What is the most annoying type of people who play vidya...

What is the most annoying type of people who play vidya ? for me its gonna be female streamers who only play Overwatch and Fortnite, for donation money, also fuck the dumb incels who think they will get sex from that both are literal scum.

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Other urls found in this thread:


focus on what you can change within yourself. you cannot control the actions of others. happiness will never be found looking into your neighbor's plate unless it is to make sure they have enough to eat

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____ ___

I hate women.

Objectively true. However degeneracy and idiots go hand-in-hand. So while it should trigger your morals, unless you go full THOT AUDIT, there's not a lot you can do.

People with no hobbies that only play video games to kill time even if the games are bad and they aren't having fun
They usually consume and promote AAA garbage like a well-adjusted person drinks water

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tryhards. Like yeh Its cool to win but why freak the fuck out. Its a game, Sometimes you cant control losing

t. Roastie hoping to twitch thot one day

based lagomorph

yeah the people i never see or think about are definitely the most annoying

The most annoying people who play vidya are people who only play shooters on consoles. They've never really played a video game in their life.


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>getting upset about other people playing video games

unironically have sex

no u, what you gotta understand is that these nigger normies wanna replace us.

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Only cucks have a persecution complex.

This might be a little dated, but I would say people who play nothing but CoD/Halo exclusively and call themselves gamers

Girl streamers getting money from incels doesn't hurt me and thus I don't care.
People who play online games and constantly inject their politics and "gender" bullshit are the most annoying types for me, because if I wanted to see fags arguing over this nonsense I could go to the other 99% of the internet.

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>"Giff me awp, mane!"
>"Everyone, stay away from the gurubashi chest or you get Gkicked!"
>"Giff me the healing salve/first aid kit"
>"Mid or feed"
>"I'm going to solo rush to the safe house"
That about covers it.

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>consume videogames
Why do you millennials all talk like corporate mouth pieces?

t. consumercuck

Shes not gonna have sex with you
Do something better with your money if you're gonna burn it.

wtf I'm going to Consume™ your shitpost now

Not everyone is obsessed with sex, supreme gentleman

You really don't know? The last thing a Yea Forumsermin does is actually play videogames, so that is reflected in their language.

the most annoying type of gamer is the one who whines on Yea Forums about girls harvesting shekles from retards.

It's not just in Yea Forums, you can see this shit everywhere.
Why do people talk like EA or Activision representatives?
Who are you trying to impress by sounding pedantic as fuck?

My fucking sister because the bitch won't stop sucking me off everytime I play vidya.

Yeah sure thats why you're donating to her private snap.
Again stop burning your money away.

>tells people to have sex
>hurrdurr not everyone is obsessed with sex

lol, calm down incel and have sex

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I honestly hate shitty trolls who don’t play objective more in multiplayer atleast females are usually quiet and if they really don’t know what to do they usually listen well. I also hate ass kissers, some faggot was gloating about switching from Dota2 to LoL and acted as if it was the best game ever


Southern gamer problems.

There's a difference between playing the occasional game that you really care about vs buying everything a company releases due to brand recognition and hype culture. The latter is consumption.

The ethot will not have sex with you. Don't know how much clearer we can make this for you retard.

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It's called capitalism, nigger
>unironically being communist

Autists who can't admit they fucked up and ree about the gamebeing broken instead of admitting their own mistakes and working to improve.

anyone who talks while they play a game, anyone who needs to use a microphone to enjoy a game, anyone who plays video games and calls themselves a "gamer", anyone who thinks girls play videogames, anyone who thinks anything about the platform the game is on, anyone who uses friend requests, anyone who whispers/tells/messages me about anything for any reason, anyone who sucks at a game, anyone with the letter X, underscores or numbers in their username, anyone who thinks Yea Forums buzzwords belong anywhere else, anyone who thinks they are good at the game, anyone who thinks they are bad at the game, anyone who is part of a guild/clan, anyone that defends the game's developers, anyone that uses glitches to get ahead, anyone that uses a meta build, anyone that born after 2005, anyone born before 1980, anyone with a mental handicap, anyone with a physical handicap, anyone who "needs a break" from a game, anyone who thinks video games are art, anyone who think developers are actually their friends, anyone who thinks streamers are their friends, anyone who watches streamers, anyone who donates money at all to anything, anyone who thinks animals are cute, anyone who thinks they're ugly, furfags in general actually, anyone who is gay/bi/straight and feels the need to tell me about it for any reason, anyone who plays PVP focused games, anyone who plays gacha games, anyone who plays cinematic triple AAAs, anyone who plays pixel indies, anyone who plays racing or sports games

