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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

>get bullied and harassed into accepting shitty rewards schemes I don't want every. single. time. i purchase something
>wonder why I don't want to go there
as soon as the act of giving a business money is stressful in any way, you fucked up as a business

>can't say no
be more assertive, dummy. the world is going to walk all over your zoomer ass.

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just stay open long enough to get me my Three houses SE

Why can't you just get it online, retard

>buying 3H in the first place

Haha! Why yes, I'll click that link to that page, my obviously not related to that page at all user!

I do say no, you fucking idiot. If I had said yes, I wouldn't still be harassed into it, would I? Reading comprehension.
The point is that I don't want to have to say "no" 1-2 times every single time I go to a register.

>being this retarded

>The writing has been on the wall has been there for a long time,
Lmao theres a fucking error in the first sentence.

>get bullied and harassed
W-what? I've been to very Gamestops countless times ands they only ever tried to just upsell me on shit we both knew I didn't want. If anything it kinda felt like I was bullying them.

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>Be me
>Go to game to get xbox one x
>Walk in and go straight to register to ask about xbox
>App says they have it in stock
>Promotion where the console is a hundred dollars off and comes with a game
>Proceeds to tell me they don't have it and they can call another store to hold it for me
>Say I'm just going to go to the walmart across the street
>Cashier gets visibly upset and says I should support the gaming community and buy from them
>Tempted just so I can get the store credit but decide to go to walmart anyway
>Purchase bundle at walmart and realize I need a battery pack for my controller
>Go back to game right as they're closing
>Cashier who gave me shit is holding the exact bundle I wanted and gives me a dirty look as he walks to the back
>At this point don't even are buy my charge kit and leave

Game deserves all the shit they have coming to them. If any of you anons have a 2nd and Charles I would recommend going there.

>stake business livelihood on selling used games
>have insultingly low trade-in values and junk perfectly good cases and inserts for the sake of cramming more product into less space
Yeah, nah. eBay and Craigslist took over GS’ role for me like 5 years ago

>bogard the used games industry by absorbing or getting rid of Babbages, EB Games, FuncoLand, Software Etc., Fry's, etc.
>turns out unsurprisingly the used games market went into a very sharp decline because digital exists, piracy exists, and eBay/Amazon take care of the rest
>do everything BUT the right move to adapt
>literally force employees to upsell at every possible moment, despite the overwhelming public reception stating that they hate this
>sell le gaymur merchandise instead of vidya
>offer insultingly low trade-in/buy back values on vidya, yet still manage to never shit worth a damn
>sell opened and playtested games as "new"
>the countless horror stories from GS employees
Yeah Gamestop can fuck right off. They truly won't be missed.

>everything will be digital now


space out for a few seconds

>Walk into walmart
"Hey guy I'd like to get this game right here"
"whatever" "here"
"Do I need to pay for it here?"
"I don't care I make $8 an hour"

"I'd like to buy..."


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Pretty much every retail store is like that these days. All the workers are required to meet a certain quota of membership sign-ups per week, and they get penalized if they fall short of that quota.

One time i took a stack of games to trade in at walmart because they had a huge banner advertising for it. They looked at me like I was the first person tp ever try it and literally couldnt figure out how to do it. I just left with my games.

The last time I was in Gamestop, I was literally shoving money in to the cashier's face so he would shut up about up sells and just let me leave with the game.

People who work at Walmart are fucking idiots. You'll find a few decent people, but the rest are braindead retards.

>getting bullied by gamestop of all stores

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>junk perfectly good cases and inserts
This was one reason why I never used gamestop for anything but a pre-order bonus/launch night. Only one time have I ever tried buying a game from GS, FC4 GOTY, online store said it had it in stock. Go straight to the cashier and ask for it, tried pushing me an already opened one without the inserts(that had the DLC codes). I told them this is used and started to argue with me that no one's ever inserted it into a console. I don't understand how anyone could work at a store like that and defend a company that is literally scamming customers. If I was in their position I would've put it straight on the used shelf.

Why didn't you invest?

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Oh no, where will I get all my space taking plastic cases now

GameStop has to be aware of how repulsive their sign-up programs are, right? Even if I'm out and about, I will go literally anywhere else to buy a game just so I don't get memed out of my email information.

There's nothing wrong with getting used games at a steep discount. The problem is every single gamestop I've been too has faggot ass cuck nigger faggot employees. Every single one

Stock market has literally zero effect on companies after the IPO

Every store does sign-up programs now, user.

Whenever the cashier tries to push those garbage warranties and memberships on me, I like to pretend I'm thinking hard about it for a couple of seconds right before I bluntly say no.

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Around me, the problem is the used prices are barely discounted from new, or are actually more expensive than buying the game new elsewhere. There's no reason to go there over just using Amazon/Ebay/Craigslist

Their employee hiring should have been changed years ago.


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I used to subscribe for the magazine. It would also pay for itself with coupon they give you and doing like one trade in a year during the right promo.


S. Hopefully mom and pop game shops can be a thing again kinda like indie bookstores.

>Three Houses

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I still have my blockbuster card in my wallet. Someday they'll be back. Someday.

>Go to Gamestop recently to buy used game for a dollah
>While being checked out cashier tells me the next game in the series is coming out, so it would be a good idea to preorder it while I'm there
>tell her money is really tight right now, I just can't do it
>she tells me "well, it's only five dollars....but if money is really tight i guess nevermind.."
>then asks me if i want to buy a protection plan for an extra dollar
>I proceed to act retarded and get out five quarters out of my pocket. i hand them to her and go: "it took me 20 minutes to search around my place and find's the only money I have...."
>she says nothing, hands me my change and goes "well, enjoy your game i guess..."

I'm not poverty tier poor like that, but if I were to ever buy a game there again, it's gonna have to be under three bucks and i'm going to do the same with only paying with change and telling the same story for retarded entertainment. FUCKING GAMESTOP

We have a local one because they don't card anyone. Wish I would have known that back then as it was a fucking hassle to buy RDR

Just say no thanks. Ypu dont have to tell people you're poor.

That's because they throw random employees into departments they're not trained in.

I work at a hotel and this shit is fucking cancer. If I followed the script that they give me I would be talking for 3 or more minutes at someone that more often than not just drove for 10 hours and just wants to go the fuck to bed. I flat refuse. I refuse to the point that I literally don't know how to sign someone up. My boss sends me texts nonstop about "Doing my part" and when that did not work she started trying to publicly shame me in the group text by constantly pointing out that I have zero sign ups.

the /biz/ mantra.

>gamestop will die in your lifetime

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>i refuse to buy a game because of a yaoi artist despite having the deepest combat system since RD and zero time travel children bullshit

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dude it might die by the end of the year Toys R Us style

You think the artstyle is the only thing that people don't like about Three Ho's?
You dumb motherfuck.

>All places are the same base on one person
I admit through, gamestop usually have some bad employees

The Gamestop I usually shop at is pretty awesome
>Talk to me as I enter the store
>don't ask me to pre-order anything or any promotion deals
>talk about pc gaming
>been talking for past few years
>Gave me employee & friends discounts pretty often

Sadly that ended too after
>Gamestop Hired this women
>$200 towards Switch promotion Special for trading in your Wii U
>walk up to the counter and say I want to trade in my console for the promotion
>"Honey you got scratches all over your Wii U" without even checking the console while she looking at me
>I had zero scratches on my console, suddenly she started screaming at the white and black employees out of the blue
>Tells her I have zero scratches on my console.
>"you should take better care of your game consoles then"
>She suddenly started taking my Wii U and said it was value at "$40 and needs repairs" she didn't even test to see if the console needed repairs.
>take it back, go to an another gamestop after telling her no and she was beyond upset
>next gamestop
>The guy checked for physical damages and hardware, no problems and 0 scratches "Man, you took really good care of your Wii U unlike other people"
>got the full $200

Year later
>still going to the new gamestop became friends with this guy after shopping for awhile.
>decided go back to my old gamestop
>find out the two best guys quit, the women that works there was fired after the store started selling horrible after the holiday season.
>one the other customers said "good" while waiting in line stating that she was rude to everyone even the customers.

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My Wal-mart tried taking pre-orders around the time Dark Souls 2 came out. They had cards you could scan to pre-order a bunch of different games. Figured I'd try it out, then come release day find out they didn't even bother ordering any copies of the game despite offering pre-orders on it. Shit's baffling.

Realistically they should just get rid of the "store" part of video games stores entirely. Just use the building as storage, have people just buy everything online, and then pick it up vending machine style to avoid waiting for it to ship since that's literally the only benefit over release day delivery online.

You have much to learn if you ever wanna make it.

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>used to go to blockbuster when i was a little shit
>got to rent games or buy them
>get a candy bar and soda as well
>comfy fuckin weekends
>lose it and all thats left is gamestop
>no mom and pop shops without some atrocious premiums or distance from home
>remember my first time walking into a gamestop and seeing a wall of ps1 games, n64 games, and a small section for saturn dreamcast and pc
>same gamestop still somehow open
>theres barely any games
>what was once ps1 wall is now funkopop wall
>all the employees hate it
>nobody buys shit
>nobody trades in shit because credits/price given is always so fucking low
>nobody wants it around anymore
>but it still is
it was nice a long time ago, but its well past expired now
my fondest memory was trading in mario kart ds for cash and they said it was 22 bucks. i had to be reassured they werent bullshitting.

