This game sucks. Am I missing something?

This game sucks. Am I missing something?
>no enemy variety at all
>repetitive areas - BUT THIS TIME IN REVERSE!!
>horrible loot system
>boring bosses
>DOA multiplayer

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Yeah, I loved it until about 60% through the game when I realised how repetitive it was and that nothing was changing. A shame, hopefully the sequel fixes this.

You've got a lot of company OP. It's one of my favorites but I'm a Diablofag so the loot is my jam. I just love the combat system and all the different options you have

Never understood the loot complaints.
You just replace your shit when you find something better and trash all the rest for upgrades.

I never played Diablo and still I never had any trouble with the loot
>Equip new drops with higher stats than your current gear
>Sell the rest

Nioh is easily one of my favorite games this gen.

>no enemy variety at all
At least 20 different types not counting element recolors. most other games don't even get half that much including recolors.
>repetitive areas - BUT THIS TIME IN REVERSE!!
Yet bigger than most other games.
>horrible loot system
Perfectly fine loot system, You just didn't care to grasp the piss easy to learn and in-depth Sort function.
>boring bosses
Better than slightly taller than you Humanoid number 74
>DOA multiplayer
I easily got connected to people well into 2019.
Vs might have been bad. But Co-op was not.

I never found any of Nioh's bosses boring (well, maybe the white tiger). Every boss battle was pretty fun.

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Are you going to spam that on every Nioh thread?

>no enemy variety at all
This is my only beef with Nioh
I think the bosses are fine. One or two are boring the rest were rather challenging. Don't give a fuck about multiplayer and the loot system is neat because there's a bit of a crafting element.

OP doesn't like fun.

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Everything you said is true but that doesn't stop it from being an excellent game. No game is without flaws, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. Easily one of the top 5 action RPGs of the decade.
>Am I missing something?
Good taste.

Exactly how I felt, many seem to feel the same way.
No way am I buying a sequel to this.

>Everything you said is true but that doesn't stop it from being an excellent game

It literally fucking does you "gold star for trying" dumbass. I think OP is bait though

>>no enemy variety at all
At least the intro wasn't bullshitting you.

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Facts is autism now?

No problem; I'll buy two copies of Nioh 2

There's enemies missing from the list so yes

No, you're pretty spot on.

The only real decider is if you enjoy the combat and playing dressups enough to overlook that.

It's a shame Nioh 2 is more of the same shit.

Nah, you're just retarded.

Still better Samurai Souls than Sekiro, but hopefully the sequel fixes issues yeah

>ur retarded HUR

I hate Niohfags so much

op's post is straight lies and exaggerations. This thread shouldn't be taken seriously.

I didn't care much for it either, too many gimmicky mechanics that are required for peak performance though they all detract from the game I want to play
>ki breath recharge thingy
>stance swapping
>those silly black demon clouds
I don't know why devs think they need to mess with something that was basically optimal in DaS (stamina system)
Probably one of the most frustrating games I've played to date, and I am loath to say this because I love samurai stuff and I always wished for Souls games to have more and proper katanas and stuff

My favorite game series is Way of the Samurai, you guys should try playing those, they're pretty good

No his points are actually spot on

No they aren't.

I really don't understand why people complain about the loot system. Every time they do they end up outing themselves as some retard who literally stops mid mission to min max his fucking gear

Damn those Niohfags for telling you the truth. You were not ready.

What do you mean?
There is 27 types of enemies in Nioh and that's no including the bosses and the same enemies but different element or weapon in hand.

my favorite boss? historical jap guy #5

Really? My issue with the humanoid bosses is that because they were human, they could be parried and thus too easy to beat. My favorite boss was the Giant Toad.

Ki pulse and stances are amazing gameplay mechanics; I can't understand how can someone not like them

But sequels are almost always thoroughly improved; Uncharted, Dark Souls, etcetc

One of my main complains with nioh is the fucking soundtrack
They reuse the same shit for 3 or 4 bosses more than once
Ex: hino enma and that monkey face tiger use the same ost
derrick, that alchemist, the final boss in the main story and maria use the same ost
Onryoki, umi bozu and that giant fucking skeleton use the same ost

Nothing at all, unless you are a diablo autist. Combat is alright, but that's it.

>repetitive areas - BUT THIS TIME IN REVERSE!!
that's the only one real thing from your post. Everything else is wrong.

