>game has persuasion checks on bandits
Game has persuasion checks on bandits
>game has consumables that secretly debuff you but you always realize too late
>game has puzzles
>one of them is literally impossible
>game has references to things that not many people will get but those who do will appreciate
>game has free consumables
>healing potions are not just finite but also impossibly hard to find
>shop sells item you can get for free elsewhere
you having fun posting to yourself?
Name literally one
Limmy is a SJW. Stop consuming liberal content.
I don't care about his political affiliation as long as he makes me laugh.
that's what the romans thought too
I didn't realise that I was directly responsible for the end of civilisation by watching some jock babble some unintelligible jokes
Thanks user, you're saving the world one shitpost at a time.
thank you OP, last week i was watching limmys show again and thought i'd save it till im fucked up. I forgot, here i am today fucked up and you just reminded me
all scots are liberal scum
they are the reason we almost had a remain majority for brexit
>Scots wanting to be ruled by England alone
>game's villain teams up with the protagonist in the sequel
that totem puzzle in Ace Ventura or the dot puzzle in Ace Ventura
you watch a dumb joke and you know its dumb. then your kids watch you watching it and take it seriously. next thing you know some 12 year old dip shit who grew up on this garbage makes their life revolve around it because you demonstrated it was the ideal to follow and now its 2019 and fucking trannies have television shows and have run the entire video game industry into the fucking dirt you stupid short sighted faggot.
oh no no no no
>game ends with a very unexpected twist
>main character procedes to explain the twist in great detail
>game's NPCs recognise the player's achievements during the postgame
>character speaks in an unknown language
>Tonight on Top Gear...
>game doesn't let you make your own choices
oh shut up tranny
>game has an annoying sidekick
>grenades regenerate with time
>game has clearly labelled poisons
>lets you consume them from your inventory
game has a morale system
>game forces a game over if you kill an ally
goddamn, post all his vids of this show. Now.
>game judges your choices
Yea Forums is officially cancelled