>day 10
>sticky died because Capella convinced children to go to the polyhedron
I made a mistake, i should have convinced her that her mother is truly dead. She turned from a sweet girl into some old hag in young girl skin.
Is Yea Forums really the only place that discusses this gem?
Pathologic 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>tell Capella that no one fucking takes my kids and if she wants to protect her she will need to stay in town because they are not moving
>accepts it without even talking about her mother
>Plague infects all the kids day 10 anyway
oh well
i had the similar fucking problem, both notkin and sticky were infected and then i couldn't find them both in their places so i thought it was a bug, but they actually manged to stave off their illness for two days, I shit you not, i thought it was a scripted event, they manged to survive being infected for two days, so i could cure them when they came back
Are these games hard to play? I have the first one in my library but never booted it up
also what the fuck was kapella's problem? She kept saying we're not friends and all that, and she was acting all bitchy but at the same time she kept giving me those mind messages
pathologic classic HD is EZ mode compared to pathologic 2
It's not hard if you know what to do, the problem is there aren't that many places where you can ask for tips
It's challenging but that's the part of the experience. The game expects you to fuck up. You just need to be smart about it.
The Void costs next to nothing on steam, is translation okay at least?
yes, it's a fun experience and way more surreal than pathologic but it's good
I'm really confused now. She said she'd take all the kids and I don't think I ever managed to convince her of anything, but nothing happened till day 10, which is just the plague breaking all the rules anyway. Can any of that be resolved differently?
Mistresses were a mistake. By the end, it almost felt like she was nothing more than Victoria's mouthpiece.
>got more development than most of the bound and the main love interest from 1 in a single scene
how did Chad Vlad do it?
So what actually happens when a character dies
I kinda want to save them all
You are a doctor, that's what you supposed to do.
Boos Vlad actually, genuinely, LITERALLY did nothing wrong. Not a thing. The (((Kin))) are filthy animals who needed someone to work them to death - and it was done for the good and prosperity of the town. He's a loving husband and a caring father to boot - second only to (You). He's among the very few locals who actually has his shit straight.
i liked most of the changes to the characters but this one felt kinda strange to be honest
probably because fat vlad is based, he seems the most level headed out of the three main families even if he's basically a parody of evil corporations he seems to know what he's doing
>me playing through pathologic 2
>"fat vlad is just evil and treats kin as cattle!"
>seems he's pretty evil and he does seem to treat steppe people as animals
>fast forward towards the end where you learn kin ARE actually like cattle and need a strong hand to hold them
welp guess he was right all along actually
it's not worth trying to save everyone, you actually get a neat scene where you can talk with all the characters who died, they appear in the theater in the ending where they give their motives
I really like how Artemy changed and developed as a person during the outbreak. His ending was the most wholesome and heart warming ending in the game. Taking Rubin as a assistant and answering to his snarky jokes, hearing what the kids want to do in the future, talking to notkin about our halves of souls, what a great game.
So I've heard you can apparently talk to Victoria straight up. Is that an actual thing? Finished the game, never saw it.
Based, fuck the Kin
Also why did Oyun care so much about the Kin anyway if he knew they were retarded and only responded to being treated like cattle?
He kills Isidor because he wanted to sacrifice the Kin to save the town but it sounds like Oyun doesn't really like the Kin that much, plus by being smart he separated himself from them
>this gem?
Reddit is down the hall buddy
okay so i finished the game and watched both endings, diurnal and noctural, so i learned that blowing the polyhedron will bleed the mother bodho dry, so that's bad for the town, so is the polyhedron a thing that caused the plague, or was the plague just a natural thing from earth?
>Spoiler in the op
I won't let her take away the children eitherway but still fuck you OP.
he actually killed our father because it was a mercy killing as he was raving from the plague, that's why he wanted to die. They changed his arch from the original game where he basically just wanted to usurp our father's place, and he was too cowardly to cut the auroch bull properly, he messed up one of the rituals. In pathologic 2 he's more sympathetic i guess
Plague is physical manifestation of town's suffering. Polyhedron pierced the town and the earth, that was the first outbreak. Later Isidor decided that the town needs to be vaccinated so he dig in the earth creating inflamatory reaction. The town is dying anyway. Polyhedron is killing it. When you remove it, the town will bleed to death, but it can't stay in there for ever. It will just keep the inflamation.
>can send muddy water to your cute female friend who just wants to help people
Why would anyone do this?
yeah I that's what I thought, just needed to sort it out in my head, thanks. So basically both of those endings are bad? At least the kin ending will allow to preserve tradition. In OG pathologic it wasn't about killing the earth by blowing the tower, but in this game that seems to be the case. When we blow up the polyhedron we interpret father's words that the "8th" one is the people, in the nocturnal ending the udurg is the town itself. Which seems to the canon meaning of the word, at least in retrospect to first game
What is this game about? Is it worth getting?
>Rough as dutch, safe to touch. Smooth as bone, leave it alone.
What is this talking about?
>raving from the plague
I thought it was the guilt from the first outbreak that got to him and he just wasn't thinking straight.
I have suspicion that children don't want adults in there because they are too heavy . It will only push the polyhedron and actually pierces the heart killing the town faster.
I did that hoping you could convince her that it's actually bad
You can't.
