Kojima doubles down on "social strand system"

I think he's done too much fucking coke.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The PS site described what the system was, its nothing more than a "subtly help other players by leaving items or hints behind for them to find" thing. Kojima needs to fucking stop overhyping shit.

So, he copied the souls games and added items? Why would anyone waste items giving to others?

watch it just be some dumb shit like dark souls soapstone messages lmao

He will show the real thing soon.

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china aprorvres

Because if we don’t all win, we all lose... But perhaps we can sabotage others?

Yea Forums will take over DS when?

>mgsv with orange soapstone is a new genre
based kojima

What did the mean by this, PC bros?

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>it's totally brand new product, pls buy

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Image from the DS site for UK, though I just checked and it seems these descriptions have been removed.

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T-thanks for clearing things up Kojima

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>social strand game
Walking simulator with muh narrative choices confirmed

Same thing they meant with MGSV and Ground Zeroes

So it's basically an edgier version of that lesbian time-control simulator?

He needs to apologize

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>see that strand, you can socialize with it

You fuckers do remember that Metal Gear Solid wasn't a 'stealth game', it was TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION

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>Kojima is a genius

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Real question here. Will DS replace Dark souls akronym?

Those were never "Only on Playstation". They were announced for Xbox and PC alongside Playstation.

No, it'll just become KojiPro instead of MGS to include DS and then retroactively include his older games which were implicitly accepted into any MGS discussion.

>Stranding games become a genre

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So its demon souls with less payoff?


Dumb shit.

>online functionality messaging/gifting system

someone needs to slap this stupid nip hack

If it turns out to be not shit, maybe

MGS pioneered stealth.
How can a game label itself with a genre it had yet to define?

Maybe that was his plan all along. Waging war against FROM

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nothing. dont own a PS4 right now, a friend does. maybe i'll get the PS5 if speccs and games are alright but i won't hold my breath. PC upgrades first this year

He's describing a fucking souls game

the dark souls acronym is DaS because Demon's Souls exists newfag

People already call Dark Souls "DaS" to destinguish it from Demon's Souls ("DeS").

cant you guys just ask him on twitter if he means a system like darksoul?

>implying Dark Souls is abbreviated as "DS" by anyone other than normalfags and shitters

Why would anyone keep items in their inventory but never use them because "might need later"

> Stranding-likes
> Strandingvanias
> Strandingbornes
> Stranding Royales

>dark souls invented co-op

Why is he so obsessed about fame? He wants to create a genre, what? Just like he made up the word transfarring for sending data between a console and handheld game (Metal Gear Peace Walker). Remember how much he hyped this unbelieable never before seen feature of cloud storage and cloud sharing?

I also remember Geoff Keighly getting a thermos as a gift from Kojima and he had to explain what a "thermos" was to Geoff, like no one knows what that is or how this alien technology works. He's very pompous and when he gave that one E3 press speech he was stuttering all over the words and he couldn't get a single English word out, yet I swear he'd be the type to say he speaks English back in Japan to show off his skills.

I honestly can't stand the fucker. His Twitter feed being GUYS I LOVE TO BUY DVD/MUSIC/BLURAY/GLASSES/ACTION FIGURES/LOOK AT MY FOOD/LOOK AT THIS AIRPORT SCENERY/LOOK AT ME PAY ATTENTION TO ME. I hope it gets a 50% metacritic and his faux ass gets thrown to the wayside. He's copying Demon's Souls multiplayer mechanics and calling it his own genre now, what a fucking piece of shit.

It didn't really pioneered but it certainly defined it.

implying a thousand people didn't already asked that and he just outright ignores those questions because he wants to appear muh mysterious

Truly the Dark Souls of strand games

>it's totarry brand new genre carred action game/stland game(sociar strand system)

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because fuck you, communist

Dark Souls is DaS, not DS.
It's DeS, DaS1, DaS2, DaS3, BB and Sekiro.

Is he fucking retarded? Is this really the same guy who invented MGS?

So in other words it's a walking sim?

Except there is no co-op in DS. You never actually encounter other players.

i think people are asking him, if the game is a stealth game

why does this shit always crank me up?

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Will the player be able to mate with Fragile?

that's just basic Japanese twitter, it's like you've never followed a Jap before

Yeah. A walking sim with motorcycle riding, rock climbing, guns, grenades, physical combat and stealth.

Shut up cuck.

You will regret bullying quiet when you learn her secret guys.

Only if other players can join in

Dragon's Dogma might fit in Strandlike

sociaru sutorando systemu vearie cool desu yo

>kojima coming up with a silly name for a concept that already exists
do you guys have the memory of a goldfish? he does this all the time

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Social strand system™

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>ywn bully quiets vagene with my tongue

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how can one man be so full of himself?

