Bros.. They are targeting us...
Bros.. They are targeting us
Fuck off shill.
You laugh but half the fags here have neon lights on their PC.
This trick needs to make up her mind
Xbox Lynx? Wtf
What the fuck does the colour of your hygiene product matter in any way?
>Doesn't have neon lights on his PC
She's been shilling her shit here for like 5 years
Imagine the smell.
>p2w deodorant
>Xbox apparently thinks gamers want body wash
Not Smash players.
/r/ glowing neon green xbone skeleton
well it's xbox
they might actually use body wash
unlike switch users
based and washpilled
>Xchads bathe in Xbox soap
>Nintendo smashfags don't bathe at all
How about you stop posting screenshots of your shitty clickbait articles on Yea Forums, Cecilia, and fuck off forever, or even better, off yourself
Boy I sure do love smelling of cheap plastic chemicals
>Xchads allying with Nintenbros
>helping them stay clean while So(n)yboys rot from aids due to le 72% gay face
You mean AXE
What's wrong with the color of your body wash? I usually use one that's blue and I don't see why I shouldn't use one that's green.
Next gen Xbox name screencap this
Lynx in the UK used to be advertised as a pussy magnet spay that would get you laid.
They must be going after the incel market now.
irish spring shit is all green, and they probably have a body wash, not to mention how many different blue ones there are
why is that headline worth clicking on?
>t. smashfag who's scared of the shower
life ain't easy being an xchad, thanks for the help msoft
Ill definitely cop the deo
Nintendo hire this man for Smash tourneys
>selling soap
they don't know gamers
I actually use neon green body wash already ha
I thought never washing your body makes you better at games
so does it smell ok?
noooo I want red and blue layered bing bing wahoo mario wash