What is it that made BOTW so memorable?

What is it that made BOTW so memorable?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>there was nothing like it
It's a fricking GTA3 clone.


>It's not God of War's fault it's not Breath of the Wild. It's not Spider-Man's fault it's not Breath of the Wild. I spent a good 10 hours playing Red Dead Redemption 2, hoping it was Breath of the Wild, then eventually gave up. No one's fault.

>Sorry Red Dead Redemption 2. You tried, but you weren't Breath of the Wild

>Ubisoft-oid open world was a fucking life-changer for someone out there

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its the first good zelda game

Because besides Final Fantasy 36, Super Smash Brothers Melle 18, Mario Ver. 106, Japanese turn based game no. 14,390, and Pokemon, there is only the Zelda option.

Nintendo and their fans are pretty much stockholm syndrome rape victims. They're gunna get raped by awful games and shit technology regardless, so they may as well rave about the one with the tiny penis that hurts the least.

>still recovering after two years
LOL, so is Yea Forums.

I released just at the tail-end popularity of the Open World genre.


GTA 3 but with a bigger world and a fantasy quest and not as much scripted shit...

The graphics of botw and GTA III are comparable though LMAO

LOL, SEETHING really hard.
One day, ps4 will get a real game

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Look at this wishful thinking lol

not much, I found it just decent and dropped it the moment I beat ganon

the excessive amounts of onions you have consumed


Not actually responding to the criticism, just making an ad-hominem attack. 2 wins for Brian today! I'll be counting as the thread progresses. Stay tuned!

>You tried, but you weren't Breath of the Wild
when the fuck did RDR2 try being a fantasy ARPG?


>A universe where exploration is a means to its own end, where meaningful encounters occur effortlessly, where there is a story around every corner.
Examples required, my person of African descent.

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>What is it that made BOTW so memorable?
Years of hating on Zelda games for not being like the first one, until Nintendo finally caved and decided to pander to them.

Open world = BotW-like

LOL, snoyfags really are so retarded he thinks that was an argument
You probably also believe wojaks are funny or clever

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>Holy shit there's a camp of bokoblins here. This one has a MOBLIN in it!
>I have to cook my own food!
>There's a copy/paste shrine slapped on top of this mountain I decided to climb looking for something to do!

Stop using that word if you don't know what it means.

Dark Souls is an action rpg.
Dragon's Dogma is an action rpg.
Breath of the Wild is an adventure game.

>GTA3 clone
>no “go here to start mission”
>no auto aim combat
>no clunky movement
>no focus on stealing vehicles to get around
>environment is a destroyed kingdom instead of a city
>no NPCs that merely exist to be killed
>no gated progression
Are you sure you played either of these games?

BOTW is nothing like the original Zelda. If it was, There would only be 8 full dungeon shrines, no npcs, and the occasional asshole merchant.

yeah whatever you get my point. they're wildly different

I'm pretty sure it's a joke, user

i'm not the one defending a shit game
i don't have to cope

>Still SEETHING after two years

when you put it like that it dosnt sound like BotW has alot whole lot in the way of actual content

Everyone has long played your precious 'exclusive' on PC, nintendorks.
Everyone saw how overrated it actually is by you poor shmucks with no other games to play.

That makes absolutely no sense.
Do you have down syndrome by any chance?

Someone post it


Why does Yea Forums keep pretending emulators are bigger then they actually are?

>pcfags pay thousand of patreon bucks to play one game
>then admit BoTW is the greatest game of the generation
LOL, only snoyfags would be butthurt about how great Zelda is.


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>What is it that made BOTW so memorable?
I forgot

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>once in a while Nintendo releases something that's NOT simplistic toddler shit
>their audience raised on simplistic toddler shit has their minds blown

you ok? I know you're a falseflagger, do you really enjoy spending your time like this?

I liked botw but this shit is so overhyped it's ridiculous. It's a good game but it wasnt profound or anything. These people are whacked out in the head.

This sarcastic response made me laugh a few times.

The "TEEEEENAGE RAAAAAAAAAGEEEE" of a response to this got me to guffaw

It was memorable for being the worst Zelda ever made by a long shot, including most of the spinoffs.

nintendo needed a 10/10 product after the wiiu failure.

Probably still recovering from having his dick cut off too.

Nothing. The only reason people are praising it is because it's the latest Zelda game.

Horizon Zero Dawn does every better than BOTW.

BOTW is Zelda U

ah... I see. It was a game targeting the media to ensure good scores.

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You realize the BotW is a Wii U game, right?

I thought the game was decent but you’re fucking gay if you write a title like that

>tfw experienced this with Link to the Past and then had mind blown from a fully 3D world with day/night cycles in OoT
Yep, it was pretty cool 2 decades ago.


How bad it was made it memorable

cant remember

can't believe this trash game has a 97

Woo! That's 3 responses for Brian without addressing the original post. Lets keep it up!

>Diehard Nintendo fan that only played two genres on his close system.
>Expects to have the same experience in other tittles
>He literally expects in RDR2 to find the mastersword and beat some evil dude to save a princess

Nintendo fans are in the bottom of the gaming community.

what a rebuttal.

Cope, Nintendo factually makes the best games

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These articles always overstate how interactive BotW actually feels or how involved navigation is. Getting from A to B is extremely simple yet they act like it’s ways very involved.

great rebuttals for great arguments

How the fuck did RE4 manage rank so highly despite being newer than most of these games?

