Outer wilds ending discussion

Imagine playing a game for ten hours juste to feel bad.
Imagine reaching the ending just to feel even worse.
Fuck this game. Fuck this game for both of its messages. The aliens didn't fuck themselves to oblivions, a mystery comet coming out of nowhere anihilated them. And despite knowing that, knowing that the remaining aliens colony are alive, knowing that the hellish device in the hourglass planets can't be deactivated, you're meant to feel like shit because all you've done was meaningless in the grand scheme of things. The universe still dies, your pals still die, and the only thing meant to make you feel better is that the universe will somehow reroll at some point and you're responsible for the signal older than the universe.

Damn, I knew all along it would end up like that, but I still played this game to the end. Not gonna lie, it was really good at some points (excepting when you fall in the black hole for the 12th time), but damn it's depressing.

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The last quarter of the game was pretty meh and rushed. Sure it was satisfying to finally solve the puzzle but the actual resolution left much to be desired.

That amazing idea of having one last comfy jam around the camp fire was kino but just executed horribly.

I think you misunderstood a few things OP.

>knowing that the hellish device in the hourglass planets can't be deactivated
You literally desactivate it in the ending, when you take out the warp core. That's why if you die you get a game over screen.

>you're meant to feel like shit because all you've done was meaningless in the grand scheme of things
What you did wasn't meaningless, because it allow one conscious observer into the Eye, yourself. The Nomai in the Quantum Moon explains it, if I remember right, the Eye is every possible state of reality, but without an observer it cannot "fix" into a given state. By being there, you allow the waves of possibilities to collapse into one, creating the Big Bang and, billions of years after, aliens with the same desire of sitting around in a campfire as friends

Also, your scout makes it

Yes, your universe is fucked. The aliens died before being able to do what they came for, but they set up a way for their unlikely successor (you) to be able to succeed. And not only do you succeed at the solving the greatest mystery of the universe, you give live to another. So that existence can exist once more.
So instead of only despair, you can also feel hope.

Also, is right, that part could have been so much better.

My only issue was that you can't access the eye from the moon. I thought the ending was fine.

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>Also, your scout makes it
I thought this was just a random Scout like the one orbiting Timber Hearth.

I wouldn't say the last quarter was rushed, but some ideas didn't really worked and killed my enjoyment near the end. Things like switching on the black hole forge and the tp from the hourglass planets was a bad idea, because many things can happen and failing just a bit requires to do the entire thing once again. Having to wait 10 minutes just to have an attempt at finishing the game was also meh.
The giant water planet was the best part for me because of its secrets that worked genuinely..

I hope if there's a sequel or even just a game that takes the idea of an handcrafted solar system with wackies phenomenons they go full ham.
>A planet that is just a gigantic egg ready to hatches
>Twin solar system where planets orbit the two suns in a 8 paths
>Halo Arrays
>Asteroids fields where you can land practically everywhere

so much stuff is optional that shouldn't be like black hole forge, sun station, interloper, quantum moon

There's a scout orbiting Timber Hearth ?

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be "ours" because from what I've seen it has the same design, and your scout is lost once you launch it in the Eye.

You literally desactivate it in the ending, when you take out the warp core. That's why if you die you get a game over screen.
Yes but the sun still explodes and Timber Hearth is still fucked

Yes, there is. It's the scout of the guy on the moon
>and your scout is lost once you launch it in the Eye.
Why would you even waste time doing this?

The fact that they didn't think of adding a "wait"/"skip time" command despite knowing just how much of the game actually involves waiting very much pissed me off.

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So? The entire point was that it wasn't just the solar system that was dying, it was the entire universe (Vessel chat logs). So when the player character enters the eye as an observer he witnesses the universe collapse onto itself like a dying star, then it explodes into a big bang which creates a new universe. Saving the universe was never the point. Helping create a new one, was.

I mean once you enter the Eye of the Universe, obviously you're gonna try to launch the scout at some point, to see what's ahead or just to light things up, except it never comes back.

I just jumped in because I knew that at that point the scout was worthless.
>light things up
>See what's ahead
I never bothered doing this because it did nothing on the quantum moon, so I didn't think it would do anything on the eye.

I just wanted for the MC to stop the sun from exploding even just for another thousand year, so he could come back to his planet and live his life fully. The children playing hide and seek make me sad

>killing the universe

what is this retarded shit?

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It had a toxic gas compressed inside, it exploded and killed everyone. Although not everyone in the universe, just in the local solar system.

That makes no sense within the context of the games plot because the universe its at its end and everything is dying. The game never gives off the impression that the player character will be able to stop the sun from going supernova either.

>mfw falling through the Eye

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The interloper didn't destroy the universe. I have no idea how you reached this conclusion.

It doesn't kill the universe but an entire alien race in a solar system. It contained an extremely pressured substance/radiation that was deadly to them. The comet's core exploded and released this in the entire solar system 280 000 years before the beginning of the MC's story

The true ending is the MC chilling forever with the only other guy remembering all the loops on the giant planet.

so did the mc turn into the new universe's Eye?

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Maybe. The Eye definitely feels somewhat sentient. But I think it's more probable he just passed on once his role as an observer was done.

