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What's Diablo?

Nice try marketeer-kun but you have no power here.

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Ok? Hellfire was a lame expansion anyway. Vanilla D1 is just fine by itself.

So anybody got a link? I bought this game three times in the past(yeah I was a teenager in the 90’s), I’m not doing it again.

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>for a game that's over 20 years old

I already have it on GoG, what does hellfire improve?

>selling a game that's over 20 years old
>for 10bux

So, The Hell or HD Mod, which one is better?

i can pirate it any second i want
fuck off shill cunt


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You're trying too hard.

not sure if retarded or just pretending

These types didn’t come along until WoW was a thing

>Blizzard going into the shitter
>Shilling their few good games on a basket weaving site

Back in the day, fans couldn't exactly follow Twitter. We had no idea what companies were up to or going to release. I didn't even think Hellfire was an official expansion, but I bought it anyways and installed it. Sure enough, it sucked and was more like a patch.

You can distinguish actual kids and adult by this. Most people dont need to pirate diablo1/ehllfire because we got it on goddamn original cd. I made a iso files out of it, afraid that time will corrupt my games

You're right. Most people here never played the original Diablo. This site has been flocked to by children thanks to all the attention it has received. It's why vidya discussion is dead here and only shitposts exist.

sorry we're not all 35+ like you gramps. have fun getting old eventually you'll be put in a place with only geriatrics like yourself

It'll happen to you one day.

and literaly nothing of value was added

lol not now. time to shoot speedballs while my heart can take it. maybe next life grandpa

D1 sucks

>35+ for d1
Nice to know you newfag, here's well deserved (you)

Why do 30 somethings enjoy trolling other 30 somethings so much?

lol im 19 sorry i wasnt born in the fuckin 60's nerd

So much salt for a kid angry that he was a sperm when those people lived through history of games

damn nice one gramps using internet lingo like 'salt' you'll learn it all sometime sir! just hope u dont start forgetting things :(

>underage posting openly without shuting up

Just go back to plebbit or faceshit you retard. Big mouth for someone who cant do shit without moms penny

nice math baiting faggot

Daily reminder to the Gen X and Gen Y:
The opinions of a Gen Z should not be taken serious and should always be disregarded immediately. They simply don't have the experience to validate anything they say or do when it comes to gaming, or any other subjects for that matter. They only know what their favorite e-celebs and streamers tell them. They're not even human fucking beings, they're nothing but mindless drones hellbent on corrupting what's left of internet.

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>19 is underaged


Imagine being born in 2000 and being this retarded already

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Does online work for Hellfire?

i lived through y2k okay im not a 2000's summerchild

Yes, you need to activate it somehow, because it doesnt use battlenet

Look, I've played the original Diablo to death and back, I fucking loved it, but never played Hellfire.

Is it worth it? What am I getting if I buy it?

How is Hellfire unofficial? Someone made it, sold it and noone noticed? I know it was not made by blizzard, but I thought they just outsourced it.

i have mp3's that are older than you. how did you even find this site?

nothing my child go keep donating money to your streamer

So is that a no? I'm asking about the gog release. I could get original D1 to work online just fine but never Hellfire. Hoping it might work with the gog version.

i dunno gramps but if you ever need help with the ol computer you just call me up and ill be there in a jiffy to sort you out. old folks and technology go together like oil and water :)

I have my original cd, you need to place a text file with some lines to activate it together with 2 unfinished but playable classes, cow armor and online
It was pretty common to make an expansion pack as diffirent studio, like Q1 and Q2 expansions. Well even Soulstorm for dawn of war was made by ironlore
Its 2x4 more levels, crypt and some bug hive. Thay added some items, bugfixes, monk class, runes and oils, ornerstone aka drop item here to collect it as another character, and most importan fast walking in the city

hellfire sucks

>paying money for a game that was literally published in a different millenium
>unironically liking hellfire

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what class did y'all play? i played a paladin back in 1986!

me on the left btw

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+for mages and even rogues - they fixed flash damage in all directions

my friends and i after we defeated diablo :^)

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lol imagine making fun of people for getting old

you're gonna get old too champ

He's just salty because he need to ask his mom to buy him games and then pay for dlc and streamers

oh gosh darnnit why in gee wilkers am i not getting any legendary drops >:(

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you got me lol now i have to find a rich boomer sugar daddy to mooch off of. thank god for tinder supporting the zoomer means of production

hey carlos maybe work on ur english a little bit man i know you're old but you've been in this country 50 years!