What would he want RDR2 to be like? Does he want Arthur to scale walls like spider man?

can someone fucking explain why the mods on Yea Forums are so strict about everything except nintendo threads and flamewars?

because it's more involved than other open world games, that's quite literally the whole point of the article.

it has very little in common with gta 3

People who cocksuck the game and spam the same threads over and over again for (you)s and console war "SEETHING" "COPE" "COPE" "OBSESSED" bait like OP is just as bad as the contrarians they fight against and It's going to happen all over again once Nintendo shows off the next Zelda game. Good game though.

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Played BOTW for about 30 or so hours, did the mammoth and bird dungeons and a lot of side stuff.
I played this on CEMU, with 60 fps and overall higher visual fidelity than you could get from the Switch or the Wii U version yet I really can't connect with this game.

Concept was cool at the beginning but ultimately it doesn't feel like a Zelda game anymore and I actually prefer Skyward Sword over it.

nigga what

>make a huge map but don’t know what to put in it
>put in a bunch of shitty shrines and korok puzzles
>make the story about it being post apocalyptic as an excuse for why the world feels so empty and boring

GTA3 is what made all these devs jump on the open world bandwagon to begin with. Funnily enough BotW doesn't come close to its impact though thank God

Why are journalists such faggots?

>"waaaaah i need time to recover from a video game!"
>"waaaaaaah firing an AR 15 gave me PTSD"
>"waaaaaaaah i'm getting death threats from some dude on Twitter with an anime avatar"

Because it’s a genre defining masterpiece


If that were in any way accurate, the patron for the emulator wouldn't be receiving a moderate amount of money still, and it wouldn't have an active group of individuals making mods to improve its graphics and add content to the game.

The sales say otherwise

>muh sales
not how it works NPC

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So does recent relevant dev reception from the last few weeks and months. Nintendo's doing nothing to turn head from devs or investors

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They're recovering from brain damage after playing BOTW

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Can't wait for Nintendo to copy RDR2. They already jumped on Rockstar's open world bandwagon lol

>2 years passed already

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It's a solid 7/10.

>Rockstar's open world bandwagon

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BotW is nothing like LoZ, enough with this meme. About as dumb as saying Skyrim is the same as Gothic.

Other open world games focus on immersion, lore or roleplaying, but BotW is basically just an open world collectathon. It’s very banal and stupid.


My roommate completed the game within two weeks, I couldn’t get ost the chore of lclimbing and running to the first divine beats. The crafting, movement, weather, health and weapon system bores me to death. I cannot stand this whole crafting mechanic bullshit. It’s the same reason I gave up on rdr2, particularly with its “HOLD X TO FUCKING DO ANYTHING” mechanic that made it take forever to perform the simplest action. Maybe one day I’ll go back and retry botw, but I honestly hope other companies fucking avoid the formula of survival, crafting, Ubisoft tower open world games. It’s fucking tiring. I want my level based missions ala mgs3 and splinter cell chaos theory.

And the things you collect aren't even satisfying.

11 years on, I'm still recovering from TF2
There was nothing like it upon release, and there's been nothing like it since.

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>he thinks that getting meme stars from the Meltzers of Gaming is more important than making money
What a mark

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>nintendo anons jerking off over how great BotW is
>butthurt Yea Forumsanons making 10000000 word essays on why BotW is shit
>nintendo anons blissfully ignoring everything and calling anyone who disagrees a retard, cuck or says seething, cope
>anons wanting to discuss the game get ignored
>that one niglet with his white supremacy sign using, smug zelda picture
Great threads as always

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MGS3, chaos theory, RDR2 and BotW are all great games. The only person here who loses is you.

I'm saying LOZ invented open world


I wrote this. Debate me.

Seventeen years later and I'm still recovering from Morrowind




Bosses are shit, grinding is shit, dungeons are shit, the story is shit , NPCs are shit , Link is shit and you can't customize him despite the "you can do anything" premise , Zelda is shit like always , Ganon is shit and the worst version of him so far

Literally the ONLY thing people talk about is "muh climbing"

Even Runescape does "Breakable weapons" better

Why the fuck are people so obsession with gay ass climbing?

>press forward
>you're there


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baby's first open world game in which you can do "aaaaaanything man"
nintendo bonus, as well

What does BotW do with its open world that a game like skyrin does not

climbing :^)

Really climbing, gliding, and weapon fragility? Todd said it was better than Skyrim at least.

I found the climbing awfully tedious, didn't realize people loved it. I'd prefer smart level design over "lol everything is open just climb over that mountain for 20 minutes bro".

I'm convinced these articles are a fucking psyop, or maybe some kind of gaslighting

>like 5 enemy types,
>no good reason to explore after you've put in like 2 hours of gameplay and already have enough food items to last you ages, any further exploration wouldn't net you a solid return and you'd just break your weapons to only get a replacement
>combat isn't particularly exciting either unless you fuck around with the physics
>massive swaths of empty land
>ubisoft towers
>abysmal dungeons and bosses
>only thing to really do in the overworld is find seeds and play various ball-in-cup shrines


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Babies first Zelda. We need to go back to dungeons instead of small ass shrines. Literally keep everything but throw away that and item breaking.

