4 days

4 days.

Attached: squilliam.jpg (300x300, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


until what?

Until Vergil uses Yamato to come out of your screen and releases Qliphoth into this dimension.

>4 days until the return of Todd

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it's punished todd this time

But he's not coming. He has... other matters to attend to.

>4 days until delays to 2020

Hi Todd

Fuck off.

I pirated Morrowind

5 days till Gex.

Attached: gex v2 final.png (600x600, 16K)

I don't know about you but the E3 dreams are getting so fequent now for me at night! I can't even contain myself and I have to keep a cup of formula warming on the stove just to get to sleep!

Last night I dreamed I had a girlfriend and she was Asian and we were watching E3 together! Every time a Nintendo employee came on stage we started crying and screaming. At one point two Nintendo employees were on stage at the samme time while a video about their ideas for new Switch packaging played on a big screen behind them and I was screaming and crying so hard that I couldn't see or hear! And I was hugging my Asian dream gf and she was giggling in Japanese! And every time she saw Mario, she would go "Mario!" and I would clap!

When I woke up and realized it was a dream and she wasn't real, it still didn't matter because E3 is in 4 days, bros! We've been preparing to watch these advertisements for MONTHS, haven't we!?

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Did we finish the collage last night?

collage OP said one day left (today). It's nearly full, see:

The threads died but they will be back later


yarrrr.....this doesn't do it matey

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4 days for unexciting crap and fake promises that lead to disappointment, yay...

Truly based. Thanks cap'n! Say, could someone make this fine swashbuckler a squillaim?


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only waiting for Capcom's new game, Ubisoft ruining Splinter Cell and that "surprising" JRPG announcement

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God I'm glad Sony isn't there this year. What was with that pretentious shit last year? So far up their own asses now that they're on top.

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*flute noises in the distance*

>Ubisoft ruining Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell is already pretty fucked by both Ubisoft's shitty "haha cameos" shit and their inactivity within that franchise. At this point I'm just excited for any games at all.

someone made one already

previous thread for those that missed it

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>tfw no jap gf to dream with

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forced meme

Fuck off Randy