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no i think it's awakeningbabbies throwing a fit that romance options got the boot

The people at my local shell gas station always try to shill me their stupid shell whatever card. I just want gas, maybe cigarettes on occasion. Why is that so hard to understand

>buying physical copies

>romance options got the boot
Has this been confirmed? This would literally kill the sales.

Did the stock price fall when that one CEO died?

Im 35 and not a multi millionaire so its already over for me
Yes, buying physical games. Ten years from now, I want to be able to play games...offline.

Don't kys. Take a bunch of people down with you. Political style. Do it faggot.

Loyalty programs are very effective with the general populace. The majority of people opt in. Why is that so hard to understand?

I refuse to buy it because it looks like ass

People at my local ebgames have never pressured me to sign up for anything. I just go in and buy my shit. Never got the meme.

Hope all this shit dies before next gen so they can go digital only.

If majority of people opt in then get off my dick faggot, because I don't want that shit

Those people are forced to. If they don't try to shill, they're fired. Just quickly shut them down with a polite 'no, thank you' so they don't waste both of your time.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
this this mean there will be a single gamestop left in the US that shitposts on twitter for hours

>digital only
Terrible idea. Why would anybody want this? Might as well pirate everything.

It would be nice if that worked but even that doesn't stop them

Isn't doing that what cost Microsoft this gen?

It is funny when all that shit happened and console gamers were all "We will NEVER tolerate this." and I'm just thinking "That's exactly what PC gamers used to say and look at the state of PC gaming now. You'll get there too and you'll be happy about it."

Does anyone have a gamestore in their area that isn't a gamestop or big store like Best Buy, Target, Walmart?

I have a store run by a asian dude and they focus on buying old or rare vidya to resell to collectors. They actually don't give that bad of a price if you're looking to let go of shit. They also sell a bunch of weeb stuff like anime figs, dakis, etc and mark it up, people here eat it up. It would not surprise me if the owner is committing tax fraud though

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There used to be one and he wanted 30 bucks for a PS1 copy of The Broken Sword 2. He doesn't sell games anymore, only vaping fluids and that sort of stuff.

The first game I ever preordered/reserved was DKC. Hell, that was probably about the first time anyone had even heard of the notion. Anyway, did it at Walmart, only to find when the game came out that they'd done the preorders willy-nilly without limit and vastly oversold the stock they were going to receive. Or even more likely they just sold them off the shelf to anyone. It was kind of funny because one of my uncles was there and once he understood the situation he flipped the fuck out at a manager over it.

>no time travel or outrealm story shit
>the school setting is more or less confirmed to only be the first act
>supports can only be done with NPCs supporting other NPCs because Teach-sama is more a mentor this time also it might weird if the MC was boning his classmates

when has FE EVER been the pinnacle of graphic fidelity also when it does it gets sneered upon (Shadow Dragon)

I've got one
They want 80 dollars the original Castlevania on the NES.
Just the cart.

Oh no! But where will I buy my funkos?!

It's sad that this is just what happens in the world of online retailers and supermarkets.

I mean gameplay and looks


none for like 1 hour in any direction
only other place is a PAWN SHOP that has a stupid amount of good shit, but uses ebay on everything.

i'd open something in my area, but i don't feel like being stuck with shit tons of JUNK GAMES from all eras and not selling any of it.

>it might weird if the MC was boning his classmates
This is the series that lets you fuck a braindead girl and impregnate her. Students are weird though?

Dab on Gamestop

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I got a small M&P store I'll occasionally visit. They're not bad with selection and price.

Admittedly, I usually just go to GameStop itself when I need a game. The one I favor isn't pushy on the needless crap, so that's a plus.

If he's in a GameStop it's because he owns a console - ergo they already know he's poor.

I was store manager of a Blockbuster for 3 years and worked there for 4 before that. It was a great job. I kinda miss it. I'm in mortgage law now, but I preferred working there.

This seems really sudden, I know they've been on the decline but it seems like they're in a freefall now. Did some major shareholder sell everything?

I'm not going to to shill it but I have a retro shop about 20 minutes away from where I am. They get new shit from a distributor on a limited basis and got a shitton of retro stuff for surprisingly fair prices. And by "fair" i mean they charge a LITTLE markup based on Price Charting and Ebay averages. As an example they charge 15 for a copy SMB3 for NES.

i think it's more the dynamic.

On one hand, I want to see such a consumer unfriendly business (selling opened/gutted games at full retail price) fall into bankruptcy. Yet on the other, I know we'll never see Amazon drop prices to reasonable levels again. Anytime a semi-new game goes down in price, it's because online retailers are trying to price-match GameStop.

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my store STILL price matches gamestop despite giving fuck all for even certain Nintendo games like Mario Kart Wii because GS has a billion of them they can't move.

>No archive or pastebin
>Nobody has called OP a gigantic fagoli

Can't wait for the liquidation sales.
I'm gonna decorate my house with DEAD MEMES.

>Not buying the entire FUCKING GAMESTOP
>And then just living in it

Because they're going to die. Their business model is outdated, user. Their new game selections are no better than any other retailer from bestbuy to walmart, and their former selling point, larger selection of games, gets blown the fuck out by amazon and other internet sellers.
Their website is poor, their inventory management is poor, nobody wants to buy used games for 5 dollars cheaper than MSRP when you can get games for 10 dollars less than that online, nobody wants to drive to the mall just to find out that the inventory is just as shit as the last time they went.

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>gamestop having liquidation sales on vidya

user they are just going to sell them to online retailer branches. The same shit happened when the American part of CEX went under. Best you'll get is slight discounts on their GAMER GEEK shit.

>Work for JcPenny
>They literally want people to sign up for their shitty scam JcPenny Credit Card
>Literally everyone I ask say's "No." when I ask because they already know what's up
"A-user you haven't gotten anyone to sign up for the JcPenny Card despite showing up for work and getting all your shit done. We really need you to do it."
I hate fucking corporations.

>no one wants to buy used products anywhere but online

bull fucking shit. nothing like buying a retro game from amazon only to be missing shit like the manual when the ad said CIB despite it not being CIB and you can't bitch for a refund because you technically got what you ordered despite the fact it wasn't quite what you ordered. Fuck Amazon and fuck what they did to their shipping system.

>open up games and remove their packaging
>sell them as "New"
Isn't this fraud? I don't buy anything from them anymore because of this.

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You are retarded and missed the point. All the money in the world cannot fix your low IQ reading comprehension.

I feel ill thinking about the enormous amount of perfectly good used games they're probably going to lock in the dumpsters

ew, what will i do with the bodies, tho?

What, and gamestop always has the manuals? They don't even put manuals in half of the "new" games they sell. And it's not like gamestop carries anything retro at all in the first place. At most they have gen 7 shovelware that nobody wants.

Fuck, you might be right.
But CEX is based in the UK.
Over here GS might be more inclined to drop the franchise and then it's up to each owner to liquidate before they lose all of their employees capable of moving stock. Some might even Ebay shit, like they usually do.

>The point is that I don't want to have to say "no" 1-2 times every single time I go to a register.
Life must be so hard for you.

I hope they stay alive for that new Battletoads game to come out so I can harass them during their final weeks.

Nah people buy "new" cars even if they have a couple hundred miles on them. Some places let employees drive the cars

It's ok it's not your fault you're poor and can only afford a shitty console. You should have graduated high school instead of "getting your GED" (which ended up never doing).

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I forgot about that. Time to go to Gamestahp.

I want to call you a faggot for linking Kotaku but also thank you for warning me about this so I can play Uncharted 2's godly multiplayer one last time.
So thank you faggot.

depends on what type of bankruptcy they have to file. they could just shift into an online only retailer and keep all their used stock.

And you can get games at midnight on release at walmart

Based. Keep on trucking, I hope you don't get fired over it.

>Look, skateboarding outside is fine but we're not going to sit here and watch you dorks hop around on your Razor scooters.
brb flying to oregon

They won't have stock left.
They're gonna have to pay debtors back within the deadline, because people already know what they got. Bankruptcy isn't the quick-fix people think it be.

>What, and gamestop always has the manuals?

you can always look. sae reason why i still support my local retro shop. they aren't charging 30 bucks for common fucking titles and their trade ins are reasonable. Best Buy is still there for new new shit too. Their partnership with Limited Run has already gotten a few hundred dollars out of me and I have a few preorders pending like the non LE Bloodstained Curse Of The Moon.

Closest thing I have is Disc Replay, shame they barely ever sell Dreamcast shit though.

Why is anyone here mad that this is happening?

Most people have enough sense not to upsell to a poor person, unless you are a Gamestop employee and still go through the list even when told that. You are just an autistic shell of a human that you when you hear the word "poor" you start your pathetic hatred of "poors" and "console" players. Maybe one day you will actually be as worthy of a human being as you think you are unlike the poors and console players, but i doubt it. If you indeed are a rich man, shitposting on Yea Forums about poors, then you are the most pathetic rich man to ever be desu.

The board is infested consolefags.They realize that as soon as physical media goes bye bye they will be forced to pay full price for games on MS/Playstation stores.

That sucks for anybody who doesn't think only of their own sphere

>10 years from now Yea Forums will have nostalgia threads for going to gamestop

If any of you fuckers do this I'm going to find you and end you

Plenty of sales on MS and PlayStation stores. Have fun with full price on your shitch. I dislike owning digital games though.



