 launch game

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Insomniac only does capeshit now.

This. You're fucking deluded if you think R&C has any life after that bomb of a movie and its tie-in.
The platformer died long ago. Insomniac just got the memo after wasting all that money.

ratchet and clank trilogy for PC

>Death Stranding
>Bloodborne 2

The game sold a squillion copies and was made in less than a year - they'd be dumb not to make another.

My guess a PS4 game so they can recycle assets to keep the budget and development time down.

ape escape 4 starring kat from gravity rush

If I was Sony, I would be pushing Insomniac to split into two teams so they can pump out both platformers and capeshit.

>We like taking budget risks for niche audiences instead of using the same resources to help cash in on the capeshit gravytrain
>Thinking any company believes this
Summer Yea Forums is retarded lol.
If R&C comes back, it'll come back as a garbage VR title.

But Ratchet isn't expensive, isn't niche, and isn't a risk.

>If R&C comes back, it'll come back as a garbage VR title.
VR shit aren't budget risks?

I fold
I have 0 confidence they can give him justice

>30 FPS
>we want the Pixar audience
>cringe outdated cultural references
>even more streamlined gameplay
>Mr. Zurkon and the Groovitron yet again

>tfw no full ACiT sequel
I just want hoverboots and open space exploration again bros

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Death Stranding
The Last of Us 2

Nothing and nothing.

>wanting another R&C game from nu-insomniac

It'll be riddled with sjw garbage and they would probably turn Ratchet into some gay rights activist.

Fuck off peanut gallery, you have no idea what the actual problems with the franchise are.

Isn't ratchet actually gay tho

VR is a money laundering scheme.

>>PS4 swan song
>>PS5 launch game

The Last of us 2 will be both.

>R&C PS4 is best-selling title in franchise
>"lol R&C is dead!"

Why do Sony exclusives generate so much butthurt?

Just because he lives alone with a male robot doesn't mean he's gay.