>base your entire game around one of the most important times in japanese history
>complain that you fight the people pivotal to that era
I genuinely don't understand this. My only complaint is if they're going to let us fight a resurrected Nobunaga, let us fight a resurrected Hideyoshi too.

Once I got the "ki pulse when dodging" skill the game felt much more natural and "as intended" to me.

imagine being unable to learn unique interesting mechanics so you call them bad

most important time in japanese history is when they decided to add the mosaic, leading directly to their population decline

nioh 2 is basically just gonna be more nioh, so i doubt anyone who disliked the first will like the second

Yeah, no they literally are not. They are not even questionable apart fro the multiplayer.

Niohfags are incapable of operating within the boundaries of truth. Their threads are denial generals, which in turn riles up even more opposition to their deluded posts and on and on it goes.

On the plus side it means it's basically a guaranteed good time for me.

Did you try not playing it like Dark Souls?

Where's the ninjas or the many soldiers and bandits? A human holding a different weapon is a different enemy.

Soulsborne fans are like that: if a gameplay mechanic doesn't exist on a Soulsborne game, it's shit.
That's why you should never listen to any criticism they have about any videogame, Soulsborne clone or not.

At least take out the damn repeats on the left side.

>implying that these aren't just shitposting threads by people who want the game to be something it isn't
Nioh isn't a souls game and it never will be one, by design.

Completely misunderstanding complaints is autism.
>Someone complains about repetitive maps
>A-At least they're huge repetitive maps!
Bigger maps aren't better, a braindead loot system with linear progression is a waste of time.

Not that the game is all that bad, your enjoyment of it is just going to be completely predicated on how much you enjoy the combat and how much anything else matters to you

niohfags pretending it's not a soulslike because it has stances or whatever is the funniest shit every time

Yes, the human bosses, which are supposed to be the best in action games are instead the worst in this game because they are just beefed up regular enemies with the same weaknesses

I had a pretty fun time with it, it was a pretty good game overall even though I stopped playing it after defeating the waifu, it got too samey. Will probably pick it up where I left off again because after sekiro I keep craving feudal japan games

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sequel is literally just a dlc

Yes they are. Pure lies and exaggerations.

It has a good combat system. Problem is there is no reason to use it

Tried playing it, didn't even reach the 2nd boss because it got too boring

Trash game, just like hollow knight

>sees you approaching from halfway across the arena
>puts up guard forever

Because I'm shit at video games and these mechanics unneccessarily clutter what is already a demanding game
I love the idea of stances though and I wish more games had them, where they effectively change your attack patterns instead of just giving you a minor buff

True though dodging because you want to regen your ki is not something I could wrap my head around naturally

I called them gimmicky though, not necessarily bad

I said types.
there is 3 types of humans. The one that is taller than you (comes in different weapons)
The ones that are as tall as you (comes in different weapons)
and the ninjas (comes in one weapon)
You can classify them as three different enemies.
Just like how I classify most hollows in dark souls as the same enemy but with a different weapon.

>t-they want theb g-game to be something it's not!

I recognize your autism, narrative fag. Case in point.

I can agree that that's not the best reason it's not a soulslike.

I'm liking it so far OP. Fuck the poisonous mines thou.

Nah, you're just retarded.

here are 20 skills btw only 2 of them have any use

Wrong, all of them have a use, but only two are worth using.

Don't do the side missions then.

Ki pulse alone should make the game easier for you because it gives you a tiny sliver of ki to get the fuck away after spamming the attack button like crazy

I don't know, sure the skill trees are padded out with a lot of situational stuff, but between items ninjutsu and magic I certainly don't need more stuff to cram into my shortcuts

What's brain dead about the loot system?
You don't just equip the higher leveled thing.
You got sets and weapons and armor have skills you want to transfer and enhance.
You can Breakdown, sell, and offer equipment to the shrine for Materials, money, consumables and Amirita.
The sort function makes it easy to find what you want out of your large pile of equipment without spending 20 mins scrolling through it.
Only reason the maps seem repetitive is because you have side missions that allow you to go back to them.
In souls you walk through the same mostly linear landscape but never go back to those places after you finished them unless a DLC NPC showed up there later.

I really liked when toyonobushigedigenaga in that one level with the locked door next to the shrine activated living weapon and made the pretty colors everywhere

Moveset and any significant properties is what dictates if an enemy is different or just a reskin.

