they actually did it
Battlefield 5 is saved
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still don't like the gameplay of new battlefield and I can't see that changing but damn am I a bitch for game-play sounds syncing up with the trailer. right banger this one
no thanks
What's wrong with it?
I personally really enjoy it. Feels different to previous battlefoield game but that does't make it bad.
That's what you get when devs get most feedback from reddit. That place is pure cancer.
I don't see any women. Fake and gay.
I never said it was bad. just not for me
BFV is very good. The only issue is content drip. No 3D marking is a god tier decision
>levelability of maps
>randomized spreads
>shotgun ranges
>basic character mobility
>[minimalistic (designs of)] cues for infantry sounds
>[quite usually, very gross (designs of)] maps
>respawns on characters (squadmates) – hugely affecting realism, immersion, practicality, awareness, rewards for kills, strategy options (which, else, are more active / aggressive / intense), fun (because, e.g., cheesing spawns on hills with snipers)
>classes' loadouts
did they removed the niggers and the women yet
Fuck Off
No, but the only people who have niggers and women as their toons are new players since they're the defaults
Germany doesn't even have non white characters
Why would I play 5 when 4 is still the better choice?
PS: AW still has the greatest mobility in the genre, even vs. TiF.
You can't save that trainwreck
The graphics in the trailer look better than ingame. Nice operation metro reference map tho
>Dice LA again is the studio that cares about the game
Just let them make it. Sweden is fucked
Too little too late
>People care more about Operation Metro than the Pacific
Holy shit they really want the reddit audience
Italy, North Africa, Metro 1944, and the Pacific?! What's the them, fucking everything?
battlefield 5 is absolute fucking shit and nothing will save it
I wish people died as easy as they do in that trailer
For me its bf 4 if we speak about nu-bf's. combination of strange shooting mechanic and map design really destroyed my ability of being a killing machine like i was in previous games.
maybe you should have stayed on reddit
no one here will support faggots who care about making a message by revisioning history more than fixing gameplay in series they killed by being complete incompetent retards
sorry f a m, as long as this has players playing i wont buy your shit.
i like faction diversity too much
imagine giving money towards this swedish sjw trainwreck lmao
>Bazooka is in
>Its fucking nothing
Shit game with no players and no content, I'll stick to 3 and 4 thanks
what gibberish is this
>that pic
console shitters ruined the series so i dont get why they complain about the state of the game.
>ammo counts instead of magazine counts
fuck off
what makes that shitty map so popular?
Beside le epic memes, why do people hate on EA again when all their recent games have been decent, and Battlefield 5 being the best shooter in recent memory.
Keep wishing faggot.
leaving politics aside, bfv is literal garbage. I prefer every single previous battlefield to it. how do you fuck up this bad.
I do agree that Bad Company 2 's destruction was rad as fuck, but BC2 and BF5 have radically different designs, yes they both work well.
If I wanted another Bad company 2 I would play bad company 2 and not complain about bf5. Most of your points of critique are subjective. I do respect you for liking Chad Company 2 but I do not see the validity of your arguments.
>metro remake
it's just another map. We'll see how it plays in October.
It's not as if no Battlefield game has shitty maps.
t. can't get kills without 3d spotting
>Operation Metro remake as Operation Underground
Why can't game devs make memorable iconic maps anymore? Why do they have to rehash the same shit repeatedly? Same with nuketown in cod
Kys shill
I think it's far better than 3 and 4. 3d spotting is shit and the gunplay feels better
>Bunch of new maps and a new theatre
>Picks out ONE map to bitch about
admittedly metro is going to be fucking cancer with the mg42 and the boys
I wish I had some buddies to roll a full MG42 squad now.
Nice try DICE shill
Metro caters to the lowest IQ braindead players possible who don't care at all about actually playing a game and would rather just sit in one spot getting high scores without actually doing anything.
The maps is basically the antithesis of what Battlefield represents. Large, open all out warfare. We don't get that.
>>Bunch of new maps and a new theatre
We had this in every battlefield game in the past, why are we praising them for something that's the bare minimum we expect? Especially when this Battlefield has had the driest post release content in the series
>Picks out ONE map to bitch about
Why the fuck is he NOT allowed to bitch about? Is there a rule saying no bitching allowed, only praising allowed? If you want a circlejerk of people never saying anything negative, then maybe reddit is more your place.
So was the game actually good with just terrible, horible SJW marketing or did the game suck?
damn that's an ugly ass jap
Yeah we also always get fan favorites remade in BF. Wake Island is for sure coming back AGAIN and yet you wouldnt bitch about that I bet.
The marketing was awful, the cosmetics arent in the game like bionic arms. Its gas masks at most and gold and chrome guns. Women are optional, germany has no black characters.
Who gives a single fuck?
Why are you lying? I’ve seen streamers playing BFV were the entire nazi team is literally just niggers and women
>the game is saved because of maps and 1 new cool gun
>cosmetics arent in the game like bionic arms
>Women are optional
>germany has no black characters
So did they remove all that shit or was it always meant to be like that but the marketing people fucked up?
>M1 Garand is in
>But Metro is back
Not today DICE, granted I kinda wanna get a squad and go full Wolf brigade with MG42's in Metro 3.0 (?). However I don't wanna support a trainwreck
beautiful game, good gunplay, but it's still braindead Skinner box gameplay with no teamwork
I wish the game had functional hardcore mode
Are there still women in it? Yeah?
Fuck off then.
This, holy shit. How many BF games have they redeemed by now? 4? 5?
Combined arms combat and historical accuarcy ,the sole things differentiating BF from CoD, are still broken.
>Pacific theater
give me warships as actual vehicles DDs and CAs and the losing side gets a BB and I'll buy the game, it's been so long without a ww2 shooter without the Pacific theater yes I'm looking at you rising storm
>Yeah we also always get fan favorites remade in BF
So we are meant to mindlessly praise maps with come from other games just because they're from a previous entry and not because they are objective bad?
>Wake Island is for sure coming back AGAIN
Not confirmed
>and yet you wouldnt bitch about that I bet.
Yeah I actually wouldn't since it's basically Battlefield in a map. The 1942 version had aircraft carriers, destroyers, planes and tanks all on one map. Why is that a bad thing?
Why are YOU lying? You can't be anything other than white as the Germans?
It's a great fucking online shooter it just needs more content.
The mercury map is kino.
nice trailer
If you dont pick a female character you dont play as one. Stop lying faggot. These are all the German characters including the new newer premium ones.
>the losing side gets a BB
No, leave the Behemoth bullshit in BF1.
Subjectivity is a strawman. … The points are valid because they're basing on inherent values of entertainment (variety … often unto depth, strategy, pacing, roleplaying, fantasy/realism …).
