>game tries to be funny
>it's actually funny
Game tries to be funny
you forgot to include the
>webm not related
at the end
damn this game sucks dick
Yeah, it sucks so much dick it just reached 4 million sales just yesterday.
your post is not related
>Japanese humor
Why do people think this Yoko Taro guy is good?
He knows what to prioritize when it comes to making games
He can make decent games with minimal resources and having to put up with Kamiya's bullshit while at it.
because his games don't come out on nintendo platforms LOL
>thought that side quest was funny
>mfw it's a direct allusion to 2B/9S story
>japanese humor
cmon guys, japs can be funny.
this made me say haha
I'm waiting for you to post an example
You just mad because Yoko Taro finally became successful, which he should’ve received years ago.
Also he seems like a nice dude
You just wanted to post your disgusting fetish, didn't you?
This was the only scene in Drakengard 3 that made me laugh out loud until she went for the boob grab. Then it was just back into the awkward sex jokes territory that plagued the rest of the game.
I actually laughed really hard at the bit in the factory where you approach the pope robot and his head nonchalantly falls off
I like that there's one guy in the whole theater that says "this doesn't make any sense."
based taro working the brainlets into a seethe
mostly shitposting
automata wasn't that funny, and I 100% the game
>selling as much as the turd that is ME Andromeda is now a sign of a great game
Best comedy game imo
Sexualization is a theme of the game.
Automata had its moments, but I think Nier Gestalt had Taro's best humor. Nier and Weiss had a great dynamic all throughout.
>the real hero of the story is the flying trash can
I'd say more tragic than funny considering the implications
I know. Doesn't mean that I think that Decadus moaning and jerking off to sadism every five minutes was well done or fun to listen to.
>Nier and Weiss
>Not Kaine and Weiss
Thanks game!
I just can't bring myself to play through again as 9S, I think I dropped it after beating Adam in the desert. Some people say to get the "crit dagger" but I have no idea where that is
I liked Kaine, but most of her back-and-forths with Weiss boiled down to,
>"Fuck you."
Weiss was more of an active foil to Nier, because his intelligent and cynical nature played off of Papa Nier's blunt and aggressive actions and kind-hearted motivations. Which gave them fun chemistry as they slowly warmed up to one another.
Psychonauts is the type of game I replay every few years and still find something new and comedic every time. The amount of fun easy-to-miss interactions there are is crazy.
>killen med 100% dyker up någon sekund sen försvinner igen
I don't get it.
Guy seems really humble about any form of recognition.
This game was a chore. I feel like it was trying to sound pretentious on purpose but people ate that shit up unironically.
i have no idea what those are, this is what happens when you dont port all your games to PC
Nier is a mindless hack and slash, just like the DoD series, don't play it yourself. look on youtube for the story bits
We'll get a remaster. Maybe. Someday.
I didn't think the first Nier's gameplay was half as bad as a lot of people make it out to be.
It's worst crime is that it recycles its dungeons a few too many times and makes some of the side-quests needlessly grindy. Beyond that I still thought it had some fun ideas blending together bullet hell mechanics and big boss fights.
never played drakengard, but Accord is best girl
He never made a million seller, much less 4 million. He went from "weird guy who makes niche games with poor sales" to "multi-million developer with a small budget". He probably can't even process the number.
You are gay.
Just rush the main quest. It doesn't take that long.
oh fuck
I want to give Kaine a big long hug, and watcher not knowing how to deal with it. and then she'll call me a dumbass and knee me in the groin.
But she'll have a wank later that evening thinking of how nice it felt
Our guy
I like that for how messed up and unstable Kaine was, she never stopped treating Emil like a little bro.
This one made me LOL out loud
Fucking based
Does anyone have the screencap of him responding to complaints about there being so too much porn of 2B by asking someone to compile it into a massive zip file “ for research purposes”?
The man is a legend.
The whole sequence near the end where a big series of coincidences slowly builds up and keeps hinting that a fire is going to start never failed to make me laugh.
>"Oh a-no! I spilled all my Turpentine and Acetone!!"
For a Japanese game that's enough to greenlight at least 2 sequels. Keep seething faggot
It wasn't for research, it was for easy distribution
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Also I don't care what you say, Portal 1 was funny as hell
I get bored after 20 minutes everytime I try
>sex jokes
How old are you exactly?
It took me about 5 hours to beat. I don't see how the extra story bits don't keep you going. If you do 20 minutes twice a day you'll beat it in a couple weeks. Route C is worth it.
I want to know how to touch Angelus' soft body.
Lot of it is a character, but he does it well and seems to be down to earth guy so far. Wonder if the popularity will break him.