That adds a story-line taking place long before the events of the first nioh.
With a create-a-character, Who uses demons to fight for him, who has new weapons, has the skill system work differently for him, Transforms into a at least 3 different type of Oni, Gets help from the new Benevolent graves, and new enemies.
It's a sequel. They just didn't feel the need to totally revamp the entire game to make it.

Remember when new games were just the old games but with new and more stuff? Remember when games didn't try to reinvent the franchise for a completely different demographic every time they made another installment. Team Ninja remembers.

nioh is shit so total revamp wouldve been welcome

Because they're still human, that's the point. The game explicitly does not make the human enemies fight in a way that is impossible for the player. You're complaining that the AI doesn't cheat at the game. The only exception is Jin Hayabusa, and he's supposed to cheat because he's related to a different game.

Considering everyone who shits on the series mostly plays souls instead, yeah I'd say that's the case.

>game is designed around loot constantly dropping and being changed instead of every Longsword being the same as any other until you upgrade and infuse it
>stats from levelups make little difference until late-game
>contained selected levels instead of interconnected ones, far more contained than even the 5 worlds of Demons
>enemies always are constrained by the same rules as you, with the exception of one enemy in a bonus mission. There is no such thing as an enemy with infinite stamina, even demons can be stamina broken
>weak point system which extends to every non-human enemy in the game
>guardian spirits and more importanty living weapons which has no souls equivalent as nothing in those games gives you full invincibility with a massive attack and range boost
>debufffs can be fully refreshed at any time just with a simple reapplication
>no souls game would ever allow the sloth talisman without the entire playerbase shouting bullshit because it would be impossibly broken in pvp
>stacking 2 kinds of debuffs creates a unique debuff that makes any enemy, even bosses, stagger from all attacks against them with greatly lowered defense
>attack combos, moves change their animation and properties depending on where in the combo you are, in addition to things like finishers

Off the top of my head, without looking anything up, those are all things Nioh does that souls games don't. It's enough to make the game distinct.

I wouldn't buy it if it was different, I want more of the same.

You are a very vocal minority.

good for you mate

>stacking 2 kinds of debuffs creates a unique debuff that makes any enemy, even bosses, stagger from all attacks against them with greatly lowered defense
I really hope Nioh 2 scales that back because it made the game far too easy. Yeah certain bosses are basically impossible to inflict with one specific element (Masamune with wind for one), but basically all of them can be hurt with some combination of 2 relatively easily, and once they've been inflicted with Discord all you need to do is pop living weapon and you win. It doesn't matter how tough they are, they can't survive that.

The alpha has already confirmed that discord is nowhere near as powerful as it was in 1.

>the locked door next to the shrine
Also, the door is next to an Shrine of Winter-tier obstacle.

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Sorry OP you have ADHD

left side is 80% human wearing different type of armour

I think maybe he means the door that you have to give the guy dung until he lets you through, which lets you skip fighting Honda Civic

dark souls enemies are forgettable for the most part desu


nioh will always be remembered as poor man's dark souls and then poor man's sekiro, even though sekiro came after it. thats how "mediocre" the game is.

dilate fromincel


I hate this thing. I hate it probably more than any other enemy in a videogame
>inb4 get gud
I did, I can reliably beat it with little trouble now. That being said, you go do that mission where you fight this along with 2 Raven Tengu and tell me you don't want to go put a boot up Kou Shibusawa's ass.

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you develop this kind of asshurt only, and only if you got filtered by one of the first three bosses and people laughed at you for it.
That's something Nioh has going for it, unliek whokiro: testbeds forgotten twice.

its a bullshit tedious boss without any actual challenging/fun element to it. Pretty much how i felt about 90% of Nioh bosses.

well, apparently it was good enough to warrant a sequel, and maybe the fanbase won't be as faggy then

this is one of the funnest bosses I've ever encountered in any game. Waiting for the right moments when he charges his body with lightning amrita then going close up and proccing those weak points feels very delicious.

>bosses having special properties that put them above other enemies is the AI cheating

I'm talking to a legit fucking retard holy shit. Play more video games you fucking actionlet.

have sex

i dropped the game out of pure monotony after beating the giant centipede. Don't stoop to soulsfags level and pull out the "hurr durr you got filtered" card user, you are better than that.

That would be fine if he didn't have an instant retailation lighting bolt in the middle of you comboing him that has basically no tells and hits you for 1400 damage

those kind of missions are designed to bust your balls
that fucking one in Sekigahara with the cannon and 2 Raven Tengu still scares me

I'd buy it if the loot system wasn't complete GARBAGE desu.

