how he didn't get fired for that?
How did a fictional character working for a fictional store speaking with a fictional manager not got fired for fucking himself over? Is that your question?
Joke is there
Execution is nowhere.
let's see your webcomic then
words word words words video games word words words
Why does the right have a mental breakdown every time they see more than two lines of text on anything?
it's funny because it's true
I think my favorite part about CAD is that Buckley has no idea how anything works, and everything in his comic is an immature and cynical bad guess about how life is
>hey look how hard i can pee!
Who are you quoting
I'd guess he's quoting the comic with that quote in it.
literally a webcomic, one thats retarded, but also has better execution than bum tickley
I always found the mentality of "I love video games so I should work at Gamestop" kind of weird, especially since Buckley's insert is supposed to be cool and in his mid/late 20s
Why aren't newfags given public bans anymore?
>Why does the right have a mental breakdown every time they see more than two lines of text on anything?
Most conservatives can't read.
>Most conservatives can't read.
The educational system in the US is so bad they vote on colors.
better then your faggot euro shit
Can someone post some funny leftist comics?
Joke's on you, I'm American.
haha... ha... ah, fuck. It sucks.
Webcomics sucking transcends political boundaries.
But 99.999% of creative people would meet your definition of leftist, so I'm not sure what your point is.
My point is that I'm asking for funny leftist comics, not right wing stuff.
LOL threads these days are like looking at dried up unhealthy cows. Once glorious and bountiful full of delicious milk, now barely getting through by recycling all the old shit we laughed at 5-12 years ago. I miss when Dobson would entertain us with a new humilation every other day in 2011-2014.
What's the punchline?
Does anyone have the stick comic about two friends meeting up and his friend doesn't play video games anymore and has a wife and son?
Funny as in "wow this is fucking awful" funny or "i legit find this creator to be genuinely talented" funny? Because the latter doesn't exist.
I don't get it...
The father's a fucking joke and is probably one of the main reasons his son turned into a crossdressing freak.
Well I'd prefer the latter.
404: does not exist
Why can't leftists make any funny comics, then? Right wing people laugh at their comics all the time.
Because they moved further to the far left and have demonized most humor as offensive thus ostracizing classical liberals who once defined 20th century humor.
Early up to 250 Sandra and Woo isn't bad, I remember enjoying it a lot.
Well that sucks, hopefully they become funny sometime.
shes ashamed of her body still and will forever be
Bloom County. The old stuff.
i take it the person in the portrait is the "daughter" formerly a "son". basically lil tranny doesnt want his friend looking at his old pictures
You leave me no choice but to reveal my true identity.
The irony. It's ironic.
because mods are newfags as well
check out Matt Bors
That doesn't sound funny
>34 answers
im curious now, i hope at least 1 person told this whore to go eat shit
shes not pregnant
i checked
Leftists comics are about having REAL social value, not just being a throw away gag to be forgotten like sam hyde on paper. You say they're not funny, but I bet you'll remember them way longer than any other right leaning ben garrison trite.
yahoo answers was facebook groups before facebook
Can you post some?
>not being the person to egg her on
Because admins on Yea Forums are fucking dumb and make odd bizarre decisions nobody asks for. And ultimately all stems for how moot ran things before he gave it to Hiroshima. He would put in small short term bandaids for long term issues and just ignore everything else. Removing public bans removes the visual signal for retards that "this will get you banned" so they continue in bliss. In the admins mind, this helps hinder reaction responses to said ban, but ultimately it just increases shitposting even more.
Yeah but I wanted some funny ones.
That's not very funny.
Flawed argument. We remember shit from CWC lot more than Sam Hyde, but that doesn't mean CWC is a representative of talent or social values.
>choking out a manlet
She doesn't even need to preach to him at this point. She may as well just finish him off. His life is already a hard one.
