It's time to choose
It's time to choose
bottom right
bottom right
Top left is me, bottom right to fuck.
bottom tight
Self insert, left bottom!
bottom right delicious brown is goat
Bottom left because it's the most fitting for Britain.
Bottom right brown with bright hair.
Top right for me.
which one can I tie up and put under my desk for 24/7 cock service
>Top left is paler than me
>Bottom right is darker
How am I meant to self insert?
bottom right
for me, it's top right
Bottom left
The right two with me in the middle
pls be in tampa
>No red head option
Wot the fook m8?
Bottom left
If your character is fully customizable from clothes to haircolor like in XY, then top left because of skin color.
beat me to it.
post cunny
Can't see the cunny under all the hair
top left
Top right. Change the hair colour
First is perfect but if bottom left let’s me call her a nigger then she’s cool too
Upper left, because that’s the japanese option
Tier list
Top Left = Bottom Right > Top Right > Bottom Left
This thread isn't cute and funny at all.
God I can't wait to try to look at her panties
Still waiting on her name. Getting kind of sick calling her "Pokemon Sword and Shield Girl".
not gonna lie they're all cute
Fuck your shit taste fag
Bottom left > Bottom right > Top left > Top right
I am torn between the first two.
2 and 3 aren't cute
not enough choices, gonna make a lengthy diatribe on twitter about how none of these characters accurately represent me
Her name will be either Sword or Shield
Does anyone actually like top right? Why didn't they give a redhead option? She's in fucking Scotland.
Make it tan with light brown or dark hair and the meat will be ready to take a beat
>Just 2 genders
>No burka
>fitting for Britain
Wanna try again, mate?
when are we getting the cunny chart
Why is there a nigger option if the game is in Scotland
Black paint begins on her legs right where her skirt does. You're not getting any pantsu from her. You can see it several times in the video.
Pajeet here, why would I choose anything else but top right?
Sorry I don't play as the girls. However I will fuck them all.
Your feelings don’t beat genetics
Get your chromosomes checked
Men of culture
they dropped that naming convention long time ago brah.
How's this?
a hijab should unironically be a clothing option
Demoman is Scottish.
White is the only answer, the two on top of course.
Seeing this picture made me realize that all skin colors are beautiful.
Original for me. I like em fair and I like dark hair.
Top left is asian
Always bottom left
okay boomer
Are you sure you know what the difference between top and bottom is, right?
top left, there's no other correct option
fair-skinned asians are honorary whites so that makes sense
But the point of demo man is that it's funny that a black guy is from scotland
Why did they make silver hair look sunburnt
Because they get sunburnt in overcast weather
She's so fucking cute AHHHHHHHHHHHH
>Celtic character
>No option for green eyes / red hair
>no Glasgow smile option
Shit game tbqhwybbqfam
In past games you can change your eye/hair color
Imagine this is Demoman's son then.
i choose milo
oh no no no no no
is this achievable natty?
best taste, delicious brown is the correct choice, but they're all cute
What the fuck
Trans rights aren’t human rights
Holy hell YES
its fake retards, check the website
Now that's something
fuck outta here with your edit.
Someone draw the body opening like a robot shell and a very smol girl is piloting that thing from the inside.
this has to be bullshit
It is. It's just his description on the website changed to say "she"
Literally the first result
Tf2 universe isn't set in the Pokémon universe
Black scottish people do exist, they are really rare but they exist. They usually have pretty heavy Caribbean accents though so the demoman is still an inaccurate representation.
You literally can't prove that
>Black scottish people do exist
>They usually have pretty heavy Caribbean accents though
>when someone is born in another country they instantly have the countrys accent installed into their very being
>black person from the Caribbean residing in Scotland
I lived in Japan for a time, was I a nip?
Not from the caribbean, descended from the caribbean
holy based
Soldier would be riding a mentally retarded wargle everywhere if they existed in the same universe. The fact that he says "screaming eagles" and not "screaming wargle" is proof enough
>his gym
>no gingers
Och aye?
>born and raised in Scotland
>somehow have a Carribean accent
>descended from the Caribbean
You just don't get it do you?
>Grow up with parents who have a caribbean accent
>develop a caribbean accent yourself
Really is a mystery
Sounds like this person is more culturally Caribbean than Scottish, in addition to ethnically
you are missing the point, holy fuck lmao
With that logic there's no such thing as an american
>Go to school surrounded by Scotts
>somehow don't pick up their accent
stop being dumb
Exhibit a.