Nop. Welcome to the club

>it got sequels so it must be good
you want me to start listing pure shovelware that got sequels?

I beat him on my second try. I'm not sure if I got lucky or you all just suck.

Honestly this game made me realize just how much level design carries souls games.
The combat in those games is very simplistic, but you keep pushing on anyways because the levels are just fun to progress through.
In Nioh it feels like some dude drew a random fucking maze on a sheet of paper and then said "okay now make this a level" without any thought about how it should all fit together.
Half the levels in Nioh are just caves because that way they don't have to put anything except walls in the spaces between paths.

Fucking bad. The core combat mechanics are good, but let's be honest it's fucking bloated and ruined by RPG mechanics.
I shouldn't have to put points into skills to unlock something as basic as a parry.
Then there's also this issue that for some reason the Katana has like 2x more skills than any other weapon and is at least 3x more versatile. Everytime i got bored of the katana i switched over to a different weapon only to realize that the novelty expires fast and the katana is just better mechanically. Then there's also the stance system which is kind of useless.
Noone ever switches out of mid stance except maybe to execute a certain skill that can only be used in X stance.
Ninjutsu and Onmyo magic are POWERFUL but boring as FUCK. I made a Kunai build once that melted shit but the gameplay put me to sleep

The person I was replying to was expliticly saying it's a soulslike, I'm saying what it does that's inherently different.
>Play more video games you fucking actionlet.
If I wanted a GOOD action game, I wouldn't be playing Nioh or Souls.

>loot system widely criticized by pretty much everyone
>some niohfag tells u its actually not that bad
pretty much anytime the topic comes up. Its like people cant criticize something they enjoy even if its shit

Literally who?

sorry, i meant it sold well enough. obviously i think the game is good

>has basically no tells
he literally stands up you retarded faggot
2-3 deaths should be enough to teach you a lesson that 3-4 hits after depleting his Ki he will stand up and call lightning. The animation alone is time enough to roll away since the lighting only lands point blank around him.

Explain how it's garbage.
Seeing as there is a easily acquirable set for everyone's needs and a amazing Sort system I can't see a fault in the loot system myself.

I probably have over 2000 hours across all Souls games but I couldn't bring myself to make it to the third boss of Nioh. The game fucking blows.

souls good nioh bad

Every time someone criticizes it though they never go into detail.

For one he's intentionally designed to be the pleb filter of the game since nothing prior to him is as aggressive as he is. But more importantly, the issue is more with the fact that the game loves to shove him in with other enemies and not alone as the game goes on. It's not as bad as Onryudo who I swear I fought like 11 times by the time the game was done, but you fight Nue plenty.

>I probably have over 2000 hours across all Souls games
Imagine the braincell destruction
how are you even able to maintain enough motor abilities to type a post? shouldn't you be a complete mongoloid by now?

It's the only thing I'm vehemently against in this game. I played Nioh for about 50 hours and then just couldn't keep playing, there's no excitement in the loot and I was just raping everything at that point.

You get 3298472 loot but none of it is really good, so after a while I wasn't even changing my gear anymore.

Instead of 2389472394 gear, they should have, like dark souls, few gear but every update is meaningful. Because like that you'll always feel something when something drops or you find some loot, you try it out, if it's good you feel happy, if it's interesting you're happy as well.

>Its like people cant criticize something they enjoy even if its shit
Maybe I don't think it's shit. Maybe I don't think a diablo loot system is a problem because I grew up on diablo so it's completely normal to me. I see literally no problem with this kind of loot system.

user I played Souls not Nioh

>>loot system widely criticized by pretty much everyone
And, on the other side of the coin, widely praised as well.
Based TeamNinja knew it needed to put some difficulty filters to weed out the soulstrannies, and they succeeded very well with the loot and they're pushing it home for N2 to keep soulsdorks like you filtered out.

I figured you didn't play Nioh, the stances alone require 100 IQ to grasp, 50 points higher than pressing R1.

Nioh is trash but it's still the best Soulslike we have. Based From Soft will never ever be topped.

I disagree, the only complaint I have with the gear system is once divine gear comes into the picture, literally nothing else matters. Even purple gear exists only to be sold. divine gear is just so good that once you start getting it, all other gear is irrelevant.

Of course, they lock away divine gear so that you can never find any until you beat the "final" boss of the game.