I bet this is a nigger
you could just look it up
the title is right on the image
everyone shits on her for being a psychopath
Haha his son is a troglodyte and he will never get him back
"t-the right cant meme" screams the left, as they steal yet another right meme
>niggers thinking the court systems will ever go their way
nope no and no
does anyone have the comic where the guy joins a gym to impress a girl then ends up with his gym bro instead? needed for important reasons
Absolutely crummy
>$5 for a single balloon
oy vey i wonder whos behind the """helium decline"""
Chris is a zeitgeist for a culture that many people would have never known about if it weren't for the existence of his contemporary art. He is a cornerstone of social values held by a niche, with those values being rooted in a lack of any true social interaction ability. The problem is you conflate being "good" with being valuable, when in truth value lies in scarcity, not in quality.
>$5 for a balloon
what the hell?
There's nothing valuable with the typical leftist comic. I'll give you a 7/10 though for your comment, you got me to respond.
Maybe he's selling all of them at once.
Let me tell you about inflation. *rimshot*
>What about the Water?!
Not sure if blue bear or carlos.
There's nothing valuable with the typical anything, it's just that the left more often than not will break tradition and stir up something at least worth looking at if not discussing, while the right will continue to stew in the same talking points and values for years until the next paradigm shift happens and what's considered edgy now is considered normal, just, moral, and worth preserving. It's the left's place to tear down walls and the right's place to build new ones.
>but it's too many
>makes you part of the problem
but #notallmuslims
>"look people, these children are really out of touch, that's my joke, they're OUT OF TOUCH haha!"
>*5$ a balloon*
underrated, this is good user
>bawww I don't want to read, words are bad
>father reminisces over the loss of their child, knowing what they became ruined any possibility of actual 'father/son' bonding
>author is projecting a level of self-awareness, but too high up on their pedestal to rethink their twisted decision
replace white with black and reread it
I just said I want to read words, I just asked for something funny.
Nobody wants to read a long winded rambling tangent that goes nowhere, especially in a comic strip.
>niggers going to college
Nice try, bud.
t. Nigger
Where do you get your ideas from?
this to be honest Anons words are better and it doesn't matter how empty the actual words are as long as they are words they are good because words are knowledge and knowledge is power and power is good so it doesn't matter how long the sentence is despite the fact you could easily just narrow it down to "this" you still have to read every single pointless word no matter what. I have to compliment for implying that webcomics are equal to revolutionary ideas that shape civilizations which to be honest is correct absolutely
unironically have sex
But that's all alt-rite jokes in a nutshell
Except Leftist comics aren't edgy, they want to silence those who are edgy. Sure, at one point just a mere 50-15 years ago, Leftist use to be the pioneer on breaking new grounds, but now all it's become is silencing and bemoaning entertainment that they deem as offensive such as Apu in the Simpsons.
Doesn't take a chef to know the food tastes like shit
Provide some examples
I legitimately snickered at this. Not because it's funny, but because anyone that thinks a "girl penis" exists outside of futa is a retard.
INB4 Traps
>t. looked at a Jew meme once and needed hours of therapy over it
Why do you call those politically correct people who silence everything "leftists"? You think they're not also silencing leftist voices? You think leftists are not also marginalized by political correctness?
Have you been to a carnival recently? It's not that far off.
I'm not reading that shit
Fuck off Buckley
The one you just posted is a pretty good example.
whatever happened to that one webcomic with the fat bearded guy Yea Forums always shilled
>that brief moment of clarity and realize your son is mentally ill and you've been aiding and abetting him causing permanent damage to his body
what's the point of a chef degree then retard
Don't kill this thread too
keep this shit to /tfg/ [/spoiler
That's not very funny.
