Why are sonyfags literal gays?
Why are sonyfags literal gays?
Gays and weebs are a huge overlapping field.
wtf did they do to that poor land rover? this is heretic
Don't make war,Friend.
Sony is a n away from söy
Why can't they be like gandalf or magneto instead being fucking chimps
Yes, Sony is a video game company.
Thats just your typical British person.
It's like these people never have jobs to go to.
because gays are mentally ill.
homo demons
>orders from California reflect the fanbase
the cuckening of SCE this generation is abysmal
Isn't Splatoon filled with gay pride posts right now?
me in the pink shirt
False, I’m gay as fuck and I don’t play Sony
fucking newfag
I think they don't know how to use legs
americans are this retarded
There is literally nothing wrong being gay. Grow up kids.
>this is the type of parade that kids go to
Is this a pedophile agenda?
i came to 4 channel 2 months ago. no hate pls
Shut up, don't talk about that.
Because it's easy publicity
Dude c'mon you know you can't talk about that.
That's because of the furries are out of control.
a pedophile ring
>some gays Sony hired for the moment
>Sonyfags are gays
Nintendo fags are true gays
How does that logically follow?
I feel bad for the sonyfags being compared to nitendofags
user, corporations wouldn't be hopping on board if there wasn't widespread acceptance within society already.
Hey Yea Forums sauce, Michael here.
This is a DONG
Something you can Do Online Now Gays
I wish they all die
>Imagine feeling so insecurity about homos
>72% of so(n)yboys identify as LGBT
>not being a homophobe
because they are.
See, this guy is part of the 72 percent of snoyfags
>nintendo goes from the soiboi console to the plot and backstory console
>sony goes from dudebro console to fullblown tranny sodomite console
A new chapter in wojak posting will begin
Sorry to ruin your shitpost american.
Try the inspect element in a random twitter post next time.
Homophobe means that you would have fear of faggots
I don't fear them, the faggots fear me
Is that ingame art? What game?
Because it's fun.
Screencapped, Jesus Christ.
That's some edgy shit
Gays will conquer the world.