What the fuck is with Nintendo's 2nd party studios' shitty environment textures.
You'd think they'd get some environmental designers from the main studio to get their shit together already.
What the fuck is with Nintendo's 2nd party studios' shitty environment textures
Not one of those games has decent environmental textures.
well, still miles ahead of the bottom two
They all look like garbage. Stop playing with baby toys and buy a real console.
>game needs to be hyper realistic or i can't enjoy it! i hate video games that aren't like real life!
>snoyshitter can't into art style
go so y out over death stranding while we get to play actual games with art direction instead of boring movie shit trying to imitate real life
fire emblem 3 houses's first issue is the entire art team is fucked up in the head by fujoshi artists and koei tecmo. pokemon needs more polishing but it can be fixed.
the solution would be to outsource assets like breath of the wild did, but to good developers like xenoblade's monolith soft. not some shit eating crew like koei tecmo's dynasty warriors developers as used in fe 3 otome houses.
video games are inherently baby toys
They're lazy as fuck, all of them, period
They need to be in bankrupt situation to start moving their asses
>A real console
Why would you want to play on a toy like a turdstation 4 when pc exists retard?
There's nothing more stupid than a 72% sonytard laughing of a nincel
Did you even read the OP? OP is shitting on second parties for making ugly textures compared to the ones from first party games, not on Nintendo in general.
And nobody mentioned Sony, you obsessed retard.
keep seething faggot
>>snoyshitter can't into art style
Nigger i own a switch but FE is atrocious and new pokemon looks like a PS2 game.it isnt even artstyle it's a blurry mess of low rez textures.
SMO didnt have this problem i blame incompetent devs.
Why do you lot get triggered so easily? Grow up and stop playing with baby toys.
>mfw playing ys 8 right now and it look better than pokemon and fire emblem 3h
Literally what the fuck nintendo?
>I play REAL manly video games
>I 100% last of us
>And nobody mentioned Sony
Yeah, I wonder who could be making these threads all the time. It's almost like there's a pattern of sony drones doing this on a daily basis since PS1 came out. Do yourself a favor and get a life
The ps4 melt your brain and you can't even read?
I don't even have a bing bing tablet you tranny
t. strawman
Nigger, OP is criticizing second parties while saying Nintendo's textures are superior, how can he be a sonyfag? Your consolewar shit damaged your brain.
>Do yourself a favor and get a life
Ironic coming from a faggot obsessed with a company.
>monolith soft
>good developers
Dude, it's Pokemon. We always knew the graphics was gonna suck. FE is a little different because they're new to HD whatsoever.
>implying the top two are on the same graphical level as the bottom two
I mean BotW and Odyssey aren't on PS4 levels, but they're still miles above the literal PS2 graphics of the bottom two. Nintendo does this because they get away with it.
*Consoles are inherently toys. Grow up and play on PC like an adult
IS should be much better than this. How did Monolith Soft manage to put out this game with a skeleton crew, but IS’s full team can on barely make a halfway competent looking game and STILL screw up the basics?
okay babies go play your baby games
because one is a game in a niche franchise that needs to put in effort for their games to sell while the other is an entry in a series that's devolved into a shitty dating sim. as long as a FE has waifus it doesn't need anything else apparently.
>IS should be much better than this
Have you seen their output lately? The Gachashit has ruined them as a developer.
LOL, play your bumpirate gaymes
okay baby
you scared of brown people too baby