Imagine you spent twenty years raising your son. You taught him everything. He has your name, your genes, your knowledge. He's set to carry on the family name and continue your unbreaking line that leads back to not just the first human, but the very first single celled life on earth. One point five billion years of life lead to that point. Than he decides to castrate himself. Then you realize why your parents had four to six kids instead of the one to two you had. Suddenly you realize your life is over. You're a genetic dead end. You did everything "right"; you got a job, you got a wife, you had kids, they grew up, you thought you were in the clear, then castration. It's even worse than losing your son to a car accident or early cancer. While unfortunate, those things are a possibility. Sometimes fate conspires to have you lose even when you play perfectly. But in this scenario? You're going to have to see your dead son every day. It will still talk to you. It will still be in your life. But it will be dead. Imagine getting no closure. Not being able to say "he died in a wreck 10 years ago, it hurts every day, but you learn to go on." Much like the wound between his legs, your mental wound will be torn open every day for the rest of your life.
That's what he's feeling.
>Single mother
>Trying to get free gib me dats
Shes clearly lying about the college part
Things rarely are if you're on the recieving end of it.
Well, it was nice being with all y'all.
It is, though.
$5 for a crummy balloon? Imagine all the water you could buy with that.
I'm not, though.
What about Pokemon Creatures?
Not really.
Where's the joke
based and crummy pilled
>comedy has to have jokes
Its observational comedy/topical comedy.
>people don't like thing
Just because you don't like ancaps doesn't mean the comic is funny, user. It just means you agree with it.
shut up nigger thats only seven words
So is your post. Didnt seem to stop you
never reply to me again
I mean, that is literally 100% of right wing comics, which is why no-one other than right wingers find them funny, they just find them repulsive, but even so, that's not what's happening in that comic. There's also a bit of slapstick if you like that.
I thought something bad was going to happen but they just made her cute?
I didn't say right wing comics are funny either.
Political comics are the lowest form of human communication, and are only funny to people who agree with them already.
-They're not funny
-They don't convince anyone
-They're often misguiding
The only reason to like or make a political comic is so you can jerk yourself off with people who agree with you.
I spent 5 minutes staring at this trying to figure out what the joke is
Holy shit, screencapped.
I guess you don't have a sense of humor.
...Or if you want to make people you share a political interest or affiliation with laugh. Obviously ancaps aren't going to find it funny, but that image was from a left wing forum. It wasn't made for ancaps.
Leftist faggot detected
It's not going to make anyone laugh except for people who actively dislike ancaps. (Most people don't give a shit about their existence.)
Not liking something isn't a joke. When people laugh at that comic they're laughing at 'Haha fuck ancaps', not the comic itself, because the comic isn't funny.
Making people laugh while pointing the absurdity of being an anarcho-capitalist is the point of the comic.
>When people laugh at that comic they're laughing at 'Haha fuck ancaps', not the comic itself, because the comic isn't funny.
What does that even mean. Its like saying "you're only laughing at the concepts words convey, not the sounds themselves therefore its funny!"
Dude, go the fuck back to /tfg/
big if true
Its funny how this is viewed so negatively. Its like, 'hey son, want to make paper airplanes?', 'Dad, I'm trying to land a 737 in inclement weather in a commercial flight simulator.'
It's cool that kids know stuff
Not all black people, Not all Muslims, Not all feminists
Every time I look at this guy I can think of nothing but Thanos
Okay, Wishbone, what's the story?
The comic doesn't convey the idea in a funny way. It's just 'people don't like thing'. He could have depicted the anarchocapitalist as a mutant the rest keep in a closet and are ashamed of, he could have depicted the anarchocapitalist trying to play monopoly but without any rules, he could have done anything actually funny with the concept, but he didn't.
The comic is just 'people don't like thing and kick thing out'. It's boring. The only value the comic has is that people who agree will feel self righteous about disliking anarchocapitalists.
(Also, any kind of anarchist ideology is absurd.)
The whole "passing your genes" thing used as a "purpose" for mankind is not just factually wrong, it's also an arbitrary selfish desire projected as "greater good".
How would any of that be funny? This comic tells a story and has a point while being funny.
He looks like in pain
The reason the left says that is not because they don't want issues with those people fixed, it's that the right often uses the race of these people as justification for genocide, not improvement for their communities. It's them saying if you actually gave a shit about "good people" you wouldn't kill good people out of convenience.