I'd usually go for something like top left but fucking hell, that blond hair is perfect.
Who says I disagree with that? Just because I was born in the US doesn't make me a Navajo.
How the fuck did Nintendo put this on their official site
what point are you even trying to make
now you are starting to get it
>his gym
nice try
they are caribbean not scottish
Any of you guys got that pic asking devs to put little girl to little brown girl sliders in their games? I wanted to post it but I can't find it.
I always play with the darkest skintone.
Original if I have to play with just the preset, might go with brown depending on hair color customizations though
>Being born in Scotland doesn't make you scottish
Well I'll be!
upper right
fuck I missed the cunny
you were just arguing that they were scottish
Uh, guys...?
Bottom left isn't dark enough. If they make it darker, that one.
Sooo, uhhh where my cheesy blonde and green eye bros at...?
Jared Taylor was born in Japan and raised there almost his whole life. Is he ethnically Japanese?
t. Ironic weeaboo that likes "brown"* girls
* = Bitches that are barely tan.
Can I choose tanned blonde instead?
Bottom right.
Grey haired, green eyed russkie FeMC is also cute too.
>today Yea Forums didn't have shit taste
Bottom right. You'd best hope her mum or dad is a chill Jamaican, or very lax pajeet.
I think for the first time in a while I will pick the male.
Will self insert into getting giantess'd too.
>goes from arguing nationality to ethnicity
Are you assuming I'm like that? Cause I dont want my girls to have a hint of tan on them. The paler the better
Brown is cute, not not something to pursue.
That's his nationality you don't have to be Asian to be born in an Asian country. It's just like having whites born in Africa. Are you saying those whites are black now?
We did it leddit!
Quick white people let's all go have babies in Mexico and they'll be more Mexican than a Mexican kid born in the US because a piece of paper said so
I can't call you a faggot because I love pale women too but dark women are amazing.
All are good, except OP who is a thumbnail posting faggot
I was never arguing about nationality.
You also like traps.
>doujin features Drasna
>it's scat and gangbang shit
Mexican is a nationally yes. if you have a baby in Israel what nationality would it be? If you have a baby in America would it not be American?
It's almost like you get my point when it's applied to other groups, so to call a Jamaican a Scot is equally retarded
>mass replying ironic shitpost because some trivial thing triggered you
Why are you like this?
That vocaroo is unironicall hella cringy, now this on the other hand....
Mass replies should be ban-worthy
Bottom right
No it isn't, if the Jamaican was born in Scotland or received citizenship then he is Scottish nationality speaking which is what user has been trying to say this entire time.
So the south African Dutch boers are just as African as any Zulu or khoisan then, along with all that entails.
>not France
Also hasn't been called Britain since the goddamn 19th century.
A kid with American parents born and raised in Mexico is going to be a lot more Mexican than a kid with Mexican parents born and raised in America
How does Yea Forums always fall for these dumb edits I'll never know. 13 years I been here never fails to catch people.
But he's not a Scot. He's a Jamaican with a Scotland passport.
Literally everyone else is. Do you think genetics influence accents?
Yes, they were all born there. That's how nationality works.
Imagine actually believing this
You should drive through a Hispanic neighborhood in Texas user, tell me how non Mexican they are
Serena is still the most delicious protag, chicken chan did very weird things to my boner as I didn't think I liked them that small since the other girls are always drawn a bit older in doujins.
Or a Jamaican born and raised in Scotland. Race and nationality are separate.
uhhhh yeah lol thats uhhh some cringe YIKES
Probably to some extent, yeah, but that's a strawman of what I'm saying. I think you're the only one who is switching from ethnicity to nationality. Does having an accent change your ethnicity? I can do a mean Jamaican accent, am I Jamaican now?
Bottom right because I'm an "attractive brown girl" in real life
>one of those words is false, guess and you'll win 1000 internets
>we want the speedrun audience
What's a caribbean. The person is Scottish, they speak with that accent due to the environment they're raised in and their family. Went to school with a brit that never lost his accent despite being born here in the Caribbean. He's still from this island he just speaks with a british accent and can switch it up to talk like a local if he needs to put anyone in their place.
I love brown bitches!
Can we change hairstyles?
>this brown dude thinks he's attractive
I don't want your prize.
