Fallout 4

Can you personally still enjoy Fallout 4?

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No because my PC can't run it

The fact that this post implies I have ever enjoyed Fallout 4 is insulting.

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Is that what F4 looks like? Lmao

Yeah its fun enough, id rather replay New Vegas again though

I wish fnv was ported

Them pushing constant upxates for their paid mods constantly breaking script extender ruins any fun I have it.

It's barelly a rpg, but is a fun game, 8/10 for me

Yeah, I play it almost weekly. There's just something about BGS games I really enjoy. I never ever cared about "RPG"

I played it once for 20 hours-ish then immediately dropped the moment I realized you can fast travel

Multiplying all damage but like 10 times turns it into a pretty fun loot shooter, so sure

It's a really good first person shooter with light RPG elements. Still better than Fallout 3.

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This. I try to breathe life into it with mods but then the game can't handle having fun so it crashes.

I can, if I ignore all the vanilla content and only play the SimSettlements mod.

how much does F4 GOTY drop to during steam sales? i'd torrent it but i need steam proton cuz linux

It's a good game. You def get your money's worth with it. Hell you could hours upon hours messing with your settlements (if you're into that) chasing your Benevolent Leader achievement.

Lol the shooter elements are shit

Well... sort of, I mean I can't get a constant 60fps which really bothers me greatly, I probably shouldn't be playing it.

>use ucuntu
>get fucked over anyway by proprietary software
like pottery

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I never understand this retarded argument. You can fast travel, doesn't mean you have to.

Sometimes I wonder if being this autistically delusional would be the perfect solution for a happy life.
Then again I'd need help to shit and wipe myself afterwards but I'd be so far gone I'd be someone like you.

t. contrarian pol-babby

Here's a pro-tip if Yea Forums hates it, that usually means it's a decent game.

Never. Listen. To. Yea Forums

exploration is ok, but it pales in comparison to 3 imo. it definitely looks and feels better, but there is almost nothing interesting to actually do. it is overwhelmingly lazy and the longer you play, the more that it becomes apparent.

if you just want to fuck around, it'll give you a few dozen hours if you can stand it that long. The actual content is a chore and the "gameplay" leaves everything to be desired. I give it a 3/10 and that's generous.

It is a decent game with the dlc. Still a bit empty and the bethesda points shit is bullshit.

Soon brother

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Every game ever made is not decent.
If Yea Forums hates it, it exists. Actually, even that might be too much of an assumption.

>redoing all the voice acting for retarded feelgood reasons

because it's fucking awful. fast travel done right is like morrowind with the silt striders or far cry 2 and its buses. heck even skyrim has coaches which is enough to not use the go-anywhere, click map, alternative. but FO4? nop

bethsoft cucked them out of porting the old voice work legally so they have to redo all the voice acting, if they didn't they would get a C&D. There go my hopes for the project

>retarded feelgood reasons
I assume they had to, legally, and someone is going to make a patch to restore the original voiceovers almost immediately.

That's a fair point.

i'll check back in on this in 5 years. maybe it'll 50% done.

>implying modders won't port it hardly a month after release

They asked Bethesda if they could and of course Bethesda legally had to say no and now have to actively prevent the team from using it because they no longer have any plausible deniability. Absolute fucking retards

bethsoft investigates every single one of these projects, from openMW to morrowblivion to Skywind to Skyblivion to TTW. It seems in this case it was technically related to how they wanted to use the files and would violate copyright.

Really though, it's just going to mean there will be a patch you download to copy the voiceovers from your NV install. As long as they don't go full retard and actually re-write anything, no problem.

i never did enjoy it

This shit was the worst purchase I ever made
I could literally have taken all of that money, spent it on gacha, gotten nothing, and still would have been happier with the result

They don't at all, they're pretty much completely hands-off with this stuff. The only time they actually take action is when some mongoloid asks them for permission, because that means that legally they can no longer say they just weren't aware of the project.

>Bethesda legally had to say no
unless the voice acting is caught in some licensing hell that's bullshit. if bethesda owns the rights they simply chose not to let the devs use the assets.

its alright modded

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They legally have to say no because you can't enforce copyright selectively, it's all or nothing.

Is there any other way?

Best mods?

stop drinking shill kool-aid, that's not how it works. if you wanted to let people use your license there's nothing legally stopping you. bioware/ea of all people have openly said that porting assets between their games is fine as long as you aren't distributing the full game. cdpr has a similar policy about using witcher assets for whatever. if a company is keeping modders from using their assets there is zero legal grounds for it.

I wish NV was ported to Fallout 2 instead.

Did the game ever fix the invisible gun thing?
I died so many times because I changed to a weapon only for it to not spawn and left me unable to fight

I remember having this happen all the time a couple months ago so presumably even the unofficial patch doesn't fix it.

I do and always will love it. same with 1,2,3 and nv
76 kinda sucked

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Its the only reason why I don't play the game anymore

>he actually doesn't know
Fallout: Nevada

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That implies I ever was. No good porn mods still.

I never enjoyed it.

It's shit, the reason you have fags saying is good now is because of shitty mods. Hell, the mods arent that good compared to 3/nv, Oblivion, and Skyrim

Not really. There's something about Bethesda games that just fucks with me. I got 300 mods deep in my most recent attempt, and put ~250 hours in to the game, but I never actually touched either of the pieces of DLC and ended up just deleting everything once the drive to keep going dried up. There's both too much content and not enough content at the same time, distracted by all of the pointless stuff for completionism and then there's no room left for the meat of the game.

"Still" enjoy implies I ever enjoyed this piece of shit.
I never stopped playing FO3 and NV.
Fallout 4 was fun for a mere 30 minutes, I started using the console and speed modding after only a day then uninstalled.
Its below trash.

See this, the game is mediocre at it's core and there has been no mods that completely overhaul it's shitty gameplay.

>feelgood reasons

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there's other mods that do the same thing, you check if it's a legit copy of the mod, then you create a virtual link to the folder and read the files directly from an installed version of New Vegas. How they think that is illegal or breaking copywrite is beyond me. I have suspicions it was some faggot busybody from the FO4 Capital Wastelands "team" because that faggot was saying similar dumb shit and acting all high and mighty cuz he "knew" some people that worked there over the internet.

Yeah dude I played it like 3 months ago
>checks screenshot
>August 2018

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Ubisoft is also allowing modders to rip assets from R6:Siege (maybe from other games, but Siege is confirmed) and use them in a weapon mod for Fallout 4

If I install it with a couple of mods i can play another 150+ hour character again.

>They asked Bethesda if they could
No, the guys behind the Fallout 3 project asked if they could, forcing Bethesda to acknowledge what they were doing and essentially fucking over other similar projects that were in development.

Then they shut their own project down because they didn't want to redo all of the voice work without realizing that people were just going to mod the original voice acting back in anyway. This whole "redoing the game's audio" thing is a complete nonissue, but could have also been completely avoided for the most part if the Fallout 3 guys didn't force Bethesda's legal hand.

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this is out of bounds you fucking retard. You can disable the limits in the config

It's so weird how Bethesda games always have the most braindead and fragile modders, these people would be eaten alive in literally any other modding community.

>unless the voice acting is caught in some licensing hell that's bullshit
Apparently that's exactly what the issue is. If Beth wanted to remake F3 themselves they'd have deal with some licensing issues regarding some of the game's va work (particularly for Liam Neeson's character, iirc).

This. I also like Fallout 4 a lot, especially with Horizon

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That's because Bethesda games have the most accessible modding community. I could take twenty minutes out of my day to make a ten inch black rubber fist as a weapon in Skyrim and I'd probably make it onto the front page.

Just redid my modlist for FNV, I might stream it but I don't facecam so I typically just do it for no reason. What mods do people wanna see that aren't nude?


