>Cross-gen play
>SSD is a standard, not a premium model upgrade
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
>Cross-gen play
>SSD is a standard, not a premium model upgrade
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
Other urls found in this thread:
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
So sub 4K and sub 60FPS
Fuck that noise, this is a Spongebob thread now.
Come back when you can show some games.
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
Doesn't mean much
You’re going to get a 2010 cpu, a 1060 6gb and a cheap $20 ssd and like it.
None of this overpowered shit that $2000 PCs struggle with is coming to console.
Oh god here we fucking go.
Xbone X already supports 4k, 120hz output. Doesn't mean a single fucking game can use it.
Moron. Can u read, research, anything?
>As for the release date of the PlayStation 5, Sony has said it will not release in the next fiscal year, which means it won't launch April 2020 at the soonest.
You got to be kidding me. Fuck you, Sony.
Yeah, all of this “news” says it supports things.
The ps4 pro “supports” ssds, 4k and 60fps, but struggles with all three.
This is like the 10th console generation and you faggots never learn that its a business and the marketing is purposely deceptive with precise wording.
If they make all first party titles/exclusives 60fps, I'll day one buy most likely.
If they do another 30fps standard generation then I'll just ignore the whole system like I did with the PS3 and PS4.
If they can play previous generations of games at 60fps, I'll buy those too.
But again, anything lower than 60fps standard is a no buy for any price.
30fps is bad for gameplay, stop looking for cinematic experiences, Sony Dronies.
It's releasing christmas 2020. Everyone knows this.
>still can't play PS1 discs like PS2 or PS3
lmao sony
Xbone alredy has BC and 120Hz support. Hopefully both sides will achieve parity.
> Sony improves HW and services
> Microsoft adds actual fucking games
>Xbone alredy has BC
That's just for selected games though right? And the BC requires online connection for you to download the game?
who's ready for pic related to happen again
>This is like the 10th console generation and you faggots never learn that its a business and the marketing is purposely deceptive with precise wording.
to be fair 90% of the board is underage so the ps4 was xyrs first console
How do you struggle with an ssd
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
So it has the latest HDMI standard?
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
yeah, not buying this sales pitch
we've been through 2 whole generations with basically the same promise, not holding my breath for it
>You’re going to get a 2010 cpu
ryzen 3700x
>a 1060 6gb
navi 2800 12gb VRAM
> and a cheap $20 ssd and like it.
1tb nvme SSD
>None of this overpowered shit that $2000 PCs struggle with is coming to console.
what is optimization
12gb vram is going to be 6gb gpu and 6gb ram
when will console devs stop falling for the 30fps meme? I guarantee we won't see any decent 120hz ps5 games, we'll be lucky to see devs prioritize 60 fps at all because shiny graphics > smooth performance for the smooth brained retards who market games.
>12gb vram is going to be 6gb gpu and 6gb ram
no, 12gb dedicated vram for gpu and 8gb for OS
12gb gpu alone is worth more than a PS4pro retail, they have to keep $399
Any GPU from the last 7 years "supports" 8K or 4k/120Hz, it means nothing.
>And it will be 899.99
>hrrrrrr muh walled garden
>hrrrrr muh exlcusives
>hrrrrr paying Sony for the right to play the games I already bought
>hrrrrrr buying a platform dominated by douchebags and teenagers
where do I sign up!!!!!!!!
>babies first cartoon game gets a remaster
Who cares?
So does this mean i can stick ps2 discs in it?
>Cross-gen play
This isnt new. Any intelligent game publisher will sell on both systems to not immediately kill their profits. The fact that first party are doing it now is because we are switching to focus on MAUs instead of console sales as the successful metric.
>SSD is standard
SSD now costs less than HDD to manufacture and is much smaller meaning smaller systems. This shouldnt be a surprise.
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
The correct terminology is "it is capable of displaying at 4K120Hz" since no game or movie will run at that ratio for the foreseeable future. Its advertising buzzwords to make you think their console is powerful, when in reality its meaningless.
Also, why the fuck is Backwards Compat being praised of Sony? Welcome to 5 fucking years ago, and they arent even going to be compatible with PS1-3.
>ssd is a standard
Amazing. Welcome to 10 years ago.
>inb4 Microsoft releases the Xbox 2 in 2019 and wins next gen based solely on that
No, they will win by selling an Xbox 2 that costs 300 bucks. Poor fucks usually decide who wins the next gen race at launch
Sony don't work on retail prices, they sell consoles at a loss to control the market and ensure future sales for games.
Sony's only concern here is manufacturer costs and since it's all Chinese and child labour I'm guessing around $699
>they arent even going to be compatible with PS1-3.
I can't wait for the meltdown of Yea Forums when it will be
ALL consoles are for poorfags. Poor people typically make poor financial choices (hence why they usually stay poor). Buying a console is a poor financial choice. Poor people can't see beyond the here and now, so they end up buying a console because it's "only $300" and don't think down the road how much more their going to end up spending in the long with PSN/Xbox Live fees, high priced games, etc.
Stay poor console idiots.
What meltdown.? PS1-2-3 games are already emulable at 4k 60fps
>720$/y minimum for internet gaymen
no thanks
so what, its saying it has displayport 1.4?
And Yea Forums gets angry anytime something positive for sony happens. You're already obviously miffed.
yeah i wish the standard for gaming would be 30fps. any more and it hurts my eyes
Why are you shilling the terrible practice of exclusives?
If companies didn't buy/bribe devs all games would be on all platforms and the actual better console (hw+software+service combo) would win
You are cucked beyond limit
> Every one I know who plays PC games has spent $10k or more on PC and still has to buy PS4 for some specific game
> Every one I know who plays PS4 has spent $1k maybe $2k if they upgraded to PS4 pro and got the vr
You're wrong, to play AAA PS4 is far superior than PC because everyone knows you pay for what you get and anything less than $3K for PC is trash, even then $3k is pretty trash
>Brag about graphical capabilities
>Censor fucking everything
Can't wait to see those white light lines in 4k 120FPS bros!
They'll do what they did with the PS4. Launch games have a framerate option that fluctuates in the high 40s to low 50s and an option for 30 fps with drops "because some people preffer low framerates", then, after a single year, they will no longer have that option in any game
>calling other platforms a tumor while worshiping a game system that is headquartered in the most pozzed state in the US.
What games had this?
>"because some people preffer low framerates"
so retards then (pretty much the entire playstation fanbase)
>Playing shitty literal who hentai ganes
Why are all the reddit spacers defending Sony?
>anything less than $3K for PC is trash
are u serious
u can swap for a 9900k and still have plenty to spare
this is already 8x the power of a ps4 """pro"""
900$ will get u a 65" 4k tv, mouse+keyboard, controller, office chair/sofa
user... hdmi 2.1 has 4k/120hz support
No , pure 4k
yeah BUT
Prepare your anuses for 25-30 fps a la ps3 era in graphic intensive games
>incurring additional costs
>always for the players
Sonytrannies lost free online, lost free backwards compatibility, have their games censored now, and are also only getting remasters rehashes and copy pastes for games because Sony has taken the route of contemporary Hollywood.
I've never seen a collective more cuckazoid than Sonytrannies.
You indirectly insulted DMC 5,basically you shouldnt be allowed to game anymore you fucker
That's nearly $7k in my country
This will still only get you 60fps 1080p in AAA, I know because this is the same CPU and GPU as my flaty. It's 8x the power on paper but you can't ever leverage that out of it.
All of the above is apposed to a $1k PS4 pro setup to reach the same performance in the new tomb raider for example.
PS4 has its place and if can't figure that out don't bread.
>1tb nvme SSD
Why give consolekiddies the opportunity to store their games when you can instead make them pay monthly for a cloud service to store it for them and also fuck them over by randomly shutting down or being hacked while you can also rise costs any time and the consolekiddies can't do shit about it since you own all their shit?
Honestly if I can get bloodborne, uncharted trilogy + 4, God of war 3 and 4, and shadow of the Colossus at 4k 60fps I'll buy it. Medieval at 4k 60fps would be great too.
What's the point of this if their exclusives are sub-30 FPS?
A simple usb can be used to backup data
It's not that it struggles, it's that the games don't take advantage of it so its benefits aren't as pronounced as they should be.
>>Cross-gen play
about time. microsoft has been supporting this for like 4 years now
>>SSD is a standard, not a premium model upgrade
again its about time they did this. i've been using ssd's in my pc for 10 years now.
>>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
so you're saying it has the latest HDMI spec? that's literally non news. pretty sure the current gen xbox's have this too (xbox one x supports freesync as well iirc).
Do you have a PS5 to confirm that?
>60fps 1080p
hey 80IQ monkey, you can't even spell in addition to lying through your ass
NATIVE 4K 120HZ VS 360P 25 FPS?!!!!!!
More like 4k
I work building PC's for our store and oh lord you made the mistake of every fortnite zoomer. Desk, chair, keyboard, monitors, cables, headset, mic, rgb, webcam, controllers, software.
PC has the most "hidden" cost
Clearly offers less value than a $999 Apple monitor stand.
They said it will be "reasonably priced". Probably $450.
>VS 360P 25 FPS?!!!!!!
What's funny is that the Wii as well as the Wii U delivered tons of actual rock solid 60 fps games.
The PS3/PS4 - not so much.
Sony has been doing it since PS2, fagbag
Oh something like that will happen. Maybe not the price, but Sony is quickly on their way to their next $599 US Dollars moment.
At the top of my head, Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous Second Son
Every news about the PS5 are way too good to be true
In other words, enjoy your fake news or enjoy your $999 console
>Desk, chair, keyboard, monitors, cables, headset, mic, rgb, webcam, controllers
So you play on a console without a desk, a chair, a headset, a mic, controllers...?
great. it will look really cool next to my high end PC
>240hz for competivie games in pc
>120hz for sony exclusives and fun games
feels good to be an idort
Hope you got 899$ for it.
Current Nintendo games still look like N64.
>One of the biggest talking points was what Ryan called "cross-generational play." This means those who pick up a PlayStation 5 (or whatever it is called), will be able to continue playing their PlayStation 4 games on the new box. Not only that, but Ryan suggested that PlayStation friends list will span both systems.
And this is why Sony already won. The 100 million PS4 owners get to migrate their games and their friends to the PS5. Almost everyone will stay within the Sony ecosystem due to the obvious benefits of doing so.