that's it

The hypetards that hang around stream chats piss me off more than the streamers themselves. They all spam stupid shit just to get attention and that behavior has worked it's way into gaming. No longer are there perfectly crafted trolls or good fucked your mom jokes, just sub 90 iq assholes spamming the same shit over and over again. funny thing is if you call these kids cocksucking faggots (mild banter imo) they get all ass blasted and want you banned from life

people that use their mic in a casual game.

Well 4channeled, fellow 4channeler!

Wew, I dodged all of them.

So everyone who plays video games lol

Any and all types of casuals. Forever and always.

fucking hate it when this happens

>have sex

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

>This low IQ
I bet you're the kind of retard who spams "send tits I showed you my dick." to every skank you've come across.

Don't give in, she's just trying to distract you.

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>commie calling others low IQ
Big yikes, chieftain

The entourage that follows these thots
They always have thirsty white knights as mods that just happen to be top donators

Who is worse, the whores who stream online or the beta virgins who enable it?

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The young kids who never stop talking or shouting. Good thing is they tend to play with each other most often.

The orbiters, obviously. Next question

>also fuck the dumb incels who think they will get sex from that both are literal scum.

So let me get this straight. Trying to get laid: Scum. Not having sex: loser.

Why is it so hard to be a male?

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My girlfriend streams Fortnite a few nights a week and makes around 30k a year off donations. All the nerds think she's single and flirting with them. She thinks its pathetic.

The enabler. If I could go on camera and play games for money and show a little skin here and there doing it you know I would. I have too much masculine beauty to be a trap so I'll have to earn money the old fashioned way.

>there's only one way to get laid and that's being a beta cuck orbiting some twitch thot
This is why you're a virgin, user. Stop putting pussy on a fucking pedestal you fucking loser lmao


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Overly fake loud retards like markiplier

for me its OP

based and nice pilled

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The beta virgins no contest.
The whore is engaged in a completely logical activity, she has the ability to make money for little to no effort so why not take advantage of the situation if your need for currency is great enough to justify it?

The incels on the other hand dumb enough to be suckered into something like this have no excuse other than having too much free time and money.

For me it's the orbiters, I can't blame the girls, I will probably drop uni/job if I could make loads of $ by just making anime faces or showing tits.

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>Stop putting pussy on a fucking pedestal you fucking loser lmao

When did I imply I put pussy on a pedestal? It's just a simple question. Are you projecting?

>being triggered by what other people play
Lol faggot. Why don't you stop obsessing over what other people do and enjoy whatever you like?

People who make terrible businesses strategies pay off. (Buying DLCs ets...)

What the fuck did she do to deserve that comment? I'm not even trying to defend her but any human being who has the audacity to walk up to them and say something that rude is a fucking asshole.

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probably being annoying as fuck

unironically have sex

Very loudly having a conversation with a camera while homie is just trying to chill out.

He was just an asshole though.

>willingly exposing "your" girlfriend to men

I remember vividly the time when my sister had friends over for a cohort convention. One of the girls asked if she could use my 3ds to play some the legend of Zelda oca.
I gave her the handheld+ game not thinking much about it until I heard her cursing for 15 minutes sigh hurling insults at Navi.
I know it's a meme to be annoyed by Navi but she went waaay overboard.
I should mention this happened around the time the *the cake is a lie" meme was at its peak and every normie was shooting it at every corner.

Well deserved, you don't go to a restaurant to hear people speak loudly.

>Caring about a Twitch e-girl who doesn't even acknowledge you
Don't get me wrong, not all twitch girls are bad. In fact, I even have a good revenge story.