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Does it have any good overhauls or total conversions yet?

the only time when i enjoyed that game was when i roleplay a defective synth that wore power armor
i stumbled across that one power plant while it was dark and raining
i blew through all the raiders, and eventually one of them shot out my power core
heavily damaged after i slowly managed to kill of them on in the inside, i went in side and cleared them all out to
no music playing and nothing but the silence of the heavy footsteps from the armor, i eventually found the basement full of barrels and whatnot
i took off the power armor, move a bunch a bunch of stuff into a well-hidden corner of the room, then i sat down and roleplayed my character was too damaged to go on

Not even mods saved this piece of shit.

I didn't even get through more than 2 hours of it

no. just makes me want to play new vegas.

I'm still waiting for Cascadia, no way I'm going to play 4 with the current perk and dialog system.

it's a mod nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22868

I want to fuck that bitch

gunplay is literally made by ID software, it is good and it's one of the only salvagable elements of the game

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I want the dog to fuck that bitch

People seems to forget that Copyright laywers are greedy seeking assholes

just look the Shitshow between Iron maiden and 3dr because their copyright holder in commiefornia wants some easy money from 3drealms

I unironically think Iron Maiden is going to win just due to the similarity of the name of both the game and the main character.

I have like 1200 hours between FO3 and New Vegas and I preordered all the merch and shit for FO4 I totally fell for the hype because FO was my favorite franchise of all the time.

>FO4 comes out
Oh my god...

I still have like 300 hours clocked in but every hour past the 100th it was masochism. I hate how Bethesda killed Fallout for ever it made me lose my love for videogames for good, now I only play casually and never again enjoy games the way I used to. The casualizaztion of Skyrim already felt bad but I ignored it because at the time I enjoyed and I wasn't a super big TES fan but I guess that was a big hint of the direction Bethesda was going.

RIP Fallout and my will to play games

you can already get the old perk system back with nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28222

It's a fun game. Personally I'd love it if everything from 76 got ported back to it, if 76 never gets private moddable servers. (Which it probably won't.)

I can enjoy it when I make my own fun in settlement builder.
I like making overly convoluted battle arenas with switches, cages, traps, glass wall mazes, terminals, converyer belts dropping shit onto the arena, etc.
I enjoy this as a time killer and making things fight for my amusement.

But I don't find enjoyment in playing the game the way bethesda wants me to.

Pirated it day 1, played it for like ~10, couldn't see myself continuing.
Maybe in a few months I'll pirate it again and install a bunch of mods that have come out since then. Play as a milf with a modestly curvy body and an unzipped vault suit.

What happens if i set FNV preload limit to 400mb?

if you had played fallout 3 you wouldnt say that
fallout 4 is eons better

>if you had played fallout 3
why would I ever play westrash like that?
are you an imbecile perchance?

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Play survival mode. Makes the game 100x more fun.

sorry i know you zoomers are very busy

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kys weeb NEET

If they just gave up on any rpg-element and made just an adventure game with base-building it would be considerably better

No and that's the problem with this game

I could if I could get that freeroam hardkore mod that removes the story to work on my pirated download. Can't get the sexy shit to work right either. Gay

looks kinda cool desu

Just play survival.

>calling anything other than himself trash

I'm just waiting for the anime mod to be done so someone can make a knock-off Valkyria Chronicles/RWBY total conversion mod.

i know that feel brother
i found witcher and yakuza, not quite the same feelings, but different feelings are ok too. I'm so pessimistic about future Beth titles I have given up. Skyrim is what did it to me, personally, although the biggest hit was Oblivion. getting a glass sword off the second random skeleton i fought out of the sewers was devestating. I spent so much time trying to find the glass gear in MW, I was shocked at how bad and lazy it was. and it's only gotten worse.

I'd like the settlement feature if the settlers AI weren't so retarded.

Dead to me. Never could get FOSE that wasn't gimped immediately cause le paid mod updates. No modding as a pirate means dead game while I wait, waiting took too long and I uninstalled that garbage for the indefinite future.

also gives performance

I was tempted to buy it just for the hell of not having to put up with pirated bugs happening like that.
>base game is $30
>Far Harbor is somehow $25
>Nuka World is $20
>everything else is $5-10
Might get the base game when it's on same. I'm assuming all expansions are just drag-and-drop ESM files like before, but I never modded FO4.

sure. the story was ok, Curie is cute and its got good mods

It's fine by itself. I've modded the fuck out of every bethesda game I've ever played and only have texture and UI mods on 4; the core gameplay is good. All the other shit you listed can't stand on its own.

Ironically yes, I enjoyed it greatly when it came out, and with the mass amount of mods today, I still can.

What a horrible future that will be. Will the start suing middle aged museums too for putting up Iron Maiden's on display? What about history books?

I like it more than fallout 3(yes I know I'm retarded) and it's got one of the best radio stations

Nuka World is actually good until it railroads you into being a raider. it's so fucking bizarre to go from a poorly written main game into a DLC that gives you nothing but shit choices, it's unnerving. Same thing with Far Harbor. One could argue that those two DLC's are the only worthwhile content in the whole of FO4. They are legitimately substantial in their writing unlike 99% of Beth crap whether you end up liking it or not.

I'm the rare person who loves 3/4 and also loves 1/2/NV. Beaten them all so many times I pretty much have them memorized. I fully acknowledge that 4 barely even qualifies as an RPG but I still enjoy it as a sandbox shooter. Also it rivals NV for best companions in the series for me.

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The last enjoyment I got out of it was base defense mods. But the game chugs when youre gatling gunning a hundred mutties with explosive rounds alongside the fire of 10 turrets.
Alos the ai is terrible, settlers ai sucks, companion ai sucks, every monster cant manage anything but straight lines.

Gotta agree about Fallout 4 companions, they really are good.

Fucking this. NV just imported over would have been goty.

>brown and trash everywhere
>made a "general" of a group thats a pain in the ass within 5 minutes
>setup defenses, receive 60 messages about them needing help anyways
>yes (sarcastic)
>no (sarcastic)
>forced pet companion
>skills somehow even more dumbed down than skyrim
>13 year old game engine

its a dumpster fire that even mods can't fix. its worse than skyrim. and its a preview of how bad es6 will be.

It's a game that is fun to mod, but there are no mods that make it a decent RPG. I treat it more like a doll house, I build large bases, give the settlers job appropriate clothing and occasionally I'll create my own big battles by spawning opposition forces for them to defend against since the settlement raids are trash. My ideal game would be a cross between Fallout 4, Kenshi, and the Sims. It's autistic but I enjoy games where I can just make my own fun.

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If you're criticizing a game you haven't even played, then your opinion should go to the trash, right where you belong my friend.

I liked it for what it was, but I never finished it or its DLC, I think I put 100 hours in and then just stopped
for every step they took forward, they took a step back in some way, I really hope Bethesda stops with the whole "radiant" quest shit, just make better quests and give the game more replayablity
as for the settlement building, I thought it was okay, if janky as all shit, if they made a way for you to import other player created settlements in, that would be great, since there are a lot more people with more free time and creativity than me.
next game I will be cautiously optimistic for, but I would much rather see another New Vegas than another 3/4

Kenshi sex mods when?

Codex has standalone updates

One of the little touches I really appreciated with 4's companion was how they talk to each other when you switch them out. As good as NV's companions are, it bugged me that they NEVER talk to each other. Arcade will make a brief comment about ED-E/Rex and that's it. Having them talk, even just those quick back-and-forth lines, makes them feel so much more like friends then just the protagonist's fan-club.

>if they made a way for you to import other player created settlements in
That's been a thing for years.

On repeat playthroughs I think 4>NV mostly because, for me, being an idiotic super murder hobo with the Idiot Savant Perk is pretty enjoyable. In terms of overall package NV>>>powergap> so there it is.

Nice lil diner there btw. I appreciate the details. I was trash at the building aspect hence the hobo usage lol.

>it's almost harvesting season
This is going to be a cringefest of bad voice acting.

Todd Howard admitted they fucked with the dialog options so it isn't the same with ES6

Bro this game looks worse than oblivion, unironically

I never enjoyed it in the first place. First Bethesda game I quit because of boredom

What changed this time? 76 is still a piece of shit and no amount of updates will restore my faith in it, so 4 and NV are my options on hand.