>Maybe not the price
Sony actually already charged even more than $599 for their PS4.
$599 PS3 had free online multiplayer
PS4 was maybe $399 or $499, I can't remember, but you are forced to pay a monthly fee to get p2p mp.
So in reality it's even more expensive than $599.
Is there any industry he won't ruin?
Controller & mic come in the box, and you'll find most ps4s in a lounge.
>25-30 FPS
if even
PS4 games play like PS1 games.
>chair, keyboard, monitors, cables, headset, mic, rgb, webcam, controllers,
I already said you can get all of it, for the sake of argument, with the 700-900$ difference from your inane claim
u're just a shitposting, lying, third worlder
Even ON YOUR TERMS, consider just the console with NO ADDED COSTS and the full blown pc setup (including furniture lamo) 3k is absolute enough for a top of the line setup
Based Trump.
Finally destroying degenerate vidya.
Oh bullshit. I have over what.... 200 games... I think I paid a grand total of maybe 350 bucks (that includes all the AAA titles I got on massive discounts). Those same games would have cost me a couple of THOUSAND had I bought them on console.
PC is cheaper in the long and if you actually did work for a computer store you'd know that. But, like what was already pointed out poor people can't see that. They only see the now.
For all tech illiterates: 4k 120fps is perfectly feasible in games like CS:GO or Rocket League
Ps2 games dont play like ps1 games , shit changed there , If you said PS4 games played like ps2 games I take it but ps1? You dont know what you are talking about hahahaha
>paying for digital download PC games
>60 fps
Of course the new console is going to be backwards compatible with the PS4, brainlets. Do you have to buy new versions of games everytime you get a new PC?
The PS5 is just a beefier PS Pro, much like the next Xbone will be a beefier Xbone X.
That doesn't mean that PS1 - PS3 BC is coming though. They're not bothering with the effort of PS3 BC, and they already are reselling "enhanced" PS2 games. PS1 could happen but I doubt it.
>Controller & mic come in the box,
a xbox 1 controller and "gaymen headset" are 100$ nigroman
> and you'll find most ps4s in a lounge.
and the pc can't be in the lounge because?
I love how in this retarded comparison the pc gamer has to furnish his entire house
Why not add the cost of rent or buying the house itself while at it
DualShock controller was "invented" (copied) for PS1.
Sony does this shit with every console they release, it's hilarious at this point.
15% increase. cost would be incurred by the companies in the hopes of recouping with subs and sales
>Cross-gen play
>our sjw purple haired faggot developers dont know how to make new games so have fun playing your old games again
>SSD is a standard, not a premium model upgrade
>we were surprised we were able to get away with pretending a 10 dollar chink ssd was something special but now we arent comfortable with getting away with it since now everyone and their grandma has a phone with a ssd in it
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
>this piece of shit still can't do 60+ fps in 2019
snoy wins again!
>Of course the new console is going to be backwards compatible with the PS4, brainlets. Do you have to buy new versions of games everytime you get a new PC?
This is honestly the most retarded argument I've seen on here, b8 or not
>Do you have to buy new versions of games everytime you get a new Playstation console?
Yes, actually.
Exception: Playstation 2 (which still didn't nail backward compatibility)
3k is still 10x the cost of a ps4
>muh $599 PS3, 1080p, 1080p, 1080p
And most games were sub-720p, and sub 30-fps
>ryzen 3700x not a 2010 cpu
I remember when you had business analysts and journos telling us every PS4 game would be at least 1080p/60fps standard.
It released at the end of the ps1 lifespan and fps didnt even know how to use it properly except a few 99-2000 games , ps2 was the console that made full use of it.
I had a shit ton of ps1 games, and I bsrely used the dualshock, I know what Im talking about unlike you
salty nintcel
Not many people bought the X which is already the most powerful console. Why would anyone buy the Xbone 2?
No parity because Xbone 2 will have 360 and OG Xbone BC, and the PS5 will just have PS4 BC.
>select titles
Only for 360 BC because of licensing and accessories and shit. OG Xbone BC will be 100%.
>If they do another 30fps standard generation
Who the fuck are you kidding, you know what is going to happen. Moar graffics and pixels is more important than having choppy ass gameplay at 20-30 FPS.
> Playing games at any point other than release weekend
Trash and irrelevant since rrp is the same on console and PC on release
>hidden cost
what third world country do you live in where you have to buy 'cables' separately.
So that's what you are "playing" the whole time.
Also truth fact:
On PS2, you were able to play Half-Life (1) using keyboard and mouse.
Isn't it sad that PS3 + PS4 downgraded to PS1 again?
After reading this thread I got to ask: why is most of Yea Forums this tech illiterate?
a big table shall sufice until you get some shitty ikea desk or some retarded overpriced meme gamer desk
same thing. you dont have furniture in your house?
>keyboard, monitors, headset
fair enough but the only expensive one of these is the monitor, and you can get a 144hz for really cheap nowaydays
>rgb, mic
retarded. mic comes with the headset
most parts come with their cables. you will only need to buy a few.
wheres the webcam in your console?
not expensive unless you buy some overpriced meme brand with useless features
can be free or dirt cheap if you are nor stupid.
if you need a webcam and a high end mic because you are a content creator then you are talking about an investment and not am accessory for your hobby. in any case you work should pay such things unless you suck.
kys retard
+ $100 per year subscription model
I've been gaming on an SSD since 2008 so he's actually got a point there.
>PS5: More Censorship and more Fags
Will it be able to play vita games
who the fuck buys a game at release at full price beside console welfare recipients?
>never pre-order
>never buy a game on release
>wait to see if it's worth playing or full of bugs and broken
>play from already extensive library while waiting for a decent sale
The absolute state of poorfags
>drrrrrrrrrr I need it NOW
>hurr I don't know why PCs have BC
It's because they use the same architecture, brainlets. The PS5 will be x86, just like PCs, and just like the PS4.
Why do you think the Pro is BC despite being different hardware?
Same thing with Xbone.
isn't that like $800+ in parts?
are they really ready to lose so much money on this.
>PC monitor required
>For PS4 however the monitor comes bundled with the console
>PC software required
>For PS4 however all the software comes bundled with the console
because Yea Forums is mostly underage newfaggot retards who own one console AT MOST or a shitty pc and lack critical thinking and personal opinions.
Zen2 clocked at 3.2Ghz
Navi GPU with 56 compute units
between 12-20GB VRAM for native 4k textures
and a big SSD but I doubt it will be NVME, Sony got something different up their sleeve otherwise Cerny would have said so
>I work building PC's
You already mentioned keyb....
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You are an idiot,Im pretty sure you didnt even had the consoles you are shitting on,believe what you want I was just telling you the real deal playing these consoles trough the years, and yeah things changed after ps1, I cant really say the same after ps2,but there wasnt much to invent really,so I dont see the problem.
I just started playing mhw on x1x and it asked me if I wanted framerate, resolution, or graphics to be prioritized.
>It's because they use the same architecture
That makes no sense.
Otherwise 360 (PowerPC) and Wii U (PowerPC) would be compatible, but they aren't.
In fact Microsoft fucks up backward compatibility so badly that it "somewhat" works, but also doesn't, and thus tons of fan patches and other shit is required all the time.
>and the pc can't be in the lounge because?
Because no one in their right mind wants to use a keyboard on a couch let alone have a tower whirring away next to their TV.
not it's not. CPU is bottom of the barrel bunch with barely working cores. SSD is dirt cheap fir consumer since a year of so, big bulk buyers will pay even less. GPU and GDDR6 vram might be bit pricey but i suspect Sony don't want to make profit with Hardware Sales, PSN/PS+ and 60burger games is more than enough.
This. Pretty sure the average age here is around 14. With "tech training" extending to no more than watching a few pro-console "why console is better than PC" videos on YouTube.
>8 core zen 2
>Navi based GPU
>PCIe4 ssd
Seething because all his favorite games get spoiled before the poorfag can afford to play
Too much text
Also Half-Life 1 on PS2 indeed had USB keyboard + mouse support and even an exclusive coop campaign.
Comfy times.
On PS3 however Half-Life 2 was a trainwreck.
Terrible port, plus of course no USB keyboard/mouse support.
I understand lead-loss marketing but its one thing to take a $200 or $250 loss but what people are suggesting is that sony is going to eat what is likely $350 in an era where sony proper has lost money lately outside the playstation line
I'm always one gen behind because everything's cheaper also already released so I never have to wait for anything. So I won't have a ps5 until 2026 or so
So Nintendo is the only console manufacturer this gen to:
>have a useless gimmick
>have universal shit performance (fps, textures, shadows, resolution)
>provide only 32GB storage
>lack basic apps
>be hacked year 2
>not backwards compatable
>resell ports for full price
>have an awful controller(s)
>have less mainstream jap support than before
Fuck man, why bother with the Switch at this point with the Xbox TWO and PS5 coming? I hope the Switch at least stop being a nogames machine by 2020.
oy vey look what orange man is doing
gamers rise up
I dont care I didnt even played Half Life in consoles.
>Using KB+mouse in consoles,lmao get a pc
>and a big SSD but I doubt it will be NVME
Yea i remember them talking about a new tech which was in fact an upgrade of SATA coming for PCs as well.
right, that's their profit man. not that I want to defend this practice, just stating facts
>>resell ports for full price
What do you think Sony is going to do?
Uncharted 4k woop woop quadrilogy for $60
Retards of Us 4k woop woop collection for $60
Sony is the king of re-releasing games over and over again.
Nintendo went to the shitter with their Switch yes, but that's after everyone else did so.
Navi is slightly weaker than a 1080, optimization will put it between a 1080 and 1080ti.
>lmao get a pc
So I can't play the exclusive campaign
You don't make sense, kek
(inb4 but some pirates did it 10 years later)
What do you mean "spoiled," poorfag? Knowing how a game ends doesn't detract from the fun of playing it myself. Most game stories are as predicable as a capshit movie. Game stories aren't exactly Pulitzer prize material.
>ohhhhhhhh nooooooo the protagonist wins? fuck I can't play it now!
Keep spending $60 on games and handing your hard ear.... your monthly food stamps over to Sony to play online.