"More options" is more stimulating. Hence is dopamine, etc. Players are "hungry" for skillfulness, and BC2 provides more of that, while minimizing ludicrous aspects (effectiveness of vehicles), and having increased togetherness / social aspects.
wow, how innovating
That mod is dead and has been dead for a long time. Right now there is only 2 players online.
Because I'm a bit sick of that map and it's going to be played the most
What does that have to do with gameplay?
they literally shouldnt exist.
what are you trying to imply with these webms?
It seems like most of those maps were ported directly from single player - what took them so long?
The gameplay's fine besides base Medic weapons being awful, the problem is that the actual content is so fucking barebones that up until all this, you basically had 5-6 maps that the modes tried to rearrange and nothing else while expected to grind away with little variety. Even the BR mode wasn't that much of an adrenaline spike.
Yeah, I agree, but I also like playing as a QT german heal slut and the game is still good.
The values differ from person to person. but lets' not look at bad company 2 with rose tinted glasses.
I do consider it to be top-tier Battlefield, even better than bf3 in most regards, but I still think BF5 is at least a decent game.
you can basically only play on weekend at EU evening hours that when you actually get the full server
DICE actually has started to do it's best to hide women and bing biing wahoo-aspects in all their promo material now, I guess they really believed that feminism and whimsical customization was what the market wanted in a WW2 shooter.
Germans are stuck to only white. Allied are a diverse and powerful, while also being stunning and brave, group.
Fuck off Westie you fat fucking piece of jew
>doing their best to hide women
>last week they advertised an Elite character that is a female sniper that a Nazi sniper can't seem to hit at all to make her seem more badass
They're examples of skillfulness, playability, intensity …
>The values …
Science has very clearly and accurately evidenced some specific options.
PS: Those are often used in explanations …
Furthermore, enjoyable gaming often comes from fresh experiences, which recent BF is of mediocrity, especially with the reduced / tweaked features.
And it only took a year I guess.
>They're examples of skillfulness, playability, intensity …
they look like shit
full of grey filter and bloom with tiny fov
why is everyone running around with assault rifles in ww2
I didn't disagree with you, mate.
I simply stated that everyone likes Battlefield for different reasons and that BF5 is a decent game.
Because it's a video game that doesn't want to be a sim. Why are you in this thread?
>They're examples of skillfulness, playability, intensity …
… Also
>laser-esque "recoiling"
>sometimes, odd limitations on semi-autos
If the logistics of weight and supply wasn't an issue, everybody would want to be carrying a BAR and MP44.
But your statement *is disagreeable*. That's why it's being corrected.
>EA devs come to Yea Forums
>deliver BF3 , one of the best games they ever done
>EA devs go to reddit
>deliver BFV one of the WORSE games they ever done
im ok with this
target audience don't consist of autists larping as wehrmacht
I just wish the new uniforms didn't cost real money. The majority look way better than the base uniforms.
who cares about gameplay when it is repultive to even look at
no shit.
but theres literally no reason to ever use a mp40 if you have acess to a mp44
why not just have different classes and only 1 can have assault rifles
Worst and the least profitable. Hell even hardline sold more.
1942 and 2142 had that mechanic
imagine if we had 6 years of expansions for battlefield 4 (plus a free graphics engine update)?
instead of the garbage that's been released since then
Bf3 fucking sucked you dumb nigger.
im not sure thats right
It's very simple.
If your game has
>leftist politics
>a cash shop
>other microtransactions and isn't f2p
>day 1 DLC
>preorder bonuses which aren't cosmetic only
I will NEVER EVER buy it.
Thank god for japs and their games.
>why not just have different classes and only 1 can have assault rifles
...that's literally what they do. Only the assault class gets assault rifles.
They had battleships, but they didn't give them out to the losing team.
>he thinks that shithole of a country is relevant
Can I get the game for $10 yet?
your mother suck you fucking faggot
Newer games were coming with weird filters and/or "suppression".
I’ve actually been wanting to get it soon, it used to be on sale literally all the fucking time on PSN, but not anymore. It was sad, honestly.
every statement is disagreeable
there's no need to correct shit that people say.
>downgraded the field gun animation from BF1
>your favorite Hitman game
>your 3 favorite Hitman levels (regardless of game)
They should have came to us.
>we added metro
>pls buy game now
Oh shit, it's nutrients man! I didn't realise you got a trip.
Just like real life
One step forward and 2 steps back
I bought it for 25 euros a week back, it's actually not that bad. most of the maps are terrible though and they really could optimize it better and fix the audio
just what battlefield needs
hero characters
when does michael wittman show up with his mega tiger or simo hiyai with his +300% damage and x2 health
2 > 1942 > 2142 > BC2 + Vietnam > niggers existing > BF1 > bf3 > bf4 > bf Hardline > bf V
>Simo Häyhä
>Character is immune to headshots
Those critiques / assertions are scientifically backed.
Studios and journalism / consumerism / the industry are responsible for enjoyment, which has objective qualifiers and quantifiers. Any of these demographics pushing mediocre aspects, whether in designs, or media … are contributing to white noise …
Hero soldiers have unique skins, voices, and weapon skins. Pure cosmetic. And must be bought with real money.
Not buying your gay homo game, EA. And if I ever do, some Russian guy is getting the money, not you.
Have they fixed broken footsteps yet?
Have they fixed spawning on dead team mates yet?
Have they fixed geometry moving prone players yet?
Have they fixed that retarded rolling animation yet?
Have they fixed soldier silhouettes yet?
everytime I see one in game he gets laughed at for supporting shitty jew skins
Did they remove the women?
its the ''we want the CoD audience'' stuck from BC
man i love having absolute not feedback when shoting at something
feedback, you know that thing that DOOM had it? when you shoot a enemy and they react?
yeah i love NOT having that
>not using the FG42
shit tier taste my dude
did they ever revamp the progression system or is it still the same as it launched?
Gonna play a Jap so I can kill american dogs
It's dead compared to how it was back in the day but you can log in most evenings and play with 40-60 people. 60-80 on the weekends.
t. been playing this mod last few weeks
It's still getting updates.
of course they add Japanese and Americans first, because they know many players are Americans who don't care about the Russians or Italians.
At this point I just want DICE LA to make their own game.
I can't believe I'm saying it but I'm glad to see you, nutrients man. I hadn't seen you posting in ages, I was worried you'd given up. Do you still post the photo of the orange Lamborghini?
They’re different guns, lad. New animation for new gun.
Metro was and is one of the most played maps on BF3 and 4, along with Locker. There's obviously a big demand for maps like that. Makes perfect sense to add a Metro map in BF5 too.
You still playing regularly senpai?