BotW is superior on cemu because of the improved resolutions, framerate and Thomas the tank engine

The reason to explore is because it’s one of the most beautiful and interesting worlds ever made in a video game. The exploration is supposed to be its own reward. If you don’t feel that natural urge to explore and feel the thrill of discovery, then this game isn’t for you.

The fact that people who love it so much haven't played many other games.

RDR2 has an infinitely better world with infinitely more content than BOTW but >it's not zelduh

More defined world, matches its theme (and has a theme) better. Strangers, side missions, robberies, hunting, legendary one-off animals to hunt/fish, extensive clothing options, unique landscape and various biomes that feel distinct.

Everything people say about BOTW is actually true of RDR2 and not of BOTW

burden of proof lays on you pal

Let me summarize real quick why it's overrated. The failure of the Skyward Sword, the Wii U and the fact there was a 5 year gap between Skyward Sword and BotW.

You see, people were for one, desperate for a full-fledged new Zelda. Nintendo was in a bad place for the whole generation, Skyward Sword left a bad taste in most fans mouth too. So fans journos, and critic's were desperately wanting a Nintendo revival. They've exaggerated this whole experience just so that Nintendo can be "back". It's still not a bad game. It's not game changer either. They haven't had one of those since OoT.


>BOTW is nothing like the original Zelda

There are differences, but people who say they're nothing alike are being obtuse. LoZ's "dungeons" (if you can even call them that) were just quick combat gauntlets that even first-time players can breeze through compared to their time spent in the overworld.

Play more video games

>because it’s one of the most beautiful and interesting worlds ever made in a video game
for the first two hours maybe, till you realize you're just flipping rocks over and beating up the same shitty goblins.

>Babies first Zelda
>We need to go back to dungeons
it's funny because all the """""""""""""""""puzzles""""""""""""""""""" in previous zelda dungeons were literally baby tier and any shrine btfo's them out of the water

Literally go outside lmao

this but unironically

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only thing I found different was that I needed certain clothes for different climates. it was still just go from A to B like every other open world game

For a game that’s all about climbing it’s weird how there is virtually no sense of vertigo. You hardly get the feeling like you are scaling some really high, epic cliffs or are in a really dangerous, dizzying spot.

it's funny because almost every shrine is baby tier and the only difficult ones are matched equally by the most difficult previous zelda dungeons

>turd mountains
Wow so beautiful and intetesting

Let alone other Zelda games.
This is switch onions at its prime.

it's funny because you're completely wrong

Did he state why?

so tsundere, user

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It’s hilarious how people say “you can do anything”, the world is so fucking empty that there’s hardly anything to do at all, most of the “freedom” is just different ways to fight bokoblins. For a game that’s supposedly all about freedom it has less of a roleplay feel than almost any other open world

I can't wait to explore this world and find more pallet swaps to fight
oh wait, I already did. even at 1080p 60fps it was still a boring slog

Play Daggerfal lmao
Faggots will always get Zelda regardless because it's a household name now

so did I, except it wasn't boring at all

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ladders and polearms
*drops mic*

Had to Google that term and can't really think of a better way to put it. The way these bloggers not only praise the game, but gush over it with such gravitas like it's the second coming of Jesus or something despite huge glaring issues makes me question my own sanity and if I'm alive.

Not walking its "exploring, an experience"
Not copypasted shrines, but "amazing labyrinths to uncover"
Not menu navigation but "keys to the immersive limosuine " or some shit

As someone who loved the game and don’t regret playing it:
>There is no replay value
>Weapon durability and shallow dungeons were a turn off
>Fun game
>Cool design
>Most “Babies first open world”
>It’s Zelda

People will either like it or don’t. You won’t convince others of your opinion. Let it go. Let’s move on to newer games to shitpost about.
Sonyfags? Enjoy your games.
Xboxers? Wait until you can enjoy Sony games.
Nintenbabies? You do you. You like stick with certain franchises, that is fine.
PC master race? Emulate and pirate to your heart’s content because you enjoy the best of everyone else.

Exploring in rdr2 was actually fun because the game has really cool and weird secrets. You might stumble upon a frozen couple with a map or a witch’s hut or a killers den or a monk on a cliff. In BotW you mostly just stumble upon shrines and koroks, it’s so fucking boring

environment interactions

then you have a much higher tolerance for repetition than I do, or you have stockholm syndrome and have to justify your purchase of a switch and the game

I really don't know, the whole game just made me melancholic and nostalgic for nothing at all
I'll go ahead and say the music

Top kek

tfw you share a board with people who bite the obvious

wow I can't wait to climb a tower or collect more goblin teeth. The traversal options fucking suck too, being able to climb anything is a nice novelty till you're just cracking the menu open 5 times in one climb to make it up the peak only to find nothing on top of it. Speaking of the menu, you have to open and close it more frequently than the fucking OoT water dungeon. Early in BOTW you'll probably open and close the menu 3 times in a single fight against shitter enemies because all your weapons will break, and the weapons breaking isn't an inherent bad thing BUT having no means to track the durability of a weapon is pathetic so you're just going to hold on to any weapons that seem more powerful till you fight a "boss" only to realize the game doesn't have any proper bosses

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>You won’t convince others of your opinion. Let it go.
What a defeatist attitude. I am somehow not surprised that it's coming from someone who liked the game and would probably rather everyone else stopped pointing out the flaws they see in it.