>3k is still 10x the cost of a ps4
but user u need much less to match a ps4
>wants to use a keyboard on a couch let alone have a tower whirring away next to their TV.
why are console subhumans always out of touch with reality?
they're like babbies, repeating the same lies since 20y now
>different companies using the same architecture but completely different OS and software should obviously be compatible with each other
Holy shit, you're retarded. OG Xbox was on different architecture than 360 btw.
I'm not saying there isn't a little work required to make the BC but it's a lay-up as opposed to the mess that cross-gen BC has been in the past.
>Those same games would have cost me a couple of THOUSAND had I bought them on console.
You do realize prices drop far quicker on console than on PC and you get to own a physical copy of the game, right? You can literally buy games that came out a couple months back for $20-40 already, and if a game isn't received well it drops even faster. It takes years before PC is equal to console pricing on games, only an idiot buys them on release. Eventually PC will overtake console prices by about $10 but that takes 3-5 years before that happens. Hell, I can go and buy Re:Core right now for $5 brand new on eBay.
How I wish you'd just stay there, fucking faggot.
>Game stories aren't exactly Pulitzer prize material.
>Pulitzer prize
Also the old Silent Hill games have a pretty well written story.
>he says, as they are about to re-release MediEvil
you are seriously overestimating the production costs.
This is so fucking stupid. Of course it "could." (Well, actually I don't know what the GPU on the PS3 actually supported in terms of output, so let's just stick to the new x86 consoles) The problem is those framerates come at a cost; graphical fidelity. If you can render a game at 120fps, you could render it in much higher detail at 60fps, and significantly higher detail still at 30fps. So yeah, you could port Quake 3 to the PS5 (why?) and run it at 144hz. You could make a new game and lower the poly count, lower the terxture resolution, lower literally everything, and run it at 144hz, but history has shown, with few exceptions, publishers would rather run their games at 30fps to make it look better in trailers/screenshots/etc., even if it means a lesser experience for the player. Unless Sony requires games to be run at a certain framerate for validation, no games, except ones where the experience really suffers, are actually going to run at that framerate. And because console gamers are literal idiots, Sony or Xbox will NEVER do that, because doing so when the other doesn't will make their games look like shit in comparison. And the best solution, letting developers add a limited graphical selection, where you choose the framerate and resolution you want that they've decided support, also won't happen, because retarded console gamers and paid game shills will reeee when there's a huge graphical drop to play at 60/120/144fps.
>You do realize prices drop far quicker on console than on PC
Yeah ok, post a source idiot.
He was implying that knowing what happens in the game takes away from the fun of playing it. I am telling him that knowing what happens in the game isn't relevant to the fun of playing it since most people with at least moderate intelligence can figure out the ending before even firing it up.
Exactly, ps4 can do higher frames than 30 but hardly any games take advantage of it. It's the same marketing gimmick Sony has always used and retards fall for it everytime.
Depending on the game, he's not wrong. You can pick up used shit from gamestop relatively cheap most of the time, save for some triple A titles that hold value for years. Steam generally has better sales in the long run though, there's no contest there.
>OG Xbox was on different architecture than 360
I was not the one saying "same architecture" and also mentioning x86 (w/o mentioning windows).
According to that retarded statement Wii U + 360 should be compatible.
And as I already said - even Windows isn't actually backward compatible in a real sense.
On 64-bit Windows for example you can't run any 16-bit software. Tons of 32-bit games have 16-bit installers. And that because Microsoft couldn't be bothered to do proper work.
Saying that "same architecture" means backward-compatibility is retarded and incorrect. It always requires tons of extra work.
Even the games themselves may have problems b/c CPU running too fast, and which may in turn require workarounds.
Proper backward compatibility uses the same last gen chips in the new console model.
See Wii U (contains Wii).
See 3DS (contains DS)
See DS (contains GBA chips)
Even see PS2 (contains PS1 chips)
He wrote
Pulitzer is not meant to be about fictional stories.
>>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
but does it have freesync? Even the base xbone has that, and it'll make low framerates (which are inevitable because this is a fucking console and we can't just lower graphics settings) much more tolerable
What are console users going to do when GameStop shuts its doors for good? Which is about to happen.
As i got it it's only PS4 BC
500 funbux box, nuff said.
Backwards compatible.
The switch also has more re-releases/ports on top of straight rehashes that should have been expansions
PS5 is backwards compatible, why does a straight remake matter?
At least its not lazy like most Nintendo "remakes" of mario and luigi and that ugly ass zelda
of course not
they won't bother with legacy stuff especially since it would likely rely on software emulation which isn't perfect and HAS to be emulated per-game basis they won't spend the time or R&D for something barely anyone plays
if only this were like a pc where you could just get a bunch of autistic basement dwellers to do it for you
Just some very quick examples. Keep in mind those price cuts on the games on console aren't temporary, they're like that for months and they tend to go even lower. This isn't even factoring in eBay or Gamestop where I can get things like Re:Core, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, etc for $10 or so.
> we can't just lower graphics settings
Whats the matter PCek can't appreciate the artistic vision of the developers who optimized there game to run at a cinematic 24 FPS? You think you know better than the people who made the game how it should run? Fucking off yourtself you entitled faggot.
>physical vs digital
now compare digital console vs digital PC please
can't tell if b8 or not
pretty much this. Sony could make literally the most perfect console with amazing hardware, but none of it would matter because they force their gay agenda and censor anything that shows just a BIT of skin.
Why the fuck would I use digital comparisons when physical is available? Physical is an option on consoles and therefore offers me ways to get games cheaper while PC only has digital and has to deal with stolen CD keys if you want to go cheaper than what stores are letting you pay for.
So you'd rather get a Steam Machine (Which isn't even made anymore) for roughly double if not triple the price of a console? Because you still need a keyboard to access stuff and troubleshoot if something happens. Even if you put the SteamOS on your machine you're still going to have to manually fix shit on your own with a mouse and keyboard and that's Linux.
How can you think a desktop is in any way more convenient and viable let alone cheaper than just buying a console? You go for PC for power and performance, not for comfort.
>Backwards compatible.
That's why I said Uncharted Quadrilogy 4k woop woop Ultra-Complete package edition.
Also proper backward compatibility from Sony?
kek, will never happen.
PS3 backward compatibility was far from perfect.
PS2 backward compatibility was far from perfect.
>Switch has more re-releases/ports
PS4 has tons of those, almost its whole library is PS3 ports.
PS3 also has tons of those.
You do realize that within the next 5 years (or less) physical copies of games will be no more. Companies like EA are already pushing/hinting toward it. Technology changes music went from vinyl to 8 track to cassette to CD to MP3. Yes, you can still buy CDs here and there, but gaming will be different. Screenshot this. If you're posting here in 5 years, remember this day. Once everyone goes completely digital your 10 dollar copy of the next big release will be no more. Gamestop is already going under.
>Why the fuck would I use digital comparisons when physical is available?
because physica medium is in a decay so prices will naturally be lower since the demand is at an all time low
fucking retard
That's their new slogan.
No games
The real question is, why are you so scared of gay people and
Why do you play shovelware hentai games on console?
Seems its a personal issue.
>PS3 backward compatibility was far from perfect.
launch ps3s have the same compatibility with ps2 games as late (7500x) ps2s
>PS2 backward compatibility was far from perfect.
there are like two ps1 games that don't work on the launch ps2
So is PS3 compat officially off the table?
Really not interested in buying a used one just to play a few games which haven't been remastered.
Lmao, backwards compat ruins your argument, how sad.
And again, switch literally just rereleased an entire last gen for full price. There is no worse platform atm.
Dude you know there's an infinity of keystores and storefronts for games on PC right?
Who still buys from steam and amazon?
Except we've already seen Google Stadia isn't getting the reception it wants and OnLive outright died. Everything is still released on CD and vinyls are making a comeback for crying out loud. Do you think little Timmy is going to want to pay $60 for every game that comes out because there's no supply or demand anymore and they can produce infinite copies so they never need to drop prices? When Microsoft tried pulling this stunt just a couple years back they got heavily shat upon and we're not even close to having reasonable internet speeds let alone storage speed or unlimited data caps. This shit would decimate the gaming community in America alone. MP3s work because they're less than 4 MB.
Of course. Realize that the majority of console purchases are by parents buying their kid a new toy. The numbers show that the vast, overwhelming, majority of console players are under 18. Sony is simply catering to their biggest demographic and the parents who don't want their kids playing a "porn" game.
>gay people
disgusting, degenerate, unclean, pedos.
No, disgusted.
>you know there's an infinity of keystores and storefronts for games on PC right?
Yeah, and even legit ones aren't more than $7 off of Steam prices. You also risk a G2A situation every time you buy from these people that Valve takes away your key because of stolen credit cards or going through Russia to get your key.
Consoles have never outperformed a PC. Why do consolefags think that will ever change? Every single time it's "no THIS TIME it'll be better than a pc, FOR REAL" and then every single time it's just a mid-tier pc that you can't upgrade. How do you keep falling for this? Explain this to me. I want to know why you keep doing this.
>launch ps3s
I doubt that.
Also launch PS3s in Europe were broken pieces of fecal matter, and were the most expensive of the bunch.
>there are like two ps1 games
Metal Gear Solid VR missions - didn't recognize MGS disc. That's not some minor special case.
>So you'd rather get a Steam Machine (Which isn't even made anymore)
that's not a steam machine
matx and itx cases have been a thing for years if u're bothered by "towers"
>for roughly double if not triple the price of a console?
uh? u can build a pc twice as powerful as the ps4 pro with just 1 year of psn plus cost
> Because you still need a keyboard to access stuff and troubleshoot if something happens.
>Even if you put the SteamOS on your machine you're still going to have to manually fix shit on your own with a mouse and keyboard and that's Linux.
as opposed to.. RMA the console?
>How can you think a desktop is in any way more convenient and viable let alone cheaper than just buying a console?
Nobody made those claims, i was responding to monkeyman factoring in the cost of a desk and gaming chair, monitor in a pc build and not a console's as per usual with retarded console subhumans since 1999
>You go for PC for power and performance, not for comfort.
You can have both power, performance and lower cost on a PC
grow up
>they can produce infinite copies so they never need to drop prices?
dude what
the physical part of a game is so easy and cheap to produce that it may as well be infinite.
>stolen CD keys
Stop spouting misinformations. If you avoid G2A and kinguin which you should know by now, you're perfectly safe to buy from the dozens of authorized key resellers
>There is no worse platform atm.
All platforms are horrible pieces of shit.
