how do we make garbage like this fuck off from the gaming industry?
they have infested everything gaming related from developers to publishers to gaming journalism
there has to be a way to get rid of them once and for all
How do we make garbage like this fuck off from the gaming industry?
Whatever system shock was never good. She can have it. Call me when she ruins something I care about.
What is the problem? It's just a dude speaking at a conference.
not very subtle user
Is this System Shock 3?
rip system shock 3.
If you're not manly you're a woman imo.
you cant, they like video games too :)
Enter the industry yourself and make better and more successful games. Do literally anything other than make the same whiny posts ad nauseum on an anonymous image board where 99.9% of the posts already agree with you.
Stop buying video games
>we're not like resetera, we don't try to ruin people's liv-
enjoy playing as a futuristic disabled genderfluid muslim
they're fine. we need to just get it so we don't have mass movements trying to suppress or boost shit. let the market shake things out.
Her hair is pretty cute
It's not bait. I think all the "shock" games suck dick. Half life as well while I'm grandstanding.
Well I guess I can cross another game out.
I miss the times when videogames were made by socially awkward nerds that actually played videogames to begin with
so system shock 3 is confirmed to be shit?
i'd say 90's devs were way more socially capable than today's rainbow-colored weirdos
What's the issue with people making games? They are not forcing you to buy them.
make him your boywife and send him back to the kitchen
Just bully and ostracize every member of the LGBT you know. These faggots need to be strong armed back into containment
specifically stop buying shitty SJW-bait games
if GTA 6 is going to feature a transgender duck as a playable character and you don't like that then don't fucking buy it
nothing says "please fuck me, the consumer, in my dumb fucking bitch face" like continuing to buy games in a series that is metaphorically doing that to you
Hell yeah user! Let's do it together!
Stop buying Western games by default. If a company has proven themselves to hire normal people and not inject leftist propaganda into their games, then you support them.
There are actual human beings who not only don't find dyed hair attractive, but actively dislike it. What must it be like, to be born with such shit taste?
This is the only right choice.
Send a message with your fucking money.
what makes her (or him I don't even know anymore) be garbage? have you suffered issues from playing the games where he/she was involved at?
or are you just complaining because he/she doesn't look "developer" enough for you?
the cut is more of a problem than the color, user. surely you don't mean to strawman so bad unironically?
I agree with you and I played all of those on release, with a high spec PC
most people here won't accept it and call it trolling, its not
i dont understand why straight people don't just mobilize and form a campaign to mass protest all devs that hire gays and trans people. We out number these mentally ill sacks of shit 10-fold
Have sex. This is the gaming industry now, get over it incel.
start your post with a capital letter then space
it implying you're starting a paragraph only to continue your point within
the same sentence while starting them all with a small letter making sure every single fucking line is longer than the one before it
>vote with your wallet
>whales that buy every new game and play it for 30 minutes outnumber you 1000:1
how do we make garbage like this fuck off from Yea Forums?
they have infested everything Yea Forums related from communities to forums to game servers
there has to be a way to get rid of them once and for all
I think people are just afraid of being publicly targeted ou being "socialy murdered"
What do mentally ill transsexuals have to do with having sex? It's not like they are getting any
I played most of them near release. I just don't get the appeal of slow games with shitty gunplay that hide behind a mediocre story.
which really can't happen given numbers
this will happen until all trannies and fags leave for good
Genuine question here, not trolling:
When is this crap going to stop? when will the trannies and thots start caring about something else and leave us with our games again?
vidya is where all the money is. the industry would have to implode, and it won't.
I'd give you that if I didn't also think pixie cuts and similar styles were hot.
maybe someone should invade their discord and then use a bot to kick everyone.
RIP western """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" period
It can does happen all the time. The second anyone espouses any viewpoint that is even slightly right of center, they're ushered out of the industry.
You sound exactly like them and you don’t even realize it.
Yup. I have plenty of money, but cannot justify buying low quality crap anymore. Oh well, at least I have started reading again.
Why is this so prevalent in Western gaming?
this is what peak female performance looks like bigots
>whales that buy every new game and play it for 30 minutes outnumber you 1000:1
Have you ever thought that maybe it would be the other way around, if only you stopped spreading defeatist mentality?
People like this have no personality outside their activist mindset and have no actual skills.