I wouldn't mind seeing that.
Also fuck it, I liked Hardline a lot. RIP Visceral. DICE Stockholm really should have been the ones to get the axe instead.
weekends because wagie
Very nice, I'll probably see you this weekend then.
Just a reminder that there are no stats to see how many are playing BF5 because they don't want you to know that the game is dying. There are probably more people playing BF4.
that's iwo jima
>tfw killing japs with the BAR
>tfw killing mutts with a banzai charge
They should have delayed the fucking game and released it this fall.
Nah dude, look at the breach handle at the end, after he inserts the new shell. It just closes by itself. There is no way his hand did that, it just looks cheap.
EA whipped them hard to "finish" it before Christmas. Dice gotta stop releasing a game every second year. BF5 was released at least 4-6 months too early.
if they had the memorable battles in at the start it wouldn't have flopped so hard
also big suprise leaving the most iconic weapons of the war out of the game kind of pissed people off
they had a golden opportunity
Isnt that just a remake of metro?
Battlefield is such a dumb concept. I mean, it was cool like 15 years ago when the idea of a huge game like it was novel in itself, but now that no one is impressed by a big map, there's really nothing to it. It's no fun walking around getting sniped from a nearby mountain or blown up by a tank, and only literal autists think that plowing down infantry with hardware, let alone sniping, is fun. It shows too in what maps get 24/7 servers in recent BF games. People don't want the dumb planes and tanks.
is the gameplay still boring? then it's not saved
did they get rid of the strong political theme they pushed and did they apologize for it? then its not saved
does it still run like shit? then its not saved
anything is better than 18 Norwegian weapons that no one is heard of
I would have been fucking fine with Russia first, they have some cool shit
Damn, you’re right. Seeing that I thought maybe the PAK 40 ejected shells automatically, but then I did some research and it most definitely does not. EA goofed
Is that a holographic sight?
The concept is fine, the execution hasn't been that good these past several years. I find myself coming back to a dead mod like Forgotten Hope 2 more than newer stuff like Battlefield 4 because of the way its done.
For me it's the Tromboncino M28 grenade launcher
It wasn't just not having memorable battles. It was also the women, the diversity, developers calling the customers uneducated and not to buy it, lack of content, releasing a WW2 game after a WW1, Dice rewriting history especially with the Norwegian campaign.
only fucking casual retards care about politics over the gameplay go fuck yourself retard
why is the HUD such soulless garbage? I thought minimalism went out of fashion two years ago.
Sweden is the best
Italians are shit but at least there is an Italian map and weapons coming.
Compare that trailer to this. Compare the likes too.
actually very few games do large scale battles
you could go buy thousands of games that are 5v5, not many games are 32v32 with vehicles
>there actually aren't
There is literally no winning with you faggots. You're just as bad as the SJWs that bitch about comics, get them changed, and then don't buy them. They weren't going to buy the comics no matter what and you weren't going to buy this game no matter what.
Eh I prefer gameplay quickness of animations that are super real.
I live in Sweden and all 3 things are true. A 4th thing is that we fully trust everything what media says.
Yes, and the reason isn't (today) that they can't but because it doesn't make for a very fun game. If this was a winning formula, DICE would have some competition in the genre.
no one fucking cares
I actually care about things important to the gameplay, like the weapons and the maps
fucking tards like you ruined this game, you don't like video games
>Two-shot kill at all distances
>One-shot kill in the head at mid-range
>Grenade launcher to keep pressure on vehicles
>All the while running around with infinite health
This weapon completly broke the game for me I pretty much only use it now
But BF1 field guns nailed it in both balance and animation. There is no reason they couldn't do the same for this game.
Did they get rid of the battle Royal mode?
Projecting "WAAAAHHH" Isn't going to get people to buy your objectively garbage game, you fucking clown.
Firestorm is good
I guarantee I've played and own more games than you ever will and I dont support political bullshit in games. Nice spacing after every sentence too phone faggot.
it can be fun, it depends on the map design, I actually think the maps are too empty for 32v32 it should be 50v50 or 100v100, there should be way more chaos and action
Honestly never played BF1, but did the guns in that let you hitch them around anywhere on the map? I feel like they maybe had to lax the animation a bit because of just how they can be anywhere on the map and face up and down hill and stuff. Or they just rushed the they did
Not that guy, but gameplaywise, I'm not a fan of modern battlefield. I'm sick of the whole 'one-man-army', slap every wacky bell and whistle onto a guy, 'YOU CAN DO ANYTHING', dumbed down bullshit. I miss having classes with stark weaknesses that required team play to be really effective. I miss being able to destroy enemy resources or camp enemy vehicle spawns, denying your enemy planes, radar, or even artillery. I miss maps designed around sandboxes, not this disguised linearity they've been leaning into more and more.
uh oh
DICE hasn't had a map designer that knew how to make a fun map in a fucking decade. Every Battlefield since BC2 has had nothing but shit ass maps. It's also most likely having to do with no longer just having to make a really good map for one, maybe two game modes, but like 30 game modes have to work with every fucking map.
>in all their promo material
what material exactly?
I don't fucking care I think I already said that
just because a bunch of fucking idiots who thought that women in the game would ruin it
doesn't mean that I give a fuck about you
Earlier Battlefield games had the winning formula, but they traded that in for a console playerbase.
Fighting for the position as the trashiest rag now that the old Gawker Media sites are getting shutdown and going bankrupt I see
just a few weeks ago they released another trailer with a french frotnline woman soldier who deflects shots with her mind
Well the answer is those people moved on because DICE didn't listen to them and they don't care to keep up with the game anymore.
Field artillery was towed by horses in that time. They probably thought it wouldn't make sense.
>They're adding Operation: Metro 1942 to the game in October
>4 new maps within a year of launch
DICE is dead.
the fact that the politics even got to you shows how much of a sensitive pussy you are
when I found out women would be in the game I simply didn't care
that's called not having an opinion
that's also called not making it political
meanwhile you threw a bitchfit
bfv actually made that true, every class has a weakness now
whether it's not having enough ammo, not having health, or being useless against armor
attrition has negated the one man army aspect of the game
What is the handgun at 0:27 ?
Only 1. BF4.
I never said it was a good feature or that I personally enjoyed it, I was just responding to that guy
>Not allowed to perfer the German side in WW2 games.
>Not allowed to be a fan of the Galactic Empire in Star Wars.
>Not allowed to like the Imperium of Man in 40K
Reminder to Gatekeep your hobby as hard and as hostile as fucking possible.