>paying for online gaming
>paying for digital downloads
>online DRM
>patch galore everywhere
>just download these 20 GBs of patches because of our broken piece of shit software
That's why I went retro.
>few games which haven't been remastered.
like what?
>Cloud based Xbox releases this Christmas
>Anaconda releases next year competing against the PS5
Calling it Sony is fucked this generation
>Why the fuck would I use digital comparisons when physical is available?
Also why the fuck would anyone pay for digital online DRM protected bits anyway, especially when you don't own shit.
Stadia is a streaming cloud service, it isn't the same thing. And, Microsoft tried to require online at all times regardless if you're playing single player or not - again not the same thing.
We're talking about buying a game through a digital store like Epic / Microsoft Store / Steam etc versus buying a physical copy from Amazon or Gamestop.
Digital is cheaper for the game manufacturers and they can get a bigger ROI when they aren't making physical discs (manufacturing, packaging, shipping, etc).
The gaming industry is different from the music industry - that's why I pointed that out. GameStop isn't on the verge of going out of business for mismanagement. They're going out of business because people are, more and more, just buying their games digital - just because you prefer a physical copy doesn't change that fact.
Physical copies are not going to be a thing in the future.
Developers could easily develop their games for PC but Sony/Microsoft want you to buy their fancy machine.
At least Nintendo tries to make their consoles different from a PC with games that rely on features that don't exist on a PC.
Muh 1s & 0s that come on a cable are better than ur 1s & 0s that come on a disk
Strongly suggest suicide
but games
Forgot about:
>pay full price for this part of the game
>now pay another time for this part of the game
>and that part of the game
2 years later
>pay full price for this complete edition of the game
2 years later
>pay full price for this complete edition of the game, that runs at a slightly higher resolution with slightly improved textures
SONY has games
at the end of the day that's what matters. There's no reason to buy a console without exclusives.
>So you'd rather get a Steam Machine (Which isn't even made anymore) for roughly double if not triple the price of a console?
what the fuck are you talking about
steam machines were just shitty pre-builts, what do they have to do with anything
Of course, the euro models didn't include "full" PS2 hardware, the launch models in other regions did. The compatibility issues in these models are the same as in late slim PS2s (which also used a cheaper design to launch consoles) as far as I can ascertain.
That's the SCPH-3000x model. The launch PS2 plays them fine, as long as you don't turn on graphics smoothing.
99.9% of people have a desk, and they're $20 at most.
Literally every household ever has a chair
Comes with the Desktop, idiot
Can find them cheap as fuck
Every single cable you'd need is included with the desktop and monitor
$25 at best buy
Usually included with the Headset
Not a point at all
??? Lol who the fuck bothers with a webcam.
Generic Xbox or PS4 controllers are literally $25
You mean the included version of Windows when you buy most PC's? Or the FREE software of every game platform? OR the FREE 2 PLAY video games? Or the PIRATED games?
Imagine trying this hard and still being completely BTFO by random people on the internet.
journos sucking corporate dick to get good boy points like jason 'faggot cuck' schreier? no fucking way
Imagine getting stuck in this shitty thread having to argue with a bunch of fat retards about their outdated console before it even hits the market.
Literally no one has said this
>features that don't exist on a PC.
Like paid multiplayer.
Like Game collections that you buy physical, but then you need to download at least 1 of the included games from the internet
Like rebuying last gen games once again.
Like rebuying games that you already purchased digitally.
Like having online multiplayer where you need a smartphone to play and to have voice chat
Yeah, Nintendo nails these "features".
How many % of people have a more powerful pc than a console?
>The compatibility issues in these models are the same as in late slim PS2s
slim PS2s were able to play almost all PS2 games.
Euro launch PS3s didn't / played them in a horrible broken state.
Why does that matter? How is some third worlder with a shitty laptop affecting me? How would you even a reliably measure that when anyone could just opt out of whatever survey you try?
It's not something that anyone with consoles has to bother with. Consoles will crash, sure, but you don't have to keep on top of drivers (Which are served automatically on PC but not everyone knows this), you don't have to troubleshoot if things happen like Dead Space's vsync issue or Assassin's Creed Black Flag's "No sound during cutscenes" issue creeps up because they don't happen on consoles, or various other issues that crop up. You do get more choice, but the general public doesn't want that, they want to sit down and have something work without them thinking about it.
>as opposed to.. RMA the console?
I'm speaking of troubleshooting, not returning something.
>i was responding to monkeyman factoring in the cost of a desk and gaming chair, monitor in a pc build
and I was responding to the question of why you can't factor in the lounge for a PC instead. Because normal people don't play PC in the lounge, it's available as an option, but no one is going to use it outside of enthusiasts. It's still a disingenuous addition though, I agree with you.
>GameStop isn't on the verge of going out of business for mismanagement
You're joking, right? Years of them selling people used copies as new, shoveling "Do you want to subscribe to the Gamestop Rewards program?" at you every single time you speak to them, shoving warranties at every opportunity, shoving their disk resurfacing at every opportunity, and selling used copies just $5 lower than new are all endemic problems with Gamestop. Physical has lost some users thanks to the convenience of digital, sure, but to say that's why Gamestop is going under and not because of their shitty practices, their ridiculous prices compared to shopping online, and their unfair trade-in values is ridiculous.
Heeellll yeah
Found the poorfag who likes dumpster diving for his furniture
Yeah I'm not talking about the euro consoles. They cheaped out and excluded the CPU.
So it's just even more of a gimped computer now?
Only weeb incels like yourself throw a hissy fit.
Normalfags don't give a shit.
>Completely destroys his argument
Get BTFO faggot.
My slim euro PS2 was unable to play classics like Medievil and CTR - the former would freeze at the selection of like the 4th level and the latter at the start of any race. For all i know shit might've been broken obviously, just saying
But you said launch PS3s.
consoles have tons of bugs and issues nowdays, patches and shit you're talking by memes
and why do u keep bringing up "average people" liking or doing this or that, we're talking about what YOU can do
are you so cucked you think in terms of your beloved overlord Sony or whatever's marketing team?
you forgot rent, internet and electric bill, food, dragon dildo, car and gas
I'm the biggest PC fag and this is so wrong
> $20 desk
> $20 headset
> Random chair
> Cheep monitor
> Pirated, virus infested software
This sounds awful
>the physical part of a game is so easy and cheap to produce that it may as well be infinite.
Yet they're produced in limited quantities and then never again. Meanwhile a company has to do literally nothing to offer a digital key for sale so someone can download a game. The only competition at that point is competing stores in the case of PC, and if you're in a closed market such as PSN or XBL good luck. They'll compete against themselves but to what extent? $5 off? $10 off?
>you're perfectly safe to buy from the dozens of authorized key resellers
Right, authorized are fine like Humble for instance, but you're still never reaching the point of physical console game sales unless the game has been out for years.
>what do they have to do with anything
Because the picture was of a mini tower under the television running Big Picture so I thought it was a Steam Machine, that's my bad.
My Euro PS2 was making Jak & Daxter racing or whatever the fuck it was called go crazy, and it saved endlessly when a memory card was inserted.
When you powered off the PS2 the memory card got corrupted.
And the game was never fixed.
Are desktops packaging mechanical keyboards yet?
No? Ew...
kys nindenqueer
>Yet they're produced in limited quantities and then never again
What does that have to do with anything? Why would they produce more copies than they're gonna sell?
True, but if the Switch didn't have those problems it would be justified as a console.
The only reason to own a PS_ or Xbox is to play games that COULD be on PC but aren't.
I should have clarified. The euro launch was different to other regions.
The same can be said about the Switch.
Make all Nintendo games available on PC and there is not a single reason to get one except for muh tablet.
>its going to be another gen where PC has like 1 good exclusive that cannot be played on a shitty laptop
what is even the point to have dedicated gaming PC?
>buying consoles
>buying Sony consoles in 2020
because it's the best platform for playing multiplats, and exclusives these days are shit
Best multiplats and best exclusives. Stay seething consolebabby.
because i want to play the best versions of multiplats
>that pic
Super unrealistic. How are PS users supposed to dilate with a controller that small?
>consoles have tons of bugs and issues nowdays
Which are always patched out automatically with no requirement from you to do anything. When's the last time a system hard crashed on you? Hell, when's the last time a game crashed on you on a console? I'm not saying they don't happen, don't get me wrong, I'm saying on console you're going to have less issues that cause a problem on your overall experience. You can even get your system and game patched while playing another game without you having to do anything. Driver updates still require you to manually point to directories even with express choices, you can manually fix things in games that aren't fixed yet (See: Bethesda games) but you have to jump through hoops to mod them, and there's still the issue of graphics cards not having the proper drivers so the game runs worse than the console parity, or there's memory leaks.
These are issues that don't exist on consoles because they deal with an entirely different set of things so there's less thought involved in having to troubleshoot or do anything other than play your games and do what you want to do within the scope of the system.
>and why do u keep bringing up "average people" liking or doing this or that
Because everyone assumes people want to deal with all the technical stuff that comes with a PC even if the PC is better for performance and power. What if you don't want that? What if you just want "It just works™"? Going on a PC and limiting your performance to console levels is a really shitty thing because then you bring up the question why not just a console if you're going to be playing at that level?
>What does that have to do with anything?
What part of a "Limited production" makes no sense in the scope of "Supply and demand"?
I still remember they promised Full HD games on fucking PS3. I still remember they promised 1080p/60fps or REAL 4k games in PS4.
Only zoomers fall for those next gen lies.
ps3 actually launched with a 1080p60 game and it almost never dropped
and it was actually a good game
>Limited production
What? You think that they produce a set amount of copies of the games and never again? That's not how it works. If stores ask for more copies of the game then they produce more. They don't just say "lol sorry but that's all we feel like making". That's fucking ridiculous, why the fuck do you think they would just stop making copies of the game if it's selling well?
>except for muh tablet.
In other words, the reason most people bought one.
>tfw you can play best versions of multiplats on PC and at the same time not support PC market by buying PC games
>tfw you can then buy console version, so part of your money goes to a platform owner that funds actually good games
Only cucks buy PC games.
Except at some point the games will stop being made due to low/no demand. With digital they will never stop being produced.
PS3 was my last console. Never again. I'm done with the progressive scam that is the console industry. Don't believe a word the manufacturers say anymore.
I doubt most people bought it because of that.