So naturally you get nonsense like DAI where theres more collecting than a 90s platformer in whats supposed to be a fantasy rpg.
By being a Christian, Traditional Catholic better, aknowlodging that the Earth is Flat, God is good and living a calm and comfortable life, and playing retro games more, and also reducing the number of new gen games by playing only quality and unbiased titles, mostly Asia stuff.
Let that industry die off and these people dissapear from the public gamer attention.
that's because tranny fags and ANTIFA losers have been using bait bots for like 5 years now. Devs over 30 don't realize the brigade they are experiencing are like 20 gay autists
>Stop buying western video """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Even if its defeatist its still true.
i just get sad at this shit, man.
even big companies used to make games to cater to the people who actually spent money on the games, now they make every game political or filled with some crazy out of place diversity agenda and shoe horned badly made shitty female strong characters to cater to the dozens of chicks who play videogames and scream sexism on twitter 24/7, aaaaaaaaaaaaah i just want good games again... not even that, i want at least average quality games again....
>Why is this so prevalent in Western society
take a look around you. this isn't unique to gaming.
What actually pushes people to dye their hair a non natural color?
it really isn't
Hopefully they make flat earth a thoughtcrime.
It does happens all the time SJW do make alot of noise.
if one of those retards acuses you of something most of the time noone will even bother hearing your side of the story, they will just hear the accuser and hoard a mob to make you look bad.
>video game "oscar bait" has worse acting than C-list Lifetime/Hallmark productions
That is some low standards.
I miss the times when people made their own fucking games instead of whining about how they aren't being catered to anymore.
Must make it easy for you to get fucked in the ass if it's a 'woman' doing it huh fag
mental illness
nobody replies to anything I ever post unless I put a meme image or reddit space with bad caps
Said nobody here. Fucking newfag.
Nice broad shoulders and powerful forearms.
These guys look like Chads with today's standards, ironically. How the times change.
Lol Yea Forums contributes towards 0.09% of the industry's profits. But keep pretending you have the power of influence.
There's a 40% it will fuck off by itself.
>there has to be a way to get rid of them once and for all
that's why there has to be an initiative, not just singular activity.
You could still at the very least stop yourself from playing a bad game
I thought it was that thing from the thumbnail too
I guess that makes ProJared a Lesbian.
/pol/ types are not exactly the majority of whites or males in the video gaming sphere, no matter how much the echo cham/v/er may tell you otherwise.
Yes, because the issues that DAI had was because of the boogytrans as opposed to EA interfering and wanting microtransactions and MMORPG bullshit put into the game. Totally wouldn't have happened if there were more straight white Christian video game developers.
That's why you need to let these tranny entities with Stalinist and Pol Plot syndrome to die. They want to ultimately destroy and kill you.
I'm saying if you trap or whatever you're no longer a man.
this is what you get when people are too nice.
this is what happens when there are no consequences for your actions in life
>Christian, Traditional Catholic better, aknowlodging that the Earth is Flat
You do know your beloved Asia spits upon that shit, right?
>mentions /pol/
Sorry faggot, normal people are sick of LGBT bullshit too
Yes it is. Most games are designed with this in mind now.
I've got no problem with these people, they actually make some pretty good games. At the other end of the spectrum you have shit like KCD, a bug ridden snore fest piece of shit. Let's get rid of those developers.
gynecomastia, gynecomastia everywhere.
What company is that? Where is it located? Where does it primarily recruit from? If the answer to any of those questions is CA, the result will certainly be biased. Furthermore, I wonder how many were pressured by office culture to participate in that photo op.
>went full retard after realizing that he wanted to fuck the very thing he claimed to hate
Frollo and Yea Forums really do have something in common.
Stop buying western trash. The best games were always japanese, from horror to action, stealth, fighting, you name it. The only exceptions were the PC rpgs from the 90s and fps normalfag garbage if you're into that kind of trash. The west is degenerate at its core and can't produce anything with genuine passion. It's all about california asswipes trying to make THE NEXT BIG THING to retire early and that's it.
Well, 0.09% of a trillion industry is something to consider.
