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your mom is overrated

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shut the fuck up

lol no

the second one where you get raped is obviously superior


die motherfucker

>some of the best gunplay the FPS genre has seen + gun fu

What's actually your problem OP? Do you hate fun?

I kind of agree but it's also one of my favorite FPSes
it was just far too easy, and needed some kind of different environments to break up the repeating offices and warehouses still replay it and the expansions like every couple of years though
wish it would have gotten mods and campaigns more like quake/half life/doom though

90% of the game is just the same copypasted office complexes and cubicles.

Stop op, you're not allowed to have that opinion around here.

There's no "gun fu" in FEAR.

>god tier destruction physics and particles
>god tier ragdoll physics
>god tier slo mo gun play and kung fu
>god tier AI and funny callouts by them
You probably think doom 2016 is the pinnacle of fps

>god tier destruction physics and particles
physics? not really. particles looked good though
>god tier ragdoll physics
they were pretty average by 2005 standards
>god tier slo mo gun play and kung fu
the slow mo made the game way too easy. the kung fu was just pressing a button and insta killing anyone in front of you, it wasn't "god tier"
>god tier AI and funny callouts by them
the AI wasn't god tier either, they just talked a lot and had a couple neat things they could do. sure, it's still better than some games today, but that doesn't make it god tier

it's not hard to beat a modern mtx fps

How are the expansions and the sequels?
I remember playing the expansion where you star off with a 3-man squad but it didn't leave a lasting impression.

I agree it really needed more cowbell

at least doom 2016 had level and enemy variety.

Yes, but it's still pretty good.

no u

the level design are perfectly developed to allow the AI to do their thing, who gives a fuck about what the levels look like lmao

EP is god tier and PM is outsourced garbage full of bullet sponge enemies and terrible level design that you can skip

FEAR 1 is the only game with hitscan-focused shooting where you have more movement options in combat than peeking back and forth behing a corner

Attached: fear.jpg (850x966, 530K)

>the only game with hitscan-focused shooting where you have more movement options in combat than peeking back and forth behind a corner
not really, you can do it in every other easy game.


I maybe should have rephrased into:
>FEAR is the one of the few hitscan-focused games to allow you AND the enemy to be more mobile in combat instead of sitting behind cover all day

>the enemy to be more mobile in combat instead of sitting behind cover all day
That's every FPS game where enemies are "bullet sponges" (I'm not using the term negatively).

Because they are repetitive and quickly become a chore, it's amazing that a 7 hour game and overstay it's welcome.

Which ones are you even fucking talking about? What hitscan-focused games have enemies who will actively try to flank you outside your line of sight instead of running straight towards you like a fucking moron?

I agree. The combat isn't that good.
>We added Bullet time like Max Payne!
>What do you mean our gameplay isn't fun though!?

>What hitscan-focused games have enemies who will actively try to flank you outside your line of sight instead of running straight towards you like a fucking moron?
Original Far Cry. Hell even original HL somewhat, though HECU AI is... weird.

>Because they are repetitive and quickly become a chore, it's amazing that a 7 hour game and overstay it's welcome.
Try actually explaining what's repetitive about the encounter design instead of only referring to the visuals

FEAR 1 has the best shotgun in a FPS, fight me.

You: FEAR 1 has the best shotgun in a FPS, fight me.
Doom 2: SSG exists

Reddit: exists
You: posts on Yea Forums

Can you zoomers fuck off?
Not even /vr/ likes that game. its a shit moviegame that killed the genre.

dat shotty feels so good. only better one is underhell chapter 1

Yea Forums may be cancer but I'd rather wallow in this cancer than post there.

>6 years later
>still no Ch2

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It works the same as every other game, i.e. if you aren't at point blank range it does reduced damage. Or are you just referring to the fact that it gibs people? Because I'm far too old to give a shit about something like that.

I hate posting on sites where you have to register and they can search through your post history. So it's Yea Forums for me.

itt thread: everyone just spouts what they heard mandalore say

based twitter normalfag BTFOing Fearcels

reminder that FEAR is best played with the slowmo button unbound.

and the sequels?
is there anything of worth besides the rape scene?
people seem to hate them a lot

>someone made a video about this game I've never played, better be a contrarian shitstain on Yea Forums

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2 is a console game but it's fine.

>popular e-celeb makes a video praising an obscure game that you loved
>still just as obscure and dead as before

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That's only true if you want FEAR to be an actual challenge.

i wouldn't even recommend 2. it really is a massive step down in fun.

I would. I had lots of fun with it, but I also liked PM...

Fear with slow-mo is easy and fun. Without it's just easy.

>what's repetitive about the encounter design
Because it's all the same copy paste offices.

okay, so i've JUST finished the first game, but i didn't meet Jankowski even though i clearly remember he's supposed to survive
is that in Extraction Point?
must've played that too then

i think of it as a panic button

the second one is so fucking spooky

you're one dumb nigger
just because the wall textures are similar the encounters themselves vary wildly
besides, i actually like the squeaky clean sterile corporate atmosphere, it's rare in games

still satisfactory

When someone criticizes something for being "overrated" they're not making any actual criticism. They're not explaining its flaws. They are expressing anger that other people don't have the same opinion. It's a way to say "I am better than most people, because most people like X and it sucks." Fuck you.

The Jankowski in FEAR 1 dies. He never comes back. There's another character called Jankowski in FEAR 2. Not the same guy. I vaguely remember hearing Jankowski is some inside joke for Monolith.

The first 2 are good well the second one is gathering speed to jump the shark and 3rd jumped the shark.

>copy paste offices


i must be mixing it up with some other game then
i remember him just popping up and not even understanding why people thought he's dead

if you have nostalgia for hl and fear you have to go back.

What bugs me is the melee in this game. Could've done more here. Stuff like grabbing those paranormal things and smashing them into the wall.

not even close faggot