Well, it's a matter of perspective. Old battlefield was the tits back then but we just expected less at the time, and novelty was a substitute for balanced challenge and variety. As much as I played BF up until 3 (and some 4), my memory is of playing a very limited amount of maps in a pretty specific manner to like compensate for the game's inherent weaknesses. Everyone liked the maps where the power of vehicles were limited and where snipers couldn't fuck you too hard, so it's almost like we already knew. The true solution of course was to just play a game without those things everyone hated.
I wouldn't say "sucked." But it's mediocre.
Had hours of fun with it, however. More than I can say for 1 and Vagina.
oh is this where you use memes to deflect how much of a sensitive pussy you are
You could rotate them 360 degrees in BF1, but you couldn't tow/move them about
>Because it's a video game that doesn't want to be a sim.
So women are okay now?
Welrod Mk 2
Ironically Battlefield was in many ways paving the way for what ended up becoming the whole hero class thing, while Battlefield itself has more or less dropped classes. I too miss the defined classes.
Very nice. Did they ever add the French faction in the game?
No maps, said maps for the most part shit, only two theaters, half a year without any new maps, just weapons, until like week ago when we got new map,
The gunplay is solid, the game feels great, lack of 3D spotting makes flanking viable and it has the best BR on the market. However the balance is shit and game still has visibility problems even after they basically light everyone with LEDs.
They can make it into a good game, but it would take at least a year, maybe more.
>Still no soviets
No and never will. After the Japs and Americans probably comes Russians and Italians.
>It's that one brainlet who acts like the soviets won everything by sitting around and doing nothing for years and then zerg rushing on a single front
I disagree. I still feel like a one man fucking army despite having shit all for ammo, and if you're playing around the objectives armour usually isn't that big of an issue.
Even looking past that there's all the little things that subject from the flow of the game as a whole. One of the major ones is that stupid ass animation lock you go into with melee. I don't want to be stuck in a canned animation when I'm stabbing someone, especially if I just got the drop on 3 or 4 guys. That handful of seconds is the difference between me killing all of them and one of them turning around and just unloading on me while I'm stuck.
I just miss actually teamwork. I hate the design mentality of 'every class should be viable in pretty much every situation', its garbage and it kills interesting dynamics. If a sniper class is just as viable at mid to close range as any other class, what's the fucking point?
>putting N•zis into a WWII game
Fucking YIKES. Racist AND sexist, much?
fuck off. there is literally no pleasing you.
>everything in my entire life revolves around clickbait tweets that make me angry
Imagine if developers weren't so fucking lazy that they'd let you customize your hud properly.
You can do that to some extend in BFV. But it mostly bogs down to turning stuff off and filtering killfeed.
Delusion from retards like yourself
what, do you want a shitty custom TF2 hud where your hp and ammo are right in the middle because you're so high speed you can't be bothered to move your eye one degree downward?
haben sexus
Levels are beautiful. Damn Dice knows how to make a good looking game.
you literally can't disagree, they have literally eliminated the ability for you to be a one man army depending on the class you picked
>everything in my life revolves around a single post on a Malaysian waterpainting image board that's being sarcastic
you can never be "left" enough for SJWs.
>Japs before Russians
>muh M1 Garand
No thanks.
this game literally has more forced teamwork than any previous battlefield game, as you will need ammo or health depending on what class you picked
Too bad they don't know how to make a good game.
>more forced teamwork than any previous battlefield game
t. never played a refractor BF
This mod and project reality has ruined modern games for me.
never played bfv
Can't argue with you there
no Yugoslav Partisans, no buy
The PaK40 was a semi-automatic action, it had a setting to automatically open the breech and eject the empty case after firing. The breech also automatically closed after you put a new shell in. The animation in-game is actually perfectly fine, if obviously a bit fast.
oops, just dropped an actual ww2 game who releases tomorrow in your thread. sorry.
,Consoles and BC is what ruined Battlefield.
Instead of bigger and bigger maps we have
>one-man-army class design
>choke point maps
>limited air space
>rat tunneling spawn system where everyone spawns on everyone
>absolutely shitfest conquest maps
>limited teams, teamwork tools
>gutted commanders and squad leaders
Yeah how bloody hard can it be to add a variety of factions. They act like it costs 30 million dollars to add a slightly different faction.
You can't say "there's no winning", this whole stink wouldn't have happened if there were realistic ratios of male and female combatants on the battlefield. That is, 99.99% male.
>Every gun has a red dot sight.
Were holographic sights even a thing in WW2?
Fuck bf1 and fuck bfv. I just recently reinstalled bf4 and am having way more fun playing a 6 year old game than whatever trash DICE keeps nutting out. Fuck DICE and fuck the battlefield series until they make a modern one again and quit fucking around with historical accuracy.
Hell yeah my man. Same here.
Flying attack helicopters is the most satisfying thing ever.
Is this another WW2 game centered around Burgers vs Krauts?
Because it looks interesting, but I'm tired of playing as the same two factions.
>They act like it costs 30 million dollars to add a slightly different faction
Probably not, but still VO is time consuming and costly.
Agreed. Shame that if we do ever get a proper sequel to bf4 itll probably be trash.
Never even heard of it. Where's the marketing?
The had reflector sights that were used on fighter planes and large guns like AA or AT guns.
I couldn't care less about historical accuracy in BF but I still enjoy BF4 more than the others because of the number of weapons and maps.
The only thing that is annoying about BFV player customization to me is team and class recognition.
Definitely not small enough to be used on firearms, they were mostly on planes.
>centered around Burgers vs Krauts?
sadly, yes. devs said they'll be adding more factions (soviet, british, japanese) later on but idk if the actually have the funds to do it. i hope they do.
youtube and uuuuhh
Thanks, I'll keep an eye on it then.
Those are not holographic sights. They're reflex sights and they were used a lot for anti-air and anti-tank guns, and fighter airplanes. They were used on handheld guns too but it wasn't common.
alot of the guns in the game saw very limited use and only a few thousand were made like the MAS 44.
Consoles and BC existing is another problem than development producing bland or simply gross iterativeness and roleplaying and character fantasy and social relevance.
>implying I use that garbage
Iron sights all the way. I never notice if anyone else uses other sights.
Although I do cheat and put scopes on some of the clunkier iron sights.
Fuck off back to /pol/ faggot
omg yass!! thank god I have enough goodboy points to buy this!
do people even still play it? It seems are irrelevant as CoD at this point, even normies dont give a shit since trends swayed to BR games.
wow I'm still not buying this game then
it's the most played BF at the moment. only BF4 comes close.
How are the servers on PC? I kinda wanna play it but I'm afraid that they are empty after the hype of the new maps is over. Also is there a cheater problem?
Source? I can find online stats for BF1 and 4, but not 5.
Can you validate that? The only reason I havent bought BFV is because I imagine it would be dead.