How thew fuck did he grow hair back? It's RTH or it's what female hormobnes do to you?
yes because a tiny handful of minorities that haven't been challenged yet because you're too much of a pussy
I would definitely rather have trannies here than /pol/tards
ngl that is impressive hair recovery tho
I guess that's why queershit keeps selling like hotcackes.
>hate degenerate shit
>play Japanese games
Japanese games are full of degenerate shit, and they allow women to make video games, you fucking weeb.
the be honest i think you just need to make some simple rules and meme it into becoming the standard procedure againts sjw culture (yes,culture, not just games.)
Dont buy
Dont hype it
Dont watch it
Dont Sperg about it
A lot of this would go away if we could somehow destroy the West Coast.
no one who played hl1 on release would say it sucked dick.
HRT kills testosterone which kills DHT and in most cases reverses hair loss.
Testosterone is related to alopecia. Replace testosterone with estrogen and...
You cannot say "No" with your money. You can only say yes.
So your comment is pointless.
Its because conservatives arent creatives. Liberals dominate all creative fields.
So your telling me there isn't a huge demographic of retards that wont buy the shiniest new game regardless of content in it?
>i'd rather have trannies
Civil War when? Please let us detach and nuke the south east US.
Gonna need some proof on that.
Asia's vastly mimics anything western related, being occult stuff to Christian architecture. But the point is that they don't push straight satanic, genocidal and end civilization's political agendas on their video game entertainiment.
Western devs are uncultured and pretentious swine
This. Anyone that has a girlfriend or isn't socially awkward has no reason to ever play video games or even go on Yea Forums. Leave our nerd hobbies to the losers that need it. Do normalfag stuff if you want to have fun. The stuff that we can't do.
because progressive SJWS like spending their money on irrelevant shit and then they complain about capitalism
What are some good Japanese RTS games?
ment for
I would never fuck anyone on Yea Forums, but at least trannies talk about video games instead of injecting backwards politics into everything.
Of course you would, tranny.
There's plenty of communities where you can have that. Go to them instead of trying to change Yea Forums to accommodate your views.
They allow talented women to make good video games with no SJW agendas or rules enforced into them.
This. At least they aren't making bait threads and shitting up the board.
Does it sell because of it or in spite of it? "Get woke go broke" is a stupid claim to make because it assumes a game sold poorly because of inclusion of SJW shit. Assuming a game sold well because of SJW shit is stupid for the same reason.
>Japanese make games for fun
Yeah all those low effort licensed arena fighters based on the latest animu and ecchi dungeon crawlers with mind-numbing gameplay sure are fun
>trannies talk about video games instead of injecting backwards politics into everything.
Are you even reading what you're typing?
I unironically hope President Xi personally either nukes California into dust or purges the white male liberal from our lands
>but at least trannies talk about video games instead of injecting backwards politics into everything
Are you an actual retard or just baiting? If you honestly think that it's pretty clear you've never been on a tranny infested website.
>tfw passable trap
>tfw forever associated with dick chopping tranny freaks
i just want to suck cock while crossdressing
You are fucking ridiculous.
>Stop buying video games
I haven't bought at a game for full price in over 6 years.
>/pol/ types
I can already tell you're a faggot from Resetera.
internal issues they would rather not work on. to them quick change = quick life fix to be happy, but it never lasts, which is why they do it so often.
i knew a girl. beautiful brown hair, perfect breasts, great personality. she's in a relationship with the same guy on and off for over 10 years, and she's not happy. apparently i'm the only one in that entire time span that she can be happy if she chooses to and even if it's a hard decision to make, it would ultimately be the right one since they're not right for each other. she falls in love with me (i wish i was joking), but her way out of this was to stop talking to me completely to keep her life stable. don't blame her really, but what happens right after? became even more miserable, but now she dyes her hair crazy bright neon colors literally every week. she's still miserable, but now she can talk to other people about that for a while, and that changes the subject from her shit life to her fabulous hair.
she's still miserable.
>they allow women to make video games
And funnily enough they're better than the ones Western men make. Even funnier how all the feminism in the world hasn't produced a single female video game music composer or remotely decent female porn artist from the entire wh*te world.
Someone post that webm of the black tranny being kicked on a bus
>this is the person telling you to have sex
We don't even need nukes. All we need to do is show up and the neo-Yankees will fall like leaves.
grow up and get a real hobby. video games are for manchildren and literal retards.