It's completely boring, it takes the excitement about finding and changing gear completely away. After a while you start not even caring about your equipment, every update will only give minor updates to your character so who cares?

When I played Dark Souls or even Sekiro, everything I got in the game was cool, I always tried new weapons, new gear, and every upgrade felt meaningful.

Nioh is the complete opposite of this.

Good loot doesn't matter until you get to post game.
By then you can make your own good loot out of materials you acquired through killing enemies and dismantling equipment. While also just merging and altering equipment together to give armor sets you like the skills you want.

If they went with Dark souls then everyone would be using the Optimized set for their build instead of having a unique build of their own that they crafted and wanted.

>Based From Soft will never ever be topped.
Dragon's Dogma

Yes they did, they stoped trying because they were met with insular denial as a reply.

exactly. the loot loses all its meaning when ur constantly inundated with shit that really doesnt add anything interesting or new.

lol you can't possibly be serious

Good game but it's not a soulslike, it's a 3D version of those D&D games Capcom made for the arcades decades ago.

>At least 20 different types not counting element recolors.
I feel like this can't be true. It didn't feel like 20+ enemy types. The actual humans were all the same (with the exception of the mages and the ninjas) and then they all had a copy-paste skeleton version that was exactly the same as their human counterpart, but just fell to pieces.
There were huge stretches where bosses were the only thing worth looking forward to because you'd literally seen everything the game was throwing at you by the point.

not him, but I saw Dragons dogma on sale on ps4. Hows it? I am mildly interested in it, but not a big fan of big open world RPGs anymore.

See Nioh focused the upgrades and meaningulness and mechanics on samurai, onmyo, ninjutsu, type of weapon and living weapon stuff. Dork souls on the other hand doesn't have that, it has 50 shades of the same weapon with the same moveset. Nioh has all weapons with the same moveset, why? because the movesets and skills were moved to the fucking skills tab. So the weapons are actually weapons, they're only about numbers, stats and effects/set bonuses. No katana should have different moveset because at the end of the day it's a bread and butter katana like all the other katanas in the game.

I don't understand this retarded complaint with dork souls as a rallying point because dork souls is 10 times worse than Nioh going by your very own logic, since it has no unique movesets throughout 99% of it's weapons and the few ones with a unique weapon art are mostly unviable or useful for autismus maximus builds that no one bothers with when they can grab generic longsword #543543 and spam R1.


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>its not a soulslike
Who cares, it tops all Soulshit.

>no real jumps in power
>he never obtained divine gear
When I said it makes all other gear up to that point completely irrelevant, I meant it. And at that point you don't look for new gear, you start going into the crafting system to upgrade into +1/+2/etc versions of what you're carrying. Especially since unlike any previous armor, divine armor gains affinity like weapons.

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Are you trying to cosplay snake from MGS? based

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Don't judge the game until after you perform the first escort quest.

In souls 9 times out of 10 I would find equipment that I don't give a fuck about because it isn't worth shit for my build.
In Nioh I'm Constantly changing shit out until post game in which I've crafted and pasted together a Unique build of my own.
Most of the time it's just people bitching about the sheer amount of equipment you find and being shut down by someone saying use the really good sort function or people bitching about nothing being unique but neglect to ever use sets or enhance and replace skills in their equipment.

The System is fine. Most people are just too lazy to learn how to use it properly.

He didn't take out the repeats on the right, it's a fair comparison.

ok samefag.

It's got a really slow (and I mean glacially slow) start but it picks up from once you get to the capital city. Just don't pick warrior. I wish it was good but it's just not, being Guts from Berserk isn't worth only having 3 skill slots.

Not even close but enjoy your world of delusion

>If they went with Dark souls then everyone would be using the Optimized set for their build instead of having a unique build of their own that they crafted and wanted.

wat, I know a lot of people who play these games, everyone uses the build they like, unless they are pvp fags, who cares about build?

I didn't include the humans in the list at all.
27 types without bosses, recolors, or humans.
Problem is you fought the Oni and humans like 60% of the time and rarely saw most other enemies until the DLC or Later Side missions.








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>who cares about build
Humans are wired to seek the path of least resistance, hence gear optimization

>the list
What list?

That's not what it means

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World of delusion is playing normalfaggot games like soultrash and thinking you're some kind of video game connoisseur because you ran through the same garbo 7 times, did a speedrun, did an SL4 playthrough with a club like gorillion other autistic normalfaggots did, did another playthrough while inserting a dildo in your asshole, dilated during a bossfight and thinking this makes you some kind of 1 percenter when you're playing one of the most normie franchises developed by an inbred droop-eyed one-trick hack who's gameplay since 2009 has been R1 pressing simulation.