What happened to Yea Forums? I miss being able to actually discuss films
>still has women everywhere
nope, i'm happy here on the wrong side of history
Explain that to a non-BFV person. Who is the guy?
My person of color, do not let up soldiers we're winning this fight
>where are the historical accuracy guys right now
they've given up because the game and DICE are beyond saving...
I wish DICE had doubled down on the campy aesthetic from the trailer instead of changing the game to appeal to reddit and twitter and then drip feeding the actual game in months later.
Is it worth buying into it now?
I like how it now looks like a generic ww2 game with fucking holo sights instead of that shit they were showing at release
I actually like what VICE reports now and then, since I'm not a /pol/fag, but this is just absurd.
Nobody in the fanbase is talking about this, and honestly, there's nothing wrong with Nazis in an historically-set entertainment context. They're not saying "kill all jews and niggers" like some in Yea Forums like to preach. If it's included in the game, that's when you know playing as a "Nazi" is wrong.
But you don't. Nazi is the political party and as a modern comparison, not every US Army soldier is part of the GOP.
>only 50 DICE employees remaining..
the lack of 3d spotting combined with horrible visual clarity for soldier in the environment was a gigantic mistake.
Don't get me started on the map design, or the neutered gun customization system that made way for the cosmetic push of micro transactions and skins in a battlefield game.
Gunplay would be so good had they not fucked up the spread mehcanics (to be fair they fixed them and made them more akin to 3, 4, and 1 but ti's too little too late with fucked balance still based off the shitty launch system). Compared to every other BF game, this one has the biggest issue of rate of fire beating everything else in the game, and I do mean everything. At first I thought it was just the shit in firestorm with the retarded armor mechanic, but it carries over into multiplayer too.
Eh. At least it looks more colorful than your generic WW2 game from the last decade.
I'll be real with you and tell you it's pretty bad when it comes to cheaters. They use certain tactics to evade their anti-cheat system, like not constantly killing and playing in other ways.
That's the reality of playing on PC in semi-competitive shooters, unfortunately.
But it's pretty populated at the moment so I'll leave that to your discretion.
>no 3D spotting
>worst visibility compared to any other BF
Yeah they fucked up with that one, but hopefully they won't go back on it and work on improving clarity.
I hate how they did weapons in this one, with a shitty perk tree instead of a BF4-like system.
they're literally making a profit on selling nazis though. This guy kinda looks like the jew hunter from inglorious bastards.
nice is there gonna be story DLC about the black 14 year old who snuck into the bunker and killed hitler?
I can't wait for that untold story of history!
Battlefield would be fucking great if they just turned the movement speed down a bit. Everyone is a fucking Olympian. Still have fun though.
Fuck them and fuck you.
>Battlefield™ V_201905301411129.webm
a lover of the older battlefield games laughing at this nu-joke game
thanks for the quality webm material
prime examples how shit it is
>that second part of the clip
BF3 Operation Metro meatgrinder all over again
It's a Nydar sight.
You mean Battlefield would be better if it was closer to the older titles than to what it became after chasing CoD's popularity?
sorry but i had to vent a bit.
>tfw no money for bf5
BC2 + Vietnam remake when. RS2 just isn't the same
whoa dude a vehicle blowing up I have never fucking seen that before so fucking stellar :o
I just wanted to show you guys an amusing green text story. I think DICE did a far compromise if they were going to stay with their diverse character models. Is it a bit stupid to see an asian woman allied paratrooper, yeah but I don't personally have to play as one.
Calm down user.
All I want is Red Orchestra 3 made by a dev team that's competent. Why is this so much to ask for? Why did Battlefield have to be so heavily influenced by Bad Company?
>Not allowed to be a fan of the Galactic Empire in Star Wars.
>Not allowed to like the Imperium of Man in 40K
Luckily the companies themselves understand that those two are the most popular; 80% of Star Wars merch you see in stores is Empire-themed and the Imperium of Man is literally the protagonist of the setting.
go shill this trash on jewera
gonna ignore the badass german soldier popping off heads one handed with a revolver?
fucking retard
>Operation Metro is coming back (again)
Is it fan service or creative bankruptcy
glanced at the article. Apparently the paid elite skin that is in question shares the name of a real-life resistance fighter or something.
also elite skins are just more detailed player models that you unlock for BF V shekels.
if it works for CoD you better believe battlefield will follow suit.
>Dueling scar
>adds two maps within half a year
>'half a year without any new maps'
not defending drip feed but you're retarded if you just ignore when they do add maps
Fuck it, a Battlefield: Vietnam reboot might be the only way to save the franchise
I guess the real test will be if that Pacific map is just a reskinned Paracel Storm.
Vietnam is the perfect setting for all this stupid diversity shit the devs want, why the fuck are they not making that
>ignores everything
double digit IQ
The nukes were meant to also make them kawaii.
what's the point of lol so randum customization if they're gonna make it for just one faction?
>if you want historical accuracy, you're a sexist and racist!
>w-wait where did you guys go?
Every time
you are a stupidhead
>tfw when no qt vietcong guerrilla girl to tell GI to go home
Can vehicles still self repair?
Yes, it's an interruptible channel
Not fully, vehicles now have turrets and tracks that can be disabled. Engines too. You can repair maybe a quarter yourself and it locks you down. Or use a one use like track repair
I think this BF3 ad would be more appropriate
>99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Because it aint me.
I started in December and I don't think any maps has been added between December and May. As far as I know only Panzerstorm was updated to be not shit.
Do bullets interrupt a tank repairing? I'm assuming drivers still never have to expose themselves to small arms in order to repair.
Vehicles can essentially take permanent damage then?
Your picture just proves BC2 is cooler than BFV will ever be. Goddamn I love those designs
No, self repairing has limits. Eventually you cant really repair anything and it takes a while.
Honestly vietnam is a shit setting
Next battlfield should be 1980s cold war gone hot with Europe, Shitty scandinavia (devs love to push this), island, asia and desert maps. Vietnam sucks donkey dick i'm not going to play the game with mutt aesthetics.
Posting knock offs. Shiggu diggu
Game is lacking fucking content we got 1 new map in 6 months and barely any new cosmetics.
This is what happens when you do a free map meme, Personally I enjoy firestorm, but wish the maps would come faster. The new guns are fun
Judging by max rank going from 50 to 500 there will probably be a lot of shit for Company Coins
Marita seems comfy and like it belongs in Ass Creed 2
user, that picture is from BF3.
>Metro in BFV
Ok, I'm actually buying this now
Like that other user linked, keep an eye on 83, it's made by the guys behind Rising Storm and RS2, it's Cold War gone hot.
Probably going to be less arcadey than BF so if you enjoyed the past entries in the franchise you'll probably enjoy it too.