We need to get rid of you as well OP. The purple hairs are cut from the same cloth as the incel spastics. All of you should jump off a bridge
>trannies don't try and inject politics
Lol kill yourself retard
I just want Yea Forums to go back to what it was before the Trump tourists showed up. If we could go even further back to before Tor-tanic then this place would be a dream.
they're not telling YOU to have sex, they are begging you to have sex with them
Not a single one of these ugly dudes pass.
The actually creative fields are entirely conservative, though.
>echo cham/v/er
>Yea Forums is an echo chamber because people are allowed to post political views you don't agree with
Why do you fags never understand what echo chamber actually means
Fed needs to bite the bullet and tighten up. I bet you'd see a lot less.
Who cares if they allow women to make things. The problem isn't women per se but retarded bulldykes who never even liked video games in the first place but only got into this industry because she doesn't have a place anywhere else. The video games industry in the west has been consistently used as a literal dumpster from other industries since the last decade, which is why its "journalists" are nothing more than literal bloggers who can't even beat tutorials, while its "devs" are just failed hollywood rejects.
You seem to misunderstand. I want to destroy the south-east, which is full of red states.
>jim sterling says voting with your wallet doesn't work so we need communism
this might be more of your thread /pol/acks
pic related was supposed to be dressed more modest until jap female devs stepped in and demanded more girly clothing like the mini-skirt.
Proud CIS people need to rise up.
Yea Forums has always been pretty against the insertion of political propaganda into games. You're either a newfag or being intentionally dishonest.
ok OP
she's cute but she shouldn't make fun of the disabled
I wonder how he managed to pull that full head of hair when transitioning from a bald dude to a haired dude
This. We've never wanted identity politics in games.
I'm sure they have a high opinion of that which they "mimic". Just look at all those JRPGs where you have God and/or the church save you instead of killing God and/or the church. Or maybe the history of Christianity's oh so friendly presence in Japan you newfaggot Redditard.
Unity through abstinence works much the same was as communism or socialism. It sounds good on paper, but it doesn't work unless everyone involved is committed to it, which is something that can never happen because humans are selfish by nature. For every single person who refuses to buy shitty political games, you have 10 others who will still buy it out of brand loyalty or plain ignorance.
Maybe it's working and you are just on the wrong side of history.
If it bothers you that much maybe you should make your own games, user! :3
Hey if it's either mock them or be forced to take their political beliefs seriously I choose mockery.
Excellent projecting pedo faggot
Red Lantern Dexstar was created by a Christian.
Is this a joke? Almost all of Yea Forums's favorite games are filled with politics. Being gay or trans or a woman isn't a political view, you fucking idiot.
>these deformed freaks are now in charge of our favorite childhood franchises
I fear for baldurs gate 3 I expect it to open up with minsc tongue kissing another man and he has pink lipstick and some weird ass half hair like that freak in the OP then theres a flaming fist pride parade and the logo shows on the screen
That's what the Adolf in the room did, and that's the position I support.
>Being gay or trans or a woman isn't a political view
It has been for years.
I don't even dislike trannies on principal but even I can tell you that right now the trans community has a SEVERE preachiness problem.
degenerate lol
>Being gay or trans or a woman isn't a political view, you fucking idiot.
Demanding faggot representation in a cartoon game for children is political fuck stick
Stop buying their games and pirate them instead.
Someone have that image of the gay couple who adopted some kid and had an article in the paper but turned out they were abusing him?
>implying you faggots don't want conservatives removed from society.
resetfags are not happy until everyone has the same opinion as them.
Wow, it's obvious this is your first year on Yea Forums
Lmao, this is a billion dollar industry filled with manchildren and literal children who will buy anything, literally any garbage, they will spend money on it. They don't care about a game pushing politics, trannies, bad practices, shitty cosmetics, whether a sequel is worse than the original or whether it shits all over what video games used to be. They will buy it and none of us can do anything about it.
That's why you should find another hobby or stop caring and just enjoy things in your corner.
voting with your wallet is just that, it's not a demand and it's not expected to stop anything. It ALWAYS works, because it's only you who controls it.
if you want a boycotts call for one, but voting with your wallet is just market action for your desires.
>discord tourist posts thumbnail
No I actually don't want anyone to be removed from society just for having a different opinion.