>No chocolate blond
For me, is Diana Cavendish
So Jared Taylor is 100% Japanese and indistinguishable from any other person in Japan
>I'm an "attractive brown girl" in real life
No you aren't, br tranny
>. I think you're the only one who is switching from ethnicity to nationality
Fucking what?! His entire argument revovled around blacks being in Scotland how is he not arguing nationality?
You can change the hair color later
>born and raised in Canada
>fluent in English, passable French
>played hockey since I was 3
>winter exercise is shoveling several feet of snow
>sweating balls in 20C weather
>-40C is a little nippy
>only ever visited America, been told I sound like I'm on the Red Green show
Guess I'm Indian
Imagine being this retarded
Well he also wants whitto piggu going home so I guess
Why are you still arguing race? It's retarded to think he's talking about race when the conversation was about Jamaicans being born in Scotland
God I love Dr. P, when is more of his stuff getting translated?
Top right with red hair. Easy
Yeah you are Indian. An Indian with a Canadian passport.
Brown, pale, white, tan, yellow, red, black
Doesn't matter. Cute girls are cute and my dick will consume all.
Is this girl really that attractive? people post her all the time
Top right obviously
/pol/-kun pls
I was arguing race from the beginning retard
This is you
>Scottish is an ethnicity
I'm attractive but only milfs show interest
This is a Caribbean
they look like they'd fuck me
I fail to see a problem.
>still can't change features
>no asians
>no actual negroid
>only tans
>23 and me can use your DNA to tell if you're Scottish VS Irish, English, Norwegian, Polish
God top right looks awful
That's a Haitian you uncultured swine.
please be in Galar
not him but only older women whom I have no interest in(they're not titty monsters or ass queens like you'd see in milf porn) or gays go after me
but girls my age? I'm invisible to them
>tfw no pokemon game where you get to play as a big breasted milf
t. jew
sorry hard to tell the difference because they all eat dirt
It'd be better if it was real blonde instead of that ugly shade of not-grey
>White > Brown
>Brown > everything else
I want her to use her thighs to crush my skull like a watermelon
Google Caribbean People and Haitian People and tell me which ones look they would resort to eating dirt.
truth is stranger than fiction
All of them because they're niggers
Are those made out of mud? Is she making/selling mud cakes?
Did I miss something? Usually you guys would be complaining about forced diversity at the sight of the faintest shade of brown
Then you're fucking dumb for doing that
I'm complaining about bottom right when the real man's choice is bottom left
Not every board is /pol/
yea its literally mud and maybe sometimes with some sugar/salt.
Yes, Haiti is in such a bad state because of the hurricane and food prices that they're resorting to eating mud cookies. They clay the use for it however is actually edible and a decent source of calcium according to some articles.
Yeah, they eat mud cakes because they killed all the white people on Haiti and were too retarded to grow their own food and yet they still have 9 kids a pop regardless
>wtf why are you deviating from my /pol/ strawman
fuck off retard, it's unironically okay when nips do it
My brother.
Still better than you mutt
Threadly reminder
Based brownbros
well she looks a lot better now that's she's gained some weight
Resetera won. Yea Forums unironically loves niggers. Fucking shithole.
The Patrician choice is actually very dark skin with white hair.
Like so.
It's actually sort of fascinating how /vp/ is actually more racist than Yea Forums by a long shot
It's not the color of their skin that is the problem.
It's the rest of the nigger.
Only worthwhile post in this fucking thread.
And that's the ONLY problem with Yea Forums, yes?
its expected in a franchise about animal torture and cock fighting
Non-Whites have White features when they are attractive.
A skin color option isn't forced diversity you enormous faggot.
I can't, they're all cute.
is anyone playing as the boy?
it's literally just a color swap
That's painful to listen to, worse than COPE posters
its literally okay when Japan does it
This is true, because when they do it, it usually makes my dick hard and that's literally all that matters
Correct it weird that i fantasize about getting raped by a busty black/brown girl? For some reason getting called "white boy" while she's riding your dick is hot as fuck to me.
The features you think are white are actually West African.
This entire thread is proof Yea Forums is spic land now.
I want newfags off my board
That's unironically Yea Forums for years, but 2D brown is great you baiting homo.
As someone pale enough to lay down naked in snow and be invisible, I can safely say there's nothing wrong with delicious brown anime girls.
reading comprehension, retard
Not him, but I'm genuinely curious
Yeah wanting to be raped by a girl makes you pretty weird user
I have a femdom fetish sooo...
>When you walk into council housing
Top left because she's the original one. Top right is cute too.