Hope I won't get burned out because of this after my 4 day pathologic 2 marathon
Natural pain reaction according to 2
the original had different explanations for it depending on route
>Blood dumped into the abbatoir got infected and the Polyhedron pierced through that area, causing the plague
>Suok itself is leaking from Boddho's belly and killing people
>the polyhedron causing reality fuckery is bad and the plague is the antibody trying to destroy it
I also vaguely remember the Haruspex dumping panacea into the Abbatoir to cure the earth itself during the end but it has been so long ago I might be wrong
nah the Foreman actually literally says he had a mutual respect to our father and when Isidor came back to the town after purposefully catching the sand plague from digging in the ground, Oyun saw him in his house when he was talking nonsense from being inflicted with the sand pest, so he wanted to ease his suffering. That's basically his only guilt in this whole game, artemy is pissed at oyun because he "didn't have the right to decide our dad's fate"
rough things come from the earth and are natural, smooth ones are unnatural and probably bad for you. Metal, earth, dirt, soil are all rough to touch. Sticky wounds on the houses are probably smooth and slippery
>Heart chamber in abattoir
>you see the tip of the polyhedron's sting
That was creepy as shit
yea i was kinda surprised because the Kin ending in pathologic two was actually kinda similar to clara's ending, meaning we don't blow up anything and we live in somewhat harmony and learn to knowledge the plague as a living being too. I mean, she IS clara after all
>smooth ones are unnatural and probably bad for you
Ah yes, like unnatural bone.
I thought maybe it was referencing infected houses, but they don't look especially smooth to me... dunno. Thought it might be something more specific or interesting.
I mean you kinda need a point of reference to what smooth is, so it's natural they'd refer them to bones but honestly i don't get the meaning of this proverb as well so yea
>1 death
>died during the robbery
What happens to the cancerous growth is you die too many times?
Rough things in life will make you stronger while smooth ones will soften you up
>14 deaths
>13 in the same spot
Wish I realized Alt F4 did nothing earlier
not being able to hug anyonethere is no difference
My first death was getting shanked by a street thug after dealing with the robbery.
I didn't run with her, i couldn't left the children, but damn, what a sad fucking life.
>the robbers would kill you without hesitation
>they have the audacity to ask for mercy while i am killing them
Punished Dandy route when? I want to bully some steppeniggers.
>inb4 they make him very calm and understanding to the steppe culture in bachelor route to ultimately fuck with the fans
>no tinctures
Dandy's route will be fucking nightmare with P2 gameplay.
Why does the game feel like its lagging when you block or get hit but its actually not dropping fps?
try getting punched in the face in real life and see if you will "lag"
It's poor memory management issue. Right now only putting the game on SSD somewhat helps with the issue, but really it should be solved by the devs. I understand that they don't have resources but c'mon.
>game doesn't give you the option of nuking the town
>the Haruspex Polyhedron ending doesn't fit him due to the bulls
>bulls are caused by Earth surviving
>solution to this is have the Bachelor discover what is going on and decide to bomb the town
>Bachelor will kill the soldiers protecting the couriers, decipher the inquisitorial code for bombardment coordinates and trick everyone into nuking the town to kill magic for good but sparing the Polyhedron
>It's impossible they fuck up Eva like Aglaya so her death will hit like a truck
Looks like the Danil route will be absolute kino
Can he stop looking at me like a sack of meat?
I mean stuff like moving the arms look like it's lagging but its really not, really bad animation or something.
well, im sure devs will have to actually make some adjustments to his gameplay, like getting those temporary vaccines later in the game, make some tech gadgets to make it more interesting because I don't think they'll just make him "haruspex without the brewing mechanic" I think they'll have to substitute it somehow to make his gameplay be more interesting
I really wish every character had a few unique lines per day. Would actually make it worth stopping by character's houses.
Should I play the first one before playing this one?
what's with all the Kinphobia ITT? The Kin are just oppresed by the evil townsfolk
2nd on is harder imo
>I don't think they'll just make him "haruspex without the brewing mechanic"
That's what he was in the original Pathologic. And that was ok because his route was much easier and most people chose his route first. It was better to learn the mechanics. But now? Holy shit if they don't think of something his route will be brutal.
>there is no difference
fucking incorrect
No, it's reamke not a sequel, the 2 in the title was forced by the publisher. 2nd one is much better than original so play it first.
>And now you have the audacity to come to me for help??
because the leaders of the kin themselves (Oyun) says they're mindless animals and require a strong hand to lead them, that's why you have to fight your way through the abattoir. The kin inside the intermarry got the plague because they became more human like and away from the earth
this option pops up even if you die more than once, it's the next option that changes if anything
when does it pop up?
why the fuck did rubin die in his bed
this cant be happening!
>Are these games hard to play?
The original game is hard because it's obtuse and very, very poorly communicates with the player. It's also exceptionally slow, with very long segments lacking any kind of tension, and more-or-less consisting of long grueling hauls.
Pathologic 2 is a lot more involved experience, with far greater mechanical depth. It also removes a lot of conveniences of the first game, such as quicksaves or the inconsequentiality of death. The last thing meaning that in Pathologic 2, dying has lasting consequences that can't be simply removed by reloading.
In general, Pathologic 2 is hard, but not nearly as hard as it FEELS to be. It's very stresful and very harsh, and it likes to overwhelm the player, or catch him off guard, making him feel powerless, frustrated or desperate on intention. It's actually a lot more permisive though than it wants you to think it is.
It's pretty funny how shafted the Kin got in 2
>Haruspex prepares to be their next religious leader but kills them all canonically
>Oyun, the chief of their tribe thinks they are subhumans that should be treated like livestock
>Isidor, his religious leader orchestrates everything so they get wiped out by his son
>all the bandits in the first days before the outbreak are Kin
I didn't help her, screw her. She made me sick on the day 8.
>when does it pop up?
Day 5 in front of Lara's house
You screwed up actor.
No, there is no need for it.
That is not entirely true either though. The decision was recommended by publisher, not forced, and the studio agreed partially because, well... things are very complicated.