5 dollars? With my library card I can get any book I want for free!
How is it a good example? Explain.
I wish we had ID's on Yea Forums, that's not me.
fuck man, the dads face
>he died on that tanker 10 years ago
>any kind of anarchist ideology is absurd
>having to explain why an unfunny joke is unfunny
user, don't make me cringe.
Best webcomic
>calling anything cringe
lmao i hated detention in highschool too kid
Where's the joke, buckley?
Cows with tools, perhaps?
Gets me every time. Post the edit
My guess is Hiromoot wants them to be more """professional""". I think the last time I saw someone get a public ban was Manly Tears when he tried to ban evade to post some MLP Gmod video he made.
> it's also an arbitrary selfish desire projected as "greater good".
We desire to mate and produce offspring because we're hardwired to ever since single cellular lifeforms popped up hundreds of millions of years ago.
>passing on your genes isn't mankind's purpose
yeah i agree
>it's arbitrary and selfish
sorry bud you're off the deep end
I only seen a couple since 2014. One of them recently right after April Fools when a mod banned someone for saying he was from Reddit. I assume they did that so people would give him attention say "oh hey Jannies are based after all!"
>stop contradicting my straw man
fuck i laughed
That doesn't make it any less selfish.
Being beautiful young chicks with huge perky tits and perfect hourglass figures is a female power fantasy.
t. seething tranny
has anyone actually found the guy and figured out if he actually isn't supportive or just did the weird awkward dad shit I see a lot?
it gets memed to death but I've never seen a source on it.
>he uses strategic nihilism when confronted with the fact that his side has ruined society
I'm guessing that webcomic is done by a dude. I don't think I've ever met a single girl who would legitimately want to fuck Batman if he looked like this. Fuck, I don't even think girls into BL manga would shlick to that.
>I was wrong four times, but look I was right at this one!
Men like to tell women what they find attractive
Reproducing isn't selfish you idiotic twat. In fact it's beneficial for society. Not just your genes, but the group of people you belong to whether it's a tribe, village, town, city, or state. You can by all means try and reflect it, but that's a fact. And by all means, you're being selfish for not taking into account your family's bloodline and how much effort they took to keep alive.
They happen from time to time. I believe the last one I saw was on /d/ a few weeks ago, but I don't remember what it was for.
>last panel
got a good lol out of me
>the girl is the judge
>the cop goes through the machine too
deepest lore
>We desire to mate and produce offspring
We desire sexual pleasure, mating with a compatible mate and offspring are aftereffects. It's different.
It is both arbitrary and selfish. Math proves that every surviving human is simultaneously related to all ancestors who produced offspring. Whether it's one or the other member of the species makes little difference. While measurable, the criteria based on which the selection of who participates in this process is made are still arbitrary and dictated by selfish desire, not an objective "purpose".
>even the police gets in trouble!
>those fingers
is it sad that since I've only seen people refer to him as hiroshimoot/hiroshima/etc that I forgot the dude's actual name
>We desire sexual pleasure, mating with a compatible mate and offspring are aftereffects. It's different.
If that's truly the case, then why didn't men just jack themselves off to extinction?
I was going to say the same thing but with muslims
>Periodic table?
every time
What is your purpose?
If you don't respond to this, you don't have one and you've already killed yourself
Post the Yea Forums edit of things I can do
Huh, his skill came in handy in the end.
lol what a joyless cunt. like he gave any of these things a proper chance
Why is this one so self aware and depressing.
You're the one who makes up stories about "the other side ruining society" when confronted with the contradictions of this society you naively thought neatly structured and sublime.
What's your own side anyway? The side that "protects society" by humiliating marginalized groups of people by silencing them in layers of irony? Or something else I'm not aware of?
>slippery slope
sick of hearing this non argument especially when it comes to global homo agenda. you can't claim slippery slope is a fallacy when 5 years later everything that was said would happen happened.
