Have you ever bought a system just for one game?

Have you ever bought a system just for one game?

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One game? No. But I bought a PS2 just to play the Ace Combat series

I unironically only bought a PS4 for bloodborne, and to this day it's the only game I use it for.

I do it all the time for Smash

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the upgraded DS for pokemon

I only ever buy the new consoles for Sonic games, I don't even care about the hobby anymore just give me stuff that's fun to play.

yeah i've a bought a PS3 on release day for Final Fantasy 13

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A Vita for P4G. I regret nothing and enjoy the Vita to this day.

Yes. PSVita for Dangan 2 because the Zetsubou english patch for it got shitcanned. It wasn't on PC at the time.

PS Vita for Muramasa and Dragon's Crown.
Muramasa I liked. Dragon's Crown was a shit port.

Oh you poor bastard

Yeah, I bought a Wii just for MH Tri back in the day.

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Yes. No regrets.

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I bought an XB1 for Killer Instinct. Really hoping for KI4 announcement.

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I was forced to buy a PS2 to get a loan, then I bought GoW 1 and 2, then nothing else.

i unironically bought an xbone just to play fallout 4 with mods because my pc is shit and i'm retarded.

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yes i bought an xbone just for halo 5, the game was so bad i didnt even finish it

You know, I always thought Killer Instinct games looked retarded, but I played the newest one and was impressed by how solid and nice it felt. It's a shame it never really took off with the comp scene much, I think it's one of the best fighting games to come out in years.

well originally yes. the original purchase of the xbox 360 was only for halo 3. and the ps3 was only purchased for heavy rain.

as time went on i obviously got more games for them but those were the only games i initially had.

Ps4 for mgsv phantom pain

Xbox 360 for Bayonetta and it was pretty worth it considering I played a bunch of games like Ressonance of Fate on it later, too.

Thinking about it for Mario maker
The subscription really sours the deal