It makes sense to Pathologic veteran, it just makes no sense marketing-wise.
well they are kinda animal-like, when you try to help rubin the worms and kin don't care about rubin, they only give a damn because he broke the taboo and the majority of the kin don't agree, they're a hivemind
you failed to make panacea before the arrival of aglaya
yeah I didn't take a cap of Haruspex freaking out wondering why his hands won't work because I was too busy being fucking LIVID at Mark for stealing my one chance at comforting her
I don't even know if it'll change anything, I don't think anyone's made it that far with one or less deaths yet.
we need a guide for P2
This is basically what you are to him user.
I'm pretty sure there is a couple on steam forum pages already. However, I don't think a guide is a good idea. Partially because of how non-linear much of the story can become, and partially because it's like the damn easy mode I did originally defend but now I'm getting why others were so bitchy about.
Honestly finishing pathologic 2 blind without any guide was one of the most rewarding playthroughs i done recently.
pvrchase the bvll
protect Murky's smile or lack thereof
check the water first
keep the leash
beasts belong in a cage
>the music in Eva's house
>mfw we'll have to listen to that every day after Day 7
i meant an introductory, spoiler-free one like the one we have for Pathologic HD, not a "do this and this to win the game" one
>keep the leash
wait what
oh god i fucked up
Pretty sure the Russian title just added (2019) to the original name. Not sure why they didn't do that for English one
Before day 7 too, it's the only theme that the observatory has, as of right now. Daniil's route is gonna be spooky.
you can treat it for a schmowder with a female doghead in the nutshack on day 4
oh, that's exactly what i used it for. I thought it had some other use further down the road because the whole "it symbolizes trust" aspect
>Anna gets infected
>survives three days against everyone's expectations
>have two extra shmowders
>don't give her any
I think the thought occured that games with 2 on the end sell better, which is a common and popular half-truisms of the industry. It's basically the same fucking logic that resulted in Prey 2017 and also harmed the game really badly in the end (so at least we see it happens all over the industry).
I also honestly think that Dybowsky may have felt super clever about forshadowing and winking at old Pathologic fans and did not quite think the implications through.
Two bad judgements - publisher with actually little experience in publishing, and developer with history of bad marketing calls - resulted in this messy title.
That is my theory, at least.
did you really waste a shmowder at day 9? i don't feel like it's worth it. the pay is good but i have just to survive 3 more days
actually just two more days, and they only have to survive till day 10 anyway, even if they get infected on dat 11 it doesnt matter
fuck no, she's on her own for that day.
I needed that doctor fund real bad and almost didn't make it because of that
>missing out on all her dumb antics
Your loss, emshen.
>day 10
>walking through an abandoned district at night
>see a soldier and a thug engage in a fight
>"hah gonna loot that thug after he gets his ass beat"
>as i'm approaching, across from the other side two more shank-wielding thugs engage in the fight turning it into a 3v1
>get the fuck out of there
Not gonna fuck with a child killer, I already gave her a +Tincture, that's more than she deserves. Should've rolled better.
>check two different guides
>yas + cures exhaustion
>no, yas + doesn't cure exhaustion, medrel + cures it
>try them both in game and none cures exhaustion
even the changeling is more trustworthy than this
but at the same time i love how little information is on the internet, no other game can give you this feel
damn that would be awful, i like new seething insolent daniil much more than original
Figures out the tinctures is a big part of the first playthrough, user. You can afford to experiment, so don't bother looking up misinformation.
>You can afford to experiment,
Fuck no you can't, tinctures require time and resources, two things you will never have in abundance.
you mean that they have to be "clean" until day 10 to be considered saved, and then what happens next doesn't matter? if they get infected on day 10 they still have to survive a dice roll in day 11?
So. I just discovered I have 38 hours played on the game. And I'm on day 9. Thinking about restarting from the begining.
Granted, a good bit of that time was also spend with the game paused me smoking on a balcony trying to get my nerves back together, or alt-tabing and venting my frustrations here on Yea Forums. But still. God. It's a hefty title to tackle.
Okay, about the nocturnal ending, was Capella also going away because she wasn't a child anymore? Or is there some other line of thinking behind it?
>Should've rolled better.
If you have some death to your name, it's also possible that you should have not died as much. One of the death penalties is a guaranteed 6 on one of the upcoming Plague rolls, if I'm not mistaken.
Is the said minotaur the worm people?
There is one thing that is bothering me, i know that's autistic and all. But in the inventory screen there is silhouette of haruspex right? Why there isn't a picture of him? I thought that in the marble nest there was a picture of Bachelor there.
just load a save my dude, its not that hard
pretty much, there' not much time for the plague to take hold, day 11 is just one quest and thats it, day 12 is ending
Yeah you can. You have no idea how many potent herbs I've straight up wasted when I was trying to figure out and memorize all the recipes.
hoo boy you are in for some shit oynon
Is notkin just meant to die or what?
I can never manage to save him even with successful treatment
if they're already infected you need to cure them completely with a schmowder or panacea, otherwise all you can do is just keep them alive on blade's edge and hope the dice roll doesn't fuck them
did you actually cure him or just given him useless antibiotics? Only thing that guarantees treatment is schmowders or panacea? He can still get infected further in the game apart from that early time
No, he is fine, granted he got the plague at least 3 times in y playthrough but i managed to save him. He is going to create his own company in the future and become a merchant dealing with oddities, also it was fun talking about our halves of souls
>play game
>tell Aglaya to fuck off in her quest to escape
>decide to play the quest after beating the game
>load the game
>quest appears on map after 24:00 on day 10
>chapel is locked unti 7:30 on day 11
>she is gone by then
How the fuck do you activate it again?
You're right and I've no idea why is it like this. Maybe they thought it looks a bit too out of place or just obscures the screen without much point.
I want to pet his cat
Talk to her before midnight on day 10 I think, she wants to meet you at the station that night.
>tfw only wanted to save the kids but now one is dead
Pity, i prefer it with a picture rather than just silhouette.
How I can look as /fa/ as this man?
Just gotta challenge Death herself.