It collides with the star moments before it goes supernova. Of course some people are going to see the cause and effect and play, even if it isn't the case.

A supernova doesn't destroy an universe, dumbo.

Did you binge a Star Trek marathon before posting here where ships routinely wipe out galaxies ?

this is what OP says :
>The universe still dies, your pals still die, and the only thing meant to make you feel better is that the universe will somehow reroll at some point and you're responsible for the signal older than the universe.

>The comet's core exploded and released this in the entire solar system 280 000 years before the beginning of the MC's story

this makes no sense is there time travel involved?

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The fact they veered away from a stereotypical ending was not only fitting for the game but also more memorable. It was still a happy ending, just not the one you were probably expecting. Not sure if you read everything or not but it wasn't just your solar system that was fucked but the whole universe, the Nomai were basically just biding their time in the other system. You basically saved life itself rather than the 18 weird faggots from your planet.

No, I obviously just assumed he was talking about the star system and not the whole universe. You really are terrible at basic deduction.

The universe dying when the game takes place and the comet wiping out most of the life in the solar system before are completely unrelated events.

>Said the man confused about a simple event

What event was I confused by?

The sun is going supernova before it ever collides with the sun, you moron. The reason that the sun explodes isn't because the interloper crashed into it. The sun expands in size because its dying. Did you not look at the diorama of the sun in the observatory? The interloper gets pulled into the sun because the sun gets too big. The sun exploding doesn't destroy the universe, either.

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Are you fucking retarded? What makes you think the interloper destroys the sun?

>The universe dying when the game takes place
so how does the "universe" "die"

No, he's just on it.

no heavy spoilers, do we ever find out what the fuck it is that explodes right when you wake up? I checked the map and the purple thing seemed to fly out of the solar system

can u not read? i was quoting OP

He becomes quantum, so yes and no.

>no heavy spoilers
>in a thread discussing the games ending
Too bad

The entire universe is dying, you moron. Did you not pay attention to the game?

why did the massive amount of ghost matter in the interloper leak out anyway? i thought an enormous explosion or hit was needed to release it from the crystal

All I want to know is, how much trippy vistas and weird mind-bending space physics are in this? Is is worth playing for that aspect or is it mostly puzzles?

Why don't you just play the game and find out?

>even if it isn't the case
Read my entire post before you start ranting at me wise guy. I was just explaining why people might come to that conclusion as that user was dumbstruck by the idea.

yes, just explore the giant thing that explodes

>The entire universe is dying, you moron. Did you not pay attention to the game?
i haven't played the gaym dipshit , which is why i am asking can u not follow a replychain?

The core was already volatile when it appeared in the solar system and it got caught in the suns gravitational pull, so when the comet got closer to the sun the core became more unstable and eventually exploded. It doesn't look right because none of the ghost matter in the core ever feels like it ever escaped the comet itself, since its in tact.

It reached the end of its lifespan, stars go out and all that.

Only a fucking retard would guess this because that doesn't even make any sense. The sun is already fucking expanding by the time the game begins. You're just defending pure idiocy at this point.

Didn't the journal say that it was under an incredibly amount of pressure? Presumably once it ruptured it just spewed its crystals all over the solar system and they spread like wildfire.

Not that it really matters because the Ghost Matter plot was shit, like they never really explained why only the Shrine of the Eye or the Bramble Island on Giants Deep were completely covered in Ghost Matter but no where else

Is there a way to get to the last area without indiana jones'ing your way through the sand funnel? I only tried it because I had exhausted every other lead, and I only waited so long because indiana jones'ing wasn't necessary the rest of the game. If this was intentional it was pretty brilliant but I can see people finding it early.

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How is that one dude still alive? He left the solar system before the ghost matter exploded, so he avoided it, right? But that was ages ago. Their species lives that long? And he's just fucking chilling on the moon all this time?
And how are the Hearthians alive anyway? The Nomiads said they discovered their species/ancestor, meaning they would have been wiped out by the ghost matter too. I suppose it's possible they just evolved again, but that's a bit clunky.

Also on the ending, I enjoyed it. And you did save all of existence in a way in the end.

I felt very satisfied.

For example, a black hole is featured in the game, and it accurately deforms light around itself so whenever you look at it everything you perceive around it is bent. Makes platforming difficult in some places.

Space gets appropriately bent at time, with stuff bigger in the inside, teleportation, that kinda thing. In general the most present thing is the gravity which vary between solar bodies. In on einstance I was sitting in a comet and my ship left me because it got pulled by a passing giant. Fun times all around.

Altough you're doing all of that to solve puzzles in the end, but there's nothing stopping you from just enjoying the environment, all of the game is open as soon as you finish the tutorial.

Not everyones sitting there taking notes on the size of the sun right out of the gate you damn autist.

There's a diorama in the observatory detailing how a sun goes supernova, you fucking idiot.

Pretty sure it's a she, and they're schrodinger's cat. You see her corpse on Quantum Moon and her shuttle is still on the moon because she never returned from her pilgrimage

Calm down and breath you fucking hothead. Explaining why someone might think something is not defending it.

>And you did save all of existence in a way in the end.
how if the universe itself dies?