>PC master race? Emulate
...console games
the state of pcúcks

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>There is no replay value
don't really agree, even in the great plateau I noticed stuff I didn't experience the first time I played, there's a bunch of interactions with the old man that are easily missed, including a sort of sidequest (that weirdly doesn't appear in the sidequest list)

The game being “open air” is actually extremely boring. Do people really enjoy almost every area of the world feeling so exposed?

Go shill somewhere else.

>2 year old article
Also they "fired" me for wrongthink so you can DDOS their ass for all I care

>>"waaaaaaah firing an AR 15 gave me PTSD"
That one was retarded, but I had thought for a second you were talking about the polygon fag who got all depressed and scared of a VR gun.

>have to justify your purchase of a switch and the game
are you braindead?
I don't even have a switch

I pointed about the flaws that most people the about it. Things that I share their opinion with.

>weapon fragility
this is not a good thing.

I found this game to be utter shite

>Boring boss battles
>Muh go anywhere gets old, fast
>Everything breaks. Sounds good, in practice shite.
>Shite narrative
>Open ended with fuck all to do
>Copypasta 'puzzle dungeons'

I could go on. I have rarely been so bored playing a game

>The rest square/capcom/Konami/Rare/Valve

try hard next time.

They don’t add up to much in a world that’s so barren.

You can play botw on pc now so you can stop pretending to hate it.

the fragility isn't the issue, it's that there is no means to manage or maintain your weapons, so you're expected to just carry around 22 shitty swords with you at all times. They could have had some more unique weapons and just added shit like a whetstone you could mine to maintain weapons you like instead of just throwing sticks at enemies as not to waste the good weapons you found for the bosses or more threatening you'll never encounter

fair enough if you hated the shrines, personally I liked them. Also, the game has horrible issues with pop-in so most landscape shots you literally can't see anything that isn't trees, sheikah tech, or mountains so there's more in that area than the image depicts. I mean shit, right behind me where I took that pic is a stable with several quests there. Btw you don't need to open the menu to switch weapons, there's a quick select.

Anyway, I'm not here to change your opinion, if you don't like the game that's fine.

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I don't understand this. Just play BoTW nigga.
Why would you want clones of a game instead of a variety of games?

From the top of my head I can name like 10 PS1 games that are myriad times better than BOTW
Jesus fucking christ these people are so full of sóy they've never played actually good games in their entire lives.

But to be honest, what can you expect from a faggot that writes blog posts as a job, they've probably started """"gaming"""" in the last 3 years or so

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Exploring in BotW was actually fun because the game has really cool locations and great mechanics. You might stumble upon a frozen fossil with a shrine or a deserted island or a Lynel’s territory or a hidden ancient maze full of Guardians. In RDR2, you mostly just stumble upon the same “random” events in between spending hours watching slow animations just to do basic stuff, it’s so fucking boring

Is it just me, or does BotW have a really weird scale? When I play rdr2 and am in Ambarino, I feel like I’m in really remote, secluded mountains away from the rest of the world. In BotW though most places feel so close to each other and so easily accessible to each other

What a failure of an attempt.

it's just you user and you keep repeating this point every thread, I honestly think you just have a boner for distance fog

>In RDR2, you mostly just stumble upon the same “random” events in between spending hours watching slow animations just to do basic stuff, it’s so fucking boring
The secrets and Easter eggs you stumble upon are way more interesting than what you find in BotW’s world, and rdr2 isn’t even a game focused on exploration. Why the fuck do you only point out random events and ignore the things you actually find? Weird post as if you never even played it.

It’s not about distance dog, rdr2 has superior draw distance, it’s about naturally constructed environments as opposed to artificial open air wastelands

I know what you mean kinda. RDR2 does do scale better. Actually BotW isn't that bad with it's scale either. TW3 on the other hand, has scaling issues imo

not him but there are eastereggs in botw, offthe top of my head you have things like the eighth heroine statue, the leviathans, those walls with zora history written on them, etc.

>rdr2 has superior draw distance
not true since botw's draw distance quite literally spans from one end of the map to the other

one of the most disappointing things about botw for me was that I couldn't get lost, ever. the "forests" were like 20 trees

>Why the fuck do you only point out random events and ignore the things you actually find?
To make the point that any game can seem lame if you describe it in a reductive manner like the user I replied to did. I own both games and enjoyed both.

I got lost in pic related

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Except your point totally fell flat

And isn’t obscured by a dof effect + weather effects like RDR2.

That’s what really annoyed me about it. Virtually no feeling of getting lost or being in a more closed odd, intimate location. Almost everywhere feels exposed. It’s what makes the world feel so artificial

How when you complained that I reduced RDR2 to random events in between clunky overly-long animations after the other user complained that botw is only shrines and koroks?

that's just foggy, that "forest" was also pitiable. you have toddler-level iq if you actually got lost there

>TW3 on the other hand, has scaling issues imo
how so?

For the sake of gameplay?
Am I supposed to believe CJ just always has a fucking rocket launch where his dick should be?

sounds like you hung around central too much, it's easy to get lost in faron, hebra and even parts of akkala - the latter mostly because of the weather there.

it's literally a jungle

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They really aren’t
Hell the top emulated games for PS2 are GTA SA fucking twice.