Portal is funny as hell. People only pretend like it isn't because of the reddit-tier troglodytes that latched onto it and wouldn't let go of the jokes for half a decade.
Portal 2 was just as funny
Magic spells were all absolutely baste, feels so wrong in automata that slashing bullets doesn't reduce cooldowns
I thought the complaint was that fans ran "the cake is a lie" jokes into the ground for literal years on end, not that Portal 1 wasn't actually funny.
God I love automata but I wish the characters were as good as in gestalt.
Octa making literally every other line of dialogue about his dick is awkward no matter your age.
>This was the only scene in Drakengard 3 that made me laugh out loud
Probably because it's straight out stolen from western WB cartoons.
>until she went for the boob grab
And there's the Jap's "comedic" contribution to the stolen joke.
i dont get it
anyone who is not at least appreciating nier automata is a dense retard
sam and max was pretty funny
>Japanese """""""""""""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""""""""
>How long are you going to do that!? And by "that," I mean the slapstick effect of you coiling around a log in an obviously impossible way!? I am the tsukkomi voice of reason and you're the comedic boke that, I have to explain to the audience, is doing something funny!
>Global Rule 2: You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
The only thing of worth with Borderlands in the title
Isn't that from a movie or something? I'd swear I've seen that before somewhere in live action.
Sorry, but he's(me) right.
Taro is a treasure
Has his downfall begun yet?
We will know when he starts murdering people
I disagree, the overt sexual dialogue was one of the things that made the game stand out to me. The constant debauchery and the casualness of it kept surprising me.
He's doing some guest work on FFXIV, so yeah probably
>please, go ahead and use her
it is the complaint, both games are very funny and still are today
Post fat vidya,please!
>please, go ahead and use her
Never happened
You forgot the funny
Taro is based
I love Japanese Humor.
Last time I played was well over a year ago and I never felt like playing anymore ever since, I might do it someday but as of now I really don't feel like it.
>god is dead
>become as god
I beat it for the first time on steam 2 fays ago, legit funny, pretty good but the level of the meat circus can go to fucking hell.
>Taro knows about Candy Crush
>Taro wants them to use 2B
Sans was the less funny thing about Undertale.
His brother, on the other hand...
TftB is incredibly underrated. Every opening is gold and it has legitimately funny writing as well as actually touching moments.
It's probably my favorite Telltale game.
Does anyone have the webm of Luffy from One Piece slapping some pans together and the copypasta to go with it?
This post is an affront to the very concept of humor itself.
I'd even go so far as to say that it's SUCH an affront, there's only one group that could possibly be responsible.
There it is, took you guys you long enough
Same. I loved the first season of Walking Dead, but as far as a well-rounded adventure that was somehow both funny, creative, and heart-warming, Tales was the best. Pretty much everything I could have wanted out of a game making the most out of the setting.
Yeah, the steam release is still a lot more merciful with checkpoints and where you lose lives, but the Meat Circus was infamous for a reason.
I love the scenes where kaine is just casually resting her arm on emil's head like he's furniture
I feel like it's referencing the classic dramatic walk towards a space shuttle from some film, but I couldn't tell you which one.
That's fair, humor's subjective. D3's comedy just didn't do much for me personally.
I liked the prequel manga though.
These gave me a big hehe haha! my pp hard
what a random kooky guy!
i dont know why i found this as funny as i did
>Time is racist
What isn't racist at this point?
So hilarious dude, suck a dick faggot.
After Autisma he started working on gacha shit instead of his next real game so yeah.
African Americans, you nigger hating fascist
Definitely not black people
>Japanese humor
>go ahead and use her
I'd use her so much.
Kanji's a good egg.
Black people hate asian people though
But they are not racist only white men can be racist
What does Yea Forums consider good comedy because Yea Forums also loves shit like wojaks
Lol threads
>get an item that you only need to carry in your inventory for thirty seconds before dropping it
>there's a voiced reply from every single side-character in the camp in response to it
but that's funny, except maybe the Yosuke dialogue
I like that kanji dude, does he have a route?
So you think that Andromeda and Nier 2 had an equal budget? How delusional.
the only thing Yea Forums can agree on that's funny is Kung Pow
i unironically want to strangle the makers and users of this game to death
The best egg.
You should probably see a therapist, that doesn't sound like the words of a sound minded individual
The best scene is the thermometer scene.
Black people hate East Asian, South-East Asian, Indian, Slav, Hungarian, and Romanian people because these groups have no history or contact to speak of with nigger Africans so the nigger race cards and attempts at guilting gibs out of them can't work for shit.
African niggers are more aware of this so they know how to act more humble in those societies, but American niggers and Western-born niggers are the dumbest of niggerfaggots who are never aware of this nuance when they go to any of these cultures and get either laughed at or beat up.