Gamer, what the fuck is your problem?

Gamer, what the fuck is your problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gay pride devalues women

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it's clickbait dude

lesbians exist retard

no they dont

>pride in taking dicks up the ass and molesting children

>Snapchat """""""""news"""""""""
It makes me sick scrolling through half the shit that goes on here. I pray to god zoomers don't click.

Lesbians are a porn thing, not gay pride thing

>Massive uncaring corporation co-opts social issues for good boy points and people don't like it.


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I for one, love that these brave corporations have finally take a stand to shamelessly use the gay community after it's gained mainstream acceptance to make money

Based Microsoft is insincere about supporting degenerates and is only doing it to trick degenerates into giving their money to them. Truly the chad company.

Tolerance literally just means I don't punch you in the face.
I don't have to like or approve of anything you think or do. I simply tolerate your existence.

Why are people upset that MS changed their icon? Meanwhile Sony allowed a full blown pride float and Naughty Dog changed theirs months earlier yet nobody gave a fuck.

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Loyal Xbox fans are casual leaning dudebros who bought Xbone because Madden and shooters were so fun on 360. Playstation has more liberal userbase.

yeah that's totally why gamers are upset, not bc they hate gays

my sister calls me a homophobe for not going to pride parades with her but she doesn't know i'm in the closet

Opinions like yours are unironically, completely honestly, a big reason for why gay pride is necessary.

Reminder that LGBTQ++++ people are 55% more likely to make a purchase in June and 45% more likely to make repeat purchases.
Now ask yourself again why this comes up.

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Just because people accept that you're gay doesn't mean they want to constantly be reminded how gay you are.

I don’t like faggots

It's just a marketing thing. No corporation actually cares

Your status as a perpetual victim is over, Im sorry you got exactly what you wanted.

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faglords like this should be purged

there will be a day, when playing games would be publicly considered gay.

all the dudebros jumped shipped to PS4 thiks gen. They have all the musi fifa players, hood 2K niggas, and college shooter frat boys. All those groups hate gays

>b-b-but sony!

Why is that when nips make gay shit, its hot and cute?

>dude some people on twitter got mad at thing
Woah... okay now this is info I needed to know... thanks clickbait!

hate faggots and the faggot lobby pushing that degenerate lifestyle onto every aspect of society

Opinions like yours are unironically, completely honestly, a big reason for why another holocaust is necessary.

what other products do this?

beer? food? cars? clothes?

>people want to play games
>company virtue signals something that isn't about video games
>people are irritated because of it
>WTF, Gaymurs????!

I used to be indifferent toward faggots. Pride shit made me hate them.

>year 2030
>play Anime Lesbian Titties Yuri Monogatari on my Nintendo Bottom phone
>female coworker notices
>goes all "I didn't know!"
>next day she arranges a date between me and some gay dude
>now my ass hurts
T-thanks Nintendo

>it's okay to not like a coworker who won't shut up about banging chicks every weekend
>it's a hate crime to not like a coworker who won't shut up about sucking cocks every weekend

Your sister is a dumb bitch for wanting to shame anyone into going to see some dude flaunt his dick in their face. What a cunt, desu.

Why does stuff like this only happen in the UK?

>gamers aren't happy
Nice, there's still hope left.

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>yet nobody gave a fuck
but that's not true. why are yo so mad?

based microsoft shitting on the parade crap

next year we are free from this shit
it will be offensive for companies to do that

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i'm going to play devil's advocate.

Gay pride is just normalizing gay behavior to the point where kids don't get bashed for it in school and so if somebody were to ask "do you like kissing other dudes?" you (a straight person reading this) would just calmly reply "No, that isn't my cup of tea." instead of frantically denying it in a kneejerk fashion as if it's an attack against your masculinity.


In b4 subhumans going

You must have missed the hourly reposts of the footage of this very parade then

>Gay pride is just normalizing gay behavior
Gay pride is trying to normalize faggot behavior. Walking down main street wearing nothing but a thong and spraying the crowd with fake cum from a fake dick should not be normalized. That doesn't elicit a ho hum response, it elicits the type of knee jerk you say it's trying to avoid.

every top requires a bottom. Getting fucked is not masculine so implying that someone is a fag is always an attack on his masculinity.

LGBTQP soon.