Most games try to have a line of sight that feels similar to real life, even in third person. BotW extends the line of sight way beyond what would be natural.

It's not memorable.
soibois with shit taste (journos) still defend it though.

You completely ignored the point about finding things in RDr2s world like a dumbass

do you know what a jungle is, you dense boy? that's right, a fucking forest

If you think being able to climb any surface would improve the gameplay of any open world, you are just a fucking idiot

You walk a few seconds in another direction and suddenly you are in open space. BotW has a pathetic density

I was correcting the fact you had put "forest" in quotes, as if to imply it doesn't qualify.

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Its a zelda game
The main entries in the franchise are practically memorable by default because Nintendo can do no wrong

Nah BOTW strengths don’t show during the game.
It’s when you go to other games and try to play them like BOTW it’s like playing N64 and going back to Atari
>Why can’t I make a campfire that launches me into the air?
>Why can’t I climb this wall?
>Where the fuck is my paraglider?
>Why the fuck can’t I sheild surf?
>Where’s the gyro aiming option?
>When will I get a new weapon? I wanna throw this one in this ugly faggot’s face

That’s why BOTW can’t leave the minds of people

not likely since it's surrounded by cliffs, it also storms very often in faron which makes navigation significantly more difficult.

I had more memorable times and more hours spent on Hyrule Warriors unironically.

Dude that’s just a straight up lie and you know it.
Fucking Monster hunter on 3DS is a better action game

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I can literally see the mountain close in the background of that shot. There's like 10 trees there.

>>Why the fuck can’t I sheild surf?
shield surf sure would have been a cool mechanic if it didn't use your shields durability

Compare the random events that happen with NPCs in RDR2 with BOTW.

gee it's almost like at I'm the edge of the jungle/map in that shot

why the fuck did they even do that? it's just purely anti-fun and serves NO gameplay purpose at all
>oh you want to enjoy traversing this slope? yeah it's gonna cost you 30% of your shield
like fucking why

You're a not a day older than 20 are you

then why the fuck did you use that shot when you talked about quality? it looks like garbage

Everyone complains this world feels barren due to being post apocalyptic but everyone on this board jacks off to fallout new vegas, even though it’s more barren and less interactive than BotW

user I think you need to improve your reading comprehension.

>muh Climbing
Speak of the devil

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>no argument
as expected

>not likely since it's surrounded by cliffs
the point was that you're almost immediately out of the jungle, it's super small

I didn't use the word 'quality' or talk about quality, especially not graphics as your post implies.

Skinning an animal was cool the 1st time just annoying every other time.
I’m over here thinking to myself the 1st RDR2 mod will probably be “Poof into Fur and meat mod”

>not likely since it's surrounded by cliffs
good thing you can climb anything then


is it worth playing if I have no nostalgia for the series?

Kill yourself I ain’t clicking your shit article

>Skinning an animal was cool the 1st time just annoying every other time.
this is a big western dev issue where they think "more animation = more immersion"

>it also storms very often
I brought that up because that means it's more difficult to just climb your way out, more-so than usual since most of the cliffs surrounding faron are steep vertical inclines.

Actually my bad, I read "qualify" as "quality". Sorry. That said, that's not enough to qualify as a proper forest for me, no.

Just “Zelda does it so much better”

every game is worth playing until you determine it's not worth playing anymore, shithead

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See that mountain? You can climb it.


>I brought that up because that means it's more difficult to just climb your way out
but that has nothing to do with the jungle itself, that's still really small

I gathered that, hence my suggestion that you acquire better reading comprehension skills. In fact, you may need new glasses so you can identify what a forest is as well.

good thing you can build a fire under a tree then. come on, user. you can do AAAAAANYTHING.

oh, and not to even mention the "skip tedious climbing" power up from the featherfag

Then you should go to school, a "forest" means a LARGE area covered with trees.
Also, why would it be impressive even it it would technically qualify? It's still small as shit, doesn't matter if it can be called a forest.

Attached: Capture.png (433x200, 10K)

it's an awkward shape but it's by no means small
>good thing you can build a fire under a tree then
it rains so often that if you wait until the next day chances are high that it'll still be raining
true, although personally faron was one of the first regions I visited and I hadn't beaten a single divine beast yet.

>it's by no means small
yes it fucking is. you're easily impressed, good for you. I'm not

>why doesn't game play like other game?

how The fuck do morrowinds biomes feel so much larger than BotW, when the map is a lot smaller?

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prove it's too small

Can you read? I said I DELIBERATELY ignored that to show that RDR2 can look dull just like the other user made botw look dull by reducing the game’s content to one or two things.

Prove it isn't.

You never went to that completely dark forest
It was easy as fuck to get lost in.
Hell wolves became an actual threat instead of a free meat

because btow is unbelievably empty. it's basically just a showcase of the draw distance

One day I might finish BoTW. It had that whole 'wait a minute I'm not having fun' thing going an hour in and I started having TP flashbacks of a tutorial that never stopped so I had to quit.

what forest? I visited maybe 80% of the map until I got bored, no shit I missed some stuff. does that single forest somehow excuse all the other ones?

>find random person
>ride with them to a location on your minimap
>occasionally shoot bad guys with autoaim

>person is getting attacked by a bokoblin
>save them for a reward
>occasionally, that person is actually an enemy and attacks you
In both games, this is the least interesting aspects of their gameplay.

