Other urls found in this thread:
why dont they just fucking stick with mega evolution
>goes on to sell over ten million copies anyway
keep seething user
>being over 18 and playing pokemon
Do you fucking autists actually fucking do this? Yikes.
so the models just get bigger?
I want a Kirlia giantess to step on me
>Textures do not
>pokemon, BUT IN BIG
>mutt pokemon designer
here's your legendary Pokemon bro
Just imagine how much slower battles are going to be now
GF is the most creatively bankrupt company in the world, they just don't know how to make a game without a dumb gimmick
I have like 3 different GTS Raichu stories if you want 'em
think of the porn
Yeah that's literally it. The same pokémon but scaled up.
Gamefreak is fucking finished.
>shitty opinion
>everything else
I want to cuddle a giant lopunny
>>>>mutt pokemon designer
Your brain has been addled by /pol/, by what metric was that man a "mutt"?
>stupid new gimmick
>genwun pandering out the ass
>garbage NPC design
I don't know why I expected anything better.
>"hey what if we made something kinda like mega evolution but we don't have to make new designs for it"
YIKES: legendaries, box art, dynamax
Good: everything else
You mean Gardevoir. Everyone knows that Kirlia is but a teenager, that would be weird for some people haha. Gianatess and vore fags have been vindicated.
Idk, I'm excited. I don't value the opinions of Yea Forums very highly since theyre always wrong.
>tfw giantess Pokemon porn going to skyrocket now
Doesn't matter. As a macrophile, I'm nutting into orbit
You forgot to add something to the "good" column
>mfw dynamax is revealed
this way they don't have to make a new model for each one, just blow it up bigger
the absolute laziness of gamefreak on show for the world to see
dobson aproves hahahaha
have sex
>mareep 2
>jumpluff 2
>druddigon 2
gamefreaks just keeps making new fetishes.
It seems consistency with the gen gimmicks is dreaded at gamefreak. Fucking hell.
Go away, stick with your dungeons and dragons neckbeard shit
Z moves and Megas were both horrible additions to the competitive scene, and I can only imagine this will just fuck it up even more. Hopefully you cant run a mega, a z move and a giant mon on the same team but I fear you probably can.
I would like to point out that it has ben been over 4 minutes and yet there is no porn of the new monsters yet.
Pokémon is officially dead.
suddenly I feel a gigantic bitter regret for buying a switch just for smash, a game I don't even play anymore, and possibly the laziest pokémon game to date
Why don't they just stick to one thing?
Triple battles! ...gone the next gen
Rotation battles! ...gone the next gen
Mega evolutions! ...overshadowed by Big PokémonTM
You say that as if mega evolutions were a good thing.
>"Gamefreak is finished!"
>still sells enough for massive profit
>"y-yeah, well the brainless will buy anything!"
like clockwork for you spastics
When are they going to give us the option to play the new games without the worthless gimmicks? I just want to catch new Pokemon and explore new regions
>people want massive open world pokemon
>heres a massive open world area
>people want pokemon roaming around
>they do now
>still complain
The fuck do you people want?
the real leaks are always ignored
Honestly the semi open areas and overworld Pokemon were more than I expected. The game looks okay. Not great but I'll buy it.
>farfetch'd evolution
okay now i'm interested again
>competitive scene
I like this much more than Z moves and Megas.
Hope they fuck off and this stays.
When is Ohmori finally going to get exposed as the one trick pony he is? This is literally the third time they've rehashed the Mega gimmick.
>Manlet Champion
>Manlet Gym leader
>Nice Rivals
It's not Soulful, Basedful
So we're getting random encounters AND wild pokemon in the overworld?
Compared to this megas were a great game design
>Kantodopes mad as fuck
>Team Yell
I really liked Megas honestly. Z Moves and Dynamax can go fuck themselves though.
>last name turner
It sounded too horrible to be true. Now we know better.
>Retro fat pikachu
Yes, thank you
All of the people with pokemon, giantess, and vore fetishes are coming out of the woods now.
this link doesn't work for me :/
Because mega is broken and allows only certain Pokemon to evolve. This is basically a compromise of that idea while combining it with the liked idea of totem + z-moves idea from SM.
>The professor's granddaughter and Leon are former rivals.
name one person that said they think the games wont sell. you are so desperate in your defense of gamefreak that you would literally let them rape your mother and defend them afterwards.
My objective will be to play the game without dynamax.
>Collectable items
>Viewable pokemons
>Missions and activities
Oh boy, this is the pokemon MMO testing grounds
>more kaiju shit
>farfetched evo
wew lads I'm in
You said they're running out of ideas when Season 1 of the anime featured the first giant pokemon
>>genwun pandering out the ass
where did you see that?
pokemon, but BIG
>okay the new gimmick works on anything so no one is left out of a power boost
its like kanto so you faggots will love it
They weren't, but at least finish the job
You say that but everyone has been asking for a significantly buffed boss mons for years.
Corviknights evolution might be cool.
mega evolutions are always fucking ugly anyway
they need to just stop introducing these dumb gimmicks that get completely dropped next gen
Well, that's certainly legit
All in all it's better than I expected, but my expectations were at absolute negatives, so it's still in the negative
Looks like random is normal overworld while wild pokemon in the wild (duh) area.
