Dragons. Aren't. Interesting

Dragons. Aren't. Interesting.

Attached: elder-scrolls-online-elsweyr-100785380-large.jpg (1200x800, 146K)

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That's a wyvern.


Attached: Grigori.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

ur mom is a wyvern

Game of Thrones was literally the most popular tv show in the history of tv shows, so yeah they do

Big if true.

Attached: 200+years+too+old+_448ea443cbdd94ca711fc3f4076159e1.jpg (511x509, 36K)

thats not a dragon user thats a failed reincarnation of god as come upon the mortal realm in search of self

Who cares?

>so yeah they do
>yeah they do interesting
Literally fucking what?

literally the GOAT dragon right here
No other dragon antags necessary

From the popular video game Failed Reincarnation of God as Come Upon the Mortal Realm in Search of Self's Dogma

Used to be... My love/fascination with dragons ended after 9/11

Maybe next time use a Dragon as the picture

Spoken. Like. A. True. Redditor.

Puttiing a period after every word doesn't make you right.
Go back to Facebook or Twitter, faggot.

Literally more interesting than the OP. Story?

Dragons are sexy

I fucking hate dragon roars especially if you don't have a high skill stifling res.

Attached: dragon roars are annoying.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Well it is a good thing that's a wyvern

the virgin ESO wyvern
the chad GW2 elder dragon youtube.com/watch?v=SGBvL9eME08

wat gaem? looks interdasting

Oh come on now. It's Dragons Dogma or are you just bumping the thread?

Good thing you posted a fucking wyvern then fag.

I like gryphons better.
Or Rocs. Or Sphinx.

ESO had neat gryphons at least.

Cringe and Reddit. Dragons have existed in varying forms for thousands of years, long before some mongoloid who plays Dungeons and Dragons started forcing this meme.

Oh, thats what I thought. I have that game in my backlog... I'm just a tired gamer sooo I havent got around playing it yet. Also bump


Your. Mum. Gay.

Attached: you've been gnomed.jpg (300x293, 21K)

Dragons aren't interesting because they're overused.