I mean, does it look small to you?

Attached: faron.jpg (1280x720, 194K)

It's when I realized how far detached I am from the rest of society when it comes to video games. After which I stopped talking to people about them. So I guess it helped me in the long run.

Typhlo ruins isn't really a forest though?

>taken from a low angle to deliberately obscure the rest
I can't judge anything from that pic, let me see one from high above

>Go find stairs
Nigga it’s a video game why would I want to do shit the same shit I do everyday like walk up stair, take a bath, drive the speed limit
Hell back to GTA SA that Jetpack cheat was the shit of just
>Lol just fly over everything bro

>low angle
that's literally eye level and where the camera is most of the time, the trees in front are simply on a hill. Regardless, you can still clearly see the density of the trees either way.

yes, low angle compared to the part of the forest you're pointing the camera at. if you're so sure of this density, why don't you show me a proper picture?

I don’t know about you
I’m feeling 22

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Yeah I wished they’d patch that.

I'm not playing the game right now, but I will do later hope faron doesn't decide to just storm 24/7 again otherwise you can't see shit

fucking weeb cringe

>but I will do later
you really don't need to

doesn't use durability on snow or sand, and only uses a small amount during rain. Hylian Shield is the best to use for surfing though as it takes a very long time to break.

>have to reduce rdr2 to botw's level because deep down you know youre wrong

Yeah I can tell you're not older than 20. No adult acts this way

Shields hardly ever broke, if shield surfing didn't wear them I'd have too many garbage shields.

but you asked me to?
I'm going to be playing the game in a bit either way as I revisited it recently to do a master mode + DLC run for the first time

One of the big "nothing" circles you drew has a shrine quest there. Play the game.

>but you asked me to?
don't know why I found this funny. but sure go ahead, I have Yea Forums x installed anyways so I'll get a notification

>Nintendies first open-world game
I thought it was great though

>y-you really don't need to...
lmao this user's sweating now

Breath of the Wild
more like
Stink of the Tame
psssh.. heh

>copy/paste shrines and encampments
>weapons break
>no epona unless you buy a children's action figure
>post master sword you mever touch other weapons again
>thunder = instantly fast travel somewhere else instead of putting away ALL of your metal gear (solid)
>yeah dude u can go anywhere you want after tutorial btw u cant enter cold or hoy environments and you should DEFINITIELY GO EAST FIRST TO GET READY
>no unique non-main story bossed
>lack of cool grand locations for example an abandoned castle in a mountain or a fucking cave
>shrine puzzles arent hard, they just sometimes take long to figure out that theyre not as hard as you thought they were
>divine beasts are aesthetically identical and extremely boring
>divine beasts arent satisfying to solve
>divine beasts are the only real dungeons
>copypaste world bosses with dumb gimmicks
>story isnt that unique for a zelda game, its just told differently
>doesnt really advance the themes of zelda despite heavily relying on past themes
>lost woods is a terrible fucking homage to ooc lost woods
>shouldve closely remixed more themes like rito and zora did instead of how temple of time did

I'd say it's 7/10 because the rest of he game is really good and fun
If the devs weren't lazy it could've definitely been the best game of all time, especially if the grim themes were more similar to Majora's Mask

>The only reason people are praising it is because it's the latest Zelda game.

People usually shit on the latest Zelda game. BotW finally broke the cycle, despite Yea Forums's desperate attempts to keep the cycle intact.

not really, because I've played the game and found it small myself

This is a joke, right?

Witcher 3's director was gushing about BOTW after launch

if you've played the game why aren't you posting screenshots to prove him wrong?

Lost Woods and Faron both have dense forests.

You never learned how to climb in the rain?

It's literally just different timing

Out of all the Skyrim clones you could've mentioned

it's almost like people working on a game will say whatever they need to garner interest from potential players

yeah but shut up those don't count

underrated poost

because I didn't take screenshots

Why does everyone have to make everything seem like a debilitation or some shit? Why does everyone have to play the victim card?

>lost woods
nigger it's literally an invisible and linear path covered in fog

it's not technically linear, you can explore as long as you don't go into the warp spots. There's even loot hidden in there.

idk i couldn't even get into it
played it for like an hour and haven't touched it since

BotW feels more fluid and Skyrim feels extremely rigid. I hate rigid games.

In BotW, enemies will run away, use items to attack you, try to flank you, and the animation feels smooth.
In Skyrim, every enemy has a single attack animation and b-lines it straight towards you, stops, then just auto attacks until it dies. That isn't fun, its tedious.

I was already in faron from when I was playing yesterday (the pics I posted earlier were taken then), but ofc it starts raining after I take this pic, was already cloudy as shit when I booted up the game. Why does faron have to rain so much?

Attached: 29cxsv5.jpg (1280x720, 445K)

funny you should use gta as example when thw rockstar CEO has done nothing but praise nintendo over the years for literally building the foundation of all major 3D game franchises

no, it's still linear. you can go slightly to the right or left, but you still have to stay on the path

That's actually bigger than I could remember. Alright, it has a proper forest.

the novelty of not-handholding
Hell, some people missed the warm tunic from the old man


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Huh damn they really thought of everything

the problem of botw is that it fucking ends

I fucking wish we would get yearly botw games with complete freedom of tackling shit at your leisure, even sekiro, the proclaimed "goty" railroads you in a fucking annoying way, let me unlock a fucking boss rush mode Im sick of talking to kuro about stones and flowers after 6 runs

They did that back in the 80’s dude

Now this is what I call an extremely based and redpilled post.