I just hope it gets emulated in few years, I really don't want to buy a switch.
So fucking boring especially when it's the main feature of wild encounters and Gym battles. Everything else in the presentation was passable but le giant pokemon took a shit all over the game
I don't like the idea of any pokemon just becoming massive
it takes away from the intimidation and coolness of Pokemon that are naturally very large like Gyarados and Onyx as well as other legendaries
I would be fine if this was just the raid boss thing, but having it be a part of the regular gameplay is not something I like
New Pokemon looks great, what are you guys going on about?
I like might like this mechanic more than mega evolution.
The short boost is more strategic than just "slap this item on which turns your pokemon into a slightly different one" imo.
Nah she looks fat with that coat
megas were a good idea but bad execution. if they stuck to a BST criteria, it would've been perfect
Now that i think about it, i'm not sure i wanna see ho big Dynamaxed Wailord looks like.
screenshot it, fireden aint loadin
Why bother if they can't even make wailord to scale?
they all just being bitter and shitposting
>everyone has been asking for a significantly buffed boss mons for years
So...Totem pokemon from SuMo
Who cares, /d/ will have a field day today.
The localization team translated Leon and Hope to fucking Tarik & Nabil in French.
I fucking hate my country.
I never used the mega evolution system, or the Z move systems. I probably won't use these as well. I see no difference.
Good man.
i dont know how to feel honestly
if this is the excuse they made to include 4 player raid battles i'll take it, it could have been a whole lot worse either way as giant pokemon battles will be the least of the games worry so far
They were badly implemented but it surely was a cool concept and it helped so many shitmons to be strong powerhouses, such as Mawile, Beedrill or Lopunny, and at least compared to Dynamax we actually got new forms for those Pokémon, reason why I'm so upset they dropped it so quickly.
>no reply
Every single time.
but now your kaiju mon can be kaiju sized
>it takes away from the intimidation and coolness of Pokemon that are naturally very large
As if that didn't already happen with gen 6.
>if they stuck to a BST criteria
Beyond the BST getting a net boost of 100 points and everything but HP being adjusted?
as a sizefag, i look forward to future doujins
lol ew
cute sheep
>Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing are new dynamics that will supersize pokemon in specific areas. Gigantamaxing is different from dynamax as it changes what the pokemon looks like. Meowth looks like long cat.
>Meowth looks like a long cat.
>all of the giantess porn that's going to come out of this
worthy trade
What part of new pointless gimmicks every gen do you not get?
here you are
Mega evolutions were always dumb. Dynamax isn't much better, but at least this way any Pokemon will be able to Go Max or whatever, instead of just the chosen few that got mega evolutions. It might not be a big improvement over mega evolutions but this is still a bit better.
>I'm angry so I'm leaking but I loved what I played so far
>Scorbunny will have fighting moves, but is pure fighter. It becomes Raboot, but I don't remember the final evolution, except that it looks like a fighter. It looks humanoid
>It looks humanoid
Oh no
>knight themed farfetch'd evo
absolutely fucking based
Not even close. Totems were +1 or +2 to stats, if these pokemon require raid parties we're looking at some absurd stat increases.
>The best Pokémon so far is the blue seagull who when it dives, either gets a barracuda in its mouth or a pikachu, which it launches at its enemy
sounds based
Yep, this did it. I'm not buying SS. They finally went some dumb opposite way to what most old fans were expecting. That's a good thing, because maybe this will teach them a lesson when their sales wont be as good as predicted.
But the sales will top charts and this will be a resounding success, so I guess my pokemon adventure is done.
Those are French names, brother. May Allah be with you.
Tl;Dr for people who missed the direct?
>fake leaks get 500 replies
>real leaks get 3 replies
I don't know why people doesn't get a trip for this shit.
How did TPC approve of this? They can't make merchandise off of this.
He never said that he was angry about the game. He could be angry at his boss for all we know.
Why can't they just make more regional variants like they did with Alola? That was actually a good idea and adds to the overall world because it makes sense that certain Pokemon look different in different environments.
This giant crap is so lazy
"Gamefreak is finished!" implies the games won't sell and they'll go out of business you tard
I haven't played this shit since gen3 and even I'M tired of reaction threads like this made by fags like you.
>Scorbunny will have fighting moves, but is pure fighter
Did he make a typo? Seems like he meant Scorbunny is pure fire.
This is Leon, the first black pokemon champion.
Say something nice about him
>but is pure fighter
Yeah we know that isn't happening any time soon. Its safe to say he mixed in real information with fakes.
It will look as big as a Dynamaxed Caterpie, if we go by the trailer. There's no fucking way a Raichu should be bigger than a fucking Gyarados.
There's a game mechanic were Pokemon turn Godzilla sized
This is the lamest idea Gamefreak has ever had for sure
yeah but she isnt
All the Pokémon GOfags will eat it up especially due to the raids and likely tie ins ala Let’s Go.
did you forget about Iris?
again, name one person that said the games wont sell. you are just a mentally disabled shitposter.