And if you're trying to say I'm a liberal, you're also wrong.
or just buy the games that don't have that stuff
shut the fuck up you faggots. what do you want? straight, white, brown haired men designing your games so you can feel like the target audience again? fucking kill yourselves
>my degeneracy is better than your degeneracy!
That's not something to be proud of
>information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
Stuffing trannies and tranny imagery into your game while trying to portray them as the super cool good guys is most definitely propaganda faggot.
they're confusing voting with your wallet as VOICE, when it's EXIT
b-but people are buying things i don't like
This is just the style of the 2010s unfortunately. This is the era where everyone is questioning their sexuality and coloring their hair to signal to each other, and big companies are giving it their full endorsement.
I kind of wonder, has the pharmaceutical industry suffered at all as the internet grew? Maybe HRT is really cheap to make and high profit since they have to take it for life? Might be a huge cash in to get people transitioning
>straight, white, brown haired men designing your games so you can feel like the target audience again?
Yes, and I'd tell you to kill yourself but my odds of 40% that you will are pretty good
are you implying that the wealthy (ie the whales with enough disposable income to keep shit afloat which has been observed for years) simply know better or are morally superior? thats bad optics comrade
Capitalism doesn't work because people cannot be trusted to be greedy fucks who ruin it for everyone else so you have crises like flint that don't get solved even now and an entire generation of people who are fucked over. Communism is far better. Vote Bernie.
The problem with this logic is that for everyone voting with their wallets, there are 5,000 fuckers buying the game anyway.
Huh, never heard of anybody else acting that way before
>Deus Ex
>Half-Life 2
>Mirrors Edge
Are you people fucking dense? You don't like woman/gays/trannies in your games. You don't give a fuck about politics. You are just shitty people.
>it's not political it's my identity
>putting in a dress makes me a woman
>putting on a tail makes me a wolf
>mind-numbing gameplay
Beats "literally none".
there is no problem there. 5000 fuckers have expressed their interest.
maybe this is the only way for the scientists to push the boundaries on genome editing
*sees girl*
>did you play the first system shock games
Even if they are not Christian they still don't behave as a culture, in a genocidal and satanic anti-civilizationary way as your favorite western gaming publishers.
Have sex with toddlers.
>28.4 billion
LGBT is identity politics, numbnuts, and not wanting them in our games isn't wrong.
Don't worry bud that's not a woman
You told xer to make xer own game, and xe did. You must feel really stupid now.
If they make good games, who cares.
none of those games did anything to make a statement about actual current politics, at best some of them contain generic political themes but you're right i don't want gays or especially trannies in games
>You don't like woman/gays/trannies in your games.
Yes, you guys are disgusting pedo freaks that need to be purged from society for harming our children and way of life
>the industry would have to implode, and it won't.
It will in regards to AAA. Mainstream games are getting too expensive to make. Microtransactions will soon become illegal. The only alternative is to hike up retail prices and taxes. Customers will stop buying games as often. Many will drop games altogether. That will mostly leave the mid budget to low budget games to flourish. Will trannies still exist in those circles? The ones who don't off themselves, sure. But they won't have the same AAA power and influence as they do now.
>it's another "leftists fall for blatant corporate propaganda" episode
Seems to happen a lot. Imagine dedicating a large portion of your time to bitch about capitalism yet remain one of its major groups of enablers.
Wow. They look so happy in all those photos...
It's almost as if changing your outer appearance doesn't make your internal problems and despair go away. Wow!
>leftist are always bitching about the absurd price of pharmaceuticals
>leftists also support pharmaceutical companies selling billions of dollars of hormones to the mentally ill
>they have infested everything
I think it's more of a generational thing. This look and associated worldview is mainstream so it's not surprising some of those people find their way into gaming industry.
include me in the reddit screenshot XD
Maybe people just like games where politics are handled well and fairly, instead of "you must love trannies and agree with us otherwise you're the villian".
doxx and mail cp
whenever conservatives make video games it turns out to be edgy shovelware
thats the best they can do
>tranny bitches about incels
>someone posts their picture
>they look exactly like the incels they describe
It truly is amazing.