The dodging and attacks in BotW feel very rigid

>doesn't use durability on snow or sand
yes it does, it's just less than on solid terrain

Oddly enough that movement when I figured out a torch will keep you warm enough to follow the path and that old bastard was there just smiling at me cemented this game as one of my favorite sorry RE4 except RE4 Wii
You’re in a league of your own

It’s an American trait. This culture sucks and exagerrtes everything

You need insane amounts of stamina to climb a decent distant in the rain even with perfect timing.

BotW is MILES better than shitrim, but I still felt like the combat was really rigid

It kills immmersion when everything can be so easily bypassed especailly if the other NPCs can’t do it. If you don’t understand why every open world doesn’t implement this, especially ones going for a more serious, immersive experience, then you just don’t get it.

Nah Skyrim has a more natural, comfier world and way better worldbuilding

>but you still have to stay on the path
you actually don't, in fact one of the DLC items appears there and is intentionally off-path

We're talking about combat, what the fuck does combat have to do with worldbuilding?

it doesn't, sand I know for a fact doesn't use any durability at all to shield surf on. Snow (proper thick snow, so basically Hebra region in a nutshell) also doesn't use any durability, however any stone/dirt/grass surfaces will so in snowy regions you could mistake the shield for taking durability from snow when it was from some rocks or shit in the way.

It was?

It isn't.

Dunno, I thought the game was absolute ass. Maybe I'm a bitter cunt or whatever but this was like not good game design. At all. Almost everything in the game is just so tedious and pointless.

Also really fucking pissed me off how they sold qol stuff that should've been in the game as DLC.

>People usually shit on the latest Zelda game.
kek, the fuck you on about? Every new Zelda gets hailed as the new OoT.

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>Increase default movement speed so that traveling from one point to another isn't a chore
>remove shrines, make spirit orbs a standard quest reward
>combine towers, stables, goddess statues, great fairy fountains, and crafting labs into multi-purpose waypoints across the map
>remove weapon durability for all weapons not made of wood or dropped by monsters, add storage to waypoints, and weapons you no longer need can be broken down into materials
>make armor a full set instead of three separate pieces, add upgrade trees for each one instead of just a single bonus
>add more diverse monsters, including unique monsters that spawn from accepting quests

It helped me realize that I am trans. It did for many in the trans community.

it is fairly big, I think the 3rd largest single region - the shape of it is kind of weird though (you'd expect it to be a round circle, but it's more like a thick line), I'm guessing you went through the main path where there's the more open area with the bridges and nearby stable? There's a particularly dense area around where the dragon shrine thing is.

Is bioshock really that good?

>The origin story
"Dude who cares about complex geopolitics, let's just make Ganon the devil"

Unironically based and redpilled

I go back and forth from the 2600 to N64 all the time, faggot. Sometimes I want to play BattleTanx, sometimes I want to play Battlezone.

Faron jungle is really comfy on those rare occasions it doesn't rain. Same with North Akkala.

Attached: 10gaglx.jpg (1280x720, 470K)

our internet autist is here to analyse things... cope much?

Man problem is I think the bane is actually pretty ugly looking. In a game about exploration, when the world and visuals are not that good, I won’t be too thrilled to explore it. I see so many comments they lavish the visuals and they just confuse me. Most of the world is very dull looking and I also think the towers and shrines give an ugly tech feel to most of the vistas

huh, didn't know. I got so annoyed at the long white screen that appeared every time I went slightly wrong so i just stuck to the path out of frustration and looted a nearby few trees

The foliage just looks so barren and this is an area with some of the densest foliage. I don’t know how you can’t see that. It doesn’t feel comfy when you’re always just a few steps away from being in a wide open space

>repetitive enemies
>clunky menu system (cant swap new weapons when your inventory is full)
>repetitive weapons
>repetitive attack animations
>repetitive shrines
>repetitive temple desings
yep, its memorable because the whole fucking game is about the same things over and over. it lacks so much content

personally I feel the artstyle has a certain charm to it. Textures suck ass and poly count of most objects is low, but the realtime lighting/shadows and reflections are actually really good in the game. Also was a really good decision to use cel-shading on character models too imo.

>The Witness will run faster on PS4 than on PC
That just means they did a terrible job at developing it.

Botw rain is comfy as fuck. Stop climbing everywhere like a spastic and enjoy the level design properly on horseback.

Most of the game looks the same. There is exactly ONE location with variety outside of the cities, and it's the tropical area. Exploring is absolutely the most boring part of BoTW.

it's honestly one of those games I always go back to if I'm feeling down or stressed, just lie in my sack with switch in hand

This game has one of the worst interfaces I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why they can’t use a weapon wheel like GTA. Scrolling to each individual item feels like shit

>this argument again
does it look like there's a wide open space?
I don't have a problem with rain in general for the game, but in faron/akkala (and only these regions really) for some reason they get extremely foggy during rain that you can barely see a few feet in front of you.

>repetitive enemies
>repetitive temple designs
seriously, why the fuck does the game put so much focus on exploration and then the actual content all looks the same.