I thought it was pretty bad, it doesn't make sense given the logic of the other warpgates.

She tells you she's not really alive. Quantum and shit. Her corpses shows up when you leave her location.

Also I guess the Hearthians survived because they were deep in caves

You just make a new one duh

You reset the universe. The alternative without you would have been a completely lifeless and almost matter-less, empty, ever-expanding universe.

>Also I guess the Hearthians survived because they were deep in caves
Only some of them, but that doesn't make sense at all because why would that save them? Not to mention that you can bring the dead Nomai girl to the camp fire at the end

sounds retarded as hell

God fuck Giant's Deep core. One of the spookiest part in the game. Eye of the Universe was worse, but still.

It make sense given the rules of the games universe. Maybe you would know this if you either played it or weren't a fucking dumb ass.

That's life for you.

If you look around, you can see other stars go supernova before the loop ends. The universe is dying, it's even stated inside the musem when you go inside the Eye. Retard.

He isn't. His dead af body is on the quantum moon. I don't know if it's specified what killed him but what you're talking to is some kind of quantum reflection shit of him.
I also don't think it says how the hearthians originally survived, but it does say that they're semi-aquatic and all of the planet's water is underground.

Pussy. Giant's Deep is easily the safest and least creepy planet in the game.


Not like you can tell, but still.

Maybe it the ghost gas can't permeate water or some shit.


Except in its fucking core.

But inside the core is harmless? Are you actually this much of a fucking loser?

Outer World? More like its shit

A bit like your reading skills

It's not about being dangerous, it's about being spooky. Pitch blackness with giants electric jellyfishs, a weird giant coral and electric arcs all around isn't prime vacation material.

you too, dumbo

And they're all harmless. Wow, you're a fucking pussified cuck.

>Reading comprehension
Everything in the game is harmless because it's a fucking videogame anyway.

Actually, the worst part is that the Dark Bramble is a wasted concept. I would have loved to know what the fuck it even is. Or why the High Energy lab paradox ending with the dark vines looks very similar to it. A lot of the end game felt rushed.

My reading comprehension is fine. A giant jellyfish that you can phase through isn't scary, neither is a big purple ball or some tree trunks underwater. You are an absolute faggot.

That and you're pretty much immortal in-game as well. But you're also trying to argue with a retard who can't even read so...

The Worst part is how much of a fucking hack oblivion is.

What a shite game.

>Look at me, I'm so tough.

Sorry to get immersed in games I guess. Not to mention I only went into the core once, so I didn't know what to expect at all.

Is that supposed to change anything?

stop projecting your homosexuality

>not an argument
Cope, pussy.

>Is it supposed to be more scary when you don't know what to expect

Gee I wonder

You literally can't beat the game without finding that out. Like, that is a giant mechanic.

It's a Nomai Probe Launcher they used to send scouts to find the Eye of the Universe. However they knew it was so far away it would take massive energy. So they harnessed the power of the sun and blew the station with the launch to make the probe go as far as possible, then use a supernova's power to send the probe's information back 22 minutes into the past to create a perfect loop, so theoretically they only need to launch the probe once in an infinite number of directions with each loop, and the one that finds the Eye would send the data back in time before they launched it, rather than have to build a bunch of probe launchers to find it. Something causes the Probe Launcher to activate just at the same time you wake up.

>No new planet/moon
>Dark Bramble wasn't expanded on
>Ghost matter just "exists" and is never really investigated more
>Quantum Moon matters so little it can literally be skipped
>You never play an instrument
It's a good game but it had so much fucking potential which they wasted

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Technically, you can completely ignore this and still beat the game.

Given the number of people who kept asking who the 3rd mask belonged to in previous threads, there's a lot of people who missed the point

True, but you need to find out the coordinates and the only way to get those, in game, are at the probe data center.

Yeah but even if you're not specifically looking for the module it's still the only thing in Giant's Deep core, so assuming you get there in the first place you can get the coordinates. The only "hard" part is finding out how to use the tornadoes, using the jellyfishes is simple trial and error.

I actually had to look up how to get to the core, but only because of how stupid the game is in regards to how the probe acts in relation to the player character or his ship. I launched the probe at the jellyfish because they had an electric field around them, similar to the core, and the probe bounced off it just like it bounced off the core, so I was always under the impression that touching the jellyfish would damage the ship. I found out everything else on my own, though.

Touching the jellyfish does damage the ship, only the top though.

Launching the probe at the jellyfish in general also makes the probe bounce off. That's what confused me, I thought touching any part of them would do damage.

Feldspath tells you how to get to the giant's core when you find him in the dark bramble.

I had to check what the fuck I was supposed to do with the black hole forge and the sand funnel. Both didn't give enough hints on what to do. Also I thought you could avoid the angler fishes when trying to reach the vessel and kept dying several times. But I hadn't found out they were blind

If you investigated the anglerfish skeleton that would have you told you

Is there any reason why the sand goes from one hourglass twin to the other, or it's just because it looks cool?
Was it a way to measure precisely 22 minutes or it's just a natural phenomenon?

Natural phenomenon. You never see it in-game but it apparently reverses

Gravity shifting between the bodies pulls the sand from one to the other. You only ever see it happen one way in game, though.