As a gay dude, the only reason I like companies donning rainbow shit is watching all the reactionaries lose their shit over it. Other than that it's just glib lip service. Make Master Chief gay you cowards

>6 colours

Anyone thinking big companies, especially Japanese companies, actually care is dumb. It's all a fucking marketing move. When it comes to gay 'rights' Japan is basically up there with Saudi Arabia.

link to the thread on reddit where this originated?

They "virtue signal" on social media. That doesn't effect gameplay or your experience, you just let shit like that bother you because you got caught up in your fun little culture war.


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no one likes the gays


>i'm going to play devil's advocate.
The devil has enough advocates.
It was never about preventing kids from getting bullied in school. It was more about molesting those kids.

>your face when

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The thing that is normal is the inherent visceral aversion and repulsion that most normal healthy people feel towards homosexuality.

It's ironic that the people who want to normalise homosexuality as natural behaviour (at the expense of people who are naturally repulsed by it) are doing so at the expense of nature feelings people have about that sort of thing

I love all the straights who imagine all these sex nightmare scenarios that happen CONSTANTLY at Pride Parades. It's no more wild than say, Mardi Gras, maybe even tamer. It's a fun party, so live a little

Or the "x animal does it, so it's normal for humans too!!"
You know what else is normal for some animals? flying.

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gay pride is for pedophilia, which is how gays recruit more members for their sex cult

If a company were gay from the get-go, it'd be fine.

Fuck off you pedophilic subhumans.
You'll never get rights in western society.

That's not so bad. In a world where there are still countries where you could be murdered for being gay, celebrating freedom and showing support for people who have to watch out where they hold hands a little more carefully than heterosexual couple's in their own country is nice. Yes, there's disingenuous companies here and there, but just sticking your neck out provides a little bit of comfort.

ya their mind is warped and they love to be raped so of course they're gonna be more susceptible to corporate advertising.

>Mardi Gras
I wouldn't take kids to mardi gras though. No one but virtue signalling social parasites wants your degenerate shit.

these people tell you to hate fags

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nice projection now go back to

Straights are pedo. Ask any dude if loli is pedo and watch them backpedal

Love this "tolerance" that people can naturally be gay but people can't naturally think gays are deviant freaks

The thing is some of the people who speak the loudest against pride parades claim they just don't like sexuality period but for some strange reason we don't see them barking at displays of heterosexuality.

Yep, that's totally it. Glad we can agree that it's no something ridiculous like "Gamers are bigots."

what are you racist against gays?

I actually don't care for kids at Pride either
I'm sorry you're such a fuddy duddy

guess where people spend the most time on? that's right social media. is like trying to change the channel and see the same commercial or the radio airing the same song. it gets annoying

yeah, right. Celebrate your freedom to be gay and show you're not the degenerate freaks repressive countries say you are by acting like degenerate freaks in public.

Tranny children dancing like they're thots next to naked men is a very real nightmare scenario

>but loli!
Call me when lolicons start grooming real children.

based hopeful cunny poster

Getting autistic about wording in this situation is disingenuous. Yes, not all gamers. Of course. But there are gamers who get upset about shit like this so any clickbaity headline is going to draw you into the outrage farm because outrage sells.

no wonder Yea Forums is filled with pedos lol

What like middle school cheerleaders? Cuz that was at the St. Patrick's Day Parade, not pride

I'm sorry you're a freak. I pray you find god before die of aids or some shit.

loli isn't real, homos fucking real kids is

>pandering to the

it's the same outrage they all got for that too, you queer

Nips make it for masturbation or Japanese """humor""", westerners make it for social and political statements.

I might have been laissez-faire guy about gay stuff in the past, but they just never stop pushing it. Now we've got compulsory primary school classes for 5 year olds to TELL them that trannyism is okay

delete /pol/

Lesbians are literally girls who are gay. You're fucking retarded.

Okay pedo

fags are pedos though.

nope, and the world would be better without you and your mentality

Anti bullying initiatives always have an ulterior motive. It's an easy sell because "I remember when such and such happens to me I dont want that happening to anyone else I'm so moral".

The current push is to get rid of online anonymity, both in name and ip entirely. Since you cant bully if you have nowhere to hide, these useful idiots say.

I was anal raped with some regularity back in high school. And I always thought I was fighting the good fight. Turns out I was only fighting to get Yea Forums shutdown, which doesnt help anyone and wont heal the suicidal feelings that bubble up now and then.