The worst part of nuka world was being dropped in as leader of three giant raider gangs and you STILL have to do everything yourself. If they had some raid management system through dialgoue where you had large battles with the heavily defended nuka world towns to claim them it would have been so much better.

The story of this game doesn't make any fucking sense so I never enjoyed it. Never wasted my money on it either.

Will 76 weapons ever get ported to 4?

>brown and trash everywhere
How many fallout games don't have brown and trash everywhere? All I can think of is 3 with green and trash everywhere. If it bothers you, you can mod it.

>setup defenses, receive 60 messages about them needing help anyways
So ignore them. You don't have to do anything.

>forced pet companion
You're not forced to take dogmeat with you.

>skills somehow even more dumbed down than skyrim
Skyrim doesn't even have player stats. Also considering FO4's perk tree actually corresponds to distinct abilities most of the time rather than minor probability and damage tweaks, it's a vast improvement over the earlier games.

All they did wrong in 4 was the story and dialog and the shitty engine, everything else is better than the rest of the series.

oh, I played at launch and never bothered to go back and check, maybe some day I will give the game a replay, but its unlikely
I recall a bunch of the early mods caused so many issues so I didn't mod too much before I got bored and stopped

Did not then, do not now, will not in future either.
One way they could salvage this mess would be to port all of the 76 to 4, and switch off "live service" bullshit. Aint happening. Wasted potential.

haven't heard a single positive thing about it so I avoided it altogether

I'm playing it but the brotherhood of Steel can go fuck themselves. Fucking hate every single mission and thing related to them. The moment I took off to their secret base in the sky the game became 50% shittier.

>can't run a 4 year old game

Because you're a sheep.

I find the game to be much better than Fallout 3

i somewhat enjoyed the mod that automated the towns for you, it's too bad you had to place a companion there, and sometimes it was bugged af but it definitely demonstrated how even a mod by one guy dropkicked Bethesda in the balls. I'm guessing it's just sheer incompetence.

Has it really been 4 years already? Where the fuck is Fallout 5?

All of the factions in 4 are retarded. I wish there was an option to just kill them all.

What an excellent way to cope with criticism

it takes willpower and rn, i don't think we'll ever see it. there's no real story, so it's just a soulless looter shooter. I can't imagine someone wanting to see that anywhere but the trash bin.

Saying you haven't played a game isn't criticism.

It is just massive incompetence and apathy. Skyrims been re released like a dozen times and still has game breaking bugs from release that the community have patched for, what, eight years now?

So pretty much like every Fallout game including New Vegas?

Never did. Not even the first time. I regret downloading it.

I had fun for a while but the story sucks shit so I cant finish it. Most of the buildings turn into the same shit and power armor makes the game too easy.

i played fallout 3 so im not gonna play another Bethesda fallout.

i feel like fallout 1 and 2 or worth something but im not huge on Turn based games.

There are vertibirds you tard

I tried to punch every single one of those BoS faggots but I can't get out of their ship alive and I would lose Danse. I dont hate the Minutemen though.

The guys from Vault 81 also got on my nerves. Once I'm done with this save I'm going to kill them all with Strong as my side kick

You can use the vertibirds for fast travel if you join the brotherhood of steel

Come back 3 years from now for Todd to sell you more lies.

>melee still has no decent animation overhauls
Somehow we have sex in super high fidelity with 1000000 FPS per coitus though. Go figure.

Punches are nice. And if you can upgrade them even better.

I feel like Saitama playing through the game just one punching everything with the furious power fist

When fallout 4 was released it was a boring slog with a story for idiots by idiots, boring weapons and loot and power armor was still half implemented even though it was the apex of their achievement.
But then I got to the south western part of the map looking for the scientist and was told it was extremely radioactive so I fixed up power armor for it. It was excellent going through the literal wasteland with dust and god rays and rain hitting the hud. Very immersive for a tiny bit. Made me want a game all about using some battle armor to slog through a wasteland trying to surive, maintaining the armor hiding out in caves or something.

Because they dont play the game. All they want is a vector for their depravity.

>until it railroads you into being a raider.
you can just genocide them as soon as they open the hockey arena

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I pirated it and still got buyers remorse, thats how bad it is. From the cringe as fuck dialog, the retarded character design, the shitty weapons, the casualized gameplay, the generic as fuck shooting with vats being useless and overall shit, the shitty plastic looking graphics and artstyle, the garbage quests that are pretty much just fetch quests, and all of the other shit things I don't want to remember, this game is absolute garbage. Even if I mod it, and I would have to mod it to absolute ridiculous lenghts, I still don't think it would be anywhere close to enjoyable. Even Shitrim has some redeeming qualities, FO4 is dumpster fire garbage.

I seriously can't believe there are people out there who not only bought the game, bought all the dlcs and still enjoyed it and defend the game. What kind of fucked up lobotomy do you need to enjoy this giant pile of rotten feces is beyond my imagination. Holy fucking shit.

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I pirated it when it came out, played it for maybe two hours, and then uninstalled it forever.

It's literally not worth anyone's time.

Played it for like 10 hours before I dropped it. It would be playable if the dialogue and story was improved and the way guns and armor feel/look.


I know everyone hated the railroaded dialogue in this game. Are there any overhauls to add No options? Any overhauls to add in stuff like flirting with the gender specific perks, similar to older games? Really, not enough games have flaunting sexuality as a thing anymore.

I only side with the Ghouls, and I'm only friendly to Ghouls. They're the best characters in these games.

Too bad you can't turn into a ghoul. cuz you're a fucking Synth

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What's this for bullshit? Why wouldn't you be able to control how you distribute your own intellectual property? Who the fuck is going to sue you, other people who weren't allowed to use it? What kind of retarded logic is that?

>Any overhauls to add in stuff like flirting with the gender specific perks, similar to older games? Really, not enough games have flaunting sexuality as a thing anymore
not really, the perks in 4 can't be removed or changed that much for some reason, and dialogue only exists with pre recorded voice lines

There is flirting and charisma checks in the dialogue in Fallout 4 though. A lot actually.

yeah but then there's no content. It seems very poorly thought out, considering how it leaks out into the commonwealth, where all my other towns were. I read all the possible ways to deal with it, and the only one I agreed with was exterminating the entire place but then...that's the end of it. You can do a lot of the quests without doing anything overtly evil but then at some point near the end it basically tells you that it's time to become a raider, which is not fun.

I was convinced that I would be able to psychologically trap all these groups and play them off against each other and then come out on top in the end....nope, that is apparently too hard for Bethesda. It's either play the puppet or slaughter them all or make some limpwristed choice after you've become a raider. very disappointing

try the vr. 90% of the mods work without anything needing to be done. Big tiddies AND gameplay.

The idea is to prevent companies from acting like anybody can use their IP and then turning around and suing people they don't like.

Neat. Might try to make a charisma milf.

Hey there newfag. Yea Forums is not a hivemind, or even an echochamber. You only think Yea Forums hates games you like, because you ignore people on Yea Forums who praise the game you like. You only remember (and respond to) the negative posts, not the positive ones. Remember to not feed the trolls; if someone is baiting you, don't reply. Just ignore them and reply to people who are actually discussing vidya.

Welcome to Yea Forums and enjoy your stay.

t. reddit

Maybe just have a written document that states a certain group of people is allowed to use it for a certain purpose.
It's not hard, Bethesda just doesn't want people using their assets because money. Stop pretending they're somehow FORCED to sue them if they use their assets.

>Cait wanting a threesome with SO and Piper

fo4vr just makes me sad; the rifles and heavy guns will always be one handed, the scopes will always be a 2D screen in a black abyss, and everything will always run like shit. It would be fun in VR if bethesda cared.