Hair like that looks atrocious. What barber fooled them into that?
head back to retard era you simpering limp dick
It appears you don't even want us MAKING your games
>implying red states don't want to nuke Florida
Worst case scenario these companies make shit games, but you won't be wasting your money on them, there's a ton of good indie and just non AAA games to pick from.
In reality it does work, it's just that people keep supporting shitty business practices which enables publishers to think they can keep getting away with it. Just because you don't buy shitty games doesn't mean other people won't, and I wish Jim understood that.
What optician fooled them into paying for those frames?
I mean, they made Shodan a niggress, hint are there at being shit.
>another (ANOTHER (+1)) tranny thread on Yea Forums
>they're STILL getting mad about it
>they're STILL handing out free (you)s to baiters and trolls
well how many dyed hair women or hi im homo characters do those games have?
I'm sure the south east would be willing to sacrifice themselves to kill all the niggers that infest their homes.
it's an alternate reality political response game. It has nothing to do with our politics nor does it force lgbt garbage down our throats.
Where is his upper lip gone?
Well trannies are incels that couldnt get a woman so they tried to become one for themselves.
Disgusting, tranny freaks are able to spend hundreds and thousands on hormones to prop up the pharma industry while millions are dying to real diseases like diabetes. What fucking freaks
I want you dead, honestly.
This is the only option but it will never happen
underrated post
no hipster or SJW actually needs glasses because of poor eyesight, they just wear them to look "quirky" and "intellectual"
i wish you would just commit suicide already
>literally who
Not doing the West a whole lot of favors there, chum. Meanwhile Japs can actually support redpilled devs into multi-million superstar sales.
Too bad, booboo
At least we actually did the work and started making games. You just screamed for other people to do the work for you
what the fuck did i just read
Every game on your list either did it well left it open enough for you to form your own opinion. Most of the modern far lefty games club you over the head and make their points very black and white.
This is correct. Based Blizzardslayer.
I always wondered do they still go bald or not? Since it's a testosterone thing?
>did the work and started making games.
Getting hired as an "art director" and telling some actual dev to make a purple haired tranny isn't exactly "making games"
You can post whatever you want, just know that what you see on Yea Forums is not going to be representative of the overall video gaming world at large, else the commercial landscape of the medium would be very, very different.
>soi diet literally leads to lower sperm count
My sides.
You'll end up killing yourself soon enough.
They were always chads though
Based Todd.
this post is underrrately devilish
How many dyed hair women are in fallout, mirrors edge, or deus ex? are you a retard?
Did you even pay attention to any of the factions in Fallout? The entire series is about slamming different political ideologies against each other.
Japanese and Russians make better games.
they cant keep winning bros
you underestimate how much power having vagina in the current society gives to you. Atleast in nordic europe countries our policy is very woman supporting with sweden being the biggest one.
Yea Forums loves skyrim though (with mods).
They fooled themselves.
Art director is pretty high up on the totem pole in terms of game dev teams, so yes, it's even more so than the programmers. But programmers are also gay
And you should know that your precious reset era, which is actually an echo chamber by definition, is not at all representative of people who play games. Most people who play shit like skyrim are clueless normies who probably don't like trannies on instinct.
Jesus christ, this is right. All microtransactions/games as a service cancer is in western games. There are no eastern games outside of mobile gatcha that has this shit.
In last interview, Todd said the same about DLCs and useless stuff (like the horse-skin controversy)
God I hate faggots now. They used to keep their degeneracy to themselves, stay in the closet even. Now even the super homofaggots are pandered to. In my city there are posters for """Pride Month"""(Pride in buttfucking each others hairy, shit stained assholes lol wtf) talking about Inclusivity and Diversity. I went from being distrustful of gays as a child, tolerating them as teenager, to utterly loathing them in adulthood. Hang all faggots!
Masturbation is fun
It was on a podcast about comic books, it was fairly interesting that a conservative christian didn't feel comfortable creating monsters so he used his cat to create one.
Or just get rid of idealist retards in general?
>garbage like this
garbage like what?
them who?
This is the best solution, yeah.
No I'm doing pretty great tbdesu
I'm just a gay dude
im not a white male
none of the games you mentioned can be boiled down to DUDE CURRENT POLITICS SUCK LMAO. It's lazy writing.
a shitpost
This seems to be a growing viewpoint everywhere. I work at a liberal arts university and a surprising number of my department's student workers absolutely hate faggotry. Of course if you go to nearly any bar you'll hear the same shit. Just rest easy knowing that even if the faggots get their way, the niggers will butcher them in the streets when they become majority.