Rent free

2nd and charles overprices the shit out of everything tho

>imagine being this mad

Just save your money up. I'm sure in 2 or 3 or 10 years you'll have enough for a low end PC and can sell your console on Craigslist.

Poor people tend to play on consoles. It's a fact. Why? Because they're bad with money and make bad financial choices. Consoles are terrible financial choices, which is why most upper middle class and upper class gamers play on PCs.

You see it's the same with food. Poor people eat fast food because they're bad with money. Instead of paying a little more for fresh healthy food that they have to cook and will last them for a few days, they go for the Big Mac because it's "cheap" and available "now."

This is probably why so many retail stores like Sears are going under. My dad used to complain that you can't buy anything without being harassed for your email address, phone number, etc.

We already have nostalgia threads for CoD and Halo. Soon you'll learn my anger

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Farewell, gamestop. I'm going to miss being able to go and buy a game and play it on the same day instead of ordering it online and waiting for it to get lost in the mail because the mail system in Indiana is fucking third-world tier.

No, I'm not going to Walmart to buy games.

you only go to 2nd and Charles to trade in shit when they overvalue it and raid their clearnece area. Also to see if they fail to update price swings on retro games. It's very common to see the same games on the shelf with different price tags.

yeah this, if the act of buying a game means I'm constantly being asked for shit (either membership cards or return warranties) I'm just going to buy my shit at walmart and bag it myself.

like it matters, that just makes it even worse. Buying something should not have a script.

Are you Sumio Mondo?

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All the gamestops in my area don't even sell PC games anymore. Granted I don't see how they could when almost all PC games don't even have discs anymore, but their failure to find some sort of product niche means I'm never walking into them. Radioshack gave me the same trouble, once they moved into cellphone accessories I stopped walking in for AV parts.

>buy used game
>get home
>different disc is in case

This happened to me twice. I stopped going there.

Halo was always fun, I get CoD anger though.

I play on consoles because that allows me to play with all of my IRL friends. You should try having friends.

Who the fuck cares. You are going to open it 20 minutes later anyways.

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>reason why i still support my local retro shop. they aren't charging 30 bucks for common fucking titles and their trade ins are reasonable
But we're not talking about them, user, we're talking about Gamestop.

I'm sure they're poor too. Well to do folks tend to avoid your kind, we'll let you work for us, sure, but hanging out? Nah.

>dumb anime poster doesn't get the difference between selling a game as brand new and having some employee stick their grubby hands in my game case

>muh anime
I love anime posters, because they trigger all the redditor faggots like you.

Then you'd be fired for doing it wrong. GS employees don't give a shit anyway and neither do their managers. This is another reason I stopped shopping at them, once they dumped all their PS2 games there was no point in going in because the staff were usually stupider than I was and not in a way that is redeemable (as is the case with Home Depot where you're buying shit in bulk that you can't get at a hardware store).

it's not new faggot.

Who the fuck cares. You were going to stick your grubby hands in the game case 20 minutes later anyway.

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>the anime avatar is calling the kettle black

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nice projecting, reddit. don't assume that everyone is dumb enough to browse that site just because you are.

Because I don't want their hands in it smelly anime poster


its how i got my steel battalion set on xbox
it was sitting on their shelf for like 3 years, i asked at like 8pm what i could get it for and they gave it to me for $40 what was originally like $250

If you don't want them to badger you with the rewards shit then FUCKING SIGN UP FOR IT. It's a fucking plastic card just shove it in your wallet. Or don't, they can get it with your email or phone number.

what the fuck, guys. Seriously.


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I hear what you're saying I just don't think there is any reason to care like you do. Games don't get any shittier because they've been opened or taken out of the case once. Were you going to fuck the game or something? French kiss it maybe?

Go ahead and be complete asshole to workers who try to shill you on this kind of horseshit. As a paid shill myself I actually like it when customers are belligerent about it because it gives me an excuse to disengage with the shilling that my wageslave drivers can't argue with. I don't take it personally, I get that it's annoying.


you realize when you sign up they are just going to bombard you with sales pitches right?

>uses an image from over a decade ago judging by the number

Has never been the case for me. I signed up for that free power c ard shit years ago and I never get upsold or anything. Occasionally they'll ask if I want that paid membership shit and I say no, and that's that.
Maybe be less of a fucking retard they think will buy into that garbage.

The closest thing I can think of is some weeb shop that's literally open one day a week from like noon to 4. There was some guy that tried to start a PC supply shop a few years ago but he shut it down in under 6 months.
It's just not economical to run small physical stores like that anymore what with amazon and the big box stores. Really sucks because the handful of shops I've been in where the guy behind the counter loves what he's doing and knows about everything in the place is the goat shopping experience, regardless of what he's selling.

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i short called at 15. if this drop can keep up, im gonna make a shit ton

>Were you going to fuck the game or something? French kiss it maybe?
You leave my copy of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle out of this.

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This. I used to work at Staples a few years ago and I was tasked with pushing membership sign-ups, squaretrade on every electronic including $10 calculators, staples credit card, and other shit like Liquid Armor and the only thing that customer might have is just that $10 calculator and they just wanna GTFO. I don't miss that place at all or retail in general.

counter monkeys are forced by management to shill constantly. the customer is never spending enough even if they just bought a new system with a few game because you didn't SHILL THE USED PRODUCTS ENOUGH if you have a gamestop that isn't like that then either their Regional Manager is never there or the current store manager stopping giving a fuck.

>mfw I know how to save GameStop but they fired me and hired some literal transnigger who has constant breakdowns at work and regional is afraid to fire him cuz media attention
GameStop can fuck off.

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I have a high end pc and all consoles. Mostly play games on my phone.

t. web dev with lots of money to spend

but user, capitalism means that if you are really good and motivated at what you do you should be succesful!
surely you jest, if these small stores offer a better, personalized service then there is no logical way their business would fail against corporate overlords who can enforce their position with unlimited capital!

couple hundred is a bit much but it's not that bad
it's not like they literally truck the car from the factory all the way into the car dealer parking lot, at least a few miles are done by one of the employees
not to count possible test runs from other customers that decided on another car

I don’t care if you make fun of blacks as there are plenty of privileged ones and historically their oppression is overblown. But DO NOT under any circumstances make fun of or berate trans-men or trans-women of any color. That shit is NOT cool.

>tfw there was a cool weeb shop I went to called J P Gift as a kid a couple times
>tfw found out it closed years ago
Feels bad man, they had a ton of rare Godzilla figures there.

Bernout please go and come back after reading Basic Economics

You ain't the only person who's experienced this. Myself:

>buying a bunch of PS2 games before they dump their bin
>about ~$60 worth of stuff (20-30 games)
>cunt cashier SLOWLY counting each one out, trying to flirt
>manager comes over, notices an old ass copy of TS2
>tries to upsell me on TS4 with a DLC preorder (not even the regular game that was already out, I mean actually preordering an expansion pack) which I decline
>girl says "what are you poor or something"
>"yeah I am that's why I'm buying old games instead of new ones. You think I can get a better deal at Target?"
>"uh, but we have trade ins"
>"yeah and that's what I'm doing right here"
>"you could always buy it for someone else"
>"Target has a wedding registry"

at this point the manger steps in and finishes counting everything in silence then I pay and leave, but not before he tries pushing the membership stuff on me:

>"do you want to be a rewards member"
>"'well, is it better than target's membership program? They let me return stuff for the full price within 6 months even if it's opened"
>"'then NO"

never went in there again

Because the minimum wage is too high, only huge giants like Amazon and Walmart can afford to pay their employees that much by outsourcing labor

Tiptop bait, right here. Enjoy the (You)

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>defending giant corporations for free


buy the dip

Good, this is what you get for those fucking stickers, using game cases to advertise and then selling them as new and actually destroying xenoblade cases.

Gamestop needs to die soon, retail games should be sold on amazon new, that’s it.

There's a swap-meet every weekend where I live and these guys run a vidya store there, they actually give me a decent price when I bring something in to trade/sell.

Shouldn't have traded back all those copies of Madden 2013. No one buys last year's sportball games

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>minimum wage is too high

This. Also you should be allowed to work in coal mines at 11 again. Fucking lazy children.

I bought a can of Grizzly recently.

I hate the idea of physical stores going away though.

Digital games cannot be traded plus Gamestop is not a bad source of cheap old games

>Because the minimum wage is too high
If a company seriously can't afford to pay someone $10 an hour, they're mismanaged as fuck and are probably on the edge of bankruptcy anyways.

I love this fucking place. Hahahaha

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>actually trading in or otherwise getting rid of games

People unironically do this?

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if it's wintergreen kill yourself

>I regurgitate memes because I've never worked a day in my life

Get bolt cutters.

It's legal for kids to do worse things than try to make some spending money and gaining some work experience.
Or they're competing with giants who get all their labor in countries that don't have a minimum wage

I don’t get it

>not wanting to live in a socialist shithole means you defend giant corporations

my local game store got raided by the police for blatantly buying stolen property and reselling it

Liquidation starts after this Christmas so if Battletoads doesn't come out this year
That's some meme magic

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We're happy about it. If we can spit on the ashes of this burning shithole then it will be a truly great day.

>Playing unpatched games.
Big yiik
>But hackers will jailbreak the systems so you can patch like original Xbox and PS3 already!!
Yes, and you'll also be able to run every game for free at which point your discs are less than worthless. You think I paid for any game on my 2tb PS2 hard drive?