>only one I agreed with was exterminating the entire place but then...that's the end of it.
because bethesda didn't put effort into the story again, they just added the "bad faction"

Compare and contrast Far Harbor with NW and the base game and Far Harbor has amazing writing

I thought Fallout 4 had a hidden economy and build my Settlements around it, but it turns out it didn't

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>have a written document saying other people can used licensed audio
yeah great idea


The only downside is that most of the relationships don't lead to much other than XP bonus and new perks. But I find it nice that I can have relationships with some characters I like, like Cait and Hancock. Some cute npcs in this game.

>still no first person body mod
>still no unfucked way to register and play custom animations
Why is this game so shit? Even the mods aren't as good as Skyrim's.

If they actually would support modding, like that user claimed, it's definitely a great idea. Just make it tight, they have a legal department don't they? Somebody could whip it up in a day. There's literally no fucking reason to deny them access to your assets if you want them to use them. The only explanation is that you don't want them to use it, and to avoid negative PR you make up some lame excuses.

>still no first person body mod
because of the "dynamic camera" makes it impossible

They literally do not own the assets you retard, they can't just give away audio a different company is letting them use

>Maybe just have a written document that states a certain group of people is allowed to use it for a certain purpose.
I guarantee this will never happen. Some cock sucker will always want to get paid

>decide to play a hardcore Skyrim run
>join thieves guild
>their missions have me travel all over the fucking map
>cant take multiple missions
>must keep doing missions to upgrade the hideout and rise in ranks
>missions are mostly traveling 8 hours to kill a mob then walk back again to report it

Fundamentally, the game isnt designed for survival mode. They just added it as an afterthought.

>"dynamic camera"
Can you explain what that contextually means? I'm dumbfounded by why that makes it impossible.

>Can you explain what that contextually means?
ever notice in cut scenes that the camera jumps around when the dialogue starts, not only can you not move, you also can't back out? It's the camera being hard coded into the game

there are mods that let you somewhat work around it



I have over 300 mods installed that basically fixed fallout 4's short-comings as well as adding back the cut content Bethesda was too under-skilled to pull off. (Combat Zone restored) Also a bunch of mods to turn the Minute Men into an actual functioning and competent military, as well as the option to set up settlements wherever.

Attached: Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.06.04 - (1920x1080, 3.98M)

Fallout really shouldn't be this fucking brown. It's 200 years after the nukes dropped. The first two games took place in California which is mostly fucking desert, it makes sense that it's even browner after global nuclear war. But 3 takes place in Washington and 4 around Boston, after 200 years they should be overgrown wilderness.

Also fuck all this ramshackle scrap metal housing, F1 had post-war stone and mudbrick structures made and that was less than 100 years after the war.

It's like they see the design brief of "Apocalypse" and go straight for desolate wasteland.

Why would you still enjoy a Fallout game after the first full clear run? Every single one since F3 is dull as fuck once you do everything. NV included. Not to mention the graphics are piss ugly in all of them and they all need mods to even be worth while.

maybe get some texture mods

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Not big enough.

The horizon mod fixes so much of the game for me its insane. P hyped for the next release.

Kill all the factions as the minutemen and then systematically massacre every minuteman you see. Fuck those guys, they fucking disband their Boston-wide network after ONE(1) loss and then form some kind of cult of personality around the player that will collapse as soon as you die or fuck off somewhere else.

too difficult since I have small cities worth of objects and settlers

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So I bought F4 on console years ago. I forced myself to 100% despite hating every second of it and wondering why it wasnt giving me the same feeling I got from F3. I'm torrenting it on PC right now any mods to make this game not shit and actually interesting?

>Romancing a [[[Ghoul]]]
I've dispatched a Vertibird to your last recorded position.


its a gamebryo game user, it runs like dogshit no matter what

You can actually make it look like not a fallout game, wish you could do that with new vegas
Also gunplay's nice so you can enjoy this souless hunk of a game

It's fun in VR for just exploring and shooting shit, but not much else.

it's alright, half the game feels unfinished though
and settlements are only fun for the building aspect, all else is worthless

I can enjoy it despite it's problems. I don't like how all the crafting perks are basically mandatory to have good gear. Are there any mods that add more mods to vendor menus? That's the only thing I can think of to fix that issue.

It looks like the lowest it's gotten is $23.99, but it normally only goes down to $29.99


Post mod list

>3 years
we'll be lucky if Elder Scrolls 6 or even Starfield is out in 3 years

It is just so shallow. Why put all this work in a world, but not put any depth into it.
The main story having branching paths based on your decisions is nice. But the side quests are just so awful.
I just liked how all the major factions in NV cared about most of the minor factions.

way too bright

I'm still holding out hope for a 3/NV remaster announcement at E3, Bethesda doesn't have anything else other than Doom to show right now

its ass. I dont care about the clunky combat or boring settlement building. plus the game looks like shit

It's okay. If you're looking for an RPG with halfway decent writing then go play something else. If you wanted a collect trash simulator and converting all your weapons into rifles for max damage and headshots, play Fallout 4.

Game is just super boring to me now. Haven't played since july 2018

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I am frustrated with fallout 4 because I came for an RPG, not a fucking borderlands style shoot and loot game with settlement construction for minecraft autists.


it doesnt have the abilty to do multiple playthroughs due to voiced protag.




>not siding with the Institute
>not becoming an immortal director
>not rebuilding the entire world with gen 1/2 synths workforce
>not reverse engineering the zetan crashed ship
>not exploring ancient ruins with your buddy

Don't disappoint me, son.

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>as well as adding back the cut content Bethesda was too under-skilled to pull off
is that a fucking gundam

>betray rival faction after four/six quests? uwu

>Nuclear Winter
>shit load of other mods
I pretty much made my game into Stalker 2.0. It's fun, but a single bullet can kill you and with no autosaves or manual saves, it can be annoying. I end up using a lot more cheats.

>there go my hopes for the project
>someone* makes a patch that ports all original voices over
>* - anonymous dev

Yes, even in a vanilla state

No. In fact, it and 76 are so fucking bad that they've managed to retroactively make the preceding games worse for me. Fuck this game and fuck Bethesda.

I want to fuck that bitch (dog)

>Not big enough.

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But I roleplay in these non roleplay games and its not part of my character. My special oc rp character (female ofc) wants to kill BoS members bc she was raised by wolves and killin is all she know

Their voice work is ass and takes forever
Hopefully it doesnt slow them too bad and like the other user said the community can just pass around the illegal voice files

Play actual bad games like Superman 64 then realize how petty youve been this entire time.

Welp, that sucks. Thanks for explaining.

totally invalidates everything you said. west is the only place that does FPS well

look up nanakochan

I know there are worse games out there, but I don't give half a shit about Superman. I did about Fallout.

So how are the sex mods

Does anyone know of a mod that makes you use the Power Armor UI all the time? I'm tired of the slow ass pipboy animations.

Yes, because I modded the fuck out of it.

Attached: 6.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

I have a 2080ti and running it at 4k makes it not as bad.
But I only have ssd's in my pc and the load times are nearly unbearable when leaving a structure to go into the commonwealth, sometimes takes about 2 full minutes to load, and I don't even use mods, shit's insane.
Basically it's just a VATs simulator, get bored after an hour or so, but not too much to not come back to it

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aaf is alright

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>Guns dont even load right in animations and are functionally all the same with little difference.

Fuck off, not even the automatics or shotguns feel nice and they are the easiest guns to make fun in a game.

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It's cool in fallout cause that actually gives you a purpose for calling in a Vertabird to pick you up so you can travel quickly across the map

Attached: what in the fuck.jpg (800x600, 198K)

>muh feels
No one's going to argue your subjective experience of the game but everyone who isn't butthurt over the rest of the game agrees the guns are good, so you're either wrong or retarded by default, the end.

Gunplay RPGs always baffle me.
>Shoot guy clean in the head
>He doesn't die immediately
Any sense of immersion is immediately broken when you can unload an entire magazine into an enemy's head and they just walk up to you and start punching you.