Wait just a got damn minute
Why was Brittle Hollow falling apart during the game? Coincidence?

Fuckin and??

Never explained. Might be the sun getting bigger fucking up the local balance.

Never explicitly explained, but presumably 250,000 years of being pummelled by rocks took its toll. The fact it happened as the sun was dying was a giant coincidence

How low is your IQ?

Higher than someone who's first priority in a space exploration game is staring at the sun for 22 fuckin minutes.

Regardless of my thoughts on the actual ending, the sequence of warping to the Eye and then walking across it before falling into the Eye itself was kino. Gave me goosebumps.

Nice cope, retard, but no one said they stared at the sun for 22 minutes. Do you have a sped class to go to soon?

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The whole thing actually was one of my favorite video game endings I can remember. I was expecting the warp core to look different so I didn't realize what was coming until I had it in my hand, thinking that was the end. The music fit perfectly.

>only other guy
true ending is romancing the qt quantum moon alien

>Romancing dead chicks.

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>twenty minutes to romance an alien with limited ability to converse before you're vaporized by a supernova
Would rather chill with Gabbro

sun going red giant, heating up the solar system causing volcanic moon to erupt more frequently probably

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My headcanon is that he set into motion the big bang and the birth of a new universe by serving as it's observer

post cool shit
>interloper has two tails
>usually a comet only has one tail, and that tail is nothing to do with the direction it is going in - only the direction in which the sun is
>the solar pressure from the sun affects lighter ice particles which are pushed away from the comet
>the interloper's second tail is actually high pressure ghost matter spewing out

>ash twin dream has three masks lit up, indicating there are two other beings in the solar system with their memories being stored: gabbo and the quantum dead alien chick

>probe flies off in different directions in the distance when you wake up, hinting at how the location of the eye is variable just like the quantum moon

>if you die by suffocation, when you wake up you take a drawn out panicked gasp rather than the usual one

>you can sequence break and skip the starting statue segment and go into space without the loop happening

give me more

I just thought the entire plot of the Ash Twin Project was cool.
The idea of everything working perfectly except for the Sun Station failing to trigger a supernova, and then everything goes on hiatus for a bajillion years until the sun reaches the end of its natural lifespan and suddenly everything kicks in, I thought that was clever.

>ash twin dream has three masks lit up, indicating there are two other beings in the solar system with their memories being stored: gabbo and the quantum dead alien chick
Isn't the third just for the probe to send the data back to the loop and not a person?

You can actually catch up with the probe that is fired at the beginning of the loop. You can't interact with it, however.

I seem to recall that someone was on that probe. An assistant or something? Besides, the quantum girl seems to not remember you when you meet her twice.

That is what happens, what do you think the whole fireplace song was about? The new Eye shows up above the fireplace after the song and the protagonist has to collapse it into a new universe by observing it, that's how he gets to see the Big Bang, that kills him and collapses him into a the new Eye

There are only two people connected to masks and that's you and Gabbro. The third is connected to the reception station located on the giant planet. The probe sends a signal to the station and the station sends these information to the hourglass twins which reroll each time.
>The probe being launched in random direction every loop is because they don't know where to look for. The time loops allow to have an infinite number of attempts, which means that if it's in reach, the station will find the eye.

>The red light in the bramble is actually Coelocanth eggs
>You can follow the probe and gets to its position. After 15 minutes when you look back the solar system with the antenna thingie you can hear the complete music with all the instruments.

You can actually follow the probe after it fires out of the solar system. It takes a while to catch up with it and the music swells as you get closer to it, but there's nothing you can do once you're there. All you can see is the emblem for the eye on the outside of the probe. Still, it's pretty cool that they let you do that.

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I fucking shit myself at this moment

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>look down
>see legs

If we want to decipher it literally, I would say it's probably fair to say that the quantum "realm," (if we can even call it that) or whatever immaterial state he was in had somehow manifested something from his memory and past. We even briefly saw ourselves in this part of the game as well. I would personally recommend not taking the nature of what happened in this part of the game all too literally. We don't know for instance, if the members of the campfire was the player projecting his memory, or if they actually appeared there. I would guess the former, but even asking that question applies material presumptions to a place or state which truly has none. I would say that we can assume the initial forest segment, where all the galaxies were dying, was somewhat literal, as it illustrated the death of the universe. You could almost argue that the things seen in the ending sequence were breaking the 4th wall by nature. I think the nature of the quantum mechanics in the game allow for this level of ambiguity for this part of the game. Not saying I necessarily believe that, the only thing I believe is that nothing there was truly literal or material.

Oh shit is it finally out? I loved playing the alpha five years ago or so.

This is honestly one of the best things I've ever seen in a video game.

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So what about the vessel?
Was it alive?

What makes you think that?

Nice conjecture. The Eye just reflects the observer in every way possible, that "copy" of yourself moved the exact same way your character did but opposite, like a mirror, at one point in the "forest" a rock like you see scattered on the planets appears and takes shape into a tree the more you go upwards. The Eye needs an observer to both reflect their memories (since the ending screen changes on how much of the game you explored) and to collapse a quantum state into a universe. That means the Eye is just the first living thing in a universe and the signal that the Nomai found is the previous universe's Big Bang since it's the last thing the protagonist experiences and he dies after, which would cause the Eye to collapse into quantum fluctuations and undefined, possibly what we know as Dark Matter. The Dark Bramble is a bigger mystery but that's a different topic and there's next to no info about it in-game or otherwise.