Discs are pointless grandpa let go. Play the games, not the shelf.

>I pretend to claim other people haven’t worked a day in their life while having not actually done so myself

Well, not sure why you replied to me with a description of yourself, but I've been employed for the past ten years.

I'm hoping they at least try to offload their inventory before they die.

The person you're replying to has a mad victim complex and exaggerated his experience to make it sound worse than it actually was.

>cheering on the demise of one of the last places dedicated to physical game releases

friendly reminder that steam spearheaded this.

Right there with you.

It's sad that you are trying and failing to impress Yea Forums. Maybe go take a break and have a glass of water or something.

>muh socialism boogeyman buzzword

I guarantee you can’t even define it without googling.

Hey, you mellow-dramatic faggot, other retail stores exist. Who gives a flying fuck if it's exclusively games or not so long as you can still get the games?

The real people doing the bullying are the managers and district/regional managers pushing this pressure on ground employees.
Watch some videos on ex-gamestop employees and their experiences being told to literally scam customers into unknowingly buying the membership or lowballing desperate people on their consoles to resell them off-record.

Name one legal thing kids can do for money that’s worse than literally working in a fucking coal mine.

>Started going on Yea Forums around the early 2010's
>Still remember how those ironic "MLG 420 QUICKSCOPE MONTAGE" videos used to be popular on Yea Forums around the time I was new here

Cancel your Death Stranding and Persona 5 The Royal Pre-orders.

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>was wondering how I got the Gamestop manager spot so easily
>this happens

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screencap this post and look at it again in 10 years.

They should really bring back old console and game sales. It would separate them from Walmart and Hot Topic where you can get most of the shit at a current Gamestop.

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Ok now explain how socialism will keep the "mom and pop experience" alive.

Physical games have been dead for year user.
At best, you get a disk that acts as a DRM check, at worst you get a download code. Nothing released in the last 3-4 years will play straight off the disk without an internet connection to download a 60gb """patch""".
I don't like it either but holding on to them is pretty pointless.

You know gamestop isn't even physical exclusive either, right?
And you're also acting like gamestop was the last bastion for publishers to print physical media or something retarded like that.

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>start calling up Rare to ask if their Battletoads has Gamestop

>asking for proper commerce regulations to prevent monopolistic corporations is literal socialism
get a load of this smoothbrain faggot

I never said "for money", of course the only legal way for a kid to get paid to do anything is to convince someone to pay them under the table. Obviously I don't think they should be working in coal mines, women shouldn't be doing that job either.
But who says a kid shouldn't be allowed to work moving boxes around in a store or something IF HE WANTS TO? Who knows, maybe they'll even learn the responsibility and independent skills to help them move out of their parents house before the age of 30.

ok, what is your economic plan to bring back the mom and pop experience

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THey already did.

It flopped hard.

They do, kinda. Retro and classic stuff is tucked away on their website. It's just that obviously their inventory for that stuff is driven by what people bring in so they're often out of a lot of what they offer.

i'm aware of the reality and the inevitability of the digital-only future, but i'm not going to pretend like this is isn't an insignificant step towards that inevitability.

t b h, the future of videogames, especially for smaller studios, is going to look a lot like the music scene does today. revenue will bomb once streaming takes over and those devs unwilling to adopt the new as-a-service microtransaction economy will split off and effectively behave the same as bandcamp tape labels do.

I run a game store that’s pretty much what this guy described

I have to be a little higher here and there because rent and cost for general supplies to keep everything clean and in general the store going. I do my best though to keep everything organized and the shopping experience easy though.

it didn't help they were selling bootleg carts and burned discs for higher prices than ebay.

Out of curiosity, weren't "FUCKING GAMESTOP" greentext threads a really common thing on Yea Forums years ago? I have a shitty memory, so I don't remember the past very well.

That wasn't that long ago right?

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lemme guess
there was an "internet sale" for $10 a system?

gamestop is the ONLY PLACE that carries certain fucking games. asshole.

who else had fucking xenoblade at launch?
no one but fucking gamestop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a FUCKIMG GAMESTOP thread a few days algo when this came up

>gamestop dies
>no major store sells otherwise discontinued games
>publishers have no argument against piracy

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I started going on Yea Forums around the early 2010's, and I vaguely remember stuff like "FUCKING GAMESTOP", "dropped my spaghetti" and "everybody walk the dinosaur" being posted a lot years ago.

gamestop raped me

One of the GameStop’s in my hometown closed down recently. They probably shouldn’t have built 2 of them within a mile of each other

I remember spending an embarrassing amount of time participating in the mosaic threads.

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Whoever does their geographical analysis doesn't have a fucking clue. My town has fucking 3 gamestops within a 15 minute driving radius.

I dont think so, the've been seen negatively for a while, and kids dont shop there anymore. There may be a small amount of people with nostalgia but I dont think they'll post about the recent era or here atleast.

No. That was just the limited edition spider-man bundle.

>who says a kid shouldn't be allowed to work moving boxes around in a store or something IF HE WANTS TO? Who knows, maybe they'll even learn the responsibility and independent skills to help them move out of their parents house before the age of 30.

Literally nothing is stopping a kid from moving boxes around a store.

Literally just say no

kill all white men

It’s because they bought out so many game stores a decade ago. The ones in my hometown were game rhino I think

null and void point.

the main arguments against piracy is that it is

1. theft
2. immoral
3. hurts publishers since digital sales still exist

Redpill me on shorting. If you know for sure a company is headed for the shitter (not inside trading, just recognizing terrible business decisions), can you short their stock and make a bunch of money? How long can you short; say, over a year and a half period?

Which they got into a deal for the privilege of and then gutted new copies to sell them as the higher used price when a reprint happened. People would be more sympathetic to GameStop if they didn't have terrible business practices for consumers or people who love videogames.
>For years stuff that was pennied out of inventory ended up destroyed
>Opening new copies to use as display pieces and then also trying to sell them as new
>Spent years making EXCLUSIVE DAY ONE PREORDER deals for digital content-- game data locked behind retailer preorders
>bought up and purged their competition, including installing so many locations they were competing with themselves
Fuck them. They need to burn.

>argument against piracy
This will do absolutely nothing of the sort.

>Do pre-order
>Fuckers sign me up for program without asking.

About the Xenoblade thing

The thing I mainly remember is that I spent a lot of time on Synchtube back when it was popular on Yea Forums.

you might get funkos and other toy shit on clearance but the decent vidya will be gone

pedaso de gato

Like what though? Small stores are dying because online shopping is just more efficient and cost productive. No one wants to go out to the store to buy something when they can order it from their home and have it delivered. This is the trend for everything now.

What do you want instead? Just for the government to destroy Amazon?

if it happened today it would be at Best Buy and there would be enough for everyone, also the company wouldn't intentionally hold out product to open them and sell for inflated used prices.

Min wage has exceptionally little to do with this user.
Large companies can do things easier than you can because economics of scale.
Amazon, at this point, delivers it's own shit to you.
You will NEVER be able to compete with that level of scale and thus will always fail to directly compete.

This is why "mom and pop" shops that succeed do so because they specialize to clientele that tend to be on the pricey side. People who will pay a bit more to have someone shove their nose up their ass and tell them how amazing they are.
But that won't work for every business and product.
There are more card/comic stores around me than game stores now. Why? Because comic/card stores can focus on the social aspect of their products. Events get people in the store.
Videogames don't really have the same level of "events" other than tournaments and those are exceptionally limited to a few genres of games.

are they still taking trades? is this my last chance to offload all my shitty ps3 and 360 games?

user if anything i would go and BUY gen 7 stuff while you can. collectors markets is going to explode after GS goes under. Glad I got my 360 and Wii collection lock and stocked.

>everyone ITT defending gamestop's constant upselling

How pro-corporation is Yea Forums anyway? I never understood the mindset when most of the people typing the defense of them are absolutely bottom of the food chain financially

And people who go to tournaments typically buy very little new content. Card or tabletop shit always have new cards/dice/whatever

Okay what the fuck is up with neo-Yea Forums. I made

and and only got 1 reply.

5 years ago this thread would be flooded with reaction images and responses. Bunch of fucking faggots, the whole lot of you. I hope you all kill yourselves.

gen 7 games seem so disposable and worthless compared to older gens though
no one wants every version of Cod, and if they did there are like 1 billion copies out there


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Reminder 'toys' have a higher profit margin than anything else

Americans are boot lickers. Watch any threads about the US loot box ban.

i'm not talking about your CODs and Fifas. I'm taking about your Niers, Death Smiles, A Boy and His Blobs, Rumble Rose XX, Blue Dragon, Fragile Dreams A Farewell To The Moon, etc

Wii and 360 has a goldmine of niche titles that don't have remasters elsewhere Or if they do they are digital only.

you'll be lickin our boots when we kick your teeth out eurocuck

don't disrespect my country again

Everyone I've ever seen work at one is the kind of useless prick who'd otherwise be selling knifes in some shit-bag "multi-tier marketing" pyramid scheme.

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How long do they have?

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>spending money on games

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>both a piratefag and a collectorfag

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I don't understand why people are making a big deal about this. It was completely inevitable as soon as digital game sales became the norm. Why the heall are people acting like this is news? Who fucking cares?

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for ease, there's 4 types of options. Long/Short and Call/Put that makes up the bulk of trades.

also for ease, if stock goes up short put and long call make profit. short call and long put lose.