>load times are nearly unbearable when leaving a structure to go into the commonwealth, sometimes takes about 2 full minutes to load, and I don't even use mods, shit's insane.
stop playing on 4k


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I get what he's saying. In Fallout 4 there's no real feel to the ammo you're firing. A 50 cal rifle feels the same to fire as one that's using significantly smaller ammunition.

>Stop playing on 4k
Nah, once I went 4k60fps I cannot go back

And are there any mods that fix this?

It could have been a cool mode but only being able to save at beds is obnoxious and really just wastes your time, and having to carry around food and water while also having no inventory space at all is not very fun

Even the gun audio sounds puny and underwhelming

Literally hundreds, if not over 1000

What's the best vaultsuit mod?

I get wanting to avoid save scumming, but especially with things like the settlement system and how much time it takes to craft items, it's really a pain in the fucking ass to not be able to save without sleeping. I just enabled the console and keep one "temp" save that I use after making large changes like that and police myself not to us it to scum through an area. I'm more fine with the food stuff.

>fire one shot from lever-action rifle
>character inserts five cartridges

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visual novels aren't video games

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proto vault suit

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How about you let me know which ones you think are best for making them have a better feel?

Unironically retextured Slooty, followed by Vault Outfits Redux.

i really enjoyed it, the exploration looting , combat was good. hell, even crafting was fun. the main quest line was god awful though, felt like they just said fuck it at the end and didnt even finish the game

I don't know what "feel" means. Recoil? That's in the game, though weapon mods can dampen it a lot. Otherwise both of you are too vague to make any sense of.

If you're playing survival you either have to join the brotherhood for free rides or get the local leader perk to set up supply lines so you don't have to carry a mountain of scrap with you everywhere.

What mods do I need to turn F4 into adult sex game?

Honestly you'd be much better served just using Skyrim or even FNV

Four-Play and AAF

Attached: 377160_20181230145531_1.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

>shoot beam of light
>gun recoils
Major oof

Skyrim is unparalleled for that. Everything Fallout 4 mods add, Skyrim has a better, more developed version.


Attached: Untitled-16.png (1180x638, 146K)

Needs a new main quest that's maybe 10% as predictable. Very little reason to replay it as we already know what the good weapons and armor are and how to get them.

Is there a mod that makes smoking queue waiting like when in a chair? I hate having to sit all the damn time

>shoot beam of light
>turns people into ash
I don't think that's just a beam of light user. That much energy would cause recoil, even if it just looks like your shooting light.

Base game should have been survival mode
>Settlements and towns are actually usefull cause you need them to save, heal and provide you with food and water
>Unlocking the Vertabird travel is actually usefull cause it's like quick travel but cool cause you get to see the map and shot at stuff
>You can't just spam quicksave like a filthy casual so dying has actual consequences

>and having to carry around food and water while also having no inventory space at all is not very fun
Just get lone wanderer perk or wear power armor/fill companions inventory

Attached: Texas red.jpg (1080x775, 138K)

With mods yes.

Me? Yes. Me personally? No

Skyrim is hot garbage for that. Unless you're into vanilla stuff and okay with OSA you're stuck with sexlab and
>better, more developed
is something that should never appear within a mile of sexlab mods.

I enjoy FO4 assets inside my FONV.

Attached: bos.jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

>release mod without sound
>release the sound files later as another mod in a random torrent website
>"oops guys that totally wasn't us releasing the sound, don't use the pirated sound files mod please *wink*"
What can bethesda do about this?

>Dey shudn't hab sold de IP
They were literally going bankrupt. How are Bethesda shills this fucking stupid. That second poster is absolutely right. Seriously, who the fuck that perks having a huge Vaultboy animation that appears pretty much in the middle of the screen and makes a loud ass noise was a good idea? It's annoying, looks stupid, is patronizing, pretty much pointless, and at times is practically a jump scare. Also the fact that they didn't even make sure weapon adjectives fit onto the screen really shows how much effort Bethesda puts into their shit games.

Into vanilla stuff? What are you talking about? There is a ton more degenerate stuff for Skyrim than Fallout 4, not to mention there's a ton more vanilla stuff for Skyrim than Fallout 4.

I'm really not sure what you're objecting to here, or what evident you'd put forward for Fallout 4 being a better option than Skyrim for sex modding.



Care to post a link to it

>want to replay again with all the mods i used to have
>start up game
>realize i have shit tons of porn mods installed
>lose all interest in playing

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>tfw all I'd want is flirting and minor tit bounce
I remember going through a few hoops to install and get tit bounce functioning in Skyrim and it never worked. I'm afraid that'll just happen again.

I don't think that post was very difficult reading. I'm saying everything but sexlab is vanilla but sexlab itself is low quality.

>what evident you'd put forward for Fallout 4 being a better option than Skyrim for sex modding.
RSE is a good drop-in equivalent for most of the well known sexlab mods and happens to be well-integrated with less bugs, stuttering or NPCs randomly teleporting and sliding around on the floor to begin animations.

there are much better guides to follow now to get it working correctly


I could never get past the voiced protagonist. Why did they have to choose a faggot for it? I don't want to play as a faggot.

>Try to get new body texture
>Hmm this one looks okay
>”You need to have 10GB of free space for a sweaty skin texture bro!”

What the fuck is Vortex on the right for the downloads?

>installing porn mods
there is your problem

You'll have to find it yourself, I deleted my modded f04 long ago and can't remember what the mod is called. The only one I can find from a quick search just autosaves when you smoke, no waiting unfortunately. You can probably alter that one if you need to.

>not playing as a female

Actually a laser weapon would never have recoil no matter how powerful it is, because photons have no mass. Now plasma weapons, that's a different story.

Attached: 135.png (680x680, 124K)

Remember Nexus Mod Manager? Vortex replaced it.

I dont know where to even begin with modifying a mod to proc from an animation

>What the fuck is Vortex
it's the Nexus's mod manager

Attached: 2019-01-09_3 (1).png (1166x656, 1.17M)

If you're talking about FSM, that's only while the FOMOD installer is running.

To lazy to use it

>Can you personally still enjoy Fallout 4?
Hell yeah. I've got it on my xbone right now modded up and ready to fuck. I understand the hate behind the game, but also fuck you I liked it.

Oh alright.
I'll probably end up using it, despite what /vg/ tells me.
Did it replace it, or did it replace it where "replace" just means "rename and your old stuff still work"?

>cuz you're a fucking Synth

>heavily mod skyrim/fo3/fnv/fo4
>eventually stop playing for a few months
>"this game is a pile of shit, i'll never play it again so why have it take up space"
>delete game
>regret it six months later when I want a big tiddy shoot' n rape sim

but what about that proyect from some fans making a remake of FNV?

it could never be done or it could be something like what black mesa was.

i think i can only because fallout 3 keeps crashing like crazy every 20minutes i play it.

>i think i can only because fallout 3 keeps crashing like crazy every 20minutes i play it.
I hate modding 3 it crashes no matter what i do. Sensitive fucking game.

I've enjoyed every fallout game, including 76. Fun Fact, 76 and NV are my favorites, for different reasons.

>76 and NV are my favorites

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It would also be pretty ineffective for that same reason, there would be no stopping power and it wouldn't rip through your organs like a bullet does

Ah okay, that makes sense. It is fiction though, so you could make up some other kind of particle that somehow has mass. This is why I like gauss guns, it's like an energy weapon with a ballistic feel. Even if hand held gauss firearms doing significant damage might not be realistically possible.

Don't use Buggyortex, use the Nexus Community Edition

That's what i use

This actually seems fun, I don't suppose you want to share your mod list?

vortex is fine

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r8 my toon

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>missing big futa cock/10

No stopping power but photons carry thermal energy. With enough of them focused on a single point you could very easily burn a hole straight through flesh. The US navy developed a ship mounted infrared laser that can destroy incoming missiles.
It's the same principle as when you burn ants with a magnifying glass.

There's gonna be a week one mod that adds the original voices, if you have patience and a copy of new vegas, you could do it yourself day one.

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Yes. I enjoyed the environments and companions.