They would tell you that this little girl is mixed. She's not.
Having a fetish by definition makes you weird retard
Only if you visit their shounenshit generals.
I accept it.
>No Gingers
Cunny! I choose you!
*sloppy wet vagina noises*
Similar features to my Kenyan ex-girlfriend. Kenya is in the east, though.
Someone post the greentext
Lmfao she has a nigger nose and big ol lips, she has zero white features
At least be honest and try to say horn Africans are white featured because they have a caucasoid skull type
Take all four and make a double stuf oreo
I would say it's the other way around, most spics (like myself) lust after pale blond women because they're such a rare sight
Post her feet
In awe at the size of this lass.
>horn Africans
I got banned for mass replying con Yea Forums
>horn Africans
>people from the the horn region of Africa
>caucasoid skull type
You should get some new books, yours are from the 19th century
Is there one for the male character yet?
top left
It's still accepted by science that different populations have different skull shapes. There's at least 4 distinct skull types in humans, more if you want to divide up Africans into different groups.
Please let there be haircuts. I would pick the blonde, get her a ponytail or himecut and color her hair black. Blue eyes/black hair qt pls.
none is an actual red head. tragic.
why is she so cute and funny brehs
>Usually you guys would be complaining about forced diversity at the sight of the faintest shade of brown
Doesn't matter if they're sexy or cute.
Doesn't matter if you can disrespect or disagree with them just as easily as you listen&believe.
When you look at inclusivity issues past the narrative REEing, what you'll see are people who do value inclusivity but don't want thoughtcrimes or lowering society's standards.
That's why white supremacy is now getting popular amongst asians and latinos. At this rate white supremacy will be majority nonwhite by 2030.
Being forced isn't about what you do, it's about why you're doing it.
>16 + 31
Welcome to the club of fine taste, Agent 47
Ah shit, I know how this ends.
it's literally the same face with different shades and hair color
if it was actual full on diversity and not just anime tan girls, then they would bitch
Delicious blonde
100% correct, though you obviously dye her hair blonde and give her color contacts ASAP
>teen character
>turn her into a loli
That too. People do not give a single flying fuck about the racial diversity in Punch-Out, or the fact that the default Minecraft player character is dark skinned.
Given that players are willing to play as a fish, an alien, an insect, a deadly bacterium, a geometric shape, and an entire species of flowers, it's not so much a dissonance issue.
It's more that if an African woman wants to hunt native wildlife so her son won't go hungry, that's entirely different to an African woman fighting heteronormative agendas and counteracting workplace inequality and harassment.
The bland one.
They're ALL bloodeh bland!
>an African woman fighting heteronormative agendas and counteracting workplace inequality and harassment.
oh no how terrible
>No Firecrotch option
To be fair I'd probably play it anyway if she's hot and the gameplay's good. Like in your workplace, interpersonal disputes are resolved by beating the shit out of each-other Devil May Cry style, and the box that tells you Summer19 is not a valid password can kill if you suck shit at platforming.
Why aren't the bottoms ones in burqas? Isn't this set in England?
Nah, it's set in a fictional area. The ability of random civilians to own a monster that can flatten a house means that they never really lost their ability to fight back against tyranny,
so when someone tried to take over the region and implement a battling system that means you have to give them 1.06 Pokebux for every 1.00 Pokebux you earn via battling they got told to fuck right off with hyperbeams and giga impacts.
it could be like Catherine, but with penis monsters everywhere
>biggest uproar
The genetic variation between england, scottland, wales and even ireland is so small that they actually can't pin point ancestery between them.
You're all limey, potato-eating, pastey, sheep-fucking, broken toothed imperialists assholes.
Top left is literally Onodera
>All women are liars?
News at 11
Kill yourself resetfaggot
>top left
>top right
While chocolate & vanilla mousse
>bottom left
Double chocolate brownie
>bottom right
Caramel fudge pudding
All tasty
user, I think you're swell.
I haven't read any of the thread so far, but if day to day shit included what you posted, that would be amazing. I"d probably die quick but there would be so much shit happening at once that it would be worth it.
fucking kek
Not the nigger.
i want to kiss her forehead
>imperialist is a bad thing
Sounds like someone's a salty paki
This one
He based
Bottom left
god I just watched an anime with tan surfer girl
bottom right x 1000
All 4 are cute :> but i won't play any of them. Ill make a cute blonde boy who wears all pink and specializes in fairy types.