I think he meant fire.
kaiju mons
return to standard formula of wild battles, except this time in an openish world environment
multiplayer element to take on said kaiju mons
too much work
even though putting hair on a dugtrio and calling it a regional form is what they did with gen 7 but yeah
Oh yeah she existed
>implying it will evolve
I think he made a typo and meant to write he's a pure fire type.
>Shitty legendary
God damn fuck me, i knew it would be bad but not THIS bad.
>use explosion
>everyone in the stadium fucking dies
>I’ll never get that Mega Dusknoir I always wanted
>new age of players using Dynamaxed Mega Fug imminent
I just want my favorite Pokemons to be good or recognized, bros...
Why the fuck did they spoiled the champion's identity this early?
First thing I'm doing after getting the game is dynamaxing Wailord
Honestly? Pokémon's transition into console does not disappoint. You can tell none of this shit would've worked on a handheld.
>Yea Forums goes on and on before the games get revealed that they want an open-world pokemon with huge areas and movable camera
>direct shows huge, open-world areas and free camera
i swear to god
i mean having only pokemon below a certain BST get a mega. Mawile is a good example; make underpowered pokemon able to compete
Your rival is named Hop, but you will also be facing of against Bede and Marnie
Team Yell is the gang in this game, who are well meaning fans of Marnie causing trouble
To become part of the gym challenge, you will have to get an endorsement. Bede gets an endorsement from Chairman Rose and his secretary Oleana
Eternatus is the evil legendary. The other legendary will be a wolf, who will either have a shield mane or hold a sword like Great Wolf Sif. Don't recall its name
Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing are new dynamics that will supersize pokemon in specific areas. Gigantamaxing is different from dynamax as it changes what the pokemon looks like. Meowth looks like long cat. Lapras gets layers like musical bars to its shell and musical notes. Pikachu looks like retro fat pikachu
Sonia is Leon's former rival who is researching the dynamax phenomenon at the behest of her grandmother and professor of the game.
Some pokemon, like Farfechtd, will get regional evolutions, like Sirfechtd. Meowth looks like a ball of spiky grey fur
Skwovet and Greedunt iirc are chipmunk pokemon who will hide in berry trees and attack randomly if you shake for too many berries. If they attack, you lose half the berries that dropped.
The fourth gym is the first Fairy type gym, led by an actress named Opal. Milo, Nessa, and Kabu are the first ones.
Before fighting the gym leaders, you have to complete the gym challenges.
- Milo has you herding sheep pokemon named Wooloo, but Pamper, electric corgi pokemon, will startle them and send them rolling elsewhere.
- Nessa has you running through a maze where water blocks the way
- Kabu requires you to catch pokemon and get 5 points, but you have to be in a party battle with another trainer who's also trying to catch it
More to come
Jesus what an ugly design. Champions usually look good. That white guy dropped the ball.
Why is no one replying?
Mutt just means "white guy I don't like"
Paki trainers
>new gimmick is giant mon
>lasts 3 turns and every gym leader has it
>they can appear in the wild as raid bosses which are perms giant
>several new pokemon including box legends revealed
>simultaneous release world wide in november
That's about everything
I bet he's not actually the final boss, that's why.
yes, like not making it a flat 100 for pokemon as weak as beedrill and as strong as salamence for starters. Megas should've had either a fixed BST across all Megas or at least a larger range of BST's to power up weaker pokemon.
Mega evos are certainly useful for pokemon that are down in the shittiest tiers, but they should have just made them normal evolutions since every pokemon during gen 6 that got one is now forever tied to them and requires a mega stone that they wont put into the game for months cause they want you to use the new regions pokemon making them utter trash in battles until GF decides to make them not trash by releasing the stones in some stupid ass way like in sun/moon.
What's the point?
Thankfully, Dynamax Mega Fug won't be able to happen.
If Fug held a Z-Crystal he couldn't Mega Evolve, so we can presume it'll be the same here.
Yeah the shittiest part of a game makes people hate it, glad you figured that out.
He will not be the final boss in the story, that's why
>mfw I didn't see any of my favourites
Please Lord tell me they're in
>team yell
It's called Maxplosion.
Here's your Dynamaxed Pikachu, bro
>make mega evolutions
>"fuck this, too much work on models"
>introduce j-pop dance move instead
>"too hard to animate, too much work"
>opt for just scalling up a base model and put a red tint on it
we need a good competitor for pokemon and fast, they don't even give a shit
He's probably a corporate shill for the bad guys (Unknowingly)
Looks like we just went from cunny to CUNNY
When's someone going to make a webm of going into MS Paint and using the resize tool on a Pikachu image?
>Scorbunny will have fighting moves, but is pure fighter. It becomes Raboot, but I don't remember the final evolution, except that it looks like a fighter. It looks humanoid
>Scorbunny will have fighting moves, but is pure fighter. It becomes Raboot, but I don't remember the final evolution, except that it looks like a fighter. It looks humanoid
>Scorbunny will have fighting moves, but is pure fighter. It becomes Raboot, but I don't remember the final evolution, except that it looks like a fighter. It looks humanoid
Either he's not the final boss or has some major plot relevance.