With excessive modding that goes past the 255 plugin limit that completely changes how the game plays and runs?
Yes, very much so. I can roleplay as an actual apocalpse survivor and not have some fucktarded storyline beyond surviving a destroyed and fucked up world.
Raiders have rape-y backgrounds and kids are killable. It's a wonderful little hell.

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Voice acting is a bit more complicated than that, bethesda can't just give the okay, the actors that gave their voices also need to give their permission, so I'd be a complete nightmare leagally speaking.

r8 this argonian

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I didn't think it was possible for bethesda to make a game that even mods can't fix
I was wrong

i still play fallout 3 to this day without any of the unofficial patches or anything and I crashed one time in the last 10 hours of play. Game is still weird and glitchy though. Tranquility lane wasn't black and white when I entered. The talon company mercs don't have that weird "black face white body" glitch anymore either.

Nice abs but that's about it.

Have you not played Skyrim?

You can fix skyrim with enough mods, fallout 4 is rotten to the core.

No, it looks and plays like shit. It may have better graphics than 3 and NV,but their art styles are legions above this pixar shit.

>Replace nexus mod manager
>Somehow make it worse
How do they manage it?

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>Ez-8 power armor
What are the coolest power armor mods?
Could there even possibly be some form of "sexy" power armor?

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>I'm the rare person who loves 3/4 and also loves 1/2/NV.

Holy shit I'm not alone. 1 through 4 and NV are all fantastic games that have their own strengths.

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time to fire up utorrent and download the repack again

I can't stand the Fallout 4 story. I hate being shoe horned into some pre written fucking garbage instead of being able to role play

I tried jumping on the Nexus site to see if anything neat has been produced to make me redownload it.

It's been like two or so years and nothing really new has popped up, aside from even more titty or hair mods. Only shit of interest was the old tweaks to clothing and armor and dialog boxes.

I couldnt even finish it

There's some pretty sexy Warhammer 40k inspired armor? The female armor isn't powerarmor though



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Thank you for going to the trouble user

this. I've got weapons that do like 200 damage and it's taking a fuck load of ammo to kill things

I can comfortably fix shitrim with mods imo

People are mostly obsessed with gun porn

Attached: sniper reload.webm (994x560, 2.78M)

What mod?

What's worse about it?

>not using MO2

is that the right handed hunting rifle mod?

Yea. This one

Only enjoyable with loli mods.

Its ok, F4 main story is just silly and like F3 there is some silly family issue and is a turn off just to play it again, Bethesda could create good worlds but in the writing department just average, maybe i could do another run with different choices and mod the game. Apart from the main story, the outside arc and doing stuff over the place and the combat is good, cant complain.

And took my son with me.

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>turn the Minute Men into an actual functioning and competent military
I hate this. What is the point of being based on the MINUTE MEN if you are not a militia?

>F4 main story is just silly and like F3
Only reason to play is the Story is to go full murder machine as BoS


militia, whatever. The main point is they aren't a bunch of fags wearing dirty clothes and cowboy hats getting owned by tier 1 raiders.

I really, really liked the building aspect of it. Having a lot of fun in 76 for the same reason, even if it is kinda gimped.

Attached: Fallout 4_20180602171040.jpg (1920x1080, 607K)

>The main point is they aren't a bunch of fags wearing dirty clothes and cowboy hats

How are the porn mods?

>militias are only a bunch of shithead farmers wearing jean jackets

Attached: file.png (620x350, 544K)

>as in ready within a MINUTES notice
>wearing any of that shit normally as a farmer or frontiersmen
Fuck retard

They were a professional paramilitary force before they were betrayed and fell apart. They had weapons, uniforms, and training. 4 should've given you the option to upgrade their equipment and armor as their quest line progressed.

Attached: fallout__fort_independence_sign_by_okiir-daqmz4z.png (900x450, 547K)

>professional paramilitary
>According to Massachusetts colonial law, all able-bodied men between the ages of 16 and 60 were required to keep a serviceable firearm and serve in a part-time citizen army called the militia
No you are a retard. Stop posting.

>Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently organized to form well-prepared militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War.

Yeah, not a bunch of retarded farmers carrying pitchforks

>not a bunch of retarded farmers carrying pitchforks
>Minutemen were selected from militia muster rolls by their commanding officers
>from militia muster rolls

>According to Massachusetts colonial law, all able-bodied men between the ages of 16 and 60 were required to keep a serviceable firearm and serve in a part-time citizen army called the militia
we're talking about the MinuteMen in Fallout 4 retard

Militia doesn't mean some random unprepared faggot, they are equivalent to military


Right, they shouldn't be called Minutemen as they do not embody the ideals and qualities of the traditional Minutemen

>they are equivalent to military
>no central command
>each company of Minutemen were loyal to their own town
>they were all working full time jobs

Why side with the BoS for that? Just kill everyone, they're all shit factions. Minutemen are shit because they're an insult to what they're based on and it's the usual Bethesda bullshit of a faction not being able to do shit without you. Institute is just randomly made evil because there has to be an evil faction, nothing they do has any reason. Railroad is so shallow that I don't remember what was wrong with them. And the Brotherhood is a retarded mish mash of all of the chapters, while going against it's own ideals because some robots can apparently destroy the world.
Except the Fallout 4 MinuteMen just get fucking annihilated when you're not helping them. For whatever reason they wear less armor than any other faction and their signature weapon is a laser rifle they modified to be worse. The Railroad is more well armed and armored than them. The stealth faction that straight up lifts mechanics from the Skyrim Thieves Guild. So they don't fight effectively as improvised units. In fact you pretty much never see or hear about them being farmers or frontiersmen. They're mostly just shit head wanderers.

The Minutemen were an alliance of civilian militias founded as a result of the efforts by various small communities to protect themselves against the numerous threats present within the Commonwealth. Inspired by the historical minutemen of the American Revolution, settlers armed and trained themselves and pledged to help defend each other.

eat shit retard

>implying any of that shit doesn't make them an equivalent

Minute Men were comparable in defeating the largest military force on the planet, kill yourself for being such an idiot

they did have a central command a large part of the story involves learning about it

>For whatever reason they wear less armor than any other faction
??? There meant to be average farmers and frontiersmen, why would they have Power Armor?
>their signature weapon is a laser rifle they modified to be worse
This is bethesda retardation
>The Railroad is more well armed and armored than them
Wasn't their old base a CIA/FBI base?

>they did have a central command
>"Unfortunately, one thing the Minutemen lacked was central leadership. This disadvantage would lead to their dissolution"

>Why side with the BoS for that? Just kill everyone, they're all shit factions. Minutemen are shit because they're an insult to what they're based on and it's the usual Bethesda bullshit of a faction not being able to do shit without you. Institute is just randomly made evil because there has to be an evil faction, nothing they do has any reason. Railroad is so shallow that I don't remember what was wrong with them. And the Brotherhood is a retarded mish mash of all of the chapters, while going against it's own ideals because some robots can apparently destroy the world.
did you not play the game at all?

are you fucking retarded dude? the minutemen were around for half a century with different leaders

>The Minutemen were an alliance of civilian militias founded as a result of the efforts by various small communities to protect themselves
Right and in Fallout 4 Preston's group do not represent this. You do not train civilians in your settlements to become minutemen regardless if you are the general or not. The minutemen in fallout4 magically appear unattached to any settlement as a standing army.

>the minutemen were around for half a century with different leaders
Wrong again,
By the time of the Revolution, Massachusetts had been training, drilling, and improving their militia for well over a hundred years.

Yes. settling autism, mods, having a good basegame for adventure and action and did i mention settlement autism. It's fun for jumping into now and again.

you are talking about two different time periods, dumbass
they aren't called the minutemen for what they are doing now but for what they did before and what they want to become
how in your brainlet sized head do you think recruit beacons work? why do you think you can build settlements and arm your farmers to fight?

jesus dude play the fucking game

figure it out, idiot

>they aren't called the minutemen for what they are doing now
>but for what they did before and what they want to become
What they did before was be a standing army at the castle and later Quincy.
>what they want to become
We see no evidence of them spreading the militia and making new companies.