Honestly looking forward to the next characters.
what if we mod the tragedian and give them boobs
>it looks a bit too out of place or just obscures the screen without much point.
It's the inventory that obscures Bachelor user.
Before midnight she only talks about how the solution is to nuke the polyhedron and that you should wait until she issues the order
Then you get a map update telling you that you need to see her at midnight, but for some reason the chapel door is locked
Based and dandypilled.
Chadchelor wins yet again
Can I settle for a rock off?
>character gets infected
>can't cure them because the door to their place is locked
is this supposed to happen?
Could swear the option was during that conversation, she confesses the urge to run away but only if you join her. Maybe you have to have triggered something else beforehand?
is there any benefit to taking her up on the offer? I tried once, and our train got pulled over and she got shot anyways, and then I had to walk my ass all the way back to town from off the map. I reloaded when I realized just how far away the game dumped me
>Day 4
>unhappy with the state of my game
Should I restart?
I usually do when i've properly learned the game.
>pre-P2 Yea Forums hated the bachelor and loved the haruspex
>post-P2 Yea Forums hates the haruspex and loves the bachelor
what the fuck happened
It isn't that conversation for sure, I checked multiple times and it doesn't happen before that either because I don't have the "told her to fuck off" node in the thoughts menu
Only think I'm missing is healing Taya and the Lara sidequest and I don't think they are the cause
>I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about - the post
We love all three characters
she is trying to redeem herself user, why do you deny her the opportunity
>hating best overworked russian dad
I call bullshit
That's what happens. should've stayed with the consequences of your decision, that long walk home was a real good moment. they saved some good music for it too.
>implying Pathologic 1 threads weren't full of "the virgin bachelor vs the chadruspex" images
maybe you need to reject her questions when she first talks to you so she knows you don't care about fate
>taking this shit that seriously
Everyone loved the Bachelor and a good chunk of the players didn't even play after him
I don't know how someone could dislike him when he perfectly embodies the "outsider sick of this retarded city" mentality you have on your first playthrough
Implying the chad vs virgin meme was created before Pathologic HD came out
it didn't feel right for Artemy to bust his ass for 10 days trying to keep these kids alive, only to decide to drop everything and abandon them for the sake of some inquisitor coochie
It's not "supposed" to happen, but it does. Sometimes the character in question is elsewhere, sometimes the door might open later in the day, if you're checking on them too early, sometimes... it just gets buggy.
I always loved the Bachelor and now love Haruspex too, since I finally played his route.
It's definitely before midnight, she wants to leave at like 2:30 am at the latest on day 11.
pls respond
I'm referring to Anna on day 10. her house is locked and I can't find her anywhere on the map. I checked the console and her "IsEnabled" box is checked, so I know she's somewhere
i mean if you think so then sure, you can play thru the first 4 days quickly when you know where to go, if you have to ask this question then you probably already know the answer
don't be afraid to restart a few times. it's all part of the learning process
No user, you shouldn't. You're a plague doctor in a plague ridden town. Experiencing failure and dealing with it is basically the very heart of this game.
If you go under ComponentCollection for her actor, I think there's some component like NavigationComponent or something that will state the region she's in.
Is there any way to resolve the termitary questline without either of the Vlads dying?
I spent so much time learning the mechanics and messing around like a retard though...
>no butchers in P2, only worms
for what purpose?
Maybe they'll make some kind of Haruspex's "fund", be his little bitch and he'll reward you with tinctures. Kind of a comeback for the first game where it was the other way around.
People loved the bachelor in the old threads. If anything he's been getting a lot more hate recently because he's a prick in this route. Most of the positive shit about him in the last few threads is just because people want him to be released since they're finished.
I took it in-character as a moment of weakness brought on by sheer mental exhaustion. Pretty girl offers you a way out, and I'd already made my rounds with panacea so the kids were taken care of.
which made the long walk home all the more meaningful tee bee aytch, gave me/him the time to nut up and resign myself to my fate.
>he's been getting a lot more hate recently
more like a single guy is really obsessed with his butt him using the polyhedron as a buttplug
What character is next?
Yeah. That is really is not true. People generally liked both characters - it's Clara that would usually get the hate.
I was always member of the "Love Bachelor as a character but agree with Haruspex on the philosophy of their conclusion". I honestly, on my first succesful playthrough, did side with Haruspex and chose his ending.
Love for Bachelor however fucking SKYROCKETED after Marble Nest here. Because of what an amazingly fucking funny bastard he was. I to joined the massive "WTF I love Bachelor!" team for that moment.
Being on the recieving end of his snarky witticism did sober me up a little, but I still learned to like him after a while in P2.
So you get a bad ending if any of the kids die right?
Bachelor, obviously enough. The ending confirms it too.
Is that hate? I kinda thought it was funny...
Damn she was such a sunny cutie in the first game. I've also had a page of the girl from the photo but lost it. Any oynons care to help?
I don't mean those posts I always considered them jokes. I see a lot of people shitting on him who are in their first runs.
The next chapter is titled "Arduous and painful waiting in complete uncertainty about the future of the franchise that is most likely doomed to be never finished".
The good news is, it's coming out soon and will be far longer than the first one.
Ha ha ha fuck you, buddy
On a scale from one to ten, how opaque is the void?
its funny because one day of marble nest develops him so much that haruspex looks bland compared to him. and i DO love steppedad
They've stated in one of the kickstarter updates it was proposed (and probably decided) by the publisher. I can't be arsed to look up the exact post, sorry.
but Taya dies
Me too user, half of the kids died. But Pathologic is just not a typical game where you have to win something. You're not really meant to succeed in the first place. It's catharsis after all, just part of experiencing the play.
don't fear DEATH, there is no DEATH in the VOID
like a 7.5? It takes some getting used to but you get walked through most of it. Hardest parts to get the hang of will probably be drawing your fucking glyphs right.