Shorting is essentially selling someone elses stock at the current market rate and rebuying it for them at the market rate when your call maturity reaches. sell at 15, return at 5

so yeah, you can short for various specified periods with different fees associated with each. the gamble was whether or not all their news would pull them back above 15. so far, so good

I hate Gamestop, but if it falls, companies will start releasing their games only digital and ditch physical to cut costs, and in the advent of subscriptions this is not a good sign

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>PC game sales make up 56% of all game sales other than on phones
>PC gamers show they prefer Steam's business model to brick and mortar stores.
>Everyone acts shocked when brick and mortar stores lose 56% of their business
>In the last 4 years, Steam accounts have increased by 30,000,000.
>Continue to act shocked that people are buying digital instead of physical

Help me understand.

Why do people like Amazon so much?
Why do people like spending money on digital?

and do know that shorting can be stupid risky. you are on the hook for the rebuy when the option expires. if gamestop somehow makes a bounce back say up to 20 or more, thats a loss on each individual stock that was shorted.

>still going to Gamestop

>Digital video game
>Physical video game
Same exact data on literally 5 cents worth of plastic.

Same answer for both: value.


nothin personal kid

Digital distribution and DRM are separate things.

>go to gamestop

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>Walk into walmart
"Hey guy I'd like this game right here"
"Hold on let me get the keys"
>wait 10 minutes
>see guy walking around in a daze
"Hey guy you gonna open this
"Oh man I forgot hold on"
>wait 10 minutes
>See guy leaving store


I don't know which is worse

Good, fuck those sjw fucks

Even the nature place I volunteered at pushed this shit on me. It's like, listen bitch, I'm here for free doing this on my spare time.

Word was the ex-boss was in store and one volunteer forgot to ask for the membership and she went fucking irate, screaming at the person and she just walked out and 'quit' the volunteer gig.

They'd pull this shit on me almost every time

>go in and ask for game
>"I think we JUST sold the last one, let me check..."
>"Oh here it is, only one left!"

Yeah I'm sure.

Warranties help you save way more money. I bet you like to complain when something breaks outside of manufacturers guarantee date and yell at retail workers that their business doesn't stand behind products they just sell and not make. Faggot.

So if you try to short $1,000 of company stock at 10, and it goes up to 15, you'd actually end up owing $500 to whoever you borrowed the stock from? Yeah that's all I needed to know, I probably can't afford to play with fire like that.

>checking out in American stores
>literally a wall of high-powered hunting rifles and other arms next to the towels

America was a mistake

Good. They can't go out of business fast enough.

Why doesn't that sound excellent? I wish I could do the same in euro.
Buying tools for working on the house is the closest I get to being equipped for self defense.

>constantly pointing out that I have zero sign ups.

At that point it really just becomes a badge of honor and bragging rights.

Stupid yuroshitter

There is absolutely a market for something like GameStop the problem is they are just so bad at it.
Stop trying to scam everyone and maybe people more likely to use your store.
Last time I brought something at game they added a hidden £2 charge for disc insurance, if the disc doesn't work you've sold me a faulty product you absolute cunts.
Worst part is they try to act friendly while they scam you

Is the stock market a jewish scheme?

So I should buy now? Is gamestop too big to fail?

you can have DRM-free digital games and DRM-locked DVD, which is actually the vast majority


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Physical games
>take up space
>look cool on display
>can be resold
>hardware should last for a long time
>can easily be played locally with friends but a little more effort is needed for online
Digital games
>tales up only space in memory
>cannot be resold
>cannot be shown off
>can be taken from you (u don't own Shit)
>easy to play online with friends but inconvenient to play locally
>can get and play games instantly

Make more convenient ways to play digital games locally, legality for me to "sell" my digital copy, and legal protection from corps trying to turn all games into a service and I'm fine with digital.

what do you have against towels?

>self defense

what kind of crime do you americans have?
do you need to be armed just stepping out of the house?
i can leave my door unlocked and walk up the street without worry.

>go to gamestop 2 weeks after the last of released on ps3
>pick a copy off the shelf
>go up to register
>asked if I preordered it
>say no
>won't sell me the game
>go to target and buy it instead
>never gone back


I don't think anyone has high hopes for the company. Not only games, retail in general is becoming more and more digital. Online retailers have everything, you can download media like movies and games in the time it'd take you to drive the store, high end clothing stockists have exact measurements for every size. I feel like any money you put into GameStop is just going down the toilet when things get even worse for them. Maybe there'll be a spike when the new generation of consoles release that you can sell high at, but holding past that would probably be bad.


>There were retards that thought the death of Blockbuster would bring back mom and pops
>There are retards who will think the death of Gamestop will bring back mom and pops
Retards are in for another shocker in a few years

>Go to Gamestop multiple times for 3DS games
>Flip of a coin if they even have it. Even day 1 releases like Rune Factory or Bravely Default
>Just start buying shit off Amazon and getting my shit day 1 everytime.

Did it to yourself Gamestop. I just don't bother going anymore.

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Reminder that Gamestop's used game market hurt sales for publishers so they started putting DLC in games as a way to get money out of second hand buyers.

>Word was the ex-boss was in store and one volunteer forgot to ask for the membership and she went fucking irate, screaming at the person and she just walked out and 'quit' the volunteer gig.
Good on them for quitting and not taking petty bullshit like that. People who flip their shit over their employees forgetting something as minor as giving out membership cards should be treated with pity and concern, not respect.

That got scrapped pretty quickly as the realized that used games buyers would just not buy any online DLC/loot boxes at all instead of buying the pass.


there are other options where you can only lose max what you put in. mixing up your options and have a wide portfolio can reduce risk

>applied to Gamestop for the fuck of it
>didn't hear back for a while
>recently get an email telling me I can schedule an interview next week
>already considered other jobs instead, and I know I'll leave GS as soon as I can
I don't even think it's worth pursuing.
You get a warranty on a new car, not a video game.


Minimum wage hasn't budged in 30 years and doesn't even account for inflation. How in the fuck is it too high?

Everytime I walk in this bitch I'm confronted by some nu-male white guy or some gay looking Asian.
>"Looking for anything specific?"
Nigger I just fucking walked in.
Every. Fucking. Time.

For me there's always a group of the black equivalent for neckbeards talking about DBZ and Attack on Titan.

I've done it on plenty of occasions, especially when I can't be bothered with selling a game online. Why bother going through the process of selling a game for 10 bucks? It's not even worth the time. You lose 1/3 of that in shipping costs, then another 1/4 in whatever fee you have to pay the service you used. I'd rather spare my time and just take a few bucks less trading it in. Now, if the game is worth 20+ dollars, it's probably worth selling it.

lmao look at butterfingers over here dropping his discs

>getting bullied by FUCKING GAMESTOP

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>Why do people like Amazon so much
Because Amazon sells just about everything and ships for cheap.
>Why do people buy digital

Stay strong, user. You're doing it the right way.

>Did it to yourself Gamestop.
That's retarded. They don't control who trades in/buys what used game and when. Just check online before you go to the damn store.

So I've got a $150 gift card to fucking gamestop. Wtf should I get before they go out of business?

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I had 3 but all of them got bought out by the same cocksucker.

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Yes. Shorting is betting the stock will go down. It's a much riskier strategy as stock can only go down so far and so fast, but it can grow infinitely as there is no ceiling. True to its name, you shouldn't hold shorts open for very long


Imagine how happy he would have been when they won the Champions.

I had the same experience at Kohls. I died a little inside every time I had to ask people if they wanted to sign up for a Kohls rewards card knowing they weren't interested.

The managers would be on us all the time about getting more people to sign up despite the fact that no one in their right mind wants a fucking Kohls credit card.

They're alright depending on what you're looking for.

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>Realistically they should just get rid of the "store" part of video games stores entirely. Just use the building as storage, have people just buy everything online, and then pick it up vending machine style to avoid waiting for it to ship since that's literally the only benefit over release day delivery online.
That's literally what Sears/Kmart tried to do five years ago at a store in Illinois, it didn't go over so well.

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I work at one
It doubles as a LAN center and is owned by some middle eastern guy who refuses to keep up stock and we are on the verge of closing

a fightstick

>so they can go digital only.
Why would you WANT to own your games less? Why would you want to give up cheaper games?
I don't understand you people, it's like you're lazy assholes and want to push that off on everyone else.

I had that same experience. They told me to offer credit cards even if someone is just buying a fucking soda. Shit pisses me off.

Stop being fucking spergs

waaa waaa i don't wan't to just say no thanks once or twice so i'll just say yes instead and then bitch about it

Are you signing your own check? Then shut the fuck up and do your job. If it isn't unethical you have no room to complain. And a shitty credit card is not unethical no matter how stupid the person is.

what state pays $8 perhour?

Ownership is overrated. I prefer convenience. Not like I'm some smelly poorfag who has to sell old games to buy the new Neptunia anyways.

Not only can Digital games be removed but it means the price will never go down. So instead of paying $5 on ebay for the newest COD you would have to spend $60 just like how steam is.
We can't afford to let physical games die.

>Games don't get any shittier because they've been opened or taken out of the case once
You can't say this at all. You have no idea if that one removal damaged either the case or the game in any way until you get your game and by then you can't return it because it's "Opened".

>hey can i have a gander on the disc and box before i pay?
>sure ^__^
>darn this really ruined my shitty online argument!