So he just copied what From invented. What a hack.

>MGS pioneered stealth genre

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>from invented asynchronous multiplayer

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the game is going to more cutscene heavy than MGS4

Yikes bro. Nostalgia is blinding you hard if you think Mgs1 is pinnacle stealth, people will still fucking choke you out for uttering this pompous nonsense. It did it’s part in I guess casualizing and making it wide spread sure

those who are hyped for this game can you explain why? I see nothing so far in it that is remotely interesting. I was quite hyped for MGSV like a lot of us because that game actually looked fun (and to be fair the gameplay was good). What is the appeal of this game?

based and me too

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Pero pero pero pero
pero pero pero pero
pero pero Ah pero pero AHHHH

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What happened after MGS3?

>implying it work be kino

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Why the fuck do I want a social experiment in my single player game

it's because everyone fucking hypes him up
if enough people told me that i was a visionary genius then i'd start beliving them

>poopdicks and co

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His ego was left unchecked and grew to a size rarely seen.

but will it be VIDEO GAMES?

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says this after mgsv lel

I mean it will be only on Playstation at launch, so they're not wrong

The fuck does that even mean?

mgsv had konami fighting with kojima
this is kojima given free reign

What are invasions..?

The strand system seems cool


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The game looks pretty sweet to me. I hope there's more to the system than just sending items and messages.

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>leave Death Stranding *inhales*
>to me

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It will be pure kino and pure ludo

kojima just show it to us, twitter doest help.

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Remember when Kojima invented the concept of moving data files from one system to another via the totally original coined term "transfarring"?

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The lack of cutscenes was his idea. He explained that years before the Konami shit happened.

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>a literal gimmick to force the “people are zombies” narrative

I don't know why but I really have no interest in this game.
It still looks neat.

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it's a facebook walking sim with Hideo Kojima™ cutscenes

Sure, Dark Souls (DaS) is safe... But what about Dead Space (DS)? That game is underrated enough as it is.

>SSS stands for Social Strand System

It stands for Solid Snake Simulation.

>RE4 clone with 2 sequels
it's overrated if anything

In the west we call "strand games" walking simulators Kojimbo.

kojima and kanye collab when

Why do my partners suck so much Kojima-san?

Inafune 2.0


Cope harder, bros.

if you cant play the entire game in hell then its a shit design

No no
>Kojima invented co-op

>i-its not. look at that ladder

Who is the ugly goblin next to Kojima?


>strand game/social strand system
A Persona game then?

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>MGS pioneered stealth
kys plebshitter

You talk like a faggot so I'll side with the other guy

>Social Strand System
>Solid Snake Simulation / Selection for Societal Sanity

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>tfw am looking forward to the walkan more than the rest of the gameplay mechanics

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what a fucking idiot...

>Its totally brand new genre

Shut the fuck up Kojima

he called metal gear a action technical espionage, but people just relegate it to "stealth"

the same thing will happen to ds

How can one man be so based?

Isn't this literally dark souls meets undertale

what will we call DS then, social game?


Holy shit, no you dumbass. The "multiplayer" in DS is going to be akin to leaving summon signs for others to find, but instead of a player being summoned, its their supplies.
The footprints is self explanatory. You'll see where people have been.

There is no "playing with other people" but "knowing other people are playing along with you". Kojima is overhyping something that's already been done by using big words his nip brain just learned.

I hope I get to invade other players worlds as a fetus in a battle mech shooting ladders everywhere while stealing all their luggage

Stop calling me out, bitch.

>he's literally baiting idiots for (you)'s

And stealth fags hate him for it, feels bad he knows what he's making and dumbfucks get it wrong.

What a fucking garbage shitpost....

Kojima is a visionary, that's why Yea Forums hates him. There little David cage and naughty dog movies cant compete with kojimas raw talent.

It stands for Selection for Societal Sanity

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Not him but it would appear you both thought of different things when saying "DS". You meant Death Stranding he meant Dark Souls.

They were never there in the first place


are you guys playing this game just for gamer cred, I really can't see any other reason

His games are among the best I've ever played so that's why, and it's interesting in general.

Maybe this "Social Strand System" means that cooperation is not just gonna be something you can do, but something that is VITAL to your sucess.

We already know it is gonna be asynchronous and that the help can be physical supplies, safe house locations and routes. I just doubt that relying on the community for helping others achieve success may be hard, even more when not giving anything may GREATLY make other Sam's journeys harder.

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>gamer cred
the fucking WHAT now? back to plebbit, there are upvotes for you here

This kojima guy is so out of touch with gaming he is thinking he is really creating a new genre...nothing about this game looks new, you are walking in an open world enivornment, you are delivering some shit from place to place and you are shooting.


the kojima fanbase is pretty old, must of us are about to reach our 30s.
the only one seeking cred would need to be very young at this point

>Maybe this "Social Strand System" means that cooperation is not just gonna be something you can do, but something that is VITAL to your sucess.