>let's celebrate freedom by acting as massive faggots
No, you can fuck right off with that rhetoric. Gay prides are normalization of gay behavior, which itself is not normal. It's like when you watch someone puke 150 times, watching someone puke 151st time doesn't gross you out anymore. That's exactly what you're doing, you're making us look.
Every dollar counts my dude.

Yes they do, even online, people point it out and criticize straight people being degenerates, just look at twitch.

Everyone knows those rainbow logos are shameless marketing by corporations, but everyone also knows you people just use that as an excuse to express your homophobia

>posted from my iphone while watching my fav streamer i sub too on my basedtendo gamebox

No, like child drag queens stripping for money.

Who said anything about victimhood, you illiterate cuckservative?

No wonder Yea Forums is so shitty. It's filled to the brim with fags and fag apologists. Please, fuck off of video games now and forever. No one really likes you, they just say they do for good boy social credit score points.

Too bad. On PrEP, still gay ;)

How come corporations started acting like they support the gays only AFTER gay marriage was legalized in several States?

ask a gay if they've fucked a kid before and if they're drunk and don't have any inhibition they'll probably say yes. if they aren't already grooming a kid already.
people become gay from child sexual abuse, and then they perpetuate it later in life.

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Only way evil triumphs when good men do nothing or whatever the saying it.

Fuck homos.

Why would the left want to legalize back pedophilia when they were the ones who successfully shilled it into criminalization to begin with?

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Still kind of a waste to go for that 0.001% of the population. You could probably sell a lot more by appealing only to Ouya owners.

>For what reason?
Microsoft needs all the support given their console is dead as fuck

Rainbow flag = A separate place for every race

There is normative, but there is no "normal". Stop being a fucking twat. It's okay to be gay. Its not okay to hate on gay people just because they're gay and want that it be more normative. Cry less about it you fucking baby, its not going to stop.

How did that thread stay up?

Lmao poisoned straightbrain this delusional. Keep fearing us scary gays
You don't tip drag queens during the parade

They think the activist left is a huge market because a few hundred twitter accounts retweet lefty shit.

Any vaguely freak show looking people are in a smaller minority than cosplayers at a con. You understand the concept of cosplay being something only a few people do and is not a requirement, right? Celebrating freedom at certain times of the year in certain places in a country where Hooters is considered a family restaurant and sports with sexy cheerleaders are family events isn't some crazy display of too much freedom.

But yeah, some faggots take it too far for my liking.

>why did company do x
what do you think?

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It's /pol/, not a blue board.

t. pedo

this is funny because you almost can't describe me less.

I guess I like nintendo systems more than any other consoles? (I don't like any consoles all that much really.)

You don't just appeal to homosexuals, but also to straight people that share those same ideals.

Was maybe just maybe slightly sarcastic

Faggot behavior is already normalized, people shit on degenerate pride parades committing various crimes like corruption of youth, indecency, disturbance of peace, religious symbol desecration and vandalism. If think that kind of behavior should be normalized you can go kill yourself, it's not about sexuality, its about basic human decency and education.

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Because it says that gays are safe and marketable. It's actually a really good sign and the support helps gays because it's a sign that society won't destroy you for even openly supporting LGBT. Sure, it could just be cynical marketing, but if this cynical marketing were present in Muslim countries you'd know that was a sign of a major shift in the culture that is the most deadly to LGBT.

>no U!


ask a straight white male if they've conspired to shoot up a synagogue or mosque before and if they're drunk and don't have any inhibition they'll probably say yes. if they aren't already taking steps to be a mass shooter at some concert.
people become mass shooters from far right wing conservative ideology, and then they perpetuate it later in life with anti-gay and anti-brown people memes.

I love how everyone pearl clutches about pride parades which are generally fucking tame but have no issues with things like Spring Break

Braincels. Oh wait 4trannies at them

lol at /pol/'s failed psyop

it's a lot more likely but not a certainty. there's probably the same amount of straight pedos total as gay pedos. of course, the percentage is way different because of this.

I dont give a single fuck about you.
You got your equality under the law. Good for you. Now fuck off.
There are other problems that need attention too.

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Lesbian is a choice. Fags are not.

