How can he be good at literally everything?

how can he be good at literally everything?

Attached: agent47.jpg (480x479, 27K)

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He's a test tube baby who was trained in a lab all day

playing drums isn't hard

because he is in the GOTY, and Miami and Mumbai are my jam

He uses all his hard earned money for training.

he doesn't have a social life


Pure unbridled autism.

White, disregards women, acquires currency, travels and trains.

How can he be good at literally everything?

Attached: 1554538535500.jpg (386x520, 30K)

>Game gives you tons of scenarios and situations where you can kill people by making it look like a freak accident.
>Still have the most fun just shooting people with the silenced pistol or throwing sharp objects at them
I'm not sure this is the right game for me. Also the pistol is OP as fuck. You can literally snipe your target across the map with it.

He is peak mutt.

It is if you're having fun with it. The 5+ different ways to kill somebody are just an extra challenge.

He's from Romania you lorelet

what ever is fun is right user.

ortmeyer his creator is but he's not really any nationality, test tube baby

he's a happa

yfw he retired
yfw kissa is probably a bad influence to her
yfw he is a total bro

He is literally the product of a five men jizz soup, he was only raised in Romania also gypsies aren't white.

miami level is so damn comfy, i love the bright colours in levels like colombia, miami, suburbs, sapienza, such beautiful worlds to look at

Sounds really progressive

>tfw there is a high chance 47 will die and pass the mantle to the girl from absolution

wew even children of fags can only have 2 dads at most. no wonder 47 is a sociopath.

>all of Victoria's missions involve her infiltrating brothels and Hollywood sex rings

what if they go for a HANA type story
like 47 finally retires from the world of assassinations because hes got cancer as an unknown side effect of cloning
goes back to Sicily , buys the monastery , offers Victoria asylum from ICA or some new bad institution , and teaches her everything he knows like nu god of war but less gayer

I wish, I'm getting tired of this bald fuck.

I'd prefer if Victoria was training as 47's new handler


Attached: d911b7097bf0c3cba797f554d4c7b5dd38742aca.jpg (693x517, 23K)

What if she becomes bald, too?

Where? :^)

Anglos are closer to gypsies than Romanians are. Learn your history. Gypsies are nomads from India, just like Central Asian nomads that spawned the Germanics.

How to spot a seething Turk.

>Anglos are closer to gypsies than Romanians are
t. ceaucescu romanescu

what is that suit from?

Seething anglo. Go back to Afghanistan where you come from

Why the hell would you retire from porn as a non gay male actor? I get that holes get wrecked but dicks?

He has no joy in his life and lives to kill. It balances out

>t. Nigel Kublai Cuckberg

>Hitman 2
>Game of the Year
Annoying indie-shit aside, this is still a semi-acurate list.

he explains everything on hist last vlog
he is pretty much fed up of all that, and wants to record his own shit and go live to another country and stuff like that
40s crisis, I guess

Bank map that's going to come out later this month.

He isn't good at intellectual puzzles like I am

Makes me wonder if 47 actually enjoys the cosplay aspect of his job

Have sex. After like 3-4 hours of solid fuckin, just to do it again, your dick starts to hurt. Imagine your dick constantly in pain and the only way to alleviate it is with cold showers and not touching it. Men in porn don't make enough because LOL YOU GET TO FUCK CHICKS ALL DAY THAT'S GREAT!

are you for real?

This is what happens when you put all your points into combat and leave your social stats at 1.

>fallout 76
Stopped there

47 has good social stats. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to cosplay people so well. He just doesn't enjoy socializing

>throwing muffins at people don't count as a crime
>as long as the person hit doesn't see you
Talk about OP

Well that's good but I wish you could just lay that thing down and poison it.What's the point of a muffin as an item if you can't poison it ffs

Agent 47 for Smash