what could it be?
What could it be?
My 6
A tranny that demands being referred to by they pronouns obviously.
The next gen Xbox, obviously.
>Sony have already played the PS5 card
>Halo infinite demo will be shown on PC, not Xbox One
It's this anons 6
Eric simply eric
a reason to by an xbone, but i doubt it
probably something gay
Holy shit. Based now check this 3
A flute player in a straw hat
based and checked
Here’s your (You)
Another game that they'll cancel in the next six months.
You faggots think that was impressive?
Check out this 82
Bollywood celebs.
Based dyslexic get poster.
based SNES CD crook justice
So close and yet so far user
Close enough.
Nice try user
But you’re not lucky enough for that
Try this 386 instead!
>He cant roll a 7342 whenever he wants
Based as fuck
lol your digits are small time
check this out
I wonder what would actually happen if you timed it incredibly well and replied to your own post ID.
Inverse 86
they goin to bring a BIKE to e3 this time around
half lief 3
its probably that fuckin simpsons game
more gay devs
Oh fuck
Gabe Newell
How is Nathan Drake supposed to climb that?
Maybe the fursuit guy that was the VGAs will host their entire presentation
numbers are beneath me
What kind of faggot gets a 6?
Based and 6pilled.
a drag queen teaching children about genital mutilation?
Nintendo to show off banjo in smash
okay I've been seeing more and more of these lately. There a new plugin or something I haven't been pilled on?
is it a car?
It'll be miyamoto
Have six
Hologram of Satoru Iwata.
They invited this 69
Uuuuh... i guess that works too
My number will be a funny one.
I don't know which funny number it will be, but I know it will be funny
A car
video games?
A bike? Instead of another car.
Drag queen story time.
6 new IPs confirmed
Probably Nintendo.
Or Banjo Kazooie.
Best possible timeline would ne yhat Xbox announced a partnership with Nintendo and Banjo Fourie for both Xbox and Nintendo Switch as the icing to the cake.
faggots, aids, paedophilia and trannies?
An Xbox exclusive?
underrated kek
Who gives a shit, check out this 4
Banjo confirmed as 6th dlc