>Romance options got the boot
This can't actually be a thing. If all you're going to give me is another shitty turn-based strategy clone I'll wait for the next Advance Wars instead. Weeaboo Romance Simulator was about all FE was good for.

>B-B-But the GBA Games
Were shit and you're shit for liking them.

They've never let me do that, it's either you buy it and they give you a new copy or they go from paper sleeve to display copy case without any in between. Plus, if you can already look at the disk it's not new. It's New (Other) and should be charged for as such. eBay would ream your ass if you sold someone an opened copy as "Brand New".

lmao dumb eurocuck or self-hating coast faggot

You know the disc didn't materialise inside the sealed case, right? Actually, maybe you didn't. Now you do.

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Just throwing this out there, but the death of blockbuster made sense in terms of people downloading movies and not buying DVDs. It was a big change when the digital age started for a company that exists solely on movies.

Gamestop however has the game industry backing it which is still providing new releases constantly and has a demand for physical media. I highly doubt the average consumer has united to kill them, maybe Google is premptively killing them since Stadia is a digital only platform?

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>no i think it's awakeningbabbies throwing a fit that romance options got the boot
they don't have romance options in the game?
i guess that explains why most of the character designs are so bad

What are the chances they actually go out of business and give decent sales for once when they're trying to liquidate everything? I want a New 3DS and maybe a controller or two.

Of course it didn't, it was handled by machines before and rejected if anything happened to the. Human error is different to robotic error, and even then you're literally arguing that an object that's not brand new is just as good as a brand new copy. So how about this, I sell you my "brand new" unplayed copy of a game that I put in a binder for a week at full price that I may or may not have played multiple times over the course of the week (Because Gamestop employees are allowed to take them home). If you say you don't want to pay full price then you're a hypocrite.

Physical media is what's dying, not the singular idea of Gamestop. Sure, you'll always have outliers that enjoy owning video games/DVDs/VHS/CDs/Vinyl as physical media, but those people are going to have to pay more and more for physical media as time goes by. The amount of overhead you save by not having to run a brick and mortar far outweighs the additional sales you gain by having one in a lot of markets already, and that number of markets will continue to increase as products get cheaper and more abundant and online sales offer better and better prices.

Its not going to die completely, in the sense that physical media will still exist. But you'll find that games are no different than movies or music - most people are fine with digital sales being more convenient AND cheaper, which will make it more expensive for outliers because they represent a shrinking market.

>as products get cheaper
If you don't have a brick and mortar store the products won't get cheaper unless your competition does it to get more sales. If you have infinite supply and infinite demand why would you ever lower prices?

First of all I only buy digital but I guess we can play hypotheticals. Now, what you're doing is a bit of a fallacy because you are comparing two things that differ (wildly) in degree as if they're the same. It's not. Is a car that has been driven into the lot not new? Sure it is. Is a car that an employee took home over the weekend new? Well, maybe not. See, degrees matter!

>Ask to buy a brand new game that came out yesterday
>Get told I cant buy it because I should have preordered so they only ordered 1 copy
>Walk across the street to Best Buy and purchase one of their 30 copies
I cant imagine why their business crashed and burned.

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i traded in a fairly large trove of games quite a few years ago, though still well into gamestop being shit
i think I got like $200 for 20 games really old games, which was a fuckload more than I was expecting

Oh no, where will I spend too much money for bad games now?

>Go to gamestop
>Ask for new game
>They grab a new game off the shelf
>Open up the plastic
>Take the game code inside the box
>Rip up the cover art and replace it with their shitty custom box art
>Rub the game disk on the table
>That will be $63.66 sir
>Would you like to sign up for our rewards program you can save up to blah blah blah on your next 5 games
>no thanks


and you're being disingenuous because these are two different mediums with two different expectations. Cars need to be driven to a lot unless you expect every single car to be hoisted onto the lot with a crane and no one can ever see if they want the car or not and while on the lot they are fixed if anything happens to them. Video games aren't cars, you can have the manual ripped, the disk scratched, the box damaged, the codes used, and a whole host of other nonsense because it's opened on top of Gamestop employees being allowed to play the games yet still sell them as new, and they don't even let you know this until they take the game out of the paper sleeve put it into the box to sell to you at full price.
Should Figures that have been taken out of their box but not taken out of their plastic container be considered "Brand New"?
Should spices be sold to you for full price if their cellophane is taken off? I mean, no one used it, they just took off the plastic.
Should collector's editions of books be sold to you for brand new price if they've been taken out of their shrinkwrap?
Should tools be sold to you at full price if they're a display model?
Should furniture be sold to you at full price if they're a display model.

The game can simply have the shrinkwrap taken off and you would never be allowed to sell that on eBay as "Brand New", it's "New (Other)" because it's not new. It's "New" because someone else has already opened it for you and you have no idea what they could have done.

get with the program baldie

You're constructing an alternate reality to strengthen your case. Does Gamestop say that their games are "absolutely virgin, untouched, glistening brand sparkling new"? No, they simply say "new". They are new. Could they be even more newer? Probably. But could a sealed game be even newer? Sure, I mean if it was never handled by mortal hands wouldn't that make it even more pristine? So why does opening it make it not new, while handling it does? Who are you to draw the line? If what you're actually crying about is that Gamestop sells opened games, then just fucking say that. It's what they do and they don't deny it. The opened games are, however, new. Deal.

>They are new
Is a display model of a couch new if no one has sat on it?
Is a power tool that has never been used but has been taken out of the box new?
Would you feel good about paying full price for these objects that have been out in the open with the potential of having been used even if in this scenario they haven't but you don't know that? You would be a complete fool to actually buy objects like that without haggling it down for being a display model like you should, and the same applies for your game that was put away and taken out of its case to display the case.

>So why does opening it make it not new, while handling it does?
Handling only occurs on the outside of the box on the shrinkwrap. No one else has touched the inside of the box besides the actual manufacturing process at the factory and you can know with 100% certainty that it is in pristine condition with everything that is advertised.
>The opened games are, however, new.
Except, again, no, they aren't. Gamestop employees can, at any point, take those display games home with them. The same ones that they put in the sleeves. You have no idea if someone has played them or not, and you are always risking someone having dealt with the game itself or what's in your display case.

Gamestop calling these games "New" is like me calling a TV I took out of the box and set up out in the open "New". It's disingenuous and not new at all. By your logic why even have a "Used" category when it's just "Slightly less new"?

For one thing, you don't have infinite supply and infinite demand. The very concept is ludicrous - even if you somehow did, shifting trends and the fact that peoples' attention is not infinite would ensure that eventually people turn away from your product.

Products will continue to get cheaper because they want them to sell, and the number of people with disposable income in the economy sinks every year. The amount of people who are EMPLOYED may be going up, but the vast majority of those people are underemployed or partially employed, e.g. Uber Drivers.

I don't know if you've noticed, but there is a general downtrend towards cheap products, cheap sales and cheap labor. Why hire a skilled worker when you can hire three unskilled workers for the same price? Why make a product out of metal when you can make it out of plastic? Why make a house out of concrete or brick when you can make it out of particle board?

The fat is being cut away in product quality. Things get cheaper in the physical sense and cheaper in the financial sense every year. They're trying to keep up with a general downtrend in wages against rising inflation, and trying to keep up sales numbers in an economy where everyone simply has less and less actual money every year.

You could take a shower and get laid. Does that potential make you not a virgin? No.

Except you do have infinite supply. Until your server goes down you can give out as many copies of a game at whatever price you want with the only cost to you being the amount of money it costs you to transfer the data to that person.

Infinite demand is also something you will always have, there's always new people being born and coming into the community, there's always new people who don't own the game. Will they put them on sale to attract newer people or give it new life? Sure, but a permanent price drop makes no sense from this perspective unless it's to undercut someone they're competing with. If you're not competing with someone there's never a reason to lower the price of a game at all until they start doing it.

just cause you don't understand it doesn't make it a jewish scheme
that being said it is a rich man's game if you want to make any real money day trading

If Gamestop closes, where will all the horrid employees go to?
Gamestop is like a sewage tank, if it goes, that shit has to go somewhere...

Whats blockbuster?

All service slaves suck just as much as gamespot employees. When you grow up and start buying more stuff than video games and funko pops you'll see. Hell, you might even become one.

Oh you poor thing! You must live in one of those poor neighborhoods.

not even american but
>what kind of crime do you americans have?
tyrone killing you for money to buy crack
dequan breaking into your house to rape our daughter and slit your throat
pablo blowing your head off in the parking lot for an iphone
not to mention glowing negros and the ATF
>do you need to be armed just stepping out of the house?
better safe than sorry
>i can leave my door unlocked and walk up the street without worry
i could do that shit in my country too but went away together with our gun rights

Sounds like NA is quickly become china minus owning the cheap production.

I used to work at gamestop before. For canada, used games made less than 10 million all those toys and clothes made 30 million and new game pre orders made 50 million. These are really rough numbers but used game revenue was declining ever year and they are planning on selling refurbished phones with freedomain. Don't know if they started that yet.

Didn't they sell off their phone company to stop the bleeding?

amazon sells everything you could buy in a store for less than in the store and you never have to leave your house to get it. if you have prime, most things will be fast and free to ship.
digital, i guess because they like having everything in one place and just getting it instantly. never cared for digital much myself.

American education, ladies and gentleman.

Minimum wage is $8.55 per hour in my state.