You can do it with nobody dying, I managed it somehow.
“Reading Elyn R. Saks’ memoir ‘The Centre Cannot Hold’ last year, I couldn’t help but compare, quite inappropriately, my own troubles in choosing a university course and future career with Ms Saks’ struggles with schizophrenia; I, too, felt that as Sylvia Plath wrote in ‘The Bell Jar’, I was sitting in a fig tree, unable to choose which fig to eat.”
Out of ten.
The lodger?
>popped out into the Yea Forums catalog for a quick scroll
>nothing but the usual dumpster fire threads
>come back to this
I refuse to believe this is the same website.
ehy steppeanons, can you confirm something?
is it true that if you cure a infected NPC found in a zone which is (again) infected he/she won't be IN DANGER for that day?
i tried a shmowder on Lara after she's been infected and now the game doesn't allow me to give her prophylaxis despite the fact she's in an infected zone. seems quite convenient during a second playthorugh.
What did you do?
I had this happen with Notkin and no, it's not a good thing. They still roll - except at their minimal, natural immunity.
In all seriousness though: The Void is so vague and opaque that even the developers quite clearly could not figure out what it actually is about. Which is why the two versions: Turgor (which was released first, for Russian market only, and was considered both nearly impenetrable and largely broken), and The Void, which was a result of the studio cleaning the game up, fixing a lot of bugs and various issues, ended up feeling like they convey different messages.
I seriously think that only about a year after they made the first retail version of the game, has Dybowsky figured out what he wants to tell us.
Yeah. Talk to Big Vlad 1st, then Clara, then Big Vlad. Then pretty much nothing after that I think.
This circus woman is a crazy bitch isnt she...
And where can I find Clara?
Nah, she is something far worse than crazy.
so uh...how do I into panacea
infected shit doesnt work
Talked to the Kin, they said bring out Big Vlad. Went to talk to Big Vlad, he said fuck no, and rightfully so. Found Clara sitting on a bench in his house near the exit, she said Vlad Jr. was the one what locked them up in there. Turned around and told Fat Vlad, he sent his goons to keep Vlad Jr. from doing the stupid thing. Went back to the Kin, they said whatever, just murder these guys for us. I told them to get fucked, went to Oyun, he said do it faggot, I told him to get fucked also. Went into the Abattoir later that day, jumped into the pit, saw the heart, apparently now the Kin will listen to me. Got out, went back to the Kin, everything was good.
Except I accidentally fucked up the last part, I forgot where the Kin representative was, ran out of time, bailed out and the quest said BEASTS BELONG IN A CAGE. But then when I dropped by on day 12, he was still there, so I told him and his people to pack up and go leave for the village and all was well. Bit weird, possibly bugged out. But Taya was fine.
After you talk to Big Vlad, she's on the couch in the next room. Then talk to Big Vlad again and you should be good.
Which makes me realize (and remind you folks) that we have been having Pathologic threads virtually non-stop every day reaching 500 posts since the first week of the release. And that just gives back a little hope for this place.
Yeah this. Do this.
Less crazy than some other folks in town.
fuck this game
A like this is going to attract a much different type of poster than some AAA garbage or a thread only populated by people trying to make each other mad.
Bachelor for Smash when?
I'm reasonably convinced the version I played (The Void) was an expansion of the creation theme that Pathologic touched on somewhat. Except filtered through the lens of depression. Trying to create something meaningful while trying not to give in to blank despair but the act of creation itself takes so much out of you and you barely have anything to give in the first place.
You take in the world around you (Color), filter it through yourself, and then use it to give back to the world. You "win" when you have so much of it you can create an entire new world. But the world is also a bleak hellscape, everyone and everything is looking to claw away bits of your will to live, and just being alive drains you.
It's a video game about "putting too much of yourself" in a work.
i'm quietly convinced that people act accordingly to what they think everyone else is doing. if they see shitposts and post-metaironic console wars then by god they're gonna do that too. so keep up the good work with actual intelligent posting, these threads are a fucking oasis in a mental desert.
Is that sticky sitting there on that picture?
void is a very strange game, strange but amazing, I adored the poety in this, I discovered William Blake thanks to this game who became my favorite British romantic poet on top of that. They attached a small booklet with all the poems used in the game and it was really rad. Cool thing is that I bought the boxed copy of it years ago, and there's the naked lady on the cover draped in red, if you actually peek inside the box, there's another version of the cover, but the lady is naked, it was so strange and random and amazing at the same time, because this game plays nakedness in a complete un-erotic way as well. I never finished it because it's hard as fuck, putting pathologic to shame in terms of how confusing it is, but it's worth it.
Even in a shithole like Yea Forums you sometimes meet anons genuinely discussing Tarr's or Shepitko's work.
Mindless circle jerking isn't much better 2bh.
If you want to circle jerk yourselves off constantly without wrongthink maybe try another forum, like reddit, instead of invading the board known for shitposts.
I dunno how you got any of that from that post, fampai.
What's with this chick running up and asking if I remember her and we belong together? Is she in the original?
>10/10 bodies
>only yandex turns something up, and it's A FUCKING PINTEREST LINK
case and point
It's a scam, she's trying to pass off her steppebaby onto you.
why does yandex work for about 15 minutes a week now? getting bad gateways 99% of the times i try to use it as of a month or so ago
But do you bang?
You do thrust into her, long and hard. And she's been waiting for it.
You penetrate her with your little menkhu finger, if you know what i mean
You put it in her alright.
That is a very sensible interpretation. I have a theory / interpretation that overlaps a lot with yours.