And it's targeting at least 40v40.
Small arms aren't really a problem for any type of armored vehicle. However, seeing as how every class has some means of explosive damage, most tanks are going to go hide to heal up. Tanks and artillery half-tracks also have very low ammo capacity, so tank teams have to rotate out regularly anyway to go restock.
>every recent WWI and WWII game pretends that no Eastern Front ever existed
>tacitcool shit up the ass on every weapon
I think I'm starting to see obvious patterns here.
It looks bad desu
i want a normal frostbite game
why such a good engine must be in the hands of retards
Americans arent even making this game stupid russian ape
Can't risk possibly portraying Russians as the good guys.
>It looks bad desu
Well it's an early trailer with early assets so yeah it's not going to be competing with DICE's level of detail.
>why such a good engine must be in the hands of retards
From what I read it's a great engine to make Battlefield games that look good, and that's it.
It's supposedly a nightware to work with if you're doing anything else with it.
They actually are lmao
Fucking ban avoiders
What the fuck are you even talking about? Battlefiled 1 had russian DLC and it was the biggest one in the game.
>he thinks that the studios make the decisions and not the publishers
This is even ignoring the fact that the American DICE studio is making this game, you dumb fucking nigger.
>The furfag is the reasonable one while the devs is trying so hard to find something to get offended at
What a fucking time to be alive
>World War 2 game
>only 2 fucking faction
Fuck these blatant shill threads. Every fucking dlc pack you fucks unabashedly shill this game here, acting like a couple of maps will fix your shitty game.
>if you dont like it dont buy it!
>save the world in WW2
>turn whole eastern europe to shit later
Thank God for Russia
Looks awful, although its pretty funny how they've now completely removed the women from all advertising.
Just call it a reflector site you autistic /k/ reject
>Fucking ban avoiders
>Game needs fucking MONTHS to add 2 new factions
There's another retard
>>turn whole eastern europe to shit later
As a Eastern yuropoor, I have to disagree with your dumbass. It was the few parts of the world not fucked by the jewish bank kabal for years on end, not affected by any economic crisis.
>french maps
>no free french forces or french army
>mediterranean map
>no greek or italian faction
>norwegian maps
>no norwegian army
>only fucking brits & insipid german faction
>adds burgers & japs before russians
I used to be angry about the direction that Battlefield took, now I'm just sad.
More like a year
>turn whole eastern europe to shit later
>life so fucking bad since the USSR collapsed that older people are nostalgic of Stalin
Lmao OK
>The elderly are nostalgic of back when their dick still worked and they weren't dying
I am shocked
Battlefield 1 isn't great but apart from Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria, they got all the fighters. 1 fucking year and there's still 2 factions in this shit game
Ebin reddit memes. How do I upvote?
I get brexit now, cheers user
>save the world
Keep dreaming vatnik
You just did :^)
Yeah, have to have an economy to be affected by economic crises
What happened with the supposed co-op missions/mode they talked about when they announced the game?
Lmao I lived in commieblock my whole life and just the mentality of permissiveness is enough to keep my country stagnant.
Dont even get me started how much of non-jewish intelligence was killed during CCCP regime
Pretty sure it's out and trash
>retarded hohol starts friendly fire
What scope? I'm 100% Suomi medic rusher but I was eyeing the Trombo.
>underageb& faggot can't even check the economic growth of that period
Sasuga faggotron. This is especially funny considering the USSR had to rebuild itself without foreign aid, unlike Western Europe which is stuck with massive loans to this day.
>Dont even get me started how much of non-jewish intelligence was killed during CCCP regime
>muh iнтeлiгeнцiя
Either western nigger pretending to be eastern yurope, or underage retard who grew up with Solzhenytsin.
Which "Modern BF" game is still alive?
Im so nostalgic for not being able to buy chocolate and toilet paper, really wish we could go back to the better times
However the faggots cheating the server browser make me want to uninstall.
>the liberator
>another fucking metro
what the fuck
>classic battlefield theme at the end
that's nice
>not being able to buy chocolate
So what?
>the USSR had to rebuild itself without foreign aid
The US actually did offer the USSR economic assistance under the Marshall plan, but Stalin rejected it. This was clearly a smart decision when you compare the state of the soviet bloc from then on to the state in the west. Why build things that improve quality of life for your citizens when you could be making more tanks and chemical weapons.
>When you see people who are actually nostalgic for the game that marked the beginning of the end for the franchise
>underage liberoid using the same old shit excuses without even knowing what he's on about
>open trailer
>immediately see a gun with a holo scope
closed and saged, good luck next time marketer
Don't listen to the fool, he has fallen prey to western psyop of "quality of life" and "happiness".
I lived on food stamps in pre 89' Poland you fucking retard, we could barely buy anything without dollars that could be acquired only if you had someone sending them to you because USSR money was absolute dogshit and cash exchanges werent a thing
>we're going to give you free money because we're the good guys
If you believe that kind of shit happens you're fucking naive
>The US actually did offer the USSR economic assistance under the Marshall plan
Yes, because as many previously declassified documents showed, US was trying to find ways to penetrate into the USSR right after WWII finished.
>This was clearly a smart decision when you compare the state of the soviet bloc from then on to the state in the west.
What is economic debt + many other problems? Have you even read about the documents like the ones that described how the US planned on dropping nukes on the USSR even before WWII ended?
>Why build things that improve quality of life for your citizens when you could be making more tanks and chemical weapons.
Based retard doesn't know what t he fuck he's on about. Literally pick up a history book, nigger. There were literally hundreds of plans implemented and worked upon.
Quality of life back then was in some ways better than then. If you think it was all worse then and all better now here then you're a delusional faggot.
Wait you actually would have wanted to live under the USSR's boot during the cold war? It was fucking terrible in Soviet eastern Europe.
t. nigger female
Have they unfucked Medics yet?
Not every angry-looking german guy is a jew hunter Nazi.
>giving economic aid is penetrating a nation
communists everyone
eastern european refuses the aid because they knew it would make there countries better
The best thing BFV did was introduce better movement systems. Rotating/falling onto your back when prone, timed rolls to break falls, animations for water/rounding corners/tripping, all made it more interesting to travel. They either fucked up other new good things, introduced actively bad things, or lacked things that should have been there in the first place.
Are you fucking fifty years old or what.
>eastern european refuses the aid because they knew it would make there countries better
Thank you for providing a picture of yourself, that's exactly how you look while saying that kind of nonsense.
Now pick up a history book and inform yourself before opening your filthy burger mouth.
>described how the US planned on dropping nukes on the USSR even before WWII ended?