In other words you must be online to fully experience Death Stranding

When the last time Kojima ever played a video game or even posted about one on social media?

So a TPS with a Dark Souls semi-online mode.
What is the problem?
The real question is, will it have many endings? A communist one and a canon reasonable 'we need countries' one?

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Bro will PS5 have some strand games?

Is Dark Souls the Death Stranding of videogames

>Reedus Feetus

this might actually break into mainstream more than mgs because of the names. Heck, even grills will know of it.

>Dude what if dying is part of the game and it's social

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>its nothing more than a "subtly help other players by leaving items or hints behind for them to find" thing.
yeah, the gameplay footages shown in the trailer showed exactly this

glad someone who already played the game could inform us

>we are the babies in DS

Astoundingly stupid but good for him I guess.

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idc how many people will buy it or how popular it will get, just bring some good fucking vidya with a awesome story

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are you the Thiefcuck spammer who forgets that MGS1 literally came out before your Thief and it created the formula that other stealth games like Splinter cell started to copy, while noone gave two fucks about Thief?

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I trust Kojimbers to deliver a bonkers story and an interesting spin on already established mechanics.

It would probably be like in Dragon's Dogma. There is a global optional boss and all players can reduce his health bar and get rewards equivalent to their damage dealt.
If Kojima creates something more deep, then he will be cute

When I used to work in gaming journalism, a dev once told me that the difference between western development and Japanese development is that western developers see their games as "X meets Y" (which is probably derived from them all thinking they're "filmmakers" since that's what Hollywood does) and Japanese developers all see their games as "SOMETHING TOTALLY NEW THAT'S NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE".

>posting your opinions online instead of sending out unsolicited bulk direct mailings via carrier pidgeon

>Implying there weren't stealth games BEFORE thief

Kys Hideous kojumbo drone

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will someone ever tell this guy to shut the fuck up?

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He talks like a Japanese Peter Molyneux.

good job user, I cleaned it up a bit.

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>action game
>little to no action to be seen
Sounds like some social interaction nonsense.

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I love this man


Playstation official Social Justice Warrior gaming console.
top kek

What's wrong with her? OCD?

Please no anal this time user.

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>Cyber Punk Adventure
time and time again

maybe name that well known, glorious stealth game that defined the genre before MGS/MG

that, or stop being some hipster faggot so fucking desperately

Why doesn't Kojima have an assistant who manages his social media accounts?

Great, it's the fucking S3 Plan from MGS2 rearing its ugly head again.

I'm in love


thief, you zoomer faggot

He probably means pacman, which also pioneered the dimension switch, ghost mode gameplay clearly copied by death stranding.

let me have a sniff t least

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>forced, incentivised co-op.
fuck that "daily mission: help 3 players" bullshit

No co-op? Are you fucked? You can play most of the game if not all of it cooperatively

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zoomers need to be offed one by one

This guy always was a hack. Only sonytards hyped him up.

Don't eat raw insects. They are full with parasites.


OG castle wolfenstein had stealth with covert action and it's sequel beyond castle wolfenstein had additional mechanics based upon it and it WAS WAAAAY before hideous kojumbo even made MGS infact MGS was influenced by it too

If you don't know how relevant and influential wolfenstein was then
you should probably kys zoomer faggot

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all you have to do is ask the question if it can be played offline and if the answer is yes that means this entire "strand game" system is a gimmick that basically means little enough that it can just be turned off and is not a core component of the gameplay experience.

I wonder if Kojima would tell me where he gets his weed.

What the fuck is Sugita doing there?

>it's totally brand new
>action game

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When enough players helped each other it will unlock a secret good ending where the world is reconnected or some shit

how is this remotely like undertale

He voices Kaz

>wolfenstein had stealth therefore it was known for being a stealth game and defined the genre
imagine being such an idiot that you think this strawman is a good argument.

Only in the context of a dead space thread

How can you be this much of a brainwashed idiot?

>Implying it didn't influence stealth games in it's era

There are have been several wolfenstein clone for each iteration of it's games

MGS hardly has any MGS clones if anything most MGS games are described by comparing it with other games

Post more meme dogs.

Death Stranding is actually Noby Noby Boy 2 and players will have to work together to create a Strand™ long enough to reach the moon.

based clueless amerimutt

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>piss on item
>leave it

Because you have a low IQ.

I really want to explore that world


>MGS is supposed to be revolutionary stealth action espionage™ game of all time !!!!!!!!