Lads ... I'm going to play the girl now, I'm not gay or a tranny but she's too cute..
Top right, only choice.
Looks like she had a stroke
I always like being a cute brown girl
Bottom right whit whit hair
absolutely fucking based
this is edited you dumb fucks
Always bet on black
I'm really considering actually picking the girl character for once because the boy is so painfully generic looking, that I might as well have a cute pokegirl as my character.
I like the white hair option, I'm surprised they included that, but I think I might go with bottom right. It just seems right.
I just really hope there's haircuts and dyes in the game.
Why is the blonde one not the palest skin option?
>game located in Britain
Bottom row duh
Bottom left then dye her hair the lightest shade of blonde available.
>Freckles and built
Senpai Hunting
>no redhead
>tfw can't choose because they're all cute
Bottom left mainly but also would bottom right.
But what if a human was born on an alien planet and then had a kid with an alien and that kid was raised in Canada?
yes, forced diversity is something to complain about. It is so fucking dishonest, corporate and cringey.
Hating diversity quotas isn't "white supremecy"
It is treating "minorities" like children which asians and latinos hate.
"Ohhh we made a character brown, does that make your feefees happy? Would you like a cookie?"
It is infantilization of minorities in a country where only white people are perceived to be strong enough to suffer intentional marginalization for the sake of others. This is otherwise known as "white man's burden"
This is also you.
Will you be my gf pls
Sorry, but the people from the 19th century were right. Skull shape and volume vary between different populations of humans and they typically fall among the racial lines that were perceived to exist in the 19th century. It is almost as if they were basing their view of the world on physical empirical evidence rather than emotional reaction...
When you classify by bone structure and skull type the following categories of humans make perfect sense:
Caucasoids: Europeans, Iranians, Chechens and Georgians
Negroid: Subshaharan Africans
Mongoloid: East Asians, Mongols, Siberians
top right
A dog born in the stables is not a horse.
Japan laughs at you, Japan mostly pick the girls on the top row.
Utterly based
Does this new game even have a male protag option?
But all this does is add credence to his post. Don't you understand?
Top right looks like my gf so I'll go with that
either botton or top right
>played hockey since I was 3
You mean out on the ODR, right? They don't start league hockey til you're 5, I had to lie to get in when I was 4
oh no people getting along. how terrible
>propaganda video
>based on reality
part and parcel
Original and bottom right.
Kill the men, keep the women
Are you one of those faggots who get upset at Super Bowl ads about peace and getting along?
You'd have to leave your mom's house and go to a black neighborhood where you'd get fucked up for starting shit but keep larping, frogposter.
>>White people moving to brown countries changing demographics by 1%
>>mud people flooding white nations, raping and pillaging
Are you one of those faggots who suck corporate cock because they pulled your heartstrings?
>>>mud people flooding white nations
>white nations
lol. Also most of them are only there because white people keep fighting proxy wars in and destabilizing their countries.
kinda like the blondie but Im prob gonna go default. Everyone of these are cute, great female protag.
>You'd have to leave your mom's house and go to a black neighborhood where you'd get fucked up for starting shit but keep larping, frogposter.
So they made Nia official after all
gonna play as the default one, as i always do
Bottom right > Top left > Top right > Bottom left
Bottom right with top rights hair.
They also made another sheep pokemon for her to shag.
Shit tier photoshop
Bottom right to try to keep the immersion of being in the UK
White obviously, nothing else compares.
>That's why white supremacy is now getting popular amongst asians and latinos. At this rate white supremacy will be majority nonwhite by 2030.
to be fair they always like white people, both for aesthetical and wealth reasons
it's almost as if someone can be caribbean and scottish at the same time, fucking idiots
none of that is neatly reducible, at some point in time "scots" came from somewhere else too, people can be/ usually are more than one thing jesus
2cute2handle please pray4me
in the end we're all just a bunch of niggers
I love it when media pretend race doesn't exist, except when they need DNA proof it does, but only against whites claims of being a race
Wow pokemon really nailed their take on modern britain.
first one is asian actually
Absolutely kino taste my dude.
Why is the wh*te guy highlighted?
The game is lacking in cute and funny characters
>Why is there a nigger option if the game is in Scotland
Huh? Of course there are black people in Scotland, I'm one of them.
>They usually have pretty heavy Caribbean accents
What are you talking about? The Caribbeans settled in England mate, the vast majority of black people you'll find in Scotland are of African descent.