I did play a little bit of Turgor (and finished The Void more than once) and the main difference between the two versions narrative-wise (there was a lot of gameplay changes too) was that it actually cut a LOT of dialogue out. Turgor, I suspect, was originally leaning very heavy on the "create your own interpretation" and FLOODED the player with small tibits of extremely vague lore and suggestions and informations that were utterly confusing and overwhelming, and very frequently straight up contradictory. I think they wanted to build a very multilayered story and push super hard the "you make the interpretation", the postmodern angle.
With the international release, The Void, was extremely "cleaned up" in this regard, and I do believe this is because the studio realized that focusing on single more focused level is actually better than smothering players with options and telling him "put the story together yourself man".
As far what I've taken from the game (and this is SUPER heavy spoiler for anyone who has not played the game):
I think the game is, above anything else, a quite literal translation of the opening poem into a mechanical form. I think at least big part of the ambition was just that: Can a poem (or it's meaning and feeling) be communicated through rules and mechanics, through gameplay?
As for the poem itself, it's a rather famous one (or at least portion of one) by Luís de Camões, and it's famous because at least without greater context, it's considered a very early but very accurate representation of simple, existential dread. And I think that is really what the game is after. For the most part, it is trying to make to experience it, much like the poem wants to.
In the remaining parts, it explores how to avoid it, or "resolve it". A search for transcendence, if you will. (cont.)
Clara's route is next right?
On day 2, when do I actually get to hang out with Murky? I only recently played through the Bachelor in classic and that's it so it's my first time experiencing Haruspex and I hear everyone say she's a daughterfu. Also what did Notkin do with Lika? They said he put them underground, do they mean they buried him alive till his mind broke or something?
Soon. Don't worry, you'll be #1 steppedad before you know it. That second one is a major plot point that you'll find out eventually. Note that steppe custom forbids digging holes of any kind or even wells.
I think that they thrown him to the young vlad's olgimsky well
when will these lazy russians add actual controller support instead of the garbage we got
I playd Void and Typгop (the first version) and Void felt too castrated with a shitload of cut content. None of the sisters had unique personalities and none of them offered something special for the world after you filled them up with color.
Of course, Void was a LOT easier. At the very least you didn't have to autistically farm those little mole niglets.
I'm dumb and I was tired when I did that part, but how exactly does diagnosing a infection work? I get that I use blood to get herbs, then depending on what I put in the machine I get one of three types, I need to give them something for the pain to do anything and give them a specific pill the infected part, but I don't understand how I figure out which part of the body is the infected part I need to apply treatment. Is it if the circle in the middle gets a symbol when I do it?
You give them tinctures until the left side says diagnosis Definitive.
Continuation of
When the subject of existential dread and ways to avoid it, transcendence is the term to go, and it is almost absolutely inevitable that the very first notion of transcendence is going to be: Creation. Whenever it's leaving behind a child or a remarkable work of art, they all cary with them this desire for immortality, the potential to leave some of yourself to outlive you, to make your existence not completely insignificant. But again, that has it's trappings: and it is where your perception merges with mine: what if the creation of yours is actually draining you of life, not extending it? What if it's a lie, a trick to waste what ever LITTLE life you have? Is it the right choice? Should you bring some else to the world?
I think that is, in a nutshell, the "essence" of The Void's message. I believe - if I understood you correctly much like you do - that Lympha is basically "the world" or whatever of the world you can draw to be stronger. Like... food. Keeps you alive, allows you to maintain strenght to do things, to be creative. Nerva is your creative potential, it's how you can imprint on the world. Again the whole "art is an act of transcendence" echoes very strongly in all of this.
And it's a theme that also ties it to both Pathologic (creation as a god-like act, which is what Polyhedron literally stands in for) and to CARGO! and it's notion of "weight". It's not a bloody coincidence that - as awful as it was, CARGO was a game about being creative. Cargo actually wasn't as dumb as people think it was. It was more than a mean jab and the industry and journalists. It was, however, just genuinely AWFUL gameplay-wise.
So... I guess those are my thoughts on The Void and some bonus. Read at your own discretion though.
I thought it couldn't be as bad as you guys say but as an Aglayafag it's incredible what they did to her
They planned the song to use when you walk back to town years ago and still managed to fuck up her entire character
She might as well not be in the story for how much she does
Hell, they even fucked up her intro compared to the one in the first game
>treat patients
>get infected
Fucking hell, can I cure myself?
Do you have a miracle on your hands? If not: you are going to be as good at treating yourself as you are at treating others.
i think it's partially due to the fact people who played the original already know what to expect and all that, so nothing can really shock us anymore in terms of pathologic stuff but yea i agree, she doesn't really sound so threatening and when the army arrives it's actually a good thing because now they can kill looters for you and you can grab the loot yourself so yea, last days are kinda a breeze to be honest
Apply pointy object directly to trachea.
It said I could guess though so can I go by process of elimination and save scum.
I mean I treated them all but flies bursted out of their body.
Don't want to reload a save...
That's definitely if not the intended point then a very good interpretation of it. If nothing else they really nailed home the idea that creating something meaningful takes a lot out of you.
>get infected
>now I hear voices in my head
which song plays when you get back to town?
This game is a masterpiece but the way they handled Agalya was a fucking disgrace. They better fucking update this game and add more dialogue to her because she is fucking RUINED in the remake.
the moment could have been great but giving her 3 scenes in the whole game beyond ruined it
The Kin belong in the bin
I think the game has me beat. Rubin died, Grief died, all the children are infected. I'm infected. No schmowders, no panacaea, not enough tinctures or antibiotics for everywhere. Don't even know how to make panacaea.
i think it's also kinda due to the fact there's just SO MUCH things to take care of you have basically zero time to emotionally take in her involvement because in the first game there wasn't so many mechanics to take into consideration, so a lot of things now simply pass you by/ or you don't have the time to ponder them enough. I think aglaya's role was just kinda mostly about breathing the 4th wall in this game, starting with making grif realize he's just a doll in a game
The whole final act feels rushed as hell, but I guess that's just classic Pathologic
i just want her to be happy it's not fair bros
Based and redpilled
Aglaya always was more or less that in other routes, knowing about the God children is her whole gimmick.
