Post an image, other recommend a game based on it

Post an image, other recommend a game based on it

Attached: 1528305067773.jpg (720x473, 96K)

Rune Factory

Attached: haha yes.png (483x701, 346K)

Sonic Mania

shenzhen I/O, EXApunks, and basically any zachtronics game after hours of debugging your solution because one thing did not work at all and thus everything needs to be re-done but then it finally works and better than you expected

Attached: weeb.jpg (452x452, 40K)

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Attached: brom_2017.jpg (1500x1269, 92K)

Persona 5



Attached: unnamed (4).gif (96x271, 50K)


The Witcher 1-3

Attached: Dogeo.jpg (837x528, 96K)

Pathfinder Kingmaker

age of empires
if you're willing to replace "god" with "emperor", Dawn of War 1

Attached: i have no mouth and i must suck onii-chan's dick.jpg (1024x1024, 45K)


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Modern Warfare

Phantasy Star Online

That Sword Art Online shooter

Attached: big_1458213627_image.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

You better post me some sauce because it looks like Owari no Seraph because of eyes, yet i know it's not that.

I recently installed PSO2.
I really need to learn how to get outfits.

>yet i know it's not that.
then you're a fucking idiot.

Attached: mosaic20a141b5d42a2298945429a8f4872c40f0215753.jpg (615x615, 92K)

Kirby games.

xcom 2 with mods
girls' frontline tactical game never

Elder Scrolls 1.

Suggest from my pic.

Attached: 1559679297167.jpg (600x600, 100K)

It's really that? I thought it is from some similarly looking h doujin. Oh well.

>It's really that?
yandex says it's from chapter 15.

Attached: 1429453065299.png (500x542, 234K)

Grezzo 2

I like how Germany is the most trustworthy

Attached: wEfpY7U.gif (250x250, 992K)

ME: Andromeda

Attached: 13 - Copia.jpg (597x1217, 343K)

>Most trustworthy: Greece

Attached: 1558959367822.jpg (2500x2500, 417K)


Attached: gloryhammeralbum.jpg (640x640, 109K)

Warcraft 3 or Brutal Legend

Attached: 1559320990127.png (1024x768, 376K)

Attached: RCO015.jpg (983x948, 524K)

Heroes of Annihilated Empires

Attached: 8.jpg (443x360, 89K)

Attached: 14829.jpg (384x644, 98K)

Attached: reigen.png (918x592, 609K)