Stop lying. You like mega because one of your op favorite pokemon got an op mega form. That's pretty much the only people that actually liked mega, everyone else were either pissed off because their favorite didn't get one or got a subpar one. It made no one happy.
who cares, gay autist
I could give no fucks about Pokemon and the last one I really enjoyed and played a ton of was Pokemon Gold, but i'm not gonna lie about the designs. Amazing designs, and Corviknight looks amazing. Really good design, just looks really dark and intimidatingly intelligent. They took a crow and make it some anime goth shit and it looks great.
My biggest problem with this game is how fucking gay everything looks. Why does every character look like some emasculated tranny sooiboy skinny faggot wearing makeup and pride parade clothes? Why do the pokemon look like plushees and look like mascots for a show aimed at literalkindergarteners?
This is a game about people risking their lives for leaving their homes to fight monsters in caves and forrests. While terrorist organisations plan to take over the country.
It needs to be rough, wild and adventurous.
Why did it become so fucking gay.
read my post again retard.
>genwun pandering out the ass
Nothing wrong with that, since it's the only generation with good designs.
if you judge every single game solely by the part you hate most you would never enjoy a single video game
How much do you want to bet that the nationaldex ain't in like it wasn't in SM?
Obviously i'm gonna name a pokemon AKBAR and max my explosions
Why wouldn't it look humanoid if it already is?
>rotomdex is back
>Double battle
>One Pokémon has Drizzle
>Both Trainers decide to Dynamax and Mega Evolve both their Pokémon turn 1
>Game literally hits sub-1 fps
>gigamax joltic
>you can now hug it
Good things in the direct:
That's it
99% chance he meant to type he is pure fire instead of fighter. Don't know if that makes it better or not.
brock was pretty black
I think the pokemon just come out big. There probably will be a limited amount of them. Hence the big pokeballs.
legendaries look gay but that corvid is kino
>Why does every character look like some emasculated tranny sooiboy skinny faggot wearing makeup and pride parade clothes
It's appealing to its audience.
since this confirms the leak,
i can be sure that this game will suck
Better than being a shill like you who pisses yourself when ever someone criticizes something. Keep blindly liking everything retard
>this is how you suicide bomb in Pokemon
Here come 3+ years of boogie making pokevore again.
legitimately end your life
>Giant Gardevoir, Tsareena, and Pheramosa stomping around Galar
I would take anything beyond what was shown in the direct with a grain of salt. It sounds like a case where someone who worked on the subs/dubs for the Direct had added in a few of his bullshit with what he saw to make it sound legit.
Not liking traps
Actually no because he returned the raichu and he became big. This game gon suck.
A little like this?
>Champion's Ace is not a some new special snowflake pokemon from the new region
i like the big boy
>There's already dynamax vore
>Better than being a shill
it's really not
Why can't pokemon just be normal?
Brock is not black, you retard.
They really are out of ideas
100 %
they'll never do a nat dex again it's too much effort with nearly 1k mons now + all the forms and shit
maybe for a final entry in the series if they ever decide to do that and not just keep milking the franchise forever
new mon showed off so far
They're saving regional variants for another Direct. I mean, we saw SM pokemons in it so it's not like they're pretending it doesn't exist.
At least you admit to being a fucking retard swallowing down every piece of shit they feed you
Gotta say though i really like the scenery
giant pokemons are easier to make, just upscale the model and call it a day
we havent had a raven pokemon yet, though
What do we think about her?
Those wacky artists
>New Pokemon looks great
surely you aren't talking about the legendaries right ?
while regular mons look pretty good, their design is deviant art tier at BEST
Are they ever going to stop inventing stupid gimmicks
I like it.
Some Megas look great.
>UK region
>champion is a shitskin
Most of those look different enough, it's like complaining there's too many dogs or monkey pokemon.
>Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing are new dynamics that will supersize pokemon in specific areas. Gigantamaxing is different from dynamax as it changes what the pokemon looks like. Meowth looks like long cat. Lapras gets layers like musical bars to its shell and musical notes. Pikachu looks like retro fat pikachu
He's related to your rival so you'll probably see him frequently and his identity is not a surprise
Possible twist where his undefeated streak gets broken by someone mid game and he isn't the Champion at the end
Correct me if I am wrong, but we did not see a single wild pokemon battle outside of giganiggas, did we?
Crow is kino, plant thing reminds me of a dandelion. All the new designs apart from legendaries are amazing.
Pokemon Pikachu / Eevee is Ironically better than this shit debate me
There are unique gigantic Pokémon designs though...
I think I just have to acknowledge that I am no longer their audience and probably haven't been for a long time.
At least the Detective Pikachu movie was somewhat decent if you ignore all the Californian SJW influences.
Wooloo will be redeemed if its final evolution stays a sheep instead of turning into an abomination like Ampharos
Don't open.
>You like mega because one of your op favorite pokemon got an op mega form.
Sounds more like one of your favorite Pokemon didn't get a mega and that's why you're so upset. Megas were badly executed but a good concept overall, but they had to fuck it up by giving it to fucking legendaries and pseudos.
