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they look pretty cool
the sif one especially

The new digimon game looks great.

The shield beard is a cool idea but they made it tad big

They look fine tard. Closer to zoids than Digimon.

they look good kys

>Shieldog fires lasers from its shield

>can't think of something to say

Keep seething so(n)yboi

sif is looking great in the new pokemon

They look like Digimon. Which is good becausse Digimon has salwayss had objectively better designs.

Very embarrasing for gamefreak and pokefags though.

>literally my mom's Sif

Attached: leak.png (1876x816, 157K)

I like em. Reminds me of power rangers.


Attached: zacian sif.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

That blue one looks like absolute trash, holy fuck.

Digimon digital monsters

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w-what user?
you didn't like them?
i-i'm so sorry m8

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>team Yell
>just fanboys

Wow I hate it based on name alone, but the premise is also garbage

hello david cage with hair

>the premise is also garbage
fuck off hooligans are a great concept

>The fourth gym is the first fairy type gym.
But Valerie?

I don't get the hate. They're the best looking legendaries since gen 4.

I really liked some of the Pokemon designs they were showing today

>legitimately love pokemon
>play ubers competitively and enjoy it a lot
>have to look at this cucklefuck nonsense now being spammed on the ladder


Football riots can kill people, >96 people died in Hillsborough.


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>Overworld battles
I bet they removed stats as well so that they won't have trouble with transferring from Go to SwSh. I fucking knew Letsgopepe won't remain in the trash bin with it's shitty "features". I bet that they didn't bring follower pokemon because of course the only thing actually good from it wont come back

>first the rivals can't be mean to the player anymore
>now the "evil" teams can't be mean either
They did the same shit in Gen 7 with their "Lusamine did nothing" shit in USUM. Getting real tired of this shit

>Literally just a red Shield Liger and blue Blade Liger

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>final evo looks humanoid
So the fire starter is going to be the waifu starter this time around?

So I take it the one with the shield beard will get the bara treatment and the one with the sword will be the uke?

This looks like garbage. They really should have stopped making this shit at black & white