You realize that this is just the beginning, right? It's only gonna get worse

You realize that this is just the beginning, right? It's only gonna get worse.

Amazon already owns Twitch and have their own game studio shit that is probably gonna expand rapidly when they are ready. Similar situation with Apple and their Apple Arcade thing. And I'm sure Tencent will also get more involved at some point.

Each one of them completely dwarfs the likes of Sony and Nintendo. That's why you see Sony working with Microsoft now. I wouldn't be surprised to see Xbox and Playstation sort of merge over the course of next gen. Nintendo will probably follow as well but they are always behind on everything so it might take a bit longer. Or maybe Disney re-enters gaming and acquires them for their own service. Who knows.

Regardless of how everything plays out, the way you understand gaming (including your petty/stupid console wars) is about to change and there is nothing you can do about it.

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>ever lose their cash cow of their games selling their consoles
you fucking idiot

stadia will die a meaningless death, unloved by all. one without games to play, one without an infrastructure to support it, one with inherent lag. a cold death, just like they always do.

normalfags don't care about input delay
they play video games to literally turn their brain off and look at pretty colours
so yes expect this to take off and become the future of gaming

just like onlive before it, huh?
you underestimate how much people want their games to be playable

explain ps now you fag

You can already download the games on pretty much all services. Also the input delay will be a thing of the past soon-ish.

>Also the input delay will be a thing of the past soon-ish.
you go ahead and tell all the service providers to update their framework
you go ahead and do that

project stream beta felt fine for ass creed t b h.
there was one day where the connection was spotty, but i'm pretty sure they were artificially stressing their own system.

5g is already around the corner m8.

>there is nothing you can do about it.

I can continue to almost exclusively play video games from the golden age and only buy one or two games a year like I've done for 5 years or so.

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>what is 5G
Face it Stadia will be a massive hit. Everyone on this site agrees.

Oh shit you're right, I love Stadia™ from Google™ now.

Why the fuck did you save this post from another thread?

Because it's correct. 5G is just around the corner. Stadia will be a hit.

You don't have to like it, you just have to accept it as the only future for vidya

If normal fags didn't care than other identical services wouldn't have also died out or become completely unprofitable.
Onlive. Gamefly. PSNow.

Stadia is literally never going to be usable outside of silicon valley

You can laugh all you want. There will be a shift in peoples perception of cloud gaming. Especially once more big players enter the stage.

5G doesn't fix the speed of light limit and the fact that cables and air are a slower medium than vacuum.

>what is 5g
A service that will roll out to less than 10% of the world.

PSNow has 700k subscribers with a yearly growth of 40%. Now imagine if they priced it better.

If normfags have standard, 30fps wont be tolerated and snoy will die like they should be. Some people seriously over-estimating how dumb casual gamers are.

Since 5G is wireless there's gonna be a whole lot of problems

I'm not concerned, its easier to break into a house by punching the walls than breaking into the console market, Microsoft had to try really hard the first time and lucky for them the PS3 was DOA the second time they tried and still had to deal with the consoles burning to death. Onlive flopped so hard nobody even noticed when they unceremoniously pulled it from existance, not even steam, NOT EVEN STEAM could entice its drones to purchase a watered down PC to play the games they could already play on their computers.

>what is 5G
Something that gives you cancer?

This. Stadia is the next revolution.


More like evolution. Cloud gaming isn't new.

0.1 shekels was sent to your Google Play accounts.

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I'm just being realistic. People didn't like the idea of Netflix at first etiher. Now look where we are 10 years or so later.

Sony doesn't uncount the subscribers that didn't continue their subscriptions.

Except videogames are fundamentally different to tv series and movies, but keep living in your delusional dipshit world.

There is a stark difference between a media you just watch and a media you interact with.
Namely the unbearable input lag.

Sorry shill faggot, all the FUD in the world won't make your stupid shit sell because people don't want 25 frame lags on their games. You can never succeed at the dumb shit you're trying to do, unless you literally find a way to bypass the speed of light.

Doesn't change the fact that everything is moving towards streaming. Now we got all these giant corporations investing bilions into all these services. Gaming is next whether you like it or not, but keep living in your delusional dipshit world.

>MMORPGs with 1000x1000 battles, sieges and without shards, layers.
Thanks Based Google.

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Why does Stadia never wear pants?

Oh how creative, repeating what I said. Did I hurt your feelings? You lack basic understanding of physics if you think this shit will work at all for anything that isn't turn based.

>they're going to break the laws of physics!
Yeah, nah, fuck off with these bait threads.

we already talked about 5g

Stadia will use indie studios, either by buying promising new devs, or using their in-house "talent" to crank out high-budget style trash. Normalfags aren't interested in indies, they like sports games, they like blockbuster titles, it's what makes Activision, Ubisoft, and EA successful.
Twitch is dying and full of e-thots who don't even play games, I don't see that going anywhere.
Apple Arcade isn't going to go anywhere, Apple's relationship with games has been so bad and schizophrenic over the last twenty years that it will go nowhere. Remember Game Center for iOS? No?

>Twitch is dying

> the way you understand gaming (including your petty/stupid console wars) is about to change and there is nothing you can do about it.

except owning a pc and paying for games i like.

at worst 25% of games will be streaming exclusives and 75% will be multiplat.streaming can make videogames more accessible which will make the market bigger, allowing more games to be made.With less hardware cost people might even accept paying more for games.

wanna hear a funny one? trash f2p games might be closer to unviable with the streaming model because someone will have to pay all that bandwidth and computing power that based brasilians players generate.

Do you want to talk about Google's failed tech and services? Because that could take a couple of days.

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its fine.

im in my 30s now. Probably my backlog alone would be enough to last me thru until i give literally zero fucks about games anymore, which may only be another ten years, if that.

im but one man. If the world is determined to go fucking nuts, what can i reasonably do to stop it.

5g is going to be available for a pitiful fraction of the world for upwards of 10 years. Then it might be sub standard for about a fifth of it.
You under how greedy Internet providers are.
My fucking town still has 1990's level internet and fucking dial up.
Reliably streaming video games ain't happening for a fucking long long time.

>Twitch is dying

numbers seems amazing, how is it even dying?

Well he wouldn't say it's dying if Google managed to buy it years ago instead of Amazon, if you catch my drift ;-)

> Xbox and Playstation sort of merge over the course of next gen
Playbox? Xstation?

Playstation X, PSX1, PSX2...

playstation one x

where the fuck do you live? uk for example just launched their first 5g network

Sure as fuck not for the entire country.

no, obviously limited but i mean it's already starting, vodafone is gonna follow in the next few weeks

And giving the current coverage of 4g, what makes you think it will work anywhere except big cities?

I don't care about stadia itself, I just want the controller.

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>wifi controller
mite b cool


Fiber started in The US years ago and only about 25% of the country has it.
Internet providers are greedy as shit and don't want to install the cables because that will only cost them money.

Post more Stadia-chan.

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because digging up the "last mile" is expensive af and you have to get entire neighborhoods signed onto it so they have permission to dig up muh front yards

Are overly aggressive shills gonna keep insisting we are all gonna be forced to use Streaming which is objectively inferior due to input lag and compression issues because they think people are A okay with input lag?
And Gaming is EXACTLY the same as watching a video guys!

The neighborhood isn't the problem. It's the Provider not wanting to pony up the money to pay for the laying down of the wire so they can charge the people more for slightly better internet that they will be throttling.

I really don't get this niche fetish. Exposed to too much cartoon violence at a critical age?

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What's wrong with cartoon violence? Not PC enough for you?

It's Stadia-tan, doofus

>inb4 someone posts the lewds that everyone is waiting for

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