Maybe since they're not as important in the sequel and you don't even get to meet them that whole aspect of the game was scaled back, I don't know.
me too, user. me too
meet them at the end, I mean. bit poorly worded
it's kinda sad so say but I think the original haruspex's pacing was much better. For example take the 3 major trials put on you by Oyun, where you had to track those three rogue butcher camps in the steppe? where you had to not drink, eat, sleep for the during of those quests? I think there was actually much more buildup especially with the abattoir in the original game. The butchery in the the second game was very cool and all, fighting the worms and all that shit in the second game, but it felt somehow empty to be honest . Bachelor had the best pacing in the original game too.
ye I can see that, because now even blowing the fuckin polyhedron is also a bad choice, it's like we got played like a damn flute!
That also works.
are there any downsides to being infected other than the voices in your head?
>tfw plague mommy whispers to me that I should let it grow inside me to find a cure
You'll fucking die in a day or less?
I liked the pacing of his story in this one too. I felt like Foreman Oyun became a much more developed character to the point where I let him live instead of killing him like I always did in 1. They really fucked up Aglaya though.
Maybe I wasnt fully infected then? Just had a tiny bit of red on my bar.
the downside is that you will die quickly and you better just reload the save senpai
i think killing him is actually a better choice but yea. Also, dunno what are the other outcomes, because you can say to him "kill yourself" or "im not gonna forgive you, you deserve it" does it make the choice different?
Oh don't worry, that'll change soon enough.
He's seriously fucking pissed off on day 12 if you keep him alive as punishment.
This version is missing a lot of what made Haruspex my favorite route in the original, namely working together and getting to be medicine bros with Daniil and Rubin, but the way they handled Artemy's bound this time around was really great. You end up caring a lot about the kids.
I also miss talking to characters unimportant to the day's quest, they barely have anything to say in this game.
You still become bros with Daniil, though. Hell, you can outright call him your friend and ask him to stay in your shithole of a town.
I remember when i played haruspex in classic HD back in 2016. Everyday for 12 days I was making rounds and I actually visited every major npc, and not just my adherents, every day just to get the sidequests. In this game it's impossible due to how little time you have to get shit done, but yea i agree babysitting the kids was a cool thing in this game
thing is in the first game danny boi treated haruspex as the ONLY person worthy talking to because they both had medical backrground, their bromance only got sour after the army arrives and they made bachelor act antagonistic out of the blue
>virginspex's route is rushed because they had to finish it alongside the game mechanics and everything else
>now that the game is finished they can focus on adding as much dialogue as possible to chadelors route to make it as fleshed out and kino as possible
but the letters! the tenderness!! its all gone!
I meant the whole storyline where you cooperated to find the cure. It's not really the same. From the get-go Daniil was willing to work with you to find the cure.
Just look at those crazy eyes, damn.
Yeah, the old system of talking to people and only being nudged in the direction of a quest by the letters you received felt much less game-like. I also took the trouble to visit other characters when I was near, they usually had interesting things to say even if it didn't help with the day's quest.
yeah, like as haruspex you procure organs and blood for danny boy because he can't cut up bodies, there's a lot of cool interactions going on
aye, granted, a lot of quests were given to you by letter, like sidequests from Kains when you played as haruspex, making daily rounds was just a safer bet and you triggered the quest before getting the letter anyway
Let's hope Clara will get a C U T E playthrough
I liked the way it progressed in 2, he starts off a smug cunt from the city, gets mindbroken over the days, and the two of you kind of bond over watching the apocalypse happen around you. He starts picking up a bit of the steppe language even, and you can tease him about the pronunciation.
The chat on day 11 where you find him in Lara's house was quality stuff.
I really hope they handle the albino reveal well and still have it be as unexpected and surreal as the original. It was definitely one of the high points in the Bachelor route.
When i see 2+ shank-slavs it's warp speed time
Sticky had a line about it but I can't remember exactly what it was he said. He was hunting one but I don't know if he claimed he actually saw it or not.
Yeah, it's not bad in this game, just different.
That's what I think about the bulk of the changes that aren't a straight-up upgrade like finally not having to deal with Oyun's trials. It's just different, I can accept it.
Except what happened with Aglaya. Fuck that.
he said he saw it, and that no one else believed it
Oh god, I really, really fucking have to disagree. Pacing of Haruspex campaign in Pathologic 1 was GOD AWFUL. It was so painfully obvious that they ran out of ideas and time with him compared to Bachellors. There were entire days where you had nothing to do, and felt like you are making zero contribution to the story:
And those trials were terrible. Just... how do we make him... do something. Uh... we'll... uh... temporary make the stats more of a nuisance!
I can't speak for the end of the game, since I'm still on day 9, but it has been 9 days incomparably more eventful, interesting, hectic and meaningful than in original.
I do miss only two things. The Hunchback daughter storyline, and Eve's uh... final solution. I guess they have been withdrawn to become more impactful once (if) we get Bachelor. Or maybe they thought that it would not have the impact anymore for people who played the original and decided to cut it and replace it with some new stuff. We'll (hopefully!) see.
I just noticed that they removed the scene where the Haruspex fucking dies when he jumps and you can talk Clara's bound into resurrecting him
I mean finding him as Daniil, it was so out of nowhere and scary, especially when you notice being near him drains your health
Then again, maybe that and the Odongh in Eva's backyard at the start only had the impact they had because it was the introduction and you didn't really know much about steppe bullshit. I don't think either would carry nearly as much weight this time.
Yeah. Shame what happened with her. Maybe next time around I'll try and keep Grief alive and focus on paying attention to her, there's probably stuff I missed.