Based braincel

Look you relativist scum, if everything is okay, then literally everything is okay. If gay is okay, so are all types of sexual orientations, yes, even the absolutely disgusting ones. That's not how civilizations are built.
>its not going to stop
According to demographic trends in the West, you niggers will have Sharia law in about 30-50 years. Provided you don't get some awful disease during your gay adventures, you'll live to see it.

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Politics In Games:
>what player expects
"Milord, the enemy kingdom wishes to surrender"

>what player gets

No, seriously, who the fuck came up with idea of pushing real-world politics into (mostly) solitary entertainment?

same, I only like the glorious pc master race

killing jews is a good thing tho

I've had enough, it's about time we started getting some representation too.

I declare the 5th day of June as international virgin day, happy virgin day everybody!

No such thing idiot

You seem to be pretty aggravated by those rainbows user, you keep posting in this thread

Fair enough + I read that as trannies, queer folks as a whole probably make up a couple of full percents.

Retards will always be retards.

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it must be fun being to blindly believe in the existence of something of which zero proof exists.
If he cares about individual people being faggots, then why on earth did he let one of the kindest people on the fucking planet die? One that was a devout follower too?
I'm glad you can believe and derive comfort from that, but keep that moralistic shit to yourself; it's so obviously false

incels are the true pedos

>Everything is homosex now
>Buy the product
Pretty soulless

On a scale of 1 to Jew just how Jew are you? Trick question, it's extremely Jewish.

Not "everything is okay", just "things that don't hurt other people are okay". Fudgepacking hurts no one except your feelsies.

Besides that, FUCK NIGGERS

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Sick burn, gomrade! See

>post on social media
>omg why are all the halo dudes fucking each other when I press X and lecturing me on how transexual rights won't send people to jail for misgendering when I press A??"

>yet nobody gave a fuck
I love revisionist history.

It's a retard meme that priests who raped boys were homosexual.
Even though rape does not correlate with sexuality, a great deal of rapists rape "against their orientation" and vast majority of men who rape boys are attracted to women and not to men.

Logic won't work on the retards, they work on Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy: they name things with the same name and think that they now describe the same thing.
It's like saying that christians are cannibals because they "eat body of son of man" so they must have higher kuru rates.

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this is why sodomites were burned at the stake not too long ago

Not everything is okay. Being gay is okay though. Try to keep up mr smooth brain. Your feelings are not an argument.

You know, that's a valid complaint, but if your conclusion is "and therefore they should stop" instead of "they should show some actual support instead and demonstrate they have actual values beyond cynically latching onto trends to sell stock" then you're just using it as an excuse to bash gays

I do tend to strike at the heart I suppose.

so does that mean they get easier access to these sources there?


Opinions like yours is why you need to be gassed, faggot.

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>Besides that, FUCK NIGGERS
It results in half-breeds. No child should be forced to have a black father or black mother.

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Almost as sick as that vapid anti-gay tautology, pushed by people who are on the side of the ideological spectrum that radicalizes white supremacist church shooters!

>I was anal raped with some regularity


I just think straight people are better

>85 likes means every faggot
why are you so desperatly trying to paint fag as some sick illnes cultist?

>keep that moralistic shit to yourself
See, being gay is not just ramming your dick into another man's asshole, it also comes tightly packaged with nihilism and moral relativism. Civilizations thousands of years ago rejected those concepts as nonsense. And you portraying yourself as progressive while things such as moral relativism have been destroyed by Greeks thousands of years ago is laughable.
You people think that 'hurting someone' only and exclusively refers to physically harming someone. You're hurting the society, you're normalizing sexual deviancy, you're convincing everyone morality is relative, etc. You sure as hell are hurting people.

Until we actually RISE UP and start demanding our rights, people will think that GAMER RIGHTS are just a joke.
I mean think about it. Gays didn't get their rights by just voting with their wallet. And voting with your voice doesn't work when Muh Corporations > 1A.
And GAMERS aren't willing to earn our rights via bombings and shooting sprees ... yet.
Keep pushing it though.

>tfw Pride and E3 overlap
I told you video games are gay!

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Daily reminder pro-faggot Youtube had no problem keeping those videos up for years until their advertisers started complaining.

So do marketers, but for some reason we don't fixate on the cynicism inherent in that.

If I put a gun to your head and told you there was an 85% chance there's a bullet in the chamber, would you let me pull the trigger?

