This type of dialogue in current year

>this type of dialogue in current year
Why is this allowed??

Attached: AtomRPG_x64 2019-06-05 09-59-40-77.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Oh I forgot where I was for a moment.

Attached: AtomRPG_x64 2019-06-05 12-19-28-36.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

>Amerimutt triggered that their masters are being made fun of

Is the luck stat any good in this game? I remember people here saying that it had a pretty big effect in this game like enemies dying from looney toon style accidents

wtf why didn't our jewish masters stop this they are supposed to run everything

oy vey is used as an exclamation over something negative happening. it makes no sense greeting a welcome customer with it

If you are melee/unarmed you want just 1 Luck with Unlucky Bastard trait since there's a perk that makes every single melee attack vs an opponent in full health become an auto crit, the damage of which is amplified by the trait.
If ranged then you can get the trait that makes you have a minimum of 4 LCK or so as it gives good bonuses otherwise.
There are certain dialogue checks that have the looney tooney moments if you have high LCK, usually in fights that are very tough such as a satellite suddenly falling atop of the enemies in one of the toughest battles in the game

Attached: AtomRPG_x64 2019-06-04 08-50-53-74.jpg (1920x1080, 268K)

all /pol/cel threads will be saged and hidden


is this game really communist propaganda?

It's allowed because it's made by ruskies

are these quotes actually from the base game?

No you absolute retard.


Attached: AtomRPG_x64 2019-06-03 18-34-11-96.jpg (1920x1080, 401K)

Welcome to Indie games retard

>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
seethe harder resetranny

What do

Attached: AtomRPG_x64 2019-06-05 12-50-34-78.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

pet the dog

Thx for the info now for the biggest question.... can I have sex in this game?

Yes and there are condoms to buy, otherwise enjoy post apocalyptic STDs.
Don't expect more than fade to black

even better, you can film a porn movie

how much replayability does atom offer compared to say fonv?
because i kinda grew or am growing tired of the latter, i know the story, i and i dont like interacting to much with the world, just like killing people in different ways

It's not as big as NV, but there's a special evil path where you join a gang and wipe out most major settlements in a bloody massacre.
Builds wise they finally balanced melee/unarmed and guns so both are very viable now..

Attached: AtomRPG_x64 2019-06-04 17-44-57-82.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)