>That means the Eye is just the first living thing in a universe and the signal that the Nomai found is the previous universe's Big Bang since it's the last thing the protagonist experiences and he dies after, which would cause the Eye to collapse into quantum fluctuations and undefined, possibly what we know as Dark Matter.
And you're claiming my interpretation is conjecture? I see no concrete evidence for this specific scenario. I don't even know how you could confidently say that the protagonist ever died.

not him, but the helmet of the protagonist is broken when the big bang happens, and the black corners disappear once the explosion reach him (which means his helmet was blown and he is probably dead)

>claiming my interpretation is conjecture
it literally is
are you actually taking offense at someone saying "nice unsubstantiated theory, here's mine" you fucking mong

Was I wrong to assume you were being condescending? My bad, then. I had assumed you meant to discredit the logic of mine in favor of yours, which I find both to be interesting for different reasons. I think your point about dark matter is interesting, but I don't actually remember anything in the game actually referencing dark matter specifically. I wonder if it's fair to assume that the devs had considered it a piece of their interpretation of quantum mechanics.

>you enter the eye
>as you journey through the chaos the universe around you slowly dies
>you are alone in the black abyss, the unwitnessed expanse
>there is no one left to observe anything, and hence nothing left to observe
>until you realise there is something you can always observe
>the past
>you observe the past and so bring it back to existence
>you find yourself in the comfort of friends
>and around the warm fire you play a song
>a song of reminiscence
>and through the eye in the fire you witness the past
>you witness everything that has been, and so being witnessed it returns to being
>you recall the universe and so the universe is recalled

I'm not him and dark matter is a load of bullshit that's nothing to do with quantum mechanics, let alone the game

>Also, your scout makes it

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You can't do that in the current version because the game stops you from flying too far out

Protip, there's an ejection button in the ship.

Press alt to freelook to the right while your in the seat.

not him, but it was one of the first things I did.
has that been patched out?

the forge is just that, there's only lore in there. Same with the funnel, it's just a natural phenomenon

Your full of shit. Literally one of the multiple endings relies on you flying far out into the universe

>imagine playing a game for 10 hours just to feel bad
Imagine watching a show for 25 years just to feel worse

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No idea but I tried to follow the probe in the copy I had and the auto pilot kicked in forcing me to fly back. Apparently in the earlier builds you could fly out the galaxy and avoid the sun explosion

When you start to fly out of the solar system the auto pilot will kick in and try to fly you back

But then you can just immediately cancel that and keep going. Try using your brain once in awhile

press X to disable autopilot

I do wish they had done more with the damage system on the ship. I really like games where individual components do real in game things, like having the gravity crystal in your ship damaged made you start to float around, or electronics killed the lights. Its just a shame that unless you slam into a rock by mistake you'll never really receive the damage

>by mistake

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>die, respawn
>pick planet, have autopilot take me there after barely flying out to space.
>look at rumor journal to see what I should do next
>suddenly jerked out of the menu
>my ship hit the ground hard, reactor explodes nearly killing me
>make the slow walk back to civilization
>decide to just kill myself instead

>or electronics killed the lights
But this does happen. There's an electronics component under the chip's base and if it gets damaged none of the interfaces work anymore.

This game gets really depressing after like 15 cycles

I felt pretty bad for the naomi. After everything they accomplished (rebuilding civilization on two inhospitable planets, re-discovering warp travel, creating fucking time travel using the black and white holes), a random faggot comet annihilates them.

Its sombering to think that the same thing will probably happen to us. We're too busy killing each other over trivial shit instead of building planetary defenses against random asteroids.

>>you can sequence break and skip the starting statue segment and go into space without the loop happening
How? Please tell. Is it just a glitch or is it semi-intended like in Metroid?

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>muh manking
we're just animals, our intelligence is an error or nature. Animals don't live in planet-wide societies, they live in packs.

I doubt it's intended, I reckon you need to talk to the ground control guy without passing by the statue

Yea thats what I was saying, thats a neat feature. It just doesn't happen in regular gameplay. The only time I had ship damage was hitting the giants deep core (kills electrical) or ramming into a planet when autopilot fucked up

You make it sound like you just want the game to break your ship at random intervals instead of just through user error. Most people are retards and can't even land the ship on ember twin properly. I can guarantee that most people who played this had at least a slightly damaged ship throughout their play cycle. It's also really easy to break the landing gears and landing camera.

Thread theme


And it's not even really a 'closed' ending.

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>imagine playing a game for 10 hours just to feel bad

Pleb shit.
Imagine playing a game for 15 hours just to feel bad, and then playing it for another 15 while have your soul ripped out piece by piece and curbstomped until theres nothing left of you but an empty husk in the fetile position, crying and mumling "I don't want to die..."

And then downloading the OST and listening to it regularly for 5+ years just to feel the same pain over and over again.