Because way better tablets are available.
And it's not really portable.
And it's a shitty home console.
If I wanted a portable dedicated gaming system, I would get a 3DS.
>0.1 bucks has been deposited to your steam wallet
keep shilling
>why are you so scared of gay people
>scared of an aids ridden faggot
I'm not scared of them, more so annoyed by developers forcing them into everything and writing them so poorly they don't even come across well or naturally.
>Why do you play shovelware hentai games on console?
I don't. Censorship in general is retarded, regardless of whats being censored, as its always a slippery slope that gets worse over time.
$599 at the very least.
If there's no demand then why the fuck does it matter if they stop producing copies? Why would they produce copies when nobody wants it? Why would nobody wanting a game mean the supply is limited? If copies were limited but people still wanted it, wouldn't that mean HIGHER prices?
Says a cuckazoid who used to laugh at Xbone fags for having to pay for online and not even being able to replace their drives until Sony started implementing the same and you went silent like a proper cuckazoid. I don't need an account deposit, my account is not being scammed away by a shitty closed garden to need any deposits.
hahahha, you mad? hahahha :D kek
they can fuck right off with their jewdi mindtricks
(stopped buying ps shit after introduction of mandatory multiplayer fee, which is doubly egregious since the payment doesn't even fucking guarantee for the less popular games to sustain their network functionality)
>selling your console at such a loss when people only buy it for fifa
If you can show me a tablet that can function as either a docked machine plugged into a TV or a handheld with controllers physically attached (without some shitty looking apparatus to hold a bluetooth PC controller), then I will admit that I'm wrong. But until that device exists, the Switch's existence is justified by more than just exclusive games.
the state of the sony fanbase
big yikes from me
i don't understand their obsession with matte - it looks cheap.
>wouldn't that mean HIGHER prices?
Not in the quantities they're produced. We already see with digital storefronts prices only go down on sales, very rarely do they ever get permanent price drops like you do with physical copies. You have an infinite amount of supply and demand can always be satisfied with that infinite supply in a digital storefront so there's always someone wanting to buy it, there's no cost outside of whatever it costs for the person to download the object so there's no reason to ever drop the price. With physical copies they take up space be it in a person's house, a store shelf, or a warehouse, and the company/person needs to sell it therefore lowering the price.
Even 3rd world poorfags can afford newest iphone and samsung galaxy. 600 burgers is nothing in todays money. I dont know why people still act like that's a lot when consolefags spend as much on new games and dlcs every year.
>selling your console at such a loss
Selling at a one time loss to attain long term interests through cloud scam is a pretty good business move. The console kiddies will cough up more over time on expenses unrelated to the cost of games themselves than the faggots who buy the new Mac Pro will.
And it's only gotten worse and worse
>can function
It does a horrible job at both.
People are simply brainwashed by semi-good advertising.
And the so called controllers do not even have an actual digipad.
It's hilarious that it sells as good as it does (will never reach Wii/DS levels, and when you combine those it would have to sell 250 million to be as successful as those were)
You know they could have done at least a proper job with the carts. And I was a fun of that originally.
But now it's buy this physical cart and download half of the game or whatever from the internet.
The damn thing doesn't even support USB drives, only expensive - very expensive SD cards.
Simply not true.
I wager close to half of PS4 games take advantage of framerates higher than 30.
all fighting games on the PS3 and PS4 run at 60fps, meanwhile,switch can't handle mk11 or nothing that is outside Nintendo exclusives with shit cartoony graphics at 60fps,also,reminder that Xenoblade chronicles 2 runs like shit at 500p
>I wager close to half of PS4 games take advantage of framerates higher than 30.
If by that you mean VNs and JRPG's then yes.
No. I meant half of all PS4 games you illiterate cuck.
Which is VNs and JRPGs you brainlet. Look up the library stats.
>all fighting games are 60 fps
oh wow, the power of the PS3/PS4.
When actual real games run at 60 fps on PS4, they aren't rock solid almost all the time.
>switch can't handle
Switch is a shit thing.
But at the same time I say that MK11 was not ported properly, because when you can't even make a simplstic pseudo-2D fighting game run at 60 fps, then I guess it's over.
>shit cartoony graphics
yes, need more depressing grey to be "mature".
So sony just confirmed they are still playing catch up to xbox again? Post something interesting next time
Censorship at 4k/120hz
But they won't have any more worth a shit. They don't have enough of first parties, are forcing cinematic genre and lost all of their second parties while deceloping each inhouse game for more than 5 years. Hell, even Death Stranding - new Kojima's game, which is fully funded and owned by them is also gonna release on pc. They are beyond fucked.
>I was merely pretending to be retarded!
>Last of Us
>PS4 game
That's actually a PS3 port, which was ported over.
List invalidated.
next you will be saying that Super Mario Bros is a Wii game, because it was ported/emulated on Wii.
He is quoting MSRP which is obviously way over actual manufacturing cost. Snoy probably gets a sweet deal from the child labor factories
The thing everybody needs to understand is that it's not even real 4k, it's all checkerboarded to shit. The fucking thing can barely run RDR2 at 24fps 724p low settings with no antialiasing. Yeah maybe fucking Undertale could push it to 120fps if it really tried.
It's more justified as a separate machine than a Playstation or Xbox, which was my original point.
Also I own a switch and what you're saying is mostly bullshit. I haven't even connected to the internet yet even once, it still plays any cartridge I've tried fine without downloading anything. The downloads are just optional updates.
I've also tried hooking up a tablet with a bluetooth controller before, using the retarded apparatus I mentioned before, usually you have about a 50% success rate of connecting, and a lower chance of the controller working properly. Then even if it works, you have two battery levels to worry about. The switch controllers always work and when they're connected physically, they share battery life with the console.
Seriously show me a single device that works better than a Switch right now. It's certainly possible to manufacture a PC that does what the Switch does but no one is doing it.
These faggot lists should always contain:
- last gen port
- exclusive (worth a shit)
- late port
- indie shit
Currently those lists are worthless.
>The fucking thing can barely run RDR2 at 24fps 724p low settings with no antialiasing
Look at actual gameplay of it and tell me it's in 4k. It's not. It's checkerboarded 4k which isn't real 4k. It also runs at an unplayable 28fps when nothings happening, 25fps when things are onscreen and dips to like 15fps in bigger areas like Rhodes.
not even him but are you pretending to be dense? the xbox one x version is a native 4k and has the most stable resolution with DF saying they couldn't find a drop in gameplay from 30 fps. only the ps4 pro is using checkerboarding to 4k and its literally the shittest implementation DF also made an update video about that last week because a patch was released which was supposed to fix the shit ps4 pro version, and didn't.
I have looked at acutal gameplay, and it's in native 4K locked at 30fps. Why do you keep lying?
>It also runs at an unplayable 28fps when nothings happening, 25fps when things are onscreen and dips to like 15fps in bigger areas like Rhodes
I don't know, I have yet to play it.
Hey do you even own a XboneX btw? If so take a picture of it
stable framerate*
>more justified
Those do a horrible job at home console gaming too, but at least they do a pseudo-better job at that.
>it still plays any cartridge I've tried fine without downloading anything. The downloads are just optional updates.
Get Resident Evil Revelations 1+2 "on cart".
Try to play Revelations 2.
Not possible.
And that's one release out of tons that do this shit.
>tried hooking up a tablet
So you bought a piece of shit, and it doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure that Switches also had all sorts of controller sync problems.
You know what used Bluetooth and actually worked?
All the other wireless controllers made by Nintendo.
> they share battery life with the console.
And it has a shit battery with a shitty batter life and it's not even replaceable unless you invalidate warranty and basically break it open.
You know which systems had use replaceable batteries?
>show me a single device that works better than a Switch right now
What's that supposed to mean?
You are fine with shit.
And instead of being honest and saying "yes, this is shit", you are going "show me something that works better".
It's like "show me a piece of shit that doesn't smell as bad as this piece of shit that I paid money for"
I went retro gaming because of the crappy industry. And that works.
Disc/cart in - works.
Everything on disc/cart.
Most of the time the games are not broken.
>I haven't even connected to the internet yet even once
I don't believe your lies.
I'm glad when I bought my PS4 it came with a free house.
>half of the list is RPG, Puzzle kiddie shit, Racing, Strategy, VN/Graphic Adventure, Point and Click, and PS3 Ports
>Capable of supporting
The perfect way saying "it supports it, but it doesn't mean it will be standard". It's like people don't pay attention to semantics; the PS4 Pro already "supports" 4K, it is not the standard.
At this point I just hope the PS5 "supports" more real 4K games at something above 30fps.
All the bickering over whether or not it's real 4k is fucking pointless because it still runs at 30fps max which is still an unplayable mess. Consolefriends really need to raise their standards when it comes to hz. hz will always be more important than gfx because shitbox consoles can't handle both decent graphics and high framerates, the latter should take the priority.
It's 2019 faggot, why don't you own a 2080 ti yet?
Yes, if Sony was honest they would do that.
PS3 should have been a SD machine.
Then it would have delivered perfect frame rates.
But nope, LARP as if you created a 1080p machine and in reality it can't even do 30 fps at sub 720p.
And now they are LARPing as if they created a 4k machine. And it will be sub 30 fps at best.
i still own a GTX770
I bet you can count on one hand the amount of triple A games you can run at 60fps at 4k.
Framerates and hertz will never take priority, companies want to push 4K and now 8K tvs, and console users in general play on tvs, not monitors.
>no PS1, PS2, or PS3 BC
Fuck the system then, Xbox will let you play original Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One games.
Why do autistic PC framerate freaks post ITT?
1080p 240hz >>>>> 4k 60hz
change my mind
Because only subhumans play from software games at low framerates.
jesus fuck lmao I feel sorry for the 40 million people who have this pos.
>all those mobile game ports
>all those ancient ports like Assault Suit Leynos for example
>over half the library is prepubescent shit
Jesus, and i thought Steam had it rough with shitsaturation.
>autstic PC framerate
I actually don't give a shit about >60 fps.
I can't stand shitty frame rates (everything 30 fps or less), I also can't stand tearing. And I also can't stand unstable frame rates, because I like playing games.
If I wanted < 30 fps, I would watch a movie.