Biggest mistake the western allies ever made was not launching operation unthinkable, the whole war was started to save Poland from a bloody tyrant, yet it ended with Poland under a different bloody tyrant.
>I would much rather live during the years of stalins purges than now
Ok, you had me going up until this bit, 9/10 bait.
Only a little. There's two bolt-action carbines, with more on the way, I presume.
You faggots were constantly trying to play both seats, let's start with that. Secondly, you niggers didn't even want to contribute in any big way to anything, just like today you're just leeching off of EU.
>would have wanted
Was born there.
>he has never seen western "aid" in action before
Sasuga 12 year old faggot.
>Biggest mistake the western allies ever made was not launching operation unthinkable
Kill yourself, western nigger.
>the whole war was started to save Poland from a bloody tyrant, yet it ended with Poland under a different bloody tyrant
>Ok, you had me going up until this bit, 9/10 bait
Irony. Unironically thinks WWII was about Poland and then talks about bait.
Who are you quoting?
meant for
Today I will remind them
>burger aid will improve quality of life and make country better
You're a dummy
>Fucking poland not wanting to be our obedient pet
>You faggots were constantly trying to play both seats
Lmao we played both sides so much that martial law in Poland lasted 2 years during which goverment asked multiple times for military assistance so they could curbstomp our biggest anti CCCP labour union.
Good way to dismiss that living standards under Soviets were actually dogshit
This 100%. Also add a cap for sprinting like the old games had
But the marshall plan demonstrably did do that.
actually looks almost as good as bad company2
Want to get into BF, Xbox One X or PS4 Pro? I'm guessing PS4 has the bigger playerbase
You clearly don't know what you're talking about, open a book dumdum.
Which book do you have that explains how much better life was in the soviet bloc, a collection of countries which needed to build walls manned with armed guards to prevent people leaving to the nations that did get Marshall aid?
No book can deny food stamps
There's a reason why no country controlled by the communists accepted aid when it was offered, retard. The US knew giving money to western germany would make it a shining beacon compared to east.
>>Fucking poland not wanting to be our obedient pet
Sasuga retard.
>Good way to dismiss that living standards under Soviets were actually dogshit
They were literally constantly improving bit by bit. The big difference is that countries in the West lived on huge banking loans and got fucked in the long run, that's why most Western countries today are obedient US lapdogs who have to do whatever their masters tell them. Fucking hell, do you retards ever bother to look at historical documents other than some retarded wiki articles?
Hes wrong, we should have never fought Germany from the start. The world would be such a better place if they'd won, not least because there would be no more russki chimps like you.
>There's a reason why no country controlled by the communists accepted aid when it was offered
Because they knew that western aid was a curse and even today we can still see that burgers going to help others is a double-edged sword and benefits the USA?
>food stamps exist in the US, UK, France and then a bunch of western countries even to this day
>hurrr muh USSR
Do you retards just pretend to be mentally challenged or were you really dropped on your heads?
should i be getting framedrops with a 1070 on low graphics? also its weird hearing women screaming during battle
DICE is an absolute no buy for all eternity
Its quite something that the soviet unions greatest selling point from its modern cheerleaders is that it managed to slowly improve living standards from that of an impoverished peasant to an impoverished factory worker in late 1800s London.
>should i be getting framedrops with a 1070 on low graphics
Depends on your RAM and CPU too, but I'm fine with a 1060.
>also its weird hearing women screaming during battle
Pretty sure they toned it down because it was annoying during the beta.
>also its weird hearing women screaming during battle
what is weird is seeing them in the battle, usually they're screaming outside of it.
It is such a curse to live in the first world.
I curse my forefathers for not aligning with a nation that would rather focus on making nerve gas than adequate production/distribution of consumer goods.
It was food rationing you fucking retard, shops were empty and you could only get shit with these stamps.
Which is still better than being raped by niggers on a daily basis, like a 19th century African peasant. God, you niggers are retarded. Do you only read tabloids or something?
The campaign spits in the face of history. Gameplay is just Battlefield.
>what’s wrong with it
Stupid fucking head wobble. No one bounces their head up and down like a retard without compensating for it.
>he thinks big bad USSR made only chemical weapons and nothing for its people
>probably lives in a western country that did worse things and perpetrates poverty in a world with more than enough ressources for everyone because of a retarded economic system
You need to be 18 years old to post here faggot.
>it's such a bad curse it fixed western european
go back to rt, faggot.
Stamps were literally only for foods which were embargoed and in short use. Plenty of regular food that most people live off of even today, like chicken and other shit. Difference is that today most of the food you buy is utter shit. My country is full of low quality Polish shit and everyone with half a brain still buys shit from local farmers who come into the city and sell their homegrown goods that are actually good.
>playing literal feminist propaganda
no thanks
>They were literally constantly improving bit by bit.
Yeah you can see that improvement in migration rates, or did they skyrocket because mighty and great fell CCCP fell from those pesky westerners?
Dice LA should've made the game to begin with
>muh marshall plan is da best
>it helped the west and wasn't at all a plan to take over the countries
>there wasn't any overseers giving orders to foreign governments and asking to take down worker movements
Begone 12 years old mutt.
>embargoed and short in use
Grain and meats were rationed, what the fuck wasnt in short use then?
When did west feel the need for food rationing?
Shit, I didn't realise I was getting raped by niggers on a daily basis.
Totally slipped my mind, thanks m8, gonna go tell everyone else how great daddy stalin was now.
I haven’t played since bf3 but I remember metro being a blast. I’m not sure why it’s as popular as it is but it is fun. I liked setting up at a choke point with my lmg and just machinegunning everyone down who tried to come forward on the map
>Yeah you can see that improvement in migration rates
Braindead idiots who think grass is greener on the other side existed everywhere across all ages. What is your point?
>or did they skyrocket because mighty and great fell CCCP fell from those pesky westerners
Considering that quite a few countries, even those that are in the EU, have only been declining in quality of life, I'd say so. See for instance, how many people are running away from the Baltics these days.
>met an old DICE LA worker (he was in the intro video to BF2, he's the guy shooting the AA gun)
>talked about how awesome it was back in the day
>hates EA for what they did to them, even though he referred to his old days as living in a gilded cage
>quit the industry over how poorly treated and paid they were by EA
He's a pretty awesome guy. Only had nothing but shit to say about BFV
>See for instance, how many people are running away from the Baltics these days.
Thats because they're running even further west lmao.
Even fucking CIA documents could tell you otherwise.
Again, depends on the types of meat.
>When did west feel the need for food rationing?
Eating dogs in Europe was very common up until the end of the 19th century.
Just like I didn't know I was an 1800's impoverished factory worker of London. Guess we all learn something new. God cucked the Queen and all that. Also don't forget to not get novichoked.