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>playing Diablo fucking 1 for any other reason than nostalgia
that's a funny meme

really don't get the seething boomers ITT. D1 is literally trash compared to any other ARPG starting with Diablo 2, it was the first game in the genre and is really basic and devoid of content and features

t. 32 yo

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finally someone agrees all boomers are retarded and happily enjoy dogshit while looking down on others

Well i still like to play middle earth d1 mod until barlogs push my shit in

Hellfire does suck, Diablo is already the length it needs to be. Ill stick with the PS1 version and the game speed set to fast. I'm on another level here.

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>This child is so angry he is shitposting to get replies

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>I have my original cd, you need to place a text file with some lines to activate it together with 2 unfinished but playable classes, cow armor and online
I know all that. I'm asking if you can host a working online multiplayer game with the gog release. Ot does not work with the vanilla Hellfire. There are some total conversion that have working MP but I just want to play OG Hellfire with my buddies again.

kids shitposting like hes on adderall. im impressed, most zoomers get tired rather quickly due to their low attention span but this one seems particularly obsessed

Poor man's Path of Exile.

please see:
>lol not now. time to shoot speedballs while my heart can take it. maybe next life grandpa

now i know boomers were born when literacy rates were sub 70% but cmon buddy did you not see this?

Nobody loves Blizzard, and Hellfire has nothing to do with them

What are your opinions on Median XL? I played a little, but the skill trees are kind of weird.
>Druid form giant rat
>not a giant fucking rat

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im 20, thank god im not retarded like you but hey, we dont get to choose. dont feel to bad for being mentally impaired

lol i just shot a speedball with my bros buddy what are you doing? not getting pussy?

Very good! Love you so much grandson :)

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Someone's having a little temper tantrum

>faggot posts his actual age like he's written it down on his finger painting.

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Newest medians are kinda shit. In my opinion last one with lvl 5 challange present was the best overall

Jesus, kid. A little consistency please?

tell your buddies to chill with the dose because your brain is dying rather quickly bro. got a good streamer to watch while stoned braa?

mobile game

struck a nerve? maybe a pinched nerve gramps?

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Still having that little tantrum I see.

Diablo on PS1 is a shity port on it's own but actually works well on PS Vita. I wish we got an official Vita port of Diablo 1-3.

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my man speaking like the man in his picture. speak english takeshi

A very upset young man, indeed.

wake me when they release d2, ah nvm its already installed


Angry kid can't win in argument so he resolves to shitposting and grammarnazi mode

entertain me moar

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>watching streamers when you smoke weed
jesus christ the people on this site are such pussies

There are two main issues with the port, the spell targetting goes by aura and nearest, and uniques not carrying over to other games. There's nothing shitty about it though mate, and I do play it on a vita too. Direct input via the dpad is so much better than the mouse imo.

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its okay bro im sure youre anime will entertain you even more. too bad about the not getting pussy part tho but i guess its pussy or anime right?

so low energy, you were being funnier earlier. shot another speedball monkey, dont slow down now

the gig got boring bro sorry only so far you can take a joke. maybe i'll catch you in another thread, in between animes of course right :)

>he doesn't know about the rule of 3

im 18

im 19 1/2

I got it. What do I do now? I never played Diablo before

Go back? Didn't leave.

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The sanctity of this place has been fouled


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For a game that's still being sold. Age doesn't matter if there's money to be made. Nice try FAGGOT! OH AND YOU'RE A NIGGER! FAGGOT NIGGER MAAAAAAN HE'S A FAG AND A NIGGER HE'S A FAGGOT NIGGER! LOOK OUT IT'S A BIRD IT'S A PLANE OH NO IT'S FAGGOT NIGGER MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN HAHAHAHAHA. God I'm so funny, owning newfags is an art and I'm the DeCaprio of it.

You faggots are fucking obnoxious, god damn.

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