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Third mask is the probe from the cannon, Ash Twin literally lists the users of the three masks

The sun explodes because the universe is dying. You beat the game, were you not paying attention?

I loved exploring the quantum moon, it legitimately felt like a religious experience with the amount of fear and awe I had

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Why would you be scared of the quantum moon?

>the very first probe that's launched at the beginning of the game is the one that discovers the location of the Eye
>this can be proved by making a new game and going directly to the probe monitoring section in the center of Giant's Deep
>the probe directly observing the Eye started to cause the universe to collapse, which is why all of the suns in the universe suddenly started exploding
>including yours, which is what kicks off the Ash Twin Project
>theoretically, if you followed that first probe at the beginning of the game you would also find the Eye
I can't get the launch codes fast enough to see where the probe went though, I wonder if there's a way to track what direction it went

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People have found the Probe that is launched, it's nowhere near the Eye.

Everything moving around as you look away is really unsettling. Like that one SCP. Also the fact that you're constantly hearing that droning music that comes from the moon itself.

The quantum moon was incredibly underwhelming, felt like it was half-finished

Every probe that launches afterward is a different probe though. You can also see this at the monitoring station. In subsequent loops the "current" probe is always +however many loops you've gone through since the discovery of the eye.

That's also why the probe launches in a different direction every loop*

nah, the probe would only fire if the sun started exploding in the first place.
the sun has already exploded X amount of times already before the game even starts

Wait, I'm a bit confused now. So the original probe that was launched upon you first starting the game does find the eye. Everything after is just casually floating in space for you to find (because people have found it, it does nothing, more of an easter egg)

The probe had fired thousands of times before the game starts, so I dunno. If the sun was already exploding all those times, then the system must have been looping as well. If that's true then how did the main character suddenly jump into the loop by seeing the statue?

Yes, start a new game and see for yourself. Everything afterward is on a different trajectory.

You should have learned that the things moving around means shit int his game because it can't cause harm. The quantum moon is one of the least unsettling things in this game.
>oh no its gone
>look away
>oh it's back
Not very unsettling, given how the game builds it up. Not to mention that using the camera will stop things from teleporting.

the main character is controlled by the "player", which is why you can break the loop. without the player the protagonist would be stuck in the loop for all eternity.

The only unsettling thing about the Quantum moon is when it is floating around the Dark Bramble. It's entirely safe, but it never really feels safe.

Wait a minute, the looping wasn't powered by the sun was it? It was powered by the warp core in the Ash Twin Project. That's why it stops when you pull it out. So the probe was indeed looping in 22 minute intervals all that time before the game starts.

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No, the probe technically never fired before the start of the game. The launch platform was charged up enough to launch the probe with enough force so that it would only fire once. If previous probes were launched, the launch platform would have been broken before ever waking up. Thousands of cycles technically happened before the game ever started, this much is blatantly obvious.

The ash twin project didn't have enough power to turn on and needed the sun to go supernova in order to work. How did you not get this? The game specifically details this. That's why the Nomai built the sun station. This is all written down on the wall inside the ash twin.

the looping is without a doubt powered by the sun, the warp core only powers the recording of the memories I believe

Is there a log of the probe firing a thousand times? I must have missed that.

The proper tracking station mentions that there were almost 10,000 probe launch recordings.

> If previous probes were launched, the launch platform would have been broken before ever waking up.
Remember that the probe itself is also connected to the looping project, it has it's own mask along with yours and the guy on Giant's Deep.

It was around 9k times at the start of the game.


Oh damn, I'm not sure how I missed that. I did go to the core of Giant's Deep, like one of the first things I did. Although I didn't do it the old fashioned way like in the demo.

When I landed on the moon for the first time, a quantum tree pierced my ship right as I stepped off it. Made some loud ass banging noise and fucked up the ship.

Didn't you guys actually reads the scrolls? Supernova is actually artificially caused by the sun station for the purpose of powering the twin project.
Deactivating the sun station should actually give your people many lifetimes to live for

>Didn't you guys actually reads the scrolls?
Did you? It's pretty explicit that the sun station never worked, and never will once you visit the station itself.

>Remember that the probe itself is also connected to the looping project
I know that. Technically, as far as individual loops are concerned, the probe only launched once, but after the sun goes supernova the data from the launch gets sent back in time to the probe tracking station 22 minutes in the past.

>Supernova is actually artificially caused by the sun station for the purpose of powering the twin project.
How do you people miss the point this much? holy shit. The Sun Station did not destroy the sun, it was a failure of a project and the sun station itself is roughly 281,758 years old. The game tells you this in chat logs on the sun station and the ash twin core. The sun was just dying naturally, nothing artificially shortened its lifespan.

They failed in their quest last.

So what, the loop had been going on for 10,000~ loops before the MC got in? How is that even possible? Did he launch for the first time ten thousand times before the statue magically decided to activate?

No, you can. I did it very, very early on and was very, very confused as to why there was nothing to interact with. Its got blue decals.


Attached: starsexploding.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

I have no idea, because the game doesn't delve into this. But yes, the launch probe technically fired over 9000 times before the game ever started. Time fuckery plots never make sense.