>It sure was nice of AIPAC to invite us over for dinner, eh Luigi?
But those are all minorities. The comic is specifically about oppressors, and the fact that those who belong to the same group always use the same argument of "not all x," when we all know it's not all x, and it doesn't help anyone by pointing that out. I don't understand why this comic is so hard to understand whenever it's posted.
>tranny calling anyone a dicklet
the irony
I never claimed any of those were shit for feminism or whatever.
Ghostbusters, Star Wars and Captain Marvel were totally shit though
In the German resort EuropaPark if you go to this attraction someone (not me) draw an abstract Loss comic on the wall at one point of the queue.
Took me pretty off guard.
>muslims aren't oppressors
tell that to all the women and gays in the middle east lmao
i've seen this comic posted for over a decade and i've never once read it
miss me with that gay shit
5 years later that argument is completely outdated
It's true...
>muslims are a minority
No. White people are a global minority anyway.
The racism is bad stonetoss parody is pretty good.
>shittiest anarchist ideology
Isn't that all of them?
Except the left is all about how those problems with other groups are actually all because of white people and the other groups simply don't know any better.
First nice question in this thread, made me think a bit.
Being free to choose my "purpose" without forcing it on others, also taking responsibility for it.
Rip me apart.
I feel jealous about anyone who lives near theme parks like that. Closest to where I live is a place called Silverwood and it's pretty underwhelming and generally overcrowded. Hell, one of the few interesting roller coasters they have is just a design they bought from Six Flags.
Good god...something almost original
>le white man are actively oppressing people
absolute fucking brainlet. You shit eaters will never admit you think white people are inherently evil but you believe deep down that wypipo are uniquely evil.
What an asshole
Still got my dick tho
I can never get over just how much blue pen he used for the sky. Which, having typed that out, makes me concerned I might be a little bit “Chris”
>says he doesn't understand Klingons
>perfectly describes them in one sentence
EuropaPark has a pretty interesting history of being first and foremost a place that SELLS rollercoaster concepts. There is the proto-Spaceship Earth, the proto-pirate of the carribeans (that burned last year RIP) and things like that. It's theme park history and now it's the biggest/richest in the world iirc
Where did you find that? Can you name a leftist who said that? If yes, where?
That's really just a hermaphrodite's penis all memes aside.
Traps are certified faggotry though.
Can you stop? I come here for funny video game comics not political walls of text
>What is your purpose?
>Being free to choose my "purpose"
You don't even know. Just kill yourself now
I'm only talking about in the US, where they are minorities.
Can you prove that I'm not in your mother's bedroom fucking her right now?
Muslims are unironically oppressors. That's like their entire shtick.
It's gonna be even worse in a few years when we discover a pill that can fix the brain problems so trannies have no reason to mutilate themselves.
>what is your dream
>to have a dream
this is what you sound like
The first time i've ever posted tl;dr
I dont get it
>Being free to choose my "purpose" without forcing it on others
And that is?
Oh, I know. You shove bees up your anus, because you believe you can save them that way.
If this was /vint/ you would probably tell that the "person" you are "arguing" against is Canadian.
why would Ethan be chosen to run the store anyway? it's like knowingly putting michael scott in charge of the business you are responsible for
Posting cunny
>haha their faces are so ugly and overdetailed isn't that funnay?!
this is so 2011
>draws the bulge
absolutely based
This is perfect.
Snapcube is the only tranny I want rehabilitated and saved because I genuinely found those sonic videos funny
My point is that people still claim slippery slope bullshit even when we are already well down the slope as was predicted 5+ years ago
Wonder Woman makes sense. But even a lot of girls thought Captain Marvel was boring and stupid. Ghostbusters was a flop. Rey is a literally a Mary-Sue.
really makes me think...
>perfectly good
>no personality
what? did you even watch the original trilogy?
i don't get it
Luke does have a personality
He's a wimp
Men get paid more because work more than women. They also work with jobs that women don't wanna go near.
dob doesn't hate final fantasy, he hates internet dramatizations of it in the early 00's, where it was generalized to have overly poetic and emo dialogue.
