I fixed Ann

I fixed Ann.

Attached: 1504376492373.png (512x540, 221K)


Now fix Annfags
Oh sorry you can't fix biological trash

Pretty cute, not gonna lie


what's the appeal of freckles?

I think she looks prettier with her hair down!

Attached: 152648515951.jpg (906x1280, 190K)

Can't fix slut.

imperfections look nice
also covering them up with your seed

Attached: Heather_outside_lakeside.jpg (1473x869, 393K)

what are they again and why do they even exist?


What the fuck user, now she doesn't look Japanese at all!

She never did in the first place.

Back to Yea Forums you weebincel

Needs some standard glasses, not pointy or "hot" just mildly nerdy

Oh look, another fictional character with redhead with green eyes. Bet she doesn't have any ass at all.


freckles are disgusting

The fuck does ass have to do with anything, besides, busty redheads with freckles are the patrician's taste anyway, ass is just a bonus if it's there

Shit taste, Anons.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

They look like freckles to you?

over production of melanin, exacerbated by sun exposure.

Gingers were a mistake

The romans should’ve exterminated their ancestors to the last when they had the chance

Anne is perfect just the way she is

Did you feel like to copy Sonia since she is the new hotness?

>fixed Ann
>literally removed her soul
You dipshit

>"fixed" ann
>made her a literal soulless redhead

how come jap games make better western girls than western games?

Dude that picture is two years old.

Like it or not Ann seems to be one of the most popular and talked about girls on Yea Forums over two years after the release of her game she gets multiple threads daily.

Made for NTR

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What the fuck did you just post.

It's the same guy.

Thanks doc.

I think you have the wrong prescription

It can't be worse than the Chiatzou prescription.

Ann is a fuckdoll however she may look

I fixated Ann

Attached: ann toilet.jpg (1540x1125, 580K)

The problem is her personality tho.


No no. Her with her hair down is perfection.

Still not on with her personality.