Yet it doesn't even have a SINGLE MGS clone or a well known spiritual successor to it

so much for muh influential stealth gaaaayme of all time

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just like the nukes and secret ending right.

sounds like some darksouls thing

>Chex Quest: Solid Cereal existing would make MGS a more important game

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>Death is not the end

When you die you go through another dimension into a warzone that looks like WWII with bioweapons.

>MGS pioneered stealth

no it did not, you're probably a zoomer who didnt play stealth games back then. At best MGS was a shooter. Its hardly a stealth game


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in that mission youre disguise as a hammerite, they wont attack you on site.

why do people that its ps4 exclusive only? its a game movie, just watch someone play it, im sure the gameplay is gonna be ass

He talks and talks, yet says nothing. Pretty standard.

>I think he's done too much fucking coke.

Coke's really hard to get in Japan. Must be some pretty good shit.

>brand new genre
Fucking Kojima

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Boy I sure cant wait to walk

Zoomers btfo. Post more dog memes.



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>Tarantino started Spaghetti Southern and Kojima invented strand gaming in your timeline.

What a time to be alive.

I unironically want it to be a comfy walking sim

The Patriots?

Name a game where you don't walk


Midnight Club Los Angeles

My turn, Kojymbi

Rocket: Robot on Wheels


so...99% of the population is fine with the programming and gone to the other reality?
but Sam, etc. aren't? what's the masterplan, mr. masketta man?

This is the most stupid thing I have ever read

Super Monkey Ball

movement is a form of walking
in a way yes
movement is a form of walking
I said game

lmao get fucked retard

Why is everyone pissing at this? At least it's not generic as fuck like pretty much every western and japanese game nowadays.

What if he's right?
What if he's 100% right and strandlikes are the new soulslikes?

any boat game

>movement is a form of walking

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That's like "tactical espionage action"

I wish I could cause as much pure seethe 24/7 as Kojima.

Sony wins again baby, burka bros rejoice

Recommend me some strand games

beat saber

Dark Souls

wait for november 8...it a new genre

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Some form of tourettes probably. A kid in my class done the exact same thing years ago.

>strand person shooter
>turn based strandtegy
>real timefall strandtegy

This dude thinks that game mechanics are genres.

well that's what I was sure it's gonna be from his "make the rope" comments
Kojima is a faggot


You will be pissing in the snow to communicate

gonna draw dicks everywhere


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Need for Speed Underground

All card games have no movement. Same goes for mahjong, tetris etc mom games

top kek. what a pic

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I feel like he watched the ending to Nier on youtube and decided to make a game out of it

>It's Bjork Souls but without the combat.

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>can't even pick what to say to NPCs

that's an interesting idea

I hope motion capture has her mannerisms and ocd. It's CUTE.

Meant to quote

all i'm telling you is to never buy games from people that make a point of telling you they like david lynch

I belive in Kojima, but everything about that sounds stupid.

it's only stupid if they implement it in a way that you can't sabotage other players, which they probably will try to do since this work is propaganda

I can tell your american just by how cucked all your pussy men are

Honestly, i wasnt sure about this game and not really a kojimadrone but now that i see it has combat i might be interested in this pseudo co-op thing

Kojima stand the fuck down.

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i can tell you struggled with arithmetic from how high your parasitic load is

Is that a motherfucking jojo reference




don't forget you can make ladders user

now it's a laddering sim


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Sneed for Feed: Chuck's Underground

You thought this was a Yea Forums thread, easy mistake




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the bad guys are literally called homo demons
mein sides

More like initialism dumbo

So cute



FUCK walking

FUCK the sun

FUCK normies

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Since multiplayer and connecting with other people seems to be pretty important do you think PS plus will be required for online play?


omg!!! this is going to be sooooo scary x3

It’s just gonna be you walking around picking up shit and fighting enemies in an open environment with retarded AI like every other open world game ever made. He can call it whatever he wants, end of the day the world is either full of bullshit we’ve seen before or it’s empty. There’s no other type of open world game.

thief literally came out after MGS you fuckign retard

like how fucking ironic you are with your desperate zoomer faggotry, holly shit

>he means
no he is a literal retard
pac man also doesn't have stealth mechanics since the ghosts don't react to seeing you or not

you realize that Metal Gear existed way before wolfenstein?

also you are either the samefag with the previous posts, or you literal underages are just way too obviously exposed with your zoomerposting projecting

poopdicks and co

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Castle Wolfenstein (a stealth game) came out in 81, you fucking brainlet

if everybody helps each other enough it will unlock the FPS multiplayer mode where you get to fight each other as the skeleton soldiers in 20v20 battles

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>MGS hardly has any MGS clones
lol, what is literally the second most popular stealth game ever?
Splinter cell was directly inspired by MGS you tard