>cis people don't wonder if they're trans
this is really disturbing thinking.
suicide at 80? what?
todd isn't wrong but he isn't right. I can stop buying mobile shit but as long some whale a grand in gems my opinion is voided.
>imblying Japs would say no to Christianity being wiped off the face of the Earth
When your culture doesn't believe in Satan there's not much reason to act Satanic or actually rebel against a monolith that doesn't exist unlike the West who are still fighting of two millennia of its presence there.
What specific game does this? Some ubisoft game?
You weebs are next after the sjws.
Are "trans rites" an scp that escaped? It has like the midas touch of faggotry.
Also wrong. They're only attracted to a game when there are people to be a whale around. If the plebs left en masse then they would too.
Nobody would ever fuck you, tranny lover.
Maybe try having some fucking principles faggot. Thats the problem with all you guys. Nothing changes if you dont stand up for what you believe in. If everyone actually didnt buy this shit they would quit making it but instead retards like you buy it because "well someone else is gonna buy it anyways too so why not"
"vote with your wallet" has to be the best capitalist lie
>Capitalism doesn't work
Is that why you're able to literally be alive and nourished and post on a Singaporean pi-cross forum?
LMFAO naive faggot
Trannies operate like a cult, they try to cut you off from your family and sane friends then indoctrinate you. To them everyone is a tranny waiting to be medicated and mutilated.
Fucking up your opening word
I wouldnt except a weak man like you to understand
so someone who tells other people to make a game, gotcha
They still believe in good behavior, values and the right way to live. The traditional and eternal way.
Dilate tranny kike
>people were dead before capitalism came along
>doesnt realize suicide is highest among gays and trans
What do you think Kojima does? Have you ever been part of a software dev team?
The same exact reasoning can be applied to any possible solution
bully every single one out of the industry
>what do you want? straight, white, brown haired men designing your games
No, we want Japanese people designing them, regardless of gender or sexuality.
>t. redditor trying to fit in
Double u double u double u dot reddit dot com is the place for you
It's understandable that you don't understand the pressure of having to keep a society full of ingrate leeches alive, but since you're most likely a faggot your demographic's suicide rate is actually higher.
what did annoyedgamer wrote to upset him this bad?
More like homoversary
How can we beat faggots if they are protected by (((them)))?
kojima is also a tester
by literally beating them
>millions are dying to real diseases like diabetes
>actually caring about shit that results from self-imposed lardbuckets getting their just desserts
>lol other people will buy it so I should throw away my principles and buy it
Terrible reasoning. If you don't like it don't fucking buy it. It's literally the only thing you can do to get corporations to change how they make their products. If they notice a large enough dip in profits from what they expected or the backlash is loud enough they'll change. Why do you think developers started pandering to faggots in the first place? They saw loud bitching online and thought they could get another demographic to buy their shit. If it actually ends up alienating their core audience and losing them money they'll stop.
yes, just end it now user. it's too much, don't worry, things will be better when you're gone
Who said I was going to buy it? I don't buy Western games. What I meant was that even though I'm not buying, many others will.
yeah but they aren't demanding I pay attention to them
Lmao he maybe tries out concepts but he definitely does waste his time with QA
>came along
It's existed for as long as agriculture
Depending on where you live, there are probably a decent number of people prepared to conduct anti-government activities when pushed far enough. There just needs to be enough unrest that they either back down or everything collapses. Accelerationism is probably your best bet.
but they are demanding you pay for their insulin
>I can name 6 games out of literally hundreds! I got a ways to go but I'll totally get there, you'll see!
Meanwhile the greatest video game of all time is not political in the slightest.
>feudalism was capitalism
>people were dead before agriculture
Oh sorry, I just always see that argument used to justify not voting with your wallet and actually buying things.
maybe in a socialized shit hole country?
I thought system shock 3, the remakes and the prequels were all cancelled?
no, in burgerland, via medicare/aid. hilarious you burgers don't even know about your own medical gibs me dats.
Why is subtlety such an alien concept to liberals?
I want to be a girl, I don't want to be a tranny