>gold-medal mental gymnast

I’m just going leave this here

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Why do you visit this board if you're upset by something as basic and commonplace as faggotry? Don't they have forums for people like you? Maybe even ones in your native language? You're so fucking fragile, I'm sick of seeing your tantrums every time I scroll down Yea Forums.

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purge the gays.

There's nothing like fucking a twink after a good gym session
Imagine owning that ass like the Romans did with cute boys
I'm so fucking gayyy

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Gays are 2% of the population but make up 80% of the AIDS



Ask a gamer the same and if they're on an anonymous imageboard and don't have any inhibition they'll give the same response

god I wish that were me

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>"Stop corporate pandering" = "I hate gays"

You are the exact sort of person this marketing is meant for.

That's not how kids think. The minute you are even slightly different from the other kids it's ammo to ostracize you. A fag parade is not just gonna suddenly chance things nor normalize it.

trannies have proven well enough that the slippery slope is a real thing.

activism is the new marketing

Hopefully super gonorrhea soon too.

Where yo live boi
I'm coming for that ass

>Breed and Seed

Same mechanism by which 8 women made plastic surgery a social necessity in Korea.

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You are either a shill or an incredibly sheltered individual. I'm gonna take a guess it's both.

You can't justify why it alone is, filth. You are simply trying to avoid a truthful statement that makes you upset.

Why the fuck are you obsessed with gays and trannies you fucking freaks? Is this the power of adulthood virginity?

no one gives a fuck if you are a faggot a whore or a fucking tranny
thats "gamers" problem. not that anyone who isn't a posing retard calls himself a gamer

And that isn't a bad thing. Marketing around mindless consumerism is brainlet tier by comparison. Sure, there's no guarantee that smart ideas win out, but talking about ideas is the first step to positive change.

twinks are for faggots

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kill yourself

kys faggot

Why are you on this website? You talk like a faggot and this place is clearly not for you.

Truly the stonewall rioters of our time.

We want to be left the fuck alone you fucking asshole.

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>advocating for gay acceptance on the video games board on Yea Forums

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you want corporate marketing to drive "positive change"? why? define positive change.

go jerk off your nazi friends with CP on /pol/ or Yea Forums you freaks lol


Lol no I go to pride every year. It's fun I get a bunch of free sunglasses and coupons

And yet the leftist kikes at Jewtube are the ones who let these videos stay up. Really makes you think.

>why try to sell your product when you can be political propaganda and contribute toward societal destruction?


this guy is batshit, even by batshit /pol/ standards.

The rainbow flag is now a marketing symbol set in-stone because of its simplistic colors, it’s the perfect commercialized product.

>doing a hygienic activity with another consenting person is "filth"
Because gays never clean out or anything. Not like there are thousands of anal douching guides/devices to use or anything like that. Lmao imagine if gays were as stupid as you are

>fictional drawings are real kids now
Your AIDS is really fucking with your brain.

Sorry I'm violating ur safe space snowflake. I came here to post about Wooloo but then I saw a gay thread

you think its easy to go through millions of videos a day or are you just pretending to be retarded?

>contribute toward societal destruction
Hire a hooker immediately
Lose that virginity

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But Yea Forums? Our "I just don't like displays of sexuality" population spikes only around gay shit for some reason.

Fuck Gays
Fuck Trannies
Fuck Incels
Fuck Jews
Fuck Niggers
and most of all
Fuck (You)
Stop obsessing over this shit, it isnt healthy.

t. Jamal's leftovers

>reeee be as edgy as me and shitpost or else I dont want you here reeee

Got a source for those statistics or are you talking out your ass?

get raped

>he says gays instead of faggots

kys faggot

>NO U :'((((

If you reply to me u become gay like me
Ur welcome

It's okay to let children decide if they think gays are degenerate freaks

/pol/ is just a bunch of pedophiles deflecting their own degeneration

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/pol/ literally talks about degeneracy of normal people as well as fags. As per usual you fucking faggots have no idea to what you're talking about.

no one is obliged to like faggots


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So a american?

Will you be attending straight pride, Yea Forums?

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Snort glass you faggot. You happy now you weirdo?

Smarter ideas winning out.

Yeah, not talking about ideas and just playing games does wonders for society.

Because it's actually subhumans from shithole countries and they got brainwashed into thinking that there is something wrong with being gay.

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A give it a decade more at best before best boy is back in power.