Corviknight looks cool tho
>probably meant pure Fire
>ANOTHER not!Fighting type
I might have stopped playing this trash but I am L I V I D.
You and me brother, you and me.
But Bayo 3 will make everything right, r-right?
Looks like shit
Waifufags have zero taste whatsoever so they'll eat her up
They are not even trying any more. Like literally no effort. Mega evolution was a joke but at least it was kinda cool in a way to see your favorite pokemon go super saiyan. This.. This is just resizing the same model and calling it a day.
Because it's 2019 sweetie, pokemon is for EVERYONE
this horrible phone game UI
gym leader having two fucking pokemon
>gal in bongistan
Bearing children in a happy marriage.
>tfw no mugimuki
I'm going to raid setz's apartment
why tho
>region set in UK
>two fucking wolves
really no dragons, unicorns,lions
also doesnt seem to be a faye legendary yet
or something like pic related
>a flower, a bird, a sheep, and a vaguely strong jawed, four-legged mammal
I was making a joke about upsizing characters in an arena with a game that predates this one by four years
that is really ugly
Eldegoss is a copy of both Jumpluff AND Whimsicott ffs. I like it though...
>tight pants
Literally suck kekkings in front of a camera for money.
what was it?
Porn. So much fucking quality Porn.
I hope there's an Attack on Titan themed Pokemon
>could go all the way out with fae and gaelic/ulster cycle stuff
>they might not even bother
He's very cool, I agree. Imagine the turtle sex.
>gym leader having two fucking Pokemon
oh no, what a catastrophe
She looks pretty shit
Both he and his brother have shit designs.
I dunno, when the champion's Charizard was prominently shown every time he showed up and there were more genwun pokemon in the trailer than every other gen combined?
>Gets super size
>Its move completely change for its super size form
>enemy pokemon can potentially be stupid hard to take down without your own super size mon
Yeah this could actually pose a challenge for once
at least it will work with the touch screen.
>wtf bros the ui looks like a mobile game....
>tablet console
pokemon really brings out the brightest of Yea Forums doesn't it lol
I wonder if Sir Farfetch'd is supposed to be Corvwhatever's rival? Like good knight/black knight dealio?
I'd like to be able to use my own pokemon for pokeuber, at least for Fly or something. The whole concept was kind of weird.
Also pokemon following you, but not that I'm complaining much I like what we've seen so far
wooloo good
everything else bad
ree my dead game isnt gonna get a sequel
seethe more the games look good
If it even remotely looked close to Repede I would've been much happier
I got a chub. What does it mean?
There is a 100% chance there will be a Tamagoro doujin for her.
>whiteys don't procreate
>most ended up being gay and lesbian because it's current time
>at the same time sand people take refuge in their land and their gubberment is too afraid to defend their border because “border doesn't exist mentality that millennials are being told time and time again in movies, cartoons and anime”
>shocked that there's less of them
we saw one at some point
maybe I didn't saw right, but the trainer is even able to ambush a wild pokemon
>the games look good
That was not my fucking image
its shit
Quintessentially British. He must also be Muslim
you just want coliseum 2, user
And why do you consider it lazy
This series gets worse with every fucking installment
Oh boy, I can't wait for the handful of new Pokemon I like to be unusable because Game Freak can't balance!
I wanna Dynamax her.
Why is nobody talking about the opening song? I can't stop fucking listen to it.
Pokemon has been the same stale product with a new coat of paint slapped on it for years. This game is no different. Gamefreak won't change anything because they make fucktons of money from people buying the same game every year. How come gamefreak gets a pass when gamers would crucify any studio that did the same things gamefreak has?
be quiet, NPC
>gym leader having two fucking pokemon
You say that as if it isn't the same for most first gyms.
You're attracted to giantess Pokémon unbirth and have thus become eligible for the elusive 27th circle of hell
The idea is odd, but damned if I don't find the raid concept cool as fuck.
>posting wrost girl
>he's wearing a fucking snap back and a wool cape
the new champ looks like a twink
>first gym leader has 2 pokemon
wtf bros why is my kids game series still being made for kids why isn't it growing up with me its not fair
I have some questions, user.
> more boring ass lion/dog designs for the legendaries
those boys are going straight into the storage box.
The hat was too much.
But it was based when Gen1 did it
You just don't understand
>even less efficient use of space
jesus fucking christ
Will the game be harder, have a robust end game that has content all the way to level 100, new moves?
Somebody needs to get to the bottom of this Fire/Fighting design philosophy. Yeah they eased up on actually slapping the type on them but they still clearly want to make them Fighting type.
>He must also be Muslim
lol that was my first thought when I saw him
At least you can dethrone the muslim from his pokemon champion throne and rightfully reclaim it for your country as a white player
>pokemon game
What is the chink obsession with those giant cotton ball things? It's in KH3 as well.
I love the Shield legendary with the unpronouncable name. It's the best literal inerpretation of a game logo I've ever seen and I love it.
And all the fags will pick Sif.
They've been doing that since gen2, introduce some new element to the game, remove or replace it in the next, maybe at some point int he future reintroduce it as new norm. I'm still waiting for 3on3 and rotation battles to return.