I meant literal exact repeats. There's like ten instances of "Mimic" on the left side. I don't even have a horse in this race, but it would strengthen the image because the DS3 list would still be much longer with no repeats

Have sex


>Everytime i got bored of the katana i switched over to a different weapon only to realize that the novelty expires fast and the katana is just better mechanically.
Boi go back and equip some tonfa, then see how little katanas matter
Tonfas are easymode to such an extreme that it isn't even funny. It's the only weapon class in the game where the enemy is actually worse off if they block.

This one
The right list is all of the Yokai in the game that aren't recolors or size variations of each other. No bosses, No humans, No recolors, no different weapon in hand.
27 types. If you want to add humans. 30 different types since there are 3 types of humans. Ninja, Medium, large.

I disliked the loot system at first, because I wasn't expecting it to be Diablo style. I really started to get into it in NG+. Nioh ended up being my GotY, and its end game is a blast. The amount of build variety is fantastic.

By that time you beat the game and are doing the exact same thing In a souls game at that point as well.

I did play them and i didn't enjoy them.
Also, it's not really about how good they are just about how many options you have and the versatility of the weapon. Maybe Tonfa keeps up with Katana in that respect but i think we can all agree that in the base game Katana had way, way more options for any kind of situation than Axe, Kusari and Dual Katana combined. The only weapon class that came even halfway close was spear.

Not him but explain to me why a small variety of enemies matters. No really, I want to know, considering every other action game I can think of that isn't souls, has a relatively small pool of different enemies to fight and no one uses that as a strike against them. Hell DMC3 is considered by many the best game in the series and you know how many different types of enemies there are in that game, not counting bosses or recolors? Nine.

>the game starts being good at NG+

oh boi

The mirror is so fun.

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>Maybe Tonfa keeps up with Katana in that respect but i think we can all agree that in the base game Katana had way, way more options for any kind of situation than Axe, Kusari and Dual Katana combined. The only weapon class that came even halfway close was spear.
I think you just didn't play past level 500 because once you do, katanas are irrelevant outside of parrying and it's all about dual swords. Case in point.

>It's a sequel. They just didn't feel the need to totally revamp the entire game to make it.
Nothing you listed above is unique to a sequel
at the very best Nioh II is a expansion.
>Remember when new games were just the old games but with new and more stuff?
Like the Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty franchises.
>Remember when games didn't try to reinvent the franchise for a completely different demographic every time they made another installment.
Nobody's arguing for that. The idea that more enemy variety less repetitive area a better loot system and better bosses don't appeal to the core demographic of the first game is fucking stupid and just shows how far people will go to defend shit games.

Whenever someone talks about build variety and how they enjoy the loot and affixes you can be 99% sure that you're talking to a brainlet who just enjoys seeing numbers.

See, from a glance that list is pretty fucked. It's got shit like mini-umis and mudman listed separately as if they aren't just a recolor. And things like the one-eyed imp and one-eyed oni seperate as if they one-eyed imps only purpose isn't to transform into the oni.

>whole thing is using guns
>his weakness is shooting him with guns

I won't say "starts being good" because I liked NG, but the game does drastically change in NG+ because it locks away mechanics until then.

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I'm not saying it does. I'm just pointing out that there is more enemies in the game than people realized. The problem most people had is the enemy variety but the real problem was they didn't utilize the variety they had.
The focused the Yoki, skeletons, and Human enemies for most of the game until the DLC where they mostly focused the Long snake necked people over the Yoki.
The Lack of Variety wasn't the problem. The problem is they never used their Variety effectively.

At least Nioh 2 adds like at least 6 more Yokai types to the mix from the Alpha alone.

>no enemy variety at all
I wonder how much of this would be remedied if they didn’t focus so much on making their NPC cast so varied and detailed. I get it, they like their cast and characters, but their interactions take up like one percent of total gametime.

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Cute feet

user it's an rpg. The numbers are in fact what matters.

>where they mostly focused the Long snake necked people
Don't mention them, I don't want to think about them.

>uhm, actually once you hit level 500-
noone above 70 IQ would play this boring ass shit game past NG+2.

No, it's an action game that was sadly developed by complete retards who don't know what to do besides kitchen sink style throwing systems and systems into their game instead of providing a focused experience.