>Be the top donator of that month for this particular streamer
>She's playing Red Dead 2 Online
>Occasionally ask her on Discord and donations during the lead up to the Online launch if I can join her posse
>Online finally rolls out
>She has no room in the posse, it is composed entirely of her mods
>Feel like I've just been punched in the balls with the power of 13 suns

Needless to say I dropped the bitch after she thought she could walk all over me like I'm some cashcow, I've not looked at her stream since, removed it from my bookmarks and I've moved on to another girl who is a smaller streamer and who I make feel cherished as I'm one of her only regular donators and we chat on Discord every other day. I think I've made it, guys. The other girl is too fucking destroyed to even send me a DM so I'm pretty sure the message got through. I bet she's fucking pissed she toyed with my feelings.

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Cosplay not cohort thanks auto correct,...
Also straight not sigh

no one read your stupid bullshit anyways, don't worry

Nice bait

newsflash not everyone worships thots like an incel faggot
this just in you're a faggot for defending her
headline old man is based as fuck and probably railed that stupid whore later

based self-improvement poster

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haha such cringe omg

If this wasn't copypasta it sure is now


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>it's okay for the e-thots to do it because we would have taken advantage of it too

If rape was suddenly legalized, would it be okay to take advantage of that and then use "you would have taken advantage of it too" as an argument in your defence? Don't get me wrong the thirsty orbiters that give the e-thots money are just as bad as them, but still, see pic related.

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Damn dude, didn't think about that. I'll mention it to her after fucking her brains out later.

Why did he have to die, brehs? Why is the world so cruel enough to take away such wholesome and genuinely nice guy?

>Very loudly having a conversation with a camera while homie is just trying to chill out.

LOL there's no audio in that webm you complete fuckin moron. You're in a public area you're just going to hear other people having conversations. Just from her facial expressions she just looks like she's talking at a normal tone. You're only calling her ass out because she looks like a stupid bitch bimbo. Facts.

You just know he spent way more than just a moment to think what he could say to deal the maximum psychological damage to her. What a fokin legend.

people in multiplayer games who whine about balance only as far as it helps them personally win, they don’t care at all whether or not it makes the game better as a whole.

>If rape was suddenly legalized, would it be okay to take advantage of that
Yes, you fucking beta male. I would be trying to take all the pussy I wanted until someone stopped me.

Right or wrong is subjective, there are so many wrong things that are legal.
I think that people that donate money to streamers need something like a legal tutor because they can't spend money without any superivison.
You don't let drug addicts in charge of money or stuff like that, people that donate have some kind of mental disease and need help too.

>literally a we live in a society post

>space question mark
Definitely the French.

well they couldnt stop you, it's legal

>In philosophy
>Professor asks me about the concept of evil
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain quote from Witcher 3
>"Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degreee is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

God had called him back to his kingdom.
>Inb4 "hurr fag"
He did the gay porn for the money, he's bisexual

if only you know how bad things really are

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>Life is not fair: The Post


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is that the tranny boy?

kys moralfag

Of course

>Right or wrong is subjective

No it isn't you moral relativist faggot

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>thinking there's even such a thing as right or wrong

Thank you based polite poster.

Except it is, I mean just look at abortion, it's either right or wrong for some people and it's legal in some countries.

Wise words.

Define a criteria for objectiveness then, you can't just claim that without giving a criteria.

How exactly does one consume video games? They are still there after youre done with them.

>endorsing literal nigger-tier behaviour
Fair enough point.
>projection: the post
plebbit literally has entire subreddits (r/im14andthisisdeep for example) dedicated to making fun of "we live in a society" type-posts, retard.

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While the top tier thots do it for a job, alot of female streamers just like chatting and attention and the donations are an unavoidable extention of that. I suppose that might be considered just as bad.

not every post needs an image newfag

This, and honestly I would rather have to work and succeed at something meaningful than be a twitch thot, even if it is easy money. Where's the fulfilment in exploiting lonely virgins? Where's the meaning? Where's the honour? Even if I could do it, I don't think I'd be happy making a living that way, and I doubt many of those who do are happy on a deeper level

>What is the most annoying type of people who play vidya ?
People with Twitch, TTV or any similar shit in their names. That and just streamers in general.