DLC where you can buy a wig for our plague waifu WHEN
Oh I know, I meant that since Sticky mentions seeing it in 2 that probably means it'll be there for Bachelor to find.
It's gonna be weird doing Bachelor second now that you *know* the mystical steppe bullshit is, if not real, then real enough to affect the world.
I think they will make you busy with administration this time. And I'm oddly looking forward to it.
Yeah, dismissing it all as weird superstition and waste of time in Bachelor only to get decked with it across the face as Haruspex was one of my favorite things in my first playthrough.
I know a lot of that might seem rushed, I just honestly enjoyed the slower, more paced out days of haruspex's path, there was more time to take in the lore and tinker with the tinctures, collect weeds and sell them in the twyrine den
it would be cool if we were for example responsible for cordoning districts, maybe even something like a mini RTS game where you point which area of the map needs to be under lockdown eachday and so on
I have a suspicion that that was precisely, at least at some point, their very intention. But there was also a point where they wanted to remove all quest markers from the map entirely and that did NOT pan out well, so...
wait, when does the markers stop appearing ?
When you stop being shit at the game
What does dying do? I don't seem too loose anything? Is it time only?
FUcking hate this shit man i dont have my neat PC and i stuck with decent laptop that still cant run pathologic 2 on minimals for shit, even if i play mordhau on low with 30-25 stable fps and games like day of infamy, insurgency of CIV 6 are very much playble even on medium settings. I start to play pathologic 1 but every time i know that there is superior version in pretty much every step i just cant force myself to play it. I got to day 5 and I stop playing. fuuuck
>get to day 4
>couldn't stop the plague from spreading to the sprawl
>literally every person within a 5km radius of the town is infected, including myself
The Marble Nest is still so fucking good. If I were ever to try to introduce someone to pathologic I would always have them start with that. Its everything great about Pathologic in such a short amount of time.
Except it runs at negative fps.
>Everything will be fire
You should try fire. Maybe it'll help.
You can force your graphics below the minimum through LOD bias. It might make it retarded enough to make it impossible to take seriously though.
What are worms?
i dont know which game you mean, the first or second one though, i finished them both
Really? They can't trade anything with you. In the end it's a complete ghost town and you barely get any tickets. Most of it was a breeze because I realized I didn't need to preserve so much shit, but now I didn't have anyone to spend it on so I was always on the brink of starvation.
dying on day 1 won't do anything aside from make you pass out for 20 minutes
after that your meters get penalized and start losing max health/immunity/hunger/stamina capacity
>Is The Abbatoir expecting any bulls?
>Just one.
>What does dying do?
Talk to Mark, the Theatre man that will usually greet you after you die. He'll give you the full picture.
Short story: each time you'll get a permanent penalty that attaches to your saves. Meaning that they will still be there when you reload, they are permanently attached to your character.
There are many of these: usually, a stat-related one. Decrease of max health is most common - I think that may happen with every death. Decreased hunger bar which means you'll start starving faster. Increased stamina drain is one that I particularly wasn't thrilled about. Each time you'll die, he'll tell you the details of your additional punishment. They all stack too, so.. you know. Fun, isn't it?
Don't. Fucking. Die.
I mean yea you can't trade with army mans anymore but you should have tons of cash by now so you still can buy food in the grocery store in the warehouses, since it still takes cash rather than food stamps. You just let army mans murder the plague victims and looters and you can grab shit from em
>wait, when does the markers stop appearing ?
Clearly you misunderstood me.
I mean that the original intention to remove map-markers entirely was eventually scrapped. You can still see remnants of it in Marble Nest though. Remember how they made such a big deal out of those district symbols?
Yeah. The original idea was that each district, each street and each square would have it's own symbols and nomenclature, and instead of marking anything on your map, the characters would just give you direction this completely unique "language" and you'd have to figure it out for yourself.
I think the idea was scrapped before they made first closed Alpha though.
This. For me both the original Haruspex and Changeling's routes started strong, but they got really stupid by the end of it.
I really loved what they did with the Kin, the Abatoir and Oyun this time around. The big problem was that the story wasn't able to properly balance those things with Aglaya and Block. I'm still confused about Block, he got sick and someone took over but then he got better? I'm looking forward to Bachelor's route, I'm sure this stuff will be expanded upon.
the bald guys
ah I see now, well, I see why it would have been scrapped
Fucked up the spoiler tags, sorry. Block's men who actually care about him a great deal, faked a mutiny in order to relieve him of command. Except I think an actual mutiny broke out too?
are dogheads actually furries of pathologic
Have you guys been doing your duty to support IPL in their trying times? I just posted my positive steam review. Wish there was more I could do to shill this wonderful game.
Anyone have a link to the song that plays when you talk with saburov about the peasant mob outside his house?
I think there was an actual mutiny because of the shitty situation and it just took Block a day or two to get it under control. Weird how you only get a few dialogues related to the mutiny and not a single quest. I guess you don't talk to Block much anyway in this one. Maybe Bachelor and Clara will interact with them more.
That sounds like something pretty cool and immersive — if I wasn’t already rushed and stressed as fuck, that is. I could appreciate that idea better if it were in a more laid-back game, but I’m already getting chest pains and stress-headaches from this game so I like that I can just press ‘M’ and instantly know where the fuck I need to go.
Posted positive review, praised them in a Steam Community thread they were active in, and bought the OST, but what’s this about trying times? What’s wrong?
All signs are pointing to the game selling like shit, my dude, and they were already financially unstable to begin with. People are afraid they might actually go under before they can finish the other routes.
i'm gonna be honest here, if they set up a donation page or something to get the other routes done i'd probably fork over the cash
this is my first IPL game but i can't remember the last a game had me this gripped by the story alone
Some of the dialogue in this game is really weird.