>implying I have anything better to do
My time is the opposite of valuable.

>No, it's an action game
With RPG mechanics. Which means numbers will always trump skill.

>New areas
>New weapons
>New combat mechanics
>New summoning mechanics
>New enemies
>New characters

I think I’d prefer a more simple item system if it meant I could switch stances with one button. I’m only a bit into NG+ and I found myself stance switching way, waaay more than I’m using item shortcuts.

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Its an action rpg. It blends Ninja Gaiden with Diablo loot. Why is this so difficult for people to understand? Its fine if you don't enjoy it.

God you're really retarded.
What don't you understand about versatility?
Katana is easily the best in that respect throughout the entire main game.
Just because Dual Katana ends up breaking the game more easily doesn't make it a weapon with more versatility in it's basic design.
We're talking about a point at which Nioh stops being an action game and starts just being a numbers game, at which point the game loses most people's interest completely because it's not good at this.

>Like the Assassin's Creed
Asscreed was good before they killed off the only character who tied the stories together and thus a reason to keep caring from game to game. Of course, if they DID end the games with Desmond it would mean they ended with the worst game in the series up to that point.

>Nothing you listed above is unique to a sequel
True. But everything I listed above is different and new from the first game.
>Like the Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty franchises.
I said New and more stuff. Not the exact same stuff with new paint.
>The idea that more enemy variety less repetitive area a better loot system and better bosses don't appeal to the core demographic of the first game is fucking stupid
Besides your stupid complaint about the Loot system you never tried to understand Nioh 2's Alpha showed they did all of that in spades.
They added like 6 new enemy types alone in the alpha.

>We're talking about a point at which Nioh stops being an action game and starts just being a numbers game, at which point the game loses most people's interest completely because it's not good at this.
Only the dedicated players will ever actually reach that point so I see it as a nonissue. It's clear most people who play games don't even beat them once.

>that aren't recolors or size variations of each other
I see a few in there.

are you retarded ? sekiro is a good example of good casual filters by removing summoning and dumb builds, adding hours of sorting and salvaging your garbage meaningless loot doesnt add any difficulty, especially since the game is broken from the core and insanely easy to cheese

>Not him but explain to me why a small variety of enemies matters. No really, I want to know, considering every other action game I can think of that isn't souls, has a relatively small pool of different enemies to fight
Because the game tries to be the middle ground between Souls likes and character action games and fails at both

You don't start getting into the numbers until the Way of the Wise. At which point most people have already tapered off and moved on to other games.

>and fails at both
In your opinion.

>removing summoning
It's not removed, it's there. It's just that no one uses it.

You're not missing anything. This game takes nothing good from Dark Souls and everything bad from Diablo, but Team Ninja cucks will defend both.

The fact that the person asking to be summoned cannot do so while playing the game themselves, deincentivizes doing co-op.

>and everything bad from Diablo
If you don't like loot grinds, Diablo was never the game for you to begin with.


That's not an argument, you're not saying anything objective. I like the game but I know it's nothing but my opinion but then, my opinion is the only thing that matters to me.

It looks like he’s talking about Sekiro removing summoning

do people genuinely like grinding loot? sounds autistic

It is autistic, I won't deny that, but yes. It's a constant move towards a set goal.

>dumb builds, adding hours of sorting and salvaging your garbage meaningless loot doesnt add any difficulty, especially since the game is broken from the core and insanely easy to cheese

this essentially.

My only complaint is some of the side missions are intentionally bullshit. Not in the "you need a lot of skill to beat this" but "you need a lot of patience to beat this"

sorting, selling, offering and dismantling takes seconds because the sorting system is great.

Yeup it’s why gachas are a goldmine, and then they threw anime tits on everything. It’s jarring how often v loves a game, then I try it and run immediately into grinding and other f2p shit.

git gud


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At least gacha games don't expect you to play longer than 15 minutes a day on average.

The only real plus I like from Nioh’s loot is the chance of having an item better than yours equipped. My only gripe with Souls’ games awesome “works the whole game” viability is never finding an item better than our currently upgraded mainhand. Only DS2 did that from what I recall, by having some +6 weapons here and there.

Only point in the game where you would start to grind is when you reach the 3rd difficulty.
Before that it's just equipping sets you find and using your main weapon type.

it's boring. weapons don't feel unique. +50 doesn't feel good.

