>worse VA
>added cutscenes
Without citing the above, why is this not a perfect remake?
>worse VA
>added cutscenes
Without citing the above, why is this not a perfect remake?
Because first person aiming ruins the balance of the game.
Outside of that
it added first person shooting while keeping the same level design, making several areas and multiple bosses much easier
the cutscenes and VA are 70% of why the game is good
hmmmm seems like you don't have an argument
Because I don't like Nintendo
>outside of all the shit things about this game, tell me why it's shit?
Fuck off faggot.
They fucked up and replaced all of the soundtrack with weird "soft techno" shit, ruining the atmosphere of the game.
In some other thread, some faggot was all "How can you tell, I thought there were only two tracks in the game?!" because he was fucking awful and kept getting the Alert and Evasion music.
Lowered difficulty for babies
>mei ling sounds like a chinese american instead of a stereotypical chinese (she was raised in the US)
>gray fox isn't a nigger
>natasha romanenko's voice sounds like she's a chainsmoker (because she is)
how is it worse user? they even used The Twin Snakes voice acting for MGS4 shadow moses flashbacks.
I've always said that mgfags would love this game if it's was released in ps2 instead of gc.
If I remember correctly they had to rerecord the dialogue because if they used the original dialogue on the GameCube you'd be able to hear the background noise. Something to.do with the difference in audio compression between the PSX and GC.
Can't believe it hasn't come to Steam.
>enter tank hangar
>use the mgs2 rail hop mechanic to hop over the rail and drop right in front of the elevator, enter it
>enter any room with guards
>headshot tranq them all
it's actually astonishing this pos game got made
It’s not shit, it’s just not great like the original was, which was largely due to historical context. MGS1 was an amazing PS1 game, TTS is just a decent GCN game. The story doesn’t really hold up when you give it next-gen visuals, it’s a lot more impressive when it’s low-poly heads and animated sprites talking about the threat of nuclear warfare or whatever the fuck. As a game it’s fine, the levels obviously weren’t designed for MGS2’s mechanics but you can make it work. It seems a lot more appealing now that there aren’t ever going to be more MGS games, I’d sooner replay it than MGS4, though it has more than a few problems like frame drops and lack of VR Missions, even though that fat cunt Dennis Dyack said it’d have them. The atmosphere is also incredibly sterile when the original bordered on survival horror with its gritty, cold ambience.
Soundtrack is worse
Voice Acting is worse
Putting aside the worthless new material, even cutscenes with minimal new content still have Snake acting like a spaz for no reason. Awful direction.
FPS breaks stealth and several bossfights. Ocelot is so easy to cheese you can do it accident, Psycho Mantis is completely broken by crawling and aiming up.
Game is made pointlessly easier, with Snake starting with max health and carrying capacity. Tranq Pistol once again destroys non-lethal stealth balance.
None of the added features from MGS2 (swimming, hanging, persistent guard bodies, lockers, etc) actually add anything of substance because the levels aren't designed to incorporate them.
it's got a bunch of Nintendo references and a gamecube-specific UI that would need to be removed.
>defending artificial difficulty
yikes :^)
What you described seems really tacticool. Why are people so obsessed with difficult=good?
the voice acting is actually okay IMO. What they mainly fucked up were the visual style and soundtrack, making it feel more like a generic 2000s action movie instead of a gritty 90s thriller like the original MGS.
user their only real argument is "this is a kidtendo game hahaha onions based cringe dilate". they believe metal gear is a sony franchise.
to be honest the health and item limit upgrade system in the original was utterly pointless
Adding the tranq retroactively was stupid. The addition of it in MGS2 works because you can interpret it as Snake taking the 'you enjoy all the killing thing' to heart.
It's a lot easier, the tranq pistol and first person aiming make the game trivially easy even on the hardest difficulties. It's still a fun game, but even though it's a shot-for-shot remake it more or less is it's own game, because it plays totally differently.
If you were to totally ignore the first person aiming and not pick up the M9 it would be closer to the original, but still easier because the MGS2 mechanics are tighter.
I also think the PS1 version has more memorable and artistic graphics, but that's personal preference.
Can you please check your twin Snake's discs, user?
How well does it emulate? I need a game to play.
Snake had a tranq gun in MGS2 because the tanker was only supposed to have US Marines on board.
I doubt that. Noise removal on voice clips is the easiest audio post processing to do. I never noticed any kind of background his to the PSX audio, but even if there was removing it would be trivial.
Health upgrade was extremely important, it makes the early game very difficult if you are unable to grasp the need to play the game in a stealth manner. Getting caught is basically a death sentence since you have no health and can barely carry any ammo or healing items. Later on the game is much more combat focused and the game balance shifts to accommodate that while still making you feel like you are playing a stealth game since the first half of the game was so focused on that. It also gives an aspect of character progression (which was better done, and more thematic, in MGS3 but still). Static health and inventory totals are boring in comparison.
this is actually the worst part of the game. every other thing pales in comparison
>it makes the early game very difficult
if you get spotted early in the remake you're as good as dead too because the enemies employ the room clearing mechanic from 2
user, in twin snakes soldiers don't disappear after they die and they can call other soldiers. Twin Snakes health bar makes sense because the game is harder than the original if you decide to shoot guys instead of stealth.
mgs1 wasn't good to begin with, you play through it for 6-10 hours, then move on with life.
And like 2 you can just leave the area to dodge an alert. And they aren't triggered by finding an unconscious (sleeping) body, its caution at worst. The game also has headshots, location damage, and no damage invincibility frames for enemies so taking out groups is much easier. Room clearing is no big deal, you just leave the area like in MGS2. It's only punishing if you try to wait out an alert in a locker or something. In MGS1 if an enemy saw you they didnt even have to call, it was instant alert and an endless wave of guards.
They changed Nastasha from slavic to Californian...like they totally forgot what her character was supposed to be.
Nearly everyone lost their accent in the switch to TTS, even though it's mostly the same voice cast. I have no idea if that was deliberate direction or if the VAs just didnt bother doing them again.
it's no big deal if you know how to play user. I've seen people panicking and crying how unfair this game is because of the room clearing mechanic.
But I'm speaking from that perspective. MGS1 was a lot of people's first real stealth game as well, by deliberately making Snake feel weak in combat with a small health bar and small carrying capacity you force them to "learn" how to play the game stealthy when they may never have played an action game that disincentivized combat before. Room clearing teaches the same thing, it'll catch you the first time since you aren't expecting the guards to be so thorough but afterwards you know not to hide in the same area you were spotted in. It's actually MORE forgiving than in MGS1 because there was nowhere to hide in that game other than under objects and specific hidey holes, so if you got caught you literally had to always fight your way out till you could find one. In MGS2/TTS you are given a grace period to move and find a better spot while the response team shows up, and they move so slowly that if you aren't cornered they won't catch you.
Its not a perfect remake if the original is still better in every way