The dude with the mask? That was super cringy
>Thats because they're running even further west lmao.
It's 50/50. Everyone here is just looking for jobs. Mainly because we sold off all of our factories when the Soviet Union fell. A very bright move.
>Braindead idiots who think grass is greener on the other side existed everywhere across all ages. What is your point?
Its surprising that none of them ever went back.
>Stamps were literally only for foods which were embargoed and in short use. Plenty of regular food that most people live off of even today, like chicken and other shit
Nigger I still have some stamps for rice, meat and sugar in the attic. Stamps were LITERALLY CREATED DUE TO SCARCITY (to ration food) and you have the audacity to claim that there were no food problems.
Stop shitposting this ridiculous and ugly propaganda a w ogóle to kto to jest jakiś kurwa sasuga? Wypierdalaj do swojego liceum sie uczyć i przestań zasrywać nitke
>Eating dogs in Europe was very common up until the end of the 19th century
My grandparents had to eat dogs and cats in post-WW2 western europe.
And when it wasn't that bad afterwards, food was rationed.
>Just like I didn't know I was an 1800's impoverished factory worker of London
Oh no, Russia has managed to pull out of the 1800s during the 80s and into the 1960s now. Very impressive jump.
>Its surprising that none of them ever went back.
>what is confirmation bias
People would usually live with their mistakes than confront them and accept they were wrong.
Why wouldn't they want to go back to all of this?
No faggots will ever get me to stop loving the Imperial Guard
>Braindead idiots who think grass is greener on the other side existed everywhere across all ages. What is your point?
Certainly explains the unending net negative migration in Eastern Europe.
Face it Ivan, slavs lost due to communism.
yes goyim, play my game!
remember that anita is the only one to blame for the current state of DICE
>take over the countries
you mean in the same way communism took over eastern europe
>24% of the population
Jesus christ I didn't know it was that bad.
>Why wouldn't they want to go back to all of this
Because they now have homes and family in the country they went to?
And you're acting like alcohol, drug, rape, suicide, and all that shit doesn't exist in the west.
And you're acting like all that isn't much worse in Russia, in addition to the AIDs epidemic that the government wants to ignore.
>liberating countries from nazi occupation is the same as economical domination over others while trying to portray yourself as the good guy
Translate it nigger, its a stamp for flour and grain products.
I can provide you with second stamp that just says meat, because they didnt fucking differentiate
No no, the filthy americans simply give you money and tell you how to rebuild your country.
Not like glorious russians who overrun your country with a horde of drunk rapists, execute anyone in a position of power and then impose their own system.
>you're acting like all that isn't much worse in Russia
No I'm not, I wouldn't want to live in current day Russia, I like my western petty bourgeois comfort.
This game is dead. Beware there is an army of shills out today to try and convince you other wise
I thought this was a Battlefield Thread not /pol/
The real truth is that the only reason the Allies won is because they were able to work together and coordinate with some efficacy while the Axis nations all did their own thing. Without that I think the Axis probably could have won.
>overrun your country with a horde of drunk rapists, execute anyone in a position of power and then impose their own system
>implying that's not what happened in germany when burgers came in
Delusional mutt
>Executes anyone who might even disagree
>Condones mass rape
>Forces shitty economic system onto you
I can't imagine anything more depressing than living under the rule of the third reich only to be "liberated" by the russians.
Good thing the same is happening today with nationalists in Europe being incapable of coordinating and making a fucking unified group in the EU parliament.
Blame the devs for forcing political issues into their video games
They want to claim they want to show the less known parts of the war, theatres, putting in women, minorities, even where they dont belong, but theres plenty of stuff to actually represent that without being a divisive condescending SJW. Why are we getting an nth italian map, factions that have been in every game and the same weapons every time? If they want to do what they actually claom they want to do, why not add the minorities from the austro hungarian army in the game? Why not represent the first resistance group that formed in ww2 - the partisan movement in yugoslavia? Why not add a hungarian or romanian axis faction or show the battles between japs and brits, or the british sinking of the italian navy? Theres shit tons of material to go around but they keep making up shit where it doesnt belong.
>Its surprising that none of them ever went back.
What? I hope you're jesting.
>Nigger I still have some stamps for rice, meat and sugar in the attic.
Then it's a regional fucking thing. I can't speak for every nook and cranny of the Soviet Union.
>Stop shitposting this ridiculous and ugly propaganda
Sorry, I don't have to oblige by your faggot beliefs.
>a w ogóle to kto to jest jakiś kurwa sasuga? Wypierdalaj do swojego liceum sie uczyć i przestań zasrywać nitke
Tu bļa runāt iemācies kā cilvēks, petuhs tu stulbais.
I guess that would also explain why in part Marshall Plan was so easily implemented in Western Europe. By the way, it has come under a lot of fire in recent past from historians and some politicians who consider that Europe is being held hostage because of it.
>hurr Russia
I'm not even a russkie, but at least those faggots can go to space on their own.
Do you know anything about our shitholes? We're literally busy killing ourselves.
Whats the American equivalent of Katyn because i seem to have forgot exact moment they executed over 21k scientists teachers and military officers
That would actually be closer to what happened during the Japanese occupation rather than the German one and even then that isn't really true.
>They want to claim they want to show the less known parts of the war
>Why don't they actually showcase the lesser known parts of the war
Because they lied.
I just want to go back to BF3, it was so fucking great. But instead with get prosthetic armed women in world war 2.
No EA/Dice
You spat on loyal battlefield players for sjws who don’t even play your game. I wouldn’t have even mind it if you hadn’t been so dismissive and insulting afterwards and no amount of updates and dlc will make me buy the game.
I don’t like= don’t buy it. Stick to your tumblr landwhale marketing shtick
>people liked metro
>lets do that again
hope you die EA shill.
They really changed their marketing approach.
At the very least that shows the message got through loud and clear.
Ignoring /pol/ and salty vatniks if you want a good single book for the complete history of WW2 I highly recommend Inferno (AKA All Hell Let Loose if you're a yuro) by Max Hastings. Doesn't shy away from pointing out all of the Allies many faults while also unequivocally stating that the victory of the Allies was far more preferable than the Axis
>while minimizing ludicrous aspects (effectiveness of vehicles)
>get in apache with friend
>hover at ceiling with zoom optics and rain down rape
>push enemy team back into spawn consistently
really minimized alright
When does that hit, I gave up around firestorm coming out cos BR suck ass?
>forcing political issues into their video games
No one is forcing anything upon anyone; you could just ignore EA/DICE and their games, and ignore this thread.
inb4 kys SJW shill, but I don't even agree with them
Danger close were the good guys all along
Yeah I guess they now understand that these military games are mostly played by boys.