>le epic youtube reading guy
It's canon that Scranton branch was far and away the most productive of dunder mifflin under Michael Scott's management
I don't either, thats what really makes me think
A common mistake for a lot of comic authors.
Based as fuck boss
Being a wimp is having a personality.
i don't get it
That boss is absolutely based.
Read it again user
What's your purpose, smartass?
that's actually solid
It's not that it isn't a legit concern, it's just that you're using that as leverage to try and win an argument even though you have no credible proof that that's what's going to happen. You can SAY it'll happen, and it may end up being right, but it may also end up not being what happens at all and you would have gained a bunch of support for your argument with absolutely nothing to show for it.
I don't either, thats what really makes me think
>some edgy teeneger spent time on this
>They also work with jobs that women don't wanna go near.
My work freaked out recently about diversity, and 75% of our new hires are women. Not one hasn't quit before finishing probation. I honestly don't even know how my managers are getting them in the door
>Wonder Woman
>Lower than fucking Shit Stain Marvel.
I will not accept this.
To have a family, and work, work like fuck every single day to support them
If you don't respond to this in 2 seconds I win!!!
Ah yes, men aren't known for being overworked to the point that they kill themselves in Japan.
That's just marketing. I don't pay a lot of attention to these Marvel movies and thought Captain Marvel was a required watch after Avengers
It was shit
I assumed Wonder Woman would be shit, after the other DC movies were trashfires. I only watched it on video. It was pretty solid
>leftist telling others to educate themselves
this is getting rich
Saw a couple recently as a matter of fact. There were a couple on Harmony Day when someone would be negative. Of course it was all in good fun but still. Most of them know they are doing something bannable it's how easy it is to ban evade that's the issue.
This is why you should become a sperm donor in any city you choose to travel or stay.
It doesn't have a time limit.
And yet, nobody has posted their actual purpose in response yet. So he certainly is winning
I don't get it. Why was David spade a in the box?
>nintendo switch!
>the punchline is Sony's 2019 E3
I don't get it
What for? You might as well not have a purpose?
the ones that doesn't look like Chads, yes
meanwhile the comic artist surely have an excuse to not be millionaire triathlete that wrote 5 lord of the rings sequels, right?
holy fuck bring back the LOL console wars, they were better than this cancer-ass LOL thread
Yes, because there is no "purpose".
Great thought, you've convinced me. I'll just kill my family and then I'll be equal to you
funny, at least it was at a time when E3 was only for press AND SADLY gamestop employees.
Sorry I win!
everyone knows there is only one way for an LOL thread to be good
Imagine being this empty inside...
No, I'm actually asking. What for? What does that purpose specifically achieve?
If you don't respond to this, you might as well kill yourself now, instead of later.
rollin, why not
Because rolling can get you banned.
Because Buckley needs to shit on Barry despite him being a cooler character than Ethan.
oh shit I forgot
As if you need a story of a father that lost his son when the webm speaks for itself
>No, I'm actually asking. What for?
Wow, if you don't understand what family, and supporting society are for, I'm just going to point you at that post above yours.
Pls don't
I'm asking what do (You) think they are for, user. I'm also pointing you to
what indie game do you think it was? gone home?
Do you know what kind of thread you're in friend?
He's partially right though. Passing on our genes shouldn't be the main focus of mankind right now. Right now the world is overpopulated and the gene pool is tainted. Right now we should be focusing on cleansing it and preventing subhuman scum from tainting it further.
Christ these are depressing
>webm speaks for itself
but they don't
still waiting on the actual source for that shit
>how much water can it hold
>Passing on our genes shouldn't be the main focus of mankind right now. Right now the world is overpopulated
Certainly not the main focus, but a focus. And the world isn't close to overpopulated, it's just extremely poorly managed. If we weren't a fucking shitshow we could have a thousand times as many people without causing any issues
>Right now the world is overpopulated
It's gonna peak soon, so that isn't a concern.