You do that by keeping the space suit in zero-g cave and exit the observatory via the quantum rock room
That's just my theory

Right, things can't be unsettling unless they give you a game over screen. Game over screens are the only thing in games that can ever be scary.

How did you manage it? The full game just forces you back into the solar system.

you can deactivate autopilot with X, the letters start to get disorted after getting too far

Attached: spaaaaace.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

He never said it was "unsetlling" he said it was fearful. Those words are not synonyms, and the game never gives off the impression that the quantum shards are inherently dangerous. You're also projecting because I never said that nothing in the game was unsettling, you ass blasted retard.

Nomai in quantum moon won't get invited to the campfire song finale if you never met her, the other traveler did get invited regardless whether you met them in-game or not implying you knew them long before the event

>this thread
I feel a lot of (likely underage shitposters, as fucking always) don't know the difference between
>a galaxy
>a universe

Attached: Disappointed Crocodile.png (244x244, 57K)

>likely underage
Is it ever anything different?

Pretty sure on one of writings mentioning what something will activate only in the event of success or failure refers to the statues not tied to the probe, since you got into the loop precisely in the next one after the probe finally found the Eye, my guess is they were made that way so aliens wouldn't have to sit through all those loops but still could stop them from going on forever by getting themselves into the loop when they need to.

Ahhh, that's it. That makes a lot more sense now.

Attached: 1490308737754.png (301x267, 58K)

Correct, you were the one who said "unsettling" and I was responding to you, not the other user. Regardless, something doesn't need to be dangerous to be unsettling or even to cause fear.
Am I the one projecting now, while you put words in my mouth? I never said you didn't find anything in the game scary, and it would be impossible to interpret what I said as implying it. This is because there are things in the game that cause death states, like the big fish, so by your attempt at logic they could still be unsettling or make you fearful.

well that was a huge waste of time

after 30.000 kilometers the sun goes supernova as always and the game autokills you, the end

Attached: dissappointment.jpg (1920x1080, 268K)

No and it's a goddamn fucking shame I wish there was a Yea Forums-like with adequate, acceptable traffic that I could migrate to

Yes, and your English reading capabilities are clearly shit because I never said that nothing in the game is unsettling in
>"The quantum moon is one of the least unsettling things in this game."
and even explained how the game builds up to it not only not being harmless, but helpful. There's nothing fear inducing about it. You need to learn how to read English properly before trying to pick fights with people who speak a language you clearly aren't familiar with.

Okay so your loop was an accident because the project where they do the supernova was officially abandoned,
So was probe also fired by accident?, I did see it make it to the eye so it firing in multiple direction signify that the eye is like quantum moon, can literally be anywhere

>I never said >Yes, and your English reading capabilities are clearly shit because I never said that nothing in the game is unsettling in
Good thing I never said that either and reiterated that I never said it in my last post. Stop projecting your own lack of reading comprehension onto me, thanks.

The probe fires upon successful supernova because that is what is required to power it and send it back in time 22 mins

the probe was sort of an accident but it worked as intented, the thing is they needed to use to destroy the sun to launch the probe, the sun station was going to destroy the sun but it didn't work so when the sun finally dies naturally it does the same effect and activates the probe

the game explains this to you in detail in one of the key locations of the game

Attached: 1558013079180.jpg (793x786, 54K)

Nice quoting skills, care to try that again?
>stop projecting your lack of reading comprehension onto me
That's rich coming from someone who is accusing me of saying that nothing but game overs are "unsettling" despite the fact that I even argued against this stupid claim. Go back to your ESL classes.

>People actually using spoiler tags
Man what the fuck, I can't be bothered to play or read any of this shit, I hope someone makes an hour long video explaining this game that I can watch in 2x speed...

Yes, it was an accident. No, the Eye of the Universe for not teleport when not being observed (you can test this at the end of the game). It orbits the solar system. The probes fire off in random directions because the Nomai did not know the exact location of the eye, so they programmed the canon to fire the probe at random locations until the probe found it. Only one probe ever found the eye of the Universe, all the other ones were duds.

does not*

Please stop responding to shitposting, user.

Nah, it goes off when the sun is still fine.
It probably just gets activated by a signal from future what the sun exploding project was a success so it's time to find the Eye.

What? It literally requires the energy from a supernova to power it. A signal wouldn't be enough.

The Ash Twin is what makes the orbital canon launch.

Yeah but the Ash Twin project doesn't work if they don't have the energy of the supernova.

Epic gaystore shills

I'm assuming its something like this:
1) Sun goes super nova in the future
2) Ash twin project gets powered up, memories get launched back 22 minutes
3) Orbital tracking probe gets the launch data from the previous cycle but the launch station also gets the previous cycles launch orders as well
4) Probe gets launched at random location to try and find the Eye
5) Rinse and repeat until project is turned off

This is how I assumed it would work, it's the only way I can make sense of it.

Literally all of us pirated it
>It's the only way I can make sense of it
I assumed this
>The universe is naturally dying and running its course
>Nomai have been dead for 250k years
>Your people are building rockets out of trees literally
>As the main character is exploring the sun explodes which triggers the loop
>The probe gets sent back in time to 22 minutes before the sun explodes
>This happens 9000 times until the player takes over to break the loop

Supernova's energy is only available when there is supernova, duh. That's when you can see warp core activating in Ash's core.