I played 300 hours of Fallout 4 and felt like I was getting close to the fun part the entire time. But the fun part never came.

>We see no evidence of them spreading the militia and making new companies.
that's player characters job, the more settlements you take, the more MM patrols you see

>I played 300 hours of Fallout 4
I've played 930hrs

The settlement thing was fun. I built a nice tower/fortress on that island. And then I populated it with kill bots with that dlc. Fun game


>that's player characters job
Right, they made some random ex-frozen Popsicle the general of the minutemen.
>the more settlements you take, the more MM patrols you see
What mod?

Every time I get the urge to reinstall I mod it to get it running well, add some fun mechanics, cool weapons.

Then I realize there's barely anything to do that isnt a repeatable quest to shoot random enemy in X place for random Junk.
The main quest is also awful and if you finish it once you've basically seen everything

wasn't really my point BUDDY

>Right, they made some random ex-frozen Popsicle the general of the minutemen.
Preston was the last active MM and he says eh doesn't want to be the General. Also you don't have to accept it.
>What mod
vanilla fallout 4

>The main quest is also awful
This. How does Bethesda do it?

I'm not saying they should have Power Armor idiot. I'm saying they should be able to get more than 1 or 2 pieces of unupgraded leather armor. All of these problems are Bethesda retardation, and it ruins the game so much. I don't remember them using a CIA/FBI base, but that would explain their gear.
I watched a friend stream it, played a bit on my own, and I've read plenty about the factions

What? You cant find glass weaponry until level 16 or something. That cant have happened unless you modded.

Played it briefly before, but unironically the anime girl mod was what gave me the drive to actually play it through. The story questlines are way too short, though to its credit it wasn't completely on rails like FO3. The Enclave mod gave the game a good couple more hours of playtime, but I'm mostly waiting for the F4NV project to be playable.

Attached: Fallout4_2019-05-10_11-34-39-39.png (1280x720, 1.61M)

>I don't remember them using a CIA/FBI base
Yeah, their old base is the "Switchboard", an old Defense Intelligence Agency base. That's where they got PAM the Predictive Analytic Machine

You think theres any chance that they'll roll with the institute ending if FO4 gets referenced in later games? Or will the group be reduced to just remnants like Zimmer who weren't at the institute at the time.

One thing is that it doesn't let you manage your load order at all, it just uses LOOT for everything. That was more than enough for me to not want to use it so I don't know about the other issues I'm sure are also there.

>F4NV project to be playable.
those guys and the Capital Wasteland team are making big gains

They'll just give a vague non-ending answer to what happened in FO4 if it gets referenced in future games.


If the Railroad can first picks on a fucking CIA/FBI base then how did the Minutemen not get their hands on a good and well stocked military base. Was the Castle's armory already ransacked? Were they just like "fuck it, this is good enough" When they found it?


>Was the Castle's armory already ransacked
The Castle is from the Revolutionary war, not the Great War
Why would it be equipped with modern weapons?

Did you try Fusion City Rising and the related mods? They are pretty fun and attempt to patch up all of the plotholes too.

>Start building settlements because at least I can engage some form of my tisms
>All vanilla parts have holes and uneven shit all over the god damn place
>What should be some flat sheet metal is so full of fucking holes it could be used as a makeshift planetarium
I know mods help but holy shit this annoys me beyond belief. You're already converting some nails and a cinderblock into a god damn engine, so why can't you have an actual roofing or wall without holes so big a fuckin ghoul could reach in and smack your nose while you sleep? Fuckin Bethesda I swear.

>Yea Forums not using Servitron with the female TF mod to turn Ada into a sexbot
NIGGERS, all of you!

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>Start building settlements because at least I can engage some form of my tisms
Welcome to Hell.

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I don't even want to know what sort of rig it takes to not die loading all of that.

you are like a little baby

>it's another players end up creating better content then the developers episode

fucking annoying how lazy they are.

Huh? I use Vortex and can change my load order at will.

>Player builds this.
>Bethesda build diamond city
Why are they so shit at their job?

it actually might be consoles. Developers keep having to restrain themselves to make sure their shit product is available on the cuckboxes

They can't even make working ladders while I'm sure any other dev could. Hell, if some anons were tasked that they'd probably make it within the week.

i wish someone was autistic enough to digitalize in 3d this figure and His take on windblade

Mod Organizer 2 is worse, it doesn't recognize mod directories or imports it from NMM/vortex, and the autists at reddit and /vg/ wants to monopolize this garbage into all games, and MO2 HATES everything that isn't Skyrim

I'm guessing there's no total conversion like Enderal to avoid the main story, right?

what's that one website with all the sex mods

also are the sex mods for skyrim like actually good, as in fappable? or is the whole thing just a meme?

buggy meme

I used MO2 for Morrowind just the other day and it worked perfectly

Xbox is fine because its still a PC with its hardware architecture, if there's someone to Blame, is Sony's autistic hardware architecture that keeps slowing gaming down.

Look at how many good shit and even effects we lost from 2007 and onwards because the PS3 and 4 cant handle calculate and handle a few graphic shaders.

>Why are they so shit at their job?
keep in mind consoles could barely run games like Silent Hill Downpour, Fallout 3 and Skyrim

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Not after 76 unless I'm playing with sex mods.

Morrowind HATES mod managers user, stop lying like an underage zoomer shit.
even Wrye mash needs a ritual to work in morrowind.

its installing manually or using Wrye.

it's also the controllers. So fucking shitty yet you have to design entire games around them

There is absolutely no reason MO2 wouldn't work with Morrowind since it simulates manual drag-and-drop installation you retard

Loverslab is the site your looking for.
Sexlab mods are script heavy and can tank performance if your playing on a shitbox, a lot of them are also just straight up poorly made and will cause your game to crash constantly no matter how stable the rest of your load order is.
The well made ones are fine as long as you install them correctly which is also a pain because they all have about 20 different requirements.

Daily Reminder

I can't make a settlement like that without burn my construction budget and drop to 10 fps

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>Every game Prior to PS3 had POM and other kickass effects working well, X360 games could handle perfectly because they were compact pc's.
>PS3 is released and devs has to cut a lot of shit because PS3 CELL processor and video HATES calculating shaders
>MIrror's Edge 1 was the last Game that used POM on the PS3 because the game ran slower than the X360 and PC ports.
>even Wii had working shader support wile the PS3 didnt.

why do people still buys PS3 and PS4 yet?

My bad, I wasn't paying enough attention to what you said.
Ah true, but Bethesda could easily write it so that Fort Independence was turned into an actual modern fort before the Great War. Could have been interesting. The Minutemen could have still found better weapons and armor elsewhere.
How is that mod anyway? It looks really weird from the images. Same for Project Valkyrie and Outcasts and Remnants, are any of them actually good?

>why do people still buys PS3 and PS4 yet?
fanboyism and a "cinematic experience"

I tried so hard last week
uninstalled it after 3 days, it fucking sucks and I remembered why I didn't like it shortly after I got it installed and running again

Consoles literally would run FO3 and NV at like 4FPS if you have all the dlc and played for a decent amount of time. Absolutely amazing stuff, Bethesda.

I'll check it out. It never made sense how there's only a couple of major settlements in all of the Commonwealth and it's up to you to repopulate the rest with settlements. Absolute laziness.

The live dismemberment mod is also pretty great.

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>Kojima Productions can make ladders that you can place anywhere
>Bethesda still can't make ladders that aren't some weird finicky shit or a glorified door

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Mod organizer was always garbage that works only in Skyrim
VIrtual folder is always prone to break all time, and the sillicon valley tier autists who does this shit Ignores any kind of feedback.

And i work on the beta testing part, the devs are asses of the highest caliber, if MO2 breaks your game, well fuck you they dont care, its just them wanting to monopolize that garbage as the only mod manager, and they will never add an import from NMM because they are still Anal that Tannin is now working for Nexusmods.