>the gene pool is tainted
No, if mankind has survived so far and thrived so much, it obviously isn't.
This sounds like some crude half assed justification for being a slut
I just want to enjoy myself and have a good time while I am alive doing the things I like.
>Hi, can i get some toast?
We're only serving frozen cock today.
>Now what's this all about?
Get out of my store, fag.
>Hello, can I have some toast?
>Today we only have frozen dick
>Well, what kind of game is this?
>Get out of my store gay
I thought it was on fire, but I guess this works too.
im out and the cellular ip blocked me from posting images. sounds like an excuse but it's not. whatever im not going to bother with this
I’d tell you just how much of an idiot you really are, but I need to sleep off this migraine. Just take this (you) and go
"Awesome Video with Badass Accepting parents!"
Based Jumbo
>let a friend down you promised something
>physically assault him because he makes a joke
how insecure do you have to be to write/draw something like this?
thats her dad
>let your family down
even worse
>it's selfish to invest in a future you will not live to enjoy
You have not pointed out any contradictions. Instead you've argued against a society that will last longer than a few generations.
I don't even know where the fuck to start with this one, have some soapfoot.
Why would you touch someone's tattoo? Do you touch pictures? Television? Paintings? What would possibly possess someone to need to be in physical contact with a visual medium?
omfg really??? if its really you then please allow me to tell you. YOU ARE BASED
haha that's actually pretty funny
The stream of pee should obliterate his head
i DARE you to update regularly I really like your webcomic
reality is the bleakest form of comedy
Now post the edit
That would be lol worthy
What a fucking legend.
I truly don't care what the author had in mind -- in my eyes, this is the greatest of parodies.
>post unfunny comic
>Yea Forums reacts the same way they do to every unfunny buckly comic
are you serious ?
that's like spending $50 on a glass of high-end scotch and then pouring a bottle of pepsi into it
I still don't fucking get it.
Please, have mercy. These hurt to read.
the obsession to have the victims having long monologue saying why the author was right and how they were wrong is pretty hilarious after a while.
>value lies in scarcity
not inherently, as evidenced by cwc comics, but ok
please continue contriving meaning where there certainly isn't any
as long as it makes you happy
you're why modern art is bad, btw :^)
fat kevin did nothing wrong
Based Fat Kevin, laughing until the end.
hitler was right.
we should have listened to him.
It was almost funny until the last non-panel.
And then she got arrested and sentenced to several years of prison for assault and attempted murder.
What does sizable females mean? Is she talking about overweight actresses?
please STOP
This stuff makes me feel much better about my dumb paint.net comics I make every now and then.
>He sucks, and you rule!
how is this not parody
Finally, the quality i'm used to on this board
time for some low tier shit posting!
i chuckled even though ive seen this one before
There's an edit of that. With good art, if I remember well.
Hopefully someone posts it.
Thread ruined irreversibly.
Is this loss?
Har har
>being an atiskubfag
Id like to see you say that shit to my face
why can't the left meme?
and you'll never be a real woman :)
Movies with sizable female roles are all pretty shitty though.
You could take this entire webcomic series as a poster child for Poe's law
Right wingers can't make humour, really. There is no such thing as good political comics in general
>I was right
o yeah, this is why the comics sold so well after ward. It totally wasn't a bait and switch scam where they pretended a movie would matter, to totally ignore its content in the next movie. Nope. It was clearly a feminist victory. For a few weeks.
To the kind user who posts Yotsuba
Thank you
lmao lol
Uh sweetie, bloggers with gender studies degrees should be paid the same as miners, undersea construction workers, and sewage workers. They literally have to deal with the worst filth on the internet sending them dick pics so that deserves as much hazard pay as any of those """"male"""" jobs.
Oh, I do want to invest in that future. How do you intend to go about that, though?
You want contradictions?
