2019... I WILL be revived
2019... I WILL be revived
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let it be true
I remember only playing the Wii version and how much I hated it. I hear the rest of the games were good.
It is. The devs confirmed it on 8ch.
You literally played the worst one. Even Path of the Furon is better than that garbage.
shit i hope so
>only played Big Willy Unleashed
I'm so sorry
THQ won E3.
Jesus Christ
I only ever played the first one but I have fond memories of it. It was basically if Psychonauts and GTA had an excitable baby.
Pandemic is dead, why do you think a no name studio like that could do justice to the franchise?
I hope for a remaster though it's unlikely since Piss Sea is irrelevant and both xbots and PS4chads can play the games
2 makes one feel like a beta.
have you worshiped arkvoodle today?
Big if true.
If you're a shill scouting to see if there is interest
gameplay was alright, bit stiff but you get used to it
crypto and pox's VAs were on point though
>It was basically if Psychonauts and GTA had a retarded baby.
I liked how the first game was more difficult, tanks were annoying with their accuracy though.
It's been too long bros. Lets kill these dirty, hairless monkeys!
Please don't give me hope.
More like forgotten
This is on of the first games I have every played.
>Gets a sequel/spiritual successor.
>It's about an alien/Crypto coming to Earth to save humans from Trump.
What would be YFW?
More like Crypto killing trannies if the game is set in 2019
>alien/Crypto coming to Earth to save humans from Trump.
I'd probably kill myself
>crypto comes to earth
>follows first game's story basically
>50 foot Trump robot you have to fight in the end boss battle
could be cool
I just remember spending hours laughing with my friend using the pink disc boomerang thing against people
Wasn’t the villain of the first game basically an alien hating feminist trying to take over the world?
Me and my friend would use psychokenesis on cars and slam them into humans until they were stuck in the ground.
.....no...he was basically a military general hardass type..general armquist.
more commie hating and alien hating in equal measure.
wasn't there some special agent or some shit behind that dude who was the real final boss though? or am I getting mixed up with 2?
also, DAH2 had a japanese schoolgirl who transformed into godzilla and went on a rampage and was traumatised after. that game was also great.
He wasn’t man villain, the main villain was Silhouette who was the leader of the men in black.
i forget his name..the leader of mj12, guy in a gas mask..i think his name was silhouette.
yeah. i forget exactly who the villains are in 2. i think there are several. i think one of them is some kgb man.
In the final mission it turns out silhouette was actually a woman pretending to be a man so people would take her seriously.
The main villains of 2 were martians that controlled the USSR, also the wanted theme in the Russia level is my favorite.
i remember now.
What was the coolest weapon? For me, it was the Meteor Strike.
These games aged like shit and honestly were never that funny.
imagine it with rdr2 open world and budget, it will never happen but it should
>shitty jetpack
>no maps
>even more buggy
>worse weapons
>dumber AI
It pretty much was.
Mother fucking Burrow Beast. It was the last one you could get too.
I kind of also wished the alert level still ended with the men in black instead of just ending with the military.
I have an idea
>game set in modern Califormia
>plot about one of the Cryptos waking up from a deep sleep after decades
>he is comically out of touch with Earth's culture
>as soon as he lands on Earth his disguise is busted due to extremely high surveillance
>before he is sent away by the military an angry crowd shows up
>UFO nut activists who are part of an "extraterrestrially special rights" movement
>led by some tranny Alex Jones who claims to be an alien inside a human's body
>Crypto plays along and uses them to do his usual dickish shit (friendly NPCs)
>you need to take over Hollywood for propagating alien hate through movies
>eventually Crypto runs for president (without a disguise) against a Trump parody
>second half of the game has you climbing his tower and fighting a robot army
>in the end the Alex Jones tranny double crosses you and turns out to be the final boss
>you team up with the Trump parody to kill him
>ending has the Trump parody winning
>turns out it was Crypto disguised as him
I had a demo disk of this game and I'd load up the farm level, play until I got into the ship, then fly off in a corner and hold down the laser button.
The controller would vibrate and I'd put it on my little cock and cum real hard.
That'd be based but would absolutely not fly with any game developers these days
How am I supposed to relat to this when the mc doesn't represent my race and ethnicity?
>not a Furon
This game isn't for you, monkey.
>The problematic racism of Destroy all Humans
>Cyrpto calls a black man monkey
but he calls everyone mokey
>game gets banned
well they weren't necessarily trying to be. they were just good fun and a tribute to alien b-movies.
>no maps
what? there were about five maps, all larger than those of the previous games.
I'm only expecting a remaster like Spongebob got today, but I'd really love a new game set in the 80's. I really don't want it to be a modern day thing where Crypto says he's triggered before firing his weapons.
>a remake of the first game
>50s kino in HD
>more missions, weapons, and abilities
I honestly wouldn't be mad if they went with this instead of a new game.
>The controller would vibrate and I'd put it on my little cock and cum real hard.
You used the infinite ammo cheat? Fire that death ray with no cool down.
Me neither.
>infinite ammo cheat
I need to confess that I couldn't beat the first one without the cheats. I'll do right by it if it's remastered.
I meant actual maps of the areas, not the ones you plan on.
for a very long time I could not beat the boss fight against the general.
That must have been rough. Crypto would have wanted infinite ammo turned on, though, so I feel better about it. What happened to fun cheat codes, anyway? They just completely disappeared. Shovel Knight has them, but I can't name another game made after 2010 with any.
good times
Meteor strike, when you want to destroy buildings but don't want to deal with those missile tanks.
God I hope so.
I'm playing EDF right now to scratch the itch but this game was the best for the story too.
>Mercenaries 3 gets announced at the same time
A new destroy all humans but you can revisited maps and use any weapon from past games.
Oh no you didn't!
You know a crossover between Destroy all humans and the EDF games would be interesting to see, Imagine what the alert level would be like.
doesn't ea own the rights to that though? they published the second game.
Some parts of the game were frustrating.
>santa modesta with the homing missiles
>area 42 tanks
>robo prez and silhouette
everything else you could just knock over with kinesis and shoot them while they're trying to get up.
>I'm playing EDF
which one?
>THQ is going to win E3
And I say this as a huge Banjofag
The stealth missions that has majestic agents are also frustrating as well.
there was one mission i was stuck on for ages that required following someone for a long time while having to change disguises and simultaneously deal with turrets. one of the union town missions.
EDF 5. Just learned there's 110 missions too in the base game so I'm gonna have some fun.
>tfw versus mode between Furons and EDF soldiers
>"You know I'm feeling pretty TRIGGERED myself"
>Kills tranny with Zap-o-matic
Tbqh I was only trying to piss a few dudes off so they'll bump the thread and keep it going cause I really liked the first one.
i dont care as long as i get to vaporize CIA niggers again
>tfw the main story is basically a three way war between the furons, EDF and the ravagers/primers
Also let's be honest using Cyrpto's ablilties and weapons against the giant ayys and frogs would be cathartic as hell. plus it wouldn't be out of the question of pox making a weapon that can summon and control those giant insects.
It's always funny to hear the noises enemies would make when you electrocute them.
BEst part is the human enemy being hit by the gun is basically stunned.
Cyrpto, his saucer and Pox appearing in the setting of the last video game you played what happens?
>Battle for Bikini Bottom literally announced for PC earlier today
>Oh they'll just ignore PC
>And then add in a bunch of spiders and shit everywhere
anyone have a screencap of what they said? i found the archived thread but it looks like they deleted the post
>DMC 5