I can't choose between the lighter or the more red skin, I think the lighter would work better with blue eyes+ black hair combo.
>Be lightskin black
>Always have to go with the fucking hispanic cause they're too fucking stupid to put a color slider on these things
I've met like maybe one black guy in scotland, there's a load of Afro-Carribean stores and barbers in Paisley though
>open front page
>see this
Why am I not surprised.
is it that way with 3d though?
Also based
really cute and funny how I get banned for posting a non lewd female protagonist but 3d shit gets a pass
Tumbrinas and r/thedonald retards shocked Yea Forums likes brown girls never gets old
>Pic related it’s them
how does it end?
>Black scottish
Bottom left. Love that dark chocolate
this. it's funny seeing all the confused newfags
ye, rinks everywhere in Ottawa
Bottom left.
Will play her as Demoman's daughter or Chef's niece
Sorry, Unova :(
Lemme explain this through a song
No, skull shapes differ very often within races according to new papers eat shit
A silo just for Milo
Top right, I've always played the male in pokemon games but this one looks so shit and the girl looks so good.
choosing male character, bottom right
>brown eyes
Would be top right if I ever play this game
>adds different races
>its just skin color changes
When will games start showing that other races have different facial structure and whatnot?
Why are skeletons so cool?
Fuck off, brown anime girls are literally a miracle of the universe
based Jamesposter
because they're white
neck yourself futahomo
When you get down to it, we're all a little skeltal on the inside
>brown yeys on 3 out of 4
Big yikes for me, friends!
Why are these threads on Yea Forums? Back to vp, no one gives a shit about this series outside of tasteless children and pedos.
Why do always only one option have light eyes? Brown eyes are trash tier.
Top left. Bottom right is second place.
Top left cuz i'm not a pretentious faggot.
top right with a little more golden hair and deep green eyes.
top right
Seething Roastie
How come we never see any African skeletons in the media?
Top Right of course.
Hazel eyes are God tier homo
Hazel eyes are light-colored eyes though.
>white people are the minority
>if you combine every other ethnicity
It's my god given right to turn top right into a beautiful aryan daughter birthing machine!
bottom right > top left > bottom left > top right
Top right looks like a grandma.
Top left or Bottom right
Skeletons are easily one of the most iconic images in nature period, and they're easy to apply to anything, be it cool, scary, funny, or whatever you want
>not knowing the difference between majority and plurality
>thinking it's okay for whites to become minorities in their own countries because hey, you're being replaced by 20 different ethnic groups and not just 1!
can't you see we're just hiding away our urges to impregnate a brown women
fuck reverse didn't give me anything, do you know artist name?
you cant even impregnate your own women, negative birthrate.
that's a black person
and you're a white supremacist
Bottom left, but unironically.
>my needs
>the future of my race
ohh what will i pick?
yes, and? it's like squares and rectangles. all black people are brown, not all brown people are black
This is a black person
Is it bad that I find her more attractive due to not being able to see her face
Why are there so much foot art with this character?
That's the best part.
I don't have that picture of Kardia of Rhodes and her squire but imagine I posted it.
Bottom right=top right>bottom left>top left
the default is kinda boring, maybe just because I've already seen her so much with all the memes
Make /pol/ Argentinean and its accurate
race mixing and diversity is ok if its attractive, friendly brown women who i want to breed with
im sorry but thats the rules
lmao lets see
>poop colored hair and eyes
>poop colored hair, skin, and eyes
>poop colored hair, skin, and eyes agian
>the one that actually looks human
tough call.
t. demo
Just dye your hair to specific, Moira.
because they are
>/pol/ thinks it's white
bottom right looks more latina than black tho
based btw
>the one that actually looks human
>plastic looking granny hair
>huge bug eyes
>doesn't like light blonde
>likes dawn
shit taste checks out
>Also hasn't been called Britain since the goddamn 19th century.
The official name of my country is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
t. British person
bottom right of course.
it takes a brave man to have such a based opinion.
What the fuck are you talking about. England, Wales & Scotland are known as Great Britain. Which is why its called "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
Fiction is a hell of a drug
this thread
Bottom right skin tone with bottom left's hair color.
have sex
Ok Yea Forums , give every merc 3 pokemons
Extra bonus points if you can come whit lines for them,more points if you give the same to miss pauling, and even extra for lines of miss pauling whit scout
>japanese police
>m1a1 carbine
for what purpose could this image be used for
just post some shield to end this thread
So that's what platinum blonde means