>More PS5 news creating more Xcuck butthurt
XboneX dude here
Yeah the base Xbone is indeed a fucking joke. And it also launched costing $100 more than ps4
*Moves Goal Post*
I can buy a PC right now, for around the same price of a PS/Xbox, and it will do anything a PS/Xbox can do except play exclusives. Which was my original point.
There doesn't exist a machine that can do what the Switch does, and you're vastly exaggerating the faults. The battery life is excellent, the controllers sync perfectly, and most games work out of box no internet required.
Even if the faults you declare of the Switch were true, there still doesn't exist a machine that can do what it does, which is my original point. This is what justifies it as a separate machine. While PS and Xbox don't have a purpose other than just playing games that are artificially crafted to NOT work on PC.
>I don't believe your lies.
That's up to you, but if you must know why, it's because mine is hacked and I want to study how to not get banned before I go online.
as far as we know the nextbox will be targeting 4k60 across all games. probably checkerboard 4k60 but i'd take a slightly softer image and 60 fps than a slightly sharper image but at half the input responsiveness.
>2020 1080Ti in PS5
>2020 3080Ti in PC
>oh yeah? well i didn't care about any of this in the first place!
>indie shit counts as games
We could also count DLCs that you can buy as games to get the number even higher.
who are you quoting?
There's no goal post moving. Literally half the library is genres which aren't even affected by framerate as it's rendered irrelevant in their operation, because having high framerate on ancient game ports and mobile shit is easy even on the fucking PS2.
If you prefer fluidity over graphics, then I can't. For me, It's 4K. Granted, the amount of games on the market that both look exceptionally good graphically, have compelling gameplay, and run at 60fps are almost non-existent lol. GTA V at 4k with graphical enhancement mods is still GOAT (Graphics of all time) though. Even vanilla it looks great, but with just some shader mods that don't really impact performance at all, you can make the game look like real life.
>I can buy a PC right now, for around the same price of a PS/Xbox, and it will do anything a PS/Xbox can do
not him but find me a pc for £180 GBP because that's how much xbox's go for. ps4's around £200.
Locked 30fps is fine for 3rd person view open world games imo
I recently beat Horizon Zero Dawn and never really thought "man that framerate is unplayable"
But I understand how you feel because you get used to better things. Same reason I honestly have a hard time going back to 1080p after I got my 4K tv (picrelated 1800p on xbonex)
>There doesn't exist a machine that can do what the Switch does
I'm pretty sure the Vita was capable of connecting to a monitor.
That one was a piece of shit as well though.
If you want an actual portable system get a 3DS.
If you want an actual home console get a PS2. Or a Wii.
>The battery life is excellent
>Breath of the Wild runs 3 hours on a new battery (official stats from Nintendo) and will only get worse and worse
Your $0.05 were just deposited.
And you fucking retards needed to zoom in 500% on a horse's scrotum to notice hahahahahaah
Rockstar know who plays on Xbox, at least.
It will be nvme+spinning rust with some storemi bullshit.
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
Hey that's great, can't wait to play all my censored games in 4k/120Hz.
Question can I download PS3 games I bought on the PSN store theivis games I've bought that I've not played cause I'm to lazy to hook it up.
>Locked 30fps is fine
>for 3rd person view open world games
Fuck off.
>never really thought
Because you are used to shit gameplay.
>VN's and JRPG's aren't indie shit
*Moves Goal Post*
All the most popular games (Fifa, COD, etc.) run 60fps. They aren't last gen games, and they are AAA high budget games with advanced graphics rendering tech.
so which version are you saying is better?
pro or xbox one x?
simple question which requires a simple answer. lets see if you can handle it.
You can't connect vita to tv.
t.own a vita
Buy more.
Things I never wrote.
JRPGs of current times are trash though.
Im looking on uk online stores and the ps4s are 250 pounds for the 500gb version and 300 pounds for the 1tb version. are you talking about a special sale price or something?
>Things I never wrote.
How about you actually pay attention to the conversation chain you absolute full retard?
>All the most popular games
Are multiplat and have higher framerate on PC and improvement mods.
Half the library is games which don't even have framerate in the technical sense or are shitty ports of mobile and ancient shit.
The only thing you've accomplished is to showcase how low Sony has fallen since it stopped the practice of subsidizing various devs to create diverse and creative games for their library. It's a sad sight what the library has become.
Who the fuck cares nobody will buy this trash after they find out GTA 6 is going to censored to hell.
Cuckbox Juan Eggs is better, despite the fact it can't do a locked 30fps and those "demonstrable differences" mostly don't exist outside of the aforementioned horse balls. It's obvious you retards got conned again.
>muh troo fore kay
Fuck off back to Twitter.
>All the most popular games
Dark Souls 3
Uncharted 4
Blood Souls
Nice try.
inb4: you need to buy the new model every 2 years.
*moves goalpost even further*
>Question can I download PS3 games I bought on the PSN store theivis games I've bought that I've not played cause I'm to lazy to hook it up.
... What?
>consolefags call 900p on low settings "advanced graphics rendering tech"
Waging mental gymnastics won't make the facts go away jimbo.
But isn't there some shitty extra device?
VitaTV or whatever the fuck its called?
Use that to play games on both.
>buying snoy products
Lmao no
Uncharted 4 has 60fps in its multiplayer. So Uncharted 4 is on of the games that >take advantage of framerates higher than 30.
>Because you are used to shit gameplay
Exactly. That's what I'm saying; you're probably used to 60fps for EVERY game on your PC and therefore can't enjoy 30fps
I completely understand that
Will I be able to use my PS4 controlers on PS5? Thinking of buying an arcade stick for PS4.
if i can get a ps4 for £230 then you should use that as a target pricing or there about for a pc. pc component sales will obviously be valid in the same way console sales pricing is valid.
When you faggot quote me and you pretend that I wrote something that I never wrote, you are making a fool out of yourself.
A PS2 is even more worthless as a console now that the majority of its games will work on a half-decent gaming PC with PCSx2 installed. But even before PCSx2 it was just a console that plays games that could have easily worked on PC if they were developed on that architecture.
The Wii on the other hand fits the same category as Switch because it had certain features (whether you think they are good or not) that didn't at the time exist on PC. Now it's possible with Dolphin though so it's no longer the case. We probably won't see the 3D feature of 3DS on PC for a while, so that also justifies it's existence.
I remember when the 3DS came out, a shitload of people trashed the 3D feature and said they don't use it, but no matter your opinion on these features and how good they are, they still don't exist on PC so it makes them justified as a separate device. That's the only point I'm making.
>Uncharted 4 has 60fps
So I was wrong?
>in the (paid) (restricted) multiplayer
Fuck off.
Multiplayer on consoles top kek
Wow, such a challenge using this inaccurate controller and then using auto-aim.
>will work on a half-decent gaming PC
will "work".
It was about actual proper home consoles.
I take a PS2 game.
Put it into the PS2.
And it works.
That's what home console gaming is all about.
Not this:
>need to download this shit
>and that shit
>oh wait, this version has a problem
>wait, there was this bug
>download the latest version
>1536 x 864
Did microsoft ever even make it out of last gen? That seems like 360 tier numbers, thats even the x1s with the higher clocks on the cpu. How bad does the x1 fair then?
Vita TV is not add-on. It's vita sans monitor and buttons.
xbox one and one s are negligible
Because you're all disgusting perverts who spread disease, propaganda, and warp/molest children. Moreover, you're seen as an abomination in the eyes of God and it's very apparent why that is the case, sodomite.
>23% off
It's a sale price. You're asking me to match non-sale prices with a store's special sale price. Shit is obviously going to be cheaper if it's on sale.
>the gay station nation share on cross play for years
>now it will be praised as the greates thing ever for years
You can play the same (shitty) games as portable and on your big screen.
That's what you wanted.
>nooo, i want it on one device that does both poorly
>i don't want 2 devices
But wait, don't you need that shitty dock? Dock is not a separate device, but VitaTV or PlaystationTV or ShitTV I don't give a shit is?
>I don't want to pay twice
There was surely a bundle somewhere
You clearly don't know what you are talking about mate. What the hell are you doing on Yea Forums?
Really? Because I guarantee a minimum 90% of current gen xbox owners have a x1 or x1s. My roommate is still rocking a x1.
>Shit is obviously going to be cheaper if it's on sale.
as will pc components? who the fuck buys anything at full price if there's a sale available. this is a realistic scenario. people will buy sale consoles for £230 the same way they'll buy sale processor, motherboards, graphics cards, ram etc for sale prices or even used/refurbished. there were refurbished ps4 pro 1tb's going for £250 on music magpie just 22 hours ago.
a deal is a deal. using arbitrary restrictions is dumb.
>There is nothing like Switch
>I want to play pseudo-portable and pseudo home-console
But there is this, Vita and VitaTV or whatever the fuck its called
>that doesn't count
>What are you talking about mate
You are a real weird fucker, aren't you.
When you reply to a message chain where you *CHANGE THE GOALPOST* of the conversation, then you should expect to be seen as a person who is defending those words because we are on an anonymous imageboard.
But i can see you are too much of a brainlet to even understand basic logic.
>Keeps changing the goalpost
How does it make you feel to know Uncharted 4 shits on all of your favourite games this year by all objective measures?
That wouldn't be the case if the developers made the games for PC, which they could have done if Sony didn't need people to buy their special box. But their special box doesn't do anything special, unlike the 3DS or Switch which do some special things.
>what is optimization
these days it's just marketing words for downgrades, at least on the console side
there's barely a 3% different in practice between xbox one and xbox one s. the small upclock doesn't do much in 99% of games.
>make it different
>literally a tablet with display out that has shit performance as a result
Wow how unique, the PSP never did this.
>When you reply to a message chain
You faggot quoted like 5 posts.
I replied because ONE of those 5 posts was mine.
>REEEEE, you need to respond as if you wrote all 5
No, fuck off.
Console players need to understand PC components and the prices of them in order to understand the stupidity of this speculation.
>Uncharted 4 shits on all your favorite games this year
My favorite games this year are:
Classic Hitman games, like Hitman Blood Money + Contracts.
I also quite enjoyed Resident Evil 6.
Played Resident Evil 4 again.
>shits on all of your favorite games
It doesn't.
At all.
It's a cuck game, for cuck gaymers.
>i get to use sales prices but you don't
I can't control when pc parts go on sale. If we're counting "refurbished" things then you can get an optiplex for 150 and slap a 100 dollar gpu in there for something more powerful than a ps4.
