Am i a faggot?

Am i a faggot?
Post yours btw

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>mgr 3rd
you're alright

>only western shit
yes, yes you are

top 25

my favorite game was made by a chink.

>dark souls
>cave story

racist as well, tsk tsk

>Unregistered Hypercam 2

inconceivably based

You are a faggot for taking a screenshot of notepad instead of typing here

Is RoTMG good? yea, sure.
does it deserve being in some top 10 fav games? No and you might have problems with finding good games if it is one.

basicaly this
honorable mentions are berserk ps2 and ghost trick

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I didnt have a pic to put in the op, fren

100% CASUAL.
You might like fortnite

In no particular order
>Secret of Evermore
>Bubble Bobble
>Link's Awakening
>Unreal Tournament 2004
>Super Robot Wars W
>Kirby 64

sorry for putting multiplayer games in my top 10 fren, but i have thousands of hours in them and i dont think it would be fair to leave them out like that.

1. silent hill 3
2. resident evil 3
3. momodora: rutm
4. nier:automata
5. silent hill 2
6. dragon age: origins
7. pokémon crystal
8. divinity: original sin 2
9. dragon's dogma: dark arisen
10. resident evil

is mgr metal gear rising:revengeance?

yes fren

i miss realm of the mad god, those end game bosses were always way too fun

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Tell me more about the matrix game faggot

It's a delightful trainwreck

pick your 10 favorite games and no cop outs like that

dark souls 2
saints row 4
jc2 because i cant run jc3

and pretty much every moba on steam with a monthly playercount above 15k, with battlerite being my favorite



you can use 2 agents as nunchucks to beat a third agent up

1. killer7
2. killer7
3. killer7
4. killer7
5. killer7
6. killer7
7. killer7

>For Honor

Yeah okay, you dirty Shaman.

>For Honor
>Just cause
Yes you're a faggot

Persona 5
Portal 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Rocket League
Magic Shandalar
Chrono Trigger
WipeOut 2097
Shogun 2

i actually main lawbro

Conker's Bad Fur Day
Dead Space
Nier: Automata
Links Awakening

This is a top 10 in no real order.
1. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
2. Dishonored
3. Half Life
4. Civilization V
5. Super Mario World
6. Monster Hunter 3
7. Star Wars Battlefront 2
8. Age of Empires 3
9. The Elder Scrolls 1: Arena
10. Marvel vs. Capcom 2

abe's oddysee
la mulana
tomb raider 1
tactics ogre luct
rayman 1
shock troopers
wipeout omega collection/hd fury
majora's mask

I just don't get Saints Row

>Arma 3
>Eternal Sonata
>Red Orchestra: Ostfront
>Europa Universalis III
>New Vegas
>Sam and Max: Hit The Road

1. Desert bus
2. Crazy bus
3. European truck sim
4. Fortnite
(in no particular order)


In no particular order except for TWEWY being #1
>Devil May Cry 3
>Pokémon Fire Red
>Need for Speed Underground 2
>A Link Between Worlds
>GTA Vice City
>Serious Sam: The First Encounter
>Custom Robo Arena

>cave story
>the rest is utter shit
You are a faggot but there is still time to reedeem yourself

>top x favourite games.txt
>"various mobas"
>1/2 the games have no story

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1. Chrono Trigger
2. Warcraft 3
3. Legend of Zelda OOT
4. Super Mario Bros 3
5. Zelda Link To The Past
6. Street Fighter 2
7. Megaman X (1-3)
8. Portal
9. FF6
10. Ragnarok Online
11. Etrian series
12. Phoenix Wright

>Dragon Age
Cringe. Almost a perfect list.

>Killing Floor
>Left 4 Dead
>Total War games
>Games that I played when I was a kid like commandos, Desperados
Also, all games that I can have a good laugh with my friends like Human fall flat or pummel party.

They should make these as official psychological tests. I can tell you're a cringey incel from a top 10 list alone

based and yakumo pilled

Good stuff

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I haven't played in a while, has he been buffed or redone?

Is RutM really that good? I played a couple hours of it, charming style but the gameplay seemed average

I'm still sad RotMG went to shit but I'll always cherish the memories I made during the four months I played it daily.

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i like mine cradft

im happy for you

1. Warcraft 3 TFT
2. HoMM 3
3. Gothic 2 NotR
4. Diablo 2 LoD
5. Mass Effect 2
6. Minecraft
7. XCOM 2
8. TW:WH 2
9. Darkest Dungeon
10. Starcraft 2
Limited to 1 per series, honourable mentions to HoMM V, Mass Effect, Broodwar and Gothic 1.

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No particular order
>Doom 2
>Halo 3
>New Vegas
>Red Orchestra 2
>Half-Life 2
>God of War 2
>Witcher 2
>Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

1. dragons dogma: dark arisen
2. portal 2
3. spec ops: the line
4. dark souls
5. soma
6. smash bros ultimate
7. the walking dead
8. portal
9. the stanley parable
10. witcher 3

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If I had to add a tenth, it'd be MHFU, Dragons Dogma or Warband

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>Smash bros
You were so close to being cool user

its not my fault that 99% of the other people who enjoy the game are retards

>various mobas
>just cause series
>dark souls series
>saints row series
Yes, you are. Pick singular games and use mosaic maker to arrange them into a nice looking image for this imageboard.

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>makes a top 10 list of his favorite games
>includes entire series under 1 spot
Nigger what