They are literally the Graf Zahl of Bethesda modding community, a bunch of salty and insufferable niggers.

Sony consoles were always garbage for bethesda games.

yeah I can't imagine why they would ignore feedback from you

Thanks user

any recommendations?

>How is that mod anyway?
Don't take it seriously and you'll have fun
also check these out when you get bored






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>i-i-its fine
>MMMo is great
fuck your shilling niggerdry

Any mod that gives me the Far Harbor vibe?

Has anyone played FO4VR? Does it work well?


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I agree with you, user

I enjoyed it, but it wasn't very good

Sweet merciful jesus, my CPU is sweating by just looking at that

This settlement is beautiful looking, but sadly even given all the fixer mods.. Getting enough settlers to inhabit this place autonomously is impossible.

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yes, it looks really good but ive noticed theres only like 5 people present. I build large settlements too (although not as nice as this) but once my population starts nearing 30 people start disappearing or bugging out, losing their clothes, etc.

Alas is the limitations of the the engine. Makes me wonder which engine is better, source or gamebryo

If your looking for quest mods Thief is pretty good, for gameplay I'd recommend defeat and naked dungeons, both have high customisable MCM's so you can get them just how you like them.
I don't know what your into but there's a shit load of fetish mods so you can have look around there and pick what you want.
If you want to play a male character then there's hardly anything, almost every mod is designed with a female MC in mind so your severly limiting yourself if you choose to play male.

The intro thing they released with Doc Mitchell sounded alright, his voice sounded pretty close to the original and it wasn't bad voice acting either.
Either way it's not like someone won't just mod the original voices in after it releases anyway

probably. i have never played it.

yeah, I'm not knowledgeable enough to know the difference that coding or engines will have when trying to fix this problem. I mean Bethesdafags couldn't even script the combat zone properly without having some single-no-name modder come in a fix it.

well when they made oblivion with fast travel they just made an empty procedurally generated world and plopped quest locations into it making the game tedious and boring if you didn't use it. daggerfall was the exact same though so I'm not sure where the outrage came from.

Alright, thanks for clearing that up. I've never seen anyone talk about those mods. And thanks for the recommendations.

not him but what? Who owns the audio then?

No, the game is flawed at its core and no amount of modding can fix it. The amount of work it would take to make the game even slightly enjoyable could be better spent making an entirely new game instead.

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Source is definitely better than gamebryo. It may not be a good engine but at least the people who made source actually knew how to do anything at all. Entirely convinced gamebryo was made using online tutorials and fucking Fallout 4 still has left over code from Daggerfall on it.

What is really that different from fallout 3 to NV? Sure NV has a much better plot and storyline, but otherwise how is it at all that much of a different experience?

I'm playing Tale of Two Wastelands with the must have mods like lighting, nevada skies, project nevada etc. and i'm really having a blast playing the Fallout 3 section with all the NV functionalities. It's an amazing Fallout experience and 3 really isn't that bad.

it's just a meme

nope no mods, you can probably find my old posts about it on the old beth forums. i wasn't the only one.

In my opinion, the scripting language (Papyrus) is a steaming hot pile of shit.

Have you tried this mod?

NV had a massive amount of actual coding where as 3 was reskinned Oblivion. Guns were reskinned staffs and ladders weren't in the game because they couldn't figure out how to get the player or NPCs to use them. It's a spaghetti-coded wreck just to make use of the license.
Remember how New Vegas actually kept track of your ammo and you could change ammo types? It took them fucking weeks of winding around gamebryo's garbage fucking engine to make it work.

Is there a mod to fix this?

this is why i browse v, people accurately shitting on games gives me such pleasure

>imagine a real game like this
it's a never ever bruhs

>It's a really good first person shooter
no it isn't

it's like a 4/10 shooter, sure it's a step up from a 2/10 shooter like NV or FO3, but it's nowhere near good enough to carry a game so devoid of anything interesting

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No, modders are too busy adding ugly fucking carbon-fiber reskins to everything by just paintbucketing the default texture. That or adding more autistic fucking clothing nobody wants for their CBBE body script specifically designed for their one garbage waifu mod that only the most autistic fucking retards would use.


with drugs and mods anything is possible.... id rather play fallout 3 though

that's a lot of sperging for a hilariously wrong answer

that looks awesome but I only have vanilla :(

no, because i completely broke the game playing melee with the blitz perk. i one hit literally everything

Quick, give me the best gun variety mod that affects the entire game world so I'm not stuck with me and everyone else using pipe pistols and institute laser rifles.

Shut the fuck up normalnigger retard, nobody wants to hear your pea-brained reddit soi opinion about your faggy dead company's trash game that nobody can even adequately mod.

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this is why i play on survival with 300% damage if im going to 1 shot everything at least let them 1 shot me

Yeah but all that work to change ammo is a pretty minor functionality. NV is still only a slightly more evolved reskin of Oblivion then. So why is 3 so much worse? I don't think it is. Same as Skyrim not being THAT much better than Oblivion. All of these games provide a pretty consistent experience I think. I enjoyed them all as they were released, but obviously they are far from perfect.

I'd say it's a 3/10 since the weapons lack good feedback, have retarded designs (left handed bolt action with right handed animations), and pretty shit animations. NV might actually be 4/10, but it's probably a 3/10 because it's fundamentally the same gun play as FO3. It's just higher because the guns are actually well put together, even the made up ones.

You can basically turn it into taimanin asagi complete with cum inflation, lactation during female orgasm, abduction/slavery, breeding and mind break

Of course Skyrim isn't that much better than Oblivion, Oblivion was fucking trash.

The synth plot sounded so incredibly stupid that I didn't feel any need to buy FO4

it is actually really really really fucking stupid, youre not wrong.

very few games look worse than oblivion

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So you think every Bethesda game is trash? I could see them not being for everyone, but why are you in this thread?

this comment makes me very sad , do people these days not know a good game? oblivion is far better then most trash these days. name a game thats come out this year (single player preferably) that you think is better.

it just hurts oblivion and morrowind are my favs

>militia are equivalent to military
That's retarded, you're retarded.

by its own definition militia isent equivalent to military

Any game will look bad if you use shitty mods and run it on a potato.

There are countless examples of guerrilla militias defeating highly trained militaries, they didn't do it by riding on their horse back blindly like retarded rednecks

These are the same people that hate Game of Thrones since whichever season it dropped off, but still watched all the way through the finale kicking and screaming. They're bitter they didn't get more Morrowind, which is understandable, but whereas GoT objectively turned to shit, I think all the Beth gamebryo fallout/TES games were all enjoyable experiences, separate but just not as good as Morrowind of course, which is too bad.

Is there a mod that lets me remove the shitty story and shitty story characters from FO4? Game would be infinitely better if it were just a sandbox with no familiar assholes in it.

what the fuck does that have to do with anything , humans have lost wars to emus? are emus equivalent to human military's? by your logic yes

isn't this from one of the trailers of the fucking game?

What's the enclave mod do?
Also yeah I'm pretty much just waiting for F4NV as well. I heard the Fo3 one got canned but I saw some stuff the other day saying it's still in the works, like they full released a new trailer and everything. I'm kind of interested because I haven't played Fo3 in a long ass time

>Consoles literally would run FO3 and NV at like 4FPS if you have all the dlc and played for a decent amount of time.
That never happened to me on 360 and I have all the DLC.

>Is there a mod that lets me remove the shitty story and shitty story characters from FO4?
Yeah, as soon as leave the vault, walk to Far Harbor and stay on the island

Somehow there is some B-team writer a bethesda thats been writing the DLCs since fallout 3 and they've managed to outshine the main game

no it was made in the Creation kit and crashed whenever it was unpaused

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>What's the enclave mod do?
America Rising mod, lets you take over the Commonwealth as the Enclave

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The creator has gone on record saying the settlement is practically unplayable. He gets

>implying NV had good voice acting

you dont actually get to take over the commonwealth as enclave though, just a few static missions