I'm convinced this whole thread is full of Epic shills, link me the torrent to prove me otherwise.
Hurry up chinks. I'm waiting.

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Well the summary from me if you would like to read it
>Ancient ayy wants to find location called the eye of universe
>Ayy makes elaborate device that can travel back in time ~22 min into the past powered by a supernova explosion
>After over 9000 tries (literally said in the lore), the ayy gave up and their civilization dies off in the process
>Many times later, 4 eyed ayy from timber hearth necessarily evolved to the point where they developed space travel
>You triggered a statue which are necessarily a memory inscriber that sends information back to time, hence why you see information of your death sent back to you
>The ash twin vision revealed the 3 lit up statue in the dark revealing that there are other receptor of the memory, The only other who are in the loop are Gabbo in giants deep and the orbital launch platform orbiting the planet
>The game is free roam at the point for 22 minute each loop and you are given the option to learn about 4 different key information, and 1 of which is optional, but essential to understanding the nature of the eye
>First one is about the location of the eye which you found out about in the 3rd broken piece of the orbital platform located within the core of giants deep
>Turns out the nomai already knew the location of the eye
>Then you found the location of the nomai vesel which has a warp drive capability
>Turns out the nomai is already on the way to the eye but the dark brambled dun goofed them

>Then you optionally travel to the quantum moon after learning about the mechanics and met a living nomai
>Turns out the location of the eye can literally be anywhere but at the same time does not matter due to the rule of quantum superposition meaning you literally just have to be there to see it
>Then you explored the ash twin and found out about the device and the loop
>Turns out the sun's supernova activated the ash twin project that just happen to still be functional, which forcefully lock all 3 of its receptor in a time loop, giving you the time needed to find out about the many information the game provides
>You then in a final push, collected the only functional warp drive in the ash twin, which also deactivates the project, which also risk you of permanent death since time loop can no longer happen.
>Then you take the drive to the nomai ship in dark brambles, entered the coordinate of the eye provided by the crashed orbital platform and got to the eye
>The people in the campfire finale are actually just a figment of your memory
>Your memory and observation prevented the eye from running its own course and caused it to collapse on itself, causing a big bang
>You solely survive long enough to witness it firsthand and vaporize to it

You could have just literally asked to be spoonfed instead of being a faggot frog poster. I would have respected you more for doing that than what you just posted you stupid newfag.

Attached: gettin real tired of your shit sheev.gif (390x357, 2.95M)


>After 9000 tries the ayy gave up
They gave up long before the 9000 tries began. They were dead due to the ghost matter being ejected from the interloper. Literally nuked the entire solar system

Just ignore them, feeding the shitposting doesn't make it stop.

Statue activation is a part of ash twins project's design. There's also one other Hearthling who got himself in the loop, he just too lazy to do anything about it.

Attached: Caesar ignorant.jpg (890x656, 96K)

Im proud of you guys just this once, considering noone mention ebin game store for at least a good 200 post into this thread.
Anyway just like this user said, noone in this thread bought the game, and you shouldn't either

Yes, the Hearthian that is also aware of the loop is the one on Giant's Deep. But I'm saying the Ash Twin project doesn't activate until the Nomai have long been dead and your people have evolved to the point they're exploring space I think that's what happens. The Nomai at the Dark Bramble I thought were from another system or even galaxy.

All the Nomai you see remnants of are from a different galaxy. They were all a part of one clan, but their ship either crashed into the dark bramble when warping into this solar system or got caught by it, so they had to use a bunch of escape pods to get away from it.

I got to the sun station, but I fall into the sun every time trying to get to the other side, is there any trick?

>Is there any trick
Do you know how to do the boost jump? Hold down shift and press space bar. And then just apply the correct amount of force to keep yourself on target for the door.

>onions wars reaction image
alright cuck enough games post the torrent shill

I mean the player doesn't make our protag that much special plot-wise. Guy on Giant's Deep also only got into the loop at that 9k+ mark. He even has special dialogs if you meet him during first and second loops when he still isn't aware of the loop and after experiencing it for the first time.

Yeah, but I still fall, I'll try again I guess.

yeah, it's actually 0 g right there so you can just float there, doing less is more

Speaking of escape pods, there are 3 throughout the game, but only 2 are ejected from the Vessel. What's up with that?

Attached: 1452374745488.jpg (400x399, 18K)

No, there's three. The third one is somewhat hidden in Dark Bramble.

I said that, but if you look at the bottom of the Vessel where the escape pods are housed, there are 4 spaces for pods with 2 pods missing.

wew lad read less fast

Attached: constipated Tsuru.jpg (104x125, 4K)

>Send interloper probe into the sun and recall it
>It comes back a ghost literally
Could fly right through it, couldn't attach probe to it. Inside was missing.

Attached: OuterWilds_2019-06-02_19-45-27.jpg (2560x1440, 315K)

I guess i misinterpreted the post, I thought he was talking about how 3 launched but only 2 really got away, like the mural said. I never really looked around the vessel other than to launch it at the Eye.

Those aren't probes, those are space ships.