Hiroshimoot hijacked my post to spread his jap propaganda
Note the filename
For a second there I thought he was wearing one of those muslim hat things.
>posting wrong girl
>How come gamefreak gets a pass when gamers would crucify any studio that did the same things gamefreak has?
To be fair, there are plenty of game series that get shit on, for changing their games up too much on the opposite end too.
People bitch about Pokémon designs but honestly the human designs have gotten much worse.
She's a woman
>fuck up and look like a retard
>"sh-shut up you're just an NPC stop making fun of me"
>first gym leader has two pokemon
So like every game?
at least he doesn't have the ankle showing meme style
I want to scream at this UI, THIS IS SO BAD
>20019 and some people still fucking defend Gamefreak
Play any other AAA JRPG, Xenoblade series for example.
And JRPGs are one of the worst genres, after playing DivOS 1&2 you will stop asking such retarded questions.
Mudslime champion for the UK region AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Reminder that Scanty is best girl and people only like Kneesocks for her glasses.
At least for a couple of gens.
Also the sword legendary is fucking retarded. Why is it holding a sword? Just make it part of it's body or something. And why is it the same colour scheme and design as the shield one? Are the gonna go with something like Cosmog again?
The crow and the sheep were the best new pokemon shown.
>another gimmick that will be forgotten in the next game
You know who I blame for these stupid nonsense? Not so much gamefreak, but rather the morons who cried about needing change for the sake of change otherwise their games would be boring.
>posting literal degenerate
Go back.
go play some bing bing, drone toddler, don't bother the adults while they're talking
>tablet console
>using that as an excuse to look so bland compared to prior entries and their UI
90% sure this guy is either the big bad or in league with the big bad, the fact that he has the sword and shield on his shirt just makes me suspect, plus the fact that he's beloved by everyone.
Is it usually a surprise? Feels like they usually show up in like the second town to introduce hemselves as champion
They are actually the same pokemon according to that confirmed leak here
time to draw some BIG weavile smut
>DivOS 2
>being a touch screen console isnt an excuse for touch screen UI!!!
fuck. school went out, didn't it? it's summer now, isn't it?
If they change nothing snoy trolls just reeeee copy pasta
The GC games had the same battle UI you fucking zoomer
So long as the battles aren't perpetually zoomed in and static then it could look as good as those games
Kawaii sheppu
>...meanwhile in Gamefreak HQ...
>"Fuck guys we need new fap bait to get the 20+ crowd to buy the new game, but we've run out of tame or plausibly deniable fetishes! What's left that can we do without jeopardizing the ESRB rating?"
>door busts open and the buck-toothed guy from accounting that has his cubicle plastered with print-outs of drawings with godzilla-sized female pokemon shoving skyscrapers up their assholes strides in
>"Gentlemen, I believe I have an idea."
they have different names dumbass
leaker misremembered that
Dunno since Sun/Moon didn't really have one and X/Y treated it like it was some big fucking twist that it was some random thot.
GF making pokemon the new totally spies
it's gonna be a
>wolf in sheep's clothing
mark my words
>Pokemon finally on consoles
>runs at a cinematic 24fps
can't make this shit up
I could even forgive the bland UI if it was a good reason to optimize space.
but no, it's intrusive to the highest degree, no transparency to make it look better, it's literally worse than the metro style
I'm talking about the style, not touch screen capabilties you mong
Have to basically think up new pokemon
have to make new animations
It's fucking nothing
It's like watching them check out in real time.
They haven't had a Ahime episode where they turn into nerds yet so they aren't trying very hard.
that would actually be pretty rad tbdesu
imagine a giant pregnant pokemon
densetsu no kusoge
whats wrong? Too effay for you?
>It's fucking nothing
according to the leak it's not
some pokemon have special dynamax forms
Really? A region where Pokemon can just turn giant for reasons? Also you need a special band and accessory to make it happen? Man this sure sounds familiar.
Also how is it this new region is filled with "culture" and pokemon working with humans in cities yet no one understands the ecology of the pokemon? Like they have not been living there for generations.
She looks like she fucks men
Why can't it just you know stay a sheep? The last true sheep we had turned into a giraffe and the other one was a fucking plant.
They've been creatively bankrupt since gen 6. X and Y was their last hurrah.
So much conceptual double dipping. Instead of finding ways to make existing pokemon relevant they just went "FUCK IT" and started drawing googly eyes on random shapes and gave their new creations all inflated stats.
This is how you run a franchise into the ground.
Blue was a surprise
Lance was bait and switch
Steven was a surprise
Cynthia was foreshadowed but not in your face nor in the trailers
Alder was inconsequential
Iris was a mild surprise
Diantha was a surprise
Blantantly announcing a character in an early trailer is the regional champion is unprecedent. No wonder other user suspect something's fishy about it.
I know the massive stigma GF has with hand holding but if Necrozma is to say anything, it was a start. Using a gimmick to make the Pokemon stupid strong for casual play and going blind could result some challenge. The same could be said and done with this new gimmick that not only buffs the pokemon but their attacks completely changes and gets buffed. Hell, raids takes 4 players to do something on casual play
sheep are boring
Why not just make them MEGA then if some gain new forms? Gamefreak is fucking stupid with these gimmicks.