>perfectly crafted trolls
>"good" mom jokes
>cocksucking faggot is "banter" and not 13 year old no-thought regurgitated bullshit that streamkiddies spam themselves
user it is you who is low iq I'm sorry to inform you

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>society is focused hyperfocused even on sex so much that disease is spreading
Have sex and get killed by the plague supervirus that is spreading faggot LMAO


>that guy's shirt



It's just a dick a in pussy. There is no wrong or right in that situation, it's just biology.

>fuck this thing that has literally no impact on my life

The feeling's mutual

My wife streams. She doesn't play Fortnite or Overwatch though

>focus on what you can change within yourself. you cannot control the actions of others. happiness will never be found looking into your neighbor's plate unless it is to make sure they have enough to eat

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>be a third world girl born in a country with no electricity or clean water supply
>drink not so clean water and get diarrhea
>in the last moment before i succumb to my illness, see this user posting about his shit life
>"uhh fucking men am i right"

Dumbest post in this thread

the betas, duh, thots are just taking advantage of it, good for them

Rape is nature.

Blessed post.

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Seed womb

>What the fuck did she do to deserve that comment?
Everyone deserves that comment. It's a gateway to becoming an adult. None of you are fucking interesting. I'm not interesting. People are inherently boring.

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surprised the dunning krueger copers haven't gotten butthurt at this post

only with women because they love to be raped.

>girls in prom dresses

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the person who tailors their taste to be what they think is "patrician" or to fit in with Yea Forums while calling others conformist without understanding the irony. People here are the worst offenders because they are seeking clout on the videogames board of an anonymous Sherpa climbing bulletin board service.

Fuck you, twitch fucked up. They got away from justin.tv because of the shit they now embrace. Fuck thot streamers, and fuck the twitch staff who let's them get away with shit

This is true.

Only if the man is a chad ofcourse.

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t. zoomerfaggot hypetard

>Everyone deserves that comment. It's a gateway to becoming an adult. None of you are fucking interesting. I'm not interesting. People are inherently boring.

Oh my god dude you sound like a pretentious hipster faggot.

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Only dumb niggers care about what is natural or not when determining if it's good or bad.


>Oh my god dude you sound like a pretentious hipster faggot.
>pretentious hipster faggot
The overuse of this insult proves his point. You couldn't have chosen a better one due to your inability to be interesting.

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Tell that to my Eco-friendly sandals, you dork.

>all those undercover cops
yeah he's a real chad

This is good advice, caring about other people is a waste of time unless its friends, family or someone you are romantic with.

ethots are a consensual thing you can ignore. Rape is not. Also dumbass picture take it to /r9k/. Life is not fair, thankfully it is also not zero sum, so Belle Delphine making it has no impact on my ability to have a good life.


lol like your sissy ass can make her feel anything, no wonder she looks for attention somewhere else.

why would you give a shit about someone's moral integrity if you were just looking to fuck? tinder is for booty calls, not dating

My filter is going off non stop LOL

>Samefagging this hard


Too bad the pillowcase can't touch you back.

the hero we need but don't deserve

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Eco-friendly is a whole different matter.

>Samefagging this hard
google: Samefagging this hard
You are a copy of a copy of a copy

Yea Forums - Video Ga-
>who play vidya
ok never mind

Doesn't make the thots any less scummy for taking advantage of something at the expense of others AND becoming a borderline whore though.

News flash: You're way beyond more interesting than anybody else in the history of the world by telling the world they're all the same, uninteresting, and boring. This is what makes you unique. Be like this user here and be the obnoxiously retarded redpilled faggot. I remember when I was your age thinking the same way.

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>what is personal responsibility
she can't exactly coerce them to donating over the internet. Besides if some beta cucks can enjoy responsibly who are we to say she shouldn't be allowed to give them what they want?

Holy btfo its like watching mumble rappers go up against lyricists and haiku pros

>For me it's this thing I'd have to go out of my way to get annoyed by
How much $$ have you given them, user?

>You're way beyond more interesting than anybody else in the history of the world by telling the world they're all the same, uninteresting, and boring.
I never said I was interesting.
We are all equally part of the same boring trash heap.