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Wouldn't high school GSAs be more effective at achieving that goal? It would also bring people from the same age demographics together quelling any fears about pedos. I know trump supporters just want to bash gays but I'm not being cynical with my questions here.

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examples of "smart ideas"

>buying sex
They'll stop and nothing to make more degenerates like themselves. If everyone's a degenerate nobody is.

imagine being this fucking braindead retarded

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So I wasn't wrong? :^)

There is, you can't reproduce, which is the natural order of things, that alone should tell you why it isn't fine.
But you're probably a seething faggot so who cares.

(((They))) think it will make (((them))) money.

Most pedos are straights

Oh look, another pedophile faggot. I can’t wait until shit hits the fan and western society collapses. We’re going to start burning faggots at the stake again.

Holy based

>people can "change" genders
>but for some reason people can't change sexuality

Widdecombe was right

What's the problem here

There's more to Yea Forums than just /pol/. If it just happened on /pol/, it wouldn't be a problem and would make more sense.

you don't know the odds of there being a bullet?
maybe if you cocked the gun back there'd be a bullet retard
but since the word COCK is there you'd probably avoid doing it

>wh*tes are degenerates

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The whole deal with trannies is that they can't change genders

No child should be forced to have a father or a mother period.


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Most of any Xs are straight because straight people are the overwhelming majority of society
If you don't analyze proportionally then you don't understand the data

Stop fagsplaining.

That wasn't implied at all. No one is obligated to post coherently, obviously.

Exactly what you see.

>Why do you visit this board if you're upset by something as basic and commonplace as faggotry?
It's not basic or commonplace.
>You're so fucking fragile, I'm sick of seeing your tantrums every time I scroll down Yea Forums
Other way around.

Maybe in your faggot filled country. Enjoy aids.

To help with population control and care, homosexuality is a natural solution for a species.

>it's fun to get free AIDS

we've had modern age of consent laws since the 1920s. If it were the casr that these laws are the cause of degeneracy, we would have at least seen signs of it in 1950s. But even back then, the traditional family unit was heavily promoted. Hell, in the early 60s it was still largely the same. We went a little crazy in the mid to late 60s ans 70s, then went back to more traditional roles in the 80s, with thr Reagan cultural revolution.

That idiot is oversimplifying the cause. There's a number of different reasons we've devolved into this current state. Modern feminism being one cause. It wasn't the moment we made it illegal to fuck little girls. That's just insane and retarded. Whoever made that post had shit for brains.

Yeah, but try explaining it to animals acting on instinct to reproduce. Including most "humans".
It's like telling junkies not to use dirty needles to avoid spreading diseases - if you don't give them clean ones, they'll ignore you.

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What's wrong about it

Why do you despise virtue and morality so much? Because you have no future, and therefore society should have no future?

I have yet to see these "smarter" ideas.

fuck off slaanesh

>faggots want to extinguish their own species.
Pure evil.
Exactly what you see.

>slap a rainbow on your logo and send a "this June we support Pride" tweet
>suddenly the gays buy your stuff
Low effort
Low risk
High reward

on the day of the rope, bisexuals will be the very first to die for allowing their fag diseases to spread to straight people.

Attached: aw look, the faggot thinks it's people.jpg (962x583, 63K)

Lol poor straightbrainlet can't think of any insult other than AIDS even after we have prep

I'm actually very moral and virtuous, it's just that you aren't and are very frustrated with your low social status.
Don't pretend to be a saint, you don't have that kind of willpower. You're already acting on your base impulses, just doing it ineffectively, which makes you suffer and lash out.

I didn't even read that wall of text from the screencap. I just skimmed through it and saw "Jamal's leftovers" somewhere.

neck yourself

If you can't communicate what's wrong with the picture you're not gonna convince me

I don't have to. We don't have to debate the merits of single payer healthcare or cracking down on oil conglomerates buying and selling to one another to artificially increase the value of their product within the laws of the systems they coopted to say that just talking about these ideas help make room for discussion of better ideas and solutions. The alternative is letting oligarchs make decisions and staying ignorant in a cycle of mindless gaming. We shouldn't value mindlessness.

I'm not even calling pride supporting companies woke and smart, just that they are encouraging conversation.

based af

PreP is a godsent gift for us, gays.

Attached: Alpha Gay Genetics.jpg (640x640, 142K)

Wasn't it obvious? Why do you think there are so many pedos on "redpilled" boards like Yea Forums.