>more food than ever is produced, more people than ever are unable to get food
>more people than ever are concerned with society, but power is harder than ever to attain
>the more successful an enterprise is, the harder it falls when it fails
Are you gonna explain and try to resolve those in a meaningful way or are you gonna take the easy way out and scapegoat someone?
>luke not overpowerd/unexplained power level
>Single handily infiltrates the galaxy's most secure fort in a fucking cargo truck.
>Blasts elite storm troopers with pin point accuracy with out any training
>Destroys death star with no guidance what so fucking ever, and out pilots aniken/vader a renown pilot.
>While never even flying a fucking ship before in his life
perfectly good
>Murders storm troopers without remorse and kills 1000's in the explosion of death star
instantly liked
>meets a master jedi who decides to mentor him
>Meets a famous pilot who becomes best friend
>Meets a princess
fells like wish fulfillment
>saves the princess
>Gets the medal
>Saves the day
not embarrassed/fails
>Can't use to force when training with obi
>is a moisture farmer
>Gets bullied
>loses hand
>leader figure
retarded comic on so many levels of dumb
Aren't human's part of the animal kingdom?
>>more food than ever is produced, more people than ever are unable to get food
>>more people than ever are concerned with society, but power is harder than ever to attain
Are you literally retarded?
You think more people are going hungry now than in the history of the world? Poverty and hunger have been going down worldwide at a constant rate.
I don't know what the fuck planet you live on, but it certainly isn't Earth.
I don't think there's anything more pathetic than TLJ defenders.
Never trust somebody who doesn't like Nedroid.
Show me the absolute numbers, not just rates.
Also, fuck your statistics, there's enough food for that rate to be fucking zero and nothing else.
These are ironies not contradictions.
who the fuck actually orders a steak rare
medium well is the best steak
I can't believe that little slut is fucking dead
>Show me the absolute numbers, not just rates.
Oh okay, you actual are a complete fucking moron.
>rolling for anything that's not a furry
fucking based af as fuck
medium rare is the best, but the author pretended it doesn't exist and used rare for the strawman
holy shit amazing, im definitely not samefagging my own post here
Good job proving nothing and not trying to start a dialogue to educate another.
Go get that sex tiger.
Great comic, but the way it's set up makes you look at the 4th panel before the 3rd panel, ruining the punchline. It would be better if it was a horizontal or vertical line.
extremely fucking based, tim buckley BTFO
I just entered the thread and started reading from the bottom and I was really confused for a good two minutes trying to figure out how the fuck they went from steaks to having sex before I realized it was an edit.
This is fucking retarded. You're supposed to apply sunscreen to your skin, not drink it.
I'd like it more if it was just the top two panels
It's "party rock is in the house tonight".
But vidya is more fun than running and business
you missed a page
based finna jerk it poster
Is the author not aware of the glaring hypocrisy in this comic strip?
>not wanting to roll the dice that may eventually bring about a super-being that will mindcontrol the entire earth to the point of constant euphoria until eventual death/extinction that leaves no suffering and no adaptational drawback commonly associated with overstimulation
it's like you don't even dream
faggot tranny
How can mortal men achieve the level of based as fat kevin has?
Factually incorrect statement.
Fuck that cow, Fat Kevin is based.
you can't be this autistic
Wow, that's fucking terrible.
Does anyone have the Megg Mogg and Owly collection anymore? It got lost when my hard drive broke and I can't find a working link anymore.
I got Megahex 2014
That's probably a have sex poster. They like to be overly literal to trivialize anything they don't immediately have an appreciation for in the hopes that being technically correct will pressure others into agreeing with them, despite knowing full well it actually has nothing of relevance to do with what they're commenting on at worst, and completely misrepresented at best. They're truly a cancer, user, and you shouldn't give it a (You).
at least mine's still attached to my body
rollin on this
Lose weight
Yes, your statement is factually incorrect. And?
>women are too sexually objectified
>batman would look better if he looked like a woman