Based boomer.

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who are some good twitch thots to slowburn wank it to?

Is it possible to stop this at this point? is it too late?

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>I never said I was interesting.

I know you didn't but all of the same fags who spout the same thing you did think that in your small brain of yours. You guys imply you're more interesting in others. You don't have to tell me that. You're all the same retards thinking being "woke" is what makes you stand out.

She'll be dead online in a year and some other cunt will replace her. So goes the circle of attention whoring.

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This, there are younger prettier girls, always


I think this is really more about your personal insecurities than mine. I already know my place in the world. It seems like you're still fighting yours.

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i enjoy pirating her content.
to bad she hasn't done real porn or at least true nudes yet.


AIs will solve it
No AI will pay money to a hole
AIs will need men for a while because they won't instantly get as smart as humans, but they'll have no use for females, so the problem will start being solved

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Shitty question, obviously the thot.
The victim has a little part of the blame but they wouldn't be a victim without a ill-meaning abuser.
Victim-blaming is the most fucked up morality possible imo, though of course telling the victim how to defend themselves isn't wrong either.

>that pale
>that pink
>all the way to the roots
>every single photo for months
I bet her hair feels like straw

>I think this is really more about your personal insecurities than mine.

Says the person who thinks everyone is the same and boring. SO WOKE BRO!!!

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>dismantling the argument without resorting to name-calling or projection

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I hope you didn't google "insults to use on Yea Forums" before posting this.

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most people I meet are quite interesting. I discovered this when I started going on dates and asking girls lots of questions about themselves instead of just parroting what Yea Forums told me.

Good shit.

Actually based

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Funny, it's been the opposite for me.
Every girl only seem to send memes or spend all their day on instagram.

Ah #623 I don't see that one very often.

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> Hurr i'm pretending to be a video game character, therefore i am interesting
Yeah right bitch, get your own identity.

>boo hoo my problems are everyone else's fault

that is basically what we do here when you think about it. Except we are more negative and don't get along. anyway I always find it interesting finding people really passionate about shit I don't know or care about. whether it is Curling, figuire skating, climbing, an MMO I don't play, a TV show i don't watch, a culture I am unfamiliar with, you name it. people are interesting when you get to know them.

Imagine being like this insecure faggot trying to figure out whatever you say or do makes you the same like others. Why do you fucking care? Life revolves around hedonism not being different you absolute faggot.

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God damn, I k ow its bait. But the fact that this is actually some peoples thought process just fucking kills me. I honestly dont even know why. I loath the faggots that supported this shitty trend just because they were lonely. Get the fuck over yourself fags and play games and be lonely like the rest of the world.

It turns out when you actually make an attempt to earnestly interact with others instead of spending all day every day on a cynical imageboard full of incel losers you find out that people are interesting

admirable, user and amazingly today it's first day of eid. also good digits

>Playing super casual matches in any game with text chat.
>Someone suddenly decides that instead of playing their own character, they want to play yours and dissect your every single action to explain why they're doing horribly.

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I guess it's all boils to chemistry, I just don't think everyone has an interesting story to tell.
I know people here make fun of girls who watch netflix and shit like that but it's nice to have someone to talk about something else but "lol memes so funny" or things like that.

Did any of you take a girl to prom?


I didn't even go to prom because I never had a senior year of high school, I went to college early

Sometimes I wonder what I missed out on

you write like a person who has never written a line of code in their lives

I think it is more enthusiasm and positivity. It is like that rare user here that posts about a game he is really passionate about v.s. the usual negative shitposting.

Hell no, I skipped prom because I don't give a fuuuuc

I actually worked on NLP in one of the biggest companies in the world that does this.
Your attempt at memeing at me would work better if you wrote like an adult and not a phoneposter.

unironically based

regardless of whatever facts you bring up, you still sound like a person who has never written a line of code in their lives

Nah, only to you and only because I disagree with you.

It still hurts bros... Why did he have to go?


no. I was a late bloomer and turned out alright. but now I have an untapped fetish for (18 year old) HS girls.

It's a wig you ponce

The Good die young brother, has been the rule for eons.