Exactly what you see. Any normal person can tell, if you can't you already deserve the rope.


>gays living RENT FREE in straightbrain heads so badly that they have to fantasize about literally murdering us
Day of the rope is a shitpost meme/myth and will never happen. Stay mad incel

>while most niggers are more likely to be gay than other races.

/thread, my dudes

y'all being baited

It was obvious, but it isn't said often enough so /pol/tards think that their propaganda is winning against facts.

it's absolutely batshit insane rambling. Claiming kikes invented age of consent so niggers can get to stacy before the rest of us white men can groom them as children to be good wives.

It is retarded

Attached: 1367857004531.gif (150x154, 754K)

>if you don't already agree with me then you deserve to die
Compelling. Next

user here has a point

Shitty fucking LGBTQBBQWTF parents groom their children at a young age to make them believe they have an option to choose their gender, then if the kid says he/she feels like they're actually the opposite gender, the parents roll with it and say that the kid is male/female

A 4 year old has no fucking clue what gender is.

So when HIV gets cured what will they keep ranting about?

Attached: HIVPrevalenceGlobal2006.png (2340x1654, 177K)

>Was it because the people back then didn't know or didn't care that having sex with a child would cause mental issues in that child in their formative years

Yes literally this you fucking monkey. Science has proven time and time again that sexual abuse to a minor results in an exponential increase in mental instability and social deterioration as they age.

Read a fucking book for once in your life you filthy fucking pedo-appologist

> implying
It's both deeprooted mental problems from their youth. This in combination with sleep problems create the walking mess well known as trannies you see these days.

This. I never even gave a fuck until everything became about them being accepted. Fuck off already.

reminder that LMNOPeople are not real people


To be honest its the pandering, where were they before gey marrage was made legal?


bloodthirsty incel

Still HIV because they aren't rambling about facts, they just want a boogieman.

Oh so you’re a dumbass

The point you're making is tangential to their point.

>A 4 year old has no fucking clue what gender is.
The point you're making is the point non-binaryfags make.

>rope ya

Attached: 1357908083879.gif (245x219, 996K)

>A 4 year old has no fucking clue what gender is.
Exactly. So if a boy starts playing with dolls and wants to wear dresses why not let him

They are both symptoms

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a hypocrite
Or maybe there are legitimate reasons people don't like the way you behave and no matter how many tu quoque's you throw at them it doesn't change the fact that they have legitimate complaints. /pol/ has been filled with actual faggots since about 2016 anyways , and pedoscum is always going to be a problem on anonymous forums

Pedos are in the same class of hedonistic degeneracy as homos imo. Especially considering the close relationship between pederasty and homosexuality.

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Doesn’t mean gays can’t raise kids alltogether. Also surrogates exist.

Attached: 82AE7208-C7F2-4E35-8CD6-EE01968993B6.jpg (683x1024, 143K)

based. i have never met a lesbian in my life


Why the fuck does this shit have 300+ replies?
You know what histrionic shits like everyone from the lgbtbbqbraap lobby hates? Being ignored. Which is exactly what you should do with these creatures, ignore them, move on, let them deal with their STDs and anal incontinence.

Attached: gaysarememes.png (367x160, 9K)


Attached: 56477321214.jpg (540x360, 76K)

Two wrongs can't make a right, user.

So you're saying all homos are attracted to young boys? Everyone last one of them?

tragically overlooked post

Why only boys...?


>theres only 100 gays in the world

most accurate ms paint I've ever seen. The bottom feeders of life fighting over attention no one wants to give.

Giardia, rectal damage, pederasty, rectal cancer being more likely the more you engage in sodomy, the en masse acceptance of hedonism, bug chasers, issues with substance abuse and other etc mental illness, genital mutilation... I can keep going with all the actual complaints about gay culture and homosexuality in general.

They're pretty fun to party with. In my experience they take no shit from anybody so they're good to have in your corner

daily reminder if you know a gay person or play with gay people online, ostracize them and make sure you know that they know that you are better than them since you aren't a cock sucking faggot

>every gay person is the same
straight up bullshit no matter how many times you try to shove them into one box

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Gay sperms contains more XY than others

Attached: Conservative family (aka Trump supporters).jpg (593x595, 49K)

you sound like a gigantic pussy

all gay people are pedos, its an unassailable fact

I dunno user you sound like a faggot since you're here talking about cocks