I guess it was off topic but I was just talking about v’s love of grind overall.

bro just get to NG++++++++++ so you have a reason to use any of the blacksmithing systems

the combat is fun, but for some reason not satisfying. there's no weight to your weapon swings, no feeling of impact, no crunch. Even the audio when your hits land is weak. it feels like your slicing air.

user, most of Yea Forums is autistic. Most of Yea Forums is autistic. Autistic people enjoy repetitive tasks because it's routine and and rapid change unnerves them. I should know, I'm autistic.

Why not using a trainer?

>he didn't soul match muneshige's armor set after every mission to raise its level

You always have a reason to use the blacksmiths system.
By turning whatever set of armor and weapons you like into Higher level versions of those pieces of equipment.
You just don't have a reason to use the Inherit skill blacksmith system until new-game ++.

Everything else go nuts.

You are exactly what is wrong with Yea Forums, you either have to love something to death or despise every aspect of it, you like Nioh so here you are feeling the need to defend every single aspect of the game.

He's only doing it because the people he's arguing with are the exact opposite.

I refuse to let the game have the satisfaction of knowing I couldn't beat it without cheats.

>user, most of Yea Forums is autistic
Wow no joke huh, because that’s what I said here >captcha has a short bus

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Post-oatmeal Team Ninja is shit. We could have had another Ninja Gaiden, instead we got the unfulfilled potential that was Nioh 1 and Nioh 2 looks exactly the same. Gee, can't wait to fucking ki pulse all the time again because it's not an interesting option but a mandatory rhythm game mechanic.

Why can't I do both at the same time for the same game?
You know. Love a game but understand it's faults.
Nioh's a great game and most of the problems people have with it are due to their own ignorance, Opinions, or don't matter to anyone prior to new game++
Most peoples problem with the loot system is the mitigated or outright removed by the excellent sorting system.
People bitching about builds never once used the blacksmith.
People bitching about numbers never got to the point in the game where numbers mattered.
Legitimate complaints is enemy variety but not in the way most people seem to want to bitch at the game for.
The game has not many enemy types yes. But the real issue is they don't use the enemy types they have often enough. they focus on 3-5 types a mission and sprinkling in 1 or 2 cameos of other enemies as a surprise instead of having the stage packed with a large selection of the 30 or so enemy types.
Also a big problem is people feeling they are required to connect this with the souls series when it is more Onimusha meets Ninja Gaiden with superficial souls elements.
PVP is trash and nobody cared for it.
The Story was just a fantasy retelling of Japanese history.
And most side missions were basically just small arenas played over and over again.

Besides that shit. Great game. Looking forward to 2 where they just do the same thing but add new and more shit.

>Why can't I do both at the same time for the same game?
>You know. Love a game but understand it's faults.
We both know that's not how Yea Forums works. People only think in extremes here.

is it perfect? no. is it fun? yes.

the loot system is boring. i wish there were SOME bosses that just dropped certain things every time.

i'll take a game like this over ASScreed or some such any day

>i wish there were SOME bosses that just dropped certain things every time.
Generally they drop the gear they are specifically associated with, like Muneshige with his armor, Nobunaga with his unique katana, etc

But bosses do that.
Yokai Bosses drop crafting material and a weapon related to them most of the time.
Human Bosses drop their entire fucking set on a loot table.

use Sloth talisman breh

bro just kill a revenant to make all other gear drops irrelevant outside soul matching for the first couple playthroughs


I got so bored of Nioh that I went to replay Dark Souls 2. That's how bad it is.

sixty bux, ten bux per yokai plus tip, gaijin

hollow knight is a flash game
nioh is a trash game

>revenant has gear you need
>refuses to drop it

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60 bucks for Nioh one.
2 bucks per enemy type not including elemental variants and weapons in hand.
Also the Alpha only had 2 small area's to work with.
I'm sure there is far more than just those 6 from the alpha.

Hollow Knight is actually 10/10. I agree that Nioh is a trash game though.

bought this game since team ninja made it and expect something on par with ninja gaiden black or ngii. Instead got this game that is more about the equipment u have and ur build than actual skill. the sequel is fucked

I love Nioh so much that I can't bring myself to start on Soulsborne. I'm not even trying to shitpost, I really want to play Souls, but Nioh just feels so much faster and smoother and taps into my weeb/loot autism. I think I'll eventually get tired of grinding NG+s in Nioh and then give DS1 or Bloodborne a fair try

It was pretty great. My GOTY that year I think.