Vita isn't a home console and VitaTV isn't a portable device.
Vita is handheld console.
VitaTV is Chromecast which play vita games.
Got it?
The Switch dock is not a portable device.
And the Switch itself is not a home console, because you can't connect it to your TV.
>I replied because ONE of those 5 posts was mine.
And you were replying to MY post you fucking full retard. So you either defended what I was replying to or you were so mind-numbingly stupid that you didn't realize you were replying into a conversation chain.
>He likes these shit games
LMAO Uncharted 4 shits on all of those games by every objective metric. Get fucked cuck.
Do you think a RX580 and ryzen 2600 could run PS5/NewXbox games? I dont think i will upgrade my PC
>"Whether it's backwards compatibility or the possibility of cross generational play, we'll be able to transition"
Thank god. I was so worried that my new glass dilation tool set would go to waste.
rent free
Switch dock isn't a game console retard, it can't play games
>Uncharted 4 shits
Like in that 2 girls 1 cup video?
Yes, I guess it does.
If that's your fetish, enjoy your poop.
Yes, of course. What you have is slightly above xbone x.
>>i get to use sales prices but you don't
where did i say that? i said you can you illiterate underage. i said it applies to both.
>f we're counting "refurbished" things then you can get an optiplex for 150 and slap a 100 dollar gpu in there for something more powerful than a ps4.
still weaker than the £250 ps4 pro i just mentioned
You're forgetting Stardew Valley and Bitrunner, I see. Clearly pushing the Xbox to it's graphic limits.
The PC never did this, which was my original point.
And you were replying to MY post you fucking full retard.
>this 3-year-old tier comeback
Go to bed kid.
>still weaker than the £250 ps4 pro i just mentioned
Do you actually know what you're talking about?
You replied to which was my post.
If you don't see the word "native" before "4k", it's not actually 4k. And even if the system can't technically handle it, so could the Sega Dreamcast. It's not about system capabilities. It's about the game trying to use them. No AAA game is going to to hit native 4k resolution at 120FPS with good graphics on the PS5, new Xbox, or any other system in the next 10 years. We're still 2 generations away from that.
They will ALWAYS go for as many shiny effects as possible because that's what sell games for consolefags. They are graphics whores at heart and they will always try to murder each other talking about resolution, only to then pull a 180 and say that graphics don't matter once anyone mentions PC.
They are gullible as fuck, which is why it's easier to sell them a game with big flashy explosions that you can pay your shills to post screenshots and videos of online instead of having the game have good loading times, stable frame pacing, high fps, low input lag and whatnot.
Console users are extremely dumb and they don't know how anything works. Seriously, take your time and go to some console-only forum and just watch the sheer retardation. They fall for every buzzword on the book and actually think that checkerboarded/upscaled is some kind of magic that outputs real 4k. They talk about retarded buzzwords whose promises were never kept such as "muh cloud" on the xbox side and whatnot. They think that FPS is some kind of effect that the dev can simply choose on a whim instead of optimizing for it. Hell, people STILL think that 30 fps is actually a "design choice for the cinematic effect" in this day and age. And the best part about it is that they won't shut the fuck up about technical terms they know absolutely nothing about. PS4 users and xboners are constantly taking jabs at each other using graphics and performance but they will imediately go into full damage control mode once PC is mentioned. It's like watching a group of mentally disabled people trying to talk about advanced physics. It's a hilarious shitshow of unfiltered stupidity, which is why garbage FPS will remain a standard because you can't sell it to imbeciles.
So then the Switch is not a home console, because it can not be hooked by itself to a TV.
LOL yeah you wish pal
but truthpilled
Who is talking about poop and piss?
3 year olds.
And (you).
Stop projecting.
>Do you actually know what you're talking about?
do you? you just mentioned a refurbished pc for 150 and a gpu for 100, and because i actually build pc's for a living i know you aren't going to get a gpu for 100 that matches the price target i set with the ps4 pro. sure, it'll either match or beat out a ps4 (unlikely if the optiplex is rocking a dual/quad core) but refurbished vs refurbished i just proved to you consoles are still better value. you can argue with me till you're blue in the face but the fact of reality is you won't find a pc that's worthwhile over a console under ~£400 at LEAST. pc gaming is only worth it if you're willing to spend that bit extra like ~£600 for a decent 1080p60 capable pc that won't constantly stutter like a bitch in modern AAA games because of lack of vram or sysram.
And the post linked to a retarded list, which was my point.
Last of Us is still not a PS4 game.
It's a PS3 game, ported to PS4.
>and a big SSD but I doubt it will be NVME
It'll be either a hybrid SSD or a 64gb SSD/M.2 restricted to OS use only (no games allowed to be installed on it). OR the "SSD" they speak of is simply "SSD Support" via a special high-speed port -- SSD sold seperately.
>They will ALWAYS go for as many shiny effects as possible because that's what sell games for consolefags.
Which is hilarious, because graphics on console are ALWAYS crap.
By definition.
>Cross-gen play
Sony is about to go two entire gens with a single game. Devilish!
i mean if it runs real 4k at 30 fps that’s cool ig. that most likely means 60fps at 1080p on consoles
for once
>Capable of supporting 4k/120Hz
Lets translate that:
>Capable of supporting either a horrendously checkerboarded to shit ersatz '4k', or 'up to 120Hz', never both
In which case great work Sony, you've managed to hit a milestone I reached five years ago on a mid range PC
At least that means that the Uncharted 4 port will not be stripped of multiplayer.
Yeah it's a hybrid.
The dock is part of the Switch console, its not an add on accessory
Show me a single game without any old graphics rendering tech in it. You are literally arguing that because it uses regular pixel tech, that it isn't advanced graphics rendering tech. Fifa games use physically based rendering and photogrammetry. That is advanced no matter how you want to cut it.
Ironic that you call it mental gymnastics when I am only sticking to the topic without adding in arbitrary requirements and goalposts. Pathetic.
>Is actually a mental 2-year-old
>Retarded list
It is a list of over 2000 games. You looked at it for 10 seconds and decided it was retarded based on arbitrary brainlet feelings.
The Last of Us: Remastered is a PS4 game. Doesn't matter if you like it or not.
It's not a hybrid, because you can't hook it - by itself - to a TV.
You need a 2nd device for it.
And there is no difference between that and simply getting another separate device and putting the game cart in it.
The important part is being able to play 1 cart/disc at home and portable, right?
That's exactly what you can do with Vita.
or is it some autistic OCD?
Not necessarily. There was a time when magazines and images sold games. But now it's twitch and youtube. Video, in other words. High quality video is just as important as high quality still images these days. Meaning 60fps+ is going to be necessary to market titles.
You can't do that on vita.
Can you use the Switch without the dock?
>ps4 pro shitbox bottlenecked by a laptop cpu is leaps and bounds better than any of amd's low-mid range shit with a halfway decent cpu
This isn't the 90s, there's tons of cheap budget options. A 560 is 109 burgers and a 570 is 140 burgers. Maybe in the uk they're double the price but in non-muslim countries a used optiplex with a 570 is cheap as fuck and on par with pro consoles.
RX580 is 6 Teraflops
PS5 rumors range anywhere from 11 to 14 teraflops.
You do the maths
Sony has said, word for word, that they have never lost money on a console sale. That is not their game.
>You looked at it for 10 seconds
No, I looked for longer, but I couldn't be bothered to fix the list.
The Last of Us is still a PS3 game.
It's not an actual PS4 game.
It got ported.
Otherwise the Wii has the most massive library out there, because you would have to count every single Virtual Console title as being a "Wii game" and no one does that.
Not him but 1080p is outdated
I own a BoneX and switched to a 4K tv finally this year; the difference is night and day
>console is only now supporting a 20+ year old feature
They've been saying that since 1992. In the mean time, I have $2700 in PC components stacked on my desk, waiting for the case to put them in.
Can you use the dock without the Switch?
I take Vita cart.
Put it inside Vita TV - plays at home.
Put it inside regular Vita - plays portable.
You take a Switch cart.
Put it inside Switch - plays portable.
Put it inside Switch dock - plays at home.
It's basically the same thing, except for autist OCD.
>no, that doesn't count
>my switch is special
No, it isn't.
Again - it's about buy a game once and playing it at home and on the road, right?
That's what Vita can.
That's what Switch sort of can.
Both are pieces of trash.
>um actually my console can handle assets that look way better than any n64 game so it's pretty powerful
I wish consolefags had embraced 1440p instead of trying to leap from 1080p straight to 4k. All it means is that we get another generation of 30FPS framerates.
But that's not what the shiny ad told them, so they think they are getting the best graphics of the game out there.
Just take a look at how they say that "bad ports" is a huge downside on PC, when a "bad port" typically means that you're getting sub-60 fps drops when there shouldn't be any or something like that, which STILL puts its PC version miles ahead of the console one with tearing out the fucking ass, rollear coaster tier FPS, extremely long loading times, lack of any anti aliasing whatsoever etc. I've lost count of how many people I've seen saying "uhh I don't want to get a PC because I'll have to keep updating it, so I got a ps4 instead to play games at their finest for the whole gen", then proceed to play everything at 720~1080p with sub-25 fps dips being the standard and he actually thinks that he's getting a better experience than on PC. Trying to reason with these people is like convincing jehowah witnesses to stop pestering you by just telling them no and leaving it at that. It just won't happen. They are intellectually deaf and won't believe anything unless an ad tells them AND it better conform to their bias otherwise it's gonna be received as bullshit too.
tech illiterate consolefag detected
and you're still going to be bottlenecked by a shit dual/quad core processor which will make your experience more similar to a console than an actual good gaming pc. as i said before it's not worth buying trash components in the slightest for cheap to compete with a console because the console will always be a main platform and will get constant optimisations. look at 6 years ago when a g4560 + 750 ti could beat a ps4 yet look at benchmarks for that pc now and that dual core causes stutter like a bitch in nearly all modern AAA titles because dual cores aren't viable anymore. so much for the retard who spent £400 on that pc back then when the console they avoided is managed modern games better than it. either go big with your pc specs or buy a console (for AAA games, any shit pc will run indies even laptops now).
That's basically the PS4 Pro desu. checkerboard 4k is comparable to 1440p in pixel count too
No, let's actually translate that:
>it has hdmi 2.1
That's literally it.
oh yeah and the fact your inner poltard is coming out shows how mad you are right now because you can't push your shitty narrative. both consoles and pc exist and are justified at the right price. deal with it.