>Exploring is absolutely the most boring part of BoTW.

Attached: 1551625488233m.jpg (1024x577, 44K)

>Most of the game looks the same.
What the fuck.
>snowy hebra
>death mountain
>Faron jungle
>beach areas and tropical town
>zora area
>lost woods
More variety than almost any other open world and I’m not even including a lot of the variance in the terrain or geographical oddities like the big stone mushrooms

Uh yes, almost everywhere feels wide open. That’s what’s so unimmersive about it. Every forest is like a few trees and you step a few feet away and you are back in the open air high visibility.

Because you are exploring the world itself, which has very varied and interesting terrain

>forgetting Metroid

The more dense areas in BotW look more barren than even average areas in almost any other open world. That’s how terrible the rendering of objects is in this game.

But then when I actually get down to it, it's like I never fucking left.

Breath of the Wild would be improved immensely if they put in the effort to make the enemies and shrines look different depending on the environment.

user maybe you should reread the reply chain.

Attached: 2d0ncrk.jpg (1280x720, 458K)

is this a low-key graphisfag post?

I usually enjoy riding around on a horse in games, on the roads to the locations, but the road layout in BotW is boring as hell. It’s mostly just circling around Hyrule Castle and briefly going off to some of the other areas. You pretty much always feel like you’re just riding around Hyrule Field.

Even from this screenshot you can tell you’re not in a sense forest. If you walked a few seconds in any direction you would be somewhere that looks wide open.

then take your horse somewhere else?
should be able to ride it around most regions besides gerudo and death mountain

user you a literally repeating the argument as another user, and even they conceded that the jungle was, in fact, a dense jungle in the end.

Attached: 207w9p0.jpg (1280x720, 448K)

They couldn't pick a photo that didn't look like Zelda coming up for air for a second while giving Link a forest blumpkin?

Breath of the wild, indeed...


It's the first ambient AAA game possibly ever. There are barely any high-budget games with as much dedication to being as slow and zen as BotW. Most AAA games are desperate to overstimulate the player, BotW asks you to move slowly through a vast wilderness, with spaces you would be justified in calling "empty". Skyrim isn't comparable in sheer dedication to making the player spend most of his time traversing a world with nothing else really going on other than that. Even if you don't like it, you have to admit that it's ballsy and very different in ethos from most games

>What is it that made BOTW so memorable?

I still play BotW occasionally. Its such a comfy world. Even just aimlessly wandering around feels good and therapeutic.

Attached: 1537187977207.png (900x506, 683K)

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with this game made for children no older than 12?

I thought you had to be 18 to post here?

Attached: confused black guy.png (700x597, 333K)

your post uses too many buzzwords for my liking, but I still kind of agree. I think it's the sound design that really sells the ambience in the game
>the wind and rustling grass/leaves
>hearing wildlife scurrying around, knowing that specific creatures are making those sounds
>the different footstep sounds link makes depending on your equipment, what surface you're running on
These things aren't new in concept, but botw executes them better than any other open world game. Each sound correlates directly to a specific motion or object making it, even down to details like the clip-clop of your horse's hooves being perfectly in sync with each individual hoof. Since the graphics are a bit shit, this sound design carries its weight a lot to make the game feel really immersive

>your post uses too many buzzwords for my liking
like? everyone knows what "AAA" means in this context

>ambient game (whut?)

>ambient game
like ambient music, but with a game. very restrained, doesn't overstimulate the listener, contemplative
google it? I think almost everyone knows what this means

>game made for children

And yet BotW treats players with more respect and intelligence than most of its peers and is ultimately far sophisticated in its game design than nearly every other open world game.


Again, "people". Not shills.

My god can you make it any more obvious that you're shillig your own article?

I've never heard someone describe a game as "zen", or as an "ambient game" as like a genre...but okay, you do you.

those are 3 different articles though?

then that's the opposite of a "buzzword", which is a word a lot of people use to label something, without much thought behind it.

it's not an a "genre". my post was about how it's rare for a big-budget franchise games to have those qualities

Changes nothing.

the mountains and fields all feel alive. Even the small piano sounds adds to this. It truly is a masterpiece. Skyrim feels disconnected to the player, whereas BOTW does everything posible to make everything interact. It is not perfect, but unique in a good way

I wish I could play it again for the 1st time bros.

botw 2 in next year is gonna be goooood bro

gaming "journalism"

more like
>there was nothing in the game

For me? The shitty controls

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He alone destroy my love for the franchise. That is very memorable

>First open-world game
Try Ultima 1 you fucking weeb

>worthless sõyboy nobody writes a clickbait bait article that likely earned him just enough money for a bottle of bean milkies and the handle he requires to open it
>What is it that made BOTW so memorable?

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>shrine puzzles arent hard, they just sometimes take long to figure out that theyre not as hard as you thought they were

Wow you mean a puzzle becomes easy once you KNOW THE SOLUTION? Shocking stuff, my man.
>yeah dude u can go anywhere you want after tutorial btw u cant enter cold or hoy environments and you should DEFINITIELY GO EAST FIRST TO GET READY
Well yeah, the game needs to hold your hand a bit if you're a beginner. But there's no reason to follow it if you use workarounds. There are foods and clothing you can get early on that help with the temperature. If its hot in the desert, go at night. If its cold, bring a torch.