You can't read or something? You literally admitted it's fun to be a shillGo cry more at people hating the game bitchtard.
I have played them. Why do you consider this entry to be lazy? Have you played it? Are you sure you're not the assumptions retard?
You forgot the professor being the stand in one also being a surprise
bullshit, if there was more to it don't you think they'd talk about it at least a little bit instead of showing this and making their new gimmick look like pure garbage right out the door?
This is so fucking dumb. Do they have to add a new dumbass gimmick every fucking generation?
Do you remember Mega-Evolutions? I hated those. But I got used to them.
Do you remember that dumb posing shit? I hated that. I didn't even have time to get used to it.
And now more garbage.
I love Pokemon, I really do, but I hate Gamefreak. And I won't buy this shit game.
>dynamax lickitung
>lopunny and not buneary
are you a homosexual?
Why couldn't they have taken inspiration from this. Making it transparent and smaller would make it a lot better
>My objective will be to play the game without dynamax.
Hard mode?
has fireden been total dogshit for anyone else the past 3~ months?
This aint even close to the laziest pokemon game. That will always be sun and moon.
I like the sheep. I love sheep. But it sure as hell ain't worth buying the game for. In fact, I don't think I've ever bought a pokemon game based on one pokemon design alone
tb h nothing in this trailer impressed me or made me the least bit excited for it
they couldve announced the launch date for 2020/2021 and I woulda been patient and nonchalant just the same
Gamefreak need to get some tips from Nintendo for how to make their games run better
It's a shame. Everything else looked like it could be good but all this stuff revolving around Dynamaxing looks gay as fuck. I hate these new gimmicks they keep trying to implement instead of just trying to improve stuff from previous gens.
>Blue was a surprise
True enough, although in the context of a jrpg from the 90s it made perfect sense
>Lance was bait and switch
>Steven was a surprise
>Cynthia was foreshadowed but not in your face nor in the trailers
>Alder was inconsequential
They are all 'random trainer packing the region's pseudo that you encounter in the world and directly help later', they can only be a surprise if you've not played the previous generation. Alder and Cynthia are blindingly obvious in this respect.
>Iris was a mild surprise
>Diantha was a surprise
Actually she was announced just like this guy and breaks the previous pattern because she does nothing in the story unlike lance steven alder and cynthia.
Wow I can’t wait for the big open world Game Freak will be too lazy to put anything of worth in
>That will always be black and white.
Fixed that one for you, zoomer
Id have to buy a Switch to play this shit show
The Switch is fucking trash and the game looks no better
Whelp, first time I won't be playing Pokemon
At least my nigger Farfetch'd gets an evo. But I always wanted a samurai, not a knight.
I'm at work, user. I wanna be dedicated to my craft but I also want a job.
3 more hours and you'll have softcore porn of the sheep.
whos type to jesus across water on the bike?
Looks like she runs off to smoke a fag instead of working.
I like it. I just think bigmons are stupid. Also if we can have roaming pokemon then why not following?
I don't know, I like to think z-moves and totem pokémon battles are a bit more creative than enlarging pokémon. and since a gimmick is the single standard novelty that a pokémon game has to offer, this settles it. Gonna be a huge forgetful crap that you'll breeze through then keep wishing they will try better next time
>forgetting that you have to pay for online for some of the functionalities too
Black and white looked the best.
>didn't like seeing pokemon out in the wild
I don't even play this shit series anymore, but that was great and what everyone has been wanting for years.
Are they gonna even let you not Dynamax in the soccer stadium gyms?
>not pokemon ride
>not even on water
Now this fucking hurts.
Keep seething Snoy faggot.
Yokai Watch
no that's LGPE, japs are actually excited for this one
What is farfetched's evo?
>game prominently features your fetish
>forces you to use new Pokemon
>choose Skarmory instead of Honchcrow
you fags aren’t even trying anymore
It's not that exciting when battles for a chance to capture it are going to be summarized in the usual black screen as soon as you touch it. Also the graphics could be better since they only show one or two pokémon per route
Enjoy visiting Death Stranding the board while no one talks about your shitty rehash child's game kek
probably because hes a knight which people are speculating to be steel type
wow groundbreaking
Ethnic cleansing please. Hopefully a rational super A.I. will recognize what a delusion this forced equality is and save our collapsing species from complete miscegenation. The gene-pool is in a complete nose dive. What future can their be if IQs continue plummeting?
>restrict the use of some sprites
so much effort, so ahead of their time, game freak and nintendo revolutionized the world of gaming that day
>some encounters only happen after you've defeatded a max pokemon
literally encounters locked behind online paying
After the direct it feels believable, but
>The fourth gym is the first Fairy type gym
Don't just erase poor Valerie.
To be a little fair. Alder broke the pattern of 'random trainer turns out to be the champion' by introducing himself as the champion the first time you meet him halfway through the game.
>overworld encounters but STILL no following pokemon
>even though the previous fucking game had them
the dude who leaked the EA Star wars game was spot on about everything on the trailer and got ignored. the other retards got multiple 500 replies threads
Pokemon was NEVER good
Why is Ash a ghost?