>"uhh I don't want to get a PC because I'll have to keep updating it, so I got a ps4 instead to play games at their finest for the whole gen"
>what is optimization
dumb mustard
Is it about being able to play the same game at home and also when you are outside?
If yes, then Vita/VitaTV / Switch/SwitchDock are basically the same.
If not, then you are autistic, but then I'm sure VitaTV was surely bundled with the Vita at some point.
In both cases it's 2 devices required to get "home console" and "portable console" working.
But then I could simply get a proper notebook, and play games both ways TOO, WITHOUT SOME SHITTY 2ND DEVICE.
Notebooks have HDMI out, can be connected directly.
So you lost in any case.
VitaTV actually run games without vita. Switch dock is a hunk of plastic without switch.
It's different.
So its approaching what a PC can do, using what by the time of its release will be current or possibly current -1 gen PC hardware (ie AMD Zen2 and Navi basis ).
All those features are good thus far, but there's zero reason it needs to be a proprietary box slave to Sony. Let it be a PC capable of playing PC games without having to hack anything etc and they can still make bank, instead of something that can only play Playstation 5 brand games and PSN online service etc.
They're basically PCs (and in the case of Switch, a mobile device) so lets treat them that way instead of proprietary junk.
>Display 900p
>Call it 1080p
>Display 1440p
>Call it 4k
Why are consoles so dishonest?
>I am only sticking to the topic without adding in arbitrary requirements and goalposts. Pathetic.
>over half the library has no framerate to speak of due to the nature of the games, or is irrelevant to the framerate discussion because of being mobile and ancient ports
>literally instantly goes for a goalpost moving
I came to post this.
>Attacking a strawman
Tell me 3 games from the early 2000's that use physically based rendering and photogrammetry.
>no argument so you resort to getting upset over light banter
>how mad you are right now
Why are mustards always mad?
Is it because of their weight and hygiene problems or because deep down they are aware of how inferior their "platform" (if u wanna call it that) is?
Insecurity in other words
>VitaTV actually run games without vita
So it's like owning 2 Switches?
Why are the sonyfags so fucking retarded?
>proprietary box slave to Sony
>implying that's a bad thing
Sony has been blessing us with the best gaym exclusives since the ps1 era
So you can play multiplayer when you own VitaTV + Vita, while at the same time can't when you own Switch and Switch Dock?
Stop reading right there.
Base Xbone and S' are underpowered and have the worst version of multiplats every time. One of the Assassin's Creed games runs at either 720p or 900p compared to the PS4's 1080p which is just nuts and since the Xbone X didn't get a patch for that game specifically it's stuck at that resolution too. I want to say it's Unity but I might be thinking of Black Flag instead.
>no argument so you resort to not even responding to the original post detailing how fucking dumb you really are
amazing job, mate.
Here comes the exact same kind of retard I've described talking about things he doesn't understand at all. Yeah, optimization is this magic shiny thing that will actually make the garbage hardware stop being garbage just like that, because that's what your other mentally disabled friends told you, isn't it?
But tell me about this great optimization of playing games at sub 30 fps, one minute long loading times, and with so much tearing one might actually believe you were playing split-screen multiplayer at a point. Some great """"""optimization""""""""" you've got there m8.
their playerbase allows it
>woow the football player's head has more than 8 polygons, the ps4 is so cool!
The ps4 was outdated when it was released.
>3 games from the early 2000's that use physically based rendering and photogrammetry.
Who the fuck cares.
I tell you 3 fun games.
Metal Gear Solid 2.
Devil May Cry.
Resident Evil 4.
>But does it have rendering photogrammetry
No, they are fun.
>Getting BTFO'd.
>"I --- I totally stopped reading here"
>dude trust me the pro is like 1080, a 560 couldn't come near it
Alright ahmed, whatever you say.
Yeah it is, one doesn't have monitor-out, another don't have screen and buttons. You got it now?
I don't give a shit about your opinion, switch and vita/vitatv are just different.
VR fad is already over, also Sony censors shit, not buying PS5.
good b8
Because their userbase is mentally challenged.
>I tell you 3 fun games.
>Moves goalpost
On paper, some of the specs may have been "outdated" depending on what you mean by that. Even so, we are even now, 5-6 years later, getting technologically impressive games on the system.
>this asshurt you've completely given up with any logical response
>But tell me about this great optimization of playing games at sub 30 fps, one minute long loading times, and with so much tearing one might actually believe you were playing split-screen multiplayer at a point. Some great """"""optimization""""""""" you've got there m8.
Only because the devs choose to push the best possible visuals over muh framerate
You me back when the PC gets anything resembling in visual fidelity the Order, RDR2, Horizon
>one doesn't have monitor-out, another don't have screen and buttons
So missing features are a problem all of a sudden?
Can you use the touchscreen of the Switch when it's a "home console"?
But I can use the Wii U's touchscreen when it's inside the cradle.
And I can also use it when I'm carrying it with me.
Weird that you care about something in one case, but don't care about it in another case.
Can you use the "monitor" of the Switch when it's pretending to be a home console?
On Wii U you were able to use both screens all the time and which made it possible to get a unique gaming experience out of it.
Something that the Switch lacks.
>animeposter is retarded
wow like clockwork
and yet produce more games with more advanced technology than pc exclusives.
>forgetting rent, electricity, internet, food, water..
Dude you are dumber than rock. VitaTV is not equal to switch dock. Equating VitaTV to switch dock is like equating intel compute stick with usb-c monitor adaptor.
Why would you want the VitaTV to have its own screen, when it's connecting to the TV and is unable to work 2 screens at once like the DS or 3DS?
Why would you want to waste money?
I mean let's pretend you want a new home console and you don't care about portable systems.
Then you waste money by paying extra on the Switch screen, that you will never use, and which will get scratched anyway while its inside the dock.
idort with a toaster PC here
This thread is pathetic
>VitaTV is not equal to switch dock
Do you need the VitaTV to play Vita games on the big screen?
Do you need the Switch dock to play Switch games on the big screen?
>does not equal
Functionality-wise it's the same.
Exclusives aren't a blessing, they're a curse.
All the developer has to do is make the game run on PC architecture and just like that you don't have to buy this special box. But because they're beholden to Sony, and because gamers are idiots, we all now have to own 18 special boxes that all cost a fortune when they release instead of just one special box that does everything.
You own only one Wii U?
It's the last actual home console.
>pc mustard is a fat commie neckbread
imagine my shock
>because gamers are idiots
and because most PC gamers are pirates...
>900p 30 fps at low settings is "impressive"
The Vita TV is a Vita turned console. The Switch dock is more or less a cable hub. They aren't the same
>video game
>not a waste of money
I don't get what we are talking about again. I'm not here to defend any console design decision. I just want to straighten out that vita/vitatv and switch is different.
What do you mean only one (1) wiiu
why do pc cucks take so much offence to console players?
why do console plebs always bully pc players and pretend you're superior?
literally any of the big AAA multiplats
we don't need to run them at gimped resolutions just to reach 30 fps as well
>that ugly ass design
>Even 3rd world poorfags can afford newest iphone and samsung galaxy. 600 burgers is nothing in todays money
And the amount of private and public debt in the world is rising like a skyrocket
I said FUNCTIONALITY-WISE it's the same.
Technology-wise not, but who the fuck cares.
So you are acting like a retarded autist, just because you can't say that yes, the Vita offers the same FUNCTIONALITY, as in Vita games being playable on big screen as well as in a portable manner.
Get a notebook.
Switch is shit.
Vita is shit.
Get a notebook and be done with all that trash.
Even plays classic NES, SNES, N64, and gamecube titles.
And also has no problems with controller syncing.
Also has no problems with scratched screens.
Also has no problems with overprived memory cards.
Also supports proper methods of storage and not just expensive SD cards.
>PC component manufacturers don't compete with each other
True but this will change as game developers become more creative with anti-piracy
>video game
>not a waste of money
Not what I said.
I said - you are wasting money on SHIT THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO USE.
Like a screen, that you do not need and even can't use at all when the piece of shit is at home, connected to your TV.
That's literally a waste of money, even when you love gaming.
It's not about taking offense, it's just pitiful to buy into "exclusives" as if they're a good thing when it's just a scummy tactic to get you to buy a special box that does nothing else a PC can't do but play those games.
Proper home console gamers own at least 2 WiiUs.
>literally any of the big AAA multiplats
>we don't need to run them at gimped resolutions just to reach 30 fps as well
because those weren't OPTIMIZED specifically for our console
try to keep up mustard
>n-no that doesn't count
So where are all the ps4 exclusives that run at 1440p 60 fps?
>video game
>not a waste of money
Define waste
use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.
When you enjoy playing video games, then buying them is not a waste of money, because it serves a purpose.
Some may consider playing video games a waste of time.
Sleeping may also be a waste of time.
As well as fucking.
as well as working your ass off for 8 hours a day.
As well as existing.
So you better kys right now.
What game are you talking about?
>only 4K
>when the new mac pro has 6K
It's not even out and this shit is obsolote already
>So where are all the ps4 exclusives that run at 1440p 60 fps?
please refer to:
It's like talking to a pidgeon desu D:
a company providing something exclusive for their products isn't some new thing it's been going on for literally 100s of years in different industries and markets. bmw and mercedes might all be using similar diesel engines but one might have developed an exclusive tech which improves efficiency better than their rival. they're essentially using the same basis (same as console or any other industry with similar scenarios) but one has provided their customers with an additional benefit to owning their product. if we didn't have exclusive tech something which differentiates one product from another then the global markets would literally be dead because there's no competition without it. everything would just be the same old boring shit and the next thing.
Yeah this doesn't mean shit, OP.
Better learn a bit about how this stuff works before you get hyped about literally nothing.
Anything stronger than ps2 is a waste of money.
>bmw and mercedes might all be using similar diesel engines but one might have developed an exclusive tech which improves efficiency better than their rival
Okay, and AMD might be using exclusive tech which improves efficiency over Nvidia. But you won't see any roads that block access to Mercedes cars in order to provide an edge for BMW
>have to choose 30 fps just to keep up with the visuals of AAA multiplats on PC
But...what happened to the optimization? I thought the exclusives were supposed to look better than multiplats on PC?