But do you really want another company to have the reigns to everything you use in life?

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min/wage here is equivalent to $8.61 in your dollars and they just raised it.

>cashier puts $20 protection plan on my 3ds without even asking me about it or mentioning it even once
Yeah I never went back. They refused to refund me on it also. Also they lied when they said they had no new N3DSXLs, I caught them selling a new one same day. Go ahead and burn you fucks.

How do you fail at buying something and then selling it for more?

Lmao who uses Yahoo, MSN, and Facebook

>amazon sells everything you could buy in a store for less than in the store and you never have to leave your house to get it. if you have prime, most things will be fast and free to ship.

But can I get my purchased product instantly, physically in my hands the moment I pay for it with Amazon?

>all of a sudden there are hundreds of videos shitting on gamestop in every worse way possible down to straight up cherry picking
I hate gamestop as much as the next person but I feel this is a coordinated effort

All of those include their multiple subsidiaries (ie Tumblr is Yahoo, Bing is MSN, etc).


Literally no point in gamestop anymore thanks to amazon. Just send shit straight to my door, no need to waste gas or interact with gamestop's goons.

Nah, people just love shitting on something or reading about someone upset.
So all the ecelebs and ""journalists"" jump on the train.

How often do you think people click on an article/video with the title "I HAD A COMPLETELY NORMAL TRANSACTION WITH THIS COMPANY AND THATS A GOOD THING"

>Day 1 release
I bet you manage a gamestop

Humans are negative as fuck species. A "WORST X EVER" video will do better than "BEST X EVER" video

>How often do you think people click on an article/video with the title "I HAD A COMPLETELY NORMAL TRANSACTION WITH THIS COMPANY AND THATS A GOOD THING"

Honestly I think a lot of people would because it'd be such a radical, refreshing change of pace from the sea of clickbait shit news about horrible shit happening.

no, but you have to pay at a markup for that at a store. it depends what you value more then. you can pay a few dollars more at the store and have it instantly, or wait a day or two and save some money.
amazon got spooked by walmart offering it so now they're aiming to do 1 day delivery, sooner or later it'll get to same day delivery.

>go to Gamestop to buy a couple PSN cards because I was nearby
>guy behind counter asks 5 times if I want to preorder anything
>keeps talking about Borderlands 3
Just shit up and ring me up!

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could be worse, they could straight up tell you they need your email before checkout so when you get home your inbox is spammed with fucking ads

>Steam killed Physical PC game market
>Consoles are pretty much starting to also reach that point
>no more comfy local stores selling/buying used games
>no more spending your day shopping and browsing for games in a store
Fuck Steam.

>no, but you have to pay at a markup for that at a store.

At what store? Video games are the same exact price at Gamestop or Walmart or Best Buy as they are on Amazon.

lol Microcenter does that.

congradulations user, you have figured out how the system operates. are you going to capitalize on it?

We have EB Games in Canada (same company) and over half the store is tacky nerd merchandise and Pop Vinyl figures. The store always smells really bad and has merchandise falling off the shelves and is generally unkempt.

>People acting like this guy is a bitch for not wanting to deal with FUCKING GAMESTOP when cheaper, and more convenient options are available for buying games
God I hate contrarian faggots.

>as soon as the act of giving a business money is stressful in any way
Tell that to my land lord.

>No thanks do you have an LOW POWERED hunting rifles? I just want to injure animals, not kill them like a monster

Normalfags with smart phones helped to rapidly kill the internet.

Yeah two. The first one went out of buisness and sells soap online now (lol) and the other one is a retro vidya/antique shop. They both sell most games at ebay prices so fuck them.


Buying games at Walmart is suffering because finding a meth addict salesperson to open the case and then actually having them do it is suffering.

If Blockbuster had just managed to linger on for a couple more years it could've reinvented itself as a 90s nostalgia hipster heaven.

The stock market is pretend value for something. It's using real money to gamble with monopoly money.

>Call out an anime avatarfag for being an attentionwhoring faggot
>What's the matter, redditor, don't like anime?
No you fucking faggot, I don't like you.

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Yes. I remember being kicked out of it when I was little because my dad told the clerk that the owner was an asshole for price gouging pokemon cards when they were the hot new shit. Turns out that clerk actually was the owner.

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I'm not autistic and don't care about having a fucking box to display.

you says no
Gamestop says yes

yeah ok neet

>go into thread for new major game release
>always at least one person crying about how they pre ordered the physical game on amazon and it didn't get to them on release day
I don't get it either dude I've been trying to figure it out for years and the only legitimate response is "I live in the sticks and the nearest store that sells games is an hour drive from me"

Who are you quoting?

He's going to resell them for a higher price at a later date.

This is why you have a throwaway e-mail for that shit

Convenience. Gabe Newell said it best; Piracy is a service problem. If you want people to buy your shit, you have to make it easy to do it. No hoops, no installing multitudes of software, centralization. Someone might get a game no matter how inconvenient it is if they really want to play it, but the average consumer will flake so hard at the slightest touch of a difficulty in spending money of all things.

/pol/ has made this site incredibly pro-corporate bootlicker.

we had a retro shop in town but got bought out by a funeral home, so now it just sells tombstones
I wish I was joking

Every single store that does cash only is committing tax fraud

This happen to me at walmart around the time skyrim released dude just handed it to me and told me to fuck off pretty much.

Anything that isn't along the coasts.

>Advance Wars



Give me your bosses email so i can tell her youre a great employee. Youre 100% right and i dont want to be bothered by their shady benefits program when im trying to check in. In fact i dont want to see or tlak to your staff unless im checking in/out or need something.

>Fire Emblem

Yeah I remember horror movie nights with Yea Forums

Oh no no more glorious store full of AAA rubbish


doing the work of the lord, user

We had one, closed down about 6 months after opening. No idea why they even tried. 2 gamestops, a mall, a target, and a walmart all within 5 miles. It never stood a chance.

Anyone work or shop at Electronics Boutique?

So was he keeping it for himself?

Just pirate the game then mail the publisher $60.

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Reminder to support your independent game store, instead instead of corporate franchises that have enough money to make stupid rules and get away with treating you like shit

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Cool, they will be selling everything by the price of bananas for a year or two and then be bought by someone else that will maintain it still alive but as a smaller entity

Lmao no, they will sell their stock for 5% off (Pro members only, Elite members get 10% and then wholesale the rest to other companies

my independent game store raises 1.8x the original price of any game.
I had to embrace digital, it was too much for a simple game

>all that effort publishers put into trying to kill used games last gen
>they killed themselves


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They better survive long enough for the new Battletoads.

>Live with parasites that have access to my bank account
>Have to constantly monitor my money to make sure they aren't stealing from me
>Plop down 5 dollars every week or so towards games I want assuming I don't preorder them outright
>With preorders taken care of and paid off I no longer have to worry about something happening the day/week before
>Gamestop is the only place that does this that I know of- everywhere else waits till it ships to charge
>Suddenly worried about everything.

I'm true poverty and this is upsetting.

>buy used game
>disk is dirty as fuck and has several scratches

>preorder game
>3 sales-pitches
>pick up preorder
>4 sales-pitches
I'm gonna enjoy watching Gamestop burn.

Attached: wall of cancer.jpg (1600x1200, 523K) you will be forced into buying less thing for you to physically own that we can take away and make you pay for again, and again, and again!

Did you know that you can open a different back account that they won't have access to?

You know that gamestop isn't the only store on earth that sells games, right?

>"I don't care I make $8 an hour"
Wal-mart pays 11 an hour across the board now. I quit just before they did it, pissed me right off.

Maybe I'm just a boomer but I like going down the road to get my physical copy of a videogame in a store, but gamestops are usually out of the way compared to a target or best buy and I'm also never asked 15 times to sign up for some bullshit. Sure, a place like best buy will ask you about their credit card or something, but gamestop must tell their employees to try and sell all their bullshit in the god damn store....its a constant "no, I'm not interested" almost the entire time I'm making my purchase. On top of all that, they've said snarky things to me in the past as well...."this game??? UGHHHH you know the new one is out right?" Yeah faggot I dont want the new one. That's why i have the old one.

I kinda like Gamestop. I've never had a bad experience, and I was able to trade in an aging PS2 and a bunch of shovelware I accumulated as young kid. They had a trade in deal so I was able to walk out with a brand new Xbox 360 and a few games on store credit alone.

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Same for me. You needed to use the reward program to have free wifi in the hotel.

I learned the internal password from the informatics guy and gave it to clients if they wanted the wifi. That or if they were being shitheads i'd pass them to the worst retarded middle aged woman we got.

>user you like video games, you might enjoy working at Gamestop
Glad I ignored that bullshit.

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>Pew pew space nerf is fun but run around shooty is bad
Baffling opinion there user

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>say no
>they stop

your dad did nothing wrong

I don't know dude, you know asking if I want a warranty for a disc or an insurance policy was a bit much. I just couldn't stand the fucking weirdos they'd hire.

I got hired on right after they switched. All the lifers hated it. They went from having a small set of responsibilities to having to crosstrain in several departments on top of having a heavier workload day to day. The worst part is it wasn't even a raise, just an inflation neutral adjustment.