Nintendies legitimately on suicide watch
>Team Yell
>Well meaning fans of Marnie
Literal football hooligans.
Sure dude, 8-Hour-cringe-Movie will surely be relevant for so long.
He's in Jesse's body
This would be a better image I guess of what he's trying to show
It's flying/steel if you look at their site
>p-please reply to my thread
holy shit everything about this would be fucking great. Hype
>Pokémon will not walk beside you in the overworld map
>literally a circle route
>let's palette swap the same legendary 3 time it will totally fool people
>that fucking atrocious "online" city mechanic
The box legendaries are so bad holy shit.
yell basically means cheer in japanese
nice late 2019 game, buddy
Why? Why? I hated that fucker
You know how people have been crying about pokemon looking like digimon since gen 3, if not before? The wolves are the first time I actually feel like that.
>GF's low effort
Tell me it ain't so
Ah, there it is. Now I can see it.
everyone look again at this pathetic, simpering faggot who tried to advertise his terrible thread here
I said good
the yokai's style is fucking garbage
I'd say digimon is a close one, sadly after the first evolution it's just a matter of adding leather, belts, guns on the bipedal form
So since this game is in the UK are you even allowed to throw pokeballs without the proper license?
Look at this fucking mutie
They just slapped so many stupid accessories on him. The cape and hat bring down the design so fucking much.
>What if we came up with a new battle gimmick every generation
>What if we come up with an annoying new pokedex in one generation and keep it AND not add in an option to mute it
>everyone look again at this pathetic, simpering faggot who tried to advertise his terrible thread here
>not Dark/Steel
he will be from the fragon tribe too? looks like too much like Iris
Ass and feet are the best combo you fucking retard.
What the fuck
Unironically to old.
Not young enough to be a pokegirl but to young to be a pokemilf.
Mega evolution gave you unique forms
Some Z moves were unique
You can use these abilities anywhere in the world so long as you have the items.
Dynamaxing can only be used in Galdar
Dynamaxing can only be used in certain areas in Galdar
Eat a dick gamefreak you lazy ass cowards i'd of rather that armor evolution shit over this
The Pokemon of Piece
>forget about this trash disappoiting reveal of today, stop and look at him for a moment guys, look at that how embarrassing is that huh, please guys forget about all that smelly garbage gamefreak just showed us and pay attention to this clown
Not only that, those two legendaries look so fucking similar that they don't even look special. One has more armor and the other has less armor, one is scruffed the other is not, one is grey scaled one is not. What the fuck is this.
Ok user, why dont you make fully functional models and gimmicks for 250ish pokemon.
Or they could add a new gimmick that works better for gameplay and ease of design purposes.
Looks good desu. Shame it took them twenty years.
>seething this bad
Come on user, you can shit on the game ITT, no need to cry about it
ir's supposedly optional
When is the weight gain gen going happen?
he's a big guy
Honestly? I feel the same.
this happened with sun and moon leaks too
>fake leak gets hundreds of replies
>real leak gets ignored and has 3 posts
Every time, cue the retarded poketubers and their underaged fans raiding Yea Forums to look for more leaks
Moon's bat and X's deer actually looked interesting design wise, but other than that, it HAS been pretty shit, mostly stupid forgettable dinosaur looking legendaries, or boring lion shit like this and solagleo
Armpits and tits are superior
>Sobble becomes a Chameleon with a Spy Theme
Sounds like Gex.
Pay me thousands of dollars and I will, why should I do it for free?
ah of course
>Normies fucking love Dynamaxing
>a fucking plant
>whos type to jesus across water on the bike?
im honestly wondering why they chose fucking Britain as the setting, i hate Anglo-Celtic cucks.
What did he mean by this?
They want to be stepped on by a giant Lopunny.
>gyaru pokemon
I want her to /ss/ me
India is kind of a boring setting for Pokemon
After youve been to the first town, seeing sweatshops and feces everywhere gets old rly quick
These tasteless morons are what keep the franchise afloat regardless of how many mistakes they make.
Don't kid yourself into thinking they even would consider it. Knowing this trash company nowadays will go through the safe route just like they ditched rape-clown last time
No, because they want to slow drip information. They just assumed giant pokemon would be more exciting that they actually are.
Fucking proof?
There's no way.
>not wanting to be fucked / fuck a giant version of your fave pokemon
I didn't exactly meant it in either a negative or positive way, there's a lot of digimon I like.
What I mean is, unlike any pokemon shown before, these legendaries would actually pass as some Gabumon evolution.
Very soon
Gimme iris
giant Glaceon*
Go on twitter. Everyone's freaking out about MUH KAIJU POKEMON and talking about how cool the big battles are.
>You can get vored by guardevoir
*borks digitally*
Dynamax delphox when
>Go on twitter.
Do I need an account?
>Calling people toddler
lmaooo just let it die ffs
Kek, that's some good shit.
They're only good at designing waifus and plushies now. Dating mechanic when?
>People who like video games like video games
shocking, i know
I'm not dynamaxing, but I'll z-move and mega evolve. Come at me galarians, I'll show you the gap between us. A body that big...is nothing but a target!