Oh wow; what a cocksucker

Good. I only have nostalgia for blockbuster because I was too young to have to take responsibility for a late fee. When I was in like middle school or maybe early high school before blockbuster was mostly dead, I remember the price of renting movies, especially videogames, was ridiculous. It was something like 7 bucks to rent a videogame for like 2 days. Most of the time they didnt even have what you wanted. Renting movies became really bad with their one day rental bullshit. At least with redbox theres ones sprinkled everywhere in convenient locations. Any blockbuster I went to was always in a ghetto area.

Blockbuster is purely nostalgia and we didnt have anything better at the time. Its deserved to die, just like gamestop does. Years of shitty business practices and horrible employees has taken its toll I see.

Haven't been to a Gamestop since I built my first desktop 10 years ago. What's it like now?

>working retail sucks
Seriously, I worked in a grocery store and now make 50k in an office job (yeah it's not a ton but a lot more than the measly 28-30k I was making working my fucking ass off and on weekends). Fucking do a customer service role for a cable company or something. God damn anything but retail. It's so degrading.

retro game stores are the only ones that even stand a chance. There is one here, some cool stuff but I can get it all cheaper off of ebay.

An economist somewhere just felt a flash of exasperation and doesn't know that it was this post that caused it.

Well, they sell cereal now. No, I'm not joking.

For some of us, it has always been.

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Not if you can't price match it. You will always get the game $10-30 cheaper on Amazon than anywhere else months earlier than the other guys have their sales and the discounts stay for significantly longer. Gamestop is all used stuff if you want any deals at all, Walmart sometimes equals what Amazon offers but not often and their selection is mostly from third-party sellers you find on eBay or Amazon, and Best Buy is all over the place in both pricing and selection. I've never seen a game cheaper in store than on Amazon outside of when the game is fully sold out on Amazon or has a limited print like Yokai Watch.

Sometimes I wonder if the consolidation of the internet is by design.
It's easier to monitor and control the internet if most traffic is limited to only a handful of sites.


No thanks bro

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Basically, anything shit you can imagine about society is by design

Those stores are dead since the internet became a place to gouge prices since they try and match retarded ebay prices a lot of the time.

It's just how capitalism works. Success begets success, and usually it runs away to the point where you can just pay your competitors a lump sum for them to fuck off and give you their assets, which in turn brings even more wealth.

Yup, this is why whenever I see one I take a look and then just kinda leave them alone. The best thing they usually sell are game soundtracks if anything.

Was she cute?

All cashiers are useless humans who deserve to be replaced by superior checkout machines

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it is a really demeaning job
I worked retail and I wasn't a cashier, but they made me do it sometimes and honestly I'd rather scrub toilets all day than cashier for half a day it's just a god damn nightmare

Depends on where you work I think. I worked in a college in my retail stint and it wasn't too bad since it's usually other poor kids like you or chill college professors.

As long as it doesn't links to an account, a DRM'd DVD still can enter the second market.

>physical vidya is just about dead
>games are pushing 100GB nowadays
>internet speed is still less than 10MB/s

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Get a job that isn't completely and utterly life endingly embarrassing.

Things must be different here in Ohio. I've never seen a game cheaper on Amazon than it is in local stores here. In fact they usually cost more.

I bought Kingdom Hearts III from my local Best Buy for $47.99 the day it came out. Amazon wanted $60.00.

The last 3 numbers of this post is the amount of days until Gamestop announces bankruptcy

Post cute 18 or younger retail girls.

Not soon enough

Not gonna miss GameStop they are trash.
Blockbuster and videostores were based though.
Some of my fondest memories were renting vhs horror movies and sega games.
The last videostore (family video) in my town shut down last week.
I know how my grandparents felt now. Fuck the future. Fuck digital media. Fuck streaming. Fuck this whole timeline.

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>see copy of Atelier Rorona+ for PS3 on shelf
>excited because I've never seen a copy at a GameStop before
>Buy it, go home, and open case
>Atelier Rorona vanilla disc in the case
>Take it back and lady says it was traded in wrong and she doesn't have the + disc, so I take refund
>Come back next week for unrelated reason
>Atelier Rorona+ case back out on shelf
And that's when I stopped going to my local GameStop.

what the fuck

no, are you stupid?

I've got two (same owner) and they're also both a trading card game/dnd store as well. Everything is grossly overpriced, their exchange rates are a bit better than gamestop, but still pretty shit. The staff is really small too, and pretty insufferable.

Customer service is also degrading as fuck.

>employees have multiple quotas
>their reward for meeting them is not getting fired
what a great and very sustainable business model

>dead come december
Based Christmas present.

F. As shitty as it was I had a lot of good conversations with the poor saps behind the desk about video games.

This is why you only online shop

>amazon gives you 15% off new games
>they will be shipping launch day to your house for no extra charge
>it will guarantee be in shrink wrap unlike GameStop
>won’t be asked a million questions
>won’t waste your time or gas

Frick GameStop it’s the worst company for video games

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I once worked at a store where metrics were the be-all end-all. Not customer service or how nice you were to people, nope, the bottom line was sales and metrics. And I can see why, the want to make $, and you make commission. But fuck, that's all you were held accountable for. Did you sign this person for the rewards shit? did you ring them in using this POS system? did they want a warranty? did they want delivery? did you pitch our credit card? did you mention our auto store? did you use the internet sales kiosk? Thankfully, I made my metrics multiple times and got the fuck out of there once I graduated from Uni, but that shit's ridiculous to the most basic of employees. This was Sears by the way. Shit company, shit leaders, and shit management minus one manager I had who was fucking based and sold the workers cheap clearance items and used TVs for a big discount.

Its not the same though. Some dealerships might get only 1 of that particular kind of car. Game stores usually get the same game by the crate.
I remember when Bayo 2 came out. I went to GameStop to buy a copy. I asked for a new copy and the motherfucker pulls out 2 disc sleeves from under the counter, takes the discs out and puts them in the case. I'm like "I want a NEW copy" he says "this one's new".
I just said "no thanks" and went to the Wal-Mart across the street and bought it there with no hassle.
Fuck GameStop.

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>Go to buy Sekiro
>Cashier says "You want to buy the Special Edition?"
>Be big Soulsfag but I don't know much about editions so I say "Let me see"
>She brings out the special edition with an art book and some goofy action figure
>Say "sorry, I just want to regular edition. That's a bit much for me."
>She says no biggie and I buy the game


Just take it out back and shoot it already.

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not him, but i had rude managers yell at me for chatting up the employees when they werent busy.
one time it actually cost a sale

>>amazon gives you 15% off new games
i'm pretty sure they stopped doing this a while ago

it's the only store I've ever gone to that required my ID for buying a fucking game

fuck that shit, just go to Walmart

where did those kikes come from

Why do so many managers in general have this sort of power trip attitude that just makes everybody hate them?

I've said no every time and felt no shame in doing so, it's the company's fault they had a shitty policy of firing anyone who didn't want their rewards scam.

Do they even check, I just make up an email usually

>enjoy going out and getting physical copies of games
>no mom and pop videogame stores around
>I'll have to rely on amazon to get games, which for how garbage gamestop employees are treated, amazon workers apparently have it even worse
I'd rather they stay afloat, honestly.

>doesnt have a best buy nearby

lmao flyover hick

It's the only sort of power and control they have in their life so they abuse it to the fullest
It's the same reason why our QUALITY moderation is so 'great'.

>Not doing the groceries and buying a shotgun on the way out as an impulse purchase

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In my experience, we once had a manager who got promoted from regular employee for I don't know what reason. After his promotion, he became such an ass and would suck up to the store manager. It was so fucking sad and cringey and pathetic to witness. Dude was so unlikeable, it fucking hurt because I tend to like everyone and I hated being an ass to him, but he was such a stuck-up over-the-top jerk about everything. Me and that nigga just didn't sync.

Also, sad this thread's about to auto-sage. Been a while since we had a cozy big thread thats slightly vidya but also about life experiences too.

I know that pain all too well. Luckily I just buy weeb games that are light on the HD space. It's rare I get games larger than 30GB.

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I'll never understand it. Is having everybody hate you really the best way of running things?

Moviebob said this was a bad thing

>Funko makes cereal now
What the fuck

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>Run into the one gamestop employee who doesn't seem like a soulless shill.
>Decide to take a survey for a chance to win 15 bucks off or whatever and because I feel like rewarding someone with a flicker of humanity
>I don't get emails about it. Not even one saying "sorry but you didn't win the chance"

Fuck you GS.

They don't care, they know they've got at least hundreds of thirsty, easily exploited high school and desperate college kids to take your place if you can't stand their shit anymore

>Hey, man, do you want to pre-order [next big game] while you're here?
>Would you like a guide book for the game you're getting?
>Would you like to buy our scam card?

My last visit to GameStop was when some asshole was trading in a console and all three of the employees were dealing with that despite having a second register available and three or four other people in line. Was stuck waiting for around ten minutes with that bullshit. After dealing with their upsale bullshit for years, that was the last straw for me; I think this was for Destiny.

Not only did I make a conscious decision to never go back, but I basically dropped console gaming at that point anyway, so I had no reason to look behind me. And even if I hadn't, I would just gone to Best Buy instead, or simply the digital console marketplaces since disks are basically worthless now and carry maybe 1/20 of the actual data for the game.

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there is a store here that has a few locations surprisingly. it doubles as a card game store/play area. what isnt surprising is they mark up the old games like hell. like not even competing with online prices in the least, 300 dollars for some games that go for a fraction of the price online.

If their sales were so shit this quarter with all the games that came out I can't imagine how terrible they'll do in June, July, and August.